1st October Starters Support Group

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Inka13

    Hi everyone, I also started at the beginning of October and have been reading everyone’s posts for support and inspiration. What a help it’s been! I’ve really enjoyed hearing about everyone’s successes. Am I too late to join? I’m a 46 year old from Australia, about 10 kg to lose and insulin resistant.
    Definitely finding the plan easier as the weeks go by but struggling with the scales not moving in the right direction at the moment!

  • posted by Getting my life back

    Hi Inka13 never to late to join welcome πŸ™‚

  • posted by A new me

    Good morning all! A very brisk fall morning…perfect for a walk! I hope everyone is hanging in there as we approach the halfway point. I have been checking in a couple of times a day to stay motivated. I am down 17 lbs and 4 inches off my waist, so I am hoping the plateau is over. Little things like painting my toenails or putting on socks, without getting winded from my stomach getting in the way, make me happy. My husband has been giving me lots of compliments too! We can do this!

  • posted by MissZiggy

    Well done “a new me”πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  • posted by MissZiggy

    WElcome InkaπŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Good heavens Sarah you brought back memories for me with being in Saudi Arabia! although I was resident & not working but we lived on the east coast in Al Khober opposite Bahrain & had previously lived there as well. In Bahrain I was able to wear my usual clothes & whilst in our compound in Saudi but out & about I never wore an abaya but wore a Pakistani type dress of loose trousers & long tunic that I found comfortable in the heat.
    You are doing so well with your weight loss & diet!πŸ‘πŸ‘β­οΈI hope your working trip is also going well. 😎😎

  • posted by Wendy1947

    I’ve just watched the final of the Great British Bake Off & am finding it really difficult looking at delicious bakes & cakes & not looking for something sweet to eat!! I’m drinking water to try & turn my taste buds off & fill me upπŸ™

  • posted by CallMeDeb

    Good Morning all!

    Work has been, busy-annoying-frustrating, and many more adjectives this week. But I did not stress eat as I would have done in the past, so I’m taking that as a win πŸ™‚

    Wendy – I hear you about GBBO. I love that show (and was almost in tears as I realized that this was the last time with the whole gang). I actually went and hid in the catering kitchen at work so I could watch it live. This week everything they made was a favourite, so it was especially hard, lol. I did end up having a Sprite Zero to try and fool myself.

    Hope everyone else is having a great week (wherever you are)!



  • posted by Canidoit

    I was another one watching gbbo. They were all great finalists but I’m not surprised at the winner she always did a bit extra. Wendy1947. Call me deb.
    I’m like you Inka13 the scales not moving still we must stick at it ( I keep telling myself ) Great to read everyone’s posts.

  • posted by Carb_Addict

    Well, I am back home in Dubai tonight after three days in the middle of nowhere in Saudi Arabia, and I think we can justifiably call this week a total wash-out. If I’m being honest I could have eaten better so I can’t blame it on hotel/work cafeteria food. No idea what the scales would show but I feel pretty much the same physically as when I started the diet. So I know it won’t be good. And I look like a barrel again…

    So, moving forward, here’s the plan:
    1) Getting back on the Fast 800 tomorrow, no excuses. I feel strong so am not worried about my ability to do it.
    2) Am going to skip the daily weigh-ins for now and start doing them again in a week or so. I know I will be discouraged if I get on the scales now so I am going to give myself a head of steam next week and then get back on the scales when I know I’ll have undone the damage and will re-motivated by the results, instead of crying into a Coke Zero and beating myself up over it.
    3) I’m back in Saudi next week for a flying visit but will be strict with myself this time.

    Wendy – how lovely to hear you lived in Al Khobar! I know it and Bahrain well. I was in Yanbu this week, in the Western Province, north of Jeddah. A very different atmosphere. They are poor but lovely people. I’m the first female Westerner most of them have ever met so I am showered with attention – and food – lol.

    Great to be back with you all!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Sarah my eldest son was born in Bahrain at the small community hospital when we lived in Awali helped by Australian midwives! Lovely local people who showered him with sweets when I went into Manama shopping & they also were very kind when they saw I was pregnant getting me seats & giving me cold drinksπŸ˜€I did try to learn Arabic but they tended to laugh at me & say their English was better than my Arabic. It did all change a bit when the causeway to Saudi was first opened but I am speaking about 35 years agoπŸ™€After a couple of years back in the U.K we then went to Saudi with my husband working in the petroleum industry & by which time I had another son & one went to the British School & the other to the British section of the American Academy. They didn’t want to leave & come back to the cold UK. I must admit I felt chilly for about six months because we returned in November & I couldn’t keep warm enoughπŸ™.
    Try not to worry too much about weight gain at the moment & perhaps try 5:2 when away? We often used to fast until our evening meal but drank plenty of water & didn’t feel particularly hungry & the fast helps our bodies rest & it is a way of saving some calories!
    Good luck on your next trip.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Welcome Inka 13 How are you getting on?
    Week 3 does seem to a slow down time for a lot of us but there are also some amazing weight losses!

  • posted by sandylane

    Hi all – Just introducing myself, I have been quietly watching and reading in the background but started this amazing diet on 1st October. I was diagnosed pre-diabetes on 29th October and decided to try and reverse it through diet and exercise alone. I have found other’s progress so inspirational, I thought I would share mine:

    Start 01 October 16 Weight: 135.0 Kg Lost: 0.0 Kg FBG: 6.6 mmol/l
    Week 1 07 October 16 Weight: 132.3 Kg Lost: 2.7 Kg FBG: 6.5 mmol/l
    Week 2 14 October 16 Weight: 130.2 Kg Lost: 2.1 Kg FBG: 6.2 mmol/l
    Week 3 21 October 16 Weight: 128.6 Kg Lost: 1.6 Kg FBG: 6.1 mmol/l
    Week 4 28 October 16 Weight: 125.1 Kg Lost: 3.5 Kg FBG: 6.0 mmol/l

    Total Weight Lost = 9.9 Kg
    Fasting Blood Glucose = 6.0 mmol/l, down from 6.6 mmol/l at diagnosis. These are an average daily waking FBG figure for that week.

    I am taking both of the following supplements: Curcumin (Tumeric) 95% 475mg and Cinnamon (Ceylon) 2000mg.
    I have started jogging (which I haven’t done in 15 years) and have started 5km Parkruns on Saturday morning.

    Hope to update here regularly!

  • posted by ButterflyMoves

    Man everyone seems to be doing pretty well! I’m totally stalled, and have actually gained about 0.6kg even though I’ve been super strict on carbs and calories. It’s really depressing but I guess bodies are strange unpredictable chemical labs. My body fat percentage still seems to be dropping so there’s that! It hasn’t been this low for a couple of years.

    Don’t worry I’m gonna stick with it til something moves.

  • posted by MissZiggy

    Hi All…

    Today finds me in a low mood. Maybe the high has gone?? I hope this isn’t a common giving up phase of the diet. I have been on this way of eating for four weeks now. Four weeks of no chocolate,crisps,bread,biscuits,cakes,pasta,rice,potatoes and everything else. I am happy with the results don’t get me wrong but I feel angry that for years i have tried and failed at stabilizing my weight. My husband eats what he wants and never gains weight. My husband has never had the issue of clothes he bought two years ago not fitting him. When we go on holiday he drags out trusted clothes that always fit and I have a dilema of what to wear and what will fit. He is very supportive and has happily stopped eating certain foods in the house so as not to tempt me. For some reason I am finding this week a struggle. I went into Sainsburys yesterday and was greeted at the door with muffins, chocolates and pastries etc. and thought that so much of our foods are carb heavy. If you need to buy a ready made lunch in the supermarket even the ready made salads contain pasta or rice. The cards are stacked against me. I did make a good choice yesterday my husband cooks me a steak which we eat with salad and my good choice was fresh stawberries with a table spoon of thick cream and it was heaven!!
    Oh well my rant is over and I hope as the day moves on I will become more positive.
    Maybe I need to …………KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!!!!

  • posted by topcac

    Hi folks – it seems like we’re all struggling a bit. Let’s face some facts here. This diet is going to take a lot of mental strength – a lot! It’s going to get hard – for those with raging hormones at certain times, those times are hard. For those with children who insist on having sweet treats in the house, those times will be hard. For those with stressful jobs and work colleagues that don’t understand that no, you don’t want a biscuit, those times will be hard, for those with aging parents that are unwell and cause us upset and sadness, those times will be hard. Whatever our struggles (and some will have ALL of the above) we must remember that we are human beings. All our learned eating behaviours (and coping mechanisms) have been developing in us from birth – ‘you must eat what your mum serves you’, ‘you must finish your plate’, ‘you must eat 5 a day’, ‘you must have a ‘balanced’ diet’. Our conditioning takes a while to adjust – a lot longer than the physiological part of this plan. A LOT longer.
    What I’m saying, in a rather long winded way (sorry about that) is that we will stumble, we will fall, we will relapse and have to reboot, we will disappoint ourselves, get angry and frustrated and we will feel like we’ve failed. But the past is gone – that ‘bad’ day (week / month) is gone. Let’s do some thing that may help. Keep a diary, write how you feel, look back on it when things are a bit tough and remember what it’s like when you step on those scales and see a loss. Try mindfulness – some swear by it. Write down all the reasons why you started this and stick it somewhere prominent (probably the kitchen I would suggest!) Make yourself accountable to someone (if you’re comfortable with that) or something – this Forum?

    I don’t know if that helps at all – I’m just the same myself. I’m no angel. Bits of chocolate fudge cake (and other things I’m not proud of) have made their way into my system in the last 6 weeks. I’m a pound heavier than I was last week and no idea why. I stalled in week 3, I still think I could happily eat a party sized bag of Doritos. I’m still panicking about visiting my parents this week because (according to them) this is ‘just another fad’.

    Be strong, be brave, be mindful and forgive yourself (if you need to)
    Love and big hugs to all of you xx

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Ziggy – I know what you mean about being greeted at the supermarket door with all sorts of goodies. Our local Tesco has recently installed a cabinet of krispy cream doughnuts just inside the entrance. Doughnuts were one of my weaknesses and the aromas that waft around the entrance would have got me diving into the cabinet for a carb fix pre BSD. I do think it is unfair of the supermarkets to tempt us like that. Now I grit my teeth and march past it.

    Your steak and salad and strawberries and cream sound divine. What is so nice about the BSD food is that you feel so good after eating it – and thinking back over the thousands of times I over indulged on sugary starchy carbs I never remember feeling particularly great after eating it.

  • posted by Onalearningcurve

    Morning all, I started the BSD around about the first week of October having seen an article about it in The Mail on Saturday. I sent for the book and proceeded to plan mine and my husbands diet. Firstly I found difficulty in the thought of “full fat ” products after years of low fat ,fat free, skimmed products. The thought of bread,pasta,rice been a no,no was difficult. My previous diets have been slimming world which actively encourages the use of all the BSD says a big NO to. I enjoy cooking so all the chopping preparing was not a problem the food tastes fantastic. Not wishing to hear all the negatives from family and friends I have not told them we are following BSD which has been a slight problem as we have spent one four days with our daughter which involved eating out when unfortunately my will power leaves the room ! So the weight we had lost went back on. Re foucesd once back home on the BSD it is back off. This week end staying with our other daughter will be easier as we will be eating at home. My biggest problem with the recipes is the cost we are both retired and only in receipt of the basic government pension (UK) so really need to explore cheaper ways of sticking with the BSD. Any advice would be welcome.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thank you topcac for your inspirational & thoughtful postπŸ‘πŸ‘
    It is so easy to dwell on our failures & not remember when we have succeeded πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
    I am also at the stuck stage with my weight not moving downwards & getting fed up & frustrated but trying to hang in there preparing for a family lunch with spaghetti Bolognese & the chilli recipes from the BSD recipe book. I have frozen fresh pasta to cook that the other adults can eat & my husband & I will have courgetti or carrotetti(is that a word!). We will also have raspberries & blueberries for pudding & others can have honeycomb icecream from the freezer! I did manage to freeze left over custard tarts & cream roll from Tuesday provided for guests without eating any! But it all feels a bit tedious at the moment preparing food & calorie counting & standing stillπŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯
    But I will keep plodding on & hope my weight will move downwards again. My husbands is!!

  • posted by Canidoit

    Thank you topcac that’s just what I needed. Some good tips there I will try to follow.

    You are being so good Wendy1947 it is such a shame your scales do not show the effort you’ve gone to with your meals and doubly difficult when your husband is doing so well.

  • posted by Canidoit

    Hi Onalearningcurve I know what you mean it feels alien to me looking for full fat items too but I must say I’m enjoying them.
    I find that making vegetable soup for is a cheaper lunch and does not use too many of our precious calories. I usually make a batch with assorted vegetables and have it most days.
    I forget I’m supposed to be drinking litres of water and usually end up drinking like a fish all evening and having to go to the loo a hundred times.
    I hope your week shows a loss now you can get back on track eating at home. πŸ˜€

  • posted by A new me

    I have just ended week 4…halfway through! I am down 19 lbs. (had hoped it would be 20, but oh well!) and feeling much healthier. I am reading that many are feeling discouraged, especially with plateaus. Please keep in mind, that although you may have stalled (and we all do), you have to lose weight eventually on 800 calories. When I think about how much I used to eat I know this has to eventually work. Many of us have had other weird body adjustments to this diet, so I think weight fluctuations are part of it. I try to focus on a more long term view and recognize that these changes have to make a difference in the end. I am also refusing to weigh myself each day because it is driving me mad if I don’t see a change. I try to weigh myself at the end of each week and measure my waist too (unless I can’t resist the urge to peek!). Remember that health isn’t just about weight loss but all of those other health factors that we can’t visibly see.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thank you Canidoit it is frustrating but many are doing much better than me so celebrations for them.
    A new me what an amazing result after four weeksπŸ‘πŸ˜€ I do keep telling myself that something must be going on only eating 800 calories so I am trying to be patient. I would be very pleased if I could lose 14 lbs by the end of the eight weeks but will probably keep going longer with Christmas coming up. Unfortunately the temptation of birthdays are coming up in a couple of weeks when I will have a glass of wine🍷🍷

  • posted by PatC

    Morning everyone, welcome Inka18 and hello to all our lovely peeps 1 October starters.

    Well, this has been an odd week and I haven’t posted since last weigh in day, but have read everyone’s posts every single day – what a great boost it is – I love it all, and have never ever ever felt so motivated on a diet plan. As I said last Saturday I had a week of Sydney’s Good Food month to get through together with some family events so I didn’t hold out much hope to be honest of any weight loss. I decided when I went to these events, degustation with wine etc, I would enjoy them not continually carp on I can’t eat this I can’t eat that, I made the decision to add another week or so to the eight week plan if necessary (it will be!) but much to my amazement the weight went down this week – though I have to add – before everyone goes racing for food and wine immediately – that the days in between were almost fast days – I was so careful – and although this isn’t the lowest I have been (end of week two ) I am only 2 oz up on that weight, and I have lost in total 1 and a half inches off my bust – 3 inches off my waist – and not a thing off of my hips – oddly my engagement ring is almost falling off my finger and I have had to put another ring to hold it on – yes off course everyone wants to lose weight off their ring finger – NOT- so good luck to you all on weigh in day, isn’t this the best forum ever!!! Love x

  • posted by Inka13

    Hello again everyone, thanks so much for your kind welcomes and it really does sound as though there is some stalling in our stars at the moment! I find if I even blow out a little bit at the weekends I put myself back a week! My husband is great and doing the BSD with me ( modified for travel!) but my downfall is wine over the weekend!!
    Oh well, had a slight downwards movement overnight so that is remotivating me. Like everyone, my attitude to food is changing so much and if we all just keep persevering together we won’t know ourselves soon!
    Good luck for the following week everyone.
    PS something I found hugely helpful was the almond pancake recipe on this website. They are quite small, pikelets really. So filling with a cup of tea when you are absolutely desperate and 2 or 3 with butter on top will have you stuffed! Especially in the early days these were lifesavers.
    CarbAddict and Wendy1947 its truely bizarre but I spent 6 years in Jeddah growing up and in the 80’s used to fly up to Yanbu often to visit a friend!! Can’t believe the coincidence..

  • posted by Carb_Addict

    Good morning everyone. Lovely to see some new people have joined us and how some who have been quiet in the background are now feeing more comfortable in posting themselves.

    So I got myself back on the BSD yesterday as promised and survived Day One of my parents’ visit. It was not without some difficult moments. I was told three times to ‘pull my top down as my stomach was sticking out on show’ by my mother three times yesterday – including the very moment we were reunited, before any ‘hello’ and right in front of my father and the taxi driver! She never gets how hurtful her public comments are πŸ™ It was the first time my parents had seen my new smaller flat and I also came in for some criticism in the first hour about how many possessions I still need to get rid of: I left the room quietly to fight back some initial tears and then re-entered, took control, reminded them that I moved in two months ago, was laid up in bed for the first month of that with chronic pain and have just started my own business so am rushed off my feet. That shut them up. Things got much better from there.

    We had lunch and dinner out yesterday and neither noticed how little I ate, although I did get some questioning from my mum as to why I was not tucking into the bread basket (like her and dad) and comments that ‘bread is not bad for you’. I mumbled something about watching my sugar levels, my mum did her usual ‘are you diabetic?’ and then I moved the conversation on. I made good menu choices and, although I can’t be sure that I was under 800 kcals or 40g carbs exactly, I must have been darn well close to it.

    I love my parents and love having them to stay; if I could just crack my mum’s attitude and constant commenting on my weight and food intake things would be terrific. I suspect that when I shift all this weight she’ll still be the food police (to ensure I keep it off) and possibly even more so! But will cross that bridge when we get there. I have to learn how to block it out. She’s not going to change. It never ceases to amaze me how she can harp on about my weight when she’s tucking into fish and chips….!!!

    Pat: so thrilled you both enjoyed the Sydney Good Food festival AND the scales went down! You deserve this so much.

    Inka13: OMG, I can’t believe someone else on this thread has been to Yanbu!!! Amazing coincidence.

    Topcac: you are so right about the emotional stuff: thank you for your thoughtful post. I have purposefully not told my parents that I am doing this as a) they will have the same reaction (they have openly scoffed at my other attempts in the past to lose weight, saying I have no willpower) and b) I’ll get asked about my weight every bloody day! So this time I’m staying quiet and will let the results speak for themselves in due course.

    Have a terrific day everyone,

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Carb addict

    Your post about your mother reminded me of some of the things my mother used to say. The one that tops the list was after I had lost loads of weight one time she introduced me to some people with the words ‘ this is my daughter – she used to be really fat. I’ve got pictures of her when she was really fat’. There was a stunned silence in the room but she was totally oblivious to what she had said. I really can’t remember if she offered to go and get the pictures – but I wouldn’t have put it past her.

    We do remember it from time to time and laugh about it now – but it was pretty shocking at the time. If she was still around now I would do exactly the same as you as I would have got exactly the same reaction to my efforts as you would from your parents.

  • posted by Carb_Addict

    KrysiaD, wow. Just wow. I think your mother and mine were related somehow. Thank you for reassuring me that I’m not the only one who struggles with this. We went clothes shopping today so I have endured hours worth of how I should dress to flatter my ‘big tum’, looks of openly disapproving looks up and down, and she declared (twice) today (out of nowhere) that I should get up early tomorrow and go and sign on at the gym. I dread introducing her to friends as they invariably comment on how alike we look, to which her standard response every single time is to puff out her cheeks and say “yes, and she has the family triple chin too”. I have seen more horrified looks from friends over the years than I care to count. So I totally relate to what you are saying! I don’t know why she does it and I don’t know why she has never taken on board how much hurt it causes me when I have tried to talk to her about it. But the good news is that this time I’m not turning to teenage acts of defiance (in my 40s!) and stuffing my face at the restaurants we are going to to spite her, as I usually do. I can’t pretend I’m not inwardly upset by her comments but I’m focused on facing forwards. I keep telling myself that I’ll have the last laugh eventually but at the same time I’m sad this 25-year old situation with someone I love very deeply has become so combative and negative. Neither of us gains anything by it. She would be utterly heartbroken if she thought I was sharing this in ‘public’ too.

  • posted by Sierravalley

    Hello everyone! Half-way through. Didn’t lose as much as anticipated, but still happy.

    Total 20# loss and 5.25″ overall inches lost and fitting into so many clothes–I’m ecstatic. I even pulled some out of the donation pile that didn’t fit 2 weeks ago. That means I must be tightening up. Oh and dh finally commented on my belly looking smaller πŸ™‚ first acknowledgement from him that this woe is working–but not shy about watching what I eat as he consumes whatever he likes…..how is that right? I made Halloween bags for my hair stylist’s kids and had a lot of Reese’s minis left so I told him to hide them from me–and he did–in his stomach.

    I’m going back to eating what I did the very first week–can’t fudge calories or eat things I’m not supposed to (mostly too many nuts and dark chocolate). Don’t expect that big whoosh from the first week, but I want to see if I can lose a little more than 2#s a week for the next 4 weeks. I can’t wait to be in onederland and only be overweight again.

    Do any of you do a comparison chart represented by items to depict your weight loss? I’ve lost a dachshund so far and I still have a hay bale, sack of potatoes and 2#s of butter to go. I love moving the items from one part of the chart to the other, but it’s a bummer when nothing moves.

    We are in this together and have had our ups and downs, but we can continue on our journey together. And I just want to say I appreciate everyone of you “losers”. I really think this past month went by very fast, don’t you?

  • posted by Fairyface

    Hi Folks.

    Congratulations on the weight loss folks and hugs to those who are struggling.

    End of my fourth week and I am thrilled with the results.
    1st October start date weighing 114.2
    week 1: 112.7
    week 2: 111.1
    week 3: 109.5
    week 4: 107.9

    I feel so inspired and motivated reading all these comments. I seriously need to up my drinking water and start going out for a little walk. Both I guess would help with my bowels!!!!! I would comment more on here but do not find the boards easy to reply to.

  • posted by A new me

    I just went through my closet and filled a garbage bag of clothes that no longer fit. What a good feeling! I decided to get rid of anything loose or that didn’t make me feel good to wear. I have always had clothes of many sizes to fit my ever fluctuating weight. Not this time. I am getting rid of all of the “fat” clothes because I don’t want to allow myself to think that I might need them again. As a bonus, my closet is looking much better, too!

  • posted by Cazza53

    Afternoon everyone,

    Wow we are all doing sooo well!! It’s a treat reading everybody’s progress on here and their personal happiness shining through :)) I watch the carbs now so closely and keeping to 50g a day the weight loss is rapid! My body shape is changing weekly.

    Aww CARB ADDICT it made me SO sad reading your log about your mum. There was a lovely girl in the village where I grew up with a mum with the same insensitive way as yours. In the end I thought it was down to jealousy ….when her daughter was noticed and used to shine (following achievement or weight loss) she missed the attention and being the voice always heard so putting her down worked to out her back in the shade, seriously my mum used to flinch at the tone and said it was cruel. I think you should do what that same girl now does as an adult when those negative comments creep into the conversation she merely turns to her mother, smiles and says ” aww thanks for that” and turns away before her mother can reply. It always leaves her speechless because what more can she say it stops her in her tracks. She uses the same line when other people make negative comments, it’s very amusing watching people shrink back as it embarrasses them without being rude.

    Anyway best foot forward honey, show her the person you are. Gorgeous inside and out from what I’ve read on here and I’m sure all your fellow dieters agree.

    My hubby tells me everyday he is proud of me and buys me only food he knows I can eat but when my dad noticed this wend how much weight I had dropped and greeted me with a big hug saying where’s my girl gone? That one line made me well up inside so I am saying to you CARBADDICT …..where’s that girl gone! You are doing amazing!!

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hey CarbAddict and KrysiaD — ugh, what is it with the mothers and their undermining behavior? Are they unhappy? Jealous? Did their moms treat them badly and they’re just sending it on down the line? My mom used to come running up to say “hi” and give me a big hug and while she was hugging, she would grab fat at my waistline and make a comment about my weight. She never slipped her arm around my waist without grabbing and pinching my extra inches and to this very day, I flinch when anyone puts their arm around my waist — including my husband who has never been anything but supportive of me. My mom is gone now and I miss her so much — she had so many wonderful qualities — but I will never miss that mean little bit of her that made her do that. It used to infuriate me. The funny thing is that she was always pushing this diet or that diet all of which were big on fresh fruit and toast and other carby foods — she would be seriously critical of my current low-carb diet but it has been a revelation to me that you can actually eat food and not starve and still lose weight (and now keep it off) — thank goodness for new research and the BSD. I literally feel like it gave me my life back.

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Carb addict
    I do agree – our mothers must have been related. You will have the last laugh and as Cazza 53 said …….where’s that girl gone! You are doing amazing!!

    It may be that they come from a time when parents would not praise their children in case they stopped trying. Or maybe as Californiagirl says…….maybe their moms treat them badly and they’re just sending it on down the line? It did make both me and my sister better mums and we have really good relationships with our children.

  • posted by Scandinavian38

    Hi all! I’ve started today, and this thread sure is inspirational. (Haven’t read it all yet). Congrats on your results! I hope I will do as well. (Evening day one and feeling a bit hungry… Drinking tea instead.)

  • posted by Natalie

    I’m sorry your mothers wont listen when you tell then how they are hurting your feelings, because I’m sure they love you. My mother used to do it too, especially about my weight (the one that stands out in my memory, not weight related, was she’d brought Poppa, her father, to visit me in the first house I’d bought and she sort of apologised for me saying the house had looked much better with the previous people’s furniture in it) but when I got the courage to speak to her about her frequent negative comments she made a real effort not to do it again. After that we were often (not always) able to get through a whole visit without her hurting my feelings!

    Years before that, after her divorce, she used to say bad things about dad all the time. One day my brother and I asked her not to because he was still our dad. And she stopped. So I guess I’m pretty proud of her to make the effort to change.

  • posted by Miranda

    This group keeps me sane. I celebrate those that have success and commiserate with those that struggle.
    Now to confess my sins. Have stuck to the diet fairly rigidly but astounded as to how much my weight can fluctuate. So in true impatient style, threw all my toys out of the pram as no significant weight loss, despite reading others had the same issue. Had a Chinese meal and ate all my favourite goodies, followed by bread the following day.
    Positives– can’t eat as much, carbs give me tummy ache. Actually enjoy this diet as opposed to slimming world.
    Looked at inches lost and have lost 3 from my waist, which has to be a bonus, so perhaps the weight will follow later.
    Mothers, I think is a generational thing. My mum, bless her, was famed for her barbed comments. I think she meant to inspire you but it always came out as a negative comment which crushed you. Had a huge falling out with her over this and she genuinely hadn’t realised how hurtful her words could be.
    Back on track and determined to be at least a stone lighter by Christmas.

  • posted by ButterflyMoves

    Hey guys, just checking in. Those are awful stories of critical parents, makes me ever more glad of my mum’s gentle support of everything I try to achieve. Finally moved off this god awful plateau that has lasted so long. Have lost 6.6kg (14lbs), half way through week 4 and am celebrating wildly. Thanks for your support.

  • posted by Carb_Addict

    Morning everyone.

    Just want to say how grateful I am for the support on here and to say thank you for all your comments, especially since my last post about my mum. I do realise I am using this forum at times as therapy but it’s all part of my journey so I hope no one minds. I hope it may even help any other emotional eaters on here too. A big thank you, really.

    My parents were tucking into the bread basket out at dinner last night when my mum turned to me and said, apropos of nothing, ‘So if you eat so healthily now why aren’t you slim yet?’ I just moved the conversation on. She’s clearly registering that I’m eating differently. But that doesn’t matter to me anymore: what matters is my response to her criticism and I think I’m doing much better than I have previously. One day at a time and all that.

    Going strong so far since I returned from Saudi and am confident that last week’s gain (whatever it was) will be gone soon. I feel less bloated already and I’m not hungry either. Reading about everyone’s amazing losses makes me visualise a few weeks ahead when I hope to be able to share the same kind of results with you. I will next be weighing myself one week today.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • posted by Cazza53

    Hey Carb_addict that’s the way to go……moving the conversation on….. your mum will soon get bored asking your visible results will speak for themselves but be prepared also for bit of jealousy as it will come. Go girl you’re doing great!!

    Well it’s the 1st November on Tuesday so here’s to another month of healthy eating and that bit closer to my new jumpsuit the gorgeous Dave (hubby) bought me for the Christmas party in size 12! Dropped one size to 14 so hopefully another by end of November!

    Have a great week everyone!!

  • posted by Frog

    Hi Cazza
    somewhere in my storage unit I have a vintage Donna Karan jumpsuit (c. 1980s)
    Not only will I fit into it again, they are back in fashion – double plus!!!

  • posted by Frog

    Carb addict – your mother sounds toxic!
    You cant’ choose your family, but you can choose how much you see of them.
    Do not take this woman clothes shopping with you ever again!!!!
    I’d avoid restaurants too – well I’d avoid most things, I chose not to see my mother for several years, and think my wellbeing was much improved because of it.

  • posted by Nickix

    Hi folls. Not been away I’ve been reading ur posts but couldn’t get on as been working! So proud of uall. And I’ve a mum who loves putting me down so now I only see her maybe once a year! Sad but it’s how I’ve dealt with it. It used to be her choice. You’ve got yours we’ve got ours blah blah but since dads gone she suddenly wants to be part of it but after 30 years. I know you understand. And it’s great carb addict we can ise this post like this πŸ™ƒ
    Anyway as to my journey. I’ve still lost around 10lbs but I’ve lost 31/2 inches from under my bust so having to get new bras! Still stuck on 3 from my belly since first week?? But loosing weight from other areas I hadn’t measured! Went out last night and wore a shirt i hadn’t for years cause to tight but i also put on my tight skinny jeans which where loose!! I may have to get my old ones out from under the bed! Hubby’s so pleased when we went out last week he brought me some new boots! πŸ‘
    So well done to all of us! Even if it’s invisible we’re doing it and doing it together. 😘

  • posted by Nickix

    Yes i am back! Lol. Some advise please my peeps. I’ve been told that maybe my weight loose plateau is because I’m eating carrots, parsnips, swede and celeriac! As I’ve been making stew soups to fill me up? Is this correct? They say not root veg but MM has recipes using these in his book? Fish pie with celeriac mash etc. Do you agree? Thanks πŸ™
    Keep on up and downwards πŸ˜„

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Hello Nickix I have just looked in my GI Collins Gemm book that uses a traffic light system to show GI and swede has a red light (don’t eat), carrot an amber(eat in moderation) and celeriac is green so it looks like that is OK! Have you tried cauliflower mash as an alternative?
    Well done it’s great you are getting into smaller clothesπŸ’

  • posted by Wendy1947

    It will be our four week weigh in tomorrow but I think we may have sabotaged ourselves yesterday with having family to lunch because we drank some wine & I don’t really know how much we ate of our low carb food because I couldn’t weigh portions. We avoided eating pasta & rice & had quinoa & carrotetti & courgetti but were tempted by some spicy prawns & bread crumbed prawns that were put out as nibbles but avoided the chilli crisps & went without breakfast to save calories. So we did try to keep to BSDiet apart from the wine!🍷& that did show in my husbands bloods this morning that were up from 5.0 to 7.6! Just goes to show how finely tuned our bodies seem to be to the smallest sugar intake😳

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Oh and I’m trying to plan Christmas food for an early shopping order & it’s driving me nutsπŸ˜₯ So I really want a glass of wine but can’t! but I feel like I’m herding cats trying to sort out one set of children coming for an early Christmas meal & the other coming for Christmas itself. Also don’t mention presents or decorating the houseπŸ™

  • posted by MissZiggy

    WEndy……good on you, at least you’ve started planning it in October😱 I always hope it will go away….Christmas that is. THe only thing I have planned is to have Christmas Eve Christmas Day and Boxing Day New Years Eve and New Years Day off BSD.🍷🍷🍷🍷 I will continue up until then and after. I have a birthday and family gathering coming up in November😐But I intend to not stress myself over what I should or shouldn’t eat. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
    ZIggy πŸ™‚

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Thanks Ziggy & yes we also have two birthdays to negotiate in November my husbands on 16th when he will be 70! & mine on 19th when I will be 69. Birthdays have in the past always meant a celebratory meal out & we have a meal before a classical concert at a local theatre on 16th & something also happening on the following weekend for both our birthdays that is a surprise for my husband so I’m not writing about that πŸ˜‰However a glass or two of wine might be involved so not allowed on our diet. Hey ho we still have to live, enjoy life & negotiate life’s curve balls πŸ˜€
    I also wish Christmas didn’t happen but now having grandchildren hope that a little bit of magic may be generated seeing it afresh through their eyes & try to ignore the over commercialisation & expense that seems to be the current Christmas experience.
    We are off to see Steele Eye Span tonight & the Dr Strange film tomorrow & we did have a lovely time with our grandchildren & family yesterday.

  • posted by Cazza53

    Hi Frog

    Get that Donna Karen jumpsuit on soon it sounds amazing. I too had them in the 80’s (you know when they made great music) they are so flattering too. Mine is from m&s velvet with lace not quite Donna Karen but hey it will feel good to wear with statement heels :)) changed my hairstyle this week too so I now have a choppy bob. This, including the weightless, makes you feel like a new person too πŸ™‚

    Nickix ….. Def no carrots especially no parsnips check the carb count you would be shocked there are 7 carbs even in 100g broccoli and there goes me thinking they didn’t count how wrong I was! Stick to the greens πŸ™‚


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