Latest forum posts

  • posted by  Kim- on Over the 8-week line and after
    on in Fast 800

    Congratulations CaptainLynne! Brilliant effort and great results from your 10 weeks, looking forward to joining you in the ‘8 week’ club some day!!

  • posted by  Essentially Jane on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I think the chickpea flour goodies are a winner.
    Thanks Bill and it’s really great reading everybody’s stories.
    I’m due for my measure in tomorrow. Now the flu symptoms have gone I am feeling good. Still drinking loads of water and am in this for the long term.
    Life style choice now.

  • posted by  LH on Is anyone on the diet who has hypothyroidism?
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Humming bird
    I am on 150mg. Have been on diet 2 weeks and have lost 12 pounds. Most noticeably I have soooooo much more energy and not too many cravings. This is not to say that I wouldn’t like to dive head first into a vat of Cadburys Dairy Milk because to be honest I would love to ..but the feeling of being able to fit into clothes more comfortably and having more energy, plus feeling incredibly pious as I load my trolley at the supermarket with nuts, seeds, natural yoghurt et al is a great buzz and so I have to remember that when I feel a bit peckish ! I asked my GPs about going on it and they didn’t say no so I am doing it for 8 weeks and seeing if this can be the change I need. It took me 5 months of blood and sweat at the gym and diet to lose one and a half stone last year and had truly thought that I would never lose the weight I had put on thanks to my underactive thyroid, but this has given me hope, so as long as your GP is OK with it and you have no other health issues I would recommend it. I was diagnosed a pre-diabetic last month and this was enough to make me get my life sorted out..the BSD is step one !! Best of luck if you do it.

  • posted by  hashimoto on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Bill, I’ll take you up on posting recipes! So far I haven’t remembered to photograph anything. On a completely different note I had my annual asthma review this morning and took my blood sugar diet book and my file of recipes with me as well as an excel spreadsheet of my daily weigh ins, number of steps and BMI. As soon as I walked in the nurse was amazed – she could see instantly I had lost a lot of weight and looked full of energy instead of dragging myself in. She said there is diabetes in her family, she made a note of this website and book title and said she is going to be on board with this. Hopefully this will filter through to other staff and diabetic patients. I said I had booked an apptmt with a GP to ask about having a fasting blood sugar test done. She searched my record and it showed that there have been spikes in my readings between 4.5 and 8!!!!!!!!! as far back as 2011. Classed as ‘normal’ because I have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism! The reading of 8 was back in 2011 and I had put a lot of weight on since then so God only knows what it was before this diet. I should definitely have waited to start the diet til after it was done. Now I know I am sticking with this way of eating for life!
    My file of recipes contains the recipes in the book but I googled ‘daily mail 8 week blood sugar diet’ and printed of the pages with the recipes. I find it easy to open up the file, look at the pictures and make what takes my fancy. I often change the frittata recipe to have more veg, no chickpeas, and sometimes a couple of rashers of grilled bacon chopped into it.

  • Hi there,

    I’m also hypothyroid, on 150grm of Levothyroxine. I’ve been doing the 5:2 (2 day ‘fasting’) for nearly a year and have lost 10 Ibs, but struggling now with the last stone, and have not really been very motivated since before xmas. I’m toying with BSD, but concerned the calories are so low it will mess up my metabolism, anyone else have those concerns?

  • posted by  Bill1954 on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Perhaps you just jumped in without planning things.
    Try planning a weeks menu in advance, choose from the recipes in the book or on site or even use your own as long as you cut out the carbs and fat.
    DO NOT berate yourself – disgusted and annoyed isn’t an expression we want to here from you EVER again.
    We all had to start, some of us made slip ups along the way, but, above all, we are all here to help.
    If you feel like binging come on here and tell us about it, we’ll soon talk you out of it.
    You are part of the BSD family now and all the help you need is here.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Not losing belly fat
    on in Fast 800

    I have to agree with you that the relaxed way the book is written makes it far easier to follow for me.
    UK users may feel uncomfortable at first with the US way of measurnig things, a handful of this, a cup of that, but behind all that is the simple message, get rid of the simple carbs and eat the good stuff.
    It’s so simple, why complicate things ?

  • posted by  Kinahan10 on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi there. I am not too sure how to work the “start a new topic” thing but hopefully I can enlist some help. I started real well with the BSD last Monday and I’ve just had a big binge. I am so disgusted and annoyed with myself. I would love someone’s help to get me back onto the diet. I don’t know what is wrong with me!

    Thanks in anticipation

  • posted by  Ju on Food Allergies and the blood sugar diet
    on in 5:2 BSD

    I actually found some at the weekend and had a little taste this morning! It is delicious, tastes very rich for someone who has not had dairy for 13 years now, so would only need a little at a time. It is pretty calorific, I think maybe 50g would be a good serving…

  • posted by  Bill1954 on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Pleased you enjoyed them sooze39
    They really are so versatile and can be used as the base for loads of yummy goodies.
    I’m just like you in that I don’t get hung up on calories. I look at the ingredients and I’m not a big eater anyway so no worries about portion control. If the ingredients are healthy, I’ll eat it 🙂

  • posted by  Julia18togo on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    I hardly post at all, but read the forums assiduously and find them both supportive, highly entertaining (some of the humour really helps keep me motivated!) and inspirational – in fact, am off to buy some gram flour for the chickpea flour pancakes!
    The stir fry cabbage idea also sounds good to try.
    I am a bit of a cheat – started before Christmas at around 91 kilos, but was seriously derailed due to a very nasty and prolonged bout of flu for the first 2-3 weeks of the year. Due to all that ibuprofen and paracetamol, I was a bit panicky about the low carb approach while stuffing my sensitive tummy with the meds, and also felt too awful to be able to plan and shop, much less cook BSD stuff. Have also had a week in Spain with in-laws who barely know what some veg look like, so gained a little which I then had to lose again. So you could say I am 2 weeks off completing the 8 weeks considering the break(s). I am now down to 84 kilos… and all due to the support here. And an inch or 2 off the waist too, although it seems most weight has come off those love handles higher up than anywhere else!

    Keep it all going folks.

    And to KatieB – I’m with Bill: go into that appointment full of the joys at what you’ve achieved in reducing the BS readings – you now seem to be in the pre-diabetic zone rather than the diabetic zone with that level. Below 42 is normal – so you are getting there! How can any GP argue with that improvement?

  • posted by  Ella B on Food Allergies and the blood sugar diet
    on in 5:2 BSD

    Hello Jules,

    Coconut yogurt sounds lovely, I will look for it too.

    I am sorry to hear that Gram flour is not good either; my husband is the same, anything that has chickpeas would bother him. So, I am looking for an alternative legume or bean flour.

    All the best,

  • posted by  linzechris on Just starting today
    on in 5:2 BSD

    Does anyone know if Dark rye Ryvita are okay to have as they are made from whole dark rye? They are low on calories.

  • posted by  Kazd on Thickening agent
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Can anyone point me in the right direction for a thickening agent. Am making Hairy Bikers Lasagna and looking to thicken the béchamel sauce. Friend pointed me in the direction of Arrowroot over cornflour as no sugar but it is high in carbs and comes in at 85 on the GI chart.

    Has anyone got any suggestions please.

  • posted by  sooze39 on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Just want to say thanks to Bill, I made your chickpea flour pancakes for lunch, I used half cup flour, dessertspoon of Greek yogurt, salt & pepper and parsley, plus enough water to make a batter. It made 2 individual size pancakes. Husband and I have just had one each topped with tuna, bit of grated cheese, dsp sweetcorn and a dollop of mayo, with a pile of salad leaves. Yum.

    Loving this diet and finding it easy, we’ve been on it about a month now and have lost around a stone each. I’m not hung up on sticking strictly to the 800 cals (life’s too short to count cals, in my opinion!), I know for a fact we’ll be eating a lot fewer simply by cutting down drastically on carbs. Cut out sugar 2 years ago when I was first diagnosed as T2. I don’t stick slavishly to the recipes in the book either (although some of them, like the aubergine with lamb are gorgeous), I just make up my own following the guidelines in the book.

    I’m no longer bloated, joints don’t ache anymore, I feel clearer headed and have more energy. I reckon we’ll be eating this way for the foreseeable future.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Started Today…eek!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    The recipes in the book, although delicious in the main can be modified to suit your tastes.
    Just be sure that the substitute is just as low or free from simple carbs as the original and that the calories don’t differ too much.
    Welcome to the BSD and good luck !

  • posted by  mrsdianne on Started Today…eek!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello! I have started the 8wk BSD today – Does anybody know if you have to stick to the food in the book religiously (as I hate cheese – even Feta) or can a substitute be made, with the same amount of calories and still sticking with the Mediterranean type food?

  • posted by  SunnyB on Starting tomorrow!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Congrats to AllieBee and Ally, sounds like it’s going really well. I have had a good week, losing 5lb and a half inch off my waist, not as impressive as your results AllieBee, but getting there! I’m hoping my results will not drop off too drastically this week, but I’m not expecting to lose another 5lb this week – would be nice to drop three though.

    Have found the diet is making me think about what I am cooking and sparked some inventiveness. I am making a moussaka for this evening, using lots of veggies to pad it out and only using aubergine, no potatoes. Found that 30g full fat yogurt with 25g of sultanas soaked in rose or ginger tea makes is surprisingly filling and satisfying as a sweet treat, if needed for a fix of something sweet – comes in around 107calories, depending on the yogurt used.

    Overall though, not really missing carbs and my body seems to be coping fine without them. Have found I am sleeping better, my only problem is constipation, as I struggle to drink enough – it’s always been a downfall of mine. Added to that a naturally sluggish bowel and this drastic diet change was always going to have an impact in this area. It’s not causing a huge problem and I’m working to resolve it. This has been the only bugbear for me though and seeing actual results on the scales, more than makes up for a blip in this area.

    Best wishes to all those that started the BSD last Monday as well – hope you are see good results too and that it will continue.

  • posted by  Aly on Starting tomorrow!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Very good! They free range and I get 10 eggs each day so they need a few extras! They are getting the pasta too now!

  • posted by  Yael on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Sorry, with stir-fried cabbage, should have said that I add 1-2 tablesp chickpea flour towards the end of cooking. Gives it a slightly nutty flavour.

  • posted by  Cazzowary on Not losing belly fat
    on in Fast 800

    I admire your desire to eat a ketogenic diet but some of the advice being given in this thread is far stricter than that proposed by Michael- legumes are quite acceptable on the 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet so don’t be afraid of them- they are a good combination of complex carbs and protein and don’t substantially affect glucose levels in regards to spiking= they’re also an excellent choice if you’re a vegetarian or vegan.

    Low carb is subject to a number of interpretations as to what exactly counts as “low carb”- the Diet Doctor has also discussed this and classifies anything up to 100 grams of carbs as “easy low-carb”. I’m trying to stick to 40 grams of carbs since it allows for some fruit, but everyone has to find their own level at which they are happy- if I go lower than this I’ll binge eventually due to rebelling from the choices available and if I go higher than this I’ll end up on a downward slope of carb-creep eventually leading to bingeing, a scenario that led me to have the problems with visceral fat that I now have.

    For me personally I find the looser interpretation by Michael more appealing since it is sustainable in the long-term. I also wanted to say that the Optifast shakes that were initially used in the Newcastle experiment are not low carb but it is the level of calories taken in that makes ours and the Newcastle diet ketogenic.

    Good luck with whatever levels you choose.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Starting tomorrow!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    sorry Aly but I just had this mental image of your overweight and diabetic chickens queuing up for their morning Metformin 😀

  • posted by  Yael on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hello everyone, just finished Day 4. Cannot believe that I have not been hungry. But old habits die hard. Eating for me is an ingrained habit (especially when the sun goes down), a reward, a comfort, and a pleasurable hobby, as well as a necessity for physical survival. Felt especially proud this evening: served my husband a lamb, tofu, potato & eggplant curry on a generous bed of spicy basmati rice with peas. I ate steamed Chinese broccoli, coriander stems, and zucchini with a small piece of steamed ocean salmon (leftover from yesterday). When I refused a potato chip (crisp), my husband’s eyes almost fell out. So not hungry, but more than a little bored. I submitted my spicy lentil and beetroot (leaves and stalks) soup to the recipe section with the name ‘Adashim shell’ which means ‘My lentils’. Check it out.
    And now for the grand indulgence of the day: a cup of tea with a splash of milk and a small level teaspoon of honey (I normally have a big overflowing teaspoon). My first and last for the day. Normally, I have 4-6.
    PS Bill, thanks for the chickpea recipe. I also add 1-2 tablespoons to stir-fried cabbage to give it more taste and ‘body’. I stir-fry shredded cabbage with 1 diced onion, 1 teasp turmeric, 1 teasp crushed garlic, 1 teasp crushed ginger, 1 teasp black mustard seeds, chilli to taste, and a scant spoon of grated cocoanut. Use 1 tablesp cocoanut oil for cooking.

  • posted by  Aly on Starting tomorrow!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    On the whole have done ok. After three days I went down with carb flu and am still suffering. I gave in to two small roast potatoes yesterday but when I tried a piece of cake I couldn’t eat it! I gave my stock of digestive biscuits to the chickens but do not want any. It is very weird that I do not miss all the carbs so far. Still struggling a bit sorting out meals but am getting there. My tummy is definetly smaller and my clothes are a little big so something is happening. At some point I will brave the scales.
    It is still early days for me but having come through the worst of withdrawal I am keen to keep going.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on Starting tomorrow!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Brilliant results Alliebee.
    This is the kind of thing that is sure to encourage and motivate others and this is just the start.
    Keep it up ! you have a very interesting story to tell.

  • posted by  ay caramba on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Everyone. End of Week 4 and have lost 11 lbs so far. Really pleased as have been away in hotels for a few days last week and the greatest achievement….. went to a cheese and wine tasting evening! Tasted all eight wines with no spitting-out involved! In truth just two or three sips of each wine, about the equivalent of a small glass and a half altogether. With two matchbook size pieces of cheese I felt completely part of the social situation without too much jeopardy to the diet. Only downside… it spoiled my alcohol-free February!
    Hoping for an alcohol-free March. Good luck to you all.

  • posted by  paddy57 on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi just started week 5 today. Now lost 42 lbs my BMI is 26 now (was 32) interestingly this weekend I went over 800 cals twice (About 10%) but lost 9lbs over the week & 3lbs over the weekend – Maybe it was shouting at the tv whilst watching the rugby?

  • posted by  AllieBee on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi there

    Just finished my first week.
    I don’t have diabetes that I am aware of but am doing the plan to lose weight (30kg to get into a “healthy” BMI) and reap the health benefits of that.

    I am delighted that I have lost 4.1 kgs (9lb) and 1 1/2 inches from my waist.

    It’s great to see how everybody is getting on I have found it encouraging reading about everybody s journeys so far

  • posted by  M. on Slimline tonic ok?
    on in Fast 800

    glad it made you lol me too. I am with you on this – looks like far too much a hard work and I am not that desperate! Will get over myself and like you wait until end of 8 weeks and then try one of the “least unhealthy options” as you put it. Only 52 days to go! who said I was that desperate!?! I do think that my withdrawl from alcohol is as tough as the calorie restriction – rarely a day used to go by without at least one glass of wine……. hope it is all going well for you. M.

  • posted by  AllieBee on Starting tomorrow!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi there – how has everybody else who has just finished week one getting on?
    I am astounded!! Lol.
    I have lost 4.1kg which is 9lb – also 1 1/2 inches round my waist!
    I suspect it will slow down this week though.
    I had one mishap where I forgot to take my lunch to work and had to buy a roll – I was starving later on. It certainly didn’t fill me the same as my new way of eating. I also had some red wine last night as I am off work for the week and although I will be just sorting house stuff I felt in the holiday mood LoL.

    I have suffered with what gp says is IBS since my late teens I am 41 now. This week I have had no flare ups at all. I can’t tell you how good that feels not having to run back and forward to the loo as that has really effected the quality of my life.

    I have had a few tired days but some days I have been full of energy which is not the norm.

    I have really been enjoying the food and my hubby bought me a spiraliser this week as a wee pressie. Am loving courgetti!!!

    I would like to purchase a blender to make shakes and the cauliflower rice etc. Can anyone recommend a good one that does not cost a fortune?

    Only niggle is that I have woke up every night once or twice to wee even if I stop drinking early evening. Ha ha Maybe it will settle down soon?

    Hope everyone else is doing good – would be lovely to hear about your first week.


  • posted by  Fi on 'Weigh in' thread
    on in Fast 800

    Hi, weigh-in day for me is Monday morning. Just starting Week 3 today and a bit disappointed as I only lost 1lb (was expecting more of a loss as I have really stuck to the no carb rule). But I will stick at it and perhaps next week will give a better result – from reading the other comments it can be a bit up and down. My BS reading though was 5.5 this morning so very happy about that!

  • posted by  ay caramba on Rising Fasting Blood Glucose Levels
    on in Fast 800

    Thank you for the post about The Dawn Phenomenon. I could’t understand why my blood sugar level was higher this morning but this now makes more sense. Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic four weeks ago and started the BSD straight away. I have only been taking a fasting blood test once a week just to get a snapshot of what was going on and to monitor changes/ improvements in general terms. My Diabetic Nurse was keen that I didn’t get too hung up on the figures but did give me a test kit with only 10 testing strips so I decided to use one a week for a fasting blood test. This is the very first week it hasn’t gone down. I do understand that readings may vary from time to time but the article was both comforting and informative. Thank you.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    KatieB Confess ??? really ???
    Sod that ! go in with all guns blazing and tell him straight you did this without his support and you have proved that it works.
    I have my yearly checkup on Wednesday, I would have preferred it to be in another few weeks when I’ve completed the BSD but the results should be interesting.

  • posted by  penelope59 on Not losing belly fat
    on in Fast 800

    EEK! I’ve just been looking at diet doctor .com which says legumes are a no no! We’ve been munching away on red lentils and kidney beans (made to a delicious recipe from the 5:2 book) thinking they were ok!!

  • posted by  Katie B on This has to work for me
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi Everyone,
    I haven’t posted for a while, but I love reading everyone’s comments.
    I have reached the 5 week mark and I can’t quite believe where the time has gone or indeed how good I feel!!
    I have lost 17lbs and haven’t got any more to lose really so have upped my calorie intake a little to try and maintain now. My blood sugar is a funny one, as generally it hovers between 5.2-5.8 but I’ve had it spike to 6.8 a few times for no obvious reason.
    I had a hba1c blood test last week after 4 weeks on the diet and it has gone down from 53 to 45 which I’m hoping is good! I have an appointment with the doctor on Wednesday to discuss it, which I’m dreading as I didn’t tell him I was doing the diet or coming off my medication. Last time I broached the subject I didn’t get much support so I just went ahead anyway. now I have to go and confess!
    Good luck everyone!! It is so lovely to have this support from others trying to improve their lives.

  • posted by  theblackspot on day 1, Hello everyone!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Good plan Bill. Though occasional sniping back on those dark diabetic forums about successful weight loss and reduced meds, in time, might turn a few more heads for the better.

  • posted by  Bill1954 on day 1, Hello everyone!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Very well done the 2 of you.
    I love coming on here reading all these success stories from happy people.
    So different from another diabetic forum that I looked at over the weekend. Very clannish, folk arguing black and white, and nothing very good to say about the BSD, in fact some dire warnings about it being dangerous !!!
    I think I’ll stay here with all the happy and enlightened people. 🙂

  • That’s awful! I know how it feels to go to the gym all the time and be so careful with what you eat yet not look like you do – it’s so frustrating. I’ve tried lots of things that work for other people but just not me but I have to say this is working for me. Maybe it’s finding that thing that works for you. Have you considered metformin? I know it’s better to fix the problem through lifestyle but it it helps?
    I also did TheBody Coach 90 day plan last year and that was great. It Ramps up your metabolism and makes the exercise I did much more effective so rather than go 7 days a week I went just 4 and had a much better effect. The principles are v similar to on here -high fat/ protien and low carb except post workout but with loads more calories.. It has a lot of success with losing weight around the middle. Have. Look on his website. I think one of the reasons this is working for me is that doing that first -training my body to eat a lot more and then doing this is creating a massive calorie difference. The face book page is called The 8 week blood sugar diet and people on there are lovely and others I think have had the same experience.
    You can also email people on here and ask them if they have any advice as they have probably come across this before. What’s motivating about this diet is most people see quick results but maybe for you it will come with time if you can just keep going. I know sometimes my weight takes a bizarre amount of time to catch up. I though I had got away with my Christmas lessening up but a month later my weight shot up- defo a case of delayed onset of Christmas wickedness! therefore I bet it works the other way too that you may get the loss all at once-finger crossed. X

  • Update, I am now one week in, I have had a mixture of days of fasting all day and eating in the evenings, made a big crock pot full of steak mince, carrots, onions, leeks, barley and lentils and had that for a few evenings. Actually had a takeaway on friday night but ate less than half and chucked the rest away. Also had some low cal cottage pies in the freezer with swede mash – no butter and had them a couple of nights. Have got some frozen weigh watchers desserts in the freezer and did have a couple last week but have since checked out the sugar content and they are 24% sugar, since then I cannot bring myself to eat another.

    Yesterday my shopping delivery included egg pasta which apparently is okay if looking at low GI, it was delicious, I also had unsalted cashews (probably more than I should have had) and I still registered a loss this morning but smaller only about .3 of a lb. However my weight loss for the week is 6.3lb so am very happy. Just another 40 or so to go!

  • posted by  theblackspot on day 1, Hello everyone!
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hey everyone. It’s weigh day in this Leicester house. And me and the Mrs are grinning.
    I’ve lost 5lbs and her self 5 lbs too.

    Much high fiveing has gone on as it means she’s now ‘officially’ not over weight according to her Bmi.
    Well done Mrs!

    And this despite me having a sneaky weigh in in the week and being up!

    Keep it up folks and pile into the veggies. I’m convinced this is why I’m not hungry as I’m giving my body what it needs rather than fueling it with empty carbs that leave you hungry because your not feeding it (just adding calories.)

  • posted by  penelope59 on Not losing belly fat
    on in Fast 800

    Hi, I’ve been following this forum with great interest as like Che_Knight I’ve been struggling to lose belly fat, despite doing REALLY well, (as far as I’m concerned, any way)having lost a stone in 2 weeks, which resulted in a little dance around the bathroom this morning! I also am SO used to low fat diets that that it’s programmed into me to maximise what I eat by using low fat alternatives, so I’m tending to have low fat +low carb. Reading the posts has inspired me to send away for a recipe book for further inspiration and I’ll get husband to download the Jenny Ruhl book (I don’t have a kindle, I stubbornly refuse!!). Obviously I need to clear out the fridge and start again, with full fat products. Meanwhile to keep an eye on the carbs, could anyone please advise how many carbs I should be aiming for in a day? I think I need to be keeping more of a close eye on how much I’m consuming.

  • posted by  Sue1234 on Rising Fasting Blood Glucose Levels
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks for posting this squidgy. My blood sugar this morning is 11.7. An MRI confirmed I have a very fatty liver, so I can continue to expect high readings until my liver cleans itself out. I don’t want to hinder it’s progress so I will continue my 12 hour night time fast.

  • posted by  tamznlaws on absolutley no energy
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Hi teej not to worry. I only had s few seeds with me. Otherwise it would’ve been chocolate or crisps out of the onsite shop. My husband came to this show also on Sunday, so I drove home behind him. Not too bad and took it slow. I only live about 30 miles away. But from now on I will definitely have decent snacks available in my van for these types of situations. Still shakey and achey today. But like people have said, what things must I have been eating to cause such withdrawal symptoms . Also I don’t appear to have lost any weight. Perhaps 1lb. Mind you I don’t trust my scales. I am going to stick with it and go by my clothes.