Hi ay caramba,
..the hiking boots for the mountains will have to wait until your knee is OK..I find coming down the mountains harder on the knees and there isn’t always transport to get back down.
Wet Summers really get in the way of tennis matches.
The Tour de France starts today – lots of tired Aussies for the next 3 weeks because many of us stay up and watch it.
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Well today I jogged and walked 2.5km and have sore thighs. This was my second day and i actually finished how I started thanks to my friend. I have also been doing 1hr of yoga once a week and walking dropped off as it has got cold. Often I do 10,000 steps just nursing on a normal shift but find a walk faster now between patients. I am going to jog walk again tomorrow. I am sure it will get easier.
Hi gettingthere
I’m impressed by the thought of jogging.Well done. I’d be happy with trotting.
It does seem get easier as I lose more weight.
The other day my friend said I was positively skipping around the tennis court.
It didn’t stop us being soundly beaten in doubles by 2 ‘mature’ ladies. One is 82 the other is 86.
Now that is what exercise does for you…..that and being good at tennis!Hi Switzerland
Keep on hiking. Yes it’s the downhill bits that are tricky for knees. When I had an arthroscopy op on my damaged/dislocated knee the surgeon couldn’t find any evidence of a posterior cruciate ligament and declared it was missing and completely ruptured. My knee is stable (thanks to exercise and my physio friend) plus the use of a horrid rigid knee brace for dynamic stuff like tennis and skiing. I’m trying to avoid an op as long as possible.
Enjoy the Tour;-)
Move and shake!!!! -
My work means that I do manage to achieve the 10000 steps most days with a short evening walk. However over the summer I’m using fitness blender.com. I started with their free 5 day plan and am now doing a low impact program. They are good as you don’t feel pressure to do more than you can and if you follow a program, a fitness test at the start and end lets you see real differences.
My exercise routine is 20mins jogging and 30 minutes core exercise. More on sit ups and push up everything that targets abs! lol
Hi I’m a big fan of Leslie sansones walk aerobics, she does hiit training too. Not a gym person 😊😊😊
Very informative thread.