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  • posted by  Karen on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    I have started the Fast 800 today . I have been diagnosed Diebetic but not on any medication yet . I am very very overweight so I hope this is going to help get me health and happiness back .

  • posted by  Katie Rose on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    Goldiespring, I think that is very impressive, and very encouraging to me at least. I have found that instead of potatoes, using a tablespoon of brown rice hardly makes a dent on blood sugar levels. Maybe you could try that in your carb experiment?

  • posted by  David Knight on Brown rice V normal rice
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Many years ago I changed from having sugar in my tea and coffee to artificial sweeteners. I probably had those for 2 or 3 years and then gave them up as well. Although it is not easy it is possible to re-educate our palates.

  • posted by  Teapotcosy on Decomplicating the menus
    on in Fast 800

    Bought 3 x 425g (multbuy Morrisons offer) packs of lean minced beef and split the whole lot into 13, (approx. 100g portions) and froze each separately. If I need a portion of protein – sorted (and it makes it really difficult to cheat by sneaking a bit extra in).

    Did the same with a pack of raw prawns – 200g split into 2.

  • posted by  Casey76 on Recommended level of carbs?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Morning everyone. I was wondering if there was a recommended level of carbs? I mean how low is low? Under 100g, 80g? 50g?

    I’ve only counted calories in the past, so I’m going to find it difficult with the low carbing, and prefer to have a set limit, as I find that helps when I’m planning meals.

    thanks 🙂

  • posted by  Teapotcosy on Decomplicating the menus
    on in Fast 800

    Day one – Had my yoghurt with rhubarb compote – I usually find fruit yoghurts too sweet – this one was delish and quite a good portion size.

    Used slightly less rhubarb for the compote (the pack was 400g), used the first 2 tablespoons this morning and split the remainder into 6 (portions about right) using a silicone muffin tray and put it in the freezer.

    Now I can either have that for the rest of the week or vary it as I want. take out a blob of rhubarb compote the night before and put it in my breakfast bowl overnight to defrost, and add 150g yoghurt in the morning.

  • posted by  Lisa on Brown rice V normal rice
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Natalie, it sounds harder varying having the sugar some days and not others as you keep having a reminder of the full “taste satisfaction”? Perhaps you could try just reducing the amount by an eigth for a couple of days, then by a quarter etc so that you have a bit of time to get used to it, and it becomes less noticeable gradually?
    I remember taking 3 sugars as child ( I think I was copying my Dad 🙂 ) but I only drank one cup a day. I don’t take sugar now ( although I have an incredibly sweet tooth!) Strangely, I have no recollection of giving it up!! I think I was in my teens, but apart from that, I don’t remember actively doing so.

  • posted by  Goldiespring on The challenge of the Fast 800
    on in Fast 800

    I was diagnosed T2 at the end of August. After crying for 3 days and reading loads on the internet I decided low carb was the way to go. So I started ditching the carbs and finding new ways of eating. I’ve been eating about 1000 cals a day and tracking everything via my fitness pal. I have been increasing my steps using my iPhone step counter. I have tested blood sugar regularly. I have lost 5 stone and my last Hba1c blood test but me in the normal range. It does work! I am now gradually testing some carbs for their impact on my blood sugar to see if I can reintroduce them. I had cut all legumes, root vegetables, fruits and pulses. Reading BSD convinced me to try oats and I’m fine with them and beans again fine. I still have 5 stone to lose so will be continuing!

  • posted by  Nessie on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    The more I read, the more I am wondering if it is my dairy intake that is hindering things. Going to drop dairy for a few days, see if that helps me break through.

  • posted by  Natalie on Brown rice V normal rice
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    100 grams of carbs seems quite high for this diet, I am averaging around 55 per day. Anything like rice is “just for a taste” as the book says so you can’t have much.

    I’m still struggling with giving up sugar in my tea! I only have 3 grams (2/3 teaspoon) anyway, but if I give it up I’d just rather not drink tea at all. I’m varying between having my sugar, having half the usual amount, or none, depending on the day. Maybe I’ll get there by the end of the 8 weeks!

  • I often still have “meat and two veg” kind of meals, except they are “small piece of meat and four veg” now! Salad, roast veg, microwaved, any way he usually has veg but more of it, with a bit less meat and no bread/potato. You don’t really need fancy new recipes or ingredients unless you want to. A big pile of vegetables is very filling.

  • posted by  Natalie on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    I’ve had no weight loss in week 4, though to be fair I haven’t been as strict as Nessie on the diet! Still hoping for a sudden drop in week 5.

  • posted by  Natalie on Newbie with questions!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I make my own yoghurt, very easy with an Easi-yo kit (basically a thermos that you put the culture and milk powder with warm water overnight) and I use the Greek unsweetened one. I find it tastes pretty nice, but better if you put fruit in it! And my tracker says it has significantly less calories than commercial Greek yoghurt even though they are both unsweetened.

  • posted by  Natalie on Breakfasts ?
    on in Fast 800

    I’m not a big fan of eggs, once a week is more than enough, so I generally either have Greek yoghurt (home made Easiyo, no sugar) with fresh fruit in it, or leftover meat + salad. I don’t worry if it doesn’t seem like a “breakfast food”. Sometimes bacon + salad but I don’t think we’re supposed to have processed meat very often so I try to keep bacon to once a week.

  • posted by  Jane on is milk ok?
    on in Fast 800

    I drink herbal tea whenever I feel hungry. I also drink it at night instead of wine and nibbles in front of the tv.

  • posted by  Jane on Breakfasts ?
    on in Fast 800

    My favourite breakfast is 2 tabs Greek yoghurt, small handful frozen berries, pepitas, linseed, walnuts and 50ml grapefruit juice. Yummy! Close to what I was having only smaller proportions. I do miss my g/f toast and g/f vegemite though.

  • posted by  Nessie on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    Thank you Lily
    If I can anticipate a big loss coming up, I can keep motivated. I am just resigning myself to the fact that I might need a second round of this 8 week fasting (with a small break inbetween rounds).

  • posted by  Lily on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    It’s really common on a VLCD actually (I’m an old hand at the shake based ones). Weeks 2 and/or 3 the weight loss seems to stop or slow off. What tends to happen is that there will suddenly be a big loss in week 4 or 5.

    Weight loss is never linear. It’ll be a jerky ride – 2lbs one week, 5lbs the next, absolutely nothing the next week etc.

    Don’t worry about it – fat loss is happening and it’ll all even out in the end.

  • posted by  Nessie on No weight loss happening?
    on in Fast 800

    Has anyone else experienced a plateau? I am on day 17 now, and have not had any loss at all since day 12 🙁 I am tracking my calories, and carbs, and fluctuate around 800 (except for one day I accidentally blew out at 920 cals, all my other days tend to be between 750-820cals). I keep my carbs to about 50g, and try to drink as much water as I can (I would exceed 2L per day).
    Another user on FB suggested a website, which had some hints, but I am already pretty good with not having excess of fruit (It is the hardest part of the diet, as I love my fruit) and do not use artificial sweeteners etc.
    It was also suggested that my fat is actually diminishing, but I am retaining water.
    I am female, and mid cycle, so cannot blame hormones for this one.
    Additionally, I have measured myself this morning, and seemed to have gained 2cm on my waist 🙁
    Any tips on how to get this weight loss going again would be greatly appreciated, because at this rate, I will barely lose anything, and 800cals is already hard to stick with, I need the motivation of seeing change.

  • posted by  KayGee on Side effects
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I had the spaced out feeling on the first day, but I was consuming too much sugar before, so assumed that that was the cause.
    Also after 5 days I was feeling bloated and suffering constipation despite eating far more beans, lentils and other high fibre foods than before. I am fairly sure I was drinking the recommended level of fluids.. Hoping this will sort itself out soon.

  • posted by  Debsym62 on Breakfasts ?
    on in Fast 800

    I am having Greek yogurt with blueberries or passion fruit. Pretty the diet I was having Greek yogurt with nuts and agave syrup. I do miss the agave a little bit.

  • posted by  Hippo100 on The 8-week blood sugar diet book
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    My hubby and I have read Dr Mosley’s book and we were very impressed. Ordered from the Daily Mail bookshop, it arrived within 3 days. We are going to start the 8-week diet on Monday 1st February (usual monthly food shop next weekend). Have already planned what we are having for the next 4 weeks. I’m Type 2 diabetic and need to get my blood sugars down (just over 11 average at present) – no medication taken (my choice). Lost 2 stones over the last 2 years but need to lose lots more weight. Hubby has had heart problems, so it will help him too.

    Good luck to everyone.


  • posted by  rweidn on Side effects
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Doug,

    I started the diet last Monday and had problems with constipation for a few days followed by yesterday having an upset stomach and today feeling a bit spaced out. I think these things are to be expected at first ( it is quite a drastic change from my usual calorie intake) Maybe try solid food and not shakes if you are getting constant upset stomach.
    Are you on Metformin? I wondered if a change in diet with medication could be causing this? I know in the past when i increased my Metformin from 3-4 tabs i experienced diarrhea quite soon after so there is a link between that and stomach problems.
    I’m Just hoping it will get easier as the weeks go by!


  • posted by  Tracy on Newbie with questions!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi, I got the book yesterday, £4.49 from W H Smiths, just finished reading and I’m making a shopping list for tomorrow. Good luck everyone

  • posted by  Lily on Breakfasts ?
    on in Fast 800

    To be honest, I’m not having breakfast much. I’ve never really fancied eating breakfast early in the morning so decided I’d wait until I was hungry.

    But fruit and yogurt would work, egg and bacon, boiled egg with asparagus dippers, bacon wrapped around fresh pineapple, vegetable omelette.

    And don’t rule out eating last night’s leftovers for breakfast. Who says you can’t eat beef stew for breakfast? 🙂

  • Hi CTB

    I’ve been using Knorr Stockpots – yes, there’s a tiny bit of sugar in there but not really much. They’re little oval pots of concentrated stock in jelly form. And I’ve been using my slow cooker. I put diced lean beef, a sliced carrot and half an onion in the slow cooker and cover it with about a pint of water (in which I’ve dissolved the stockpot) and that’s it – a few hours later yummy stew. You could add black pepper, mixed herbs etc but I haven’t bothered to be honest – it was still great.

    Well done on getting to day 2! I’m on day 5, so not really that far ahead of you. 🙂

  • posted by  Ell on Started 8-week plan today eeeek
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    To start with, but I really have to stay organised if I want this to succeed. I have just eaten the veg curry with cauliflower rice and it was lovely, will defo do again. I am hoping to get my BG levels low enough and consistent enough to come off my meds!

  • posted by  Doug on Side effects
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I started the 8 week diet 5 days ago and after day 1 had an upset tummy which continued to day w so I stopped the shakes. Since then I have itchy skin and blurry vision I dink maybe not quite 3 litres a day but no one else seems to have mentioned either of these side effects. Any ideas.

  • posted by  Robyn on Breakfasts ?
    on in Fast 800

    What are you having for breakfast ? I do so miss my toast on a morning..what are you eating instead of cereal / toast ?

  • posted by  Jo on Greetings
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’m not diabetic either, but my father had type 2 and my sister has it, so there’s quite a good chance i’ll become diabetic too.
    I have high blood pressure and i’m hoping this diet will help me off the medication.
    I’m also large around the middle and i’m hoping this will kick start a healthier way of eating.

    I’m starting tomorrow, but I just have a couple of questions:
    Can I eat oranges on this diet or do they come under the heading ‘sweet tropical fruit’?
    do you need to calorie count vegetables and how many grams of veg should we be eating a day?

  • posted by  Vicky on New and very pleased
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Wow that is a great weight loss but glad to see your BS have reduced too, I am a Diabetic Nurse and it was a patient who introduced me to this diet. We do advocate low carbs to our patients and have really good results but I think this book explains the science behind it all. I am not diabetic but I could be I am about 2.5 stone overweight so I am going to trial it also, I start tomorrow and hope to have as much success as you, well done

  • posted by  Ell on Started 8-week plan today eeeek
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    posted by Ell
    on 24 Jan 2016 at 15:04 permalink
    Hi, I started the 8 week plan today, I read the hard copy of the book and decided to give it a go. My fasting BG ranges 8 -12 on medication. I plan to follow the 4 week menu in the book to start of with, but I don’t eat red meat, only Chicken, and fish, so I will substitute steak and lamb with those. I did a shop yesterday, quite expensive to start, but some of the things will last a while (tahini paste etc) . I started the day with half an avocado and poached egg, I love both these so that went well. I then cooked ahead for tomorrow and made the beetroot felafals, very fiddly and messy but got there in the end, and I have my veg curry cooking in the slow cooker, I’ll freeze the other portions for another time. Will reheat the felafals for tomorrow’s lunch. Ive just had my lunch and so far all is going well, I hope the rest of the week is as good, still early days. I must say that everything on the plan sounds yummy and seems to be everything I like 😊

  • posted by  Fredforest on Brown rice V normal rice
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    You really have to look at the glycemic load (GL) of a food. The GL for both Brown and Wild Rice is 16 which is reasonably low, whereas the GL of white rice is 43. This is based on 150g portions for the brown & white, 164g for the wild rice (equates to a cup apparently). Given that we are talking about 2 tablespoons that is not going to matter too much.

    It needs cooking for about 45 minutes until the grain pops. It can be hastened by soaking overnight.

    Still nicer than brown and better than quinoa or cardboard.