1st October Starters Support Group

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Nickix

    Thanks Cazza 53. I’ve got to really change things up! Didn’t realise that about broccoli either! I like cabbage so I’m going to try shredding it and making a bolognaise sauce? I’ve already brought some kale to 😄 So fingers crossed ! Thanks for everyone’s help xx let’s keep going folks

  • posted by Carb_Addict

    Right, parents have been bundled into a taxi and are en-route to the airport so ‘normal transmission’ has been resumed at home. I also feel decidedly flatter around the middle than when I returned from Saudi three days ago, hurrah.

    It’s funny to read that we’re at the half-way mark. I’m clearly not: partly because I fell off the wagon in week 4 so have essentially restarted again, and partly because I have so far to go. Mentally I have re-committed to the Fast800 until Christmas but realistically I may have to carry on for many, many months after that after that given how slowly I was losing when I was sticking to it.

    No matter. Whatever it takes, it takes. One day at a time and all that. I’m deeply hoping a strict week of sticking to the plan is going to show up as a good result when I do my next weigh-in. I am motivated – albeit a bit hungry today – and ploughing on.

  • posted by Nickix

    Missziggy thanks that’s a great help I’ve added it to my home screen. Carb addict I’ve not been loosing so much – only 10lbs which isn’t much compared to others but what’s the tape measure say? I just think that’s more fat from around my organs! You need to stick with us we all. Have this journey whether shorter for some or longer for the rest of us. But I think this group really makes it easier and so much better. Don’t think I’d have got this far without you all. So thanks and onwards and downwards 👍 X

  • posted by gyllyb

    First off thank you MissZiggy for the link to Carb Counter … added to my screen. I just want to tell everyone on here how much support I get from your posts it helps me carry on … wonderful determined folk keep on posting!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Half way stage & week 4 results.
    My husbands starting weight on 3rd October 2016 13stone 1.6lbs
    Today 31st October 2016 12stone 1.0 lbs. TOTAL weight loss 14.6lbs just over one stone⭐️⭐️
    My starting weight on 3rd October 2016 13stone 8.2 lbs
    Today weight on 3rd October 2016 12stone 13.4 lbs TOTAL weight loss just over 8lbs.
    I am delighted for my husband & disappointed for myself because we are nearly eating the same food. I can only think because I have been on/off dieting for years & my husband is new to this & because males have more muscle that his body is reacting well. I think I will be doing this for many more weeks with another three stone to lose!
    Very well done to everyone sticking with this new way of eating & good luck for the next four weeks🍀🍀🍀🍀

  • posted by Nickix

    Hi Wendy 1947 i too have been disappointed about my weight loss but my inches have more than made up for it. Have you measured yourself? Could you be the same? I haven’t weighed myself for over a week now as I’m having my problem again! and don’t want to upset myself and get upset! So waiting for the senacot, chia seeds linseeds and everything else to work! Lol 😂

    Have a great day girls and I agree it’s your support that’s helped keep me going xx

  • posted by CallMeDeb

    Been feeling a bit blue myself lately, especially after the gain of last week. I love this board, it makes me feel that I am not alone in my struggles and I enjoy hearing about everyone’s triumphs! You all may not kill the blues, but you help me see that the light at the end of the depression tunnel isn’t a train 🚂 ❤️

    Right now I’m sitting in the living room waiting for trick-or-treaters 👻 I am being not so covertly supervised by my Dad who has decided for the first time to “help” me give out candy. He is also guarding it. It’s better than taunting me with it though, he’s not eating any either, lol 😂

    I lost 1.2 lbs last week, so I’m back over 10 down, but .8 from where I was after week two. At least it’s down. I have an appointment with my Dr tomorrow, so we will see where I am. Last bloods were over 4 months ago, but I fully expect to see a downward trend in my A1c, fingers crossed!

    Keep up the work, wether it be good 😇 or evil 😈

    Happy Samhain!


  • posted by A new me

    Well, I survived Halloween! I was so worried I would cave having treats in the house. Even though I bought the smallest packages to avoid leftovers, there was still some candy left over. In the past that would have been license for me to finish it off. Instead, I watched my husband dig in and I ate almonds instead. To be honest, it didn’t really bother me too much.

  • posted by Carb_Addict

    So I was a bit upset yesterday after my parents left and I took it out on some biscuits they left behind. Oops. Once I started I could not stop – the usual stuff. But, on the bright side, there are no more biscuits in my home to munch on… lol.

    Tough day ahead here today but have planned coping strategies around it: am judging entries for an industry competition so will be at my desk for around 15 hours today churning through it all. With the kitchen three steps away and probable boredom creeping in which will make me want to eat – one of my worst ‘trigger’ situations. So my meals and snacks are mapped out, there’ll be a lot of tea drunk over the course of today to keep my tummy full and I will be gluing myself to my chair to avoid any boredom-induced poking around in the kitchen. I’ll be calling on sheer willpower to get me though it. Need a good day here to get back into the proper swing of it!

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Nickix – hope your ‘transit time’ problem is beginning to resolve itself

    CallMeDeb -great that your dad is guarding the candy. This year we only got one group of children knocking on the door so I came home to find a large tub of sweets in the hall. This year husband was careful to buy a tub of sweets that neither of us like.

    Hope your Drs appointment goes well.

    A new me – well done for resisting the treats – buying smaller packs was a good strategy. I have found also that I now am not bothered by people eating the bad stuff around me. As a coffee addict I much prefer a cup of coffee than the sweet stuff. Luckily I can drink quite a few cups before I am affected by caffeine overload. A square of 85 or 90 dark chocolate is also a special treat.

  • posted by Nickix

    Morning everyone. Hope it’s a good one for you all. Bit worried as some of the foods on MyFitnessPal seem to be a bit off? 80 calls for a cup of black coffee? Etc so a bit worried about my actual calorie intake. Had oats and linseed to try and get things moving but it said I was consuming 600 calls?!!
    Still haven’t weighed myself because things still aren’t working! Belly getting quite bloated now. Anyone know how many calls in sennacot? Up to 3 a night now!
    On a positive side work told me yesterday I’ve got 4 weeks holidays to take on top of what I’ve already booked! Not sure how I’m going to fit it in! But maybe have a few duvet days or spa days!
    Thanks krysiaD for your thoughts
    Calllmedeb it will get better I know where you coming from though
    Love to you all and have a great day 👍

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Cron-o-meter gives me 4 calories for a cup of real black coffee, up to 12 calories for a cup of black instant, someone may have got their quantities mixed up when they entered that one.

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Hello Nickix & thankyou I have lost some inches from my middle & stomach but haven’t actually measured with a tape measure because I’m using my new slightly tight trousers as a motivation & goal to comfortably wear them.
    I do hope your innards start behaving quickly & it sounds as though you are doing the right thing. My husband has also found a difference since starting this diet & thinks it’s because of the dramatic reduction in the quantity of food he is now eating that has very much slowed his transit times! I think all of our bodies are still adapting to this new way of eating but I’m also conscious that we rely too much on coffee & soup for fluid intake & we are not drinking enough extra water. I usually have a 1 & 1/2 litre of mineral water beside me because I only drink bottled water but I’m encouraging my husband to fill up an empty water bottle & keep that by him.
    I hope things resolve themselves soon🍀🍀🍀🍀

  • posted by Lankylady

    Hi All, can’t believe its been a month and still going strong! Know it must be hard for the carb lovers, my daughter just cannot get past a couple of days as she’s not much of a meat eater, unlike me – have lamb kebabs with yogurt/mint dip and salad for lunch – yum. I had weigh in today and have lost 15lbs since start so must be doing something right. Got the recipe book to add to those in the 8 week diet and have started a scoring system with my husband so we know which ones to go back to. Reading all the posts is great too, so much info and good ideas – thanks all. Has anyone got any ideas for when out and about – had to eat a motorway service station last weekend and only possible choice was soup & salad as literally everything else seemed to be made with potatoes or pasta – not a decent vegetable or meat without sauce in sight! Not possible to take food with me so any ideas would be helpful – Thanks

  • posted by MissZiggy

    I made these yesterday …..my husband ate one last night and I had one with a salad for my lunch today. It was lovely and so nice to have some thing quick and tasty as soon as I got in from work.
    I jazzed up the meat part with a little cayenne.
    MIss Ziggy

  • posted by Wendy1947

    What a brilliant idea Miss Ziggy! Thank you for the recipe.

  • posted by Keid

    I just fell of the wagon and had two small biscuits when out for coffee with a friend! I just automatically ate them then realised after! So cross with myself… oh well can’t let that derail me… must stay strong!

  • posted by Clouds

    Hi everyone, so glad there’s lots of you doing this, I’m 51, 5′ 4″ & 12 stone 7, I plan to start tomorrow, haven’t finished the book but today read a part that said meal replacement drinks were ok to kickstand the plan so am doing that is that a good idea anyone??? Would like to lose 2 stone but am worried I’ll give up before I get that far so am hoping this support group will help us all, good luck everyone

  • posted by Cazza53

    Hi Clouds

    Yes I do replacement meals in the form of Lighterlife shakes or bars or Atkins bars these are handy especially when I’m out and about and are low in carbs 12g most and really fill you up!
    It solves the problems and prevents you from eating no no food when on the go as I can be driving between jobs when i really need to eat very 4 hours otherwise I’m rubbish.

  • posted by Cazza53

    Hi Keid

    I have a treat very week to reward myself it makes no difference at all to my progress so two biscuits i smithing to worry about. My friend had pre ordered for me at Costa one week but I still lost weight as long as you forget it and move on all is well. :))

    1st November let’s all say goodbye to another stone ye hah !!

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Hi Keid, two small biscuits is definitely nothing to worry about, barely counts as off the wagon at all. Just count the calories, and move on. In the old days it would probably have been a whole packet before we realised how dangerous they were. Keep alert for cravings though, they may be enough to wake the carb monster again.

  • posted by Clouds

    Thanks for that,bought Slimfast as that was all I could get today,I want to get started tomorrow but need to keep reading the book as I’m not sure what else I can have after two lots of slimmest during the day,might play it safe with chicken,salad & fruit until I work it all out,love all the posts from this support group,will check in daily to see how everyone’s doing

  • posted by Cazza53

    Hi Clouds …. Watch the salad and the fruit as they contain hidden carbs. Go for the chicken and keep to the green veg. Omelettes are good they are filling. Go high protein low carbs it took me a while to get my head around it all but 50g carbs max a day gives you amazing results in loss of weight and inches. Good luck!

  • posted by PatC

    Hi everyone

    I know I don’t deserve to lose any weight after last weeks degustation fest, and then the family Halloween do, but I have been pretty good this week, but its been like a see saw – up a pound – down a pound etc, so frustrating and oddly I have been hungry, I think the carbs last weekend and particularly on Sunday knocked me out of ketonsis or whatever it is, so I have mega upped the water, and started eating to MM plan and just hope I will have gone down by the weekend. The funny thing is I decided to try on three dressers today that are xl, L and medium and they all fitted, not well but they went on and didn’t look too horrendous. So we will see what happens on Saturday for the weigh in but at the moment I am not as low (except in spirit) as I was at the end of week two, onward and downward hopefully. Sarah glad the visit with your parents didn’t set you on a downward spiral, we are all in this together, good and bad, love to all, Pat

  • posted by Nickix

    Fingers crossed Patc things will pull together and well done Sarah you’ve survived and come out the other side. For me things have finally been shifting and I was feeling so good today. I was hoping home so took a chill day. Cooked 3 asparagus spears for lunch with crispy onions and a small salmon fillet dusted in curry spices um. But I was feeling hungry later. Cooked hubby a mixed grill and cut a sliver from his steak then did a cheese omelette and a tinned tomato with sausage (97% meat glutenfree) and ended up eating 3! I feel so bloated now and yuk! I could cry. Haven’t counted my calories cause scared! 😪😪 oh well hopefully I’ve learnt my lesson xx

  • posted by PatC

    Thanks Nickix, well the see saw went down a little this morning, but I was very disciplined yesterday, and today, so hopefully down again tomorrow, finding it hard to get all the water down me despite it being pretty warm here in Sydney. WHere has everyone gone it’s very quiet on the forum? It’s hard coming up to the end of five weeks and my weight is still around what I had lost at two weeks, but it’s down, inches are off and I bought a new swimsuit today (without trying it on – don’t you just hate pouring and grabbing yourself into a swimsuit and catching glimpses of the rolls in those lovely four side mirrors!) but when I got home and tried it on -it was too big – shock !!!! But a good shock. Another pet hate is when you go into a cubicle and it doesn’t have a mirror (as you can see there is no pleasing me) I was trying on a top and half way through struggling to get it on, the assistant whisked back the curtain and said, do you want any help with sizes, I was stuck with my arms in the air, on full view, and she said come out to the mirror – as if – needless to say I didn’t buy anything there!!!! So despite the weight see sawing I do look a bit thinner, so all good, – good luck to everyone else out there, x

  • posted by Dona Rosa

    Morning all. Been a while since I posted. Since then I have had a birthday lunch, a lunch with friends and a bit of a wobble but I have to say that I am not phased by it which is very different to other diets I have tried. Not doing the jumping on scales as the slightest variation from down would throw me, so solely going by clothing. I even managed to wear a frock to my birthday lunch that I was shocked I could get into.

    About 6 pairs of knickers have hit the bin as too big. Three more lined up for probably next week. My waist has shrunk by over 3 inches! Skirts that were ‘fitted’ have now become loose to the extent I can get my hand down the front of one. My shape has changed dramatically. The stomach has flattened down, the expanse under my boobs has also flattened and if I breathe in and stand up straight rather than slouching, I look very different. Sideways it looks a lot better with lots of room for improvement still.

    I feel brighter, more clear headed, more energy. As an example, other half managed to lose a vital piece off the tractor whilst whizzing up and down the lines of vines on Monday. Went out to start the walk up and down to see if I could find it. Now our vineyard is on a hillside and normally I have to stop at least twice going up the lines to have a breather. I walked about 10 of the lines up and down without having to stop once. My calves have moaned ever since but that was a real shock to find I could do that so easily.

    Have not really stuck to 800 but more like 1000 and listening to whether I actually am hungry or not and if not, just drink water and have not had any of those terrible raging hunger pains. I make lots of different soups which is what we tend to have in the evenings. Had to have lunch out last week which is not that easy at times, but managed a lush tuna steak with, after a dispute with the waitress who failed to understand why I did not want vegetables and potatoes but only a large salad which she said was only lettuce and onions! I got my tuna steak with lettuce, onion and tomatoes! Lol.

    I read all the posts and they are very inspiring and I do think they keep you going as we are all human and will slip from time to time.

    I can wear a pair of trousers now which is wonderful and yesterday I decided to see if I could get in a pair of size 14 ones. They went on, up the legs, up the thighs, over the hips and I reckon if I keep at this I should, hopefully, be in them by Christmas at the latest. That is so encouraging.

    The downside at the moment is the lack of clothing to wear as I refuse to buy anything new until I seriously cannot be seen out in what I still have because it is falling off me, plus the weather has been glorious and I refuse to wear shoes/boots until forced to. I am looking forward to buying new things for my new figure, hopefully by Christmas.

    Onwards and downwards and if getting on scales is giving you a negative feel, just don’t and keep trying on clothes to see how as your shape changes, you can get in more and concentrate on pulling up that zip without the aid of a coat hanger/lying on floor/bed etc.

  • posted by Nickix

    Morning all it is very quiet on here? Where’s all the gang gone? Hope it’s just people are busy and not that they’ve left the group. For any reason. We all need support. Feels like turning up for WW and not even the teachers there! lol I know how u feel Patc I hate changing rooms buT well done on changing shape. Donna Rosa well done to. Just remember the reason u could walk up those lines so much better is cause the amount of fat you’ve lost from around your lungs! Lovely thought ah. Let’s keep supporting each other cause we’re all doing well even if we do have the odd hick up.
    Onwards and downwards peeps have a great day x

  • posted by MissZiggy

    Hi Dona Rosa,
    I also decided not to weigh myself during this diet. When I have dieted in the past I become too disheartened by the ups and downs of the scale figures. I am however enjoying clothes that i have fitting again. My waist is definitely smaller and the seams are no longer straining on my hospital uniform. (Standard hospital tunics are the most unflattering item of clothing when you are overweight. They accentuate every roll of fat😐😱 and for two years I refused to upsize my uniform). Other departments wear scrubs which I always wanted but now I am glad our department opted out of wearing them. I see a danger in that increasing tummy blubber can be hidden under scrubs.😂😂😂
    I am not buying clothes either but I do need to go down a bra size so today I am bra shopping. I might buy a bit of jewelry to perk up an outfit. Come the day I buy new clothes I want to plan for a minimal wardrobe. I am at the age when I don’t need a huge collection of clothing. I plan on buying less but better quality. A treat to myself I think. 👌
    I have also noticed a calmer self appearing as a result of this way of eating. I actually feel less *depressed* which is a mini miracle for me on a diet. I felt a little low the other week but added a multivitamin and feel much better. I wake inthe morning with a bit more energy and have started to plan redecorating my house …something I never seemed to have the enthusiasm for or energy for in the past. It’s my birthday on Sunday and I am being taken out for dinner and I am eating and drinking what I want on that day.
    I have noticed the appearance of a collar bone 😱So the fat is definitely leaving home.!!
    l love this forum and look forward each day to reading all of your experiences. I find posting on here very therapeutic 🙂.

    MIss ZIggy

  • posted by Dona Rosa

    Strange you should say that about fat leaving lungs – had not occurred to me! However I did say to other half that his stomach had gone down even if the scales hadn’t and that meant fat melting inside. Strange how I never thought about it for me!

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Well done to everyone losing inches & getting into clothes you haven’t worn for awhile👍⭐️
    I also look slimmer in profile with my stomach area reducing, though heaven knows what it’s going to look like when my fat layer has gone! I have started doing some toning exercises because my thighs have also gone much softer & wobbly with crater like areas, horrible looking, but I suppose fat is moving away from its storage areas? I am hoping this extra activity will result in a weight loss this week.
    Miss Ziggy I have got some sausage meat from our local butcher & I am going to make your Paleo Scotch Eggs for supper & serve a couple with some salad😀for supper. My husband loves scotch eggs!
    Good luck everyone for the rest of the week👍👍👍🍀🍀

  • posted by Wendy1947

    Rhubarb alert for U.K. Rhubarb lovers! I’ve just found some in Waitrose but it is not cheap because it comes from Holland but rhubarb ginger compote back on our menu for a short time so we can have a pudding😀

  • posted by Frog

    That’s great Wendy, thank you
    I got some online from Sainsbury’s a couple of weeks ago, but that’s eaten though (and I never saw any in the shop) – will pop into a local Waitrose and see if they have some.

    It’s odd that places like Iceland don’t sell frozen – or is rhubarb something that doesn’t freeze brilliantly?

    I did buy a huge piece of ginger the other day, grated the whole thing and froze it in an ice cube tray – that seems to be working well.

  • posted by Fairyface

    Had a busy morning today and sorted and tried on some of my clothes. I still look a mess in them but can see things are improving/changing with my shape. Scales not moved much this week but its still only Thursday:-/ Official weigh day on Saturday. I can honestly say not a thing has passed my lips that should not of done. Realised yesterday I am drinking tea with milk and not counting it so have gone onto fruit teas during the day. Hope this helps. I think my husband is struggling a little bit so I will up his calories.

  • posted by CallMeDeb

    It’s kind of a nice feeling when clothes can hang off you, until your pants fall down in public, lol. Here’s hoping! Heads down through the struggles! Remember… We are not defined by how many times we fall down, but by how many times we pick ourselves up and get back at it (with apologies to Emmerson).

    As for me? I’ve had a stressful few weeks at work, and that stress isn’t going anywhere anytime soon but I’m learning to cope without stress eating. I’m now stress drinking…tea, and making frequent trips to the loo.

    I’m still digesting my doctor’s visit… Literally. New dietician who was horrified by the diet and spend the better part of our meeting talking to me like I was a child. THAT always goes over well, lol. She was VERY helpful in one aspect though. Giving me some strategies around Soluble Fibre (SF). I got a hand-out*. The goal is to get 10-25g of SF per day to help with cholesterol (mine is still a bit elevated). It’s an interesting read and I’m taking her advice and gradually upping my intake. Hopefully this will also help with my “output” 😉

    The best part of the visit was after the D left and I could hear the team discussing me in the conference room. Al LOT of arguing from the D, but my GP basically said… “Look, I’ve known her since she was 4, she’s going to do what she wants with or without our support, I suggest we find a way to support her…”

    So I now have blood tests every 2 weeks and I’m back for a visit in a month, lol. They were all very impressed with my overall loss of >20lbs (over 6 months ← I was low carbing before starting the BSD) and 4 inches off my waist.

    Onwards and downwards!


    * aside – don’t get me started with dieticians and their handouts. One size does not fit all. I’d like to meet one that doesn’t get confused when the patient is a bit out-of-the-box, like me with my major food allergies.

  • posted by Fairyface

    Hi CallMeDeb, What a great gp you have saying ..suggesting finding a way to support you. That is the way forward. Give that man a pat on the back.
    It is very easy to turn to food when feeling stressed. I am now retired but have other things going on in life that make me feel stressed. I have tried very hard not to stress eat and so far I have managed very well. I have never ever stayed on a diet this long.
    Like you, some of my clothes are hanging lose around the waist area but I so need loads to fat to come off my back and shoulders. I still look very round in that area.

    Onwards and downwards.

  • posted by Fairyface

    Can this diet be extended after the first 8 weeks? I have a lot of weight to loose and feel absolutely fantastic….so far.

  • posted by Frog

    Yes, lots of people have kept on it for a lot longer – CaptainLynne, who still posts,, for about nine months very strictly

    There’s quite a group of us that have sort of been on it for 4-5 months, but have has more lax periods sort of unintentionally, and are now refocusing for a determined 4 or 8 week push before Christmas

  • posted by MissZiggy

    I will be doing this diet for for as long as it takes me to reach my goal. I am not 100 percent strict with it . I do have 1 glass of red wine each week or a gin and slimline tonic and will have a few days off for birthdays, family gatherings, Christmas etc. oh I really enjoy my Friday night glass of wine. However for the last four weeks I haven’t let potato,rice,pasta,bread,baked beans crisps..cake, biscuits crackers, cereal bars, etc pass my lips.👍🏻
    On a slightly different subject is Sugar Free jelly allowed?

    MIss Ziggy

  • posted by Canidoit

    Great to hear everyones news and great to hear the inches are melting away. I really wish I had measured myself at the beginning to know that I’m shrinking that way as like a few of you my scales are up and down. I have noticed my bras looser and do not need the extenders in the back that I was using when they were tight. I’m still waiting for someone / anyone to say I look slimmer. My son is visiting tomorrow so I’ll see if he notices anything as I’ve not seen him since I started diet. I’m happy with the way the diet is going anyway although it is pretty slow for me.

  • posted by gyllyb

    Hi Fairyface, I’m also feeling fantastic although only been on it for 4 weeks…. I intend carrying on til I’m happy with my size …
    This group is so supportive of each other … you are a wonderful lot!
    Onwards and downwards …….

  • posted by Fairyface

    Thank you Frog. I really hope I can get into single figures with my weight.

  • posted by Fairyface

    gyllyb I cannot stress how much better I feel. I really don’t know whats happened to me.
    Miss Ziggy we have quite a few social things coming up but I am trying to work out in my head what I can do.
    Bonfire night I am going to make the frittata again. We had it for tea last night and our grandsons loved the smell. I said I would cook one for the family bonfire on Saturday. I a going to have a couple of sausages without the bread rolls and drink fizzy water.
    Going to my sister inlays next week for supper and a card session. Will make sure I have had my dinner before I go and only pick at meat and veg and take a bottle of fizzy water for myself.
    This site has taught me I can work around a social life.

  • posted by Frog

    lots of luck fairyface!

    MissZiggy – anything is “allowed” as long as it comes within your calorie plan and is low carb!
    I had hartleys sugar free jelly a few times in the summer, but haven’t had any for a while.
    I don’t remember the numbers, but I worked out that the packets of jelly crystals that you make up yourself are better than the pots of jelly.

    the only thing to consider is that if you have it frequently, is the artificially sweet taste preventing you from craving sugary/carby things?

    there was a point when it was an essential accompaniment to watching Bake Off!

  • posted by Frog

    typo alert in my previous post!

    that should have been “is the artificially sweet taste making you still crave sugary/carby things?” – or a negative thrown in somewhere!

  • posted by Agnys

    Hi folks…just found this forum … I started 8th October … 4 weeks tomorrow. Need to lose 3 to 4 stone (40-50 lbs)
    Lost 18 lbs in four weeks and 12 inches. Really motivated…. Miss wine and gin and tonic more than food. Can’t say I’m hungry but getting really bored with the food. Found your blog while looking at some of your recipes. Loved reading your stuff. Thanks for sharing … have got some great ideas for my next four weeks.

  • posted by Lankylady

    Morning All, great to hear the positive posts, had my first ‘proper’ restaurant meal out yesterday – surprised how easy to ask for extra salad rather than chips! I’m naturally quite reserved and don’t like asking for changes to menu but waitress didn’t bat an eyelid and I had a lovely steak with veggies and large mixed salad and didn’t feel deprived at all. Loving feeling the jeans are loose 🙂 Going to make some Paleo Eggs with minced pork as snacks to help get through bonfire night party. Onwards and downwards, happy weekend all

  • posted by Fairyface

    End of week 5 weigh in today:-)

    start weight: 114.2

    last weeks weight: 107kg
    todays weight: 106.6

    Very pleased with myself.
    Still a very long way to go but onwards and downwards.

    Meal plans and shopping done for week 6. One very happy Fairyface here.

  • posted by Sierravalley

    5 weeks down everyone.

    Lost 2 pounds this week, but I really need to go back to what I did the first week because I have so far to go. I find myself eating more each week even though I know that’s going to catch up with me. I guess I’ll tell myself I have a doctor visit/blood test panel coming up. That usually works for a little while :-).

    So total 22 pounds, 6″ lost. I actually wore a pair of pants that had a big zipper gap two weeks ago. I wasn’t uncomfortable at all because they weren’t cutting me in half at the waist. My size 14s are still a distant dream, however. Most of my pants are hanging and dragging on the floor now–not sure I like the baggy look at all but that’s better than what it was on Sep 30th.

    Thank you everyone–I usually just post once a week, but I enjoy all of your posts for support and inspiration.

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