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  • posted by  Jackie on Just getting started.
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi, Andy
    I don’t think you have to start with low cal shakes. I am on day 5 and just went straight into week 1 recipes, which I have found delicious.
    Good luck, Jackie

  • I had this for breakfast this morning and it was completely delicious. However, I do not understand how raisins and apple juice can feature in the BSD as both (especially the raisins) contain large amounts of sugar? Why would you include these at all, Michael? Is there a scientific reason for these ingredients assisting with weight loss/evening out blood/sugar levels?

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Diet Sodas – Yes or No?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    My partner is diabetic too and the only thing she ever drinks is Diet Coke. She told the diabetes clinic and they said it was ok. I suppose it’s all down to the individual, if your sugar readings go up after drinking it, find something else. As with all diets, this is a general guide, everyone will react to it in their own way.

  • posted by  Vicky on Hi advice please
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks for the reply, Natalie what has your weight loss been ? I weigh myself everyday but it was more today than yesterday , I am on day 5 today ,mans I did 250 calls worth of exercise last night to try and compensate. 😬

  • posted by  Andyroo on Just getting started.
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello there, I am just starting out on this diet as I feel I could be in the range of pre diabetic, My waist measurements are more than what they should be however I am 13 stone 2 pounds so not really over weight for my height of 6 feet tall.
    I feel I ought to do something before it gets to a point I have to do something, like they say prevention is better than cure.
    Anyway my question is this, in the book it tells that you can go through this diet on low calorie shakes or use them to start with, I would like to use these shakes to start my diet until I have accustomed myself to a routine. Can anyone out there give me a clue as to what types of shakes I should use or what shakes are recommended as I am not a person who has been on a diet before and it is all new to me.
    Thanks for any help and advice that you may give.

  • posted by  Paul C (BSD Admin) on Hi advice please
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    It won’t undo the other good work you’re doing but yes, as Ausmike rightly says – don’t let it become a habit. Consistency is the key, not constant perfection!

  • posted by  Paul C (BSD Admin) on Move more and get fit
    on in Fast Exercise

    The GRUVE does seem to be the only NEAT specific activity monitor but yes, it doesn’t seem to have really made its way to the UK just yet. Most of the support seems to be in the form of the connected website so it may be worth getting one – the website shouldn’t be location specific.

    Another alternative may be to use something like the Garmin vivofit HR which makes a bigger deal of heart rate and uses that for monitoring as well as steps. It won’t be ideal but may fit the bill well enough.

  • posted by  Paul C (BSD Admin) on 800 and exercise
    on in Fast Exercise

    Listen to your body – you will understand how you feel better than anyone. The short-term 800 cals plan may have an effect on your energy levels initially but you will adjust pretty quickly. Those sorts of classes 5 days a week are pretty high intensity so you may feel that you need to cut it back for a short time.

    If you do have to make a slight change initially… once you are on the BSD 5:2 or BSD Way of Life, I’m sure you will be able to train as normal again.

  • posted by  Floraellen on Diet Sodas – Yes or No?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Watched a study on bbc which showed that the sacharine in products can actually higher the blood sugar. Just for interest Stavia a sweetener derived from plants doesn’t. In would be as well to see if anymore studies have been done. It would be shame if you are doing well to spoil it just with a fizzy drink. Perhaps make your own cocktails with fruit and fizzy water. Cant wait to read them so l can try.

  • posted by  jmjski on Diet Sodas – Yes or No?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’ve just finished day 5 and it has all been going well so far. I have only been drinking water or tea but it’s Friday night and I would like to have a diet lemonade soda as my “cocktail” I have read various reports that people who drink diet drinks still have raised blood sugar levels despite them being sugar free and I don’t want to spoil all of the hard work I have done by messing with my sugar levels. So are there actual medical studies that can prove or disprove the effect of diet soda?

  • posted by  Clare (BSD Admin) on Am l too old to use the BSD?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Gateofheaven – Great to hear that you are doing well on the diet that your GP is supporting you. Most GPs are usually delighted when patients are proactive about their health. It’s helpful too that you are monitoring your BP and blood sugars.

    Natalie you are right, if Michael and I are representative, doctors get little or no training in nutrition in our case (we met in medical school before we married).
    Anyway, good luck to all of you and hope you find the right approach for you.

  • Yes, ate them for years as advised by the diabetic nurse, DESMONDS, general health advice, etc. I had my suspicions, as I was always starving two hours later on porridge, but go all day on an omelette. They spike my blood sugar, as I found out when I started comprehensive testing (against the nurses advice) so gave them up for the time being. Uncooked oats like muesli, or Nairn’s type oat biscuits were much better for me.Testing, although expensive, is the way to go, I think. Everyone is different.

  • posted by  gateofheaven on Vegetables
    on in Fast 800

    For the heck of it, I weighed the low-carb veggies I was eating and they added up to 50 plus calories a day! I guess for me, i need to keep track of those cuties, 🙂 .

  • posted by  gateofheaven on Am l too old to use the BSD?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I’m 65 with multiple significant health issues; not even able to exercise and I am doing well on the diet! Go for it! I’m feeling much better today than when i started. I also take my blood pressure as well as my blood sugars to make sure all is well and stay on top of changes. This way my doctor can help me modify the meds I take – which we have already done once!

  • posted by  gateofheaven on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    lol, pmshrink! I was surprised to find that lettuce is 10 to 20 calories for the salad i make. Then i add a veg or three – also weighed. I found to my surprise that oftimes the veges were around 40 to 50 calories, so they add up. I do try to add something green every day and also some low glycemic fruit at the end of one meal. I’m being very strict right now for the first 8 weeks, just because the results are so gratifying. But unless things change, i’ll gladly go to two days a week at the end of the 8 weeks!

  • posted by  Natalie on Hi advice please
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    The first couple of weeks I had plenty of slips! Mainly chocolate. I’m sure it slowed down the weight loss a bit, but it didn’t undo the good work. I just gradually tightened up my adherence to the rules. I’m on week 5 now, still going strong.

  • posted by  Natalie on Am l too old to use the BSD?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I do feel sorry for GPs who have to keep up with all the latest medical science, have almost no training in nutrition so have to just follow government guidelines, and who have all these clients come in having self-diagnosed themselves off the internet or wanting to try a “crazy” new diet! But yours sounds terrible. Too old at 68 to get healthier? Or ever? And not listening to you. I know some places in the world you are assigned a doctor and might not have the choice to change, but if you have the chance go and find a doctor who will at least listen to your concerns and try to help you, even if they don’t agree with this particular plan.

  • posted by  gateofheaven on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    It was quite a bit of work for me in the beginning. I still weigh everything on a sensitive kitchen scale. Even lettuce. I’m not using a program, so write everything down (calories per gram and protein counts because i’m watching that). Once down, it’s a piece of cake. Just use my calculator and some algebra when i have something i’ve made and frozen to see how many calories. Sounds like your calculators would be faster. Perhaps i’ll learn to use those later. Now it is quite simple for me.

  • posted by  Clare (BSD Admin) on Am l too old to use the BSD?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Floraellen I am sorry to hear that your GP is not very sympathetic to your diet plans. As a GP myself I know we tend to be a bit conservative about new things! Can I suggest you print off Professor Roy Taylor’s excellent information sheet in the link below. It is best to have your GP on board if possible.
    You may need to reduce your blood pressure tablets on the diet, but you are not too old!

  • posted by  malkay on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks for all your help, pmshrink. I am finally getting there. It still doesn’t seem that quick to me, but I guess once you’ve got all your regular foods entered, its easy. I’ll persevere and see how I get on. Thanks again.

  • posted by  Anticarb on Newbie
    on in Fast 800

    Just reading the 8 week blood sugar diet and feeling really motivated to try this out.. I am planning on starting the diet in just over a weeks time. Good luck and best wishes to those of you that are currently doing the plan.

  • posted by  Ausmike on Hi advice please
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    What are they, about 60 calories each? If your keeping the rest of you diet around 800 calories, they won’t undo anything. just try not to make it a habit. I’m on day 4 as well & surprised how well I’m doing. I’m making sure I sip water all day & get my 3 liters.

  • posted by  Vicky on Hi advice please
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I am on day 4 and tonight I have had 2 mini fudge out of a heroes box, I know this sounds daft but will it undo my work so far, with them being very sugary ???

  • posted by  pmshrink on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Malkay
    They don’t have the nutritional facts so we have to look them up on google.
    Re serving size. It can be grams or millilitres as well

  • posted by  malkay on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Just going out, but will come back to this in an hour or two. On the Create Food page, where do I find all the nutrition facts?

  • posted by  Floraellen on Am l too old to use the BSD?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thankyou for all the replies. I was so down after the GP and a bit frightened about starting this diet as she was not the least bit interested in anything I had to say. I haven’t checked my blood sugar so dont know where l am yet, but l did measure myself and shock shock l am the same bust and hip size and my waist isn’tmuch smaller deffinately time for a change.

  • posted by  pmshrink on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Malkay
    For serving size for a salad you could put 1 plate or 1 bowl, or .5 plate etc. It suggests cups but you can put other things.
    For servings per container put 1 in the case of the salad.
    Sometimes I make hummus then I might have 4 servings in the container.
    Hope this helps!

  • posted by  malkay on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Thanks again, pmshrink. I’ve got that far. What do you put in ‘serving size’, and ‘servings per container’? It’s telling me I have to do it in cups, which seems strange for a salad!

  • posted by  pmshrink on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Malkay
    It’s just confusing at first. If there’s no brand name just put whatever name you like eg ‘apple’ then apple again in description. Then on the next page, calories. It’s obviously good if you put on all the other optional nutrients which you can google for. Then MFP will monitor all your intake of all nutrients. It’s a bit of work but only once for each thing then you ve got it there.

    On 28 Jan 2016, at 16:33, The Blood Sugar Diet <> wrote:

    Hi pmshrink,

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    malkay wrote on Help, anyone??:

    pmshrink – thanks for that. But I am obviously being really stupid. I have just tried it again. I go to ‘My Foods’, then ‘Create New Food’ . Then there are only 3 options, including brand name and serving size???? How do I add a food when there is no brand name etc? Sorry to be so stupid!


    hi Malkay. Honestly you’re not being stupid, they should make it clearer. I’ve been doing g it for a few years do have got used to it.
    If you want to make a ‘food’ and it has no brand name, just put in what would help you. It might be ‘Apple’ or ‘medium apple ‘ etc. Or I’ve put in some things I have at the local cafe ( the sleepy owl) such as ‘the sleepy owl salad nicoise’ then in the description you could put
    ‘Apple’ again or ‘salad nicoise’ – it’s just so it’s easy to find them. You will end up with a list. You search in the search box or scroll through the list.
    After you ve done the description go to the next page and pug in calories and other nutrients which is useful as MFPwill then monitor you’re input of all nutrients. You can google for the nutrients. It’s a bit of work but inly once for each item then it’s there every time.
    Let me know how you get on

  • posted by  happysheryl on Am l too old to use the BSD?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Zandranna, you are right! My book will be arriving today, but as I look at the recipes on this site, I realize this is not your typical low carb diet. It is what we call in the States low glycemic load, which allows you good carbs like certain fruits and veg. I think if I had to count carb grams all day, I would lose my mind, and I hope that’s not advised in the book! Yes, a low sugar diet is good!

  • posted by  malkay on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    pmshrink – thanks for that. But I am obviously being really stupid. I have just tried it again. I go to ‘My Foods’, then ‘Create New Food’ . Then there are only 3 options, including brand name and serving size???? How do I add a food when there is no brand name etc? Sorry to be so stupid!

  • posted by  Hawkeye1 on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi guys, thanks for the tip on the group on myfitnesspal, I shall look you all up as I love using it. Only on day 4 but feel better, no don’t think any weight is going. I think this way of eating can be difficult to judge exact calories as we are making everything ourselves and trying to get carbs down. Anyway I’m going to keep trucking and see how it goes. Keep the posts coming they are a great motivator.

  • posted by  Zandranna on My Fitness Pal
    on in Fast 800

    It’s great to link up with you over there. Thanks for friending me. I’ve been struggling over there on my own for a couple of years now.

  • posted by  Zandranna on Am l too old to use the BSD?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    @floraellen – I”m 67 and on statins, and betablockers. Diagnosed T2 late last year.

    I am feeling great on this diet.

    This is not actually a low carb diet, it’s a low sugar diet. We are getting plenty of carbs, but good carbs. Bread, potatoes, pasta and rice are the bad carbs which turn into far too much sugar. We are simply substituting those for good carbs.

    It’s the low fat style of eating that has been slowly poisoning us by feeding us overloads of sugar.

    Don’t think of this as a low carb diet (it’s not) it’s a low sugar diet.

    68 is not old and your Doctor is an idiot.

  • posted by  Teapotcosy on Ingredients and shopping
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I find that the recipes in the book are typical of recipes written by someone who a) lives in the south of England, b) already has a store of esoteric ingredients and c) is feeding an entire family the same menu. Cooking for 1 is a big problem when fresh ingredients cannot be frozen. when a recipe call for 1/4 tin cannellini beans or sprigs of this herb or that herb when you are not in a position to “eat things up before they go off”. I am sure that avoiding waste is a major contribution to overeating.

    I have reconciled to the fact that it is not practical to do a varied menu, but eating the same meal for a recipe for 2 people twice a week on alternate days is doable. Breakfast – Yoghurt and frozen compote (different flavours), Lunch – Tuna and spiralized veg or hummus and crudités, – This means shopping 2x per week for 2 different evening meals and eating them A,B,A,B,C,D,C . This allows a different and possibly more experimental meal on Saturday. This avoids waste and minimises the ingredient list.

    I remember once writing a shopping list for the Carol Vorderman detox diet. One quarter of the ingredients were unavailable and others used a teaspoonful of an expensive 500g pack which said “once opened keep in a dark place and consume within 2 weeks – Not suitable for freezing” . The book went to the charity shop the next day.

    That said – I have had harissa chicken and Courgetti prawns (twice) without the added fresh herbs and both were delicious.

    Just about to eat lunch on day 4 and this mornings weigh in shows an overall loss of 4.4lb (from 200). No hunger or serious cravings but I do have a spaced out headache today so replenishing fluids.

  • posted by  pmshrink on Help, anyone??
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi again Gateofheaven
    I just put a two egg omelet with one teaspoon of olive oil in My Fitness Pal to check the nutrition.
    74% fat, 25% protein, 1% carbs.
    Great! And so not what we ve been told to do for years. I just looked at the NHS website as well. It says base your diet on potatoes, bread and pasta, with some protein and a small amount of fat. Once you’ve read Michaels book, that sounds like madness.