Countdown to Christmas

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  • posted by ADD6605

    Thanks for your continued support Yowser!Im off to bed myself now.Im still having quite a few vivid/anxious dreams (quite common at the moment apparently)so hoping tonight that I have some lovely peaceful ones🙂 Dawn

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Sleep tight DAWN ! XX 😴😴😴

  • posted by Jennie10

    Hi JGwen – good to see you back and hopefully feeling a bit better again today – I didn’t watch it live but woke up very early today so watched it this morning. I’m concentrating on designing my physical activity/exercise routine and getting it back on track at the moment so I found it quite helpful.
    I’m off out for my early morning walk but will check in with everyone later today.
    Jennie xx

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hello everyone and happy weekend. Lovely to read all your posts and I had fully intended to post sooner but have had one of those weeks where everything seems to be happening and you end up just rushing around all the time. In fact, just looking at the time I am off out yet again soon so will make this brief.

    Yowzer, I agree, Cathy should get our first award – for sheer determination. It’s great to see and very inspiring for everyone else. Well done Cathy! Why don’t you keep an eye on the thread and give someone else an award of your choosing in a week or so?

    It’s really good to see many of you reporting inch loss and loose clothes. This is all about our overall body health, not just what the scales say. I had to smile at Mariet’s earlier work pants post as I remember when I first did this that was the really exciting thing for me. The loo at work had a full length mirror, and as the weeks went by I would stand sideways and pull the trousers forward, seeing a bigger and bigger gap between the fabric and my tummy. Till in the end they were sliding off me and I had to buy the next size down.

    Annoyingly though, it’s still my tummy that is the main area of fat for me. If I could just lose a few more inches from there I think I’d be happy just to stick there and go into maintenance, whatever the scales were saying. It really is the last bastion of resistance! But I know I need to up my game a bit as well. I do 16:8, eat (mostly) BSD friendly, and am doing lots of exercise. But I’m not doing strict Fast-800 most days so I think for the next couple of weeks I might get myself back into the routine of 5:2 so that I definitely do it “properly” for 2 specific days a week, then up it from there as needed.

    I’ve also finally caught up with the 3 part Michael Mosley TV series. Still need to see the final episode, but enjoyed the first two episodes. In fact seeing the table of different food combinations, and then the BSD recipes that the participants are following, made me realise that I do eat most of the right food most of the time. I was interested though in the fact that whoever is doing the voiceover has stressed at least a couple of times that the 800 calories a day diet is only suitable for those whose BMI is in the overweight or obese range. Did anyone else notice that? My BMI is currently at the higher end of the healthy weight range but I’d like to get it lower, and reckon I still need to lose around 10lb. But I wonder if the diet becomes less effective if you have less weight left to lose?

    Anyway, I really do need to go now so had better stop waffling on and get moving! Love to you all and have a great weekend X

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone and thank you for nominating me for this week’s award for determination! I am going to have to dig deep this week as the scales have not been kind despite another strict week. My husband who is furloughed and therefore at home to see what I eat has been quite shocked at the effort I’ve put in and the lack of success I’ve had on the scales . My total weight loss/gain wont count until Tuesday but just look at these stats so far this week!
    Monday 148.2
    Tuesday 1482.
    Wednesday 148.4
    Thursday 149.2
    Friday 149.4
    So an increase of 1.4 lbs so far this week from last Friday! I won’t lose hope though as my weekly weigh in on Tuesday and that is what I will count and if I don’t lose then I reckon I can still achieve my goal by Christmas given that I won’t lose every week.

    I’d think what DCT has said about this way of eating being less effective the less weight you have to lose maybe true. It certainly has been more difficult than I thought losing weight this time. My BMI according to the app I use with my scales is 28.2 so I definitely need to lose weight and have plenty to lose! Yesterday I ate a little more than usual just to give my body a jolt! It is apparent that when I don’t do BSD I am only about 5lb heavier than when I do strict low carb. I wonder if moving to a 5:2 approach might help. I am going to evaluate things week by week and try new things if I don’t see any progress.

    Anyway, I AM still determined and I am going to keep going, there is no alternative for me. It did this before and I’ll do it again. I don’t eat breakfast, just coffee. Lunch has been longley farm cottage cheese and an egg, yoghurt and passion fruit or raspberries, evening meals have been quorn fillet with mushrooms, courgette and halloumi bake, cauliflower cheese, vegan sausages with roasted cauliflower. I felt quite light headed and dizzy a couple of days this week. I have kept walking this week and have walked 3.5 km every day. I am doing everything right and so will just have to keep going.

    I hope that you are having a good week and that you will see success whether on the scales or clothes fitting more comfortably. The scales are not by any means the only way of seeing success. I did fit into a pair of jeans this week that felt comfortable and I was happy with that. . I haven’t tried the elusive white jeans I wanted to get into earlier in the summer!

    Have a great weekend everyone, I know that here in the UK things are getting tougher again with lockdowns and I live in Greater Manchester where we are seeing a huge rise in Covid numbers and are on strict lockdown rules so it is important to be in peak health as we prepare for a second wave.

    I’ll post my progress or lack of on Tuesday and dust myself down for yet another DETERMINED week ahead.

  • posted by caronl

    Yes well done Cathy. I always find your posts inspiring – even if the weights you list are well beyond my hopes and realistic aspirations! I know not to compare. I am still sticking with this. Now back to 2019 weight, and determined to get to the healthy range. Onwards and downwards. Once the mini heatwave is over next week, I shall be dusting off the lovely soup recipes on here, and going with those. I made a good Mediterranean soup from cooking juices, paprikas, garlic and a tomato this week. Now eyeing up my favourite from here – Verano’s cauliflower and red pepper concoction. Hope you are all doing well. And that Yowzer’s DD’s result comes back negative. xx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    CARONL Thank you for yr support💖 Hoping we get a result v soon,they said between 2 – 4 days X
    CCATHY well deserved …You get this weeks QUEEN OF COUNTDOWN Award! X 👸 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
    JGWEN thks for the link! Going there now
    Happy weekend everyone! 🍁🌻🍁🌻🍁🌻🍁🌻🍁🌻🍁
    ‘ the beautiful thing about today is you get the choice to make it better than yesterday’ X

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,I agree Cathy should definitely get award this week for positive thinking and determination!
    I’ve had a decent week food wise and can feel a difference in my clothing so am looking forward to weighing myself on Thursday but won’t feel too stressed if scales don’t show as big a loss as I would expect as I can definitely feel it (saying that,I may feel differently once I’m actually ON the scales:/ )
    I decorated the Coundown to Christmas chart I’ve stuck on the fridge,I found some sparkly Christmas sticker books my daughter has probably had for about 10 years and not used so I’ve put lots on my chart🙂
    Continued good luck everyone! Dawn

  • posted by Logie

    Hello everyone Not posted for a while Felt a bit down and succumbed to naughty things and consequently up goes the weight But hey it’s Monday and back on the wagon again .It’s great to feel you are not alone in this and there are others who feel exactly like you .Got to lose 6 kilos by Christmas Can she do it ? YES SHE CAN ! ( sorry reference to too much watching Bob the builder with grandchildren ! )

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hi Everyone

    Another new week ahead everyone so let’s draw a line under last week and let’s do this, slow and steady wins the race 🐢 it’s 14 weeks to make a difference and even when we have bad weeks we can make a difference. I have to confess to being a little relaxed over the weekend. I had an ice cream in Southport yesterday, a glass of wine on Friday and a gin and tonic on Saturday. There said it!

    Scales are up 2lb this morning which is no surprise and I am going to see how doing a more relaxed week affects the scales this coming week. I will weigh every day but the last two weeks have had little effect on my weight and I am therefore going to try 5:2. Today I am being strict. I think experimentation might be the way for me to go over the next few weeks.

    I think there are a few of us struggling to get the results we so desperately want and I wish there was a guaranteed solution! The current situation with the rising Covid cases isn’t helping our mental state but yet we are still trying so I think we should all be proud of ourselves. This week I think we should all concentrate on being the best we can be, healthy and happy. Have a good week everyone.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi folks!
    C CATHY they were quite modest blips and I bet they were really enjoyable,and as you said,its a fresh new week now!
    Southport,sounds like you live not far from VERANO and I,we’re in Lpool? Or was it a day trip from further afield?
    LOGIE ,me too,have made mistakes,but like CC said,draw a line and start a new week
    DAWN i LOVE the sound of yr chart,I love all things sparkly,youve given me an idea now,I think a countdown on the fridge could well be the key to thinking twice before I open the fridge door 😄😋
    Have a great week Countdowners! And remember :
    You cant pour from an empty cup,so look after yourself first 🌞🌼🌞🌼🌞🌼🌞🌼🌞🌼🌞

  • posted by Logie

    Well ClarinetCathy I felt so encouraged by your post It really lifted me and renews my determination
    Does anyone think going from 800 to 5:2 kick starts the weight loss again ? I might have a bash but will worry about coming off the 800 in case I pile the weight on again . Yes the Covid news is grim but the sun is shining and let’s all enjoy it Cheers

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Yowzer, I live in Greater Manchester. We had a lovely day trip to Southport yesterday and really enjoyed it.
    I really enjoy the inspirational quotes you post for us all. Thank you for inspiring us!

    Logie, we are all in this together. Glad you’re feeling better about things.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    C CATHY I love MAnchester! Up til lockdown was visiting a professor there to buy chinese herbs in the hope they wd help reduce lymphodema in my legs…
    I love the Manchester vibe..v lively and bustly like Lpool…we used to have lunch in the Waldorf pub,near the station ( piccadilly i think) Nice food and friendly staff
    Looking forward to going again when things get back to normal xx

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi Yowser,I’m pleased you like the sound of my chart🙂I was looking forward to putting my first results on it on Thursday until I did 2 VERY SILLY things today…..I added a free gift onto my M&S sparks card,a box of flaked chocolate truffles,then while I was shopping there today I got them and ATE THEM ALL when I got home,what the HECK I was thinking is beyond me!!!!!!I should have just ignored the fact they were a free gift and not put them on my card as,once I had them,it was too tempting.I felt really sick afterwards and have had very little today since.I never eat whole boxes of chocolates so not sure what got into me but it’s behind me now and I really hope it doesn’t scupper a good weight loss.Im pleased it sounds as if everyone else is having a much more sensible time than me today! Dawn

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    HI Logie I’m sure I remember you from a previous thread. Welcome on board! Re possibly switching from 800 to 5:2, I think if you’re managing the 800 a day and doing ok on it (bar the odd blip) then maybe stick with that. But otherwise I think it can sometimes help to mix things up a bit. I did really well when I first started 16:8 (aargh! all these numbers!) but now it doesn’t seem to have much effect. I’m not good at sticking to 800 so am thinking about doing strict 5:2 (or maybe 4:3) just to kick start things again, rather than vaguely try 800 a day and never hit the mark. Good luck with it anyway.

    Lots of us posting about blips over the last couple of days. I’m saying nothing 😉 But wise words from Cathy about drawing a line and moving on.

    Have a great week everyone X

  • posted by Mariet

    Hi everyone,
    checking in after another week- very modest downward result though as I also had some blips over the weekend I am quite relieved to have a loss at all!
    Dawn, I have so much fellow feeling- yesterday I added a bar of Lindt dark chocolate with cranberry to my shopping, why!!? It’s not as if I didn’t know it would be a temptation. All gone now 🙁 but like others, drawing a line under that and onward and downward.
    We are having some warmer weather here so it’s easier to get out and about, I’ve been happy to exceed 10000 steps on most days- apart from the glow of achievement I feel for hitting at least one of my aims, I feel a whole lot better just for doing the exercise.
    Stay strong everyone and KOKO.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Good morning Countdowners!
    DAWN and MARIET,I so know that feeling! For me it boils down to bloodymindedness..
    suddenly I think “I can,so I will! Despite the consequences!”…
    when I know Im going to buy/ eat sthing thats just gonna spoil my WOE..
    Official name is self sabotage.
    The thing about any restriction we put into our lives,any discipline,good habits take will power and sometimes we snap,coz its hard being “ good” all the time,and we’re only human.
    When it comes to food,we have to eat,we cant go ignore it as with cigarettes,booze, its even harder.
    Problem never disappears coz even if we get to the desired weight,we then have the prob of keeping it off!
    If i ever come back again,Im coming back as a person who stays naturally slim no matter what they eat!
    All we can really do is take each day as a new opportunity to eat as healthily as possible and be grateful for the food we have! X
    “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.“🌞🌻🌞🌻🌞🌻🌞🌻🌞
    (Anthony J. D’Angelo)

  • posted by ADD6605

    Thanks Mariet and Yowser,I’ve definitely put that episode behind me now and am determined to make the most of the next 2 days before my first weigh in since 31st August,yikes!Im trying a couple of Fast800 recipes today so have just had poached plums with cinnamon,Greek yoghurt and toasted nuts and really enjoyed it.I’m going to make smoked salmon breakfast muffins for lunch with salad.Hope everyone has a good day! Dawn

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi everyone, still around and doing okay. Had a 5 lb loss in the last 3 weeks and just had a very successful visit to the doctors with all my blood test results being very good. Don’t know if Christmas is going to be with family this year as we might not be able to spend it with them unless the regulations are lifted or at least eased a bit. That doesn’t mean I am not still motivated and would like to lose a further 5 lbs in the next month. Going out for a meal tomorrow so will take the hit as it will be the first time since 7th Feb, my birthday treat. But will be straight back on plan on Thursday. Have a good week and, as my catch phrase goes, keep on keeping on…

  • posted by Yowzer49

    SUNSHINE GIRL,Hope you thoroughly enjoyed your meal out,youve deffo got this sussed-out,youre still KOKO,still onwards and downwards XX 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
    DAWN,how were the brekky muffins X

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi Yowser,the breakfast muffins were nice thanks but I only had one with a big salad and it felt a bit overwhelmed with the other flavours so I think when I next have one(I froze some) I will just have one by itself for a quick breakfast.
    Weighed myself this morning and I’ve lost 7lbs which I’m happy about but am going to weigh myself again in a couple of days as I’m really bloated today and can’t fasten the jeans I was wearing comfortably yesterday!I really need to drink more water as I felt I may be getting a water infection last night and I know I don’t drink enough and certainly haven’t in the last couple of days.I will still write the loss on my sparkly Christmas countdown chart though🙂I live in the north east of England and it looks as though we are going into local lockdown from tomorrow unfortunately.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi folks…..DAWN,thats a lovely big 7 lb chunk of discard! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Thunderous applause!
    I hope you dont have a water infection..I take a cranberry pill every day,andit seems to keep infections at bay.
    At the moment Im just maintaining,which is better than nothing,but not heading me towards my goal of fitting into everything in my wardrobe!
    My Carb Monster has reared her head again,hiding round corners,waiting to jump out at me and trip me up!
    I can resist potatoes,pasta,rice but not I had a bagel for blunch,with a chaser of a mini Twister!😋
    Nice thought for today…
    ~ Your time as a caterpillar has expired..your wings are ready! ~💜🦋🦋💜 xx~

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi Yowser,thanks for the applause🙂 I might start taking cranberry supplement to see if it prevents any further infections.Hope you enjoyed your evening meal.Dawn

  • posted by Jennie10

    Hi everyone
    I’ve been in the wars this week hence not posting. First, I picked up a bug from my husband (well, I tell him it was that way round!) with some not very nice side effects. It also sent my blood sugars sky high (often happens when I’m fighting an infection) and the arthritic pain I used to get in my hands returned (hence no typing) – only experienced this a few times in the last four BSD years. Then, yesterday just as I was feeling better, I twisted my ankle. So not great. The positives, however, are that I think I’ve lost a bit of weight (spent 5 days on soup and water) and I’m now propped up on the settee being waited on ……..every cloud etc…. .
    I’m not going to weigh myself until Monday or Tuesday but here’s hoping….

    JGwen – How are you getting on with the Insulin IQ stuff?. I’ve done the preview course and watched the physical activity and macros live sessions. I liked the physical activity session but wasn’t as sure about the macros session e.g. the cakes and McDonalds bit. Anyway, I like Ben Bikman, so I’m sticking with it for the free month.

    Cathy, I definitely agree about you getting the first prize with your post. Like Logie, I found it really inspiring – it certainly helped me rediscover my focus and determination. Hope the 5:2 is going well. xx

    Logie – did you decide on the 5:2? I tried it before I did the BSD 800 and I just couldn’t stick to it. I kept not doing the 2 restrictive days. I’ve always found it easier to stick to the 800 cals although I do TRE and have done the odd fast days. Whatever you’re doing I hope it’s going well.

    Dawn – 7lbs is a great loss – well done that woman, and I too like the sound of your sparkly calendar. I want one!

    sunshine-girl – 5lbs is also a great loss given it’s harder to lose the longer you’ve been doing BSD I reckon. Great bloodwork, too. Did you sign up to the IQ Insulin course? If yes, what did you think?

    DCT – hope you’re having a good week, too, and shaking things up a bit is working.

    Mariet – your Lindt story made me smile. I don’t have, and am not usually tempted by, chocolate anymore, (although I used to love it), and it’s certainly not good for my T2 diabetes. But, maybe because I was feeling poorly this week, I had a Lindt Caramel and Sea Salt chocolate bar in and out of my online shopping basket at least half a dozen times. It stayed out in the end, but gosh, what a mental tussle.

    Yowser – I like being a Countdowner. – great name. I also like to read your quotes. So did Crowded House ‘always take the weather with you’ pinch their lyric idea from D’Angelo, d’you think?

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone.

    Jennie xx

  • posted by Yowzer49

    G’day Countdowners!
    Oh JENNIE the perils of the online shopping trolley!
    The fact we can change the order again and again makes it so much harder than an on foot supermarket shop,where once you’ve made it thru the check out,having avoided the goodies aisles,you’re safe,as youre unlikely to go back in!
    I feel for yr mental tussle,have had that several times since I started getting deliveries during lockdown,not always as successfully as you!
    Well done,you made it…but Im sorry youve been unwell 🙁 and twisted yr ankle ..ouch!
    Make the most of being waited on X and the losing weight side effect of not being able to eat is another bonus 👍🏻👍🏻
    Hehe! Yep Love a bit of Crowded House,specially Neil Finn..I was listening to him earlier..

  • posted by shoegirl

    Hi everyone, I’m a belated joiner to this thread, thanks for setting it up DCT! I’m hoping to maintain my weight up to Christmas with a 5:2, also doing TRE on those days, then low-carb healthy fats on the other days. So far so good. My problem is that I’m not sure what my goal weight should be? I watch my waist/stomach measurements and make sure they’re safely under 80cm (I’ve got them down to 74cm) and my weight is in a mid-healthy range. If I aim for a lower weight I’m worried I may not be able to sustain it. I went “sugar free” about 8 years ago and gave up alcohol last year, so I feel fairly healthy. Any thoughts? Also, DCT, you mentioned watching Michael Mosley’s 3 part series – could you please give me the title? I may have seen it, but always good to have a reboot of inspiration! Well done to everyone for committing to this WOE. Keep on to Christmas!

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Hi everyone and welcome shoegirl! Good to see you on here. The Michael Mosley programme was on UK TV (Channel 4) called Lose a Stone in 21 Days. It followed the progress of five participants who needed to lose weight and went on Fast 800, and also gave helpful information and recipes etc along the way.

    Some amazing losses on this forum too. Well done particularly to Dawn and Sunshine Girl! Great news and very inspiring.

    Jennie I hope you are soon feeling completely better: what a week you’ve had!

    Yowser I love your quotes as well – do keep them coming! I’m at a similar place to you, maintaining but not losing. Mind you this week that is all my own fault. With the hot weather we’ve had here in the UK I relocated to the garden every afternoon, but somehow that always then seems to involve wine for me. Not only that, but I started having sandwiches for lunch. Just to make something quick and easy really, but felt guilty. I got into a bit of a bad mood about it all, wondering if I really can stick long term to a WOE where even a sandwich is off the agenda. But the funny thing was I rarely eat bread so ended up feeling very bloated and horrible. Not only that, but the combined effects of bread and wine slapped over a pound back on, and with being bloated, the recent inch loss from my waist and tummy temporarily returned.

    Then I had a couple of on plan days and everything has come back down again. So if I can do at least 5:2 every week, hopefully I’ll begin to see some loss. I think in one way I’m struggling (rebelling?!) a bit with the limitations of this WoE, but in another way it’s now so ingrained in me that I don’t like lots of other things any more anyway. For example, today I bought some egg custard tarts as they were reduced (pathetic excuse I know!). Had one “as a treat” when I got back (why?!) and you know what, I felt the sugar hit as soon as I took the first mouthful. It tasted horrible and I didn’t want it. I honestly think I’m getting more sensitive to sugar and carbs and my body doesn’t want them any more. All I need to do is listen 😉

    Take care fellow Countdownwers and here’s hoping we all have a fab week X

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Ah Jennie our posts crossed – great minds think alike! Hope that you have a better week this week X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hiiiiii to all and welcome SHOEGIRL to our happy band..
    JENNIE hows yr ankle today,hope responding to rest and plenty of TLC
    DCTRUE,I totally get what you said about being indoctrinated and yet also being a rebel
    I deffo got indoctrinated when I did low carb for a year without veering off it
    These days tho,I too rebel,yet my heart’s still faithful to low carb,coz it seems to be the only way that works efficiently for me ..i.e., gives good weight loss results and quickly reduces bloating ( if I stick to it!)
    I can easily resist rice,spuds,pasta,but these days my Carb Monster keeps beckoning to me,holding out a loaf and pointing to the toaster!😋
    Plus since lockdown,my sweet tooth has gone thru the roof! 🙄🙄🙄
    Anyhoo,a new week is whizzing ever closer,so CrimboCountdowners,get on yr horses,and enjoy the ride!
    Clippety Clop,Onwards and downwards!

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello countdowners

    Don’t think I’ll be doing 5:2 again as the scales are up again. It didn’t work for me a few years ago so why I hoped it would help this week is beyond me. I think I thought that by mixing things up it would get my metabolism confused and working again. I have to admit to being a little lax this week Which was the idea behind the 5:2 week but it hasn’t worked and I am heavier than last week at the moment although I will work hard until weigh day on Tuesday to see if I can make a difference and have a loss! I have been reading a book about self compassion recommended to me by my Buddhist husband and I am aware that I have been hard on myself for so long. Ive only read a few chapters so far but the book made me want to do something I’ve not done for years. I wanted to go into to a sweet shop and buy £5 worth of chocolate bars! What on earth is all that about. I didn’t do it but I wanted to. The psychology of my reaction To self compassion is very interesting isn’t it? I will continue to read the book and hope it helps me feel better about myself and I’ll keep my inner strength for resisting the urges it has awoken!

    I’ll do a weigh in on Tuesday but I fear another week of disappointment following this week’s experiment with 5:2 and I am going away on Thursday for a couple of nights to York as it is my 36 wedding anniversary! Another bad week on the scales looming!

    I am going to nominate Dawn for the prize this week as she has lost 7lb which is phenomenal! Well done Dawn you’ve had a fantastic result this week.

    I am loving this thread. I love Yowser’s inspiring quotes and I love the enthusiasm but most of all I like the honesty which we are all bringing to the thread. Losing weight is hard. Keeping going is hard and living in a Covid pandemic is hard. We are doing all three and that is HARD!

    If I learn any top tips from the book then I will pass them on!

    Keep going everyone! Even if it don’t lose the weight I want to, I know I am amongst a great group of friends! I’ll keep digging deep!


  • posted by Yowzer49

    Yay well deserved award to DAWN!!!! playing a fanfare on my imaginary bugle! 🎺🎺🎺 x
    Congrats on yr upcoming anniversary CC and good luck for Tuesday 💖
    My humble opinion on yr reaction to the self compassion message….could be barking up the wrong tree…
    As kids,most of us were given a biscuit after we fell over and scraped our knees,ice cream when we had been brave at the doctors,chocolate for doing well at school.
    So its ingrained in many of us in adult life,“Be kind to yrself,reward yrself with something sweet“. No surprise then that you thought of a fivers worth of yummy chocco when reading about self compassion..
    If we had been fed oranges and apples as our childhood treats,I guess thats what we would look to for comfort now.
    Just my thoughts, 🤔🤔
    By the way,have you been to the World Peace Cafe in M/C ? We have one here,run by Buddhists,one of the most serene places I know,and the coffees really good! X

  • posted by Logie

    Well done everyone for all the positive thoughts this week and the lovely quotes Especially liked the one about the tree bending in the wind. Well done Dawn for losing a colossal 7 pounds
    I have plateaued for three weeks on week 8 of the BSD doing 800 calories I was feeling a bit down so decided to change to 1000 calories for a week in order to have a few treats like a glass of wine I will let you know if it works
    I already lost a couple of pounds on the 2nd day. Read somewhere in all the literature on the BSD that sometimes you have to trick your body Into thinking you are are not starving it ???? Any thoughts ? Not sure if this is going to work but will keep you posted and will definitely join you guys again on the Fast800 as I want to be part of that glorious Countdown !
    Agree with you Cathy about the 5.2 . It just confused me I think we all have to find a way that suits us but the fact that we all have the same goal and knowing someone out there is rooting for you gives a nice warm feeling inside

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone and thank you for all of your congratulations on my weight loss over last few weeks😊I haven’t had best weekend food wise (have been feeling bit under the weather but that’s no excuse really) I could have done a lot worse though and I have been making the effort to drink more water.My next Countdown weigh in is on 1st October and I would love to lose another 7lbs by then so I’m going to GO FOR IT BIG STYLE!!!!! Keep going everyone😃 Dawn

  • posted by Mariet

    Somehow I have stopped receiving the notifications, I thought the thread was very quiet!
    I am still plugging away but I seem only to be maintaining- just what I don’t want, though of course better than gaining. I am hoping for some good news by weigh in on Thursday- after that I will be away for 2 weeks, doing my best to follow the WOE while camping with people who are not.
    It’s delightful to see so many having such good results and I have so much fellow feeling with those who are struggling. The months are whizzing away and I don’t seem to be getting anywhere- I don’t know how I managed it so easily last time.

  • posted by alturn

    Hello all, mind if I join this thread? A bit late to the party I know!
    I’m new to the forum. This is my second attempt at the BSD – I lost nearly a stone on it back in June, but didn’t stick to it and slipped back into carb addiction. I’m now my heaviest EVER (including just after having a baby) and I’m determined to get the weight off this time. My BMI is well into the overweight, I’m ashamed to say. It’s a challenge dieting whilst also catering for a dairy-allergic toddler and a fussy, carb addicted OH, but I have done my planning this time and I’m going to make it work!
    I need somewhere like this for a bit of accountability, so thanks for starting this thread DCT 🙂

    Start weight: 12 stone (168lbs)
    End goal weight: 9.5 stone (133lbs)
    Goal by Christmas: 10 stone (140lbs)
    Does that sound realistic?

    Food: 800 cal for 8 weeks; reassess at 8 weeks.
    Exercise: 30 mins Pilates every morning, walk the dog 30 mins minimum daily, 3 x per week Couch to 5k run.

    Good luck everyone, and well done to those already shedding the lbs!

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Logie,

    Its only a stall if you have not lost any inches, from anywhere on your body. –

    I am going to walk my well trod path now to my soap box. – When we eat a diet which keeps insulin levels high it does not just control the hormone systems which control fat storage and block fat burning when we cut calories shorter. – It also blocks the hormone systems which control other aspects of our health. The strength of our bones, and our muscles. As soon as you get your insulin levels low enough your body will rush to catch up with long overdue repairs. – Stronger bones and muscles both weigh more. So you may not see any change in the scales. But you may see inch losses.

    Also don’t just look for changes in your waist and hip measurements. Look for changes in your face, the emergence of your collar bones, a change in shoe size. – A lot of us have found those sorts of changes occur before we discard inches.

    Finally a note on reality. – We think with wonder about the rapid weight loss at the start. – And look to see lbs lost each week. – But thats not reasonable Each lb of fat = 3500 calories. If you have been yo yo dieting while still keepig up with the carbs for decades you will have trained your metabolic rate to get by on a low number of calories. Apparently 1400 to 1600 is not unusual. . = So if you are eating 800 calories, that’s just 600 calories to come out of that fat store each day. – So over a course of a week thats about a lb of fat maximum.

  • posted by Logie

    Hello JGwen Many thanks for taking the time to write that
    It was very interesting and I know that I have lost inches on various parts of the body. I lost weight very quickly in the first 6 weeks ( 5 kilos and have remained static going up and down a pound or two . Now on my 10th week
    So now you have explained so thoroughly I think I should stick to fast 800 and wait and see and not be impatient
    Welcome to AltumIt’s never too late to join the party !

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Mariet – I’ve shared the journey with you for a few years now and your post really resonated with me. Like you, I seem only to be maintaining despite my efforts. . I am hoping by walking more and more, I’m building muscle and bone density so that might be the reason I am not losing weight On the scales!! . I enjoyed reading your interesting and informative post JGwen this morning and hold my hand up to years of dieting and messing up of my metabolic rate. I definitely agree With Mariet that it is more difficult this time round than initially but I guess we made a radical dietary change when we embarked on this way of life and our bodies are used to a low carb WOE now. I feel well and I am fit and healthy and I wonder whether I am seeking the impossible! I know I reached 133 in 2017 and I honestly don’t know what I did differently then. It just doesn’t seem to want to come off now and this morning I weighed 150 lb so I won’t be doing 5:2 again.

    JGwen- I did appreciate your reality check and it has definitely got me thinking! I wonder if I need to have a complete rethink about my weight and my expectations and maybe reflect on being as healthy as possible and not being obsessed with a number on the scales! Food for thought (no pun intended).

  • posted by ClarinetCathy


    Thank you so much for posting a link to that very interesting article. The article has definitely given me food for thought! Can I just clarify , as someone who always does 16:8, I’d be better to do a longer fast once a week say 36 or even 42 hours. I do have the intermittent fasting book by Jason Fung and I have fasted for 42 hours and not found it too difficult after the first 24 hours! Maybe my next experiment will be doing one long fast per week to optimise my health and rather than weighing myself I’d be better just try on my too tight jeans regularly. It seems that the scales are definitely not telling me the full story! Definitely more food for thought! I am actually enjoying my weekly experiments! Hopefully I will get a eureka moment sometime soon!

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi CC,

    I didn’t forward the link to suggest you should move to fasting. – My point was that the scale is not the only marker of success.

    Please be kinder on yourself, please just stop and look at where you are now in terms of fitness, size, other health issues against when you started and when you were your lightest.

    Please take into account your quality of life not just the reading on the scales. Remember, it is possible to drop dress sizes and at the same time increase the reading on the scales.

  • posted by Mariet

    Still not getting emails, I wonder why? They’re not in my junk mail and I have the notify box checked. Oh well.
    CC, I remember you too and though it’s selfish I am so glad to see you still here! Not that you are struggling too, but so many from that time have fallen by the wayside and it’s nice to see a familiar ‘face’.
    JGwen, I have printed off you article and am going to take it away with me, I found it very interesting indeed.

  • posted by Butterlover

    Hi Everyone.Ive been on the weekly thread for a while and not making much progress. So searching for some new motivation and the countdown to Christmas has sparked my interest.I was successful in 2017 and regained most of that loss. My target is 80kg Im currently 88 6kg.I recognise a lot of
    Names here and I’m hoping an experienced group can help me stay motivated.My “Why” is health and energy.I had a mild stroke last year.I lost my word finding and word memory for a few days and had a massive rise in my BP.Most of it has resolved. Im pre diabetic and as a retired nurse am not happy having to take meds especially statins and I refused metformin.I believe it is possible to be medication free and healthy but I’m having trouble achieving it.weight loss is step 1.then cholesterol. and BGL.I want to make this Christmas a healthy one.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hola Countdowners!
    ALTURN,welcome,Never too theres still about 13 weeks to go til Xmas Day and the nice round figure of 100 days til first Jan 2021!
    BUTTERLOVER its good to see you! I loved reading yr motives for change and so sorry to hear about yr stroke. Must have been scary X
    JGWEN thanks for that link and the great advice! X
    MARIET maybe ask the technos? Theyre really nice.Email them on X
    Today,as my city began a local lockdown,and as Govt bring back stricter measures,its a good time to remember this…
    💖💖💖💖💖 “ Encourage, lift and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all. For we are connected, one and all.”( Deborah Day) 💖💖💖💖💖
    I do think we all try to do so on this thread,and I thank you for it xx

  • posted by Mariet

    Hope everyone is well and in fine form today. My scales are messing with my mind, 2lb drop yesterday to make me excited then bounce back up by 1.5 today. So still half a pound discarded this week and I’ll take it 😁 On the bright side, 2 inches gone from my bosom since last time I checked.

    I’m away for a fortnight now and will only have intermittent internet. Keep on going everyone, I’ll be reading (if I get messages) and will check in when I can.

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi everyone,I really feel as if my willpower is low today and I could easily eat stuff I shouldn’t which I have in the house for DH and DD so I’m posting in the hope it stops me!Have had a good week so far during the day sticking to my food plan but then last 2 nights I’ve had stuff after my last meal of the day and gone over 800 cals😕 Really frustrated with myself but even typing this is strengthening my resolve.I haven’t had anything to eat yet today so will hold out til midday for my first meal.I’m also going to try a 24 hour fast for first time after my meal tonight in the hope it will make me more resolved to have a weekend staying on track.Im pleased I’m not weighing myself til next week otherwise I may have a weight gain on my sparkly chart!Hope everyone is having a good day.Dawn

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Good morning Losers! In the nicest possible way!😄

    MARIET,Half a pound is not to be sniffed at! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Better half off than half on!
    And remember,The inches count as much if not more than the pounds or kilos!👍🏻 If anything,they give you a more accurate idea than the scales. The scales arent always our friends,but we’re getting healthier on the inside – better blood test results and lower blood pressure etc
    And don’t forget ,if youre weighing daily,to take an average over the seven days,could well be it will show an encouraging number!
    DAWN,focus on your good week,coz aside from the slip ups,youre eating less carbs/cals and getting healthier than before.
    And more mindfully! Good luck with the fast! Hope you can do the 24 hours,and remember even a shorter fast will be useful,say 16:8 or 20:4 will give your body repair time.

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