New life choice for determined alcoholic

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  • posted by alliecat

    P.S. A week with Kazz was a fantasy come true 🙂

  • posted by Searchingrockpools

    Hi Kazz, Allie, Leelee, Jenny, Nonna Mary, Liz, and everyone else I have left off!
    My boy is 12 now, and keeps me visiting the ER with his boyish antics, sports injuries, breaks, sprains, gashes. He is preteen and the hormones are raging as his boys mind and body is being challenged by rapid growth, confusion over being a child wanting to be an adult, with increased independence and no real responsibility. A challenge not for the faint heart this rearing of teens for sure. I however am hopeful of the thought that essentially he has a good moral compass, kind heart and knows right from wrong. I hope through periods of peer influence and mob mentality it is retained. How mothers survive this period I do wonder sometimes.I know this is only early days. But really I’m holding steady, and will just keep loving his confused, cross, growing self. So gang, my getting back on track is a multi prong attack. Getting my sh#t together, to be a happier healthier stronger version of me, as mother, friend, employee, but honestly mostly and of course really I can only do me, for me. So I’m going strong still.
    Still no booze, clean eating all day, calories at 985, taken over by sneaky spoonful of peanut butter. Oh well, I’m pretty happy with how I’m going. Not yet ready to get back to fasting, one thing at a time. I love that the virtual friendships are being realised. Holidays with pals, best medicine ever. You legends! Thanks for remembering us, and the generous words of encouragement. It means a lot xoxo Enjoy your days as best you all can xo Off to bed feeling blessed. Night All, or Morning ,if it is where you are xoxo

  • posted by Jennie10

    Searchingrockpools – that’s got to be one of the best descriptions of a 12 year old boy I’ve read. xx
    Sounds like you’re getting back on track is going really well so far. Hope you have a good weekend.
    Jennie xx

  • posted by Jomaryngs

    It’s great that you decided to take this step and were able to change your life completely! Giving up the harmful effects of alcohol helps to improve well-being and positive external changes. It is especially important for a woman to feel attractive, and it is wonderful that you have achieved this. I also managed to give up this addiction a few years ago. Now I am a volunteer in an online club I think it’s important to help people going through a similar traumatic experience and support them.

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Reported Jomaryngs as possible spam

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