Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by SunnyB

    Snap, sunshine-girl – I too am planning another wardrobe clear out. With luck I’ll have time for that sometime next week.
    Verano, pleased that you are still with us and that things are resolving themselves for you. Great that you are refocusing and getting back on track.
    Have had another okay day today. Still have a couple of things to do tomorrow prior to my folks arriving, but largely everything is in hand. Anyway, here are my positives for today.
    1) Few batches of laundry done whist our solar panels were generating well – thanks to a lovely sunny day.
    2) Cleaned out the log burner and reset it, ready for the onset of the promised cold snap next week.
    3) New floral trousers arrived today and I’m itching to wear them – tomorrow maybe!

    Not sure if I’ll have time to post over the next few days, but I’ll look in when I can. Hope you all have a good w/e, with lots of positives.

  • posted by marie123

    Esnecca, Yes, that’s exactly what happens. My fingers turn white and feel completely dead, then, as you say, they become so painful. Funnily enough, I’ve just been reading some stuff on the internet where they advise wearing mittens for the reasons you give. Gloves keep the fingers isolated from each other so they get cold quicker and then stay cold, while mittens do a better job because they keep the fingers together. I never knew that…… So, mitts it is then; I’ll just have to ignore the fact they’ll make me feel about six.

    Sunshine-girl – thanks for the heads-up about Amazon. I’m also going to have a look at the thinsulate gloves. I’m involved in a bit of local community campaigning at the moment and passing a pen to people to sign a petition while wearing mittens could prove to be a bit tricky.

  • posted by Theodora

    Lots of lovely positives today, including thinsulate, which I’m a big fan of.

    My positives……
    1) Went for a 2nd viewing of our possible new “downsizing” house, and we both liked it even more than we had on the first viewing.

    2) If an offer is accepted, we know we’ll have to get rid of a lot of furniture but we have some beautiful pieces and a few family heirlooms which are totally non-negotiable. Took measurements with us and, apart from one piece, which we still have a query over, the smaller house could accommodate them all.

    3) Met a new potential dog-sitter (my boys don’t do kennels) and he loved theme both and seemed totally unfazed by their over-exuberant personalities.

  • posted by caronl

    How nice, Theodora, that you are another step closer to the new house. My positives so far today:
    1) I am enjoying a newly-cleared hall after a successfully declutter this week and even managed to make some money in the process.
    2) Had a lovely visit to the local market and bought fantastic avocadoes, peppers, plums, rocket, grapefruit etc all for the princely sum of 8 euros. Not all for me of course!
    3) Another glorious blue sky and bitterly cold. Just think of all the bugs that must be perishing as a result!

  • posted by alliecat

    ‘Afternoon, All. I don’t recall who it was that had the idea to revive this thread, but it was a positive in and of itself,
    so again, big thank you!
    My positives the yesterday…
    1. Saw my dr. for pain management check-up (just routine) and for the first time in 20 years, he cautioned me
    to be careful AGAINST losing anymore weight, and wasn’t happy to see that I’m down a few more pounds ๐Ÿ™‚
    2.I’ve resisted taking prescription meds for sleep, but I finally agreed since I’m awake for good, every morning at
    3:30am. Last night I slept straight through for 7 hrs! Don’t want to become dependent though, so probably will
    only take the tablets once or twice a week?
    3. I was in the vicinity of a whole foods market yesterday, and I found grassfed Bulgarian yogurt. It’s very tangy,
    quite dfferent from my usual greek yogurt, but WONDERFUL! Sorry I only got 1 qt!
    Wishing all you positive people a great weekend ๐Ÿ™‚


  • posted by alliecat

    Oh, and here’s a british expression that I don’t think was on the earlier lists but is one that I particularly enjoy

    “bone idle” – lazy!

  • posted by Flick

    my positives –

    1. Beautiful steady rain here, I can here my poor heat stressed garden breathing sighs of relief
    2. finally tried some organic goat milk kefir – totally delish, so
    3. I’ve purchased a kefir starter kit along with some top quality milk

  • posted by JGwen

    My positives.

    1. Have reached the point that when dressing for a meeting I don’t have to reach for a baggy jumper and can get out of my uniform of jeans and baggy sweatshirt intended to hide the layers of spare tyres. – Theres still a spare tyre to get rid of but there isn’t one hanging over the top of my jeans anymore.

    2. Was kicking myself for not getting more use out of some expensive clothes I had bought which are now going to be too large, but realised I was being silly. Its not like when things no longer fit because they are too small, when too large I can take them in. Time to blow the dust off my sewing machine.

    3. Not yet at the place where its time to celebrate with some new clothes, but its time to look for a replacement car and I find I don’t want a bland – will do the job of getting from A to B replacement, – there are so many silver and grey cars up for sale with grey cloth interiors, which is what my last two cars have been, this time I want to go back to a bright car with leather seats that’s fun to drive.

  • posted by treelady

    Well, some positives from the last couple of days –

    1) We have beautiful cold, crisp, frosty, blue sky and sunshine days at the moment – certainly makes you feel great to be out and about in it.
    2) I had a team of very fit, attractive tree surgeons come and cut down all the horrible over grown conifer trees from the back garden on Friday – now the back of the house and garden are flooded with light.
    3) Caught up with a good friend on Saturday and was quite easily able to say ‘just a coffee for me, thanks’ without a second thought on the cakes on offer.
    4) Off outside this afternoon to finish raking up the fine twigs and then I can sit on the patio (very well wrapped up) and enjoy my suddenly massive garden, soak up the winter sun and start planning what I will be able to plant and where.
    : )

  • posted by Esnecca

    I had a lovely day yesterday with my parents, so here are some positives from a few hours late:

    1) My OH surprised with the sweetest, most loving toast before we ate lunch and I think my parents were genuinely touched. My mother had told me when we made these plans that they didn’t want to be presumptuous because we hadn’t invited them down here, we’d only gone up to see them, but that was just because we wanted to spare them the 45 minute drive, not because we didn’t want to do things with them in our neck of the woods. OH’s toast was about how they have an open invitation to come see us anytime because we love spending time with them wherever we are. ๐Ÿ™‚
    2) We visited a fish market we’ve never been to before that I saw advertised in the paper. It’s a tiny hole in the wall on the marina in a neighboring town and it had the most gorgeous fish and the most reasonable prices I’ve ever seen. We got a beautiful and huge haddock for less than five dollars a pound! My father was thoroughly impressed, and he is not at all easy to impress.
    3) My mom and I conspired to get my dad a new pair of running shoes for Christmas and he wore them for the first time on this visit. I wore s vintage silk shirt of his my mother dug up from the dark recesses of their closet last month. We both looked awesome in our new/old duds. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by Theodora

    Aww, lovely positives, Essie – so pleased your Dad’s shirt has had yet another airing too.

    My positives…………

    1) The weather is just glorious, very cold, crisp (very hard frost this morning) and sunny – a perfect winter’s day.
    2) I bought 2 beautiful snow white hellebores which I intended to plant in the garden, then decided to keep them in pots just in case we do move house, so that I can take them with me.
    3) Just bought tickets to see our eldest granddaughter sing in a charity concert that she and some of her talented friends are organising in aid of “Period Poverty”, because they are so very shocked that such a thing exists in 21st century Britain, as indeed we all should be! So proud of them.

  • posted by JackieM

    1) two separate people liked my jumper – which is not the one i posted a photo of yet another one. In fact, another person commented on my other jumper worn below the first one (I took top layer off for half an hour) – yes, it is somewhat fresh here!

    2) for the 900th week running OH made roast dinner for me to come home to

    3) daughter was v sweet to son and offered to play board game with him. He screwed it up by being cheeky to me and is now upstairs having an early night, but was pleased she tried to accommodate him when we were fed up with him. Time was sheโ€™d have tried to pour fuel on the flames (heโ€™s doing enough of that himself)

  • posted by SunnyB

    Just a quick post. Have visitors with us at the moment and so time to review posts and post myself is very limited, did want to contribute a few positives though.

    1) Lovely evening and meal out last night.
    2) Lovely afternoon with family, very relaxed with lots of laughter.
    3) Enjoying spending time with my parents and celebrating my Mum’s birthday today.

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning. Lovely sunny, cold, crisp day here today. So for my positives over the last few days ……
    1. Lots of socialising with family and friends over the weekend.
    2. Caught up with my washing and today will sit and iron watching the sun shining but in the knowledge that itโ€™s freeeeeeezing out there!
    3. Have decided to sign off from the boards for a while. Just busy at the moment and feeling a little โ€˜staleโ€™. So. If Iโ€™m not back before you go away SunnyB, sunshine-girl and Theo hope you all have great trips. Hope the house moving goes well,Esnecca and Theo hope yours comes to fruition. To all my โ€˜friendsโ€™ I wish you continued success with BSD and Iโ€™ll be back ….. one day. Keep positive!

  • posted by Marsie

    Just dropping in here to wish you well, Verano, while you take a sabbatical. You’ll be missed. Personally, your support has been invaluable and as you show such good sense in all your writings I’m sure that same good sense will see you through the things you need to do for yourself. I’m still fully admiring of your journey towards your good health and how exciting it was when you were able to go off all your medication. You have achieved much. Congratulations. Come back when and if….๐Ÿ™‹xx Marilyn

  • posted by SunnyB

    You’ll definitely be missed, V, but I hope you will soon be feeling refreshed and ready to join us here again. Meanwhile, be kind to yourself and take the space and time your need and deserve.

    Our visitors are still with us so I’m only here briefly myself again today, but I will post some positives:
    1) Made a yummy beef casserole for dinner this evening.
    2) Have stocked up on veggies, in case the ‘beast from the east’ does it’s worst and getting out to grab essentials is hindered.
    3) Very much enjoying the glow of the fire I have blazing in our log burner right now.

  • posted by Flick

    Also stopping by the say special cheers to Verano. I want to send my sincere thanks for for time you have taken to share your experiences and ideas and general support to the stream of new starters who have come after you. Sincere thanks for your generosity and warm best wishes from one of ‘friends’.

  • posted by Verano

    Thanks girls! Hasta luego……

  • posted by Theodora

    Hasta luego, V – take care of yourself, and hope to see you again before too long.๐Ÿ˜˜

  • posted by Verano

    Iโ€™d hate for anyone to think Iโ€™m leaving this โ€˜way of livingโ€™ because Iโ€™m not and in fact, to end on a โ€˜positiveโ€™ note, I just have lots going on at the moment. We are off on a 5 week trip to the Far East next week and I wonโ€™t be able to weigh myself everyday, as I do, nor weigh or log food. So, I thought, rather than go โ€˜cold turkeyโ€™, Iโ€™d start winding down now! I will be back….. just not quite sure when ….

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Au revoir V, will see you again as I will also be still living the BDS way as part of my everyday life. Positives for me today
    lost 7lbs
    BG down to around 80 (4.5)
    just had my chiropody session and feeling light as air on my feet.
    A bientot (see you around)

  • posted by alliecat

    Wonderful, wonderful results, s-g! A bientot to you too. Hope
    to catch up with you after your break. You have been so
    generous with your knowledge and experience about T2D,
    and we will all carry it forward.
    Sincere thanks and best wishes,


  • posted by SunnyB

    Have a really wonderful Far East trip, V. Confess I’m a little envious, as that it a part of the world I adore. There’s plenty to do before a long trip, so makes complete sense that you would take a step back now. We will all be looking forward to seeing you back when you are ready, meanwhile, we will do our best to keep things ticking over.

    So, my positives for today:
    1) So far no snow of note, but it looks like things are going to get rough in our little corner of the world in the next couple of days.
    2) My folks got safely home, despite a road closure and snow at the home end of their drive back.
    3) Have made a decent dent in the admin work that has been side lined while my folks were visiting.

  • posted by Natalie

    I had a wonderful positive yesterday. Since I tore my left shoulder around six years ago I havenโ€™t been able to reach behind my back to do up my bra (I can undo it with one hand) so always had to either get husband or child to do it up for me, or put it on backwards and wriggle it around. And because of the hassle I havenโ€™t bought a new bra for a very long time. I knew my shoulder was gradually improving but wasnโ€™t quite there yet but…
    1) yesterday I went bra shopping and was able to get my arm up to do them up by myself! First time in six or more years! This is such a big deal for me.
    2) Two lovely new bras that fit me!
    3) Today in class we were given an exercise to practice brainstorming and โ€œmind-mappingโ€ and my group was given the random topic โ€œdiabetesโ€. Lol. I had gestational and have pre-diabetes and have done so much research and of course have spent a lot of time here. I had to button my lip and let other team members make some suggestions, I could have done the whole thing by myself and written a thesis! Of course that wasnโ€™t the point of the exercise….

  • posted by Flick

    Hi Natalie, great news about your shoulder improving and yipee for new bras. I swear if I ever find one that is a comfortable fit (and pretty but I will settle for comfortable) I will buy the company!

    Bye Verano, I just cannot get over the term Far East. It makes me smile and smile. For me the Far East is the US or South America. I adore Asia and spend all my travel budget diving there. 5 weeks must mean a stupendous adventure! Bon voyage.

    Here’s my one positive – but it is big …

    1. Today the physio has added some strengthening and resistance to my exercises! I’m thrilled as it is a big step forward in getting back to normal activities. A couple of months and hopefully I’ll be back at Body Pump and Balance classes (my diminished derriere assets could certainly do with toning) and maybe even donning a backpack!

  • posted by alliecat

    Nathalie and Flick, it’s great to hear that you both are seeing so much
    improvement! I see such a difference in the ease with which I can do
    the simplest of tasks, that every day is a miracle. This is the smallest
    and silliest of positives….
    I was at my doctor’s office for a routine check up the other day. His
    examining table is rather narrow, so he customarily puts his hand out
    to help me sit up. This time I waved him away, and said “Take a look
    at this, Phil!”, and I executed a perfect sit-up, unaided! We both laughed
    in delight.
    I warned you that it was “small” ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by SunnyB

    Great news about the shoulder, Natalie and the bras too and well done on those exercises Flick. And whilst you might think that sit up small beer Allie, it’s really quite something and you have every right to be proud!

    For today, my positives aren’t huge, but they are positives:
    1) A bright and sunny day, despite the very low temps.
    2) The kefir grains I’ve been trying to reactivate, seem to be on the right track now.
    3) Almost at the end of another 24hr fast, as things got a little hinky over the w/e and I needed to get back in full control again.

    Finally, happened on this quotation today, which I thought worth repeating:
    “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
    Attributed to Margaret Mead (American Cultural Anthropologist)

  • posted by SunnyB

    Snowing steadily here and this type of weather is by far my least favourite – actually, let’s call it like it is, I loath and detest it!!! However, there are still some positives to be had.

    1) Have a lovely fire going in the log burner.
    2) Thanks to my 24hr fast yesterday, weight-wise I’m back to where I was before the indulgences of last w/e.
    3) Had a lovely video chat with our youngest grand daughter, whose school is closed today.

  • posted by treelady

    Hi SunnyB,
    snap – we’ve got the log burner going too.
    Blinking freezing here near Abergavenny (-5c feeling like -12C according to the BBC), so not many positives for today.
    One big negative is that the outside below ground mains water pipe has frozen, so no running water for us. Ho Hum.
    1) But the positive out of that is meeting some lovely neighbours whom I’ve only said hello to in passing, as they’ve dropped by to say we can pop in and use their showers if the pipe doesn’t thaw out today.
    2) Despite the cold and huddling together in the chicken shed, my chucks have still produced two lovely fresh eggs today.
    3) Counting breaking the ice on the water butts and carrying in wood as my exercise for today.

  • posted by JGwen

    Like you treelady, the water supply to the house is frozen, but one of my positives is having a very large water tank in the loft, so hopefully I will be able to keep on getting water to the animals until it thaws.
    Guessing that the water pipe would freeze I filled up the kettle and some other containers with water so I should have enough drinking water to keep me going with hot drinks for a few days.
    Have lots of filing to do, which is helping keep me warm. All paperwork I do not need to keep gets added to the fire.

  • posted by treelady

    Hi JGwen,
    thankfully the temperature rose in the night (only -3C instead of -5C!) and the snowfall blanketing the ground did the trick in thawing out whatever bit of underground pipe outside had frozen – so we were woken this morning by gurgling and banging pipes at about 5am.
    So first positive for today – 1) running water and a nice hot shower.
    2) Beautiful shaped snow drifts sculpted by the wind
    3) Learning that stick insects live and survive in Cornwall
    Hope your water supply pipe unfreezes soon – at least going back and forth with water for the animals counts as exercise.
    : )

  • posted by Theodora

    Haha, treelady, so pleased that hearing about my stick insect colony proved to be a positive for you๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ

    Even more pleased that you now have running water again. Hopefully JGwen has too.
    My positives………..
    1. Though we are snowbound, at least we still have running water (touching wood here)
    2. The snow is of the “dry powder” variety, so at least the dogs can run around in it without forming huge iceballs around their feet and legs, which they always do when snow is “wet” making it difficult for them to move, and almost impossible for me to defrost!.
    3. Whilst the increased offer we made on the downsizing house of my dreams hasn’t been accepted, at least it has not, as yet, been rejected. So keeping fingers and everything else crossed (sadly there are 2 other offers on the property) and really trying to stay positive on this one.

    Have a good day, everyone, and for those in the northern hemisphere, stay warm and safe.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi guys.
    No snow here but I have never known such strong winds.
    My positives are :- The lack of snow means that sheep can graze.
    Water supply still frozen, but the ground isn’t covered with sheet ice so not so hard to carry water round.
    My electric supply still working, I was not the only one glad of my electric blanket last night, my elderly collie was very content to spend the night under the duvet sharing the heat from it.
    Can’t check weight today, too cold to stand around on scales even when central heating running.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Great to see that despite the inclement weather here in the UK, we are still managing to find some positives – especially those who have had frozen pipes etc.

    We have only had a tiny bit more snow today, but did have some freezing rain, so everything is now icy, including the top layer of the lying snow. OH says it wasn’t as cold out today, as the wind was not as keen – me, I’ve been in hibernation and have only opened the door to throw out some bird food and take a few photos. My positives for today are:

    1) No reason for me to leave the house in this awful weather, so have been able to stay warm and cosy at home.
    2) Had a long chatty email from a close friend, which I enjoyed reading and replying to.
    3) Good chat with Mum, who called to see if we are snowed in.

    Have a good w/e everyone and I hope those who have been severely inconvenienced by the snow, will soon have their essential services back on.

  • posted by JGwen

    My positives for today are all weather related.

    The horses were not injured when some of the roof and wall panels were blown off their barn. They were obviously inside it at the time given how reluctant they have been this evening to go in for their hay. – Barns are easier to fix than flesh and blood.

    The roof panels blown off the hay barn, and the damage to the block built pillars are in the area where all the hay has already been used up.

    Have lost some tiles and ridge tiles off both my house and the holiday let, but no damage to the chimneys.

  • posted by Flick

    Wow that weather sounds pretty dire. Stay safe and warm you lot.

    Over here it is that beautiful change of season weather. Fresh, crisp mornings, quite warm days still and lovely cool nights, perfect for sleeping.

    1. I enjoyed a terrific evening out with a good friend, dinner then an Oceans Film Festival where I was thrilled to discover this fellow. Really inteesting back story, young coal miner, injured, ourchases camera to distract from tedious rehab. On whim buys an underwater housing for said camera and jumps in the ocean. For some years he continued on with a day job as a minor but then eventually took the leap of faith, resigned and set about earning his livliehood from photography. His photos are breathtaking –


    2. 3 days to go on BSD Fast800 for me so I’m feeling pretty chuffed at seeing this commitment through.

    3. My new strengthening rehab exercises are tough and take over an hour! Sigh, but I’ve managed 3 out of 3 days.

    Have a terrific, and warm, weekend everyone.

  • posted by treelady

    Hey JGwen,
    really sorry to hear about the barn roof, but so pleased the horses are OK. I lived in Kent when the 1987 storm came through, and we lost the entire roof and top half of a two storey ragstone barn with oak beams and clay tiles – the power in the wind is quite awesome sometimes. We had plenty of wind here yesterday, which has blown the snow into some fabulously shaped (and very deep) drifts across the road – they look like surfing waves in places.
    1) Managed to dig out the path around the chicken shed this morning, so they can at least venture outside and stretch their legs (tho not looking to keen on doing that at the mo).
    2) Weaned myself down from 5 cups of ready made satchet latte a day to two, will keep working at this.
    3) The snow is a perfect excuse to stay in by the fire and catch up on some reading.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Seems we faired very well in the bad weather, compared to those who have had barn roofs blown off and such. Hope the snows will soon be a thing of the past and you will all be able to get back to normal quite rapidly.

    Once again, my positives for the day are modest.
    1) Outdoor temp seems to be up a bit today, this and a light rain has encouraged a thaw to start – observed from the warm and dry indoors you understand!
    2) Made a small start on going through my wardrobe again and packing up some more clothes to take out to Turkey with us, to be passed on to villagers.
    3) Looking forward to a cocktail later this evening – just the one mind.

  • posted by alliecat

    Happy Saturday, everyone! I have so much empathy for all of you enduring storm damage, no heat, and
    frozen pipes! The most dramatic weather event here in New England occurred some time ago, when
    an ice storm shut down the state. I had no power or heat for 10 days, and daily temps -12C. As fortune
    would have it, o/h was snowed in somewhere in the midwest, so I had to manage on my own. Each
    day was spent searching for firewood and hauling provisions, nights spent within 3 feet of the fire, trying
    to cook in the fireplace. It was demoralizing seeing power slowly return to the surrounding streets, while
    I waited 10 days for the magic to happen on our private road. You could literally notice, out and about
    during daylight hours, who had power and who didn’t, by the level of crabbiness and disshevelement in
    the townsfolk!
    Flick, I’ve been mesmerized by the spectacular photography of Ray Collins. Favorite so far is “Green
    Claw”…I may need to acquire it ASAP. Thanks so much for the link ๐Ÿ™‚
    Hi, Sunny! I’m imagining that Turkey sounds very appealing at the moment. Will you have WiFi access
    during the extended trip? I don’t like to think of you being incommunicado for 3 months ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    On to positives….I had THE MOST marvelous skype session with Kazzi today! I feel like a child who
    has just returned from a wonderful birthday party..I highly recommend it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Keep warm, safe and dry, all!


  • posted by SunnyB

    Hey Allie – yes we will have wifi access and I will drop in from time to time, but I try to have a bit of a tech detox when we are away, so will only dip in occasionally. Will definitely keep in touch though, as I don’t like to be out of the loop for too long. Your report on surviving the big chill out there a while ago, made me feel quite ashamed for hibernating and relishing creature comforts during the bad weather here. I really admire your fortitude and determination during that difficult time.

    What fun to have skyped with Kazz and now be able to put a face to the name. It sounds like you very much enjoyed the chance to converse ‘in person’ for a change.

    Hope the rest of your w/e will be relaxing and enjoyable.

  • posted by KazzUK

    It was indeed Sunny, lovely to skype with Allie and weโ€™d have yacked even longer if my iPad hadnโ€™t started to run out of juice! I saw on the wall the most beautiful painting that Allie had done and she gave me a close up! Modern technology is a marvellous thing!
    My positive today is that Iโ€™ve subscribed to receive a monthly amateur gardening magazine! I need help but I am keen to learn, rather than just chop at stuff!
    Have a good Sunday!

  • posted by SunnyB

    My gardening knowledge is borderline too, Kazz. I can prune a rose and plant up a container, but amongst other things I have never been able to grown anything from seed. Although my gardening ability is limited, luckily my Mum is a very accomplished gardener, so I pick her brains when I have any gardening problems.

    For today’s positives:
    1) Learnt today that Turkish friends of ours, after 12yrs away, have recently moved back to the town where our apartment is, so we will get to see more of them when we’re there, than we have done in recent years.
    2) The thaw here has really set in. It rained quite heavily earlier but we currently have sunshine and bright blue skies.
    3) Very relaxing day doing nothing in particular.

    Hope you have all been relaxing and enjoying a good w/e.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Determined to keep the Positive Thoughts thread going in Verano’s absence, so here are mine for today and hopefully there will be others posting theirs for today too.

    1) The village hall hire income account for February, reconciled first time today….Phew!
    2) Only a couple of patches of snow left in the garden now and I’ve everything crossed that is the last of the winter weather here in SW UK.
    3) Started putting together the packing list for our upcoming trip – love a list!

  • posted by alliecat

    I love reducing everything to a list, too, Sunny. Nothing is more productive than going to sleep without
    everything dancing about in your brain! I always use a builder’s/carpenter’s clipboard. It’s one thing
    that I can’t misplace ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Verano

    Hi …… just want to say this is the only thread I still read!
    Please donโ€™t give up with three positives each day. I may not be contributing but I still so love to read all the good things that are happening for everyone.
    So I do have three positives today ……
    1. Finally finished ironing …. wow how good is that !
    2. Have really given up on a lifelong friendship because an apology is no longer acceptable.
    3. Lots of โ€˜finals โ€˜ so far but on a brighter note …. missing not being part of the community … so looking forward to getting back on track with you all in the near future.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Good to see you still around, V and pleased you are still finding positives. It’s sad when we have to call time on a friendship, but we have to do what is right for us and sometimes it’s the only true course of action.

    Have a good break and we’ll be awaiting you proper return when you’re ready to join us again.

  • posted by alliecat

    Oh, V., I can so relate to the painful experience of divorcing yourself from the influence of someone
    previously important to your life. It was with much sorrow that had to acknowledge that one of my
    sisters was abusive and simply too toxic to be around, and her conduct during a terrifying period
    of my life was unforgivable. Time has passed, and today I feel liberated from having to deal
    with her narcissistic personality disorder. Very sad, but sometimes these things have to done
    to maintain our own emotional health.
    I’m so happy to hear that you will soon be returning to us ๐Ÿ™‚ Treat yourself with the love that you


  • posted by SunnyB

    Allie, I’m estranged from my sister too, as it was just too hard to maintain a relationship with someone as toxic as she could be. It’s sad to say my life is much easier without her in it, but there is no denying the fact. Not having to deal with her negativity and desperate need to be the centre of attention, no matter what the situation or how it has to be achieved is – as you said – liberating.

  • posted by caronl

    Hi Verano! Glad you are following this thread. My positives:
    – I have ridden my bike for the first time in 5 years.
    – I can get into my size 14 trousers – not yet a pretty sight, but going in the right direction
    – Looking forward to a lovely coffee with a very good friend in 20 minutes time.

    Have a lovely day everyone.

  • posted by Verano

    Sorry to hear about your relationship with your sisters Allie and SunnyB. It must be even harder when you become estranged from a sibling than it is with a friend. Painful either way …. just have to keep looking for the positives!

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