We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by wendyq

    I was looking at the calendar,just over 2 weeks until this challenge finishes,I’m going to give it everything I’ve got for these next 2 weeks.I’ve tried fat secret but have decided to use a 2018 diary that’s sitting in a drawer doing nothing to record all my food and drink.I joined one of those BSD Facebook groups and they say at the end of the 8 weeks you have to have a month off then go on it again as your body cannot be healthy on 800 calories for a longer length of time .Those of you who have sticking to this woe for a long time,what do you think?As I’m a slow loser it’s going to take me a long time to lose the weight and I’m quite happy to stick with it for as long as it takes.
    Sadteacher,I’ll make the tea tomorrow as I ran out of time today.

  • posted by Greeneyes

    Hello All
    Sorry I don’t post often – by the end of the next week we will have some internet again I hope, and be living in a proper place instead of sofa-surfing!
    I am finding things tricky because I’m hungry – but I’m hungry anyway even if I’m eating quite a lot! I’ve got myself into a fairly good routine of a poached or scrambled egg for breakfast, a salad with chicken or prawns (if I’ve just got paid!) or full fat cottage cheese for lunch and then fish of some sort with roasted peppers and courgettes, or maybe broccoli and cauliflower for dinner. the other day I went to marks and Spencer’s petrol station and picked up three ready meals all around 360 calories which I found helpful – 5 mins in the microwave when I got in, a side salad and such a nice change from my own cooking. A bit of a treat and lovely to have the calories counted.
    I’m limiting carbs – well I’m limiting everything – but I do occasionally have 2 crispbread for lunch with full fat cream cheese on top and a few raspberries and cucumber. Anyway, I’ve now been going nearly 2 weeks and have lost 12lbs. My jeans are looser, my coat zip doesn’t struggle so much to get past my chest and my bra is a lot less cheese-wire-ish! It’s tough to stick to it when all around me seem hell-bent on eating crisps and pasties and cakes …but as I’ve said before, it took me 4 weeks at Slimming W to lose half a pound! I can’t say I’ll stick to this for 8 weeks – I hope to, but I’m taking it one day at a time – so far I’ve ranged between 720 calories in a day to one day of 925, but I average 800 over the week.
    What are the rest of you eating – or avoiding!
    Have a great few days and I’ll be back!

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Wendyq – there are many of us who , like you, are slow losers. I did back to back 8 weeks and it took me from January 17 to November 17 to lose my weight (three stone). I have been maintaining since then and generally still keep my calories and carbs low. I am currently 2 lbs above my target weight and am back to strict low carb in order to get back to slightly under goal. I take a multi vitamin every day, I am a strict vegetarian. This is now a way of eating for life for all of us who have achieved goal weight. Stick with it Wendy and you will definitely have success with BSD and my advice is to keep going. Don’t be disillusioned if others are losing quicker than you are , we are all different. Once you achieve your goal it won’t matter how long it took. Try to be positive and patient and believe that it works. There were times when I didn’t think I’d ever achieve my target weight due to slow losses and plateaux but with patience and resilience and with the support of the BSD friends on here you can achieve your goal. I was definitely the tortoise in this race and not the hare. I did not suffer any ill health whilst doing back to back 800 for almost twelve months and even beyond during maintenance.

  • posted by alliecat

    Hi Wendy! ClarinetCathy has shared some excellent advice with you, and I agree, categorically, with it 🙂 I don’t know
    what Mosley has to say about continuing past 8 weeks, but I would suggest that you make listening to your own
    body your top priority. I don’t think specifying 800 calories is an arbitrary number, but has been chosen to provide
    us with adequate nutrition each day. I’ve been practicing the BSD WOL for 23 months, and I’ve been in maintenance
    for the past 12. When my body got into ketosis, I felt better than I had for 17 years. I hardly knew what to do with
    all of the energy, as well as sense of wellbeing! I’m insulin resistant, so when I figured that out and dropped my carbs
    accordingly, my weight loss went from slow to a brisk stone a month. As so many others have said, long term
    practice of this WOE changes your tastes, as long as you don’t reintroduce simple carbs and sugar. It’s a highly
    sustainable lifestyle, as long as we don’t drift away from the basic principles. I’m happy that it is going well for
    you – dismiss the naysayers – an exciting new way of life is in your hands 🙂 🙂 🙂


  • posted by Kirstily

    Hello all, I hope everyone is doing better today – I’m definitely feeling in a better frame of mind!

    Weighed myself this morning and another pound off, so that’s 6lbs so far! Not as much as some others, but I am very happy with it. I was wondering if anyone has started the diet at around 10-11 stone and how much they lost? Or heard of anyone that has (female)? I just want to get a benchmark of how much I can realistically expect to lose in 8 weeks.

    Also measured my waist and was pleased to see 2 inches gone!

    Re water – I actually love drinking water, especially with how thirsty I am on this diet! I regularly add lemon or lime slices to it and plenty of ice – less so with this cold weather!

  • posted by SueBlue

    Kirstily with the 8 week BSD you should be able to lose around 10% of your start weight. So that would be 14lb if start weight was 10 stone or 15.4 lb if start weight was 11 stone.

  • posted by SarahChebel

    Morning all,

    Kirstily I am just over 10 stone and hoping to loose at least a stone as I’m short (5,2) so don’t carry the extra weight well! I was beginning to loose 1kg a week, but then relapsed! But I’m back and more determined than ever, so I’ll have to see how much I can loose in 8 weeks but 14lbs would be amazing, as I normally loose weight slowly.

    I was wondering if anybody could write what they eat on a typical day? I am finding I’m eating similar things most days and it gets a bit boring…
    I normally have a boiled egg and half avacado for breakfast, lunch is normally a salad with baby spinach and feta cheese or chicken or prawns, dinner is normally chicken or salmon with lots of greens. I do have a few snacks in between because I’m still always hungry! 😩 I have miso soup and some almonds. I am trying to keep carbs to >20 any other suggestions would be welcome!
    Thanks S 😊

  • posted by Kirstily

    Thanks SueBlue for that info – that’s really helpful! I really hope I lose a little more than that in the eight weeks – if not I may have to continue for 12!

    Sarah – we are the same height and similar weights so I totally get you! Being short feels unfair sometimes haha… we have less height to spread the weight out over 😂 I have a really varied diet – I wish I could send photos over this so I could just send you one of my meal planner! Today for breakfast I am having tomato poached eggs with spinach and I will add it to the recipe section of the website 😊

  • posted by SarahChebel


    You are so right being short is not fair! My sister weighs the same as me but because she’s 5”6 she looks so much slimmer!! 😒
    I don’t ever look at the recipes section, I will do that! I definitely need more variety and some ideas for work too!

    Thank you

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Kirstily- I lost 17.5 lb in the first 8 weeks. My BMI was 32 when I started. I am 57 years old. When I had previously joined SW it took me 9 months to lose 9lb and cost me £5 per week. This way of eating changed my whole perspective on “dieting”. Forget everything you thought was right about how to lose weight and follow this plan for guaranteed success in losing weight. Some people lose weight quicker than others. I am a slow loser and was very happy with the success of my first eight weeks. Weight loss had never happened before so quickly. As I have said lots of times on here, keep positive that it will work. It might not happen as quickly as you want it to but it will happen. Be patient and positive and don’t compare your weight loss to anyone else and be disappointed if the scales don’t show you what you want to see.. I never thought I would get to my goal weight and it was a long, slow journey but in hindsight it doesn’t matter how long it took, I got there and so will you. Just keep on keeping on and know that you will achieve your goal weight.

  • posted by Kirstily

    Sarah – just posted the recipe! It’s my favourite ever breakfast! https://thebloodsugardiet.com/recipes/tomato-poached-eggs-with-spinach/

    Cathy – that’s amazing weight loss! I’ve never tried WW/SW but I have tried exercise and ‘healthy eating’ (around 1200 kcals) and it was painfully slow progress. Cutting out carbs really does seem to be the kicker.

  • posted by SarahChebel

    Thank you Kirstily,

    Just had a look, it looks delicious! I’ll try and do that for breakfast tomorrow.

    Sarah 😊

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Wendy,
    I have been following the BSD since October, and plan to continue for another couple of months at least.
    From my reading on the subject my guess is that the 800 calorie aim for 8 weeks is about having a short sharp shock to help get the fat off from the key organs to help anyone diagnosed with diabetes make a start on a return to health. I would guess that the 800 cals simply comes from working out what sort of level of cals people would still feel like they were eating and have a substantial weigh loss for someone with a sedimentary lifestyle, rather than any magical point within the body.
    The reasons given normally for not staying low cal for a long period of time is 1. The body will start to burn muscle rather than fat, 2. the body will adapt to starvation mode and it will be more difficult to keep the weight of afterwards. Both of these are true if you combine low cals with eating carbs. The resulting insulin levels mean that the body will not be able to obtain fuel from your fat and will have to either break down muscle or adapt to be more energy efficient.
    If however, you go for a low level of carbs, so your insulin levels are kept low, then your body can quite happily break down your body fat as fuel with minimal long term impact.
    Recently I have been reading that there is little benefit for having more than a 30% difference between cals in and cals burnt when you are trying to loose weight. I want to look into the science behind this point. It may be if you have a very active lifestyle, once you are used to eating low carb, you could look at increasing the number of cals to stick at the 30% difference. I am down 35kg so far, (am just 1.1kg away from my initial target weight) and my plan now is to get down one more dress size, and then start to move up to the 30% difference by increasing the amount of fat in my diet.

  • posted by Nicola12

    Hi Kirstily,
    I started at just under 12 stone, and lost 16lbs in the first 6 weeks (I then fell off the wagon in splendid style for Easter… could possibly have been at my target by now if I hadn’t!)

  • posted by MirandaG

    Hi everyone
    Hope you’re all enjoying the weekend?
    Ok, I come seeking advice…….my lovely husband has got off the phone from his brother. Turns out he’s agreed for us to meet up in a couple of weeks “maybe for a curry”
    I’ll confess to slightly hyperventilating at the prospect….I haven’t eaten out anywhere in ages and certainly not to a curry house! What do I eat?? Don’t want to provoke a barrage of questions and end up with a bit of a “face on”
    Thanks in advance
    Miranda x

  • posted by Verano

    Miranda I have just come home from a ‘curry’. I usually order chicken tikka or tandoori with a side such as saag wala, spinach. Nobody has ever questioned me about my choices. As we say here, most people are so concerned/consumed with their own choices they won’t even notice what you choose. Don’t worry it will all be fine just stick to low carb.

  • posted by alliecat

    Hi, Miranda, I must confess that curry houses are somewhat of an unknown concept in the U.S., so I would be some-
    what uncomfortable with the notion of a curry dish that I hadn’t prepared myself. No way to calculate the
    ingredients with any level of certainty. I’m sure others more familiar with these venues will be along to offer
    you some suggestions – obviously all the beautiful breads are to be avoided. Would your husband and his
    brother be amenable to considering a seafood restaurant or a steakhouse instead? A petite filet and a salad
    are always safe choices. How are you doing otherwise?


  • posted by MirandaG

    Thank you Verano and Allie for the replies.

    Allie, that’s exactly how I feel….I need to know exactly what’s going in to my food. I find the lack of knowledge and control unnerving! Unfortunately, curry (and this particular venue) is a very firm favourite with my brother in law and has been talked up often. But as much as I am squirming at the prospect, I recognise this is part of life and the transition in to this WOE. It’s just having the insight to make those BSD friendly decisions

    Verano, thank you for for the suggestions….I am just about to scour the restaurant website to view the options! Thank goodness for online menus and a bit of pre-planning.

    This is my final week coming up before embarking on maintenance which is the next challenge.
    I did however, head out for a “run” this morning and whilst it still took what seemed like an eternity, I didn’t feel anywhere as near as awful as I have previously. I then returned home to breakfast of pre prepared simple egg muffins and fresh black coffee! Yum!

    Here’s to a good week for all
    Miranda x

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone

    I logged on here last night with the intention of starting a new forum as I’m wanting to do a 4-week challenge starting 1st May. Then met Happy Kangaroo who is starting today and Allie told me about this thread. So here I am!

    I see some familiar names from when I started the BSD in Jan17. Hello to you all! I’ve lost 35lb since then and have kept most of it off, but recently have put a couple of pounds back on again so am now looking for a bit of a reboot. I’d like to lose another 7-9lb or so altogether to get down to my original target of 133lb then ideally down to 130lb if I can.

    I’ve found that for me short bursts of intense BSD to get some weight off, followed by a period of maintenance to let my body settle, works well. Right now I feel ready to knuckle down and hopefully shed a few pounds relatively quickly.

    Am starting in earnest tomorrow as it’s my birthday today but will report back in due course 🙂

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello DCT

    My soul mate from January 17 – yet again our journeys meet and we are at the same place. I too am trying to get to 130lb. My goal was 133 and I achieved that in November and like you am currently a couple of pounds above my goal. I will enjoy sharing the loss of the next five pounds with you. You’re in great company on here with some wise gurus helping us all out. Welcome and here’s to the loss of five more pounds each!


  • posted by Tillybud

    Happy birthday dreams come true! Well done on your achievement so far. Bloody marvellous! Glad you’ve found this site. It’s very friendly and informative. I too have been doing this way of eating since Jan ’17 and have lost 2 and a half stone. I want to get under 10 st and last week was 10 st 1.25 lbs. So I know it’s not much to go, but I’m having terrible trouble getting there. I know I keep saying to myself that I’m nearly there, just have this it won’t make any difference, but it does!
    Weigh in tomorrow and I’m hoping I’ve done it to 10 st exactly. I want 3 or 4 lbs wiggle room so I don’t go over 10 st again. Good luck on your continued journey and we’re all here
    Tilly x

  • posted by Amarela

    Morning everybody and happy birthday dreamscometrue!

    I stepped on the scales today and am delighted to have lost the 2,8kgs/6lbs that I was aiming for this week. That makes a total loss of 10,8kg or about 23lbs in four weeks.
    I’ve often gotten frustrated with the slow losses on previous attempts at losing weight so the numbers going down quickly on TWO is very motivating! Also I feel I’m less likely to eat it all back having lost a double digit amount of kilos… the important difference between 10 and 9 kilos, hah 😄 30kgs to go still unfortunately.

    We’re heading out to a big potluck lunch tomorrow to celebrate the labour day here, off to research some BSD friendly recipes.

  • posted by alliecat

    Have a wonderful birthday, dreamscometrue! 🙂 🙂 🙂 You’ve done so well to date, and I’m sure that it will be enormously
    helpful with maintenance to embark on that challenge with others who are well down that road! CC has found you
    already! 🙂 There is so much positive energy on Verano’s one week challenges, and there is always one of us to begin
    another 4 wk stint when the previous one concludes. Looking forward to getting to know you!


  • posted by lalala

    Hi everyone, I’ve fallen off the wagon and off the radar a little since the start of this challenge. It looks like there have been some wins and some challenges for everyone here, but hope we’re all feeling positive at the half way point.
    I finished my first 8 weeks with close to 11 kgs lost, but I’ve had an (accidental) week off, and gone off plan a little… gaining back some weight so now sitting at 83 kgs, so back to 9 kgs lost.
    Still feeling quite stressed with some work stuff, but committed to Sprint #2 (9 weeks to lose 12 kgs) kicking off today. I feel like the work stuff is turning a corner given I’ll be resigning tomorrow and my husband and I both have opportunities emerging where we’re moving to, so keen to make sure my health and routine are keeping up with these positive changes.
    My first ebay delivery was a pleasant surprise in that I fitted into and liked each of my purchases. It really does make such a difference having lost those kilos which really pushed me well over my comfortable weight – I think 80 kgs should be my very upper limit. I received a few more things today, and it looks like there are a few things that might have to wait until I’m a few more kgs down the track so they’ll serve as good incentive!
    Here’s to hitting 70kgs and getting back into the healthy weight range this sprint! Revising my initial goal and hoping to be comfortably under 80 kgs by the end of this 4 week challenge!

  • posted by wendyq

    J Gwen,thanks for explaining all of that to me.I really need to make time to read some of the old threads and learn more.When I first started this woe just seemed too time consuming to count calories and carbs every day,I tended to count carbs more than calories but now I count both,still a bit time consuming but i’ve realised to get results this is something I must do.For a few days I’ve been writing everything down in a diary rather than use fat secret and it’s much better for me,quicker and I can just pick it up when i want to rather than going onto the computer and maybe getting sidetracked!Over the weekend I’ve been at 23 carbs and about 920 calories so a bit over but not too bad for me for the weekend as it’s easy to go a bit mad!

    ClarinetCathy,I have about 3 stone to lose and I reckon it’s going to take until the end of the year,maybe longer but anything less will be a bonus.It’s easy to get disillusioned when some people seem to lose the weight so easily but I suppose it took lots of years for me to end up like this so it stands to reason it’ll take a while to lose it.My appetite has changed a lot and I’m not tempted nearly so much by all the bad stuff.I’m not bothered by bread,potatoes or rice anymore and made low carb cakes from the Vegetarian Low Carb Diet (Rose Elliot),2.3 carbs each,and freeze them so can have one if I’m tempted.I’m glad to know this is sustainable long term and I’m definitely going to stick with it.
    Alliecat,thanks for your information,it was really helpful
    This week I’m concentrating on planning better which should stop me going over the 20 carbs.

  • posted by SueBlue

    Dreams come true – lovely to hear how you are going, and Happy Birthday from another Jan ‘17 starter 🙂 as you can see I’m still plodding along.
    Wendy I have about 3 stone still to lose also, I had wanted to do this by the end of this year ideally. I’ve spent the first 4 months of 2018 essentially in maintenance, after losing 12kg in 2017. I’ve refocused though with this challenge and feel positive that I can start losing again.

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Although I haven’t posted much on this thread I have really enjoyed reading all the posts – this thread (and Verano’s one week challenges) have really helped me keep my motivation high.
    Am really looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow as I am absolutely sure I will be posting a loss. So thank you Allie for starting this thread – and for everyone posting on it.

  • posted by Maid2Measure

    Sorry, seem to have lost a post. Was just agreeing with you Krysia. I do love reading everyone’s posts but feel a little overwhelmed replying sometimes though I try.
    I too think I will report a loss tomorrow, I feel quite encouraged, want to give these last 2 weeks of the challenge all I have so I am closer to maintenance, don’t plan to join the next challenge and would like to sign out with a success.
    Keep posting advice everyone and good luck with tomorrow xx

  • posted by alliecat

    Losing a post now and again happens to me too, M2M! Others who are more knowledgeable in IT than I am, have
    suggested that it has something to do with the backspace bar? It always seems to happen 9/10th’s of the way through
    a long post 🙂 Oh, well! I had a moment of feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sheer volume of posts on this thread, but
    I received some much appreciated advice from Krysia, Marsie, Mariet, Verano and SunnyB about not trying to answer
    each and every post. It restored my perspective immediately! I continue to learn valuable lessons here every day 🙂

    I have a great feeling about tomorrow’s weigh-in for everyone! I’m getting excited already….And we have about
    reached the halfway point. Hooray!

    Krysia, glad you’re your feeling focused and confident! I’ll be waiting with you for bloodwork results on thurs…
    I expect them to be good, however 🙂 🙂 🙂 I didn’t realize until recently that you have had to suffer through eye
    injections in the past…how phenomenal you are to have reversed all that!!! It sounds dreadful!

    Back soon,


  • posted by JGwen

    The one time I lost a post it was a timing issue, it was a long post that I was struggling to make sure it came across right, although the system acted like submit had worked, the post never appeared on the lists.

  • posted by JGwen

    No weight loss to report again this week, in fact a 0.2kg increase but I am feeling very positive about that. I am going through another round of building up to a large whoosh, very thirsty and fluid in isn’t being matched by fluid out. So the cycle of loss is continuing.

  • posted by Tillybud

    Well, this morning I am 10st and a quarter lb!! Just 1/4lb short of target! Close, but no coconut … again. Still, 2 lbs holiday gain gone so I’m happy. Maybe next week I’ll be doing my happy dance at 10stone. Let’s hope so.
    Happy Tuesday everyone and hope your results are everything you want them to be. If not, then don’t despair. KOKO. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and the light gets nearer. Don’t give up
    Luv Tilly X

  • posted by alliecat

    Good morning!

    JGwen, we really DO get to know our own bodies throughout this journey! My whoosh pattern got to be very predictable
    too. Output exceeded Input the day before a whoosh 🙂 Most people lose weight in fits and starts…but my losses were
    a consistent 3.5lbs/wk. I never had anything to compare it with though, because I didn’t know these forums existed at
    that time. I essentially went through the entire process alone. I think you all are so fortunate that MMosley’s work
    is well known in the UK! We could definitely use his brilliance over here 🙂

    Great advice, Tilybud!


  • posted by wendyq

    Chuffed to have lost 2 pounds so I’m happy this morning.Hope everyone has a great day.I’m planning on spending the day in the garden,well that’s after shampooing the carpet as our dog had an “accident” during the night.

  • posted by KrysiaD

    2lb down this week and am so pleased I now at last last have a bit of wriggle room. My 2 year anniversary on the BSD was yesterday. A really good start to my 3rd year on the BSD.

  • posted by Verano

    A little over 1lb off for me this week but a loss nonetheless. I’m hoping this is the beginning of a new trend for me now. No hope isn’t correct word, it WILL be the beginning of a new phase of BSD for me. Have a good week, still two to go to make a mark.

  • posted by MirandaG

    Loving the positive vibes floating around this morning (apart from Wendy and the dog accident 🙁 Bless you, not a great way to start your day)
    2lbs down for me….would have been 2lb and a smidge if yesterday was report in day but the scales have boinged me back up this morning. I don’t care though…I’ll happily take the 2!!!
    Hoping all have a good day
    Miranda x

  • posted by alliecat

    Wendyq, Verano and Krysia, what wonderful results to start off the month of May! Congratulations to you all 🙂

    Year 3, Krysia? That IS marvelous! I hadn’t given it any thought, but just realized I will be there too, on the 1st of
    June. The time has passed like the speed of light…I don’t know where it went, but only know that I’ve been enriched
    by the company of everyone here. We soldier on, together!

  • posted by pkd2004

    Love a Tuesday morning for weight loss updates. Hearing everyone else’s updates cheers me and inspires me as much as my own. 3lbs off this week 😁👍👙

  • posted by Maid2Measure

    Morning everyone! Well done, seems good losses reported this week and well done pkd2004! JGwen – now I know exactly how you feel and I’m sure that whoosh will come soon – must be quite encouraging in a funny way 🙂 Sorry for anyone I’ve missed.
    Feeling pleased this week as since last Tuesday I have lost 5lb and 6oz. Taking into account last weeks weight gain, I have lost 4lb since the start of the challenge, so below my goal par, but I don’t mind, these next 2 weeks are going to have all I’ve got to give.
    I’m also retaining extra water at the moment as I seem to have an infection which I’m trying to flush out, so all in all not too bad.
    I didn’t measure myself today, I thought I’d look forward to doing it later in the week and hopefully it will be a perk!

  • posted by Nicola12

    Hi all,
    Well done everyone on great losses and so much positivity! 1.6lb loss for me this week which I’m happy with. I’m now at 145lb, so 10lb to my target, and one month until I move house/job/country. Upping my target to 2.5lb per week to try and get to target this month! Hoping for 5lb more off by the end of this challenge.

  • posted by Cleverblonde73

    I didn’t lose a thing this week but I am far less bothered about it than I once would have been. I am feeling motivated, I know there are ups and downs and genuinely feel like my stomach is flatter, my real problem area.

    Slow and steady wins the race! I have a stone to lose by July when I want to start trying dresses for my wedding next year, so I will just stick to plan and wait for the whoosh. I am going to try and increase my water intake this week.

    Well done everyone on your losses this week.

  • posted by jojodoodle

    Good morning – quick scan of all the weekly updates. Sounds like a decent week for everyone – 1.5lbs for me this week. Looking forward to another week with everyone 🙂

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Cleverblonde73, I know what you mean. I am only 1.3 kg away from my initial target weight, especially as the 0.2kg gain moves me back up over a stone boundary, so I would have expected to be frustrated. I am getting used to looking for a wider range of signs of changes. I am certain that while the inch measurement around my waist and hips hasn’t changed, looking in a mirror I can see that my spare tyre is narrower, so changes are happening. – I am sure that cutting out the carbs for long enough for carb cravings to end is an important part of the change in focus. If you don’t feel deprived by having to fight the cravings for carbs there isn’t the pressure to see rapid scale changes. Anyway, reaching my initial target weight is just one step on the way, I still have another one and a half dress sizes to go to get to starting on maintenance.

  • posted by treelady

    Hello all,
    very excited this morning to use my new body fat scales for my weigh in – absolute shock when they said I was 4lbs heavier than my old scales said yesterday though. But then my old scales are over 10 years old, so maybe they are rather worn out by now! Anyway, rather interested to see my body fat reading (43%) and my muscle reading (28%) which now gives me some tangible numbers to alter over time with this WOE, as my weight seems to fluctuate wildly over the month. I knew I have a rather large bottom and wide thighs and a large spare tyre, but I hadn’t quite realised that the fat in these areas added up to nearly half my body, and I had always thought of myself as quite strong and rather active, so only 28% muscle was also surprising. I am already doing weight bearing exercise for toning, and hopefully that will lead to an increase in muscle too. I would love to be able to afford one of those whole body fat scan thingies to see how much of my fat is around my internal organs and how much around the outside of my body – something to save up for maybe.
    Anyway, well done all who have successfully lost so far, and KOKO.

  • posted by alliecat

    I am overjoyed to read about all of the positive results this morning! Can I say that I am so proud of you? I’m
    ready to put my dancing shoes on and take a celebratory turn around the room! I momentarily thought about
    adding up all the lbs lost this week, but weekly updates are just coming in too fast 🙂 🙂 🙂 For anyone disappointed
    in their results, patience. This WORKS, and your body will soon get the message that you are the one in charge
    now. Water glasses up, everyone!


  • posted by happyitsworking

    Tuesday’s weigh in down 3.4 lbs. from last week.
    Congrats to everyone for having a great week.

  • posted by pkd2004

    Quick question. I realise I need some recipes for guidance. Should I get the new med diet book (does it do the low cal versions?) or the old 8 week blood sugar diet recipes book? Any experience/advice gratefully received. Thanks

  • posted by alliecat

    Happyitsworking, you are “rockin” this! Your username is perfect 🙂 Cheers!

  • posted by Mylastrolo

    Weighed in this morning, -5.4lbs, so that’s -11lb over the last 2 weeks! I have a lot to lose though and I know it will slow down, but this is the most I’ve lost at the start of losing weight and I’ve tried many diets many times lol.

    Great reading all the positive posts 😊 Good luck for the coming week.

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