2nd attempt – 6th day & feeling annoyed & stressy

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  • posted by Bazil66

    Hi all – I’m 51, type 2 for 10+ years & in denial for most of it. 16 stone & 5″7. Anyway that’s enough of the dating profile as I’m taken😀. This is my 2nd go (lasted 4 days last summer)- don’t think I was in a good place to do it then. Anyway been on it 5 days & sticking with the food & dog walking. Slipped into a depression last night & really down & a touchy git too today. I want alcohol takeaways & chocolate to my shame. I weighed in today & found I had only lost 1lb (I had lost 3lb after the 1st day but appear to have put 2lb back on.although I appear to have lost an inch from my waist). Anyways just needed to let off a bit of steam. Baz

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hey Baz166 – you’ve come to the right place to vent. Please try not to be down hearted, we are all individuals and our bodies react to change as they see fit, which doesn’t always match our expectations. You ARE 1lb down and you ARE an inch smaller around the waist. These are plus points and to be celebrated.

    Craving alcohol, takeaway and chocolate, is your body throwing a tantrum and demanding it’s usual fix of carbs and your mood is probably connected to that too. Ride it out and this will lessen as the days tick by. Be sure to keep well hydrated and include fats in you meals, to make you feel sated more quickly and to keep you feeling that way longer. If you really do need to stave off cravings with a snack, try a small cube of cheese or a little cream in a cup of coffee or tea.

    Finally, we all struggle from time to time, especially when the scales seem to be betraying the efforts we have put in and I’m pretty certain that there is not a single one of us, who has not battled to stay positive; slipped up along the way, giving into the carbs; found it hard to keep going and vented on here for support. You are in good company and there are lots of us who can say definitively, that the BSD Fast 800 works, because we have transformed our bodies and now understand where we were going wrong before.

    You CAN do this Baz and there are folks here to help you stick with it, until you have achieved your goals. Set yourself mini-goals, to help keep you motivated along the way. Use the search box in the top right of the page, to search the forum for specific topics and use the forum to vent, ask for advise or support and encouragement. Someone is bound to offer some input.

    Stick with it and good luck.

  • posted by vimtogirl

    Hi Baz, I feel your pain. I’m just At the end of week 4 and have struggled big time with cravings ( whoever created pork pies needs to be shot lol). I found meal planning really helped me, if I knew what I was having for the next meal, I didn’t fixate on the bad stuff quite as much. I also made sure that I have a couple of big meals each week, I fast all day (water really helps) then enjoy a really big satisfying meal in the evening. I’m not sure which country you are in, but I’ve been eating Asda ready meal curries (the ones without rice that are supposed to serve 2). Hubby has cauliflower rice with his and he’s a real convert, and it definitely helps the takeaway craving. I also allow myself 1 piece of chocolate (Lindt 90%), all within 820 cals and staying under 25 grams of carbs.

    Another tip I’ve recently come across is using fruit tea bags in sparkling mineral water. No, it’s never going to fool you into thinking it’s alcohol, but it does feel a little bit more of a treat than plain water.

    Keep going, and let off steam any time you need a bit of support, the folks on here are fantastic😃

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