My eight weeks….

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Lucia, my heart was pounding reading that. She hasn’t has she? Not really? Please tell me it isn’t true!! Phewwww, it was a NIGHTMARE!!

    Your subconscious is telling you you can’t and won’t go back to that! What a relief!!

    You’re now over the most difficult part of BSD and it will be much easier from now on.


    I’ve just read your original post! Can’t believe how far you have come since the 8th March. Your first week was your adjustment phase, so in a way you have done 3 weeks of BSD proper. Incredible progress Lucia πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  • posted by Janet1973

    Captqinlynne, I have emailed you, just in case its ended up in your spam!

  • posted by Lucia

    Hi hashimo,

    It isn’t all plain sailing. You know how to do it, but life, cravings, problems, time, inconvenience gets in the way.

    I have tried previously to lose weight, only to fail, a few weeks in and put more than the weight back on.

    I am happy on bs800 but I am also concious that I can fail, that I am a bit worried about it.

    It does take some effort. Is it because I feel it is so successful for me, that I just don’t want my own human failings to ruin it all?

    I am just going to take one day at a time. I have come so far now, I cannot and will not go back.

    So keep your fingers crossed for me, and I will take tomorrow as a new venture.

    Love Lucia

  • posted by captainlynne

    Janet, I’ve answered your email.

  • posted by captainlynne


    Like you I’ve tried many diets over the years, lost weight and re-gained it (plus more).

    This time there is no fee to pay, no class leader to please (or to grovel to!), no ‘slimmer of the week’, no silver ‘ticks’ or whatever reward the clubs are giving today.

    This time there is good, sound advice, based on current research. There is the support and advice found on these forums. This time each and every one of us is doing this for ourselves. It might be to lose weight, to improve blood sugars, to reduce (or come off) medication. Or all of those. But we are in this together, helping each other along the path.

    All we can do is take one day at a time.

    For me, I think I’m treating this as an experiment or research project. I’m not normally a control freak, but do need to record everything I eat (only drink black coffee or water), blood sugars and other medical info from tests.

    I see from the posts that many of those who’ve tried eating carbs either find they no longer enjoy them or that they make them ill. I have decided that there is now no place for those nasty carbs in my life. I have some challenges coming up, but will have to take each day and each challenge as it comes. I never want to go back to where I was when I started this.

    As was said in Gone With the Wind – ‘Tomorrow is another day ‘. Just take each day as it comes, and remember we are here for you

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Lucia,
    I’m sat here in Tenerife, in the apartment while other half is watching golf!

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi janet1973
    We are here, will be going to bed soon, I have been very naughty! On the plane I ate a bar of chocolate bought for be by my daughter for my birthday! I have been good since and had roast chicken and salad tonight!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Lucia, I found it got much easier in weeks. 4/5, the hunger pangs lessened so it didn’t feel like I was battling with cravings/hunger. When you started this journey you were eating a lot more than me so this is much more difficult for you in these early weeks but you will manage to continue because you have done the hardest part.

    I hear what you are saying about difficulties and uncertainties but, like Lynne has said, I have tried many diets in the past that simply didn’t work for me. Captainlynne is now past the 16 week mark and I am not too far behind her and we are fine. Many people, me included, don’t now want to return to starchy carbs. Give it a few weeks and you will feel the same, you really will. I just look at starchy carbs now and there is no need for self control – they just remind me of how unwell I felt before this diet. You get to the point where you really don’t want the crap.

    I was out with my cousin and her family yesterday and after lunch they all had enormous slabs of cake and it made me feel sick not desperate to try it. I was looking and calculating the calories and carbs – the cake was a most unpretty picture, one of my cousin’s daughters started to baulk at the massive amount of icing on her slab of cake. I. Think the look of horror on my face affected how she viewed it lol

    You are a strong women, lucia, so I know you WILL do it. Last week is now last week, face tbe coming week with confidence. You won’t slip, even if at times you fear it. It’s because you fear succombing tells me you have a high awareness of potential problems and genuinely don’t. Want to fail.

    Chin up, girl, and shout/sing defiance in the face of defeat πŸ™‚ xxxx

  • posted by Lucia

    Hi team,
    Thanks for the support and wisdom.
    I am being so critical of myself as I have failed in the past. I want to be the other side of our eight weeks. I want to finish this time. I want to be a size 12 rather than fat, frumpy and a failure.
    My alarm bells are going off as this is the time I get bored, and wander off the path. I haven’t done it yet. I am suprised, I am acknowledging this it the “damage” time. I am writing my thoughts and fears down here, so I can do something about them.
    My mental attitude is light and fluffy, then a rain loud comes over from no where.
    I just need to hold a brolly up for a short while and get past my shower. Then inwards into the sunshine. Hoping to splash through my puddles again.

    I know I am talking myself though all of this, I am wanting this so much.

    I have been into the kitchen and sorted the next three days meals and snacks if I need them.
    I have my Fitbit watch, I am doing my steps.

    I am glad that I am aware I can fail at this stage and I am doing something about it, instead of just letting failure happen.

    For those of you who have followed my blog, I hope you see, that I realise I need just a little bit more will power, to get past this hiccough.

    Love Lucia

  • posted by karra

    Hey Lucia,
    We’ve all been there where we’ve given up and gone back to the way we were, but hun you’re always such a happy little duck, your posts are funny, and make great reading for all of us and inspire us to go on.

    So chin up little duck, splash away in those puddles, remember it’s spring so there is lots of puddles to splash in….but remember the sun will come out tomorrow and you’ll be back on dry land.

    The number of steps you’re doing each day keeps going up, you’re doing a fab job even planning your meals ahead of time, you’re doing fabulous on this diet or should say this new lifestyle……there is NO going back.

    Perhaps you could think of some sort of treat when you reach 6 weeks, after all the 4 weeks have gone by. So well done you (gives you a big hug and a pat on the back)

    Hugs to you

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi Lucia,

    I’ve been reading your posts and can really relate to the struggle going on in your head. Thank goodness it was a nightmare and not reality for you. Sometimes our dreams can seem so real (and then stay in our heads the next day).

    Have you considered exploring ‘Mindfulness’ options? The Mindfulness ‘blog’ (I’m really bad at computer terminology) is at the bottom of the forum front page (told you I’m not good at describing this).

    As I see it, MM’s book covers what we eat (and recipes), exercise and mindfulness. I’ve found mindfulness meditation helpful and for me it’s a major assistance on my BSD journey.

    I hope the ‘brolly’ you’re holding up to get through this ‘shower’ is bright yellow…….same colour as the the sunshine and one of the colours of the rainbow that comes with the sunshine! Best wishes.

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi Lucia
    April’s notorious for it’s showers, but they pass. I love walking through cheerful yellow daffodils, they always brighten my mood.
    Have you noticed the fresh green buds are unfurling? Very soon everything will look all new, colourful & different. I think another four weeks should do it. See us into May with the warmth of the sun on our backs. We’ll be enjoying the promise of Summer & chasing beautiful butterflies. Can’t wait
    Eureka β˜€οΈ

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi Lucia,
    Let’s link arms and I will hold my brolly over you and keep you dry until this little rain shower passes. You aren’t a failure, you are a blazing success and have come such a long way in a very short time.
    Go back and read your very first post. There you stood, embarrassed and afraid, not quite sure if you were able to take the first step on this journey. We were there for you then, encouraging you on and ready to catch you if you fell.
    Read on, remember your growing confidence and the joy you felt as you became aware that this was something you could do. We saw a new Lucia, succeeding in overcoming her issues with food, overcoming temptation, and revelling in her new energy and zest for life.
    Don’t listen to those doubts, they are trying to steal your joy and rob you of what is rightfully yours! That size 12 is yours, you’ve earned it, you deserve it so go get it.
    You’ve posted here about cleaning out cupboards, dusting the house, anything to avoid food tempting you off the path. Well I’m telling you now that those doubts and fears are like the dust bunnies that hide in the dark under the bed. You only notice them if you are down on your hands and knees and looking for them. Well you’ve seen your dust bunnies, now get out the vacuum cleaner and banish them forever.
    We know you won’t fail, and have we ever lied to you yet? All your friends here on the forum will be wishing you well, we believe in you πŸ™‚ xxx

  • posted by captainlynne

    Morning Lucia

    Are you coming out to play today? I’ve found my skipping rope πŸ˜ƒ

  • posted by Janet1973

    Hi Christine
    Glad you had a good journey over. Just enjoy yourselves. Don’t worry about being good or naughty, if you want it, have it. If you can resist, then all the better! We don’t get enough holidays. Its only a week ,and you know what to do when you get back!

  • posted by Bill1954

    Morning L
    You’re all over this hun, there is no way you’re going to let yourself down, we’re all here for you.
    If absolutely necessary, I’ll send some of the boyz to tie you up and feed you low carb stuff until you get your head straight again but you won’t need that (although you may want it πŸ˜‰
    Have a great day.

  • posted by orchid

    Hi Lucia,
    I hope you are feeling a bit more optimistic this morning! We have all been there in the past, one of the differences I think, is this forum which has been great and unconditional support to everyone who needs it.
    I get bored easily and that is the time I am likely to get complacent and think – it is ok just to have this, or go out for afternoon tea…..etc and before you know it, the lbs are back on.
    What has helped me, and it is more by chance than good planning, is that I have been making some changes to how I approach the diet about every two weeks. First it was shakes, then it was how to replace them and planning what normal foods I could eat, then concentrating on the carbs, not just the calories and then over 4 weeks it was – drop the skimmed things etc.,
    Since finishing the eight weeks, I have had a lot of desk work to do so little or no exercise, and the weight loss slowed to 1kg a week not the 2+ I have had. To reenergise my interest as I could see me heading towards, this is fine at this weight – lets settle at this weight for a while, I decided to find out whether I have been fat burning and got the ketostix. Now I am monitoring that in the morning and at night to see if I can see what foods I have eaten that makes it darker rather than lighter and adjusting accordingly. The next challenge will be planning the 5:2.
    Take a few hours to yourself to look at your blog, look at what has worked and what has not, and making a few changes to bring in more of the ‘positives’ plus approaches that you read others are doing can keep the interest and challenge that we have in the first few weeks.
    Always remember – ‘the past does not have to equal the future’! Plus a very twee statement, ‘today is the first day of the rest of your life’!
    Go find some puddles and play!

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Janet
    The chocolate incident was just pure boredom! I should have put it in the case, it was just that Lucy came on Saturday evening with the girls and gave me the chocolate, the youngest Dana, loves to share her choc, however she was adamant that I should put it in my travel bag, I didn’t have the heart to stop her, then of course time and events take over and i forgot it was there.
    I am being very good now, yogurt, strawbs and walnuts for brekkie, and I only had one slice of brown bread(my first one in ten weeks) toasted with marmalade too. I am trying to eat sensibly while at the same time keeping it in the realms of normal.
    Happy holidays for me cheers for now.

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Judith
    I didn’t reach that magic number, however the scales read 13.0.0 so it’s easier to remember when I get back and see how much I weigh in then!
    Angela has had a good few days according to the messages, she had a day on Sunday just planting up their garden with Ashley, we had taken the plants down last time we visited, they were all from Angela’s greenhouse ( it’s actually mine, however I have been given the boot from the garden and everything in it) I am happy if she is happy, it’s just that it won’t keep her even s a full time job, so she can keep it as a very good hobby and find full time work doing something else.
    I had a hiccup on the plane, have got over that now, I am being good now! It was a great journey to the airport, lovely and sunny, in the car! No problems anywhere, even our apartment is lovely overlooking the pool, where I am sat at the moment, the pool that is! It’s cloudy at the moment, will go in for my first swim as soon as the sun peeps through the clouds. Cheers for now, and thank you for your concern, it’s appreciated.
    Hope you enjoy your get together with penny? Or was it Janet? I can’t remember, see I’ve only been here half a day and I’m already going against!

  • posted by hashimoto

    Bill, poor lucia, threats of……? Chuckle chuckle πŸ™‚

  • posted by captainlynne

    Bill, I could send the twins as backup. Their dad nicknamed them Ronnie and Reg😳

  • posted by Bill1954

    He He
    we have twins in the family as well but they are only 6 years old so even more of a punishment (or pleasure whichever way you look at it)

  • posted by hashimoto

    Good morning Lucia my friend!!! Hope today is a lot easier for you!!

    Confession time:
    I experimented with a glass of red last week and as it didn’t go very well so I thought I would follow MM’s suggestion of a spirit instead. That went even worse! I woke at 4.15am with a banging head. Downed a pint of water and a mug of hot milk followed by a piece of cheese and a handful of almonds.
    I still have a headache.
    I’m skipping breakfast because of the dawn feast.
    Lesson learned!

    The birds are singing – or at least they were until a kestrel appeared in the garden!!!!
    Hope they sing for you all day! πŸ™‚ xxxx

  • posted by Catgirl

    Lucia, you have been so supportive of everyone else on the forum so cut yourself some slack and don’t beat yourself up. None of us are perfect and we all have wobbles of the doubt kind as we have all done every other diet under the sun and failed. Despite attending classes in the past as we have all done I have never felt so supported as now on the BSD, I had a bad week last week and just wanted to hide but that is the worst thing, share your fears and hopes as you are doing, there are so many people rooting for you and know that you can do this.

    My greatest fear was falling off the wagon and never getting back on, yes I did have a treat when out for our anniversary meal and the scales said I had put on 3 lbs but by the end of the week I am 2 lbs down from last week, so that’s 1 stone 2 lbs in total in. 4 weeks with 6 inches off my waist, never has that been done before. Look at where you were and where you are now, you can do this.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Lucia, are you ok? Getting worried that we’ve not heard from you today.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Hi Christine, so glad things are a bit happier for your daughter at the mo.

    Well, enjoy that swim because I don’t think I’ll be venturing into any water here!
    It’s Janet and Lynne I’m meeting up with, really looking forward to it! πŸ™‚
    Forget the plane blip and ENJOY πŸ™‚

  • posted by Lucia

    Morning everyone,
    I have popped out just to give you a quick blog.
    For 24 hours, I have said sod it, I am giving myself a break, just 24 hours.
    I didn’t weigh everything on the scales, I just did it by eye.
    I didn’t kill myself counting carbs, trying to look them up, I just guessed.
    But I ate the right things.

    I am here now, back on track.

    What did I get from the 24 hours relaxed ?

    I calmed my mind.

    Oh and I lost three pounds

    So if you wind yourself up like I did, give yourself time to breath. Stop sweating the small stuff.
    See the big picture.
    I am very, very very grateful for everyone’s kind words, I needed them.
    Got to go back to my office.
    Love Lucia
    Oh, can the boys come around at 9pm tonight, I will be home from work tonight, thanks bill 1954. Hope to use them for puddle splashing, hoping to burn more calories doing fun activities with them. You did say boys not men.
    May find the tennis ball and have a go at football with them too.

  • posted by Julia18togo

    So glad to hear from you Lucia! Really missed you! Great news about your weight loss too. But the best news is having you back 😊

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi Lucia, Welcome back! You’re such an inspiration. Obviously your ’24 hours time out’ is exactly what you needed – and you lost 3 lbs – the BSD is becoming a habit for you. I can’t wait to get there too.

  • posted by hashimoto

    Lucia it’s so lovely to hear that you are fine! And 3lbs lost! Go girl xxxx

  • posted by Bill1954

    Had us worried miss L, I’m pleased you’re ok and 3 pounds gone too!
    Yeah get the ball out, my boys are no softy professional footballers, they can play!
    Seriously, glad to see you have your head straight again, so you had a day off, you have the rest of your life in front of you so forget it. πŸ™‚

  • posted by Lucia

    Oh and yesterday I left my Fitbit pedometer at home charging. So I walked my usual route.

    I was worried that I am the fat girl, happy on the outside, alone and crying in the inside.

    I read people being so professional about bs800, so technically accurate.
    I write these comments for me, as I am a little dim, a little slow to get the gist of things.
    So what if I am on the chapter behind everyone else, at least I have the book open and I am into it.

    I weighed myself this morning to see what damage I had done yesterday.

    Today, all is much brighter. Even though it is raining.
    I can do this without scales, pedometers, menus, carb charts. BUT having those things can fine tune your diet.

    I think the most important four words I have written so far, and they are a little hidden in my text.

    I can do this. I can do this.

    Apple and yoghurt breakfast.
    Chicken and salad lunch
    Chicken and green veggies tonight.

    Love Lucia

  • posted by Lucia

    Another big lesson, is,
    I have hung in there,
    Worked through it,
    And come back.

    and got a big welcome back.

    So if anyone reading this, is not joining because they might fall down, read my private thoughts. I am sure people can relate to how I feel.
    If I was perfect, the bees knees, I would be a size ten.

    I have had a little bit of faulty wiring.
    I have an electricians manual, I am able to turn the bad power off, I have the tools to move the wires, I have the knowledge on how to do it, and I am able to turn the good power on.
    Like all electricians, it will take some time, not a two minute job.

    Oh, and the pencil behind my ear to write notes down is this wonderful blog.

    Now, what can I use to compare, when they take a large breath before they give you a frightening price……. Anticipation…. Stepping on the scales. Ha, ha, ha,

    Oh, and there is always an assistant to mash the tea, that’s you lot, each and everyone of you.

    Must get back to work, ssshhhhh

    Love Lucia

  • posted by Bill1954

    Lucia is back in da house !!!
    well done hun and you know, you’re so right, scales, meters etc are only there to reassure us that we are doing it right.
    If you have the confidence to just go for it (and you have it in bucket loads) and do it right, they aren’t necessary are they, you already know the right foods and after this amount of time, your portion control will be spot on.
    Don’t let me hear you calling yourself the fat girl ever again, you are now the motivated young woman with a definite goal in life that you are going to attain come hell or high water πŸ˜€ and that’s how I think of you.

  • posted by Eureka

    Hi Lucia
    Excellent weight loss. You are doing this for you in your time frame. You know how & are working through the why like the rest of us. To each his/her own.
    Keep on keeping on

  • posted by Cherrianne

    Hi Lucia,
    I’ve just let out a big sigh of relief. You had us all worried there, we missed you so much.
    Very happy that you are back where you belong. YOU CAN DO THIS
    I see a UK size 12 posh outfit is back on the agenda πŸ™‚

  • posted by Lucia

    Hi, lunchtime, and I am feeling a lot brighter now,

    I sounded desperate with the “it’s just got to work”
    Searching for solutions.
    Full fats etc.

    It just all got to me.

    But I think I am through it now.

    I am embarrassed at bearing my soul and showing how everything got to me.

    But I am glad I did if it will help others.

    Well on my way to my weight starting with 12 stone something.
    Getting there.

    Now, about is anyone else up for a game of football tonight?
    Love Lucia

  • posted by Lucia

    Hi Bill 9154

    I f I can’t call myself a fat girl, can I say there is a lot of junk in my trunk.

    Yes, I am back.
    Love Lucia

  • posted by Lucia

    I have a booty that is jay-lo, Kim kardashian combined.

    I can feel a song coming on,

    My lady lumps.

    You drive me crazy🎧🎼🎼🎼🎧🎀🎧🎧🎹🎧🎧🎀🎼🎻🎸🎸🎺🎀🎀🎧🎧🎧🎸🎸🎸🎧🎸
    You’re spending all my money 🎹🎸🎧🎷🎹🎷🎸🎧🎧🎸🎺🎷🎷🎺🎻🎹🎹🎸🎸

  • posted by Lucia

    Oh, tomorrow, I am nuking sprouts.
    Tossing bacon and onion in a frying pan with butter, then putting the sprouts in to glaze.

    Trying to jazz up my Brussels.

    Love Lucia

  • posted by Bill1954

    Down down, deeper and down πŸ˜€

  • posted by Lucia

    Just people watching in the canteen.
    It seats about 80 at a time.

    The ones should I say larger than life have litre bottles of pop, chippy dinners, pizza, sandwiches.

    The less than average ones have brought in their own salads or eating up veggie leftovers from the previous night.

    I was in box a
    I am now in box b

    I know this is a generalisation and each to their own path.

    But I haven’t noticed what foods were with each shape.

    Was I blind? Why did I do this to me?
    Thank goodness I found Michaels book.

    Love Lucia

  • posted by Lucia

    As I have been here a while, my boss is replacing my shackles.

    I am down a size,
    Smaller ankles.

    But the metal ball is a bit of a drag (joke)

    Love Lucia

  • posted by Janet1973

    I think it happens to many of us that when you are putting in such a lot of effort, you do start to feel the strain, a bit fatigued, a bit tired and then the low mood can sneak in. Sometimes you have to take a rest for a short while and get your breath back. Then you can get back on your feet and start again with renewed energy. This is certainly the place I have been in this last week. I was tired of the effort and starting to lose focus. But, like Lucia, I had a short rest and now I’m back on top of things again. These are the ebbs and flows of life and I’m glad you (Lucia) are sharing yours and we can all share in this environment. Power to the people.

  • posted by Catgirl

    Welcome back Lucia!

    I think there is something seriously wrong with me, today it is pouring with rain but at 11am I put my walking boots in the car (they are so clean and have only been used twice in 7 years), I donned my woolie hat and jacket and walked 1.6 miles round our local lake all by myself, I had Squeeze blasting on my iPod, yes I know a bit retro but they are my fav! For every puddle that I jumped in I said to myself, that’s one for you Lucia! It made me feel so good and smug with myself but I wouldn’t have done that a few weeks ago and it is only with your encouragement to us all that I thought sod it! I am doing this for me as every time I suggest a walk to hubby there is always an excuse.

    I now have a celeriac and fennel soup in the slow cooker and tuna steaks out for tea.

    Think I must be running a fever as this is not me!

    2 hours after my walk I did a ketostick and got to 2 pluses, purple is now my fav colour!

  • posted by CallMeDeb

    Lucia you are an inspiration. Perfectly Imperfectly Human.

    You let us all into your world and fill it with bubbles and puddles.

    Thank you for my daily smile.


  • posted by hashimoto

    Lucia, isn’t it wonderful to be in the b group? πŸ™‚

    I’ve said before that the first two weeks I didn’t get the idea of full fat. It was several weeks before I started to understand carbs . I’ve only just got my head round the techno stuff – but not all of it. I’ve got to say if all the techie stuff had been on the forums when I started it may well have discouraged me. I basically followed the idea of the recipes and I have got to say the weight just dropped off without me understanding a lot of stuff.

    Whatever you are doing it’s working, Lucia, so as someone else said – just keep on keeping on!:)

    I’ll kick a ball with you tonight πŸ™‚ xxxxx

    Catgirl, purple!! Brilliant! Xxx

  • posted by Patsy

    Lucia, it seems obvious that eating lots of junk food is a bad idea, but somehow it can be difficult for us to connect what’s on our plates to the way our clothes seem to shrink when they’re in the wardrobe!

    Went shopping today. More than 3/4 of what we bought was fresh veg. In front and behind us were very overweight and unhealthy looking people with a trolley full of cakes, biscuits, ready meals, desserts, cereals and fizzy drinks. I feel super smug.

  • posted by Lucia

    I went to tesco’s last Sunday and bumped into a few work mates,
    Normally I could hide the whole trolley behind my junk in the trunk.
    But Sunday, I wasn’t ashamed of its contents.
    Instead of loaves, pizzas, pasta from the deli, fizzy pop, ice cream, tons of chocolates, crisps, cooked chicken smothered in coatings.
    My trolley looked as if it was straight from the garden.
    A little sliced, cooked meat, my yoghurts, can I say, I was PROUD?

    I left the trolley in front of me on show.

    Love Lucia

  • posted by Lucia

    Hi Hashimoto,
    I wish we had a but of a chart for carbs on the website, it would have saved me a whole heap of time.
    Love Lucia

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