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  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    You certainly brought your A game that night, then?? Very classy.

    I’ve never had Mongolian food, but if it’s leek based then I’ll give it a miss. At the end of the day, I’m Welsh, be a bit like a busman’s holiday really. Or busman’s meal.

    Trolls, like those ugly plastic things with a shock of garishly coloured hair?

    Well, it’s just cooling down, my allergies are flared up, I’m sweaty, snotty and I’m going to bed. Night night lovely ladies I will catch you in the am. Hopefully 99. something kgs!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Well ๐Ÿค— This morning I hit not only one but two goals! I am now under 100 kg AND I have hit my 2 stone lost mark today!!! It has taken me 40 days ๐Ÿ˜‡ Smug mode is well and truly activated, the cape of smugness is on, a pot of hurrah is brewing if anyone wants to join me! My next mini goal is losing another pound or so to get my BMI under 40. Then onwards to two and a half stone. Will I get it before my 8 weeks is up? Who knows. Doesn’t matter though because I’m sticking to this now, IT WORKS!!!! ๐Ÿ˜

  • posted by Epspecially

    Yayyyyyy!!! Congratulations Lucky!!!! Great work ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    yaaaaaay, capes and robes DONNED for smug celebration! Have you tried the butterfly dress on to see how it fits?? Am so pleased – you’re a trail blazer for this WOE ๐Ÿ˜€

    It’s terribly hot here. If the boss wasn’t in I’d be in me vest and pants!

    Breakfast tribulations this morning as the fridge and cupboards are largely bare until the Ocado delivery tomorrow. Realised the only thing I could have was mushrooms and eggs, and had about 4.1 nanoseconds to cook and eat them! Consumed and legged it out the door, 10 mins late for work but never mind!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Thanks Eps ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m chuffed to pieces! It’s gloriously sunny now but with a nice breeze. Had a mahoosive thunderstorm last night, still going past 6 this morning, so the air is clear. It’s hot but nowhere near yesterday, which was ridiculous. Decided on burger salad again (lol) with one of my flat baps underneath it. Going to really push on in the house today, it was just too hot yesterday to do anything at all. My half hour treadmill walk really took some doing. Hopefully today it won’t be as galling ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Janeyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! I tried it on last Saturday after I’d weighed and threw tape measure across the room. Fits better. Still look like a sack of spuds in it, but a sack of spuds after about a fortnight’s use of said spuds. So an improvement, but not wedding-worthy yet. Might not be wedding worthy in time, but at least I’ll be able to hopefully go to a ‘normal’ shop and buy a dress this time! My last wedding I had to wear trousers and a top and I looked like I was going out for a casual meal, everyone else looked lovely in their pretty dresses and suits. I was nearly 19 stone then though. Wedding is on 17th September so I think that’s eight weeks on Saturday. Be great if I could lose another stone by then.

    Yikes, have you got anything in for tea tonight??

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Grr it lost my last post!

    8 weeks till the wedding.. you could have lost another 2 stone by then! Don’t buy a new dress yet!

    Think I have chicken skewers for dinner, with salad or veg and chickpea wraps to save the day! I’m generally ok on dinners (can rustle up a meal from things I forage from the freezer, fridge and cupboards), it’s just breakfast that I struggle with, especially when I’m trying to get my heat lethargic son out the door for the last day of school! Honestly I’ve never known a child so grumpy from the heat!

  • posted by Epspecially

    Yum mushroom and eggs are delicious together though yum Janey.

    Very exciting then Lucky, you’ll find a gorgeous dress to wear this time (maybe the butterfly one even) and you’ll feel fabulous!! I must keep reminding myself about that for the wedding I’m going to in September too – can’t wait.

    You beat me on the steps yesterday – I had plans for walk after the freeezing sea swim but didn’t happen as there was too much chatting. ๐Ÿ™‚ Swimming counts too though and surely cold water burns something…not to mention the chats!

    New plan is to go to the library and get a new cookbook later. I have loads already but think someone mentioned the more cookbooks they have, the less they cook! that seems to happen to me too… Saw a spiraliser one so think will get a loan of that and then pick some recipes that fit each week. Libraries are great! I should use more…

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    No, I know Janey, who knows what could happen between now and then. I’m going to leave it until last minute, I know I shouldn’t but pffffffffffft. Haha, those teas I call ‘freezer gravel’. Where everyone has a completely different and utterly random tea, of all manner of meat,fish and breaded chicken (or at least we think they are because I have a habit of decanting odd bits from bags into clear freezer bags, is it chicken? Is it scampi? Try it and see!).

    It is I with the collection of cookbooks and the more I own, the less I cook Eps lol. Have you got Kindle App? It’s worth checking what’s free on Amazon if so. Just put in low carb recipes or spiraliser recipes and then hit the results to show you cheapest, and there may well be some free on there. I have Kindle Unlimited which is really handy and worth it if you spend more than ยฃ8 a month on books, and the way I look at it now, is it’s ยฃ2 a week. It’s not even a glass of wine, is it? I don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t go out, don’t splurge on clothes, and I’m not buying junk food any more, music and books are my loves, so it’s a small price to pay. But agreed, we should use libraries more, we’ll be moaning when they’re closed… I just love the convenience of ebooks. Plus – I hate getting rid of books as I get attached to them, and small house, so this way I don’t have to store them ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’d say you did better than steps, and yes, chatting works the jaw, will stop you going jowly ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    I loved libraries as a child and teenager.. was always lurking about the shelves.. would read anything that took my interest! I am probably a qualified surgeon, psychotherapist and architect based on my voracious reading. In recent years my visits are less frequent, possibly due to the availability of E-books and Amazon prime fast deliveries! I would much rather read a proper book, but I agree, Lucky, there’s just not the space to keep them. I had to get rid of 3 or 4 big boxes of books after I sold my bespoke 6ft long bookcase (too big for the house..)

    I’m also an avid collector/non reader of cookbooks.. guilty as charged! Hence, Fearne is on my sideboard, unsullied apart from the cottage pie recipe (and we all know how that turned out!). I downloaded a few paleo/low carb/coconut/almond flour recipe books that were free on Kindle. There were a handful of useful recipes and tips to be had. Otherwise Elana and he Wholeheartedly Healthy bird are giving me (dubious) tips!

    Freezer gravel… muahaha.. break out the quorn ‘fish fingers’! No one likes them AT ALL. They smell like grannies’ knickers!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    I used to go every Saturday morning without fail (until I discovered sex and drugs and rock and roll. Ok, ok, snogging and snakebite and rave music… and then Saturday mornings were spent working and hungover instead). I remember being really into Sweet Valley High.

    Oh God, the thought of Quorn makes my hackles rise, I’m sorry if I offend any vegetarians here but I find the idea of Quorn as offensive as you probably find meat. If I had to eat a vegetarian diet then it would be just vegetables and pasta and rice and stuff like that. Actually, I did eat a vegetarian diet and it WAS just vegetables and pasta and rice and stuff like that. Add to the mix that I don’t eat cheese = crap veggie. No wonder I put on 10lbs. Not the best ‘diet’ I’ve ever been on. Won’t ask how you know what grannies’ knickers smell like…

  • posted by Epspecially

    oo yes, though I like Kindle for normal reading, I just cant get head around the cookbooks on it. Seem to spend my whole time scrolling backwards and forwards and cant see the whole of the book in my head and it disturbs my brain :-))) I like cookbooks I think, the nice thick paper and cool photos – maybe more for the niceness of the book than the actual recipe info!! Funny. I have you lot for keeping me up to date with the online stuff anyway ha ha ha. Elena is good though a bit annoying sometimes – like what’s Celtic sea salt??? ha ha ha… They all seem to have their fascinations – think with the Hemsley ones it’s cauliflower which is ok cos I can say ooo me toooooo :-).

    Freeezer gravel hee hee – yes I do that with the bags Lucky – and soups that you’re not sure what’s in it until defrosted:-))

    Currently working on getting Oh to join in eating plan – he’s healthy enough as he is but I think he’d really like it if got into it. I’d love another guinea pig anyway – it’s so interesting watching what happens physically and mentally.

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    I’d like to get my OH to try it for a few weeks, but he is panicky about not being able to obsessively eat ham rolls for lunch every day at work.. the nutcase! He eats a version of the BSD for dinner, and for brekkie at weekends (you know, add a bit of toast, or rice) so he’s halfway there already.

    Celtic sea salt is just.. salt as far as I’m concerned. These women go a bit overboard at times!

    I don’t mind a bit of quorn Lucky. Quorn mince is often sneaked into the mix with normal meaty mince, either to stretch it further or make it lower cal. No one in my house can tell when I’ve done it… Muahahah. I don’t mind chicken style pieces either, although I don’t see why a veggie would want to taste something chicken-y! I have this argument with my sister, who’s been a terrible veggie for 30+ years. Doesn’t like potatoes, tomatoes, peas, pasta makes her ill, she has IBS etc.. I told her it was time to give in and eat a steak because her diet wasn’t making her healthy!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Definitely cookbooks are better in the flesh. Especially James Martin ones. And that bloke who makes pies. Andy something, those eyes! Swoon! Andy Bates. I would, anyway. At least once.

    Don’t know about the salt, I just use normal sea salt. There’s a salt local to me, called Halen Mรดn. Sometimes you’ll see it in foods, like crisps, in special editions. Those posh crisps as I call them. It comes to something when you have to start buying different salts, doesn’t it?

    I currently have a) red soup and b) green soup in my freezer lol.

    Has he shown any interest in joining you? The moment he does, pounce. Before he changes his mind ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m so glad hubby is doing this with me. I have to say, he’s a good egg like that. And at the end of the day, he’s not doing it for me, it’s benefitting him in the end. But it would be harder to do if I was watching him tuck into pie and chips and things like.

    It’s just the thought of it Janey, I am a bit funny about food in some ways, I’m very adventurous in one sense, but in others, if I’ve taken against trying something, there’s no budging me. And it doesn’t matter how many people tell me you can’t tell the difference, it’s lower cal, no. I can’t even think about putting it in my mouth, and if someone ever tricked me into eating it I’d be very cross lol. I’ll stick to veggies and lentils when I’m doing a spag bol ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Traffic light soup!!

    I sneaked lentils into the infamous cottage pie… ๐Ÿ™

  • posted by Epspecially

    hee heee – would Madam like the green or the red today? :-)))

    Pie man Andy :-))) Looked him up there as had never heard of him. I’m sure he’s a lovely man but he’s a bit skinny??? Needs to eat more of his pies :-))

    what about lean mince? That’s well worth the calories and protein and good fat, and v filling. I like lentils but like to be able to see them you know? No dissolved stuff…though maybe I should try that once and see – maybe then I could actually have a full portion of it.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    I had a friend (the keyword is had, as she was a nasty toxic piece of work and I set her free in 2008!) who was – so said she – diabetic, gluten intolerant, lactose intolerant. She was vegetarian, not because of ethical reasons, but because she ‘didn’t like the texture of meat’. I’m sure there was one more intolerant in there too. I say ‘so said she’ because she was so vain about her looks, it wouldn’t surprise me if she imposed these restrictions on herself to keep her figure. Caught her out a few times where she said she’d eaten such a thing. Plus she was a liar and a complete headcase. I remember her calling up to order a takeaway one day, an Indian, and she asked for – no word of a lie – ‘Vegetables, stir fried in their own juices’. How hubby and I kept a straight face is beyond me. What WAS the point of that??? Paying for THAT??? That’s not a takeaway? She could have gone to Tesco and whipped that up for herself in 3 minutes for about a quid! She was a bloody nightmare to cook for. But I did, every time. A two course meal every time.

    You think that’s what did it for the others? The Lentils? I love lentils. Lentil soup, mmmmmm.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Yes, I use lean mince Eps, and to be completely honest with you, it’s only in the last couple of months I’ve started using beef mince again. Remember the horse meat scandal? Well, for a long, long time before this broke, whenever I used beef mince, maybe once a week for a chilli or spag bol or lasagne, the smell of it cooking made me feel ill. It was disgusting. It didn’t matter if I dry fried it, or boiled it, it was awful. And I never bought cheap mince either, one thing I won’t compromise on is meat, I’d sooner have less of it and bulk it out with plenty of mushrooms onions and peppers. Always went for the premium one. So I gave up and went over to pork mince after a friend raved about it. We’re all used to it now, and I think it’s tastier anyway. Then the scandal broke and I’ve always thought… could that have been it? How did it go from smelling nice to disgusting all of a sudden? At the end of the day, it’s steak frying, how can that smell awful? The only thing that doesn’t really do with pork is shepherds pie or beefburgers (obvs!) everything else works a treat. But I am partial to a nice lentil bolegnese, if only I could find the bloody recipe for it! It was just as good as a meat one. If not better.

  • posted by tokyo14

    well huge congrats lucky !!! how good is that i bet you jumped off the scales kg is the way to go !!!
    my weigh in is usually thurs but putting it to fri with the weekend been a bit of a downer so fingers crossed but wont be surprised if this week it a non mover pop pickers!!!( sound ot top of pops music!!)
    i rate all these “celeb cooks” as dreadful really i like stealing bits and bobs from them and their books !!!
    not as hot today but last night was awful!!! ended up sleeping downstairs and even then too hot
    quick tea tonight cauliflower and paneer cheese cooked in a loyd Grossman mint and curry sayce not much sugar in it !! with the lucky wraps with added fresh mint yep get me paltrow has bugger all on me i tell you !!!!!!!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Hello Tokyo ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you my dear, I was doing a sweaty but happy dance in the bathroom! Couldn’t believe it because a sneaky weigh last night before bed (always gives me an inkling of if I’ve lost or not for the next day, don’t judge me, it usually works… ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) had me at 100.7kg. This morning I was 99.7 kg so I must have sweat a lot last night! It was shocking, but I slept through a massive thunderstorm until 5 am, then I closed my window as I could hear the rain hitting things in my bedroom, and went back to sleep until 8 (missed the alarm again!)
    I have a jar of that sauce Tokyo, picked it up in B&Ms a while back and not had a chance to use it yet. Let me know what it’s like.
    I reckon you’ll be fine you know, and remember, an official weigh day is a self imposed thing too! You might be the same on the weigh day, but a kilo down by the next day! Used to happen to me all the time in WW. Nothing on the day of class, but the next morning, I’d be down something stupid like 3lbs and I’d be hopping mad. Our bodies will lose it when they like, not when we want them to lol

  • posted by Marsie

    Well, Lucky Maneki, I think this is the second time I’ve said congratulations to you for a milestone moment. Heartiest congratulations and good wishes for further losses before the date you’ve set. I think you will look great, you have such a wonderful attitude.

    Before I visited GB for the first time a friend who still has her Lancastershire accent, despite being in Australia for more than 50 years (come to think of it, my dear old Nana who came out here after WW1 aged 30, died at 99 still as broad as could be), this is a terrible sentence, lol, I’ll start again. English born friend said I’d notice the heat more in GB than here in Perth and I think she is right. Felt sweatier at 25 degrees celsius in London, than 30 degrees at home…..who’d guess?

    Good luck again, am enjoying the joshing between friends on your page, it seems to help along the way so thanks all :):)

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Hi Marsie, thank you very much ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes, I think it is, and here we are many, many posts later! Taking it in baby steps, whatever else I manage to lose between now and the wedding is a bonus, but even if I didn’t lose another pound I’d still be at least 28lbs lighter than I was 6 weeks ago! And guaranteed I’d have put on a fair few more in the interim! I know I have a lot further to go than September though, this is going to be long term, well… this way of eating is hopefully going to be forever (with an occasional treat chucked in if and when I feel like it).

    Yes, I’ve heard a lot of people say that, I’ve never been abroad so I can’t comment, but I’m not a heat lover. So when I say that these foreign countries wouldn’t do for me on holiday, people tell me it’s a different kind of heat ‘over there’ than we have here. So I can well believe that you did feel sweatier over here! The thing is, there’s no warning for it over here, it’s all or nothing. My husband is from Lancashire and he’s been living here (Wales) since 2001 ๐Ÿ™‚ I think he hasn’t lost much of his accent but when we go to his family and I hear other people speaking, it’s amazing how broad they are in comparison to him. And I also find he slips right back into a broad dialect too, when amongst his own kind ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Oh it’s helping me immensely, I love the banter. You’ve got to have a laugh, haven’t you? Makes it so much easier when you’re facing a daunting task. And losing another 6 or 7 stone IS daunting! But I’ll get there pound by pound ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Give me Spanish or Greek heat any day over this! Preferably with a cocktail or cold beer!! Or sparkling water, for BSD purposes… ๐Ÿ™

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    I misread that and thought you’d wrote ‘sparkling waiter’ ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Just as good! No carbs, and lots of protein!!!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    My stomach is growling…

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    ..at the waiter?? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Nah, I’m just hungry…

  • posted by Epspecially

    Hee hee was just in the supermarket and was thinking about all you BSDers ๐Ÿ˜น Was like you were all there: No…put down that chocolate mouse, so not worth it… Ham? Great..but omg have they dipped it in sugar coating? ooo broccoli on special- grab it!!

    Anyway funny. Was also wondering how you got on with the hummus Lucky? Deliciousness??

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    That’s brilliant! ๐Ÿ™‚ Like three little angels sat on your shoulder haha. Come on Eps, you KNOW you can make chocolate mousse now out of avocado so… no excuse! Shopping with hubby now, his eyes light up, I look at packaging, shake my head sadly and he stalks off ahead sulking.

    It was ok… reminded me a little bit of peanut butter? I had it with celery sticks. I will try a plain one next time.

    Speaking of broccoli, I saw something on some site, I think it was Vogue, and I think it was those smug sisters and their ‘smart swaps’. Obviously the cauli rice came up but it also said broccoli rice! That’s the first time I’ve seen broccoli rice mentioned anywhere? I’d imagine that could be a bit less offensive than cauli, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, is it? Have you heard of it before?

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Would broccoli rice work? Aren’t the florets a bit ‘woolly’ for that? I can see that the stems would be OK! Ocado delivery due tomorrow morning. Restocked up on the BSD basics and some healthy stuff! My sis has an allotment and had promised me a narrow load of veg when I visit her down on the IW at the weekend ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

    Just gotta cobble together something for tea tonight…. ๐Ÿ™„

  • posted by Epspecially

    Ooo no, not sure I’d like broccoli rice but I guess will try! I like cauliflower rice baked in the oven because it’s crispy then, not sure broccoli would crisp would it? Ooo a new one๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

    Hee hee your poor husband, I am him ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป but talking to myself๐Ÿ˜น

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Yes, I suppose they are a bit. Not as much texture as cauli. Ooooh yes you’ve got a nice trip away haven’t you? What day is your birthday? I’ve been looking at the Nigella cake and I’m thinking about giving it a go for this weekend. Had my tea but still feeling a bit peckish, for a wonder. But I’ve only had my tea today so a fair few calories left to play with.

    I’m sure anything would crisp if left in the oven long enough ๐Ÿ˜‰

    So, you’re walking around a supermarket, looking sad and talking to yourself… riiiiiiiiiiiiiight ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • posted by Epspecially

    Noooo it’s all in my head๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    And I know people are thinking who’s that hottie ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    If it’s all in your head, then yes. But if you’re actually muttering to yourself, trust me… ๐Ÿ˜‰ Security will be aware of you *nods*

  • posted by Epspecially

    Oooo you should make crumble ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ I never have calories left over..

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Hahaha, I have such a mental image of you now Eps!

    My birthday is Saturday.. Yippee! Off down to the Isle of Wight on Friday evening to see the family (that’s where I’m originally from) then my OH is taking me for a trip to Brighton overnight on Sunday. So a long weekend for me! I’m trying the nigella cake on Friday. Fingers crossed!

  • posted by Epspecially

    Security should be aware of me anyway with the amount of veg in one basket ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • posted by Epspecially

    Oooo lovely Janey, hope you have loads fun. And tasty cake ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜ป

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    I think I have about 400 left Eps lol. Sorry! ๐Ÿ˜› Hubby has been muttering about crumble, he came back with a massive bag of apples today. He’s got an Aunt Bessies one in the freezer and he said he’d kill for it. I should go on treadmill, I’ve only done 2000 steps today! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ But I did do ironing. It’s nice and cool now, so I might go for it before I settle down for the darts and some reading. Don’t feel like cooking anything now, so I might have some greek and berries and some nuts sprinkled on top when I’m done. Can’t go wrong.

    Ooooh a proper weekend birthday, how lovely. And is overnighter child free??? I had two nights the weekend before my birthday and oh, it was bliss. I love my family to bits but spending 48 hours with just hubby was wonderful, just like the old days. Everything suited us, not the children. For once!

  • posted by Epspecially

    Ah you ll have to make him a crumble so! The poor man๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น

    I off to yoga but then walk definitely so keep up with the crazy supermarket lady Lucky๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    I guess it depends what SORT of veg your basket is filled with ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    Lucky, you may gnash your teeth in envy, but a lot of the school holidays are child free for me. I’m leaving my boy down with his grandparents on the IW and he comes home on 10th August! The following weekend we go to Devon on our hols, a week at home then he is off again with his dad and halfies for another week by the sea, in Norfolk. By then it’s back to school! So I get to be a grown up instead of a mum for a while and spend time with the OH and going out on school nights and crazy stuff like that!

    Just had a not half bad tea: chicken tikka skewers, left over quinoa warmed through with Harrissa, dollop of yog with cucumber and a single Wrap (leftover mixture found in fridge!) I put it all on my plate that makes meals look good!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    I’ll see how he behaves for the rest of the day Eps. Well, he did wash up so, maybe. Enjoy Yoga! I set treadmill on a one hour countdown (I don’t normally do that!) and although I was struggling at 30 minutes, I pushed on to 45 minutes as a compromise. I had my hair cut today, good job I didn’t have a blow dry, I’m saturated!! So my steps are 6415 for the day, and looking at calories burned, it’s 2114 for the day so far, so I guess I’ve covered my 400 eaten ๐Ÿ˜‰ And yes, I’m with Janey there. It DEFINITELY depends what vegetables your basket is full of… if it’s courgettes and cucumber and small marrows, I’d definitely shove a broccoli or some huge mushrooms in there…

    Janey that sounds lovely. I remember I could do that with eldest. Well, I still can, unfortunately it’s not him I need to get rid of. I can leave him behind to look after the house (and dry the dishes that he has washed in cold water, with a flannel!) Oh that sounds awful, doesn’t it? My inlaws have both passed away and my parents live two streets away so unfortunately my children don’t have novelty grandchild value. We usually have one overnighter a year without the kids, and that’s one night but I really pushed my luck as it was my 40th by having two. I justify this by not asking my parents to babysit AT ALL ever during the year. Like babysitting credits, if you like, save them all up for one go ๐Ÿ˜‰ You’re going to have a fab time, aren’t you? *Sniff*

    That tea does sound good. I could eat something again now. Go and do some greek yogurt and berries I think. When I can be bothered moving. Which I can’t. So, I’m not having it.

  • posted by Gymgirl51

    Well done ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Hey Gymgirl, how are you? How’s the back today? Are you taking it easy?

  • posted by tokyo14

    Good evening ladies
    this work malarky is getting in the way of my posts!!!! but here now !!
    have to say brocoli rice wtf really !! which one of those do gooders clean living lifestyle gurus suggested that was it paltrow or those sisters of heel the helmsley sisters !!!!!! i aint going down brocoli rice road its one push to far !!
    tea was excellant that curry sauce is lovely and cauli and paneer go really well in it i did have an oinion bhaji too as made some batter ladt night for lucky wraps but when came to use it tonight not playing it was like a gloopy mess so figure you cant leave it like a normal batter !!!
    i find when i am work i dont eat much just breakfast (yog and fruit) and dinner( cottage salad ) and 5 almonds if hungry !!! so managing well at work although today someone bought in cream cakes i did look at them but just looked have to say they looked better than brocoli rice !!!!
    hoping you have a great weekend janey and if you bake a cake make it work my nerves wont take another epic fail friday !!!!
    i am off to see my father in law on sat in durham hes in a nursing home bloody dementia its a pig !! this time i am going loaded up tv radio memory book i made him memory box full of goodies anything to make it feel like home , however OH mum always makes us have fish and chips for lunch !! so this should be fun shes ask me to get some if that ” funny vegertarian food ” as OH sister is going to be there and shes a veggie so going to good old m and s and get some goodies so may be able to avoid the delish and they are fish and chips !!!!

  • posted by Gymgirl51

    Fine thanks Lucky compromised on the no exercise by walking lengths in the swimming pool! And my offspring have offered to do any housework I want …..this may mean that my back is bad for some time !!!
    I’ve got myself a bit more organised today food wise after a couple of bad days so feeling more positive, breakfast and lunch for tomorrow all made ๐Ÿ˜‡.
    You should be so proud of yourself bet you will look fab at that wedding ๐Ÿ‘—.
    Keep up the steps x

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Evenin’ Tokyo! Good to see you ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad curry was nice, I’ll be more inclined to use it now lol.

    I think the broccoli rice was the Helmsley sisters, do I take it by your utter distaste that you won’t be trying it?

    I’ve never saved batter, I always cook it all, so that’s good to know about leaving it. Although, I have to say, I really have nothing to say to them after the event, they need to be fresh and warm for the meal. When I’ve eaten them cold if we’re out for the day, or I’ve frozen them and eaten them after, they don’t seem anywhere near as nice. Bhaji much better though, right? I’ve been eating poppadoms with my curry, I think it’s Aldi ones that are made out of lentil flour (some makes do have wheat flour in them but these don’t) and they’re only 34 calories or something ridiculous. 3g of carbs (which means nothing to me, if it’s good or bad?) but it’s nice having something with a bit of crunch in! Could almost convince myself I’m eating a massive plain crisp lol.

    Good for you for refusing that cream cake, that’s a smug star going on your chart for that ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Dementia is one of the cruellest things I have ever seen, without a shadow of a doubt. My Nain had it and to see such a strong independent woman become a shell was heartbreaking. Now and again there would be a flash of recognition within her but it would be gone as soon as it came. A memory box is a lovely idea ๐Ÿ™‚ Why don’t you just have a fish and pull the batter off? Slather it in mushy peas. Or tell ma in law that you’ve gone veggie too lol.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    That sounds good, Gymgirl, and low impact too with the water supporting you, good call ๐Ÿ™‚

    Christ, can we swap children??? Please???

    That is definitely the spirit, make lemonade from lemons etc! You’ve got a bit of time now albeit against your wishes, and helpers willing to help out so use it wisely, fill your freezer, meal plan ahead as far as you can. I try and do this and it’s half the battle. We never stick to it religiously, we do switch things around but it’s good to know that I won’t have a night where I’m thinking ‘Takeaway’. Like I did a few weeks ago when I made the worlds most awful curry. It was pink. And nutty. Like me. Don’t ask.

    Thank you very much, I am really proud of myself, but also it has been surprisingly easy too? It’s amazing, once you cut the carbs and the sugary junk out of your diet, just how much bang you get for your calorific buck isn’t it? I am looking forward to my friend seeing me, I was in a size 24 dress the last time she saw me. She’s a serial dieter too so she knows the struggle. Will try and do more steps tomorrow, but either way I’m doing better than I have done the last few weeks ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • posted by tokyo14

    its a bloody long day on sat think i will avoid fish as for me the batters the best bit !!
    my feet are throbbing tonight when i get paid next week i am treating myself to a pedometer thingy !!! i reckon i walk miles in a day certainly feels like it !!!!
    have you had anymore cinderella moments lucky ?
    i have a few items i may have a try on this weekend as not tried for a while
    tomorrows tea good old bacon and egg and black pudding toms and mushrooms !! you cant beat it !! like you janey waiting for morrisons van on fri with my goodies or shopping not so many goodies anymore i remember the time it was full of ” goodies”!!

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