Hi Matrika
“Eat potatoes & Don’t test your blood sugar!” That was honestly the ONLY advice I was or have been given by my dr! For three long years I’ve been in the type 2 wilderness. I’ve had to fight to get my eyes tested & my Hba1c once a year. I’ve changed surgeries & see a new dr, (who has lost 4 stone on 5:2 diet I’m told) in three weeks. Here’s hoping?
Don’t get mad get CHANGE!! I’m on a personal mission.
I want to see the advice to, information & therefore treatment of Type 2 Diabetics CHANGE!
You DON’T add fuel to a CARBOHYDRATE fire. We are burning!
I’m finding the people who make the decisions about all Type 2 Diabetics. It takes time, they are well hidden!
I also wanted ammunition , my BSD results. I (we) are living the reversed / controlling diabetic life. We DO have the resolve to CHANGE or lives. They declare we don’t. THEY don’t even want to give us the chance or support to try!!!
The ESTABLISHMENT have known about LOW CARBS & Type 2 Diabetes for a long time. The info is out there, lots of reading. It’s only now , with the £ cost to the WORLD & the out-of-control inexorable rise of Globa Type 2 Diabetes that they ‘care?’ ££££
I’ve more to do & will keep my powder dry until I’m ready to fire the whole arsenal not just a single salvo!
When I have all the names & contact info I’ll post it.
I’m away for 2 weeks, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve waited 3 years for this! I’m much older & diabetic wiser now.
I’ve learnt about Type 2 Diabetes the hard way. It’s their turn now.