Hi, still here, down to 13stone 8lbs which is a massive 1.4lb down in just under 4weeks :(. I REALLY have been trying hard. If I can get down to 13stone I’ll be in the overweight category rather than the Obese one. I must confess to buying a loaf of bread – Braces Vortigern Wholemeal & Seeds Bloomer 800G which has 13.1gms of carbs in 1 44gm slice. Have been SO craving bread so thought if I just had egg dishes then I could afford a treat & maybe have an egg mayo sandwich or a ham sandwich. I was good & had a ham one. It was delightful & the bread was scrumptious.However, once I make some room in the freezer it’ll be going in there as hubby thinks he has to have it, just because it’s there. I must admit to being tempted too. Today (after the bread yesterday) I was still in ketosis BUT at 1.3 instead of a more normal 2.7-2.9 however my BP had risen dramatically to levels I haven’t seen since before I started – my BP is normally now almost normal or sometimes below, B.Sugars 5.5 instead of in 4’s, my eyes too went blurry – I think it made a pretty big difference, which I wasn’t expecting. I decided to be a LOT more mindful of what I stuff my face with.
Cathy, sorry about your oesteo – Myself & hubby have it too. 🙁 We use an oil D3 & K2 as oils help your body to uptake it better. I know that they should be taken together as 1 helps the other 1 to work. Can’t remember which one though (old timers). We use this one, pretty inexpensive as it’s a 60ml bottle. Bought last one about 3 months ago & with both taking we’ve used under 20ml so it should last us about 9 months at just £12.99 it’s a steal. I must admit since being on keto my shoulders, elbows, hands & neck have improved but my back still bothers me. 30yrs ago I was told my back was like someone of 80 after I had a very bad backwards fall down a long flight of concrete steps shattering my elbow & landing on my head, which did nothing for my C1-C2 vertebrae. I wonder if my back is now like someone of 110yrs? See if your doc will give you Fenbid Forte 10% gel. It’s the only thing that works for me. I had to go to 1%, 2%, 5% over a long period until they let me have the 10%. I can’t take ibuprofen as I take Zapain full strength – codeine phosphate/Paracetamol 30mg/500mg up to 4x a day. Hubby has 4 nerve impingement’s in his & it’s only morphine that helps him OR steroid injections which ha was due to have a repeat of last April, now they want to laser the nerves but when??
Brain fog still, when i said we’d substitute coleslaw for Aubergine – i meant Artichoke, All refs to aubergine I meant artichoke. You must have all thought we were a bit strange sitting in a car going mental over huge jars of aubergine for 20p. NOT that there is anything wrong with aubergine but artichokes are in a different class IMHO. 🙂 🙂 Yum, Yum.
Lauren – come back & post. It’s not you who has verbal or typing Diarrhea – it’s me! Which is why I stopped myself coming on here, 🙂 🙂 🙂 I’m still sticking to the BSD for at least the next 2 weeks & then we’ll decide as hopefully we can get away in the motor-home for a few weeks, depending on hubby’s future hospital/docs appts. I must admit I haven’t been to docs for over a year as I then wanted to go on the shakes or a very low carb diet (Newcastle diet) & my doc was VERY disdainful so I’ve cut her out of the picture totally. I intend on going back when I have lost at least another 1.5stone to see what she says then. Cutting my own meds. down. I used to work for a major pharmaceutical so will be very careful. Stepdaughter is a doc in US & she says ‘Go for it!’
I hope all of you are well & losing weight more rapidly than me. Enjoy the Bank Holiday if you can with the dreadful weather, gales along the West coast along with torrential rain – typical bank hols weather for us!