Does BSD help with pain? / other conditions.

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  • posted by Orangeblossom

    I am finding that since I’ve started reducing my carbs and sugar and the BSD< the pain I have (post shingles /PHN) is really going. I’m not sure if it is naturally going itself, or it’s to do with the diet. Either way, it’s good. So, I wondered if you found this way of life / eating had helped with other conditions especially pain? Thanks!

  • posted by Trelawny

    I have found that the arthritic pain I suffer in my hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders is much better since I started this plan. I am on week 8 and feel so much better. When I am out walking I can stride out as the fat and water is melting from my legs and obviously my chest. Also going up hill my breathing is so much better and my speed greater. It’s all good as far as I am concerned. We have booked a Christmas lunch and have the menu on the wall at work. I have looked at it differently this year. As in, where can I make cuts to make this suit my new WOE! not great how much can I stuff in!!! lol!! Something must be working! Good luck, look forward to your posts.

  • posted by captainlynne

    I also found that most of my aches and pains (arthritis, back injury, etc) have disappeared. I’ve also found mobility much improved. There are quite a few hills where I live and now I can walk up them much more easily.

    These results, plus all the other health-related benefits I’ve found, combined with a weight loss of 7 stone, mean I am a very different person to the one who started this journey on 19th December. Well, I’m the same on the inside – but the outside is very different ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by Orangeblossom

    Thanks for your replies ๐Ÿ™‚

    It is good to know it seems to help pain, isn’t it. Helps me try and stick to the diet as well. Yesterday we had family round for dinner and they had this garlic bread and were offering it to me along with potatoes and a rice pudding, but managed to just stick to the fish and vegetables, thinking about the repercussions! Excercise is the other things which helps me with pain (GP said it’s probably the endorphins released which are natural pain killers) so this is making me keep excercising, as it’s also part of the BSD as well. So hopefully will try and continue this for the health benefits and also help with pain as well!

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