Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Theodora- I am not usually a participant of this thread but whilst browsing the forum this morning I read with great sadness of the incident your dog was involved in last night and it made me feel really upset. I am absolutely devastated for you. I am sending you a massive hug and hope that today brings some better news of his injuries and prognosis. You will be in my thoughts today.

    Cathy x

  • posted by SunnyB

    Huge Warm Hugs to you, Theo. I was out of the loop yesterday when your dreadful news came through and I was in tears when I read about it this morning. I fervently hope though, that the news this morning will hold many more positives than you fear it might. We are all standing with you and willing things to go right for your boy. Holding you, your OH and your boy close and sending warmest wishes for a good outcome your way.

  • posted by caronl

    Theodora I’m so sorry to hear your news about your dog. I know it is easy to say, but you must try not to torture yourself with “what ifs”. My dog was almost run over in December – she escaped the harness that she was wearing. I was less than a foot away but couldn’t stop her. Awful things happen with little rhyme or reason. Like all the others, I am thinking of you and family, and keeping fingers crossed. Big hug.

  • posted by KazzUK

    Oh Theo. This is so upsetting. I shall be waiting for your update. Meanwhile, am sending you and your OH huge cyber hugs. I shall be thinking about you all day and hoping. Kxx

  • posted by Gattina

    Dear Theodora – I don’t usually come onto this thread but I came across your news while browsing. I am so very sorry to hear about what has happened to your lovely boy. I too send you hugs and love.
    My brother went through something similar with his cat last year – his cat was hit by a car and a jogger found him on the side of the road and brought it to a vet. He had been very badly hurt and the fist few days very scary not sure what would happen. A year later, he is now back to his old self – missing an eye, bent tail and pins holding his pelvis together, but still the lovely animal he was before.
    Best of wishes xxx

  • posted by alliecat

    Theo, my friend, last evening was one of shock and terror for you, and the result of a
    senseless, freak accident. You know in your heart that you’ve always cared for the boys
    with the same love and devotion that you reserve for everyone else in your family. You
    have a “force field” of compassion waiting for you here, so update us when you can.
    Sending you strength, and xoxoxo


  • posted by SunnyB

    As this is a thread for positives, I just wanted to say that the compassion and caring currently bubbling through our community, in the face of the awful event Theo has experienced, is a huge positive which very much has a place on this thread.

    Like others I am hoping that eventually the news will be far better than feared and am holding off on posting personal positive until we know how Theo’s boy is doing.

  • posted by Theodora

    Thank you so much everyone.
    My first positive is that my boy survived the night and, so far, the day, which last evening we were decidedly unsure of.

    Second positive is that I cannot express how much your support and friendship has meant for me today.

    Third positive is the wonderful, caring veterinarian hospital he is in, I cannot praise their staff enough.

    However, we still have a very poorly boy on our hands, and we have still not been allowed to see him. The vets have been extraordinary though, the admitting vet didn’t leave his side for 4 hours last night, and only then when she was confident that he was relatively stable. She left a wonderful vet nurse with him, who sat with him in his pen all night long, “loving and monitoring him” – her words, not mine, with a phone in her pocket so that she didn’t have to leave him to give me regular updates.

    What we know so far is that he has suffered breaks in 3 of his limbs, one of them severe and possibly multiple, and possibly both hips. He has very little undamaged skin left on his legs, but they will salvage what they can as and when he is strong enough, although we have been warned that some toe amputations may be necessary if they cannot salvage enough. His face is also lacerated, but they do not think he has suffered head injuries. He is in severe shock, so is being treated for that (IV fluids), and also on epidural painkillers and strong antibiotics. There is also a distinct possibility of internal injuries, a ruptured bladder being the most likely as his potassium levels have fallen through the floor and his heart rate is very low, he is hooked up to a heart monitor. They are, therefore, keeping a close eye on the situation and, in the meantime have introduced potassium into his drip. Up to now, they had considered that he is not strong enough to undergo xrays and the necessary scans. However, as what they are most concerned about at the moment is infection, they have reluctantly decided to give him a general anaesthetic this afternoon in order to remove all the remaining debris in his open wounds – they were flushed as much as possible last night, but he was in too much pain to undergo thorough cleansing, removal of grit with forceps etc. But they now consider that the risk posed by infection is greater than the risk posed by a GA. Whilst he is under, they will also do the necessary xrays and scans. He is under GA at this very moment, and Abi (the vet) has promised to update me the moment she has finished – she also has an orthopaedic specialist in theatre with her to assess his fractures.

    He has been drifting in and out of consciousness, largely because of the strong drug cocktail, but when he is conscious he has apparently been opening his eyes every time someone approaches, and his heartbeat picks up, so he seems to know what is going on.

    Sorry, that’s it for now, pretty much all we know – it’s still touch and go and if he makes it (please God) there will be a very long road to be travelled. But we will travel it with him, every step of the way.

    Maybe I shouldn’t be bringing this thread down any more with my tales of woe, although I know you all care, but it meant to be about everyone’s positives. I may, if you would like the occasional update (although I understand if not – this is meant to be about BSD after all), transfer to the Phoenix thread because, if he does manage to pull through (please God), he will certainly be a Phoenix rising from the Ashes. What do you think?

    Thank you again. xx

    PS I hope you will forgive me if I am not very active in the other threads for a while, it doesn’t mean I don’t care,

  • posted by Esnecca

    I think that’s a great idea, Theo. My pug shirt will be there to welcome every update. πŸ™‚

    It’s very good news that he’s made it through the rough first night, and it has to be seen as a very positive thing that he’s been alert and aware of his surroundings when not knocked out by the drugs. Toe amputations don’t mean much to the dogs (and cats) I’ve known who have gone through them. That’s probably the least of the issues in terms of recovery time. They adjust so rapidly and cheerfully to that sort of thing. Keeping all my digits crossed that the GA wound cleaning is effective in staving off sepsis and that the X-rays bring good, or at least bearable, news.

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Theo
    I think that everything Esnecca said in reply to your news is also the feelings I would like to express, so just wanted to say me too, so that you understand how many of us are rooting for the best outcome for both of you.

  • posted by alliecat

    Theo, please do transfer to the Phoenix thread, or anywhere else that it makes it easiest
    to find us. Phoenixes does seem appropriate, though, because it was where we first met
    the boys. Understand that we will be monitoring the thread for updates. Our love is
    in abundance for you, your husband and your magnificent boy. I’m going to believe that
    the first 48 hours is as important for canines as it is humans, and it is indeed a good sign
    that he regains consciousness from time to time. The veterinary hospital sounds as if
    it is superior in both its staffing and skills, and we can all be grateful for that. I hope that it
    won’t be too long before you can be by his side. In the meantime, we’re by your side…
    call out to us as often as you need to. We welcome any updates that you have the time
    or energy to provide. We wish we could do more than just send you strength and love,
    but many prayers are being offered up tonight πŸ™‚


  • posted by Theodora

    Thank you – will move to Phoenix and let this thread resume it’s usual cheerfulness xx

  • posted by Marsie

    Good luck with everything, Theodora, you’re in my thoughts xx

  • posted by SunnyB

    Theo, this is all encouraging news, thanks for keeping us updated and like everyone else, I’m routing for a positive outcome. I don’t mind where you post updates, as long as you do when time permits. The Phoenix thread does seem appropriate though, as you boy will hopefully be a phoenix like the rest of us there.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Oh Theo β€” I’m sorry to come late here, I didn’t see this thread until this morning β€” I’m so sorry for your sweet dog and for you β€” how hard for you. What is his name? I will keep him in my prayers .

  • posted by JGwen

    One big positive for my day today which is made up of lots of little positives over the last week.
    It is time to replace my car, and I decided that I wanted to find a (obviously second hand) replacement that was a good step on my way to being an emerging butterfly. I worked out the make and model of a vehicle which would be a practical combination of 4×4 and car (and year range that I could afford) but so many of them were versions of grey. Then I saw a red one with black leather interior which I thought I would really like but ……. then my practical head took over and I went back to searching on the net for a more local vehicle.

    Went up and road tested the red one yesterday. Have agreed a deal today and will be collecting her on Thursday . πŸ™‚

  • posted by KrysiaD

    A positive for today. How lovely to read the posts on this thread – it was very moving to read the very caring and supportive posts in response to Theodora’s doggies accident. What a super group of people you all are.

    My other positive today was the joy I felt last week when I realised – during ‘ the beast from the east’ – that I was able to fit 2 thin thermal layers, a thick jumper and a thick fleece under my new small sized waterproof and windproof winter jacket and that it wasn’t at all tight. Also that – thanks to M&Co’s January sales I now have a wardrobe full of lovely jumpers in lovely colours – some of them only Β£9 each. I still do love black but it is nice to wear different colours.

  • posted by treelady

    Morning JGwen,
    That’s great news on the car – well done. What 4×4 have you ended up with? I have a skoda yeti 4×4 and love it – and in the recent weather the 4×4 bit has payed for itself.
    Positives from the weekend –
    1) all 5 of my chickens and the 2 ducks are laying again.
    2) Most of my daffodils and crocuses (croci?) survived being squashed by the snow drifts and are looking very cheerful and springlike now.
    3) Spent a lot of the weekend in the greenhouse getting everything ready for seed sowing, and got some tomato seeds in.

  • posted by JGwen

    A Nissan X trail, so has selectable 4×4 and a good towing capacity.
    One of the reasons I started on the BSD was to get back to riding weight. I had bad break to my ankle (nothing horse related, I slipped walking down the road and landed with my foot bent back under my leg breaking bones on both side of the ankle). Because the bone fragments were in the right place I had to spend 6 months on crutches not putting the foot to the floor to allow the bones to knit together and piled the weight on during that time. I spent the next 8 years in too much pain every time I took a step even on a flat surface to be able to think about the pressures that would be on my ankle if I tried to ride. Fate stepped in, and I discovered that the NHS line of ‘sorry about the pain, nothing can be done just count yourself lucky that you don’t also have plates and screws in your ankle’ was incorrect and with physio I was able to return to full pain free use of the ankle. So I wanted to get back to a riding weight, but dieting was like trying to push water uphill. Then I heard about the BSD.
    I am still working on getting down to my final shape, but its time to get a vehicle that I can tow a horse trailer with so that I can start on the journey of my young horses education.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Positives for the weekend are:
    1) Got to spend time with oldest daughter.
    2) Bought a fab pair of royal blue velvet ankle boots in a sale, for just Β£6.
    3) Managed to limit impact of a social w/e, to a small blip upwards of 1.5lb on the scales. Suspect that this is largely carb related fluid retention, so am extending my fast today and will hopefully see that gain side lined by tomorrow (or the next day!).

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Wow. I actually have 3 positives today!

    1) I have calculated my visceral fat and I am in optimum range…. (divide waist measurement by hip measurement. Under 8.5 for women and under 1.0 for men). Mine is 8.2…so more to go.
    2) I have given the kitchen floor a good clean!
    3) A relative of my Akita was in the Best in Show category at Crufts. (I bask in reflected glow)

    Nonna Mary

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Nonna Mary

  • posted by alliecat

    I hope you’ve all had a great day. My positive is a slim one, but I can find gratitude in just about anything πŸ™‚
    I saw my first robin, perched on the railing of our balcony this morning! I’m afraid that he doesn’t know that the
    3rd winter snow storm in 10 days is on its way tonight! March does indeed seem to be “coming in like a lion”, and
    “the lamb” would be most welcome right now!

  • posted by Californiagirl

    We’re coming in β€œlike a lion” in California too β€” we have a forecast of five days of rain, although it isn’t super cold here so that is nice. I am hoping the lamb arrives soon and we see spring set up for good.
    The first robin of spring β€” that is wonderful Allie! Can the sunshine be far behind?
    We have blue jays already nesting in the Lady Banks rose and a Cooper’s hawk nesting at the top of the old redwood tree.
    The redwood tree was planted in 1930 by the Fisher family who lived in our house at that time β€” it has grown HUGE in just 88 years and now it towers over the house.
    I love feeling safe and sheltered under it’s huge branches β€” that is another positive today!

  • posted by alliecat

    I remember hiking amongst the redwoods, Julia, and I’ll never forget the shafts of light that made it to the ground,
    the peace and tranquility, and the glorious fragrance on the air!

  • posted by Inka13

    Wow! Great results in all fronts Nonnative Mary! Love the Crufts connection!

  • posted by Inka13

    Wow! Great results in all fronts Nonna Mary! Love the Crufts connection!

  • posted by Inka13

    Nonnative Mary!! Sorry! Ridiculous autocorrect and I can’t seem to delete itπŸ™

  • posted by JGwen

    Three positives I want to claim.
    1. I bought a belt for my jeans. Right now it gives me joy to have a constant reminder that my shape is changing by having to wear a belt to gather my jeans in at the waist.
    2. I bought both a jacket and new jumper recently in a sale because I liked them without worrying about only buying things that are long enough to be down to my hips to mask the belly. – I can’t wear them out yet, because I still have a roll of fat at hip height and they do highlight its existence because they end just above it, but I know its just a matter of time before that goes.
    3. A friend who I haven’t seen for 4 months was dumbstruck yesterday. – I don’t think I have seen someone who was so obviously having make a double take and didn’t know where to start on what question to ask first at my size change. I keep on thinking because I have only dropped one dress size on my hips that I haven’t changed that much, but apparently others see a big change.

  • posted by Gattina

    JGwen – that is an amazing change – I bet you felt fabulous when your friend reacted that way πŸ™‚

  • posted by SunnyB

    How wonderful for you, that your friend was so amazed at your progress JGwen. It really does feel like validation when people notice, doesn’t it? It’s easy to sort of forget as you get used to the person you are seeing in the mirror these days, just how much you have changed and how different you look. Little reminders like the one your friend gave you, are a real boost.

    Have some positives to report myself –
    1) It’s sunny here, so I took advantage and pruned the roses in the back garden. Pleased to see one that I thought might be dead, is putting out some shoots too.
    2) The 1.5lb blip upwards on the scales recorded after the w/e, had already disappeared by this morning.
    3) Tresemme are now making a silicone free shampoo and conditioner and they were on a half price offer in Superdrug this today – happy days.

  • posted by JGwen

    I have discovered that while I thought I had only dropped one dress size everywhere but it turns out that I am down 2 Marks and Sparks dress sizes as well. even if only just down 1 dress size in Cotton Traders jeans. – Its making me wonder if items in the sales aren’t a good basis for assessing what dress size you are. Maybe the reason the items are in the sale is because they are a tighter fit than normal for that size?
    I have a new theory on how we should measure waist measurements. As so many of us seem to be loosing weight from the side, but still look as large when we turn side on, maybe the depth of the belly button should be included in the formula for monitoring weight loss. Having a little giggle to myself as I think of all the ways it could be turned into a formal ratio – should it be relative to length of little finger, or thumb?

  • posted by alliecat

    JGwen, your left brained way of thinking about things is a constant source of pleasure to this right brained lady!
    It’s both fascinating and delightful!


  • posted by Verano

    Just logged in and was sorry to hear of Theo’s loss.
    Haven’t caught up with all the posts but thought whilst I was here I’d post my positives …..
    1. Luxuriating in a wonderful hotel.
    2. Luxuriating in temperatures in excess of 3Oc.
    3. Luxuriating in pure relaxation!
    Hope you are all well and keeping positive!

  • posted by Luvtcook

    JGwen, I think you are spot on re. not taking “on-sale” sizes too seriously…..as you said, they are there for a reason. I find with sales, they are as likely to be too big as too small and try on “my size” +1 and -1 because you just don’t know until you try them. Great bargains to be had for the person willing to do the work (not to mention the sizes simply put in the wrong section as well).

    Happy shopping ye shrinking ladies!

  • posted by alliecat

    Verano, do you have any desire to swap lives??? Where you are at the moment seems idyllic to me πŸ™‚
    Three snow storms in 10 days is somewhat excessive, and cabin fever has set in. Enjoy your respit!
    Are you again off the coast of Spain, you lucky lady?


  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Positive thoughts – 3 great results
    1. HbA1c down
    2. Cholesterol down
    3. triglycerides down
    Doctor gorgeous very pleased with me

  • posted by alliecat

    You continue to go from strength to strength, Sunshine-girl. Congratulations on your most recent bloodwork!

  • posted by Verano

    Great results s-g! No wonder doctor gorgeous is pleased. Won’t be long before your insulin comes tumbling down too.
    Allie sorry to hear about all the snow you are having. No not off the coast of Spain this time but off the coast of Malaysia. Just after 9am Thursday here so signing off again for a while.

  • posted by Marsie

    Great results, sunshine-girl, reward for effortπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Sunshine-girl – brilliant results. It is always a bit scary waiting to hear the results of tests – you must have been so pleased that they were so good.
    Verano – I am beyond envious reading about your idyllic holiday. Do have a wonderfully relaxing time.

  • posted by marie123

    Fantastic news, sunshine – girl, and I know you’d managed your cholesterol down significantly already so doubly impressive. Congratulations on the 10lb weight loss also…… oh, and on the gorgeous doctor.

    Verano – I missed the fact that you were taking a break. Your holiday sounds beautifully exotic. Hope you have a great time.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Great results S-G and pleased your gorgeous doctor is also impressed. Rather envious of your current location, V – I love the Far East and would certainly prefer to be there, than facing another dip in temperatures, such as we are being promised for the coming w/e! So sorry that you are struggling with all that snow, Allie, I certainly do not envy you all those snow storms.

  • posted by alliecat

    Patches of grass appearing today, Sunny, after a melt off. So happy to see the snow done with! Surely this
    has to be the end of it? Easter in about 2 weeks…. Very little time til your holiday in Turkey πŸ™‚

    Kind of a quick drop in to announce that today is officially 11 months of maintenance! Maintenance is what
    always tripped me up in the past, so I’ll be using every horn, firework display, whistle and party popper when
    I reach the one year milestone. You may all hear a sonic boom also, but I’ll offer up a warning first!

    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  • posted by Luvtcook

    Allie, congrats on 11 months! But mostly on your invaluable leadership and support on this forum. It would not be the same without your positive energy, as well as many others.

    Looking forward to celebrating 12 months for you in April. The success you and the other maintainers have had was what convinced me to do this diet in the first place…..knowing all the work and changes to your life could in fact BE MAINTAINED was the deciding factor for me. Once on it, I realized that this was sustainable. I am hooked.

    Thanks to you, Esnecca, Theo and the other maintainers from the bottom of my heart.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Woo Hoo all round, Allie – snow disappearing AND chalking up 11mths on maintenance – a full year in touching distance! I’ve been maintaining at under target since September, so a good way behind you. I don’t have an exact date, but guess I could take it from 22nd Sept last year, which was when I stopped tracking on my last proper lot of 800.

    Seems parts of the UK may get a bit more snow coming in on NE winds this w/e, but nothing like you have had to cope with out there in the US, Allie, but I’m still hoping it won’t get to the SW this time though.

    So, for some positives here today:
    1) Started putting together a photo book for one of our Turkish friends. Lovely time spent browsing through old photos and selecting which ones to include.
    2) Got the channel tunnel trains for our Turkey road trip booked today, which was the last thing we needed to sort out travel-wise.
    3) Bought part one of OH’s birthday present.

  • posted by alliecat

    Luv, what a stunningly beautiful thing to say! It brought a lump to my throat and extra moisture to my eyes….
    Thank you. Your remarks have catapulted to the top of my list of positives for today. Your successes are
    entirely yours though. If we had a small role to play in helping you set your sails for victory, well that’s what
    these forums are all about πŸ™‚ I hope your brother is doing well, and this time together is cherished by both of
    Glad that all travel bookings have fallen into place, Sunny! You have to be counting the days….Surely you
    know that I’ll continue to try and convince you that 3 months of silence from you in Turkey will be a
    hardship on us all?
    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone


  • posted by SunnyB

    Don’t worry Allie, it won’t be three months of silence. I’ll still be dipping in on occasions, just not as frequently as I do normally. Will probably be something like a once or twice a week, probably mainly on this thread and the After Target one – maybe on the Fermenting thread too, as I’ve decided to take fresh kefir grains with me and plan to make some sauerkraut while I’m there too.

    Positives from me today:
    1) Has been sunny and mild – last such day for a while apparently, as we are due snow this w/e (nothing like yours though Allie).
    2) Oldest grandson coming to stay this w/e – that’s my positive not his! At fifteen, he’d rather be with mates than grandparents.
    3) Looking forward to a lunch out tomorrow, to celebrate daughter’s birthday.

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Allie – just seen your post about reaching your 11 months on maintenance. Congrats on a super achievement.

    SunnyB – hope you have a wonderful trip to Turkey. Perhaps you could send some sunshine back to us here in the UK.

    Positive for today – after a very hectic day I am enjoying a relaxing evening reading while listening to the rain beating on the conservatory roof and the wind whistling around the house. So different from before BSD – when my Friday evenings consisted of a massive (and not very enjoyable) carb fest.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Positives for today:
    1) A flat 8st (112lb) on the scales today.
    2) Lovely lunch with daughter, her partner, grandson and OH.
    3) Threatened snow hasn’t really happened here so far today.

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