Starting Tomorrow

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Claire0310

    Hi. Is anybody starting the BSD tomorrow/this coming week? I downloaded the book a week ago and have simply got to do something about my excess weight. Virtually nothing fits. I had raised blood sugar levels during my first pregnancy so will be at risk of getting diabetes. I carry all of my excess weight around my (huge) middle. This way of eating makes sense to me and I think I’ll be able to stick to it with a bit of support. I tried Weight Watchers but it’s baffling!

    If there’s anybody out there (male or female/any age!) who would like to buddy up on our 8 week journey, I’d love to hear from you.

    PS I’m 50 on 3 October so I have an additional incentive…

  • posted by Avila

    Hi I posted on another thread –

    I start Aug 1st, am 41, not yet diabetic but in the risk zone, 2 years on blood pressure meds and my depression makes my eating really erratic – not bothered enough to face kitchen and then needed instant calorie input.

    So I am looking to get myself into 3 meal a day regular habit as well as ditching the drinking and the weight loss.

    I have produced a menu plan and shopped for it – so treating it as a project to help me stick to it. If I had to decide what to cook each day I would end up just retreating from the kitchen with the effort of decisions. Also a concentrated project with some quick wins suits my personality better. I couldn’t manage the slow plod of the usually slimming groups – besides I hate the idea of paying to be advised all the stuff I already know (even if don’t apply) and hate face to face with groups of strangers. Weirdly online is so much easier for that.

    I need to lose 20% of body weight! I have started to measure in kg as it is a number without the emotional baggage of stones, so from 99kg at 5ft 10 to 80kg to get healthy BMI. But any significant improvement will be good.

  • posted by Claire0310

    Avila: you sound more organised than me. Post tomorrow and let me know how you’re doing?

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Good luck Claire, I’ve just started week 8 yesterday, and lost 32lbs already, after years of WW. You can do this! Avila, that’s the right idea with the meal planning, it’s half the battle, do it as far ahead as you can, you can always switch days if you feel like it! The support on the forum threads is brilliant too, non judgemental, friendly and very helpful, you can usually find the answer to any question you have. Good luck to you too!

  • posted by Magpie

    Hello Claire0310, I am starting today as well. I borrowed the book from a friend and thought I’d have a look. The more I read the more concerned I became about my health. I turned 50 in June, have a history of Type 2 diabetes in my family and have been slowly putting on weight over the years. Several times in the last few years my blood sugar has been a bit higher than my doctor has liked but I have managed to get it down again. I would be devastated to hear that I had full blown Type 2 diabetes but I would only have myself to blame. This is my attempt to loose some weight and get my general health back in order. I would love to be a diet buddy! I feel I may need some encouragement during the next few weeks!!

  • posted by Claire0310

    Hi Magpie. Sounds like we have a fair bit in common and it’d be great to buddy up. I’m planning my lunch for tomorrow. The tracking is quite time consuming but I daresay I’ll get the hang of it. I don’t eat meat (but do eat fish) and cheese is my biggest downfall! Would love to hear how your first day goes.

  • posted by Minxie48

    Hi Claire, I’ve just finished reading the book and really motivated to start this week. The only trouble is I have done the food shopping for the week and need to get rid of the naughties before I start. Hoping to start in a few days though. I’m interested to see how you get on. Good luck x

  • posted by Avila

    Hi Minxie,

    I have been eating through the temptations this past week – and went shopping with a strict list from my menu plan. Hope to have you join us when you are ready.

  • posted by Avila

    Thanks for the encouragement Lucky Maneki, and welcome Magpie.

    happy Yorkshire day everyone – my first one, later this week being my anniversary of moving to the county. And Happy Day 1….

  • posted by Frog

    Hi Avila
    Lots of new starts then! welcome to BSD, enjoy posting on the forums – I’ve found them really helpful

  • posted by Minxie48

    Thanks Avila, I’m so motivated and ready to start that I think I will do the same. The kids and husband can eat the carbs and what better day to start than the 1st of the month!

  • posted by karenv

    Good luck Claire I hope you have a great week! I just started last week and it’s gone well so far – no major hunger, I’ve tried lots of lovely new recipes and not felt deprived. Apart from when boyfriend went out to the pub and I didn’t because I knew I would eat all round me afterwards ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope you have a great week and everyone else too ๐Ÿ™‚ And the forums are great, lots of good advice and recipes etc x

  • posted by Magpie

    Well, Day 1 done and dusted! Discovered lots of things on the way. I don’t believe how many thoughtless calories I was consuming. Old habits such as drinking endless cups of coffee all add up. I have had a lot more water today…as a consequence I’ve done a lot of my 10 000 steps going to and returning from the loo! Wearing a pedemeter has made me more aware of constantly moving. I haven’t been hungry today but it has been a huge day at school (I teach K/1) with a meeting after school. An early dinner and a cup of tea afterwards has done the trick. Bring on day 2! Hope you’ve all had a good day as well.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Well done MAGPIE i assume youre in Oz!
    Good luck you other day 1 guys! Hope its going ok for you x

  • posted by ChrissieW1953

    Hello Claire, Avila, Magpie and Minxie (and others?)
    I’ve just finished reading the book and will be starting tomorrow. I’ve just retired, so have the luxury of a bit more free time to plan than most of you busy people.
    I have a retirement tea party this afternoon, so will be very mindful of all the cake lol.
    This morning I’m sorting recipes and plan for next 2 days – I’ve been trying the low carb plan for a few days and have found it very difficult – constantly hungry so really anxious already that this is going to be hard.
    But the book is encouraging and I’ve promised myself I will do 2 weeks and if its still really difficult try the 5:2 version.
    Good luck everyone.

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Hi ChrissieW1953 and welcome!

    Don’t stress too much about how difficult the BSD will be for you – some people find it more difficult than others, depending on how much carbs you’re used to eating and how your particular body works – but their difficulties tend to be for a very limited time and once you’re through that, you should find your hunger decreases and you start a completely new and enjoyable lifestyle!

    Don’t even think about getting dispirited before you start…..onwards and downwards (that’s the weight and the measurements!) ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Avila

    Well not quite lunch on day 1 here, I went to get a blood glucose read at the local pharmacy 5.8 mmol which they were happy with but the book on p121 notes that different groups have different boundaries to categories. So I could be on the entry side to prediabetic if I were in US. Anyway – no scares but ‘could do better’ so this diet is about the doing better.

    Came home to scrambled egg with spinach and then as working this pm and eve with not much cooking time inbetween I have just cooked up the veggie Balti for tea, (which will have a portion for later in the week) and as I was veg chopping did a soup alongside to keep for lunches. As for fluids I filled 3 x 1litre bottles to be drunk through the day.

    So I feel very productive and focused at the moment – Day 1 enthusiasm. May not be the same by end of the day/week/month!!

  • posted by Minxie48

    Sounds like a brilliant start Avila, I’ve had a meal replacement shake for breakfast. I bought a few boxes just to get me started on track and it’s much easier while the kids are off school. Not planning to use them for more than a couple of weeks though.

  • posted by Avila

    Well I only have one dog (good for the step count!) and no kids to try an entertain at the same time. I have some slimfast on hand when need a quick fix.

  • posted by ChrissieW1953

    Thanks for the encouragement Igorasusual. I’m focussing on one day at a time and the positivves I acheive in that day.

  • posted by ChrissieW1953

    Yes well done Avila. Organised lady. I do wish I liked the replacement shakes as they would make some days easier, but I cant bear them.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Enjoy yr party CHRISSIE and wishing you a very happy healthy and fun retirement! X
    Have you got lots of plans?

  • posted by ChrissieW1953

    Thanks Yowser, waiting for financial stuff to be properly sorted, then plan a big holiday, maybe in Canada, and going to try cycling as a fitness and social good thing. Whole new life – just need to get a bit healthier to get the most out !

  • posted by Yowzer49

    That sounds lovely CHRISSIE..wd love to visit Canada…yes deffo get healthier to make the most of yr leisure time! X

  • posted by Avila

    I suppose it was unfair to be out and leaving a kitchen full of smells – I came home to a guilty looking dog and the egg box stolen from the kitchen counter on her bed in the next room…. Mind you what was impressive is that 2 eggs in it were still total intact! The dog had had the other 2 though. Maybe this is her way to say she is not impressed with me giving up the biscuits that she is used to getting her share of.

    Thought it might amuse you.

  • posted by ChrissieW1953

    Oh Avila . Sad the dogs going to miss his biscuits but made me chuckle. I’m all set to go tomorrow with menus planned for wk1 and shopping list for after avocado and poached egg breakfast tomorrow!

  • posted by Phantom XL

    Hi All

    I posted in “The Beginning” and Avila recommended I should pop along here. I have started a few days ago. The 8 weeks in just part 1 of a long process. First part make myself healthier inside with blood sugar levels and then continue to drop in total 10 stone.

    My plan for the first 8 weeks is to simply follow the BSD Book menus as close as I can and try and repeat and easier to prepare / cook meals.

  • posted by TiggerB

    I started the BSD for the second time today, I’m a 51 year old female who had pregnancy diabetes and is ‘pre-diabetic’. Only advice the nurse at my GP gave me was to lose a bit of weight and follow the healthy eating plate – the one with a third of the plate as carbs!! I knew that wasn’t for me so hence I’m here – hopefully I can follow it through this time.

    We can all be motivation for each other – I could really use the help at times as I can be an emotional eater.

    Good luck to everyone starting this journey and those who are already on the road.

  • posted by Magpie

    Hello everyone! It is interesting to read other people’s reasons for starting the diet. Yes Claire, I live in Australia. Where is everyone from.? I would like to know what you all plan to have for breakfast in this diet. I have lunches and dinners sorted, but breakfast is a bit harder. I don’t want to prepare anything that is time consuming as I like to get to work early. Any ideas?
    Have a good day๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by TiggerB

    Hi Magpie,

    I’m from Leeds in the North of England.

    Only started today but planning on yogurt and fruit for breakfast – raspberries or blueberries tomorrow. I have to take it to work with me so it has to be easy to do and transport ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Wow, a whole class of newbies! Welcome to everyone! You are going to amaze yourselves in just a few short weeks — it gets easier and easier so don’t fret in the beginning, just suspend your thought processes regarding dieting for just a couple of weeks and just follow the plan as closely as you can. It works and it will work for you. If you mess up (and it happens to almost everyone) just start right up the next day. No matter what, don’t quit!! The power is in the keeping-on and over time it all becomes second nature and your relationship to food will change. I will enjoy reading about your progress –the posts are incredibly helpful if you need encouragement and advice.

  • posted by Minxie48

    Well my first day has gone really well, I’ve come in at 830 cals and am not feeling hungry at all.

    I’m from the Wirral, over the water from Liverpool ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by ChrissieW1953

    It’s lovely to know there’s so many starting this journey with me ๐Ÿ™‚
    I live in Kent England. I’m going to be following the plan in the book as much as I can.
    Good luck xx

  • posted by Frog

    Hi Magpie
    I had porridge today (bit carby, but the traditional rolled oats that you soak overnight are OK in moderation – avoid the instant stir in hot water packs like the plague!) with blackberries.
    I usually have poached egg – with mushrooms, tomato, avocado & often bacon or smoked salmon. I love cherry tomatoes, and often pop a few into the water that I’m poaching the egg in just before the egg is cooked – especially if otherwise they’d be straight from the fridge; lots more flavour if they’re warm.
    Sometimes I skip breakfast – I think quite a few posters do, so have a fast from early evening thru to lunchtime, but I find that if I have 200 calories at breakfast (often quite a latish breakfast), I fare better thru the rest of the day in terms of not snacking.

    Yogurt with berries is good too – and I think there’s a recipe for low carb bircher in the book, but not really into cereal at the best of times, so haven’t tried that.

  • posted by Phantom XL

    I am going for quick and easy breakfasts / lunch. I have a soup machine that also does shakes. So I’ll have the shake for breakfast thats in the book, which is full fat greek yoghurt, flax seeds, green tea, blueberries (I plan to change this some days with raspberries or blackberries). I make the green tea overnight and chill it in the fridge. Other than that, follow the recipe, drop it into the machine and the hard work is done for me. For lunch I am planning to do soup, again drop in soup machine, 20 mins later its all done. I have done a few and its simple. I can make enough for a couple of days. Pour into a thermos, take to work with a small apple and a banana. Evening meal is the challenge. Again, not great in the kitchen, so just going to use / try / ruin a few recipes from the book.

    The way I see it, as I am doing the 8w plan first, its tough, and disciplined, so I’m just trying to follow the book as much as possible to get me through, hopefully.

    Male, UK, Devon.

  • posted by Claire0310

    Well, I’ve finished Day 1 and have consumed just under 800 calories. I’m tracking them via the Fitbit. A mad long day at work (started at 8am and didn’t finish until 7pm) and by the time I got home (1 hour drive back to Manchester from Liverpool) and read to the children etc., it was 9.3pm with nothing prepared for dinner! At that point I found out that the oven has broken…So, I’ve had 50g no added sugar muesli with skimmed milk for dinner. Not so good I suppose but better than my old choice which would have been a lot of cheese, crackers, crisps and red wine. The only time I have felt hungry was after work so I ate some carrot and celery sticks in the car which miraculously did the trick. I expect that I’m going to be very hungry in the morning so may try to do something with an egg.
    BTW: does anybody know if rye bread is OK or not?

  • posted by arjaytee

    Hi everyone, I started today too, but I’m not as organised as you all seem to be. The book & recipes haven’t arrived yet so I’m winging it! I hate calorie counting and using apps to calculate etc so I won’t be so accurate . When the book comes I’ll follow the recipes in there quite closely I think so I won’t have to make decisions (lazy me) If I hadn’t started today I would have put it off ……again.
    I’m an ‘older’ woman and have type 2 diabetes. I did really well on LCHF diet for quite a while and lost about 3 st but have gradually done the ‘just once won’t hurt’ and put quite a lot back on. I also got out of the habit of exercising when I had a major operation and haven’t got back into it. I think the water intake & exercise will be my most difficult challenges. I will try to paint standing up instead of sitting down, and perhaps that will help a little.
    I really am hoping to reverse my diabetes status or at least bring down my numbers to within the normal range which I managed almost when I first did LCHF.
    Looking forward to seeing all your results. Roll on September 26th when we’ll all be lighter, slimmer and fitter . Less O & more 8!
    Oh that would have been a good name Oto8!

  • posted by perforatededges

    Hi everyone,
    Started 1.8.16.From DownUnder!
    Yesterday was interesting for me. I felt ok, a bit of a headache in the afternoon but otherwise okay. I tracked what i was going to eat and then over dinner put that into MyFitnessPal which is an App I know and can use. I like to write things down on paper first though. Came in around the 800cal mark, way under 50g carbs though. I am only half way through the book, so I am not clear on the carb thing yet.
    I ate:
    2 eggs-dry fried, little bit of coconut oil (can someone tell me if coconut oil is okay???)
    1/2 of a small tub of FF yoghurt and strawberries
    3 corn cracker cakes with tomato and 50g ham
    Homemade green curry with 100g chicken for dinner
    2 tsp peanut butter
    1L water (an improvement for me… will build on this)
    2 cups of herbal tea.

    Do you have any advice and feedback? Any feedback appreciated.

  • posted by Leasko

    I too started yesterday and thought I would register to see if there was any support forums, so thrilled to have read all the posts.
    I managed yesterday, quite well , but I didn’t have to deal with some of the things that some of you had to deal with eg, work – I have two weeks off with the children and I had fully functional oven all day!
    Am a bit worried today, as I have a friend coming over with her children today, who I know, will be quite scathing of the diet. Planning to miss breakfast and then do a roast chicken salad for lunch (in the hope that she doesn’t notice anything abnormal?!) I need to suss out a Cal counting App today and need to drink more.
    Good Luck to everyone on day two ๐Ÿ™‚
    PS I am 49 (desperate to do something before my 50th birthday next July), live just south of Birmingham(UK) Not to my knowledge diabetic, but have polycystic ovaries and have always struggle to loose weight. I have just sussed out this morning that I need to loose 6 and a half stone to get into the healthy BMI range?! Which is a bit daunting.

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Hi Leasko and welcome!

    If you use the search box at the top and look for CaptainLynne’s posts, it will show you how she has lost the same amount as you need to do. So it’s entirely possible, and in fact it can be done in a reasonable amount of time. Also please do look up Lucia’s threads if you feel that anything’s too difficult – she is a complete inspiration.

    And you will most probably – like most of us here – actually enjoy the new way of life and eating as you will feel so much better.

    With regard to your friend, you probably don’t need to say anything. Do the roast chicken and salad, what a normal meal.

    Can recommend My Fitness Pal to keep you on track, if you log in everything (even any slips – and you will have them, we all do), you can keep yourself on track. And if you can keep your carb grams to under 50 per day, you should see your weight loss kick off.

    I didn’t have a lot of weight to lose which can be the most difficult to see a change, but the BSD has allowed me to lose 16% of my starting body weight, or 24lbs in less than 12 weeks. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Leasko

    Thanks Igorasusual. I will look into my fitness pal and definately read Captain Lynn’s post. Thankyou ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by karenv

    Hi there folks ๐Ÿ™‚

    I just started last week so still green around the gills so to speak ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m Karen and I’m from Belfast, Northern Ireland. 46 (47 soon) and like you Leasko I have about six and a half stone to lose. But I lost my first week so onwards and downwards as they say ๐Ÿ™‚

    Second vote for My Fitness Pal – it’s free to get an account and you can use it as an app on your phone or online. Lots of foods are already there but you can also calculate and save favourite meals etc. It will also tell you how much carbs, protein etc you have a day, it’s v good and easy to use.

    Magpie, you were asking about breakfast – my standard breakfast when I don’t have lots of time is Greek yoghurt (the Fage full fat one) with blueberries and 5g of flaked almonds. It’s lovely and filling so I recommend that. When I have a little more time I have scrambled eggs with a little grated cheese and tomatoes, or an omelette. At the weekend, I skip breakfast and have brunch in a cafe, 2 scrambled eggs bacon and a spoonful of beans, then have dinner later on and because I’ve had one less meal I can have a few more calories with dinner then.

    My first week went well last week, I wasn’t hungry which is a surprise as I have the biggest appetite in the world, but I think it’s because my blood sugar isn’t going up and down so I’m not craving as much. I was quite tired most of the week but that is starting to ease off. But I’ve eaten lots of nice food so I don’t feel deprived, these are the sort of things I was eating for meals:

    Breakfasts: Greek yoghurt and berries with fruit and flaked almonds, scrambled eggs, omelette, poached egg and avocado

    Lunches: Chicken salad, homemade chicken soup, lentil dahl, frittata slice with salad, salmon fishcakes (home made) with salad, leftover dinner from night before

    Dinners: Salmon with stir fry veg, thai green curry, turkey chilli (with a small taco), salmon burgers with broccoli, chicken and lentil curry, baked trout with green veg and salad

    I’ve found BBC Good Food has some lovely recipes, sometimes I adapt them if the carb count is too high, like their turkey tacos one (I left out the rice and had less tacos). But they have some between 200-400 cals and some that are suitable for 5:2 so have a look.

    I second Igorasusual’s advice to read others’ posts – there are lots of people here who have been doing the BSD for a while and know a lot, well worth reading ๐Ÿ™‚ I have learned a lot just from reading the forums! And it is very inspiring reading about others’ successes ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope everyone has a great day 2


  • posted by karenv

    oh! and another thing that has helped me is cooking more portions than I need (my boyfriend isn’t doing the diet so I’m just doing cooking for me – although he has eaten a few of the things and liked them ๐Ÿ™‚

    So I might cook enough for two or else four portions and then freeze the rest. Then I have a ‘ready meal’ in the freezer for the days I don’t feel like cooking, or else I have it for lunch the next day ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Avila

    Well we are getting to be quite a gang- that’s good, plenty of cheerleading each other along the way.

    I live in Yorkshire, England – nr Huddersfield where I moved with work this very week last year!

    Day 2 and not hungry but very tired – but tiredness is pretty normal for me so can’t blame it on reduced calorie or carb withdrawal.

    As for breakfasts this is my plan – it does include some carbs but stays in the calorie range and follows the protein for fullness theory. I am trying to discipline myself to have breakfasts and so making time, though not taken anymore time than a bowl of cereal so far, and I am on flexible working so not rushing out into the commute.

    Week 1 Breakfast
    Monday Scrambled egg and greens
    Tuesday 100g beans on 2 slices
    Wednesday Poached egg and avocado
    Thursday Apple & Banana
    Friday Porridge โ€“ 30g/250ml
    Saturday Bacon sandwich
    Sunday Yogurt and berries

  • posted by Camis

    *Peeks into thread* Ok for another one to join? I actually started today – odd, I know to start on a Tuesday but my book only arrived at 6pm last night. I sat up late reading it and it makes so much sense that i decided to throw myself straight in. I’m going on holiday on 10days, so figure i can have a good crack at it for the next week and a half, try to moderate myself on holiday then get straight back on when I get home. I’m a teacher, so this is a good time for me to get going as I don’t need to plan what to take in to work. downloaded My Fitness Pall so am logging food through that. I need to lose about 4 stone.

    So far today, had half an avocado, a slice of smoked salmon and a boiled egg for breakfast. Currently making my way through a pile of spinach, cucumber, celery, beetroot and radish with some prawns for lunch. Have a piece of smoked haddock which I’ll serve with some stir fried veg for dinner tonight. So far, so positive, but I know there’s a long way to go. Looking forward to making this journey with you all.

  • posted by PrincetonianStud

    Hello Camis:

    Hell no! There is no room for you in this Forum! LOL

    Ok, you can come into all threads if you learn from others plus sharing your wisdom. ๐Ÿ˜€ 4 stones is quite a long feat, but success will come.

    But, it is all for living the Motto of a Vulcan:

  • posted by Avila

    Well the fish turned out to be only gutted not boned – so left to attempt the job myself meant eating very slowly and ‘mindfully’ ! One way to make me slow my eating down…

    Day 2 – and ended up buying an aubergine plant reduced at the garden centre…. with a few fruits already on the grow. So that may become the theme later in the diet!

  • posted by TiggerB

    Had a mixed day today – breakfast was nice, yogurt and blueberries – but lunch was a disappointment as the calorie count in the book didn’t match what my Fitness App said. App count was much higher so I have reduced what I have eaten for dinner to try and compensate. Anyone else noticed differences in calorie counts for dishes from the book? Maybe it’s just one or two, hopefully.

    Still not losing my motivation – another walk planned later.

    Hope everyone’s had a good day

  • posted by Avila

    I am not tracking by app, nor weighing out – just aiming to be on the portion size, it may be less precise but also less stress which suits my life.

  • posted by EdCel

    Just thought I’d say hello as also started on 1 August
    Doing ok, willpower is good. Craving sugar but then I was eating a lot before starting this. Main thing is I feel pretty weak by the evening after a day at work, can’t imagine doing loads of exercise like this. Maybe that will improve as I get used to no sugar?
    Spicy chicken and lentils recipe from book was delicious. So nice. Came out quite a lot higher in cal than the book on MyFitnessPal, over 600. Ate very low cal in the day because of this.
    Good luck to others just starting!

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