New life choice for determined alcoholic

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  • posted by Searchingrockpools

    Hi All
    I hope you are feeling better by now Nonna Mary. That whoosh will come. Thanks for the encouragement and support. Nil alcohol here still!

    LTC sounds like you have quite a well developed plan coming together there. I am not sure if you are a fan of miso or not, but you could get some miso paste sachets that you just pop in a mug, and pour boiling water over. A meal in a cup.

    Well done Leelee on driving past the bottleo. Keep up the good work.

    Allie pure love… you are such a soulful, helpful, healthful supporter. Thankyou from everyone you help.

    I am losing more slowly, but still losing. My calories are higher than 800 but less than 1200. So I’m getting there. No exercise is my downfall currently.
    I eat better and lose faster when exercising. I got home from work on Wed afternoon and my mountain bike has been stolen. So bike riding is out. Taking youngster kayaking this weekend, but that won’t be too intense, all in all going OK.
    Being back at work is definitely good for not eating. I’m doing long hours though so come home ravenous. Need to do more planning and snack prep.

    Ok well keep up the great work everyone. Sending love and support to everyone.
    Searching (or motivation to get on track) Rockpools

  • posted by alliecat

    What a lovely , kind post, SRP…I’m very happy to see you back on this thread! Congratulations on resisting the
    grog….Well Done! 🙂 How is your son? Accepting his father’s remarriage and new baby is a lot to handle at his
    age. Sorry to hear that your bike has been stolen, too!

    Mary, I hope that you’re beginning to feel better. There are a lot of nasty things going around this year, so
    please take care 🙂

    Other members of “our family” here surely know Kazzi. We finally got connected on skype today. I’m
    “walking on sunshine”. What a glorious day!

  • posted by alliecat

    More tales of woe with my “aged” computer! My laptop now has no cursor, so back it goes to the shop
    for the 3rd time in 8 days…I don’t even dare tell o/h that I spilled a bit of water on it…He may want to trade
    me in for a new model 🙂 No email for a while unless I can get it installed on this equally decrepid back up
    machine. Bloody hell!!!

    Hope everyone’s day is off to a better start than mine 🙂

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Just a quickie to let you know I haven’t vanished off the face of the earth. No weight change this week…still fighting a cold/cough…sleep disrupted so feel like I did when I had babies!

    Lizzie…any news? How’s Kev?

    SRP what a bummer about your bike! I hope the thieves hands drop off. Did you enjoy the kayaking? Not something I would be comfortable trying!

    Lots of love to all
    Nonna Mary

  • posted by KazzUK

    Hello, hello, hello,

    SRP – any news on the bike?

    Allie – it could be the water, just let it dry out! What are you like?!

    Mary – hope you are on the mend now?

    I stayed the same again on Saturday… onwards and downwards now…

    Everyone else doing ok?

    Kazzee xxxx

  • posted by Leeleecheechee

    Hello, Hello, Hello!

    Back from the Emerald Isle after a lovely family weekend. I thoroughly indulged. I forgot what hangovers were like. Still, it was a fully intentional blow out and I made the most of it.

    Back on the BSD wagon today and I won’t lie, I’m struggling! But very motivated and shopping all ordered for tomorrow, so sorted for the rest of the week.

    Top story to leave you all with. Apparently my new look can draw attention. Yep, I was a cougar for the night! A very hot young Irish man was very taken with me (though we had met before) so apparently a 43 year old can pull a 30 year old 🤣🤣🤣

    Oh to be young again. Still, it was a very nice ego boost for this old bird! Still got it (but only til midnight obviously!)

    Wish me luck with carb flu. It’s coming with a vengeance!!

    L xx

  • posted by alliecat

    Haha, Leelee! Is this the same Irishman that you captivated last year??? You ARE naughty 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Sorry that you’re staring into the face of the carb flu again, though. Water, water, water my girl!

  • posted by Leeleecheechee

    Different one Allie. This one was hot! I was almost tempted by this one! 😱😱

    Having my cup of green tea now before heading to bed. Pork and kimchi done for lunch tomorrow and thinking I might fancy an omelette for dinner tomorrow. A lazy Friday night treat. Feeling quite proud of myself right now 🤣🤣
    L xx

  • posted by marie123

    Hi Leelee
    I do enjoy your tales from the Emerald Isle; they do make me smile. And a different Irishman. I am impressed!

    Best wishes to everyone else on this thread. Mary, hope you’re sleeping better now and getting over the cough/cold.
    Marie xx

  • posted by Luvtcook

    Leeleecheechee, good food choices! You should be proud of yourself.

  • posted by alliecat

    Hi, Marie! Leelee is our femme fatale, alright! 🙂 How is the arthritis in your hands? I think I missed
    your original post about the pork cracklings/choc. fest. I did like that you were able to find some
    humor in your slip up though, rather than castigating yourself mercilessly for it. Have you discovered
    what ingredient in your chocolate bar precipitated all the pain? In past years I used to occasionally
    have to wrap my hands in a heating pad in the winter, but I’ve just realized that since beginning the
    BSD in June 2016, I haven’t needed to do so once! I hope the pain has subsided by now…too high
    a price to pay for a bit of chocolate 🙂 🙂 🙂


  • posted by marie123

    Hi Allie

    To be honest it was quite funny. I was sitting there like a chocolate-smeared three year old looking guilty but defiant whenever one of my men came into the room. (Men in the family member sense not hot Irishmen sense, sadly). They were wise enough to circle around me quietly and say nothing.
    The arthritic pain that came later, however, was definitely not funny. It knocked me for six. I’ve only ever had a bit of arthritis mostly in my right hand and wrist and so I’ve never really looked at what foods might trigger it. I’ve put it down to the weather – when it’s damp or thunder-y. But it was so clearly related to what I’d eaten on Sunday and given that Marsie – on 4 week challenge thread – had also had arthritic pain after eating chocolate I’m assuming it was that. (Although I did also wonder if it was the salt in the pork crackling!). All completely self-inflicted.

    The positives are, like you, I realised on Sunday how much better my arthritis has been on the BSD. It’s put me off having any chocolate, (even 90% Lindt) for a long, long time. As you say it’s just not worth it. It’s also made me get my act into gear. I’ve been cruising a bit since Christmas. I’ve lost a little bit of weight, (I’ve also lost inches which I’m delighted about) but I’ve not been ‘on it’ as much. So I’ve given myself a bloody good talking to and it’s back to it for me. All in all a good lesson learnt.

    Marie xxx

    Btw, in case you didn’t see it wherever I posted it, I liked the Gary Taubes book – will definitely be one I’ll be rereading in future.

  • posted by alliecat

    Sorry, Marie, I did miss your Taubes post. So happy that you found it worthwhile ! 🙂 I CAN see that
    defiant chocolate smeared face! I have yet to have one of those ridiculous moments, but that’s
    in part due to the fact that I have our groceries delivered. Somehow I can’t see myself gorging
    on eggs or spinach! I’ve given some thought over the past 20 months to those items that contributed
    the most to morbid obesity, and the “big winners” for me were crusty bread, gorgeous cheese, and
    red wine. I hoovered those things up like there was no tomorrow! Alas, tomorrow always came 🙂
    I still wouldn’t want to try bread or cheese “in moderation”, and a wedge of stilton in the refrig.
    might have the power to drive me to distraction. Glad to see you firmly back on track and pain
    free. See what happens when you don’t have your laptop? 🙂 🙂 🙂


  • posted by KazzUK

    Hi lovelies
    Marie, your description over your defiant choc fest and your men circling you warily made me laugh out loud! I had a vivid picture in my mind! At least you know what the triggers are. Like me, I know my triggers and that bread and red wine makes my psoriasis much worse. Doesn’t always stop me though!
    Lee, what can I say? Love your latest adventure! You sound back into the groove on the BSD, hope the carb flu isn’t too bad for you.
    I’ve been guzzling hot water with a slice of lemon all week,. At last, and thanks to Allie’s suggestion. I have never mastered drinking 2 litres of water a day since starting this WOL. But this week, I have not only had 2 litres of water and lemon each day but probably another litre of black coffee, morning only, and tea after dinner. I have slept so badly this week though but gradually getting better as the week has gone on.

    Where’s Tillybud?

    LTC- glad to hear you have your trip almost finalised. Did anyone suggest don’t forget to take some berries if you can get them, like raspberries?

    Mary – hope you’re feeling better now?

    Ok friends, I’ll catch up with you soon.

    Kazzee xxx

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Hi folks. Thank you for your good wishes. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to shift this damned cough. I don’t understand how I can be using so much energy coughing and not be losing weight. I am still counting and weighing. Hey ho.

    LeeLee, a hot young man! Phew….you do know I live vicariously through everyone else? I will bank the thought for when I feel stronger. lol
    Marie…I can just imagine the looks you gave your family. Sorry it caused you pain later.

    Kazzee, I often wonder where many of the posters have gone. Well done on the fluid uptake. I am drinking loads of water and hot drinks.

    Lizzie, any news you can give us?

    That’s all for now. Lots of love to everyone.


  • posted by Luvtcook

    Mary, you have my admiration soldiering though with BSD when you are ill.

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Thank you LTC, but I am not being as strict with my carbs, just sticking with 800 and no white carbs. It is a nuisance, but it is just a cold…albeit a lingering one. Lol.


  • posted by Tillybud

    Hi kazzee and everyone I’m here! Been away in motorhome for a few days so wasn’t able to weigh this week. Probably a good thing as I’ve had wine and some root vegetable crisps and some salted peanuts 😬. Not a lot but more than I intended. Who’d’ve thought it???!!!
    First time in Moho for months so went a bit mad. Back on it tomorrow so we’ll see what this Tuesday brings.

    Really enjoyed the break in deepest Dorset without proper phone signal and internet but guess what? The sky didn’t fall in and we lived to tell the tale! Saw two of our beautiful grandchildren aged 3 and 17 months, son and d-i-l and had a lovely couple of days with them so had a fab time overall.

    Back to reality now and wondering if we can get away again when the weather is warmer. Here’s hoping.

    Sorry to hear nonna Mary that you are still suffering and hope you start to shift your gremlins soon.

    LeeLeecheechee you are are one sexy lady (two Irish gents over two visits) what are you like? Hope you enjoyed yourself knowing that whatever it is, you’ve still got it! Keeps you young

    Here’s to Tuesday and those dreaded scales!

  • posted by Jacshadow

    Just wanted to say well done! I’m rooting for you. I also drank too much prior to this diet but I’m talking 400mls of wine each evening and very occasionally more but I still felt it was in control of me. I still have 150 ml each evening but i hope soon to miss a night or two each week. As long as I’m in control of it and not the other way around. Your story is very inspiring 🙂

  • posted by Canadaliz

    I had an epiphany today. It was a moment of clarity and certainty that will see me through this trial of breast cancer.
    I’ve been feeling pretty shattered and weak. Some days I just mope about in my dressing gown and often times I don’t even shower and I cry. I feel broken. I’ve been poked and prodded, had some 32 core biopsies between two breasts (one of which is still purple….the entire breast.) But today I heard the whisperings of my soul….albeit very quiet. My soul said “fuck this Liz. You are bigger than this bastard cancer. And you are not alone. Rally the troops and march forward. They are near, you just have to call them to arms.
    So I did.
    I strapped on my walking boots. I zipped up my parka. I stood at my door and looked to the skies and said “I need you. Friends from the BSD I need you now.” And I headed down Grenview Avenue for the lake. Within moments my epiphany was delivered. As I passed each side road I was joined by more women from the BSD forum. My friends. My allies. From all corners of the Earth you came to me. With each block more and more of you poured into the ranks. Before long we were an army of determination. The road was packed and we marched in silence knowing each other was there. I could hear your footsteps. With each step we shouldered each other’s burdens.
    Upon arriving at the lake we spread out along the beach. We felt the sun on our faces, listened to the water, breathed the air and felt the wind in our hair. And we stood in defiance of our weakness. In defiance of our trials. So many to my left and so many to my right.
    And we linked arms. Shoulder to shoulder, arms linked we stood in defiance and felt the surge of strength throughout our ranks.
    And I was strong.
    Together we cannot be beaten.
    For the first time since I was diagnosed I was strong again. I was whole. I was with you. Arms linked with other women that might feel weak alone but united know our strength. You fed me and you renewed me.
    Thank you to my army. Thank you from my soul.
    Much love, Liz

  • posted by Tillybud

    Oh well done Liz!!
    You are right. Everyone is here for you. We have all been waiting for you to come and join, no, rejoin the army that you started! Were all desperate to get in your kitchen for a cup of your wonderful tea and Your spirit will see you through this. You are stronger than you know.

    Healing hugs are flying your way. I’ve suggested before that you take some courage, a friend and one step at a time. Well you have loads of friends on here and we all want to come with you on your journey. You have inspired all of us and we’re all here for you now. Cancer is a bastard. You can beat this. I did.

    If you want to scream or stamp your feet or just shout fuck, fuck, fuck, you know where we are. Hope your Kev is OK too x

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Thank you Tillybud,
    I really needed to turn around and I guess really it was a bit like my saying FUCK YOU to booze (my beloved gin). I had to admit that it was stronger than me then say “no, fuck you, I’m the strong one here.” I have plans now that don’t include gin and doesn’t include cancer. I see the surgeon on the 26th and Kev sees the cardiologist on the 1st of March. He had an MRI on Sunday and had a reaction to the dye…we never do anything by halves. But I’m standing once again and a force to be reckoned with!
    Today was a game changer for me. I felt the support of the army. I felt you beside me by the lake. It was amazing and empowering.
    As for my B cancer I have a 2.5cm tumour on my right breast and I am ER+, PR+ and HER2- just waiting on the pathology report from the secondary tumour in the same breast and the multiple biopsies from the left breast/calcifications with two suspicious areas.
    Much love, Liz
    Battle on!

  • posted by Searchingrockpools

    Hello everyone, lots has happened in the past week. Nonna Mary you are still under the weather. This is going on for a bit now m’dear. Hope you are through the back of it soon.
    Oh Liz I was so moved by “our” march to the lake, strength in company, friendship, compassion and shoulders to lean on. A great big hug from this blubbering allie. I’ve popped the kettle on.
    Allie the boy is getting used to the idea. It is sweet he will have a sibling. His father and I wanted more children, but that proposition faded away quickly as the marriage was failing and our safety became a priority.
    After that I think I was damaged sufficiently emotionally to not have an interest in pursuing another relationship. That may change.
    No news on the bike, but I have some dear friends that have a bike for me to try out. So I will pop over this arv.

    We went kayaking on the river last Sunday it was 37C here. It was great. We paddled slowly for hours. We were on flat water upstream on a river, right in the middle of suburbia. The river is in a reserve which means it is mainly sided by bushland and wildlife. It is lovely and peaceful.
    We were joined by a large dolphin with an old tear in it’s dorsal fin. It was excillerating as we kept our distance as it foraged rather hastily with splashes and dives for food. It was scary and exciting when it popped it’s head up between our two kayaks. I was crapping myself thinking it might tip us out. We were on sit on kayaks.
    That was a week ago. Eating scores 5/10
    Weight up and down.
    Satan’s piss crept in. I’ll own it. I let Satan’s evilness into my house.Probably some pathetic emotional reason why.
    Sunday today a new day.
    I have tipped 1/5 of a 1litre soda water out and refilled it with cold strained black tea. I will get a lemon shortly and juice it and slice finely and put this in my sparkling tea.
    Tea can be used in so many ways.
    I also have a medium zucchini, carrot, broccoli green beans, asparagus, ginger and garlic simmering away in chicken stock for 3 meals.

    Lee… you and the Irish lads… va va voom. Next time… watch out!
    Marie, I have Western Music when the cattle rustler outlaw is surrounded by the sheriff and his deputies playing in my head with your men in complete cowboy attire upon finding Ms guilty chocolate faced.

    LTC saw on shopping list post you’re so organised. You have got this sorted like a pro!
    Tillybud a trip away without wifi… woo hoo. Plan the next one before you forget!
    Hope everyone is getting on OK. The health situations improve, or become clearer. Keep on losing. Love to you and yours xxxooo
    Searching Rockpools of my soul today. Peace out!

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hey SearchingRPs,
    Okay, let’s make something quite clear–I would have shit my kayak if a dolphin popped up mere feet from me. Here mammal fish thing, have a shit snack. It wouldn’t have been pretty.
    Love the soda water tea and lemon idea….why didn’t I think of that??…..
    Don’t judge yourself harshly for the piss up. It happens. I was a hardcore drinker necking at least, yes, at least a 26oz, 750ml bottle of gin a day and looking for more. When I was diagnosed with type 2 I had to change my life. Don’t think that I don’t crave the release that booze gave me. My stupid brain says daily “just one Liz, you can handle it, just the one, think how good you’ll feel.” And it’s fucking hard some days. We have no booze in the house then some dickhead that we invite to dinner shows up with wine and the craving starts again. Haven’t been to our local since as I can’t trust myself. But I am steel strong in my determination to stop the booze. I can’t guarantee that I will never drink again but I haven’t so far. For me it isn’t one day at a time it’s one hour to the next. Being told I have breast cancer shattered me and my first thought was I just want to be drunk but then I look at all that I have accomplished. I have lost 46 lbs, my sugar is pretty stable…..unless I hit the bread and or pasta….I feel 10 years younger and I am better able to face the health bullshit between my Kev and I with clarity. Fearless Dolphin Chick, I know it’s hard but you have that strength within you and that strength is choice. Each moment of life you have the option of choice. At that moment you are at the crossroads– summon the army. We are there. You were there for me and I will summon you again. When I go in for my surgery it won’t just be me–I will arrive with my legions. We will link arms and you will walk me into the hospital. So when you are thinking ‘fuck it, I want a drink, one, two, I’ve got this under control,” recognize that it is a side of you that you want to purge that’s speaking then summon your army in your defence and we will race to your side, we will come from the side roads, from the city and country, from the hills and from the plains, we will cross the water and run down the mountains and we will link arms and give you the strength to choose sparkling tea, water, anything but destruction.
    Much love, Liz

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    It is 5 am here in the UK. A strange thing happened yesterday. I was sitting in my house thinking about my friends when I was transported to a wonderful, if a little chilly, beautiful place. I was walking alongside my lovely friend Lizzie and I could feel her strength healing me. We stood at a lakeside and felt the warmth of the sun, the breeze in our hair. Linking arms we looked at each other and without words said “I’ve got your back!”
    Glad you are more your old self Lizzie.

    When my Jovis had his funny turn, they decided he needed a contrast dye MRI. I waited in the foyer and after 45 minutes wondered what was going on as I know it only takes 20 minutes. Then a nurse came out and told me he had a reaction to the dye. Gadolinium. He had gone into anaphylactic shock and been rushed to intensive care. Was this the same stuff as Kev? They told us there was a “less than one in two hundred thousand” chance of a reaction. The experts had never heard or seen it before! My cousin (a radiologist of some 40 years had also never heard of it). Scared as I was, the humour of Jovis trying to talk with a swollen tongue was not lost on me! He was hooked up to monitors and his eyes were bulging he had big red blotches on his skin. He looked at me and said.. “I’m thorry loth. I dithint wanth to woowy you.” We did laugh later.

    SRP… how amazing to be that close to nature. I am a natural landlubber and would never get in a Kayak let alone paddle(?) next to wildlife!

    Tillybud. How lovely to be free from technology. When we go away we ignore all tech except to skype my lovely grandies every day. How did people manage before? I have to have my love fix! They visited yesterday and I had the loveliest cuddles. I am so lucky.

    We need to start a new thread that says….We are strong and we say FUCK CANCER, we can beat the shit out of you!
    Lots of love to you all but a little extra for you Lizzie.


  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hey Nonna M,
    That was the very reaction–they told us ‘less than 2%’. But that was our Kev. Still has a rash on his torso and still on Benadryl but otherwise okay. Thank you from my soul for drawing me back. You are an angel. Truly an angel. You’ve picked me up, dusted me off and most importantly–you reached out when I was beyond reach. Thank you. I am blessed but friend, you have a greater purpose in this life. I think you’re a bit like a soul wrangler. Like a cowboy or shepherd for the lost and wandering.
    Heading to bed as just past 1am here. Have just finished a cup of Yorkshire Gold–don’t usually buy it as it is twice the price here but a neighbour, who knows me and my tea, dropped it by.
    Much love my friend Mary,
    Sore Tits Lizzie

  • posted by treelady

    Dear Liz,
    I am a relative newbie to the forums, but I wanted to add my get well thoughts and prayers to the others.
    Your words about walking to the lake made me cry, and I wish that we weren’t separated by thousands of miles of ocean so that I could fold you in my arms and give you a massive hug.
    I will keep sending out the positive vibes to you, and try to be there every step of the way with the rest of the BSD army.
    all the very best,

  • posted by Leeleecheechee

    Hello. Femme Fetale here!
    Love that Allie, it will always make me smile.
    Now, I have been absent from the forum myself due to some health issues of my own. BUT something called me back in January and I’m so happy I did. I’m utterly convinced it was an unspoken call to arms. We were needed for Liz. We needed each other. Together we are stronger and as a result we are all doing so much better.

    Liz, if I had the address I would sent you buckets of Yorkshire Gold to help you through the challenge you and Kev are facing. I have every faith that you will come through this, with the strength you have shown us every day and with us holding your hand. Always xxx

    Today I’m doing a 24hr urine collection as part of the testing to see if my tumour (presumed benign as not called back to endocrinologist til April) is functional. Basically it’s looking for excess cortisol which would explain a lot of symptoms. Suffice to say, me and my collection pot won’t be leaving the house. Funny, they warned me there was preservatives in the pot but the vapour rising after first deposit certainly caught me by surprise! Made me laugh loud. Give way, toxic wee pot coming through!!

    On a BSD note, I’ve lost the 3lbs I gained in Ireland, so just back to tackling the Christmas and Tobago gain. Currently 148lbs with a goal of 138lbs. Totally doable.
    Being home today, I’m taking the chance to prep some food and for today’s lunch I’m going to stir fry some prawns with garlic and chilli and mushrooms with a side of cauliflower rice. I’ll have enough prawns to have with avocado and salad for lunch tomorrow. Also preparing Cajun chicken and lemon and pepper chicken that will just need defrosting and heating over the week. My fridge looks beautiful right now!

    Well, my lovelies. Will be thinking of you all today. Off to pay a visit to my toxic wee pot 🤣🤣🤣

    L xx

  • posted by Canadaliz

    Hi Treelady,
    I felt the hug. Honestly, that walk to the lake was the most amazing experience. I could feel the presence of every single one of you. Although it’s winter here the weather has eased and it was 11C and the breeze by the lake was so gentle. I stood there and felt the sun on my face and I wasn’t alone. I could feel all of us standing shoulder to shoulder. Thank you for being there.
    Cheers, Liz

  • posted by Luvtcook

    Liz, I truely feel it is your strength and positive attitude that is going to carry you through and allow you to walk through the fire and come out on top. We all will anxiously await your test results and the plan your medical team puts together for you.

  • posted by EC

    Hello dear mates
    good to “hear” your combined voices….strength and love to you miz Liz…..summon the troops anytime!….I will make it to your magical lake one day!….next you’ll be pulling Excalibur from there!…..and then slay the big C!

    Mary and Lee, hopefully all your health woes are dealt with soon and swiftly!
    I have had a very on-off summer with BSD …mostly due to the ridiculous number of visitors we always have this time of year….and yes, there has been wine. We only have white in the house now, which doesn’t tempt me at all, so that’s a good thing!

    So this is me promising to get back on plan and accountable. Back at work and have walked the collie up hills and down dale the past few days…..logged back in to mfp and so onwards and upwards from here!! I did notice increased “restlessness”… anxiety? when I was exercising less, so I shouldn’t need more proof than that, should I?
    Tomorrow the yoga DVD gets dusted off
    Weirdly, visitors aside, I actually found the plan easier to stick to in winter….I think I’m more creative with soups and cooked meals than I am with salads…though we have enjoyed some great ones! ….and SO much summer produce!….I’ve made spicy plum sauce and pickles and stewed pears and apricots and rhubarb….made eggplant kasundi and don’t even get me started on zuchinni!! I’m starting to consider a chest freezer as our normal sized one is full of homemade pesto and stewed fruit and the pantry has jars just lined up….If I could freeze more, we could ration it over a whole year….reducing the temptation to overindulge in summer.

    anyhoo…am back, am staying back and sending all my thoughts to you good people

  • posted by Anonymous

    hi to all, been home with 93 yr old ma so limited chances to log on and catch up..liz, this is the forum I actively follow, have done since the beginning. I’m there with the others rooting for you and linking arms in a sober fashion!. I’ve read some recent research about walking unlocking/activating our creativity..and there’s even more about the therapeutic effect for some folk of being by water/visualising water. Good reasons to keep those walks up..and we’ll keep looking out for you.
    I am sitting in an airport lounge watching folk all around me with beers/lager/wine and all manners of non bad meals and snacks. been tempted but so far resisting..spent a fortune on books and protein bars (low sugar/carb) though. Still thinking if CL is hanging in with all that’s going on..i can too. Thinking of you and how to narrow down your location so I can join LLCC (or should she be the Galway Cougar?) in a tea freight action! atb T57

  • posted by alliecat

    Hello, Towanda! I saw your post today stating that you think of this as your home thread, so I took a look at your
    profile because I couldn’t place you. We have a lot in common, for I started my BSD journey in June of 2016 at
    20.35 stone. Ten months of strict 800cal/20g carbs placed me 10 stone down. At present, I’ve been in
    maintenance for 10 months, am 12 lbs. below target, and am at the midpoint in the healthy weight range for my
    height. Cutting out wine played a major role in achieving these goals. You can most assuredly do the same,
    and posting regularly can be a significant tool toward this end. There are many of us maintainers who would
    be delighted to support you on this personal odyssey to success, you need do no more than just ask 🙂 I think
    that joining the next challenge due to begin Feb. 21 could be very helpful to you. Hope to see you there!

    So sorry to hear of your troubles, Canadaliz. I lost my mother to a massive stroke 6 months before my o/h
    was diagnosed with stage 3 heart failure, followed by colon cancer 8 months later. I know how terrifying
    medical problems can be, particularly without those most dear to us. I wish you the best,


  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Erin. Bloody good to see ya mate! Sounds like you have had a busy time. Are you any good at preserving 61 year old women?

    Towanda57. Well done for keeping your reserve whilst in the airport. Such an easy place to lose sight of the BSD. You are right about walking and water. Apparently, waterfalls are the best thing to imagine to go to sleep. Green fields help with depression etc.

    Leelee….I genuinely don’t know what to say. I hope your 24 hour urine collection is over! I would have needed a bloody big jar! I remember being asked to provide a sample and it overflowed the pot they gave me lol.

    Lizzie, don’t forget to keep us updated. Sending loves your way (and give Kev a cuddle too!)

    Lots of love
    Nonna Mary

  • posted by EC

    haha Mary!!…my primary goal, as it’s exactly my age also!!

    mild sabotage due to visitors yesterday….not wine this time, but ice-cream (which I don’t even like that much!!)….ah well…today is another….etc

    I did however, venture back to the gym today for only the second time post my fractured rib and toe…so hopefully that’s another good “new/old” habit establishing

    Tried a skirt on yesterday that was quite roomy before Christmas….is now rather snug again so I’ve some serious undoing to do!! (app 2.5-3 kg so not devastating)….just reasserting the old will power……it’s a muscle too I do believe!!….just needs constant exercising (sigh)

    Hope everyone is as well as you can be….speaking of…Liz, there is some very interesting research on fasting prior to chemo to both increase efficacy and reduce side-effects….I’ll try and find a link for you

    love to all

  • posted by KazzUK

    Hello my friends
    I’ve a lot of posts to catch up on, but I’d just like to record that on the scales this morning I weighed 15.10. So a new low for me and the end of my “rest” of 4 weeks staying the same. Onwards and downwards!
    Have a good day everyone.
    Kazzee xxxx

  • posted by Tillybud

    Hi everyone. Well done Kazz! I’m back from hols so this week I’m 10st 4lbs up three quarters of a pound since two weeks ago at last weigh in which I think is pretty good for me. Did have wine, few crisps and salted peanuts so got away lightly I think. Still got time to get under 10 again before the end of the challenge so Koko! X hope everyone else is going great x

  • posted by alliecat

    That’s GREAT Kazzi! There is something empowering about dropping into the next lower stone 🙂 And I don’t
    even “do” stones. We’re backwards here, and only weigh in lbs. One of milestones for me was get under 200.
    Keep up with the water this week, my sweet!

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    GO KAZZEE, GO KAZZEE, GO KAZZEE. Well done! I have hovered around 15 plus one or two pounds for the last 4 weeks. I am blaming this cold, but I have made some poor food choices (not a lot). I can’t wait to lose this cold so that I can get back to 24 hour fasting.

    Hey Tillybud, that’s not so bad. You can soon lose that.

    EC are your ribs and toes now fully recovered?

    Weighed myself today and no change…will try measuring myself in a bit, but don’t expect a change. However, I use up so much energy coughing I should be 8 stone!

    Stay well.

    Lots of love
    Nonna Mary

  • posted by Tillybud

    You’re right nonna, I think I got off pretty lightly!. Perfectly doable by the end of the challenge. Thing is, can I?! 🤐😬
    I’m sorry you’re still suffering but hopefully if we get a bit of sunshine that’ll do the trick x KOKO!

  • posted by LadySusan

    Hi Candaliz – ooh everything you’re saying could be me! Got a real shock recently when I ended up in A&E with a heart problem – down to my drinking (they didn’t mention that I am nearly nine stone overweight)! Determined like you and very early days…..
    Not a diabetic but I am clearly trying very hard 🙁 Can I also offer a website that others have found useful around the drink thing – it’s called One Year No Beer – a nice couple of guys who are doing something positive to change the tide of public opinion that drinking is absolutely normal…good luck!!

  • posted by KazzUK

    Bless you all for your cheers! It’s lovely to be in the next stone.
    Allie – I’m 220 lbs. Started at 258 lbs. I wish I could say I feel like an emerging butterfly from a chrysalis, but I’ve a way to go yet! Plus, the UK is about to be plunged into another spell of deep mid winter, despite the crocus and daffodils I saw nudging their way up out of the ground. I wanted to shout, go back, not yet, the frost will get you, you’re too early!
    Half term for us this week and the office is fairly quiet which gives me a chance to pop on here.

    Tillybud – 3/4 of a lb is a teeny weeny gain, well done. I’ve gained 4 lbs over night in the past! I have serious motorhome envy btw!

    Mary – it doesn’t matter how long it takes, as long as we get there and don’t give up. Try drinking some warm lemon water. It’s very soothing and has anti inflammatory properties. Might help shake off the last of your cold.

    Erin/Liz – I’ve also heard about fasting benefiting cancer and I sent a link to a friend of mine who’s also battling the bloody thing…. here it is… Hope the link works.

    Towanda – it’s amazing isn’t it when you just stop and watch others around you – my favourite is checking out what’s in other people’s trollies in the supermarket! I could sit and people watch all day long. When I’m waiting for my train at night, there’s this very distinguished grey haired gent, probably late 50’s, quite stylish hair cut and he always meets an attractive brunette lady probably in her early 40’s. They get on the train and hold hands, whisper and giggle. She clearly adores him, can’t take her eyes off him. He’s wearing a wedding ring. She wears no rings! Hmmmmm, I’m so curious as just in the last month, I’ve noticed only he is at the station now, no sign of her. He’s always looking around as if hoping to see her.
    Ok, I best crack on….


  • posted by Tillybud

    I know it’s teeny weeny Kazz but it’s the up/down/ up since my new scales! I think they’re jinxed. Since Christmas I seem to have lost the plot and momentum! Suddenly it’s the last week and I need to focus. At least I feel I can maintain should I ever get to target. Still wanting to get under 10 st. Possibly 9st 8 or 10 so I have some wiggle room. I even brought out my hoola hoop and started 10 mins a day again. Feeling more positive again now. “Talking” about it here brings it into focus ……. so let’s go!

    Your couple on the train sound very intriguing and I too look what people have in their trolley! “Ooh, she shouldn’t be putting THAT in her trolley”, nudge nudge. I’m very judgemental! And I shouldn’t be.

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Tillybud, I use a hula hoop too! Haven’t for the last five days due to lack of breath, but I have today. Still wheezing, but thought exercise might shift it. Sorry if TMI. LOl.

    Kazz, I also watch people and shopping trollies. It is amazing how many people buy ready made meals! I have always liked to know what I am putting in my mouth. One thing about watching people though. Years ago when I got regular public transport to work….I was walking through the town centre with Jovis when I saw a woman I knew. We stopped and chatted about very vague things and then made excuses and parted. Jovis asked who she was and I didn’t know. An hour later I realised I saw her every day on the bus. We had never spoken before, but she obviously felt the same about me. I saw her on the bus after that and we used to sit and chat. It made the journey more pleasant.

    Later people.

    Nonna Mary

  • posted by EC

    congrats Kazzie…I still think partly in 1lbs and stones as well as kg as in Aus we only swapped to decimal both currency and measurements when I was about 8 or 9 but the change was very gradual. The good thing about kg is that it doesn’t sound like much of a loss when you say 3kg but if you covert that to just over 1/2 stone it sounds much more laudable. (unfortunately that’s about what I put back on over the summer)….but back on track now and plan to see it soon banished again!!!
    Went out for breakfast this morning with a dear friend and though the meal was very BSD friendly, it was way over breakfast calories, so no lunch today for me 🙁
    also love your story of intrigue at the train station!!

    All my injuries are (finally) healed Mary…thanks for asking. Worse thing was they threw off my good habits and intentions. We’ve also had more snakes around this summer, so was a little nervous taking the border collie into the bush as she can be a bit of a wanderer (she’s been trained not to chase the wallabies or pademelons…but not sure what she’s do if she came across a tiger snake

    SO good to feel back in the fold (Tillybud…yes, it’s good to “say” here on the forum….keeps us accountable)….love to you all

  • posted by Searchingrockpools

    Hi All
    Huly hoops you guys are so great…
    Thank you all for the generosity of spirit, support and encouragement. I’m still here. Still plodding.
    No wilderness adventures for me this week. Mores the shame. I have woken 3rd day in a row, with no energy, grumpy. Eating bsd some days at 800, some days closer to 1100. Weight gradually going down again then up then down bouncing around on the scales. I haven’t measured… but my face is less puffy, and depending on what I eat… thinking dairy… bloats my middle section.
    2 weeks and no cream biscuits/ cookies from the newly dubbed “tin of sin”, at work, none zero nil booze at home. 2 glasses wine after work dinner and drinks at a new pub last Friday. Have since been to pub for quiz and no booze.
    Managing a 15 -18hr fast every 2nd day. From after dinner until next lunch. Easier when at work as I’m flat to the boards. The cakes on Tuesday meeting days has gone astray… so 1 less temptation. I took watermelon last week to get us through a 2hr meeting.
    Feeling like I’m struggling a bit with my mood. Irritable, emotional at ads or news articles not pms that would be next week. Anyway not giving in… despite feeling like walking to the new little patisserie and inhaling an almond croissant.
    Any hoo I was interupted from my lusting after butter pastry treats by a phone call from a dear friend, who’s life challenges seriously, puts my misery guts into perspective.
    I also had my new fridge delivered.
    So after lunch of 80g smoked trout and a 50g of mixed salad leaves leaves… dressed with 1/2 tspn wholegrain mustard, 2tspns red wine vinegar and tiny splash olive oil… still not satiiated. Turned to meal planning. Chicken and herb meatballs baked in tomato, garlic and stock prob serve with zuchetti.
    So tootled off to the local supermarket. Did not stray to chocolate aisle, passed nonchalantly by the crisps whistling at me, blue vein cheese shouting at me… chocolate biscuits calling with feigned urgency. Even the Hot Hungarian salami was winking at me to spice things up. It was just another day in the super market really. It was only a quick trip.
    Proud to say only parsley, passata, garlic and treat of 200g bag of roasted unsalted peanuts made it to the checkout.
    I usually am not a fan of peanuts… unless in crunchy peanut spread.
    As a reward I popped into my favourite local cafe for a take away coffee. Phew.Safe.

    I really apologise for being so as indulgent as to using this as my personal cathartic journal space…
    Just going to sit quietly here for a bit, not too chatty, I apologize for coming out, but not feeling too sociable. I’ll listen to you and smile encouragingly and genuinely while I gather myself.
    Love to all of you.
    Searching (the inner chasms) rockpools.

  • posted by VictoriaM

    Hi searchingrock pools,
    Don’t apologise, that’s what friends are for, we all need to vent now and then. The thing that strikes me is that under your witty writing is you’ve had some great successes. I’m not sure you see it like that, But WELL DONE, you’ve dodged the bullets again, and each time will make you stronger.

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Oh SRP how you made me laugh. The Hot Hungarian Salami winking at you! You have a way with words and you must know you are winning this battle! Read your post again and then congratulate yourself on your achievements! I am so proud of you! As for the emotional feelings. Don’t we all get like that occasionally? I was reading something the other day (a nasty story about a baby) and burst into tears, and adverts are meant to pull at our emotions. You wouldn’t remember the product otherwise. Please try and be kinder to yourself. I try to think what advice I would give a friend and then apply it to me. (Doesn’t always work, I am hard on myself too!)

    I have managed to 24 hour fasts three times this week…still no weight loss….but that is normal for me. Just hovering over 15…dying to get below. Hey ho…lets see…perhaps I need to do more Hula Hooping lol.

    EC so lovely that you are back. Keep checking in. I have missed you.

    LeeLee, how are you? Keep us updated, because we care and I live vicariously through you…you Gorgeous Galway Siren you ! I am off to the supermarket to see if I can get a Hot Salami to wink at me (but I fear my winking days are over lol).

    Later I have Rugby/Olympics to watch. My life is so exciting!

    Nonna Mary

  • posted by EC

    Happy Monday everyone
    here, Mary as requested!! (or was that a gentle order?)
    SRP….fabulous description of the dreaded supermarket….I sometimes find even my local farmers market way too tempting as well…..full of amazingly good healthy fresh produce…..but also the best local gourmet food…including sourdough bread to die for!! (that would v call me with much more “feigned urgency” (love the mental picture!!) that the chocolate biscuits)

    Anyhow…..dispensing with excuses!! I finally got back on the scales this morning ….and unsurprisingly have gained back app 3kg after my “off track” summer…..but now onwards and downwards I hope.
    Today I am starting another 5 days on the fasting mimicking diet so hopefully will budge those kilos promptly! (I’m also getting bloods done before and after so that will be interesting to see)

    For those amazing ones among you who have been fasting at all…there is a new documentary out about fasting featuring a lot of researchers and practitioners its just it costs $6 au to “hire” for 24 hours or $15 to buy
    Mary, you’ll see you’re doing good for your body even sans movement on the scales!!

    wishing everyone a stellar weekxxx

  • posted by alliecat

    Hi Erin! It’s good to see your name back up on the boards. I don’t know if you follow any other threads
    beyond this one, but there has been much discussion of late on the subject of fasting. Flick has just
    revived the thread “Fasting” to catalog the adventures of successful BSDers who are mastering
    these techniques with outstanding results. The amazing Esnecca just completed a 7 day run!!!
    You may find it interesting 🙂 I hope that you aren’t finding it too difficult to get back into the swing
    of things. Very best of luck to you!


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