4 WEEK FIX … 27th December … Welcoming 2017 with BSD gusto!

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Verano

    Susieb I think it takes around 2 to 3 weeks for most people to lose the ‘urge to eat’ carbs. Once you reach that point it all becomes so much easier and of course the added bonus of losing pounds also helps to keep you on track!

    Yes Fairyface it is a lovely gift. I just have to get my head around eating bread again even if it is only for one afternoon. My guess is the sandwiches will be so ‘dainty’ they may not amount to more than two slices!!! Not had bread for nearly six months so it’s not going to be easy!!

    Today is going relatively well so far. At least I’ve managed to log everything on Fatsecret. Tomorrow I’ll ‘plan’ my day as well listing all my food in the morning rather than as I go along. I know that I need a planned day to succeed.

    BTW starting January 3rd, channel 4, ‘Lose Weight Well’. Have no idea which ‘eating plans’ are going to be featured but may be worth a watch for those in the U.K.or if you have access to UK TV.

    Hope you’re all having a good day but if not hope it’s not too bad!

  • posted by Natalie

    After my disastrously sweet dessert last night I was expecting dire consequences. I was so tired I slept in front of the TV, then I went to bed and slept for nine and a half hours! Lately I’ve been getting more like six hours a night. I don’t really know if that is a good or bad consequence. But then I got up and weighed myself this morning, lost another 0.6kg so that is 1kg in the two days and I’m back to my lowest BSD weight! That was my first goal for this challenge, already achieved. I guess two good days weren’t undone by one dessert (and some chips). I’ve been drinking huge amounts of water and I’m sure that helps. It makes me excited to continue. I think I’ll read the book again (4th time) as a treat.

    I hope everyone has a great day three.

  • posted by Mary C

    Hello, please may I join?

    I am the heaviest I have been since being pregnant. I was given a fitbit for Christmas, so can track my steps – 12,235 today.
    My goal – I would love to lose 1kg a week. I feel beyond bloated and very uncomfortable.
    I will clean out the fridge, still way too many left overs. I think they should be in the bin not in me!
    I will try and exercise every day. I really do not like the way I look or feel, and want to have a fitter happier 2017.

  • posted by LindaA

    Hi Mary C
    Of course you can joinπŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    You’ve just made one of the most powerful decisions of your life, to take control of your health and you can be congratulated!
    I’m now on maintenance after losing 33kg over about 25 weeks (non stop) so your goal of 1kg a week is certainly achievable.
    Some tips:
    Read the book from cover. Then read it again.
    Drinks AT LEAST 2-3 litres of water a day. I drink more.
    Eat full fat everything, no low fat or lite foods. You need fat in your diet to keep you satiated. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’ll lose faster if you go low fat. You won’t.
    Read the labels of everything you buy, sugar is unnecessarily added to a lot of processed foods which is why most of us eat and cook predominately real food.
    Count, measure and record everything you eat. Some do this manually but most use an app. I used EasyDietDiary but a lot of others use My Fitness Pal.
    Carbs hide in virtually everything and it’s important to keep under 50g per day, lower of you have T2D or insulin resistance and you’re not losing.
    I went cold turkey on all sugar (including most fruit) and all refined carbs.
    Be warned, you may experience symptoms of what we call the ‘carb flu’ for the first few days. Headaches, aching limbs etc. just take a Panadol, drink more water and be kind to yourself. This will pass.
    If you cheat, it’s entirely possible that you will go through the carb flu again.
    The fear of this meant that I didn’t cheat and I continued to lose the weight pretty quickly!!!!
    Plateaus are normal from week to week. Don’t panic, just keep on the plan and you will keep losing.
    Do at least 10,000 steps every day. You’ve made a great start. Schedule it into your day so you don’t find a way of saying you’re too busy. I get up earlier now before work so I can fit it in.
    Read this forum every day, you’ll pick up lots of tips and there’s always someone around the world to answer any questions you may have. It will also keep you motivated.
    Good luck and keep posting and let us know how you go.

  • posted by raintoday

    Thanks for that – that is project for this 4 week challenge – the weight is going in right direction – I just figured that the BSs would trend lower also – overall they are good – I want them as close to ‘normal’ as possible while not taking meds – but these are the values w/ the Metformin. They appear ‘stuck’ w/in a good range – as I get back into more regular exercise I may reduce the Metformin 1/2 tab at a time for a couple weeks and see what that does.
    My carbs are generally under 50 per My Fitness app – 99% come from vegetables – occasionally I have Mexican but am learning to eat the innards from a taco – or just one tortillia.
    Thanks again – I am really grateful for this forum and all the experience on it !

  • posted by captainlynne

    Raintoday – you may find you need to lower your carbs further to deal with your blood sugars. Some of us have needed to go around 25g or lower per day. But many have been able to come off their diabetes medications.

    Best wishes.

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Natalie – that is such good news that you reached your first goal on this challenge. You have just reminded me to drink more water today as my water intake yesterday was much too low.

    Mary C – if you follow LindaA’s superb advice – which is absolutely spot on – you will absolutely definitely succeed. Good luck.

    Raintoday – I am one of those people Captainlynne mentions that has to go lower carb. For me that has to be around 25g or lower. I was able to come off insulin and maintain normal blood sugars and reverse retinopathy which is such a fantastic result from the BSD. I believe I had undiagnosed diabetes for many many years before being diagnosed so it is amazing that the BSD got it working again.

  • posted by Verano

    DAY 3 … WEEK 1


    LindaA it’s good to have a reminder every now and again of the basic principles. I think we all get a bit slap dash from time to time. One of my worst traits is ‘forgetting’ to drink water! I don’t know why it’s become such a trial but I very rarely have more than 1 litre a day although I do have other liquids. Anyway, thanks LindaA.

    Day 2 was ok for me but could do better! But pleased to hear that you’ve reached your first goal Natalie. Also, good luck on your journey Mary C.

    Today is a washing and ironing day for me so hopefully my hands will be so busy they won’t be pushing unnecessary food into my mouth!!!

    Have a good day everyone and especially Lynne. Please let us know how your ‘makeover’ goes.

  • posted by Rosebery

    Hello everyone- I still have the one Christmas pound hanging on but am expecting a whoosh shortly. I am really impressed by how supportive this forum is, thanks to everyone who shares their experiences.

    I am really interested In this blood sugar thing. I am not diagnosed but had a prediabetic hba1c result and the doc has planned another in march. So I got a monitor and have been testing first thing in the morning and 90 mins- 120mins after eating. My readings on waking are typically around 6 but my average after eating even over Christmas is only 6.1. The odd reading I’ve taken before meals is always lower than the waking reading., as low as 4.8 but usually low 5s. Overall average comes out at 5.9 because there are lots of post eating readings in the data set which predicts an hba1c of about 34 I think. So some things look Okish but the early morning does not quite fit. However, it seems that if I eat as early as possible the blood sugar falls back a lot quicker than if I skip breakfast in which case it seems to stay high until lunch. Anyone any clue as to what is going on?

  • posted by LindaA

    I can’t help with the blood sugar question, but here’s a link to Dr Andreas Eenfeldt’s website Diet Doctor that contains some great articles and includes the 1st chapter of Gary Taubes newly released book ‘The Case Against Sugar’.
    It also has some low carb and Keto meal plans and a stack of recipes. Best of all, it’s free. πŸ˜€

  • posted by Daisiesmum

    Is it Day 3 of this challenge already! Anyone else confused as to what day of the week it actually is? πŸ™‚

    Lovely to see people venturing into BSD for the very first time. You are in for a life changing treat! I began in October after happening onto the book whilst browsing the web and thought I’d “give it a go”, after a 3lb loss in four days eating the most delicious food ever, I was well and truly hooked and haven’t looked back. There were a few tough days early on, but they soon passed. My first 8 weeks produced better results than I could ever have dreamed. Not only weight loss, as important and exciting as that is, but general health, fitness, alertness, specific health concerns etc etc (if you have time to visit the forum thread called Unintended Consequences it will raise a smile or two).

    I indulged well over Christmas, but almost every morsel was BSD friendly – no carby binges, and gained a little weight- am I bovered, not really, my body has said “enough already” and almost refusing food completely! So, apart from returning to my pre Christmas weight, my goals for this session are mostly exercise related. I NEED to be way more physically active as I have become something of a slouch potato! I also hope to at least reduce certain meds!

    All the best to everyone, it’s great to hear your stories, even if there’s a few rocky patches, great support here!

  • posted by captainlynne

    Rosebery – sounds like the dawn phenomenon. Many folk have higher fasting blood sugars than during the day. The only thing that changed that for me was to go very low carb. Now all my readings are normal.

    a check online will tell you why the phenomenon happens. I’m away from home today so can’t check and don’t want to give wrong information. Hope this helps.

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Yes – I am also looking forward to hearing from you Lynne on how your makeover goes today. Hope you have a really enjoyable time on this very special treat day.

    Verano – I am really good while I am working and drink loads – I think it is because I take a 2ltr bottle with me – but at home I don’t have that reminder of just how little I drink. So now there is a 2ltr bottle on the kitchen worktop ready to shame me into drinking more water today.

    Daughter and husband were really interested in the BSD. Neither are overweight but they said it is such a healthy way to eat. So they have gone home with the info I copied from the website on the Med diet. Daughter’s husband is eating loads of carbs – especially crisps and rice cakes – and he is feeling really tired all the time so he is hoping this way of eating will give him more energy.

    After they had gone home I got out two more plastic boxes of clothes from under the bed and tried them on. I also tried on everything in my wardrobes again. There are now 2 very full large bin bags to go to the charity shop this morning.

    So now – this really has to work for me – I cannot put the weight back on because if I do I literally will have absolutely nothing to wear. All my very large clothes went out in the first sort out. Now the clothes that I can wear if I put a bit of weight back on will be on their way to the charity shop this morning.

    It felt so scary putting them into the bags. The question running round and round my head is ‘ will this really work this time – will I really be able to maintain my target weight when I have failed to maintain weight loss so many times before after other diets’. This is the first time I have got rid of absolutely all the bigger clothes after losing weight – I have always had the reassurance that if I put the weight back on I will still have clothes to wear. Not surprisingly this was very reassuring given my 100% failure rate up to now.

    But of course this is different this time. The BSD has more than one maintenance phase so you can tailor it to suit you. Also we have Lynne who has shown us that the BSD really works and you can go seamlessly from the losing weight stage to maintenance. And Lynne is not the only person who has transitioned successfully to maintenance. I have learnt from everyone on this forum.

    This forum will be of major importance in my journey into maintenance and really truly making the BSD my normal way of eating for the future. Of course there is the small matter that it will keep me free of the hated insulin injections and eye injections – but it is so strange that being slimmer and wearing lovely clothes seems more important. I suppose the diabetes and retinopathy reversal is sort of hidden – you can’t see it in the mirror.

    Husband has just left with the bags for the charity shop – so there is no going back now!!

  • posted by Verano

    Hi Krysia

    How wonderful! I too have plastic boxes full of clothes that no longer fit but mine are too small!!! I’m really looking forward to downsizing and disposing of my current size. I have sent some stuff to the charity shops but still lots to go!

    You won’t go back to your old ways now even if you do have the odd slip. Your improved health and fear of regression should keep you on the straight and narrow. Even if that’s hidden your new shape isn’t !!! Just enjoy!

  • posted by Mary C

    Good morning, so day one!

    Coffee with a bit of cream, and about to cook an egg with salad. I am in the process of emptying the fridge into the bin. I massively over catered for a big Boxing Day lunch. It seems wrong in some ways, but then again do I need to eat an entire trifle?! The ingrained do not waste is not always helpful. From now on I shall only buy food which I should be eating. The children do not need biscuits either. My 9 year old is, I am sure, a sugar addict, so he can get weaned off that over the next little while.

    Lots of stir fries etc πŸ‘

  • posted by Daisiesmum

    Well done Krysia! I think that maintaing weight loss should be (carefully considers best words…) relatively simple with BSD because we can always return to the 800 calories for a “quick fix”. Any previous diet has always advised a ‘slow and steady or you’ll do yourself a mischief’ approach, making weight loss a laborious task leading to ‘I can’t be bothered, or I’ll wait til after… birthday, holiday, wedding etc.’ Knowing it’s safe and successful to lose weight quickly makes a huge difference! If we’ve gained a FEW pounds we now have a strategy for losing it quickly, so we can fit it in BEFORE those big events πŸ™‚

    It’s for our health and general wellbeing. What a difference BSD makes!

    Oh MaryC, getting used to throwing food away is one of the most difficult things I have ever learned; I just see money going into the bin and feel shame that I’m wasting it. However, I HAVE to realise that eating food I do not need is really just another form of waste, and a more dangerous one at that! I still hate chucking it though!

  • posted by susieb

    Hi, everyone,

    Mary C – good to have a fellow newbie on board! I know exactly how you feel. Do you have a specific goal for the next 4 weeks of this thread? My goal is to lose a stone (14lbs) in 5 weeks in time for my holiday. My ultimate target is -4st 2lbs (-58lbs).

    LindaA – thanks so much for outlining the basic rules and principals of how the diet is best done. Well done on your very successful weight loss and for your consistency with the plan!

    My first day yesterday was fine during the day but I really struggled in the evening. I kept snacking, tried to keep it low carb, had blue cheese, farmhouse pate but also a couple of crackers. Finished some wine that was around after Christmas too (probably contributed to the snacking). Overall, I ended up way over on calories but carbs were a reasonable 77g.

    Half a pound of water weight off this morning, and a new determination to stick to the calorie count today. Will not be buying any more wine!

    Daisysmum – thanks for posting your enthusiasm for the diet and your success. I find everyone on here so inspirational – and, of course, CaptainLynn is a legend!
    I’m going to look up the thread Unintended Consequences now.

    How did anyone else deal with the first few difficult days? Any tips appreciated!

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Water, when you feel like a snack, have a glass of water. Sometimes that is enough. Otherwise a bit of peanut butter on a teaspoon can sometimes do the trick. Failing that try to have some small packets of raw nuts available (just until you are used to stopping after a couple of them). Other strategies, like leaving the majority of calories for your evening meal, or even doing intermittent style fasting where you don’t have anything until 12:00 or 1:00 can help in the evening if this is a particular problem.

  • posted by Fairyface

    Hi susieb. How did I deal with the first few difficult days? Gritted my teeth! Sorry if it sounds flippant but I so want and need to get rid of this weight to feel well and be able to get about and enjoy life. And do you know what? Two stone down, a kilo put on over christmas but overall I feel wonderful , I am able to walk without being in pain. I have gone down in size from 26/28 to 22/24 in clothes. I have bought new knickers and jeans in smaller sizes. My coat is big and needs replacing, my tops are baggy and I need new ones. Bras are comfy instead of digging in. So all of this is my motivation. I know I have the support of my husband as he is also on this ‘way of eating’ and helps with the meal planning and shopping. It does work, just read what people have been saying. Ask for advice on here, there is always someone who will help. Its not easy by any means and I still feel as though I could go back to my old way of eating, but I am not going to. I am still learning and still making mistakes, BUT I am still here and this way of eating is now how I live.

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Verano – you are right, just my lucentis injections into the eye phobia should be enough to keep me on track, let alone all the other health benefits. I just had a little ‘wobble’ when the clothes were bagged up ready to go and I realised that they were my safety net and from now on I didn’t have that safety net. Of course that was just an illusion, the bigger clothes are not my safety net – this forum is.

    The boxes under the bed were previously full of clothes I couldn’t fit into but they became clothes that are just too big. Sadly – so did the clothes that I bought in August when I thought that there was no way I would ever get below 10 stone. Still, husband reported that the charity shop was very pleased with my sacks of clothes – especially when he told them some of the stuff was unworn.

    Daisiesmum – I do love your carefully chosen words. You are so right that it should be relatively simple because the BSD provides us with all the tools we need to achieve a successful maintenance.

    We are out tonight – meeting friends for a meal. Have already been on line to look at the menu and know what I will be ordering – something BSD friendly and absolutely delicious. I then will be enjoying my coffee with cream and a square of 90% Lindt while everyone else tucks into carby sugary deserts.

  • posted by Bokkie


    What a lovely day here in the UK although a bit cold…
    Things going well, did a cookfes on Tuesday, and made my plan, my problem is overthinking and over complicating things, then getting overwhelmed, so I decided on a simple plan, went through the book and picked out food I liked, nothing too fiddly, meal plan is:
    No breakfast, morning, hot water and lemon, then black coffee and water
    Brunch: choice of 3 meals which I rotate
    Dinner: 7 simple meals,
    Snacks : up to 250mls milk for tea which I have in the afternoon (coffee keeps me awake)
    3 of the meals I batched cooked
    Now I dont feel stressed, I know exactly what Im going to eat and just not eat anything else…
    Well, thats the plan, seems to be working though, down 3.Lbs, although I know thats all the water weight, its still encouraging.
    Started 13st.3 now 12st.13.4
    Being organised works for me.
    What I like about this is the diet is not very low carb (unless you want it to be), I find my body needs carbs in moderation, I’ve done keto and very low carb high fat diets in the past, and although very effective, make me feel really sick, I also get a very bad skin reaction, (like psoriasis), I enjoy lentils and pulses, so include those in my meals.

    Sorry such a long post, good luck to every one!

    Just need to stick to this now…

  • posted by topcac

    Morning (evening) all! Lord I’m glad that’s over – I feel like I’ve been cooped up in a cupboard of Christmas torture. Weighed on Christmas eve and my weight started with an 8 and I thought to myself, ‘that won’t last long’ and I was right!! LOL. Gained nearly 3lbs in two days when I weighed again on Boxing Day morning. Assumed that was mostly water weight but reigned it right in from Tuesday. So after two days back on plan, have lost 1.5 lbs of the weight I put on and am under my goal weight again. Back at work today and will be on plan permanently now whilst trying to avoid some foods on NYE! There will be BSD friendly stuff and I will stick to that.

    Most interesting thing about this whole few days was how hideously awful I felt on Christmas Day evening. I had two roast potatoes and two parsnips, some Christmas pudding and some white wine / fizz at lunch, after having had a saintly breakfast of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs. By supper time, I had my head down the toilet, while everyone else was having cheese (my favourite). I’d filled my plate with all the things I love and then took one look at it and thought – I would be utterly crazy to eat this …so I didn’t. In normal circumstances I would have shoved it in and lived with the (probably projectile) consequences but this year I thought – no – be sensible. So I ate nothing for the rest of the day, (my foray down the loo was a false alarm fortunately), had a large glass of water and some peppermint tea and felt fine by the morning. Not something I want to repeat so this maintenance thing may require a lot more thought as it’s obvious that carb laden crap is not for me. I think mindfulness will play a big part – I need to listen to my body and the voice of reason.

    Anyway, sorry to go on – I ‘m really glad to be part of this merry band, and if we are not so merry at any point, I hope I can help in some way.
    Love to you all TC x

  • posted by susieb

    Bokkie, well done on the 3lbs off and into 12-stoneland which is great motivation for you (and inspiring for me on Day 2 with similar starting weight of 13st 6).
    You seem to have found the balance that works for you and preparation is everything.

    Mixnmatch, thanks for the tips. I think the intermittent fasting idea will help me with this. And I’ll be gritting my teeth with determination for the next few days, Fairyface!

  • posted by BfitB470

    Would also like to join this challenge. Have completed one 8 week session of bsd, and have lost just under 20 pounds, and know I can do better (still learning). I do not have diabetes (my brothers inherited my mother’s family’s tendency toward diabetes, and I inherited my dad’s family’s tendency for cancer — which doesn’t mean I couldn’t also get diabetes !!!) Am currently on some post-chemo medications that slightly hinder weightloss, and am verging on being 69 —- not excuses, just factors I have to take into consideration.
    My goals for the next four weeks include losing 10 pounds, getting more walking and exercise in, and FINALLY getting a meal plan going — not just figuring out the next meal at the last minute !!!!
    Have enjoyed lurking on the various forums, but finally decided I needed to post (for the first time anywhere), and make a commitment and post often for accountability. Here”s to the journey !!!

  • posted by Flash21

    Hey Verano, thanks for the invite in the other thread! And nice to see some familar “faces” here too πŸ™‚ I’m a bit late joining but definitely have the post-Christmas indulgence lurking over my head and an urge to get back on the BSD wagon. Some mini goals for the next few weeks:
    Take each day as it comes
    Plan meals
    Start proper daily exercise/physio routine
    Reduce fizzy drink intake
    Drink more water

    Looking foward to keeping up with everyone’s progress! My next weigh in is Monday so will report back then.

  • posted by Daisiesmum

    In my commitment to become more active I went for a lovely brisk walk on this cold, frosty and very beautiful morning, stopping briefly at the supermarket to pick up a few veggies! Later i began my strength building exercises, dips, squats, plank etc yikes! When did I become THAT weak, managed a maximum of 20 each, not good, but you have to start somewhere πŸ™‚ . I don’t have a pedometer so not counting steps yet. I will re-commence my HIIT tomorrow – I run like the clappers on my mini rebounder (anyone know what a clapper is? I’ve no idea!). I also rebound during ad breaks, waiting for the kettle to boil and at various other times during the day.

    Tonight I have a party to go to, it’s the last Christmas event where I’m not in control of what food is served – so I’ll be armed with some nuts :). My stomach still feels bruised from Christmas overindulgence (all BSD friendly, just rather a lot of it) so I won’t be too upset if it’s not suitable food this evening (I just won’t eat). It’s a games night so there might be some activities to join in.

    I’ve decided that I will do a partial fast tomorrow, I find myself really looking forward to it – who’d have thunk it πŸ˜‰

  • posted by Bissell

    Hi Daisiesmum, it’s encouraging to see you so motivated and it helps me to feel that way too, so thank you! I too dragged the dog on a long walk in the (not so sunny) frosty countryside and then went to buy some veggies and I’ve currently got the lamb hotpot from the recipe book bubbling away. I’ve made it before and it was splendid.
    I do 30 reps (oh hark at me, like I know what I’m talking about!) each morning, having built up from 10 a day, so you are doing well with 20 as a starter. I must say it has made a huge difference to my flexibility. Before BSD I was seriously contemplating handles in the bath because I couldn’t lower myself in. Now I spring (almost) in and out! And I bend my knees much better now.
    Btw, I think the clackers are to do with rhyming slang as in the clappers of bells/hell. Something like that.
    Good luck with the Games night and the fast!

  • posted by Rosebery

    Thanks captainlynne, I have heard of the dawn phenomenon but what I don’t understand is how my system can reduce my bs really well after a meal sends it up, but not for hours and hours after a dawn rise. Oh well, maybe things will change as I lose more weight and eat even more carefully. It seems some people take longer to respond than others so I am not too disheartened just confused!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    the reason is the liver sees you have gone without food during the night ie from say 8pm so when it gets to around 5am it starts to pump out glycogen which is a sugar, best to have a small BDS snack around 10pm. Once you feed in the morning your system shuts off the effect. This does not happen during the day as you will have been topping up your food every 4 or so hours. The body is a self regulating machine unless something goes wrong like diabetes, it tries to look after itself. For a fuller perhaps better explanation google a medical site

  • posted by Cleverblonde73

    Ok a day or so later than planned but ready for the new challenge. Yes I indulged over xmas but certainly not to the extent I would have in times of Christmas past. I’ve put on a kilo but now feel that this will come back off fairly quickly and I can aim for an extra loss in the 4 weeks. My goal to get under 62 kilos by the end of the mini challenge. Am currently 63.5

    The most exciting news for me today, my niece who has type 2 has told me she wants to come on board to the BSD way in 2017. I am so excited, that my relatively modest results in comparison to many people on these forums has inspired her.
    She has a wedding to look forward to at the end of August and I am hoping I cab support her through the tricky early stages so she can regain her health by the big day arrives.
    I have promised her my book and told her to really get strength and inspiration from the forums as I do.

    Heres to a positive 4 weeks everyone

  • posted by Troods

    A bit late to the party I’m afraid. Only got the book today, which I have read through up to the recipes. Need to make a shopping list next and meal plan – although this will probably be the one in the book for the first week or so until I find my feet. While writing this husband has picked up book ‘for a look’….. fingers crossed πŸ™‚

  • posted by Avila

    As predicted the family visit has been good for getting back on track – my mum is so keen to support that I daren’t eat anything off plan, and she makes sure nothing is left out tempting. At home I am not witnessed so less accountable.

    I have needed space from family and not working so my dog has had long walks, add in a family outing to the sales yesterday with all the walking there (15k steps for day) and so my exercise has been good. I am creeping towards where I was before I lapsed, so should start Jan heading into fresh territory – as long as I let this disciplined week get me into the rhythm again.

    Family want my sister to do the plan as she has BMI of 39 and prediabetic, Brother in law (who thinks a bowlful beside his heaped plate on Christmas day is perfectly normal) is even larger and already diabetic (not that you’d know from his eating habits). He has no chance and no interest my sister knows she must but feels overwhelmed – with husband and teenage gannet sons. And struggles to eat any vegetables at all, work lunch is cheese sandwiches – I suggested soup but no go. Given her the book but she wants a summary (fine) and recipe ideas – but won’t eat things I will, and worries about the planning, and time to be organised etc. So coming up with recipe ideas for her will be tricky. She is at the stage of knowing she needs to break the sugar etc addiction but also not quite wanting to.

  • posted by captainlynne

    For all those wondering how my day went … here goes.

    The Colour Me Beautiful system has changed since I first had my colours analysed many years ago. We began by working out my dominant colouring – cool and rich (for cool, think Judi Dench).

    Then we looked at make-up, choosing the best colours for me, followed by a lesson in how to apply it. I need something quick and easy and sometimes need to look as if I’m not wearing any make-up at all. So I’ve come away with a tinted moisturiser (my Boots foundation, recommended by an assistant, is now going in the bin. After I used it people thought I looked ill!), eye shadow/lipstick base, blusher (better colour than Boots one), two eyeshadows, neutral lip liner, lipstick, retracting lip brush, and … wait for it … navy blue eye liner pencil! I would have bought the navy mascara but it was out of stock – and I can get one somewhere else. I’ve not used eye liner in many a long year, but the way she showed me was easy, quick and looked good. A. Ew experience!

    Then back to the colours. Checking out swatches of the best colours for me, and deciding which are my favourites. Under the old system, I was a Winter. Now, as a ‘cool and rich’ many of the same colours apply, but some are different (and, just to confuse me, some colour names have changed!). My best neutrals are navy, charcoal grey, pewter, taupe, rose beige and soft white. And black (but I wouldn’t often wear black, the others would be my main choice). Then a variety of blues, greys, purples, pinks and greens (although I rarely, if ever, wear green some look good with my colouring so I may try it). Shades range from deep and rich to icy. The combinations are almost endless. Given a pack containing 48 fabric swatches to help when I’m clothes shopping.

    After a short break for lunch it was on to style analysis. I was asked to complete a short ‘tick box’ questionnaire. The results: mainly ‘natural’, with a hint of ‘feminine’ and a hint of ‘creative’. That last one was a surprise where clothes is concerned, but she explained it all and I’m happy with the analysis. Possibly the easiest way to explain ‘natural’ is ‘smart casual’. Creative is unpredictable and unconventional. Feminine is soft, floaty etc – get the picture?

    She said I’m petite (knew that – at 5’1″) and ‘soft hourglass’. Full hourglass would be much more voluptuous.

    Then we looked at different styles of clothes to decide which I should wear and which I should avoid. So: pencil skirts, soft flip skirts, wrap skirts etc; narrow trousers and jeans, no turnups, no combat style trousers; semi fitted dresses – empire line, princess line, wrap; wrap tops, semi fitted tops, no breast pockets; necklines – crew, jewel, scoop, sweetheart, v-neck; inserted sleeves; sleeves – above wrist, 3/4 length, short; jackets – semi-fitted, single breasted (with lapels,or shawl collar), padded, fleece; coats – semi-fitted, single breasted, swing, zip,front, big shawl; accessories- loafers, court shoes, wedges, knee high or 3/4 boots, shoulder/across body bags, soft scrunchy bags and rucksacks.

    And that, my BSD family and friends, is the summary of my day.

    I’ve come home with the fabric swatches and cosmetics, plus a whole heap of information sheets to get my head round. I’ll need a few days to let all the information to sink in. At least now she’s shown me a good way to wear a thick rectangular scarf and explained why I’m not 100% happy some things in my wardrobe. So now I have a much better idea what I should be looking for when I’m clothes shopping. Some I remembered from the past, some was more up to date.

    So, all in all, a good (if long) day – and she kept the coffee coming. And drove me back to the station.

    Oh, and was fascinated to learn how I’d lost the weight πŸ˜€ Showed her my before and after pics – she’d seen the piece in the Mail!

    Sorry for the long post. Hope it makes sense – soon be time for bed but wanted to check in.

  • posted by Mary C


    So end of day one. All was good (apart from the small glass of mulled wine with an old friend who I have not seen in an age!) I managed to get rid of 2 huge puddings to my bro and his family (so less guilt about waste!). I did not eat Christmas cake when everyone else was. I had stir fry and salmon for supper, and a goats cheese salad for lunch. I drank loads of herbal tea. My house is quite chilly so it is easy to drink lots of warm things. I would love a big hot chocolate now, but will resist.

    Susie B, I would love to shift a stone in the next 5 weeks too. I am not sure if I will manage it, but I will try hard.

    I went shopping today and bought some lovely (if a bit tight at the moment clothes!) They were excellent sale bargains and will be my reward. I do not intend to stay where I am weight wise!

    Do many people have the BSD recipe book? Is it worth getting?

    I have that headache (the detox one). Oh well. An early night is my plan. I hope everyone had a good day, and is nice and snug at home.

  • posted by Natalie

    Thanks for the update Captainlynne, sounds like a tiring but lovely day! Now you need to buy lots of stuff.

    Avila is so hard to see someone you care about who needs this but isn’t ready. I’d been resisting change for years, with several people telling me the benefits of giving up sugar and/or processed food, and low carb/high fat (this diet isn’t high fat, I call it medium fat, but similar). I’m sure it was frustrating for those who’d had great results themselves but I just wouldn’t be pushed! But that doesn’t mean their information wasn’t valuable, it just took a long time to filter down to my subconscious to where it started to seem possible. Maybe if no one had said anything, MMs book would have just seemed like a crazy fad diet to laugh at. So keep talking about it until it starts to sound normal and sensible. Indoctrination!

  • posted by Trelawny

    Good grief Lynne that lot will take some thinking about! Sounds as if you’ve had a great day. Will be great fun for you to get that all going in your life. Well done you, not only for losing the weight but for taking your new self in hand, all this change will definitely keep you on maintenance.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks Trelawny – and here was me thinking it was me being old and decrepit so its taking me a while to get my head round it! LOL.

    Tomorrow, when I get time, it’ll be throwing out the wrong cosmetics and making a list of what I need. Then sorting through my already nearly empty wardrobe to enlarge the charity shop pile. Then I’ll work out what I need (as against what I want)!

  • posted by happyitsworking

    Good evening everyone.
    I weighted myself this morning and was down 1.6 pounds so far. Todays ends day 3 and good so far, can’t wait to weigh in tomorrow morning. I’m one of those person who weighs in daily but will count Tuesday as my real weigh in day.

    Lynne: It sounds like you had a lot of fun getting your makeover done. Great job on everything you have accomplished this past year. I hope to be where you are next year at this time…….

  • posted by Verano

    DAY 4…. WEEK 1

    Good morning or evening

    Well Day 4 and almost half way through week 1. I’ve been struggling a little the last few days and seem to have lost my motivation. So, this morning I used the tape measure on my waist, the only measurement I took at the start, and instead of seeing if I’d lost any inches I put the measure at what it was when I started!!!! Well what a revelation. I hadn’t realised just how far I’d come! I have only lost 5″ but the tape measure is showing just how much bigger I was before. So for anyone having wobbles just check and see just how far you have come. For all the new comers don’t forget to measure now. Sometimes the number on the scales stays constant but the tape measure shows a different picture.

    Welcome back Cleverblonde and welcome to Bfit470, Troods and Flash 21 you’re number 40 so we are a growing band of travellers. The secret now is to stay on the ‘road’ even when times are rough and the scales are stuck, or even going in the wrong direction, we just have to keep battling on and keep posting. Can you imagine how exciting it’s going to be in the spring when we all emerge as ‘butterflies’ from our winter clothes!

    Lynne, talking about clothes. WELL!!! Your day sounds fascinating, exhausting and exhilarating all in one go! Seems to me you can wear just about anything!! Will certainly take some sorting through but fortunately navy blue is one your colours!

    Mary C yes quite a few of us have the recipe book. I dip in and out mainly for ideas. I guess it depends whether or not you like to follow recipes. If you do I think it’s quite good but if you’re a bit adventurous then it may not be so good. Sorry that probably doesn’t help!

    Hope you all have a good day. I’m feeling renewed and invigorated today … long may it last!

  • posted by Daisiesmum

    Good morning. Day 4 of this challenge!
    BISSELL, thank you for your kind words and encouragement. (Of course, clappers=rhyming slang, glad it wasn’t rude πŸ™‚ )

    LYNNE, what an inspiring experience you had. I too had my colours done back in the day, also a ‘winter’. It wasn’t at all personalised back then (1986ish) and I soon became confused about what tones I was supposed to be wearing and was I really a winter etc. Trial and error (lots of it) has confirmed I am a cool winter, and like you, navy, charcoal etc better than black (unless worn with a strong contrast).

    How lovely to read about everyone’s journeys on this forum. Even the difficulties, frustrations and perceived failings. It’s all a part if the reality if life. I doubt any of us have got everything perfect from day one!

    BSD is my chosen way of life now, but it remains so counter-intuitive to my family and friends of the low-fat-myth generation. I have found people are very accepting if I say I’ve stopped eating sugar (especially as I am a cancer survivor -six years) and not too bad about bread and pastry, it seems to be the high fat aspect that folks find alarming! It’s so far removed from what we’ve been brainwashed to believe is good for you that even those not particularly concerned about healthy eating refer to cheese , butter, animal fats etc as unhealthy and tut tut dissaprovingly! As I said on another forum “Come the BSD revolution…”

    Enough preaching! I have dusted off an old exercise DVD, 10 Minute Solutions, full body pilates with a resistance band and plan to include it in my repertoire of work outs! I have adapted well to the eating plan but am still working on “becoming more active”. πŸ™‚

    Wishing everyone a successful Day Four

  • posted by KrysiaD

    What a wonderful day with so much information to take away with you. I had my colours done in the 80s but it has really moved on since then.

    We went out for a lovely meal last night – I was positively saintly with my delicious BSD perfect meal and coffee and cream instead of a desert). Husband wasn’t and was awake in the night with dreadful indigestion (maybe it was the sticky toffee pudding with caramel and honeycomb ice cream).

    I drove home and was so excited when I realised that my night vision was very much improved since I last drove on 10th December. I wonder if it is because the diet is so nutritious and of course the good blood sugars must help.

  • posted by Natalie

    I received a voucher for a kitchenware shop for Christmas, so today I got myself a proper spiraliser. I’d been using a little thing like a potato peeler before, it did the job but was a bit slow and only made straight strings. I love my new machine! So fast and easy. Long curly spirals of zucchini (courgette), broccoli stem and carrot with pork and mushroom all in garlic cream sauce. So delicious. My almost-teen daughter liked it but demanded potato spirals next time, my ten year old son of course refused to try anything remotely new or different (he likes the pork in cream sauce, he likes carrot, but combined? Really mum?) Next time I’ll give him raw carrot spirals. My husband’s only complaint was that 100g of meat is NOT an “elegant sufficiency” per person. Well I was happy with mine! Now I’m looking for more things I can spiralise.

  • posted by Mary C

    1.2 kgs off πŸ˜„ I guess the headache is worth it! Off to buy the recipe book……

  • posted by JulesMaigret

    Morning all

    Day 4 and 1lb off. Not exceptional in itself, but for me that makes five stone (about 31kg) off since I started in August (although I started in earnest when I came back from hols in early Sept)

    A couple of NSV’s:
    * I got measured up for a new suit (gone for a quite daring, for me, chalk stripe) and have lost eight inches from my waist since my last suit in April (and my inside leg is 1/2 inch longer). I booked another session for June when hopefully I’ll be at my goal weight.
    * My wellingtons that I bought with extra wide calf are now loose on the tightest fitting – I need thicker socks!

    Just got volunteered into being safety man on a charity shoot on New Years Day, and I need to be there at 7:00am so at least it’ll be a restrained NYE for me.

    Good luck everyone

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I am not back on it yet as still in UK. Yesterday I had an eye appointment in Birmingham Bull Ring and arrived an hour early (hubby worried about parking) so I ended up in Debenams to kill time. I noticed evening dresses on sale and thought I would just have a look. I ended up in the changing room with 4 possibles and bought a beautiful floor length dress in black velvet. The velvet is cut 2 ways on the bias so it looks like different materials and it is lycra, no zip or fastening so I had to be poured into it. So that is my incentive not to gain any weight and possibly lose another half stone before our cruise at the end of April.

    Still only gained 2lbs over the last 8 days of holiday but that is using daughters scales so will have to do an official weigh in when I get home next week. BG was 4.2 this morning so I am doing something right.

  • posted by KrysiaD

    JulesMaigret – eight inches from your waist is excellent. You must have lost loads of visceral fat – great news for your health. It sounds like you really need your super new suit as your current suit must be miles too big.

    Sunshine-girl – your evening dress sounds stunning and what a good incentive to lose a bit more. I think my size 8 troggins are similar – I have to be poured into them also. So I absolutely cannot put on an ounce.

  • posted by Verano

    Jules 5 stone WOW! You are doing really well. 8″ off your waist is a great result wonderful way to start 2017!

    Hi sunshine-girl the dress sounds lovely and you WILL get into it!!! I think we’ve all done so well to have had such a restrained festive season yet we’ve not felt deprived …. well at least I don’t think so!

    I’m just enjoying getting back into ‘proper’ BSD after having nearly a month of ‘not counting’. I’m away at the end of this challenge so I really need to get my BSD head back otherwise I may just lose the plot!!! Stir fry chicken with lots of vegetables and cauliflower rice tonight so all going in the right direction.

    Have a good night.

  • posted by Verano

    Krysia knowing that you and I love Lindt I thought you might like to know there was an article in yesterday’s mail about 100% chocolate. Very interesting. I now find anything less than 85% too ‘sweet’ !!! I will try the Willie’s one nit sure about the others. Some of them are very expensive and may be no better than Lindt 90% …. how good can chocolate be?????

  • posted by JulesMaigret

    I have some Lindt 99% in the fridge at the moment – to be honest, it has a quite dry texture which isn’t totally pleasant. I think that I’ll stick to the 90% or the waitrose 90% Dominican Republic, which is the current fave…

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