Thanks mental4ever and Tabletalk. Carbs will be over the limit today (just had 3/4 of an apple) but no biggie. Also got to keep my fibre intake up.
And well done to you too, Tt.
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
Thanks Snoop & Tabletalk, been very trying, though loss of Kg been a good incentive to keep going. I haven’t really been worried about counting the calories or carbs or protein, just been sticking strictly to the recipes. So far it’s working. Always managed to lose all the weight when l wanted in the past, but never was able to retain the loss for greater than a year. I’m hoping this time the bad yoyo trend stops and try to stick to less carb and less sugar lifestyle. I’ve been quite lucky to date, that l haven’t had any health issues in regards to being fat, (knock on wood) just didn’t want to push my luck as I’m getting a tad older these days, and l think l was heading to heart attack/stroke territory. I’m wondering if it’s a result of always being big for majority of my life since a bub and playing a lot of sport. Must admit have felt much more energy in the mornings. Best of luck to all of you.
Hi bloke41, better to have no heart attacks or strokes if you can avoid them! One of the things that has surprised me about this diet is that I don’t feel like I’m foregoing that much most days (apart from fruit – see end of my weigh-in figures), so I can see this being a long-term way of eating. And the results are definitely motivating, as you say. I always used to find the one pound a week diets depressing – I could see myself dieting for years on end and it rather put me off eventually. OH was talking about how he was impressed with my resolve, but I’ve actually been enjoying it. Especially getting up and feeling ready to tackle the day, and getting a good night’s sleep.
So today’s figures:
– 0.2kg
Overall change – 3 kgYesterday’s food and exercise (hangs head in shame)
1013 cals
114 carbs
Two walks with dogs, 20 minutes brisk walk up hill and down dale, 40 minutes stroll via fig trees…My only excuse is that the fig season is very short. Only had three, but they don’t half pack a calorie and carb punch. I was a bit taken aback by the figures. Also had 15 g of home-grown grapes on my first outing with the dogs. And I had 3/4 of an apple at lunch, as I wasn’t expecting to go fig-picking. So, big sins on the fruit front, but I am showing some willpower, honest. I could have had loads of figs rather than just three, far more grapes (the blackbirds can have the rest), and I could have finished the apple but didn’t. (Feeble excuses and justifications, I know!)
Anyone seen a post by 54fatnomore on another thread that I’ve missed in the last few days? If you’re out there, 54, hope everything is going OK.
WEIGHT NOW: 20 Stone 5 pounds (129)
START WEIGHT: 21 stone 12 pounds (138.8)LOSS AFTER WEEK 2 : 1 stone 7 1lbs (9.52 KG)
I hav been to pubs, I have had meals out. I go to coffee shops
Yep my lifestyle NOT changed at all
I do not drink, (At the moment !!), do not east bread, have no sugar, no white grain
I don’t count carbs, I am STRICT 800 calories a day
I have drifted away from the set menus but do have ‘quick and easy’ a lot.
I am NOT hungry
My trousers are 1 size smaller, !!!!
The loss (Small or large) every day keeps me going
with Weight watchers I looked at 5 pounds to lose and thought 5-10 weeks, now I think (By this time next week, if i am good, that will be gone !!)
Dont get disillusioned, please dont cheat (It isnt worth it) , but do keep going, it is worth it !!
2 people yesterday said I looked ‘slimmer’ !!! (BONUS)
Good lick everyone
Starting weight 88kg
Now 80.1kg – can’t wait to break the 80 mark!
4″ off waistAm now into this and am very strict about everything. Difficult this weekend as we went out for supper at friends and I refused pudding (never before been known) and only had salad. You can have heaps of lettuce but it is BORING!
I did blip over weekend but pulled myself back in yesterday. I think it is as much mind and discipline as anything?
Well done all.
hi Chookymama
well done you on being strict (Me too) Turned down an ice cream and some ‘kit Kat chocolate bar stuff yesterday
I thought salad was boring
BUT, discovered ceasar salad for when i am out (minus the bad croutons) and have found many salad recipes on line which are great
I think of the salad part as a side and add at various times, chicken, smoked salmon, prawns, salmon, grated cheese, roasted veg, grated veg things, steak etc etc And there are so many different types of salad. Also google, low calorie salad dressings and make or buy the ones you like (I have a salad cos i like the dressings !!)
I HATE tomatoes so have to ask for non of those , other than that, all good !!
Keep it up !!!
Congrats, Chookymama. And 54fatnomore, your figures are amazing!
My two weeks are up today. This morning’s figures are:
Overall change – 3 kg
Waist – 115 cm
– 2 cm overallYesterday’s food and exercise
562 cals
53 carbs
Moderate walk for 45 mins, 40 mins gardeningBit surprised to see no change over yesterday but still pleased with 3 kg overall. Haven’t lost anything like the rest of you, but still more than on a ‘conventional’ diet.
HI All,
I haven’t been posting but have been keeping an eye on progress to keep me motivated. THe reason why I didn’t post was from the end of week 2 until yesterday (half way through week 4) I didn’t loose anything, although I could see a difference and feel it in my clothes. When I weighed in yesterday I had actually lost another 3.5 lbs. Apparently its not unusual to go for a week with no change on the scales so don’t be disheartened! Almost a stone off in 4 weeks, delighted. -
Thanks for the inspiration, Cassandra.
I actually gained weight yesterday although no idea how. I am still hugely hungry going to bed so when I wake up I am ready for the scales. A bit peed off therefore this morning when I had gone up several points of a kg….
However, am trogging on and will keep everything crossed…..maybe I just need a large poop!
Re. the poop – you wouldn’t be the only one. Even a small one would do! (Apologies if that’s gross.)
Ha Snoop! Poop is always funny, never gross (unless you can’t actually do one!).
But hang on a flipping minute. Doesn’t the book recommend to use rapeseed or olive oil and that they are our friends? HOW MANY CALORIES? Flipping heck….that’s a whole meal?? How do we do this? 1tbsp of olive oil = 119 calories. 1 tbsp of rapeseed oil = 120 calories….
WHAT TO DO? I just prepared a load of veggies to roast – tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, garlic, and courgettes… can have LOADS. Went to add a splash of oil and nearly fell through the floor! Any suggestions y’all out there?
Just popping in. Enjoyed the thread over the last couple of days, just too busy to type. Full day yesterday of teaching at the kid’s school co-op, errands, dinner, baths… and the day before out for church, visit to mom’s that lasted too long as needed to stay and help fix a suddenly broken sink/faucet. Ready to slow down! Doing well on the diet except for 2 big mistakes: ate my mom’s breaded okra before I looked up the carbs (ack!! so much worse than I thought) and had bites of pie/cookie at her house, AND bought a bag of chocolate chips FOR THE KIDS’ treat next week, but it didn’t stay sealed up for long in the house with me (I know you all know better than this don’t you?!!). After getting into it a couple of times (ok on the calories, but it ruined my carbs) I sent it out of the house with hubby last night. Banished!!
I have PMS like an angry bear, but praise the Lord haven’t gone off the diet today. I’m a pound up after Sunday’s disaster and my chocolate chip failure. Serves me right! You can all tsk and wag your fingers at me. I think I’ll take Snoop’s lead and post my numbers nightly to help me be accountable. It helps a ton to log my food in mfp before I eat so I can adjust if needed. You guys, I really want to stick to this solid. Have been thinking of what to do this Saturday when I’m off at the beach for a week with friends and all our kids. I think there are about 30 of us in a house together for a week sharing meals and snacks. Most people don’t have a weight issue, but the few that do think high carb junk food is the only way to go with a family so you get some rest from the kitchen. I am so busy cramming extra school in this week so we can be off next week that I don’t have enough prep time this week to work ahead for every single meal, just a few. I am bringing as many of my staples as I can (greek yogurt, spaghetti squash to replace pasta, my own meats, eggs). Salad will be tricky because of fridge space, and it’s my lunch standby. Anyway, I know I can’t afford a week off plan. Things go south so fast when I step off the plan by just a hundred calories or if my carbs go high. I don’t want to re-lose!!
Happy news: all my swimsuits from a few years ago are loose with no lumps and bumps in the wrong places (well, they’re smaller lumps anyway)!! Excited to feel good strolling around on the beach! I should measure. I’ve been watching my arms like a hawk because that’s where my weight really piles up: arms and thighs. They’re improving I think.
Anyway, I’m just being transparent here. I know it’s not according to script.
Sunday’s numbers: awful. 2 oreos, 4 bites pie, 50ml ice cream. Slapping my hand right now. ouch! Actually, the scale was more painful. Don’t do it y’all. 54 is right on this strict adherence thing.
Calories: 1101
carbs: 106
Weight: 163 when I woke up!! Made it through a Friday night social and all day Satuday so good!Yesterday’s numbers: (the terror of chocolate chips)
Cals: 863
Carbs: 54
Weight: 164lb (Up a pound!) uh huh! see how that works!Going to go drink a lot of water…
Best to you all this week, and way to go Snoop, 54, Cassandra, and Chookymama!
Chookymama, I think the single best thing I’m doing this time that’s different from all the other times I’ve failed is to log my calories/carbs immediately when I’m starting to fail and do damage control. And reading this forum. Often, if I just look at reality, I’ve not failed as badly as I think. But if I don’t face it fast, I start to think I’ve blown it and I don’t change course, then I could really overdo it. I’m really pleased that after messing up yesterday and Sunday (and paying the price on the scale) that today hasn’t been a wash. I know I’m still 2 lbs lighter than last week this time, and I don’t need to gain it all back (which would happen in very short order if I were to stop now). So you’re right about keeping your head in the game and not losing that momentum if you have a blip
( : Get back on board as fast as you can.Will post my numbers for today later tonight.
Sorry so lengthy you guys.
Chookymama, it’s hard to give up 100 calories for oil…but it might be worth it if it makes us lighter and less bloated/heavy feeling! At least every couple of days or so if nothing is moving? The fat helps with hunger. I must say, I’m not hungry on this diet at all. I just fight stress eating mostly.
Woah. That was a crazy long post. eek! sorry!!
Chookymama why don’t you try using 1 calorie olive oil spray? A couple of squirts is enough to roasting veggies.
Chookymama, I account for olive oil in my calories. Not a day goes by without me having some, but it can send the calorie limit over the top if you’re not careful. I probably have a tablespoon a day, sometimes a bit more. Have you looked at how many calories there are in butter? Problem is, it’s not as easy to spread over vegetables. Mind you, a two-egg omelette with 20 g of cheddar cooked in 5 g of butter is a gourmet delight! I’ve taken to having lemon juice on salads (no oil) and saving my oil ‘allowance’ for cooking.
One possible solution would be get one of those oil sprays. They make a little go a long way. Sadly, my first one got dropped. It was dirt cheap and worked a treat but it seems not to be available anymore. Ones I’ve bought since were more expensive but they send a very fine mist of oil into the air, which I don’t like as it has to land somewhere. Worth having a look at, but don’t automatically assume the expensive ones will be better. The ones with a pump action (some kind of plunger action that goes up and down) have been the worst for me. Also, check the gauge of the tube inside – the very thin ones are least effective in my view, as you just get a squirt in the pan or on your food rather than a fairly wide distribution.
And back to the 3 Ps as I call them: P1 (pee), P2 (poo) and P3 (parps). No problems with 1 and 3 (just as well I live a fairly recluse life), but 2 is a problem. There were two days last week when I ate 800 and 780 g of veg and fruit (just about all veg), but it made no difference and it was quite a lot of carbs. Who knew there were so many in tomatoes and onions? I didn’t. Anyway, I’m back down to six or seven a day rather than ten, as it was too much on the carbs.
Tabletalk, one of my problems with diets till now is getting some results and then coming up against a social commitment and falling off the wagon by thinking, “Well, I know it works, so I’ll stop for now and just start again later when it’s more convenient”, and then I never do. Just keep at it as best you can and don’t give up. There are a few days to go before you head off and we’ll still be here when you get back. You might have some great opportunities to do lots of walks and swimming, play games with the kids and sleep well after being so active. And just think, next holidays you’ll be swanning about in a new swimsuit!
Thanks Snoop, good thoughts on the activity opportunities. The kids and our friends are a fairly active bunch so yes, need to be looking forward to that instead of dreading the temptations.
So encouraged by the commitment you all are showing. Keep up the good work and enjoy the benefits! 54, so glad you’re out to eat and staying social without it hindering the diet. Well done.
Today’s #s:
Calories: 838
Carbs 39 -
Hi Chookymama! Your comments on the number of calories in olive oil made me laugh. I reached the point where I was using the 1/2 teaspoon measure for roasting veg or sautéing onions for sauce. When I reached my goal, I “upped” it to a full teaspoon!😜 I was also making salad dressing with one teaspoon of oil and one teaspoon vinegar with French mustard — I got to the point where it seemed normal. LOL Goes to show that a person can adjust to any indignity!
shit a brick , 54andfatnomore, fantastic results, well done snoop and chooky. I have only gone out twice to eat, once with wifey to sushi train, managed to stay off the rice, though was drooling looking it go round and round, and once out for friday lunch with boys from work and managed to stick to a thai beef salad. Will be a good test in middle of october when l go down south to the folks , all that wog food will be mega temping to say the least. Have a good one all, and keep up the good work.
bloke41, sushi trains are too tempting. All those dishes going round and round again. I love Japanese food. I would have found that very difficult. Well done on resisting.
eternallyoptimistic (great name, by the way!), that’s a good idea about the one-calorie sprays. I saw those in Tesco’s last time I was visiting my folks. I might have another look next time I’m back. I presume they’re not refillable. That would be good if so.
This morning’s figures are:
85.2 kg
-0.3 kg
Overall change -3.3 kgYesterday’s food and exercise
729 cals
63 carbs
Moderate walk for 40 mins, 15 mins gardeningOnwards and inwards, guys!
Hi Snoop. Well done on your stats. The battery has gone on my scales which I think is a blessing after 2 days working away and staying in a hotel. Re. the oil spray, I’ve not seen a refillable one in the supermarket, but don’t see why you can just fill any spray bottle with your choice of oil??
Hi All
End of week two results – 5.6lbs down. Whoopee!
Start – 207.6 now 198.4 so 9.2lbs total loss.
Waist hasn’t changed but the area between my bust and tummy button has so I’ve just measured it so I can monitor that too.
Had a 100% focused week which has really encouraged me. Off to Centre Parcs tomorrow meeting up with family and I think I will be fine. We are only going to eat out a couple of times and I realise now that I am in control of what I eat. In the past it has been too easy to blame holidays etc for failure but ultimately the responsibility is mine. Nobody has ever force fed me!
Keep the posts coming please, it certainly helps me. -
Hi all. Feeling a bit down today as have done two days of the 8 week plan and I have put 1/2lb on.!!!!!. Prior to this in the 10 days I was doing my own thing and just making sure I was averaging around 800 cals a day I managed to lose 6lbs.
Wanted to follow 8’week plan to ensure that I was keep within carb range as I did not on the previous 10 days. I am not an adventurous cook but as the meals looked so good in the book and I did not want my OH grumbling about ‘same old, same old’ meals I thought I would give them a go. I have followed the recipes to the letter and even had to throw part of my dinner away yesterday as I was too full.
Has anyone else got/had the same problem. 😕😕😕 -
Hi mental4ever
dont get downhearted !!!
I stick with the menus BUT hate some of the so go ‘off piste’ a lot
i find it a lot less ‘faffy’ and more straightforward to choose things i like within ‘the rules’
I strict 800 calories (But ensure this is average over the week)
I dont drink (At the moment) eat no bread, no sugar and no white grain stuff
Love cheese have milk in coffee, go to the pub, have meals out etc etc
Planning is a key. I know what i am eating tomorrow
i have Told EVERYONE I am doing this and (after a few times of ‘just one wont hurt!!) they are very supportive.
Keep it up, this is a bit long term but well worth it !!!
WEIGHT NOW: 20 Stone 2 pounds
START WEIGHT: 21 stone 12 pounds
LOSS AFTER 16 days : 1 stone 10 lbs
COMMENTS: weight still coming off !! Drifting away from set meals as dont like taste /textures !! (Oh dear)
I dont count carbs I strict 800 cals (Much easier)
Thanks 54andfatnomore.
I think it was more the shock of putting the 1/2lb on that has depressed me. I have made sure that I have the correct ingredients in for meals for 2 to 3 days in advance so that I would not be tempted to go freestyle.
Was only a sneaky weigh today without my OH knowledge, as he finds it easy to loose weight, and I wanted to surprise him. Oh, did that backfire.
Will keep plugging on with the diet plan for the rest of the week and then have a rethink whether to soldier on or go freestyle.
Whatever it is you’re doing, 54andfatnomore, it’s obviously working!
mental4ever, I went up a bit on one day and I’ve stayed the same on quite a few. But the overall trend is down. Not as fast as 54, but faster than any other diet I’ve tried and without feeling hungry or deprived. So, all positive really. Just be patient. There are quite a few ‘slow losers’ on this forum. Some people are just better (or worse, depending on how you look at it) at storing calories genetically or epigenetically (look up Dutch Winter Baby Syndrome for an extreme example). So long as you stick to the calories, cut the carbs and find some time to be active (my big failing), it’s bound to happen eventually, whether you follow the plan or free-range, like 54. Like you, I’ve occasionally left food because I was too full. Just make sure you eat the right things to stay healthy. Good luck, and keep posting. The support here is fantastic: inspiring and motivating.
Thanks 54 & Snoop.
Will plug away this week. My OH asked why I was quiet this morning so I told him. He gave me a big hug which cheered me up. 😍😍😍
This morning 163lb again. Now to hold that and make progress!
Well done Snoop.. steadily going down by the day! Good work!
54 such good news: down again! Love hearing your weigh ins!!
Mental4ever you’re already well into it with a 6lb loss! All of us have had to work out kinks and figure it out as we go, the main thing is you’re doing it! Keep planning, reading, trying the foods, calculating, etc and you’ll keep being rewarded!
I’m a slow loser. .last week I was so diligent with daily exercise and eating up til the end of the weekend, and lost but stumbled Sunday. So I just re-lost that pound this morning. 😂Not to be too personal, but my mini goal is to get through the first few days of my monthly friend totally on plan and try to keep the sodium down. I weigh daily, and it’s discouraging to swell up suddenly even when I am being faithful! Thinking it will hit me in a day or two judging by my crankiness yesterday and savage desire for chocolate. (Had a couple bites of 70% dark chocolate and that did it!) All recorded.
Have a happy day y’all.
Firstly many thanks for tips on 1 cal spray. Will go shopping ASAP. Secondly, I have just come through Waterloo station which smells of pasties. Heavenly, but feckin unhelpful. Drifted into M&S where I picked up the most delicious king prawn and avocado salad which I am now merrily munching on the train, leaving aside the potatoes.
I too am not counting carbs, only calories. I am not eating any grains, sugar etc. My treat is sugar free jelly which I make once every two days. OH bought catering pack for me!
All good so far…
Well done team – keep up the effort!
Right, I’m going to stop counting carbs too. It’s doing my head in because things like yogurts and the like that I can get here don’t match up with Fat Secret. So I can find something that’s more or less the same in calories, but it comes up with twice the carbs. So I’m going to stop bothering, just not eat masses of fruit.
That said, had a great pud today of blackberries and yogurt. Anyone else’s taste buds seem more sensitive? I have the best sense of smell I’ve had in years.
The carbs are important if you have diabetes or are pre-diabetic. The science of low carbs is explained in the book …. please re-read because I don’t want to get the science wrong. Coupled with low calorie, ie. 800, this leads to fast weight loss which also helps keep motivation high.
So whilst low calorie is ok if you just want to lose weight if you want to improve your blood sugar levels then low carb is really important .
I think that’s right sure someone will post if I’ve got it wrong.
Myfitnesspal may be better for anybody in Australia. Fatsecret has UK and .com sights in many languages. There are lots of apps out there so you can probably find one that suits your needs if Fatsecret isn’t right for you.
Hi Verano
I’m in Australia and I’ve had a lot of success with the app EasyDietDiary to log everything I eat. It has a lot of our local foods.
Linda -
Calories 775
Carbs 46 -
Hi all.
Mind if I join you?I have started the 800 BSD today. Initially at least, I am going to be fairly repetitive in what I eat so that I don’t have to think about food too much.
Thanks for all the comments and tips, they’re quite inspiring!
My story is that I started at 87.5 kg and lost over 12 kg with Weight Watchers but struck a weight loss plateau that’s been hard to move past. Read Dr M’s books and watched his programmes. They made sense to me, so I am enthusiastic about doing the eight weeks.
Well done everyone.
Hi Linda
Glad you’ve found an app that works for you. I actually think the carbs are more important then the calories(although both count) when you’re trying to control blood sugar.
Hi Verano,
Thanks for the advice and support. In my case, I’m not diabetic or prediabetic, so the carbs are less important to me. I’m going to try and stick to between 60 and 70, in any case, but not sweat too much about it. I’m doing it for the weight loss, and while I haven’t lost as much as some (54andfatnomore is a true inspiration in that respect), I’m quietly pleased. The weight is coming off more quickly (so far) than on any other diet I’ve tried, and the company on here is great. It feels like a proper community.Hello Arthurconandoyle. It’s elementary: the more, the merrier.
Figures for today:
85.0 kg
-0.2 kg
Overall change -3.5 kgYesterday’s food and exercise
785 cals
65 carbs
Moderate walk for 40 mins, 15 mins gardeningBig gardening session coming up over the weekend, but back to see my folks for a few days next week, which will be a challenge. I’m thinking of offering to take over the cooking, just to give my mum a holiday as well. I could also offer to do a bit of gardening for them, as well.
Revisiting the 1 cal spray. It doesn’t really do much does it? The veggies stuck to the roasting dish and were as dry as sticks when I took them out of the oven. Admittedly I could’ve taken them out earlier I suppose. So. Back to rapeseed oil (better for you than olive oil when heated) but only a small amount. Weight seems to be stable – I really hope that this is not it! I have another 10kgs to go!!!
Welcome to Arthurconandoyle.
Yes, there are a great group of people in this forum. Alway there to give support and advice.
Have done Weightwatchers in the past and once again the weight plus extra was put back on so quickly.
That was interesting, Chookymama. I read this story from Trust Me I’m a Doctor and only took away the line that olive oil is a good compromise: should really have looked at the chart. I can’t get rapeseed oil here, but I can get refined olive oil, which looks to be better for cooking with than extra virgin. Cheaper as well.
Fascinating to see that butter comes out so well!
Thanks for that.
Not sure where you’re based, but in the US rapeseed oil is called canola oil
Also, on the BBC program “eat well for less” a couple of weeks ago, they were talking about cheaper oils and one brand of vegetable oil, when they showed you the ingredients “100% rapeseed oil”. – and it was a lot cheaper than the rapeseed oil.
I think the monounsaturated oils are supposed to be best for you – so if you do start looking for vegetable oils, don’t go for a blended one that is predominantly rapeseed. Sadly, I can’t remember which brand it was, but they do always stick with things from major supermarkets. so it shouldn’t be too hard to track down.I’m really lucky – one of my friends has olive groves in Turkey and Cyprus and imports the oil here, so I mostly use that
It always gets great reviews, and Jamie Oliver’s company tried to buy it for one of their restaurant chains.
Sometimes when I visit friends for dinner, I take Mem’s olive oil instead of wine – always appreciated -
Hi Frog,
I live in north-east Spain and am surrounded by olive trees. My usual oil is the local oil which is fantastic. Not well known because there isn’t much of it and most of it is consumed locally. The exported stuff seems to go to mainly to Italy. The locals have their own views on what the Italians do with it… Anyway, that is what I tend to use. It’s only ever sold as extra virgin, but the supermarkets sell refined olive oil from other areas at much lower prices.
I personally have never seen rapeseed oil in Spain. I don’t imagine there’s much of a market for it here either following a disaster due to rapeseed oil treated for industrial use being sold to the general public. See the following story for information, though some researchers dispute the finding that the deaths were caused by rapeseed oil and believe organophosphates were to blame:
Either way, consumers still look askance at rapeseed oil. -
Hi Snoop – sounds idyllic!
I have vague recollections of the toxic oil thing – I wouldn’t have remembered it was rapeseed, but understandable that people in Spain are a lot more aware – AND give it a wide berth – even 35 years on! -
In France rapeseed oil is called Colza (huile de). It is odd that Italy buys so much Spanish olive oil – you’d think they’d produce plenty of their own.
*Spoiler Alert*. Broken 80kg!! 79.6…..WOOP WOOP.
Oh well done Chooky! So pleased for you great result! Whatever you are doing it’s working! 🙂
Aw Chooky that’s brilliant. I will miss my weigh in this week as we’re heading off for a week in the sun. That will be a test. I won’t want to get on the scales when I get back. Away now to clean out my chooks before we head off 🙂
Day 1 is over and went quite well.
Calories :811
Weight this morning 74.6 kgThanks to this forum, I discovered Fat Secret, which I like. I had been using MyFitnessPal, which I also found really helpful, but in my opinion, FatSecret is easier to use. I liked the dropdown menu so that you can select your own country and they have specific products from there. I’m in Australia and love the Coles Kale slaw, so was pleased to find it listed.
Congratulations, Chookymama! 😃 Fantastic!
I’m really glad that I looked up the forums when I read about them in the book. I genuinely appreciate all the advice, motivation, encouragement and welcome.
Have taken on board 54andfatnomore’s advice to be strict on the 800 calorie front. Have a tendency to think “near enough is close enough” even though past experience should have taught me that this isn’t correct!
Welcome Arthurconandoyle! Congrats on getting underway!
Chookymama that’s fantastic! Love hitting a milestone.
Eternallyoptimistic have a great time! I leave in a couple of days for a week’s vacation. Not sure if I should bring the scale…kind of want the assurance that I’m not packing it on, but don’t want to lug it with me!
Made it through a rough day of hormones, and other than 3 greedy bites of my kids’ Mac n cheese I did great. Dull headache all day and starving (I’m out of nuts!), and thankfully so busy cooking for two friends who just are having babies I was too busy too be wildly tempted. Glad today’s over. I’m not usually hungry on this diet, but tomorrow should be better as the hormones calm down a little.
731 calories
42 carbs