Latest forum posts

  • posted by  ClarinetCathy on Starting in January 2017 – Anyone?
    on in Starting the BSD

    Theodora- with a bit of tweaking and a bit of fasting that 8 oz will be gone in two days and you can celebrate the end of round 2 like me. I, of course will be carrying on and I will be watching your posts very carefully for some top tips on maintenance. I haven’t even given that a thought yet but it is something I feel I need to understand before embarking on it. I am hoping to use more fasting I think when the time comes but will be interested to read your posts for advice. I really do enjoy following everyone’s journey.

  • posted by  Theodora on Starting in January 2017 – Anyone?
    on in Starting the BSD

    Well done Cathy, great to know you have ended round 2 with a full 2 stone gone ๐Ÿ‘Œ Well done you ๐Ÿ˜˜

    Well done also on never showing an increase – wish I could say the same. I have just come back from staying in rather a smart hotel for a family reunion (family over from Oz) with a “private dining celebration meal” for 20 and, whilst I tried to stay BSD friendly I did succumb to wine (planned). The dinner was roasted pigeon breast with salad, followed by an absolutely divine confit of pork belly, served with veg and dauphinoise potatoes (which I left on the plate, even though I love them) and I declined dessert. The next morning I had a small bowl of natural yoghurt followed by Poached Eggs Florentine (spinach), so good BSD foods. However, when I entered my foods into FatSecret, the pork belly alone came out at an eye-watering 80g fat and just over 800 calories! ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ญ So, after the scrummy breakfast, I fasted for the rest of yesterday, and only broke the fast this morning with 100g Fage yoghurt. But even so, and perhaps not surprisingly, I have returned home 8oz heavier. ๐Ÿ˜ญ I now have 2 days before the end of my 2nd round to lose that 8oz again, as I would really like to finish the 2nd round at my lightest, before going on to maintenance on Monday. Wish me luck on that ๐Ÿ˜›

  • posted by  Jannylynn on Started 2 weeks ago – advice please!
    on in Starting the BSD

    Thanks for the replies – I want this to be a long term thing too but the thought of counting ALL the time would do my head in. Sensible and balanced approach seems to be working then! I didn’t like the idea of the shakes – it was for a quick fix only, but could feel myself starting to obsess a bit…..

  • posted by  ClarinetCathy on Starting in January 2017 – Anyone?
    on in Starting the BSD

    Today is the last day of round two for me. Sixteen weeks following BSD and my total loss to date is exactly 28 lb. Today I weighed in at 10.7. I lost 1.5 lb this week. I am delighted that my mini goal has been achieved for round 2- a total overall loss of 2 stone. I am going on holiday in 6 weeks time and I am hoping to lose 7 lb before I go. I have incorporated some 16:8 and even 18:6 this week. I am going to get straight into Round 3 today and follow the plan until my holiday on 10th June. My plan is to stay BSD as much as possible when away and then get straight back to basics on my return. I still have at least one more stone to lose and depending how difficult it is to achieve might even try to lose a little more. I am hoping that by August I might be near to where I want to be weight wise. The process has been slow but very steady and I’ve never gained, but have often maintained!

    Thinking back over the last four months I know I have come a long way and I am so grateful to the girl I met at book club who casually told me her mum had lost two and a half stone in eight weeks following the BSD. I’d never heard of this way of life and now it is my way of life forever. I wasn’t even going to go to book club that night! I am so grateful to the support I have received on this lovely thread, your encouragement has got me through some difficult plateaus!

    Good luck to everyone on this thread- I am continuing my journey into Round 3 and will look out for you all. I will weigh in each Saturday.

  • posted by  maidyju on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Day 4 here and I have stuck with the program. Sadly my weight loss rate is way smaller than everyone else’s – I’ve lost 0.2kg per day….but at least it’s in the right direction ๐Ÿ™‚
    Since we are talking about weights, my starting was 62kg on Wednesday morning. I’m 61.4kg now ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  pod on Motivated March'ers
    on in Starting the BSD

    Mix match, you are full of useful info, trying to remember it all for when I go on hols tomorrow. I was dreading putting weight on, but now, reading all your info, I feel I may be ok if I’m really careful, and just don’t eat any of the rather lovely Turkish bread! I don’t have a sweet tooth so ok there,
    Thanks again for all your really useful posts

  • posted by  Nabs on Aloha kakahiaka!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Day 2 begins… not that anyone cares haha.
    I slept the worst than I have in a long time but I’m hoping that doesn’t make today a problem.

    It’s weird, not entirely sure why I slept so poorly but I’m guessing I’m just stressed and drained, sure feels like it. I’m really hoping this diet alleviates at least some of that. It’s very uncomfortable at this weight in my body; I’m really tired of carrying it.

    I can’t afford not to do this diet really. So today’s calories better be perfect or darn close.

  • posted by  poodlefrenzy on Motivated March'ers
    on in Starting the BSD

    Thank you Mixnmatch! Hadn’t realised that about water – drinking madly now. But I assume it is best to drink throughout the day rather than all at once. I will keep in mind the vision of replacing fat in my fat cells with water – what a great image!
    And I will hang on to the hope that things weight wise will get back to normal as I keep getting better and start walking again. Getting rid of my sweet tooth feels unlikely so good to hear it is at least possible. Ta

  • posted by  Mixnmatch on Motivated March'ers
    on in Starting the BSD

    Answering your last question first, water is vital to flush away the fat once the body has converted what it wants to energy. Part of this process involves filling up the fat cells molecule by molecule as the fat molecules are burnt, and then when that fat cell has no more fat, the ‘whoosh’ effect is where the cell collapses completely, removing the fat residue. Dehydration also tends to be a cause of water retention, somewhat counter intuitively, as the body will be reluctant to lose what it has. Regarding the ‘sweet tooth’ this is something that only time can address. Being totally sugar free is impractical, even some vegetables have sugars in, but if you can replace your sweet treats with berries or very dark chocolate, you will find that you may make the switch that I have where I now find many things I used to enjoy too sweet. Sweeteners should be avoided as well, although Stevia may be okay if you use this, as it causes blood sugar spikes and weight gain.

    Regarding being ill and putting on weight on 800 calories. It is likely to be water weight, unless too much of the sweet stuff has been creeping in. For what it’s worth, I always try to eat normally when I am ill, even if I lose my appetite, so I think you did the right thing, and when you get up and active again the weight gain should resolve itself.

  • posted by  poodlefrenzy on Motivated March'ers
    on in Starting the BSD

    Gosh it is so good to read these pages. I feel like I understand more each time. It is really clear that I am not being strict enough about how I am counting my calories so from tomorrow I will get more precise. Some questions please of anyone has answers?

    1. I am finding it incredibly difficult to stop sugar completely so every now again (but most days) I will have some – 1/4 banana or 3 (small) pieces dried fruit (sultana, cranberry, banana) or two squares chocolate. Not much and nowhere satisfies what I want (I used to eat 250g chocolate in one hit) but it helps me to feel less deprived. I think, however, that I can see my weight derailing when I have sugar (either increase or stable) despite low calories. Twice I have had much more chocolate than that (usually stress related). Am I supposed to be aiming to cease all sugar at all times?

    2. I have tried replacing these sweet things with a low calorie (70) stevia sweetened hot chocolate last things ta night to look forward to. IS this a satisfactory alternative or do I need to try to get off this too?

    3. I have been really sick (in bed sick) with a cold for much of the last 10 days and have made myself eat even when I don’t particularly want to assuming that was the right thing and have put on weight (I have hardly moved though). Not a lot of weight but up which is demoralising. Should I just eat fewer calories on low activity days?

    4. What is the role of water in losing weight? Is it about feeling full or does it facilitate moving food through (starting to have some trouble with this) or does it do something else?

    I’m sure there is heaps more I don’t really understand but one thing at a time I guess. Looking forward to hear what you have worked out.

    Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  sarahb372 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    (As we’re sharing – and I trust you all not to tell anyone (!)) My starting weight was 93.2kg. As you know the first 5 days were OK but it all fell apart over the BH weekend. Reading your comments and having this accountability got me back on track on Tuesday and so far so good. Got weighed this morning and I’m 88.1kg. That’s 5kgs lost despite the hiccough (& not to mention bananagate)! I am really happy with that.
    I’m off out on a bike ride now after eggs for brunch. Keep up the good work everyone

  • posted by  Mixnmatch on Still keeping calm and carrying on – year 2
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Nettle, I always use ‘fizzy water and clotted cream diet’ when people look at me eating it ๐Ÿ˜So much of my previous eating must have been driven by carb cravings, it is such a treat to be able to use cream whenever I want to without feeling guilty.

  • posted by  Mixnmatch on Still keeping calm and carrying on – year 2
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Fairyface, I haven’t tried with butter and cream, just with coconut oil and cream. Just having one now, as I have some Roddas to use up. I don’t tend to get a feeling of being peckish really, just the audible signal that my stomach has run out of food to process. I am still waiting to see if I get things back to normal with my hunger hormones eventually, but until then I just have to be careful not to over eat, or under eat, and this coffee certainly seems to help me not to overeat.

  • Hi Pod

    I’ve been reading a few of your posts. I had Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and eventually Adrenal Fatigue for nigh on 8 years. I had Thyroid Hashimoto’s thrown in to the mix and worked in the medical arena where little was understood about treatments. In 2015 I did find a great programme that reversed my problems within six months, then last year I randomly heard about this BSD, that has changed me more radically, I am not diabetic but this diet has reduced my raised Thyroid numbers nearly back to normal after all this time, I am not on any meds for it because I reacted so badly to any I tried. My gut feeling is that this diet is anti-inflammatory so all the overactive sites in the system get a rest. Anecdotal I know but results speak.

    My fav quote now is that I am so full of energy I am almost dangerous, I am 65 this year but feel like I did in my 20s. I can climb the local very high bit at will, do three aquafit classes a week and two Tai Chi classes, walk almost every day up to 4kms, sometimes more, no effort and no recovery time needed.

    I want you to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel….

    You are lucky to have an enlightened GP to work with.

    I will be following your successes here.


  • Hi Mx

    By now I trust the carb monster has been slain. It took a hike when you were out on the bike.

    He doesn’t show up here too often but if and when I feel it I try to listen to the old body…something will be outta kilter so maybe up the fats and protein just a bit. Lemon in warm water while I think about it helps too. Once or twice in the journey of over a year now, I have actually just taken in some extra carbs….the amount was controlled by the thought of being too fat again…..and I reasoned that sometimes, on the very odd occasion I may well need carbs. Usually, but not always, I choose the good carbs not the MONSTER carb variety of the past.

    Good luck. Do you want a copy of my spells book for wizards and monsters?


  • posted by  Merry90 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Congratulations on your weightless bathonian and SarahP. I have also lost 2 kg this week so very pleased too..i haven’t re-measured myself yet though as I don’t feel like I have lost but o feel inspired too now :). I had the salmon and egg stack from the meal plans that were on the daily mail a while ago (if you haven’t seen them then have a google). I made the chicken biryani last night and it went down a storm ( caulirice) of course.

    Have a good weekend everyone x

  • posted by  Nettle on Still keeping calm and carrying on – year 2
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Team

    What a treat to try tomorrow morning, adding coconut oil to my coffee. Last week I bought a special jar to eat rather than the bulk tub I have for cooking, the new one is extra nice and coconutty.๐Ÿ˜‹

    My friends never understand why I am the only one in the group having lashings of cream in my coffee when they have watched me shrink in the past year. I tell them it’s the fizzy water – double cream diet of course. I found on the weeks I drank sparkling water and used cream I lost more weight.

    Today I received the latest BSD recipe book to be going on with, I have two others which are well used, and often shared with interested parties, no reason to wonder what’s for dinner any time soon.


  • posted by  Nettle on Hello :-)
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi MixnMatch
    Congrats on the 25th SILVER anniversary. How great sliding in to your dress must have felt. Holiday success as well, what a year for you. We’ll done and aren’t we all lucky to have ended up here?

    I have maintained for just over 6 months, slight wiggle up now and then but within a 1kg margin of error as I call it and still 4 kg below what I’d set as a goal in March 2016. I enjoy all food I eat, never feel deprived, I too have a new life.

  • posted by  items4life on WHAT TO EAT FOR A STRONG BODY
    on in Starting the BSD

    Eat green
    Put more green color in meals. Green food (including vegetables, fruit, nuts, etc) is the main supply of cellulose which is good for peptics and cardiovascular as mentioned above. Eating more organic food also support for healthy skin. According to International Cancer Research Institute of WHO, meals with more fruit and vegetables are able to reduce risk of gullet cancer, lung cancer, larynx cancer, etc.
    Limit fat in daily diets. As study of scientists from Glasgow university, Scotland, fat in stomach may affect in losing anti-cancer of Vitamin C. According to BBC, research showed that Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) help clear cancer hazard compounds created when saliva and food was mixed with acid in stomach. Besides, exceeded trans-fat is proved to increase risk of suffering breast cancer, heart and blood diseases. Reducing fast food is the effective way to limit trans-fat incoming to body.
    Reduce sugar in meals. The sweet of sugar can cause addicted, it is proved that sugarโ€™s addicted ability is 8 times higher than cocaine. This mean the more you use sugar, the more you hunger for. Sugar is not only the main reason of toothache but also fat. Sugar contains many empty calories which increase weight quickly.
    Eat fresh and safe
    Fresh food is non-decocted food, vegetables, nuts and fruit which has not been processed. Eating fresh food is the best way to supply to body essential vitamins and enzymes which are easily destroyed in high temperature. Natural food enhances energy, release toxic out of body and losing weight is also a certain result.
    Restrain fast food. Many studies have shown that high rate of calorie and cholesterol in fast food can cause fat, melituria, liver diseases, etc. Over sodium saline when having fast food is the source of increasing blood pressure then leading to cerebral vascular accident. So much fat in fried food can also destroy skin and losing sense of taste.
    The most important thing to keep healthy meals is safe food. Unknown source food easily leads you to peptics troubles. In long term, unsafe food can cause many dangerous diseases like cancers, peptics diseases. Etc.

  • posted by  pysjai on Vibration Platform
    on in Fast Exercise

    Hi – Thanks so much for your reply. Hearing that someone else with OA is using a platform helps me to stick with it! I am planning to restart my biweekly (20minute, gentle!) swimming next week. Best of luck with your knee surgery.

  • I would have a look at your weekly average, if that is significantly below 800 then you are probably not getting enough protein or fat. If it fat you are short of try adding a couple of spoonfuls of peanut butter or a handful of nuts or seeds.

  • posted by  bigeater on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Bathonian

    Cron-o-meter is a website you can join to log in calories etc. It computes nutrients from your daily diary.

    Good luck!


  • posted by  Bathonian on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    SaraP you’re at a very similar place to me I bet you’ve lost round your waist too. I’d be interested to hear how you get on with the spiralizer, a colleague who is on week 9 (amazing shape change) uses his a lot and is thinking of buying one that can spiralize carrots and butternut squash, I grate everything at the moment.
    How are people measuring nutrients? I’ve never heard of a chronometer, I better google it.
    Breakfast time for me bacon mushrooms and tomato, well it is the weekend!

  • posted by  Doodledootoo on Started 2 weeks ago – advice please!
    on in Starting the BSD

    I’ve been doing this way of eating since November. Nearing 2 stone loss. Haven’t counted calories or carbs just following the med plan principles. I use some recipes from the books. I adapt my regular ones to be BSD friendly. Different ways work for different people. I want this as a long term way of eating for life hence why no counting. Good luck and there’s plenty of fabulous advice on here too just use the search field and you are sure to find some nuggets of information. If you need any help or support just ask!

  • posted by  SaraP on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Starting day 5. Very excited to have lost 2.5 kg so far even if most of it is water! Your waist measurement loss is fab Bathonian – I’ve not measured mine as I couldn’t find the tape measure. You’ve inspired me to have another hunt around.
    Did OK yesterday as I had a good dinner of a beef stir fry with yet more cauli rice. Will try to break away from cauli tonight as my spiraliser has just arrived…..
    Anyone else with vaguely crampy legs? I guess I need a bit more salt.
    Have a good weekend everybody

  • posted by  Bathonian on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Happy happy!!
    So yesterday was the first time I managed 800 calories (day 4) the others have been 1000 ish. I was proud.
    Weighed this morning I’ve lost 6.5 lbs (2.9 kg) so far amazing!!!! Also I just thought I’d see if the tape measure might show anything not expecting it to though, I’d lost 6 cms off my waist (if you’d call it that more like round the belly button ha ha!)
    I’m thrilled it certainly encourages me to stick with it over the weekend which is difficult when the family can eat anything and not get fat. I will be so tempted so I thought I’d make ‘Tasty chicken and veg ‘ from the website so I have something special too.
    Good luck for the weekend!

  • posted by  Nabs on Aloha kakahiaka!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Ok I’ve officially kinda demolished Day 1… in other words I ate close to 1800 calories.


    I am shaking it off. It won’t be the first time in my life I failed at something in the beginning. Tomorrow still counts as Day 2 in my book.

    For tomorrow my plan is to have veggies (riced cauliflower/broccoli/brussel spouts), salsa, almond milk (30 calorie variety), and protein– likely in the form of protein bar and/or fish . I also think saving most of the 800 calories for evening will be better for me.

    That’s it! Super sleepy. Night night.

  • posted by  1942desperate on Vibration Platform
    on in Fast Exercise

    Hi I was advised to use a vibration platform after a very debilitating hospital stay.
    I use it every morning and have found my balance and general ability to stand has greatly improved.
    I also have arthritis in both knees and need a double knee replacement which I am working towards so this is the only excercise I can handle at the moment.

  • I’m at week 2 of bsd and mixing and matching recipes to what I have in stock or eating Vietnamese pho or skinny eggplant lasagne ect 2-3 days in row ect for lunch /dinner to do this frugally too
    I’m averaging 800 most days
    But have noticed during last week I had 3 days of 520 cal,670 cal and 720 cal and I’m not hungry on these days and haven’t really smacked yet except the occasional boiled egg on a non egg breaky morning
    I’m hoping it’s a good thing after years of food abuse and I am obese so less isn’t going to hurt ? Is it ?

  • posted by  Falldown7times on Starting or Restart April 2017
    on in Starting the BSD

    I am really struggling today. Maybe the novelty is wearing off? I have a real temptation to just say “the hell with it” and go and stuff myself on something sweet and starchy. After all I am still fat and I have been doing this 16 whole days! I’m not hungry, just in a giving up danger zone. I am writing on here to try and talk sense into myself. Long term health and vitality! A bunch of flowers ๐ŸŒบ if I can make it to tomorrow! A miso sachet then some coffee and some Netflix.

  • posted by  Nabs on Aloha kakahiaka!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    @californiagirl aww yay!!! Hi there! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for your reply. I’ve been living in Orange County forever. Lol.

    It’s so good to hear that you’re happy with the diet. So you reached your goal after having been on the diet between February ’16 and summer ’16? Those are some great results! And you’ve been maintaining!

    May I ask how much weight you lost? (If it’s personal, I totally understand.)

    I’m finding, already, that I need to plan better and save more calories for later in the day.

    I’m already close to 1100 calories today… however I’m gonna keep going and count this as Day 1. Just gotta do better going forward.

    Also, cute name for your pup! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • posted by  Californiagirl on Aloha kakahiaka!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Aloha Nabs! Hello from your own state, California! I am a Bay Area northern Californian married to a Pasadena guy — I also went to UCLA and we have a son in Long Beach, so Southern California is my alternative home. Where do you hang your hat down there?
    I have been BSD’ing since I ran across the book in London back in February 2016 — reached goal last summer and just maintaining since. I hope your experience is as wonderful as mine — I have been so honored to meet all the great people from all over the world on this site — there is always someone to respond and I know you will enjoy great success.
    You will have to save up for a trip to HawaII as your reward for the BSD — I love Hawaii, so much so that we named our Australian shepherd, Kai Nalu, ocean wave!

  • posted by  sarahb372 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Today has been OK and I have felt alert rather than this time last week when I was feeling sick & drowsy. I have a longish bike ride tomorrow so will have to balance my fuel intake. I’ll probably have run out of calories by midday – if so, there might be a grumpy post tomorrow evening ๐Ÿ˜€
    I’m intrigued about what a chronometer is/does mixnmatch?
    I take an iron supplement (when I remember) but not looked at vitamins – I’m interested in what you all think/do.
    Nighty night x

  • posted by  Mixnmatch on Vibration Platform
    on in Fast Exercise

    I only used one once, while on a trial membership at a local gym, but I have no idea whether the benefits resemble HIIT. I would imagine it is a lot less impact and certainly likely to be more beneficial than doing no exercise.

  • posted by  Mixnmatch on Motivated March'ers
    on in Starting the BSD

    Well said, we all started out with this former diet ‘conditioning’ – fat is bad, eat less and deprive yourself of things you like is ‘being good’ This way of eating has been an absolute transformation for me, since all my favourite foods are staples, and I have realised that many of the carb rich foods I used to indulge in I didn’t even like, I just gave in to the cravings. Now I am out of the sugar trap I can indulge a little without giving in to the cravings when I recognise what they are.

  • posted by  Mixnmatch on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    I used one every other day, as per MM advice in the book. Seemed to keep cronometer happy and in the Green, I haven’t bothered since starting to eat more normally now I am maintaining and it is far more hit and miss on how green it looks ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by  Merry90 on Starting BSD
    on in Starting the BSD

    Bigeater, I was thinking of starting to take some multivitamins too.
    I have had another good day food wise and fitted in the gym plus 15,000 steps so feeling pretty good. I’m a bit nervous about the weekend though as this is when I usually go off the rails!
    I hope everyone else is doing well ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by  Phreckles on Motivated March'ers
    on in Starting the BSD

    Thank you M&M – you are the absolute BESTEST!!! Time to break out a notebook and PLAN!!! I think planning for the break will be much harder as it’ll change from day to day.
    Also, I’ve finally figured out that I’m slightly brainwashed – perhaps more than slightly. I’ve been equating “eating more” with how I’ve thought of that phrase for the past 30 plus years. You must NOT eat more: If you eat more you’ll get fat; if you eat more, it means you’re a glutton; if you eat more, it means you have no self-control etc. etc. For so many years, I’ve equated eating less with being GOOD and eating more with…..well, with being BAD!! It’s going to take me more than a few weeks to get rid of that mind-set I’m afraid. But, you’ve given me a template with which to work. Thank you again.

  • posted by  pod on 20th Feb Starters
    on in Starting the BSD

    I’m with you on the red wine Chelle1981, trouble is, I find it hard to stop at 1!
    Mixzmatch, what is PLJ?

  • posted by  pysjai on Vibration Platform
    on in Fast Exercise

    Has anyone used a vibration platform? I am aware that some gyms now have them available. Does a 10-minute standing session count as “fast exercise”? I am 73, suffer from osteoarthritis in spine, hips and knees. According to the NHS website, it looks like using a vibration platform can be helpful for OA suffered in increasing muscle tone, increasing joint flexibility, and somewhat decreasing pain. I have had a platform for several years, but I have rarely used it for daily consecutive sessions, so didn’t notice any effect. Decided to make a commitment to using it regularly. Did a 10 minute session – just standing – on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, I could barely hobble around. On Thursday morning, I seemed to be back to normal, so did a 10-minute session on Thursday and today. A bit of stiffness in my hips, but otherwise OK. I would be very interested in hearing your experience and views.

  • posted by  Chelle1981 on 20th Feb Starters
    on in Starting the BSD

    I e never liked sweet drinks or white wine much- unfortunately I like red wine a bit too much! Am being good until 20th nay when it’s a friends birthday and not drinking until then! Been good this week ( mostly) and stuck to fruit and yoghurt bor breakfast- salad at lunch and fish and veg or stirfry for dinner- was naughty today and had a cheese scone someone had made- delicious they were but bad- therefore skipping dinner tonight!

  • posted by  Mixnmatch on Started 2 weeks ago – advice please!
    on in Starting the BSD

    I believe many people have done that, and still lost weight well. I personally didn’t follow the recipes in the book at all, and just made sure I had enough protein and fat while trying to limit carbs. Either way works, but I preferred adapting the things I already made to starting with a recipe. I am not sure at all that shakes are a good idea in the long term, as they will not help you retrain your view of portion sizes or what to cook/eat going forwards.

  • posted by  Jannylynn on Started 2 weeks ago – advice please!
    on in Starting the BSD

    I am pre diabetic (42 mol) and have been advised by my doctor to lose a bit of weight, cut out carbs and exercise more.
    I am 5’9″ and weighed 10st 9lbs when I started this. So presume I am a TOFI, as the GP agreed I was not overweight.

    I read the book and started following the recipes, but have found some of them to be more calorific than stated.
    So I have got a bit paranoid (esp after a bit of a stall on the weight loss) and now started to replace some meals with Atkins shakes, and cutting down the amounts in the recipes when I do them.

    I am worrying that I am not getting enough protein if I carry on like this…. and maybe starting an unhealthy obsession.

    Has anyone purely followed the book with success, even though sometimes the calories will be wrong?

    Thanks for any input!

  • posted by  Mixnmatch on Motivated March'ers
    on in Starting the BSD

    I increased my calories by 50 calories a day, and didn’t put on any weight. My current plan which I will be using if I hit my trigger weight again, is to have an immediate extra fast day, followed by a 1500 day (my TDEE is around 2100) then 1550 etc. Climbing slowly then over three weeks to well above my TDEE (last time I hit about 2300 average without putting on any weight). It is perfectly normal for your weight to vary by up to a couple of kg just with water/glycogen and the whole digestive transit thing… Just don’t worry about it, and only if your weekly average starts to climb do you need to slow down the calorie increases.

    From 1,000 calories (assuming that is where you are now) I would try 1050, 1100, 1150, 1200, 1250, 1300 then another fast day. Next week would be 1350, 1400, 1450, 1500, 1550, 1600 fast day. Then 1650, 1700, 1750, 1800, 1850, 1900 fast day. By that time your metabolism should have recovered, and you should be ready for another round. The average in that final week will still be below your TDEE if it is as you have calculated, but if you do this again you can take it up to 2,200 or so according to my experience and help your metabolism be ready for maintenance. In my experience this is at least as important as sticking to the 800 calories in the first place. I credit this approach, as well as the greater level of walking, for two slight losses on my last two holidays, despite many treats and alcohol every night.

  • Hi Jannylynn

    I did not follow the meal plans in the book. I simply ate low carb fruit (berries) for breakfast with full fat yoghurt or eggs and smoked salmon or eggs and grilled tomato. Lunch – a salad and chicken or tuna. Dinner, what I cooked for everyone else without the starch – so no potatoes, bread, rice, corn or pasta. Not very difficult to substitute with more veggies. If I get hungry I have a stash of nuts or carrots and hummus. My meal portions are not small (I am constantly on the go and need the energy).

    However, I did take note of some of the meal ideas such as baked beans and mushrooms which is a great “quick and easy” meal if you are in a rush.

    Hope that is some help.