Hi Julia18togo, I haven’t posted for ages and I haven’t got the excuse of kids because mine are grown up. I’ve been a bit low, but it turned out I had an infection. I am pleased that the weight is going down, which is bound to help with my overall health, but I have been disappointed that my blood sugar is taking so long to go.
I recorded “a year to save your life USA” – its on Freeeview on Sunday morning 9am – 11am Pick? In less time than it took me to lose 24pounds one man lost 86lbs but in his head he felt he was a failure – I think that the biggest battle for all of us isn’t the weight or the blood sugar, but our own minds and recognising that every step is an achievement. We are not where we want to be but we are not where we used to be.
I spent years frustrated that I couldn’t sleep, I turned to sleeping pills, hypnosis cd’s and meditiation. Now I have a bedtime routine where I usually don’t go to bed until after midnight, but I know my mind is settled, I am tired and I will be asleep in less than 10 minutes- rather than going to bed earlier and listening to the clock strike every hour and getting annoyed and out of bed. There is research that shows a link between lack of sleep and being overweight – some people think it is because a hormone or enzyme is released when we have a good sleep – some people think that if you are awake at night you are more likely to snack.
Keep going, I know you can do it.
Here’s my results for the last week and a half:
Day 169 Weight 9st 7lbs
Blood Sugar 8.8
Constipated today – I haven’t been drinking enough
Day 170 weight 9st 7lbs
Blood Sugar 7.5 🙂
Day 171 weight 9st 6lbs
Blood Sugar 9.7
Blood sugar has a tendancy to go up as weight goes down
Day 172 Weight 9st 6lbs
Blood Sugar 8.3
Bought some size 8 stretchy pants 🙂 🙂 🙂
Day 173 Weight 9st 5lbs (25 pounds lost)
Blood sugar: 9.6
Day 174 weight 9st 7lbs
Blood Sugar 10.1
Had a bad back so had a long hot bath
Day 175 weight 9st 7lbs (end of Week 25)
Blood Sugar 8.6
Have had subcutaneous cysts for years, the hot bath brought one of them to the surface and to a head. It burst – very painful – in an unfortunate place.
Day 176 weight 9st 6lbs
Blood Sugar 8.5
Trip to out of hours doctors as cyst now classed as an abscess and lymph nodes painful. Prescribed antibiotics for a week. Cyst core came out tonight. The pain was unreal.
Day 177 weight 9st 6lbs
Blood sugar 9.0
Antibiotics are making me tired. Blood sugar readings can be affected by these antibiotics so can’t have my 3 monthly bloods done until next week.
Day 178 Today Weight 9st 6lbs
Blood sugar 8.4.
Still feeling lethargic possibly with the antibiotics, but can now sit down without grimacing.
Onwards and upwards or should that be downwards? for weight and blood sugar 🙂