And congrats 54 on the loss. 1/2 pound might seem nothing but pile up the equivalent weight of flour/dried beans in a big jar and add to it as you lose, and you’ll soon see it’s considerable as it mounts up!
And Snoop, enjoy the dog walking – what about a pedometer app on your phone? I use one to track running but works the same for walking.
We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.
Hi Julia, I’m not much of a one for carrying my phone around. I live right out in the sticks where there’s no mobile signal, so I tend not to have it with me most of the time. Pedometer due to arrive some time next week. It’s tiny, as well, so it will fit easily in my pocket and not bother me when I’m gardening and the like.
Weigh in this morning: another 700 g down. 28.7 kg to go. Peeing lots, so must be nearly all water!
I learned a lot first time around and am putting it into practice now: lots of water and increased salt intake, lots of veg, minimal amount of fruit, small amount of protein plus a yogurt a day. I’m not diabetic (that I know of) so carbs are less of a concern for me than total calories and fibre. Ate mindfully yesterday and there are leftovers, so it’ll be pretty much the same again today, just a lot less effort!
Hand-pollinated four courgettes this morning, so courgetti coming soon. Nice to see you on this thread, Verano. Love your courgetti puttanesca recipe. -
Running….Jogging…….Alas ‘Alien’ things to me
I like a swim, nice and quiet (At 9pm!!) and no up and downing !!
I follow the recipies so yes lots of weighings !! I tend to go for average 800×7 over a whole week so think a but over is balanced by a bit under (Well aware that I have to make the conscious effort to do the bit under)Yes snoop, I too ate mindfully and even gave Bulgar Rissotto to my partner. (I was saving portion as recipe is for two!!)
Lots of water (2 litres yesterday) Lots of Veg (Avoiding peppers, lots of lettuce !!)I still look at my plate and think (That looks small !!) (Even covering the plate with lettuce doesnt help !!)
So scales
Today lost 1/2 lb . I look at 1/2 lb butter in the fridge to keep me motivated !!
well, back to the water bottle for me
What even is BULGAR WHEAT !! My local co-op haven’t heard of it
(Thank goodness for internet shopping!!)
54 don’t want to rain on your parade but have you checked the carbs in Bulgar Wheat? It might not be the most friendly BSD food.
There’s loads of ingredients I can’t get here. Bizarre but I buy bulgar wheat from Amazon and they deliver it to a post office in a nearby town (population about 2,000 – biggest town for miles).
For calorie-heavy dishes (yesterday’s was chicken in a saffron sauce with butterbeans and courgette), I serve it in a soup bowl. Bowl looks full even if there isn’t actually that much in it. I savoured every single one of the butterbeans. I just love them. -
Hi Verano
No (Oh dear)
I just follow the book
so Bulgar Wheat risotto (Page 129) 330 cals
and luckily delicious (Its worth it ) (Not as good as a cake though !!)
must admit Snoop I enjoy fruit , and it stops me eating bread and cake (alas) so I do have quite a bit (at least bits a day)
A look at the calories rather than the carbs luckily !!
I look at FRIDAY’S as Try Friday’s so always try to taste/try something new every Friday . Theres LOADS of fruit and veg Ive never even heard of (Not in the local coop obviously !!)
What even is a ‘Sugar Apple’ ?
That’s what I know as a custard apple. They’re pretty good… When I used to live in the UK, you’d occasionally find them in Tesco’s. Ages since I’ve eaten one.
My fruit today was a perfect plum, yesterday’s an apple, bit old so not perfect but still pretty good.
And yes, me too. I’m more interested in the calories than the carbs. I have to focus more on the fibre due to gut issues. I can’t remember if you’re diabetic, 54. -
Wow, sugar apple/custard apple – I ADORE them, used to buy them when I lived in Spain, where they are ‘chirimoyas’. I’d never seen one before I lived there. I still seek them out when I’m back, but have never seen one in the UK, sadly.
54 – the jogging is hardly running, and sounds more impressive than it is: if you saw/heard me puffing along with this increased weight, it’s as if I smoked 60 a day… you would probably want to phone for an ambulance. Another reason for getting the weight off – save the worried looks of passers-by! I finally stepped on the scales first thing this morning to see 92kg!!! I knew it was bad, but really???? Explains the puffing!
Anyway, onward and upwards. Was really hungry at work today, but fortunately had a small tin of mackerel fillets in tomato sauce, a very BSD friendly, portable, and storeable bottom-of-the-filing-cabinet essential in the office! So, it is only day 2, but going reasonably well so far. I was probably being over ambitious just bringing in 100g Fage yoghurt, a few jumbo oats and some berries for lunch… breakfast was had at home, whereas usually I manage to have it at work around 10. Will stick to bringing breakfast and lunch to work, as I can then last until the evening no problem. I agree portions look tiny – but am telling myself the appetite will soon shrink and this will look normal! -
Morning all. The only chirimoyas I’ve seen locally are rock hard, so I’ve never bought one. Just checked out the calorie/carb content. Not good. No wonder they’re so delicious when ripe. Fortunately I don’t like kakis (persimmons).
Tinned mackerel sounds like a great thing to have in your desk, Julia. I work at home, which makes eating during the day a bit easier. I tend not to be hungry in the morning, so some days don’t bother with anything other than a coffee. Mr Snoop knows not to offer me toast and butter, which I would have eaten a few days ago, whether I was hungry or not. Hope I’ll eventually manage to re-educate myself out of that kind of behaviour.
At the moment, because it’s hot, I’m having coffee with ice rather than my usual mug of milk with a splash of coffee. So that’s saving quite a few calories. Yesterday I had a plum for breakfast, not because I needed it but because it was looking so lovely. So I thought b****r it and ate it. Came in at 752 calories for the day in the end, including the plum and a flat peach (paraguayo).
This morning’s weigh-in was a bit weird. We live in a very old house with no flat floors. I have a usual spot where I put the scales but it was occupied by something I couldn’t move, so I had to try in various spots to see if I could find somewhere else. Measurements all over the place, unsurprisingly. Anyway, I’ve opted for the highest just in case.
So, another 300 g down. 28.4 kg to go. -
I have a favourite weighing spot. Its in the shower room on a ‘certain’ large tile on the floor
It has to be here every day so i wait for people to have a shower or ‘do their thing’ before going in. Even if i travel from the bathroom to the shower room (I dont know what my family think I am doing). Anyway I am always 1lb lighter here than anywhere else in the house . I have NO idea why !!
Came in at a ‘ tracked’ 798 for yesterday (Including 2 pears and an apple) (How exotic!!)
lost 1/2 lb
BONUS: I said NO to a doughnut and an oat and raisin biscuit from the pesky local co-op that someone bought with a ‘reduced sticker’
DOWNEWR: MISO Salad is just so dull !!
Getting jealous now of your ‘exotic lifestyle’ descriptions !!
No need to be jealous, 54. It’s totally primitive. No bathroom or even an indoor toilet! Nothing very exotic about that, especially in the freezing cold. Or the boiling heat, for that matter!
The thing on the floor that I couldn’t move was a massive loudspeaker that husband has made. One of two for a party to be held in a few weeks. The pair of them are occupying about half of our bedroom floor. Going to be a long few weeks.
Oh, and another thing, because it’s so hot outside, I’m working down in our basement, where it’s much cooler, maybe 23 ºC. Sensible, but not very exotic either.Congrats on saying no to the doughnut and biscuit. I find that kind of situation especially challenging.
Morning all.
Today’s weigh-in: 89.7 kg, the same weight when I started right back at the beginning in 2016. That was a minor target of mine, so very pleased. That means another 300 g down, 28.1 kg to go.
I suppose my next interim target in my head is to get to my historical low of 76.9 kg, back in February 2017. I recently saw a photo of myself taken at around that time. Still fat, but definitely a different shape. You starting this thread back in August 2016 was a massive help to me, 54. Often think of bloke 41 and never bloody giving up.
Food: came in at 726 calories. Lunch seemed so big I put my plum off till mid-afternoon. What’s a bit frustrating is that I had 720 g of veg and fruit, but it still only worked out at 10.3 g of fibre. Presumably lots of water. Lunch courgettes cooked in a tomato and onion sauce with a small piece of cod fillet steamed on top plus a plum; supper blue cheese and walnut salad with an olive oil, mustard and lemon juice dressing. No breakfast.
No real downers yesterday. Just wish my backache would sort itself out so I can be a bit more active.
Have a good day, guys. -
Hurray Snoop
well done
we are both right back where we were 3 years ago, apart from being that little bit older and now very familiar with Chai seeds and lentils !! Yes Bloke 41’s saying is always in my mind whenever I get down about no weight loss or think ‘this is taking a long time’. (I wonder what happened to Bloke41 ?)
I have trousers that I couldn’t get in, then I could, but now I cant again (GRRRRRRRRR!) (INSERT BLOKE41 SAYING HERE!!)Again success for me with a 1/2 1b loss this morning
Its my sons Bday so we are going out over the weekend for a celeb meal and he’s ordered ‘cake and stuff’ for when he arrives. so cutting back now so I can join in with at least a glass of wine etc etc !! (Cutting back on 800 cals !!!)Hope the mackeral worked Julia !!
Congrats Snoop and 54 on loss and reaching mini targets! (54 – NONE of my work trousers fit, so looking v unprofessional at the office recently as determined not to buy ‘fatter’ ones!)
Couldn’t post yesterday, super busy. Stuck to sensible food thus far, with the glaring exception of a (small) 100 cal stem ginger cookie left over from the baking spree (baking won’t be happening for a good while now, but I’d committed to 2 events for work). Not sure that’s the reason for lack of movement on scales, as my weight loss is often not linear, but steps and plateaus. Exactly why I weigh each day – instead of discouraging me, it motivates me.
Food: fish pie and cabbage (with the potato on top removed – had it ready for family, no time to cook separately) was yesterday’s dinner, today’s roast chicken and veg.
PLUS: lovely 6 k run through wooded parkland with stream along the path before work yesterday, and walked to work today. Also, dug out by bloods sugar monitor and readings NORMAL (type 2 runs in the family and I have had pre-diabetic readings in the past, hence the changes I made a few years back). So I’m happy about that.
NEGATIVE: I’ve left my lunch at home today! Have WhatsApped husband to bring it to me when he goes to the gym!
Happy Friday!
Hi guys, yesterday didn’t go as planned. Husband took me out for lunch and I made the best choices available on the menu (tomato salad, grilled fish, melon for afters, didn’t eat the chips or drink the wine), but we met a friend in a really difficult situation and invited him round for supper. Not much that was healthy in the house that was suitable, plus I had three glasses of wine. Owning up here. Total consumption 1913 calories…
So today’s weigh-in: 89.9 kg, up 200 g. Bet there’s more to come too. 28.3 kg to go.Clothes… I don’t even want to think about clothes. Sounds like you had a lovely run, Julia. I certainly couldn’t manage a 6 km run or jog in my current state. A walk, maybe. In fact, you’ve inspired me to take the dogs on a long walk tomorrow evening, when it cools down a bit.
Hope you enjoy the party, 54. I’ll be cutting back on 800 cal this weekend to make up for last night. Going to be a few days of salad, no dressing, and courgetti. -
No snoop, Husband brings healthy packed lunch and you have a nice glass of water
In the evening friend comes over and you have nice bowl of fruit as nibbles and chat over glass of waterThen you wake up !!!
We both know you just need to not get upset/annoyed at yourself and treat today like another day (Which it is!!)
Son came home and went out to McDonalds with mates so no party or cake
Threat of cake this lunch time and party meal out this evening !!!
1/2ib lost today. Had a day of lots of fruit yesterday as snacks and big salad (Not miso!!)
Running: Ha !!
(Might be good and have a swim next week !!)
Hello! Snoop, these things happen. My last 18 months is testament to my own weakness, mindset now good as less stress but the odd day can unsettle us especially if your friend was in a difficult situation. As 54 says, and we all know, best put it behind you and just jump right back on BSD.. Try that walk with the dogs this evening, they’ll love it and you can give yourself a double pat on the back as you walk. 54 – well done on avoiding cake. I really struggle if it is in the house, even if out of plain sight. Family hates it when I’m being sensible as there’s effectively a moratorium on home baking!
On the plus side, 90.9kg this morning. Woohoo! Am out this evening playing for a ceilidh (I moonlight as a fiddle player) so must avoid sausage rolls/pies we’ll be fed at half time. Taking those spinach/omelette/cheese muffin things I keep in freezer for such occasions, so I avoid the danger. Have a good day, and in those immortal words, never * give up! -
Hi 54, lunch wasn’t the problem. Came in at just about 500 calories. And I did have water.
But you’re quite right about the evening meal. Didn’t realise how bad it would be till I calculated the calories. Olive oil accounted for getting on for a quarter of all my calories yesterday. Anyway, done, digested and moving on.
I’ll have to have a look at the recipes in the book. I quite like miso (makes a nice hot soup-like broth for a winter drink instead of tea) but I can’t begin to imagine what a miso salad would be like. -
Sorry Julia, our posts crossed in the ether. I thought about the food, but not about the oil that would be required. Rookie’s mistake. I’ll know better next time. Congrats on your scales result.
Bet you use up a lot of calories at a ceilidh. Have a great night.
Never bloody giving up either. -
Today’s weigh-in: 89.4 kg, 500 g down, 27.8 kg to go. Feeling very jolly at seeing the target number go down like that. Will probably want to drop a few more kilos at the end of the 30 but don’t want to get ahead of myself. Especially as there are bound to be bumps along the way.
One of the nearby shops has started selling slimline tonic. There was husband with fancy red wine looking with envy at my glass dripping with condensation, full of tonic, ice and half a lime, which was essentially my pudding. 16 calories of absolute deliciousness. -
Well done Snoop. Hope to be joining you soon in the 80’s as 90.4 this morning.
Hope the party went well yesterday, 54.
In the rush to leave for the ceilidh last night , forgot my packed tea but feeling rather smug as I removed the pastry from an offered saugae roll and enjoyed the lentil & bacon soup there too. Fortunately no other food there so no temptation to resist. People round for bbq today but food under my control so looking forward to it. The weather of course is never under anyone’s control, fingers crossed…
Have a good Sunday all! -
Bit earlier today as I’ve got a mammoth amount to do this morning. Hope you both had good dos.
Got my pedometer going, but all it’s showing is that I’m not walking around much. Didn’t get to go out with the dogs for assorted reasons, but might manage it tonight.
OK, this morning’s news: weigh-in 88.8 kg, 600 g down, 2.8 kg down for the week, 27.2 kg to go.
I don’t think I’ve ever recorded a loss like this in a single week. Today’s loss alone would have felt like success! It’s starting to feel doable rather than a never-ending drag.
Plus, the second restart I made I had a distinctly unpleasant feeling in the gallbladder area. This time nothing. So apart from the wine, maybe I’ve got the right balance of food for me. Although there are other threads going on at the moment where people talk about eating more fat, I’m trying to hold back on that. Not only is it calorie-dense but I seem to do better with a lot less and more veg, a pot of plain yogurt, 100 g of fish or meat once a day and a very small number of nuts as a treat. Plus I’ve started weighing everything. I think that makes a difference, even if it is truly boring.
Thanks for the company this past week. Onwards and downwards! -
Ahhh Snoop, where is the Zero calorie
Gin when you need 1 !!
well done on the 500 loss !! and the next loss also !!Live in the moment, so you’ve lost now, it doesn’t matter where you were at last week and next week isn’t a worry either !!
Was the pedometer full of cobwebs !!
Fat: i dont worry about the fat. I dont consciously try to eat more. I do still cut white fat off thinks and wont deep fry !!
But I follow the book recipes and add what they add.
I’m therefore ok with oil (Apart from Olives in a jar. I buy olives in brine, tip, out the brine and add olive oil !!)
I too weigh everything (as per the recipes) as its worked in the past
I treat myself once a week to some almonds (weighed !!) yum
1/2 ib down today (and yesterday) and not feeling hungry. Still drinking loads of water
Julia: do you peel your sausage rolls in public!! I did once and just everyone was looking at me while i got bits of pastry everywhere !!
Its back at work day today so no food worries I hope !
Congrats on the losses, 54.
The pedometer was brand new, straight out the box. No cobwebs. I’ve walked 1.8 km so far today. Apparently that amounts to the grand total of 36 calories. Anyway, handy to have as a timepiece as I don’t wear a watch.
As for gin, I can survive without that. Not much of a one for spirits. But I do like wine. Had some over the weekend, but fitted it in with the 800 cals. Woke up this morning feeling a bit peckish, but a black coffee with ice sorted that out. Like you, not terribly hungry. And drinking lots of water.
I haven’t had a sausage roll since I don’t remember when. Your anecdote made me laugh out loud. I’m not very good at doing things like that, even when they’re in my best interest. Must learn to be braver and more assertive!
Have a good day at work. -
Well done to both of you on the losses! No weighing today for me as I rushed out of the house super fast to work.
I laughed at the sausage roll peeling and the zero cal gin!
Said sausage roll was in one of those foil lined bags so very sweaty. Forget flaky pastry, it was more like peeling a banana, came off in nice long strips! Although my bandmate spotted me… apparently his wife is on a low-carb diet so he is craving them: he snaffled my fingered slimy pastry and gobbled it up after his own sausage roll AND scotch pie!
We are having a heat wave up here – 23.degrees or thereabouts. I’m psyching myself up to go outside and exercise having decided lunch hour was not a good time with so much sun. Any excuse to delay the evil hour! -
Up relatively early today to tie up the tomatoes before the sun hits. They’re flopping after a really hot, windy afternoon yesterday. Can’t imagine 23 ºC counting as a heatwave, Julia. Here we’ll hit 42 ºC today in all likelihood. Impossible to do anything much outdoors after about 10.00 am. Oddly, at the moment (7.30 am my time), there’s a touch of autumn in the air.
Another amazing sausage roll story too, Julia. It didn’t sound very appetising. And scotch pie… I’d forgotten all about them. Back when I was a kid, we used to go almost every year to Scotland for holidays and would often camp in Glen Nevis and walk up Ben Nevis. Terrible midges in the campsite, but I remember having scotch pies in Fort William. And pitch and putt and bars of Highland toffee. Thanks for bringing back the memories, Julia.
Today’s weigh-in: 88.5 kg, 300 g down, 26.9 kg to go. So that’s just over 10% of my target reached. I was checking out the NHS BMI calculator site yesterday. Looks like 30 kg won’t be enough to reach a healthy weight, according to them. But will stick with it for now. -
Ah, some of those childhood memories I also share. The Highland toffee bars and the places and DEFINITELY THOSE AWFUL MIDGES! …and the almost equally awful pies!
Well done Snoop on the further loss to over 10% of target. That’s better than me as scales show a gain for me today. However I know that’s probably due to not enough fluid rather than a genuine gain. Although 25 degrees outside today, I swear my office is over 30 degrees as it’s on the corner of the 1930s stone building, with huge windows on both exterior walls and gets the sun all day. I ran yesterday and this morning and probably didn’t drink nearly enough. A small fan is having minimal effect in the office…54, how are things?
I wanna join you, can you tell me how I can join you?
Hi lucyjohn987. This is a thread started on 29 August 2016 by 54andfatnomore. Some of us have revived it, as we want to have another go. No reason why you can’t join us though.
But if you want to join a much newer and more active thread that is very well supported by people who have a lot of experience using this weight-loss method (or weight discard, as they call it because they want it gone forever rather than something you lose and so hope to find again), have a look here:
To join in, just add a comment and keep going. We’re all friendly folk here. Probably worth telling them something about yourself (whether you are diabetic, other health issues and the like). You’ll be amazed at how much personalised advice you’ll get, especially from the longstanding forum members. Good luck. -
I had an odd day yesterday. Had a plate of courgetti puttanesca for lunch and yogurt for afters at around 2.00 pm and then wasn’t very hungry for the rest of the day, it’s so hot. So I had roasted cashew nuts for my supper to make up the calories. I had no idea before how calorie-dense nuts are. If nothing else, I’m getting a much better idea of what a snack portion really ought to look like. If I’ve got the numbers right, they’re ten calories a nut, pretty much. Seven is equal to one of my favourite yogurts. I did enjoy them, but they really do need to be a special and very small treat. Well done, 54, on your approach to almonds. I’ve learnt a valuable long-term lesson.
This morning’s weigh-in: 88.1 kg, 400 g down, 26.5 kg to go. -
Sneaky nuts eh snoop !
Small great-tasting and deadly amounts of calories. After many months of snacking every day on ‘a bag’ of hand selected almonds from a ‘scoop bin’ , now I restrict myself by NOT GONG NEAR the shop that sells the ones I love so much !! Ah well
And did I read it right? You’re suffering from drooping tomatoes !! (We’ve all been there)
Hot here also. I work from home can at least move around and have cool shower if things get desperate. Wearing very little helps and gives the parcel delivery guy a surprise when he calls.I am determined to get swimming again. Not been since my accident so expect to be very stiff and worn out if I do get there this evening
I bet you remember deep fried mars bars as well Julia !!
Do join us Lucy John, if nothing else we’ve got experience !! (Isn’t there a song with that title ?)
Weight wise
Shock , horror no weight loss yesterday, no weight loss today either (How strange !!)
Not so sneaky, 54. All accounted for and still in at just under 800 calories. Just as well lunch was so miserly!
Plus, I’ve got drooping everything. Not just the tomatoes!
As for the no weight loss, first time around I had lots of periods where nothing seemed to happen and then I lost a fair bit all at once. A fair bit by my standards, anyway. I never used to lose as much as everyone else before, maybe 100 g at most a day, some weeks less. Finding the current losses a bit alarming, to be honest. Can’t imagine it will carry on for much longer. -
Starting to slow down. Makes sense. I’ve just calculated that as I’m short, my baseline calorie requirement is only between 400 and 600 calories a day over the 800. So much for 2000 calories being the average person”s requirement. I should have thought about that donkey’s years ago. Probably wilful ignorance. Well, I know now.
Anyway, ignoring the 400 calorie figure and being optimistic, 600 x 7 is a deficit of 4200 over a week, so a loss of just over 500 g a week on average over the whole period. Likely to be quicker now but painfully slow the closer I get to my target. Going to take me a while! But I am determined and you can’t beat the law of thermodynamics. So…
Today’s weigh-in: 87.9 kg, 200 g down, 26.3 kg to go.
Hope you’re all doing well. -
Today’s weigh-in: no change.
Hope you guys are doing OK. -
Might be a little bit of ‘over thinking’ going on there !!
Just think about the ongoing loss. That’s what I focus on
You would think, hot weather, lots of people swimming
But no. I went for a swim first time in ages and there were on 4 in the pool so after 20 minutes I have a nice peaceful lane to myself when one got out
Mind you it was 9pm which my make a difference but normally quite a few more in
Salmon or tea yesterday from the recipe book with the suggested lots of vegBack to 1/2 ib off today
Just a quie day today should have no ‘food traps’ to negotate
Hi 54, Snoop, anyone else I’ve missed these past couple of days….
Excuse the brevity, it got busy again last week but fortnight of annual leave beckons from 1st August. Off to Spain for a flying family visit, back Monday evening. Have not abandoned BSD, but it has been a rushed few days with no weighing of self or food… I sincerely hope no gain, however, on the kilos front. Should be back posting (and able to get back to weighing food) on my return. Impressed to see the continued losses/no gains on scales, both of you doing so well.Have a good (and self-control-filled! ) weekend!
Bad news: 88.5, up 600 g, 26.9 kg to go.
Ah well. Still never bloody giving up. Hope that adjusts itself over the next couple of days.
Have a great weekend, everyone. Enjoy the trip, Julia. Which part of Spain? -
Hi snoop are you UP but kept to calaries or swift 2 bottles of win and some cake in the cellar ?
Best just keep going
Hope you have a great stay in Spain Julia, the med diet is the best (But dont have the spanish cheesy snacks!!)
As for me. Yet another swim (Yes two days in a row for 45 mins)
zero weight loss (I think I looked at a hot cross bun yesterday which did it)
and a ‘vegan’ bar b que to negotiate later
what fun
No cake, 54. However, 200 ml of cider, which was a gift. Calories about OK.
Swap you the vegan bar for an organ concert in a church with dire acoustics… -
I’ve never heard of a group called ‘Dire Acoustics’, were they any good ? (Must buy their CD!)
Ha ha! The concert was actually very good. Organist and small choir. Plus, they rearranged all the pews and we were sitting in a good spot, so the acoustics weren’t all that dire for us. Well attended too despite the fact that the population density here is less than nine people per square kilometre.
How was the vegan bar? Were they tasty?
Glad the concert was good snoop
Vegan bar b cue did not happen due to ‘british summertime’ hail/thunder storm !!
I did go to a farmers market and managed to buy a candle (no cake, no buns, no pastry!!¬)
No swim today (Only available at 8am and I just did not wake up ! but did one on saturday so not all lost
Decided to have a big switch with my menu so am having breakfast for dinner (Its a Kipper !!¬)
No weight loss today but still nothing gained at all so all positive so far !!
Hi, 54. I was in such a rush to get out to water my veg before it got too hot that I forgot to weigh myself. Feel like I haven’t yet lost the 600 g I put on. But onwards and downwards.
I just love kippers. Used to go regularly to the Seahouses area as part of our summer holidays when I was a kid. Regular treat was a walk along to Dunstanburgh Castle and then Craster to buy kippers for tea. Can’t get them here, more’s the pity. I guess herring are a North Sea fish. Hope you enjoyed it.
Have a great day. -
Big celebrations in the village this weekend… All those of us born in 1959 are having a big party. By big I mean a three-day do. There’s a sit-down meal, for which I’ve made sensible choices in advance (well, the best choices on offer), but the rest of it, no idea. Won’t be drinking much though.
Hope you’re doing well, 54. -
Hi everyone who is still out there !!
Snoop, sounds like one humdinger of a party!!
Where is your village again?
Is this the party you needed the big speakers in yoiur bathroom for ? or is that another one?
Youll just have to stick to the leafy salad !!
Ive has a ‘dangerous’ meeting with my accountant this morning. Dangerous because he has a love of chocolate biscuits and always has a bog of them on the go on hos desk, yes a bag, he buys different packets and them mixes them all together so breakaway, club, rocky, etc etc an insists you join him as he works through the bag during the meeting. He’s not the normal accountant type. He wrote two ‘Dr Who’ books for the BBC and his real love is creative writing (Hes currently writing a dark, horror novel !!)
Weight wise: My usual 1/2 lb I didnt lose yesterday or the day before
No challenges ahead this weekend.
managed another swim yesterday (30 mins) and with luck again this evening
Yes, it’s going to be a humdinger of a party. We have parties to organise the party and then parties after the party to discuss finances and so on. And yes, it’s the party for which the speakers are required. They weigh a ton. The village is in the north-east of Spain in the province of Teruel. Hot and dry in summer, perishing cold in winter. Main industries: olive and almond farming, bit of winemaking and rabbit and pig farms, but not vast numbers of those. Population density: 9.9 people per square kilometre. Nearest neighbours, half a kilometre or so down the valley. We used to be the only ones for miles, so it’s odd for us having neighbours.
Like the concept of a bog of biscuits, just don’t get sucked in.
Have a great weekend. -
and the prize goes to snoop!!
Bag not bog !!