New life choice for determined alcoholic

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  • posted by Canadaliz

    Last week the doctor read me the riot act and said “Liz, it’s drastic lifestyle change or meds, what’s it going to be?” I made the choice to change. It has been 8 days, I’ve lost 7.6lbs and feel like a million dollars. This time last week I was knocking back a bottle (750 ml) of gin/day plus 3 tins of sugar loaded tonic as mix, plus carb laden meal after carb laden meal. I had a remote recollection of this diet from a newspaper article and, as my Dad had Type 2, I thought I might one day look into it. As such, I left the doctor’s office, bought the book and set about change. I won’t lie–the first few days were grim…alcohol/sugar withdrawal but on day 6 something magic happened….I felt like a new person. My fasting sugar pre-diet was 13.7 average. This morning, after only 8 days it was 7.1 and I’m feeling grand. No more unquenchable thirst!!!! No more desperate fatigue and fuzzy head.
    I should add that my starting weight was 258lbs (18st 4), I am female, 6ft tall and 54 years old….yes I know–enormous and deservedly so. My doctor wants 90 lbs off–I’d be happy with 80 but the 7.6lbs so far feels just wonderful.
    I truly feel like a new person. Interestingly, again–after only a week, I took the staircase normally. For the past year I have had to do one step at a time due to knee pain……which is reduced now by 50% after only 8 days on the diet!!!
    On another note, my face is no longer puffy and my skin is looking refreshed and clear which might be a reflection of changes happening within.

  • posted by Inka13

    Canadaliz, what a terrific start, well done! It’s amazing the other benefits that come with this way of eating, good luck on your journey and keep posting your progress, it’s inspiring!

  • posted by Theodora

    Well done Canadaliz, on taking control and on your success to date. You can do this – sure it won’t always be easy, and sometimes you’ll feel like telling us all to go to hell. But there is no one on this forum who will not be empathising with you and wishing you well. So if you need help, just shout. Someone will have encountered any problems you may face and will freely offer advice.

    Stick with it and it WILL work. Please keep us all posted on how you do. Remember, things can only get better and YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Dear Inka and Theodora,
    Thank you so much for your kind encouraging words. Truthfully, I can’t remember ever being so motivated. To such staggering changes in one week is just fuel for my tomorrows. The drinking has always just been to control anxiety (self-medicating) but on day six it felt as if the anxiety packed its suitcase and flew away. Very odd. I am calm, relaxed and feeling more confident than ever before. I have been a heavy drinker for a good 20 years and never thought I would get this far. Trust me–an afternoon without sufficient gin would be an eternity. I will for sure keep you posted.
    Tonight for dinner I spiralled some zucchini with mushrooms, onion, garlic and 1/4 of homemade sauce and Parmesan–DELISH!! Then took the dog for a 40 min walk…..I never walk. I feel like a bear coming out of hibernation….(how Canadian!).
    Cheers, (with sparkling water)

  • posted by Theodora

    What a lovely, inspiring post, Liz – and well done on ditching the alcohol. Could it perhaps be possible that, rather than relieving your anxiety, it was actually contributing to it?

    Really pleased you are feeling so motivated, if you stay focussed your results can only get even better.

    I personally hate sparkling water, so if you fancy something else to say “cheers” with, I have found that Waitrose sugar free tonic is totally calorie and carb free (not all are by a long shot), and makes a great “pre-dinner” drink when served with ice and a slice 😋 Of course, it would appear that you are in Canada, so Waitrose isn’t exactly local to you 😜 but I cannot imagine that there isn’t a similar product available on your side of the pond.

    Good luck and continue posting and letting us know how you are getting on.

  • posted by Canadaliz

    You certainly hit the nail on the head with the relationship between alcohol and anxiety disorder. I am as sane, grounded and down to earth a person as you will ever meet but this panic attack issue has been with me since I was 14 and alcohol finally became the medicine that seemed to work a treat. A couple of drinks to calm the anxiety and I was good but over the years the amount I needed increased…as did the trips to McDonalds for the hangover cure and then came the weight. When you are hungover the anxiety increased 10-fold and so you drink…and so the vicious cycle continues. With the diagnosis of T2 diabetes I had to confront the anxiety head on and give up my beloved gin/crutch. When I first started this programme I didn’t leave the house at all while the anxiety settled but rather immersed myself in the blog here for inspiration and read the book twice–sort of an indoctrination. Even today I woke up, felt fab, fasting blood sugar of 6.8 and it’s only been a little more than a week!!! I have energy I haven’t had since…. I can’t even remember actually. Breakfast was a grilled portobello mushroom stacked with a wafer thin ham, Swiss cheese and a poached egg plus 6 spears asparagus and a vat of tea. Feeling virtuous. 🙂
    I love the suggestion of the sugar free tonic. I am new at all of this but just reading the labels has really opened my eyes. You see sugar free and think -great! Nope. I am in Toronto, Canada so have lots of grocery store options and like you….I loathe mineral water. I will go to an upscale shop like Waitrose and see what I can dig up. Thank you so much for your support and like we say over here “backatcha” meaning you have my support too! We are both on a journey and it sure feels good to know that there is someone else on this planet that is on the same path. We’ll get there.
    Well done us!

  • posted by Patsy

    Fantastic start!

    I can see how the drinking got you into a vicious circle. I really hope you’ve broken out of that, but it might be a good idea to talk to a professional about it if you can.

  • posted by Slimsylv

    I recognise many of my own behaviours in your story. I am a 5 foot 2 female 67 and 13 and half stone. Have tried many diets over the years some with a degree of success but I always sabotage my progress by drinking 2 bottles of wine either to toast my progress or to commiserate for poor weight loss. I have tried BSD a few times but have not persisted. My husband who is diabetic tested my blood and became concerned that I am pre diabetic so I will have another go starting 1st June. Could I post my progress on this thread? I wish you every success in ditching the gin. Good luck.

  • posted by Leeleecheechee

    What an amazing post. So courageous.
    I too recognise a lot of me in your description.
    Day 9 for me and I don’t have time to drink with all the food prep I’m now doing 😇

    Feeling so much better already and confident that this is a lifestyle I can live. I wish you all the luck in the world to keep going. You deserve it.
    Lee xx

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hello Slim Sylv! Save for the height we are the same creature. I could always find a reason to drink….to hot to go out, it’s snowing, raining, Mum pissed me off today, my boss is a dick, friends coming over, grocery shopping is easier with a buzz, chores around the house to do….a couple glasses of wine will make it more fun, going out–must quell the anxiety and so on and so on. I had managed to weave alcohol into every aspect of my life. Then came the dreaded diabetes diagnosis. That being said, I had always just thought “Well, it’s only a matter of time.” Dad had it, two aunts, and my Gran but I didn’t have to become so massive! I should have watched my weight creep up but I didn’t. I just bought bigger and bigger clothes. Now I have the choice to make a difference. The first few days were pretty rough coming off of alcohol and the related sugar but now I feel so amazing. I was convinced I had arthritis and mentioned it to the doctor but she said “lose weight and we’ll see.” Now, I’ve lost 9 lbs in just over a week, I’ve given up sugar, refined carbs, booze and grains so one of those must be responsible but I am now going up and down the stairs effortlessly and I say again…..IT HAS ONLY BEEN A LITTLE MORE THAN A WEEK!!
    Sylv, you and I can always find a reason to slump on the sofa and say ‘f*ck it” and open the wine but how about we try another tack as truthfully, has drinking really maximized the person that we could be? has it nurtured and supported the person that we want to be? Among my friends I am known as the fun one, the one always up for a laugh and the one that is never far from a vat of gin or bottle of wine. I want to be known for the one that took life by the balls and rewrote the rules on my terms. I am going to do this diet and I am going to succeed. You and I have every chance to effect change in our life and rather than impress others with the amount of booze we can consume, ( and Lord knows I could impress) how about we show them how strong we are and how confident. Imagine how amazing it would feel when you are at the next big gathering having reached your target weight!!! The buzz you will get from your friends’ comments will be better than anything a bottle of Merlot can offer….and no hangover.
    I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror today and returned for a second look. Already my skin is clearing, my face isn’t puffy and I smiled at myself. Normally it is a grimace and a hopeless upside-down sad mouth. Let’s do this.
    For sure post here. We WERE a couple of lushes, and it was fun at times, let’s now emerge from our drunken stupor and go for a brand new kick at life. Mosley rules, our terms!
    Take that step and let’s journey together!
    In shared determination,

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hi Lee,
    Thank you for your kind words. I was reluctant to mention “alcoholic” but part of embarking on this journey is admitting the truth….”Hi, my name is Liz and I’m an alcoholic.” Coming off of the booze wasn’t pleasant for the first few days but reading such inspirational messages on this site really helped. I have a choice in life and I am going to seize the option of better health.
    I still have a lot to learn in terms of maximizing food options. I have come across some amazing recipes but today happened upon the secret that sauerkraut is very low in calories and carbs and if you rinse it you drastically lower the sodium. Pleased with the knowledge that a cup of sauerkraut only had 20 calories and very few carbs I indulged. Oh, and how wonderful it was. I chopped half of a Vienna sausage in it and gently warmed it up. Glorious! A few hours later I had a nail appointment….right about when the farts kicked in. So okay, today I learned not to mix my glorious low calorie/carb sauerkraut and appointments beyond close family and friends. But like I said–I’m learning.
    My life, my terms, Mosely’s diet plan. 🙂
    Yours, Determined Liz

  • posted by crabbycams

    Hello determined Liz, your story, honesty and efforts are an inspiration. My husband was an alcoholic and it killed him at age 55. It nearly killed me too. Your family must be so proud of you and your efforts. The sauerkraut story did make me giggle. I’ve learned that the onset of farts means the Whoosh Fairy is getting ready to visit.

    I’m addicted to sugar. I know this is far easier to kick than alcohol or nicotine, but I’m terrified of even having one biscuit now or sliver of cake in case I wake the sugar monster and have to withdraw all over again.

    Keep it up and if it doesn’t work on one, day there is always the next.

    Blessings from DownUnder Crabbycams.

  • posted by Inka13

    Canadaliz, your saurkraut story was gold!! I laughed so much I had to explain it to the children…
    You are doing so well and how fantastic you are looking in the mirror with your smile the right way up again!
    My demon is wine, though have cut back considerably and hope to only crack a bottle on the occasional weekend, you will be my inspiration going forwards! Have a great day..

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Good Morning Inka,
    I’ll make no bones about how much I drank up until last week. I could effortlessly put away a 750ml bottle of gin or two bottles of red wine if I was having a “give my liver a spa day’. Unfortunately I don’t have your reserve. If I have one drink I want the next 12. I can’t ‘treat myself’ as truthfully, look at where it has got me–booze is no treat. I am clinically obese, diabetic, had tired skin, was hungover all the time, functioned at the pace of a garden snail and was generally short tempered. In just the week on the Mosely protocol I feel reborn. I am finding that making a production of preparing a special pitcher of something just for me is a good thing. Like today it was a pitcher of filtered water and cucumber. Yesterday it was Green tea with fresh grated ginger and a few sliced strawberries.
    I am going to Montréal in two weeks with my husband and friends and I know it will be a challenge so I am writing myself a letter of support to carry with me. They have already said “oh, come on Liz, you can cheat for a couple of days.” I can now see what an a&&hole thing that is to say to someone that it trying to effect change.
    I refuse to cheat myself. I am prepared to invest in me!!
    With growing determination,

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Dear CrabbyCams, I am so sorry for your tragic loss. Over the years I have come to understand that alcoholism is a disease of varying severity that allows some the dignity of choice and others it leads down a path of utter self-destruction. At times I am crippled with anxiety and have seen myself so full of angst that when trying to leave the house for work I retreat to the bathroom, throw up my breakfast and crawl to the kitchen for a gin and tonic–heavy on the gin. It was the only thing to disengage the anxiety which would stop the barfing. But alcohol also fuels the anxiety hours later. I firmly believe that this Mosely protocol will be the making of me. It is unlike anything I have ever done. In 23 years I have never stopped drinking and somehow the diagnosis of T2 Diabetes slapped me in the face and effected a determination within me to change.
    Don’t underestimate how hard it is to give up sugar. It hits the brain like an opiate! Credit yourself for the steps you do take and don’t punish yourself for setbacks. Portion control is something neither of us possesses. As I said in another entry–I can’t just have one drink and yet you could entrust me with an entire bakery and I wouldn’t touch a thing but don’t get between me and booze, cheese, meats, pickles and all things savoury. You don’t get to 18+ stone (258lbs) being a fussy eater. We all have our vices.
    Again, I am so angry that alcohol took your husband but grateful that you somehow managed to distance yourself from its destructive powers. Life is a journey and it was not without initial trepidation that I embarked on this one. I have never been a serious dieter and my neighbour said to me today that she didn’t recognize my ambition. I’m more of a sit on the porch and wave as she goes off on her ‘health walk’ while I pour another drink. Tomorrow I am going to the local community centre for a Stretch and Strength class. Not sure what to expect but I I’m heading to the fat shop for exercise attire in the morning. I can dress for everything from a wedding to a funeral, a doggie obedience class graduation (seriously….come on, we all have that one crazy friend and yes, I attended her border collie’s grad), to a casual dinner on the beach but exercise……I simply don’t ‘do’ exercise and as such have nothing to wear.
    I’ll let you know how I get on.

  • posted by Verano

    Hi Canadaliz

    I have just read your thread with great admiration. Breaking any habit is difficult but when you are ‘addicted’ to something it’s so, so very hard. So well done you for ‘taking the bull by the horns’ as we say here and the very best of luck to you on your continued journey.

    I was a habitual wine drinker but stopped 4 months ago. Now I have a very occasional glass but I really could leave it alone altogether. I’m on holiday next week so that will be the real test. Somebody on a thread here mentioned a book by Jason Vale …. ‘Kick the Drink…. Easily’. It makes really interesting reading. It’s really very repetitive but maybe that’s the secret. I must admit I never got to the end of the book but it did give me food for thought.

    Also there is an old thread ‘My relationship with alcohol’ on here. Just search in the ‘search’ box at the top of any page on this site. It may make interesting reading for you!

  • posted by Leeleecheechee

    Hi Liz
    Your sauerkraut story made my day. I have a week off coming up but as my father has recently been diagnosed with heart failure (I’m his sole carer) I won’t be going away. I’ve actually had to cancel trips to Galway (to see family) India and Japan 😩 So to make the most of it I’ve decided to treat myself to a few treatments instead. Will avoid sauerkraut and beans prior to my 90 mins facial. Could be awkward otherwise…😂

    10 days in minus booze (which I haven’t missed shockingly) and simple carbs (which I have) I am generally feeling so much better. My skin is looking brighter and less puffy and I’m sleeping so much better already.

    That said I’ve been off work the last two days. I had to leave at 4pm on Tuesday with a banging head and blurred vision. It felt like a migraine but I don’t get those, so I suspect it’s carb withdrawal combined with a rapid reduction in blood sugars (down from 14.3 on day 1 to 8.8 on day 9) I don’t generally take sick days (workaholic too) but I’m not going to feel guilty about it. If this is what I need to do to get healthy then I will. Long term it will make me a better and more productive employee. I need to get these blood sugars down!

    So, this morning I’m sat on my bed having a coffee with single cream (wow!) and enjoying catching up with you all!

    Lee xx

  • posted by Slimsylv

    Hi Canadaliz I said I would start today on the first of the month, so I sabotaged it before I even started. I decided I would have one last drink before the beginning and 2 bottles of wine later and a few slugs of gin I went to bed. This morning my husband made me bacon and eggs with 3 rounds of toast which I needed to cope with hangover. Today is wasted (yet again) by feeling totally Terrible. I will get up later and have some chicken and salad and try to be good. I was going to lie and be all “great it’s the beginning of the rest of my life” or else just crawl way from the forum and never post again, but I decided I must be honest as I know on this thread I will not be judged. I am an all or nothing person and I know this attitude has been my downfall. I will try to take inspiration from your success and I definitely like the idea of a cool pitcher in the fridge. Sauerkraut is also one to try! I do hope that Montreal works out as a goal. I think I will have to have much short term goals like get through tonight without a drink!

  • posted by Verano

    Hi Slimsylv

    You know you haven’t wasted today. Nothing wrong with bacon and eggs. So you had toast. One thing I think lots of us learn here is that even if you stumble you should log it and carry on for the rest of the day. That way you can still have a better day than you might have done than if you say ‘s.d it, day ruined’ and carry on making bad choices.

    Get yourself an app there are lots to choose from…. myfitnesspal or or to name a couple. They are free to download and can be used mobile or PC. Start logging and counting your calories and carbs. Even if your totals are very high don’t worry. Log all the wine as well. Once you see it down in black and white it may put some things into perspective for you. If you hate technology get a notebook and write everything down.

    You never have to ‘waste’ a day you just make choices that might not be the best at that time. Think of your ultimate goal, make a plan and start. It doesn’t have to be the start of a month or a week it just has to start somewhere. We nearly all falter along the way but as somebody wrote on here …. Coming last beats did not finish, and even did not finish beats did not start!

    Give it a go. Make a plan … plans are flexible. Take all the support on offer here. Don’t beat yourself up. Just carry on from now making better choices.

    Good luck on your journey.

  • posted by Leeleecheechee

    Don’t beat yourself up slimslyv, it happens in various ways to us all.
    Dust yourself off and get up again. Every journey starts with a single step.

    You have the support of your husband and all of us on here and I bet you won’t recognise yourself in 6 months.

    L xx

  • posted by JulesMaigret

    Hi Canadaliz,

    Impressive motivation and focus.

    Toronto means only two words to me – Peameal bacon. Mmmmm!

    Especially from the St Lawrence market…….

    Best of luck.

  • posted by Inka13

    Ah, canadaliz, I wish it was reserve, I too feel like 20 if I have one! But I have a husband who gets his look out if I have more than a couple and I sheepishly put my glass down! Otherwise I have no off button! My goal of the occasional weekend indulgence seems very far away but I keep hoping something will kick in..! Having said that I do notice that if I have a pause in between glasses I often lose to urge for more. It’s just being able to pause..!

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hi Verano, I will defo look into the book–sounds just what I need. I took your advice and searched ‘my relationship with alcohol’ and it was like reading about me! Thanks for the direction. I wish you all the best on your vacation. I am off to Montréal in a couple of weeks and my ‘friends’ have already started with the “Come on Liz, you can cheat for a couple of days.” as such I have written my self a letter of encouragement that reminds me of my goals. I will also advise them of my expectations of myself and of their support. I may come home culturally enriched….but sans amis.
    Determined Liz

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hey Sylv,
    Right, where to begin–okay, that was then and this is now. You didn’t meet the expectation you set for yourself but hey, why not forget the expectations for your future behaviour and focus on the now. Be mindful of your now and see how your now decisions affect your future. When you want to reach for the bottle step it up and walk away to give yourself a real treat. Get those pitchers of water going! Remind yourself of how horrid a hangover is. It is not just the physical feeling but also emotional as you are not fit to embrace life and miss out on so much. Take yourself for a walk, find a park, a riverside path or a neighbourhood you love and give yourself a talking to. Be mindful of each step and how good it feels. Notice the trees, the sounds, the people. Indulge in you. Invest in you. Tomorrow is another day and yours to mould in the image you want.
    Hang in there Chick and stay with us. We are all on this journey together.
    Yours, Liz

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Jules, We share a love….peameal bacon–which I can have in moderation on the diet!! Have some in the fridge as we speak and it’s from St. Lawrence Market!! I bought a 2lb piece and now have stacked on a thick slice of tomato topped with a poached egg…..and it’s fab!!
    Cheers, Liz

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Successfully dealt with stress without resorting to booze or food!!!

    Hello Friends,
    Today I actually dealt with stress without gin and am feeling so amazing. Three months ago my 86 year old Mum had a stroke and fell in front of me–down a flight of stairs so not only do we have to deal with the stroke but also the head injury. She is now in an assisted living residence and I visit everyday. Although she is profoundly confused with little to no short term memory she manages to recall that I am evil for ‘locking her up.” As an only child acting in the best interest of her Mum it is hard to deal with. Today she was particularly angry and really let loose which would normally see me arrive home after a long day at work then an upsetting visit with Mum and settle in my chair and drink/eat. Today I just referred to my game plan, gazed at my app which is tracking my weight loss and literally lost myself and all of my stress in the graph that shows my progress.
    Foodwise I came in at 850 today but no biggie–considering that I am over 18st–today I was 248.6 lbs) and it takes more for me to run my flesh and bone machine than some of the 5’2 women on this blog. I highly recommend my favourite breakfast of a thick tomato slice, thin slice of ham, a little grated cheese topped with a poached egg. Lunch was a bed of salad topped with olives, Italian tuna drained, dinner was a fillet of poached salmon and assorted steamed veg (broccoli, cauliflower and zucchini.) I treated myself to dessert: 7 cherries pitted and halved and 6 blackberries with a sprinkle of lemon zest and 2 tablespoons of cream.
    I am really enjoying my pitchers of filtered water with cucumber mint or ginger/strawberry infusions. Very satisfying!
    I can’t wait for breakfast tomorrow–2 slices of bacon and an egg white omelette with salsa and 1/4 cup cottage cheese!!
    I am motivated, focused on my goals, investing in me and looking forward to the future and doing it all sober for the first time in decades!!!
    Proudly yours, Liz

  • posted by Slimsylv

    I believe there is a quote used by AA Reinhold Niebuhr. “God,grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom too know the difference”. I will let this be my mantra today. Liz you did very well with your mum as you have done everything to help her and did not resort to your old ways of dealing with things. I am feeling very positive today.

  • posted by Verano


    You have every right to be proud of yourself. Well done!!! Sounds like a very stressful day which you worked through with great dignity.

    You made me smile with your mother’s ‘rant’. It reminded me of my MIL. She had dementia and forgot who almost everybody was… except me. I always put it down to her seeing me as ‘the evil DIL’. Maybe I was wrong but I’m not so sure.

    There will be so many testing times in the future and you trip is going to be a big one. I think you sound so positive and determined, and your letter is a great idea, that you will come through unscathed. It may be tough be you will do it and be proud.

    Are they really ‘friends’??? I think this is a very difficult issue …. please read the book it talks quite a lot about ‘friends’. Carbs are the enemy for people with diabetes in the same way as alcohol is for an alcoholic. We can’t just have that ‘day off’ and eat bread or drink wine…. it’s only cheating ourselves and our bodies.

    I think it sometimes becomes very easy to confuse the issues here. This is a ‘Blood Sugar’ diet aiming to reverse diabetes. Weight loss is a means to that end but not the end in itself. We have to keep our goals clearly in mind and you are doing brilliantly. We can’t afford to have ‘a few cheat days’ … well we can but we end up back at square one … the very ‘square’ we want to leave behind.

    Doesn’t good food taste good? Enjoy your new found zest for the good things in life!

  • posted by Madmare

    Hi Liz
    I have been reading your posts for the last couple of days and I am so inspired by your blogs. I admire your honesty and your commitment
    Like Inka my demon is wine, its not anxiety for me – I just like the taste. Not all wines in fact there are not that many I do like but the ones I do, I like alot!
    I cannot have a glass, if I do then its the bottle.
    I have done better this week but I need to grasp the nettle and stop completely
    I would feel so much better – I would sleep better and I would lose more weight and there is so much more I could do.
    I need to start today – I am designated driver tonight so wont drink and it wont be a problem
    Tomorrow will be the battle – I will let you know how I get on!
    I like the sound of your pitchers – sounds like something I should try
    I agree with Verano about the friends. Its strange that some people find others not drinking to be so threatening. Don’t let them try to sabotage you,

  • posted by Slimsylv

    Hi all, I had a good day today and had 1000 calories. One day at a time so will see what tomorrow brings. The big test today was not going to the TFI Friday pub which was always a good end to a hard week at work but continued after I retired! So a small victory for abstinence. Like you Madmare I would have to drink the whole bottle of wine. Someone gave me a set of wine stoppers to ensure wine didn’t go off when opened in the fridge. For the life of me I cannot understand when they might be used.

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hi Madmare! The thing with booze and women is that we never admit we overindulge and never ever ever admit to being alcoholics. That was a huge step for me. Like you I used to be a wine snob, then moved onto gin as it was quicker and took less. My wine days are when I’m giving my body a break….but still knocked back 2 bottles. I know….dickhead. You are right when you say you sleep better–I now sleep like the dead and love waking feeling refreshed and ready to go (after my requisite vat of tea.)
    You’ll do just fine tomorrow, just think of other chicks around the world conquering the day with you. I feel so good at the end of the day having accomplished another day of success. Today I nailed 800 calories and lots of water. Google infused water and treat yourself. It is cheap, easy and tastes soooo good.
    I had to chastise a friend today–we usually get together on Friday nights and drink but tonight I said you are more than welcome to come by but you know I am on a new life path and no booze for me. Her response was “well you’re no fun” and didn’t come. Whatever. I don’t need douche canoes like that in my life. I’ve got big plans for me and I’m taking no prisoners!! For me booze is the enemy and over eating. I am on a mission to reintroduce myself to the slim healthy me that is quietly waiting for me to free her.
    I was at the bank today and the teller who I always go to said “Hey Liz, you look great! You’re actually glowing!” Well, I’ll tell you–I literally floated home. That being said, the first person that sizes me up and says “wow, you’ve lost weight” well BSD pals–YOU’LL HEAR THIS CANADIAN FROM IRELAND TO AUSTRALIA!!! That day will come…..but for now it’s only 10.2lbs off of 258.lbs (18st 4). I think around the 25lb mark I should get noticed.
    As for your tomorrow, try not to think of it as a battle that you must fight but rather a grand day of opportunity for you to invest in you and nobody but you. A day that you can fill a pitcher with pure water, cut up some fruit in it, chill it and feel the cleansing with each sip. Let it wash away all of your yesterday challenges and usher in a new clean you.
    Yours with enthusiasm,

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Sylv, I am so frigging proud of you!! Well done Chick! I too have a local at the top of the road and miss my pals and the few bevies after work but I feel so much better on the path I have chosen. Actually, I’m morphing from a gin soaked good for a laugh girl into a clean living snob. 🙂
    By the time you read this, being 5 hours ahead, you will just be getting up. Today is yours to discover. Do something different! Find just one thing that you have wanted to do and haven’t and do it!! Slice some cucumber in to a pitcher of water and love every sip as it cleanses you. (not literally, you just pee it out a few hours later and it has no nutritional value…..but spiritually/symbolically it is a great internal wash.)
    Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Don’t worry about tomorrow or even later today. Live in the now and make decisions for what you want for yourself now.
    Walking with you on this path,

  • posted by Slimsylv

    Hi Liz,
    So good to read your posts. You are so self deprecating and funny, yet I guess you are hiding enormous pain. Keep at it because you give me inspiration .
    This weekend has been successful for me. No alcohol AT ALL!! However I avoided danger by being anti social. My husband went alone to the pub(which he prefers) and I watched TV. In fact a very good analysis of Beatles Sergeant Pepper since its the 50th anniversary of its release. Where did all that time go? We live in Liverpool so its quite topical.
    Also had Sunday dinner with son and his girlfriend and we had a good chat with no wine. They are also fighting the demon drink and even worse cocaine. I am hoping that I can help by getting a grip on my own problems.
    Did not manage to get below 1000 cals but carbs low. One day at a time!!

  • posted by Madmare

    HI Liz
    Well this is a better day
    For the first time in a long time I have not put any weight on over the weekend. I havent lost anything since Friday but I am now down 3lb since last Monday so hurray!
    I had a lovely meal on Friday evening with SIL her hubby and neice and partner
    No alcohol at all and didnt miss it
    Saturday and last night were not so good – had some wine but only half a bottle each night so heading in the right direction.
    Its not so much I am a wine snob its just that most white wine tastes like vinegar to me. I have very odd taste buds. I only like certain Chardonnays and Prosecco!

    So now its time to go without any alcohol at all

    I will google infused water and see what happens
    Slimslyv – I totally agree about wine stoppers. A while ago I was listening to someone on the radio saying every year in Britain so many million gallions of wine was thrown away from unfinished bottles.
    Had no idea what they were talking about!! Never happens in our house!!

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hey Sylv, Well frigging done you! It gets easier I promise. Good on your son and his girlfriend for trying to kick the coke. I’ve never tried it but I have a girlfriend who was hopelessly addicted. Finally, after the stuff she was getting was so vile (cut with kerosene so bad I could smell it on the other side of the room) she just quit. It was jumpy for a bit but she drank pints to take the edge off. Now she is ‘just’ on the pints……8 a day. But working on it.
    As for pain—hell, you don’t get to 54 without some sh*t but I am in purge mode now. Mum, who lived with us until March, had a stroke and is now in assisted living. Let’s just say she was a dominant feature in our lives. With her in her own residence (first time living apart from Mum…..ever) we have a chance to do the house like we want. Mum’s style (86 year old English–born in Croydon) is Edwardian funeral parlour and to her credit–she nailed it! But I like bright and clean and considerably less!!! So along with purging my fat I am purging the house, dealing with old memories and generally having a big clear out. Even my neighbours don’t recognize me. I am often to be found on the porch with a drink in hand and I never exercise. I even drive the dog to the park….4 blocks away then just let her run about. Now it is running shoes, stretchy pants and a leash for me. My husband, Kev, thinks I might want to rethink the stretchy pants for a bit until I shed some weight as they are tested to maximum stretch capacity with my 18st + frame but I don’t give a bog. I jiggle and wobble my way about the neighbourhood and get waves nods to my effort. Funny though, I was a good 8 blocks from the house when the rain started yesterday. As such I doubled my pace and soon experienced, well, let’s just call it motion. My tits were bouncing up and down, my belly bobbling with each step, my ass had a life of its own and that swathe of flesh running from the top of my thigh to my knee damn near commandeered each step as the momentum that it gained drew each leg forward step after step. I don’t think I could have stopped if I’d tried! I thought if I could strap a musical instrument to each fat zone I’d have quite the concerto!
    Anyway, one day at a time. You’ve addressed the carbs and that is half the battle. For me it is about taking control. I feel so damned smug when I get to bed and can reflect on how well I’ve done. My Kev is on nights right now (Paramedic) and will get home at 7am. It’s 3:30am here now. I’ve cooked up a couple of Lancashire sausages out of the skin all crumbled like. Then, when he gets in I just beat up 2 eggs and 1/4 cup egg whites, toss some onion in the pan with the sausage, when the onion is done, slop the eggs over the sausage/onion, when its done–indulge. We’ll have grilled tomato and mushroom with it too so all very nice way to start the day. I miss my toast and marmalade but honestly not that much. I still start the day with a vat of tea which makes life worth living.
    Hang in there and when you face trial and temptation return to your goals. Your mantra is “I’m making a choice for me. My choice is an investment and I will invest wisely as I am worth it!”
    Yours in motivation, (well, actually in bed but will be motivated come 7am)

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hi Madmare!
    For sure on the wasted wine–like seriously?? I saw a cooking show that suggested freezing leftover wine for use in sauces. I actually did it once but it didn’t end pretty. Sadly, after a night of hitting the vino and running out, I apparently remembered the merlot cubes. It must have been a bit messy as in the morning I had red streaks all down my chin, around my mouth, up my arms and pink fingertips. Yup….ever classy.
    I just don’t have the discipline….or inclination to stop at 1/2 a bottle. I too am a discerning saucepot and would only drink gin, vodka at a push or red wine and only then it had to be quality. By just being sober for 2 weeks we have saved at least $30CN/day!!! When I think of the fortunes I’ve peed away I cringe. Hopefully come this time next year, I’ll be spending all of the saved money on clothing–and not from the fat shop!!!
    Well, it must be Monday afternoon in your parts–hope your day was grand and successful.
    Signed an aspiring size 14,

  • posted by Newleafat56

    Very inspiring – I have lots of similar issues although am a shorty starting at a slightly lower weight! Today is day 1! Bring on the vat of tea!

  • posted by Lucyjane

    A major reason I am doing the blood sugar diet is that I simply can’t lose weight if I’m drinking wine, and that’s because I drink a bottle most days. And then I overeat, feel sluggish, sleep badly and don’t exercise half as much. Today I am week five and down 6.5 kilos. In the first few weeks if I really wanted a drink I would just eat a couple of extra hundred calories..So I would say probably 5 out of 7 days I have averaged 1000 – 1200 cals.. But I feel so much better now and wonder what on earth I was doing drinking so much. Its shocking how easy it is to get into bad habits that you don’t actually enjoy. My goal is to finish the 8 weeks without alcohol, and then be more moderate. Usually i give in around week 3 -4. Feel like I am on the home stretch now and aiming for another 4 kilos off. Good luck ladies!

  • posted by Leeleecheechee

    Liz, I just love your posts. You make me laugh out loud.
    Thank you for being so open in such a candid way. I’m going to add dog walking gate to sauerkraut gate to my favourite stories ever!

  • posted by Slimsylv

    Hi all, I a a bit scared today. My husband who is diabetic for 20 years tested my blood and gave me the reading of 8.9. I knew I was at risk because I carry so much weight but this seems too high even though I have not been drinking and have cut out all carbs apart from fruit and veg. Can anyone advise me? Should I go to the doctor
    and be put on. meds or should I persist with this diet even more carefully? I thought I was prediabetic but maybe its worse.

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hey Sylv,
    First off, was your blood a fasting reading? like you had fasted for 12 hours then took it or was it after breakfast? Anyway, I would head to the doctor if you take your blood 3 days running before eating breakfast and after a 12 hour fast and take those numbers with you. Your doctor will order another test which can actually read your average for the last 90 days. This diet has the power to work miracles so discuss it with your doctor–but don’t sabotage yourself with a ‘last time drink.’ 🙂
    Yours, Liz

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hey Lee, I was sorry to hear about your Dad’s condition–it sure isn’t easy being a primary caregiver. And on top of that you are trying to care for yourself. You’ll get there–I just know you will. Your hardest step was coming to the diet. Okay, maybe sticking to it too. And no booze…or biscuits. Okay, enough with that–
    How about a laugh!…….I offer ‘Knickergate”
    I’ve traded class for consideration….
    On this diet I have to get checked by the doctor every two weeks for blood and a general poke about. Today is the two week mark. With Kev on nights I had dutifully laid out my clothes in the family room so as not to disturb him as he heads straight to bed when he gets home. As my doctor is downtown I scheduled some appointments with my retailers in the core of the city and as such would be wearing my black dress pants and uniform shirt. Kev came home, had a cup of tea and headed to bed and I went down for a shower.
    I was feeling rather righteous over how thoughtful I had been until I realized that, while I had remembered my shirt, dress pants and bra, I had forgotten knickers. Not wanting to disturb Kev, I launched a desperate search through the clean laundry pile to no avail but did come across a number of Kev’s undershorts. Hmmmm, it was a viable option. I mean, they’re not much different save for the knob access and his are the cotton shorts kind made of t-shirt material so the promise of comfort was appealing. So off I went in my Kev’s man shorts and the balance of my uniform. I mean, what harm could it do? And if it meant me not interrupting Kev’s much deserved sleep so much the better!
    Arrived at the doctor’s office for my first poke about and evaluation:
    Nurse: Hi Liz, just change into this gown and the doctor will be right in.

  • posted by Optimist

    Canadaliz thanks for the laugh! Laughs are calorie free and sometimes the best medicine!

  • posted by Esnecca

    Have you been counting carbs, Slimsylv? Fruit and vegetables can be very high in carbohydrates and fruits in particular can have shockingly high amounts of sugar. If they’re low in fiber, they might as well be candy. Because I’m insulin resistant, I’m pretty draconian about my carb intake. My daily limit is 20 grams, and these days I rarely get anywhere near that figure.

    I think a good first step for you would be to calculate with precision what exactly your daily carbohydrate intake is. I use MyFitnessPal to look up the nutritional content of foods and it does all the math for me. FatSecret is another popular app.

  • posted by Inka13

    Canadaliz, thought the story was going to end with Kev wearing your frilly knickers!

  • posted by Madmare

    Hi Liz
    That really made me laugh, best laid plans!!
    Well I did not manage to stay off the booze last night, but only half a bottle. This morning before going to work I put your suggestion into practice and made some fruit infused water lime cucumber and mint!
    I have been drinking that tonight and now feeling very virtuous lying in bed writing this. I had not expected it to be so good.
    Going to look for some more recipes tomorrow! It’s so good going to bed feeling clear headed rather than a drunken stupor

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hey Madmare,
    Well done on the water! You’ll feel crazy fab in the morning. My usual was roll over in the morning to face my Kev who would promptly say “Chr*st Liz roll away you stink of booze.” Now it’s all cuddles and love, which frankly can be a bit much but better being able to offer up three minutes of passion (that’s about all it takes after 23 years together) than “Get your f*cking hands off of me I’m dying here–by God how much did I drink?…Seriously?! Sh*t……if you love me put the kettle on and make me a fried egg/bacon/cheese sammy.” Then crawl through the day dying then start all over again the second the hangover showed weakness. Not to mention the #1 McDonald’s cure (Big Mac, large Coke and fries with tartar sauce to dip them in) oh, and the pizza for a snack. It’s a wonder I made it this far.
    Carry on the good work. I’m on the bbq chicken (200g) and cauliflower mash with a trough of salad tonight and rather looking forward to it. I honestly have never felt so grand. I am becoming a bit of a born again smug bitch though so will have to keep that in check. So obnoxious am I that I take screen snaps of my app and post on FB. Two weeks ago if a friend had done that I’d have muttered “God, what a d*ck.” But it’s me so it’s different.
    Yours in smug satisfaction,

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hey Lee, For your reading pleasure I’m attaching below the post I shared with friends on FB about the legendary sauerkraut fart. Hey, this diet is fraught with ‘events’ from peeing for Canada with all the water I’m drinking to farting with such velocity the weather stations are standing at full alert. I find laughter and a positive disposition really helps on this journey.
    Diet update:
    FAB!!! I have lost 9lbs in 10 days and have more energy ever.
    The trick is finding food that is big in volume but low in carbs and calories. After much blog surfing and chats with others on this diet I stumbled upon sauerkraut yesterday. Brilliant!! I love sauerkraut so I headed out, picked up a jar, dutifully measured out 1 1/2 cups for 30 calories and O net carbs, rinsed thoroughly to reduce sodium, added 2 oz of thinly sliced Vienna sausage, gently heated my treasure, topped it with yellow mustard (zero cals and zero carbs) and indulged and oh sweet Jesus it was divine!
    Two hours later my cellphone buzzed reminding me I had a nail appointment….. and moments later my guts started to buzz.
    Now Monica, my Columbian beautician, has a lovely little spa at the top of the road wherein she does nails, facials, massages and the like. Upon arrival she had a tea waiting, the twinkly music playing, the fountain bubbling and the lights dimmed save for her task lamp. We exchanged pleasantries and she began. Moments into my manicure, however, I felt the dreaded sensation of a fart barreling through my colon like a Japanese bullet train running behind schedule. Monica is nothing if not sensitive to her client’s disposition:
    Monica the Empath (thick Spanish accent): Leez, why you so tense?
    Me: Oh, me? Noooooo, fine, just fine. Honestly, perfectly fine. Relaxed in fact.
    Monica the Empath: Oh, okay. Maybe no make fist in dee nice hand soak bowl den.
    Monica was on to me. Sweat was beading on my brow, my ass cheeks were clenched on full alert at DEFCON 10 and I was weighing up defence maneuvers. There I am, sitting on a gorgeous white leather chair knowing that even the slightest ass drifter is going to rip off the taut seat and sound like a hundred rounds cranked out of a Gatlin gun.
    Monica: Come on Liz, something eez wrong. You always so talk and happy and nothing today.
    Me: I just need to pop to the ladies room.
    Monica: Why you no say??!! I dry your hands and you go!
    Overwhelmed with relief at my chance to exit with dignity intact I must have relaxed my security measures for a split second. As I bent to rise from the chair I released a blast that could have split atoms. Maintaining composure Monica calmly offered “Excuse me, I just open de window.” After which she lit a lavender diffuser and returned to my manicure.
    …….Seconds later we burst into uncontrolled laughter!
    It might be wise to schedule my sauerkraut binges more appropriately.

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hi Friends,
    For the better part of a week I have been avoiding a “Stretch and Strength” class at the local community centre but today finally mustered the courage to go. Clad in my new lycra pants (with Spanx underneath…..don’t ask,…. okay–they’re my security blanket not that they make any difference at my size) and my über strong sports bra that had my lady dangles plastered against my ribs to the degree that I could hardly take a breath, I set off to join the limber set. I must pick up a hair thing for ponytails as the women (read stick insects) are all turned out like they’re Nike models. My elastic from the morning newspaper just wasn’t up to standard. I’ll have to rethink the Spanx too as one stretch had us reaching skyward which caused the waistband to coil up like a spring loaded window blind and settle in a roll just above my lady garden. I tried to subtly readjust but thought it best to just leave it. I mean, who’d notice another roll on me. The only issue was when we had to stand with our legs as far apart as possible as the coiled Spanx had me in a vice grip right about hip height.
    But you know what? It wasn’t half bad. The stretching actually felt great! It’s a drop-in so you just go at your own pace. They explain that we all have a range of motion that we rarely deviate from like getting up, bathing , dressing, getting in the car etc. We rarely stretch and we should. I honestly think I will keep going with this and it compliments the diet journey well.
    My only misstep was a response to this one woman with an irritatingly perfect body, about my age, who clearly had had “work” done. Like her brows for instance–they were permanently up like she was constantly reacting all surprised like. Her face had so much botox she could barely crack a smile. Honestly, I’ve seen more animation from a corpse laid out in a casket than on the face of Dolly Done Up. And her boobs, Hell, you could serve a TV dinner on them which is fine if you are 25 but she was pushing 55. So at the end of the class a few women were fawning all around miss perky tits and just as I passed one asked “how do you look so fab!?” and she replies “I guess I just have good genes.”
    …… which I countered “well, that and a plastic surgeon on speed dial.” What??? it slipped out! okay… bad. But the class was fab!! Check out your local community centres for something that will get you moving.
    Sure, it would be easy to get a little nip and tuck. Maybe a quart or two of liposuction but that won’t fix our blood sugar nor will it improve the quality of our health. I’m doing this along with you guys and we’re doing it right!! No shortcuts.
    I have big plans for me!
    Confidently yours,
    Lycra Liz

  • posted by EC

    I would love to join this forum!! Have just started on BSD for the second time on Monday (first time lasted four weeks til “life” got in the way!!.)..have been reading this forum the last few days with delight…BUT I want to be on the team with someone quick enough to make that quip re perky tits!!!…hope that wit will rub off!!
    My diet has always been fundamentally healthy but love of a good red, menopause and to be honest, too many (savoury) snacks has seen me carrying more than 20kg more than I should at 5’4
    I’m vegetarian so that makes some of the recipes a no no for me but I just spent two days pre-preparing a fridge full of soups, fritatta etc and I really have found it easy these last two days…tomorrow night will be a challenge as I’d booked for us to go to a paella night!!
    …anyhow, here’s to the requiem for the excess!!

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