What carb level should we be aiming for?

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  • posted by Venusflytrap

    Can any of the more experienced 800-ers advise on what their carb levels are? At the moment we are in our first week. We have had 2 good (under 800) days and one over. So we are reviewing and tweaking. Lesson 1, not oily fish and cheese on the same day! But it would be really helpful to know what target we are aiming for carb wise. Just to know whether we are getting the balance right.

  • posted by Bill1954

    most of us are trying to hit 50g or less per day as this should put your body into ketosis (fat burning mode)

  • posted by SOS

    I’m struggling to hit 30g a day, but feeling fine. I make my own shake with almond milk, berries, cream cheese or yoghurt and that keeps me going while at work. Started work at 10 today and there is still a third of the shake to go before I finish tonight and start thinking about dinner.

  • posted by Mylife

    I’m a bit lost here. I am just picking recipies out of the bsd book to add up to 800. Do I have to keep to diet plan at end of book?

  • posted by Mylife

    Does that include chickpeas and pulses as I have eaten lots on the plan? Have been picking out meals each day which equal 800 rather than sticking to weekly plan. Have I got it wrong?

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hi Mylife – if you are losing weight by picking and choosing various recipes from the book that add up to 800, that’s fine. There is no need to stick to the menu plans in the book – indeed a lot of us are taking the opportunity to make up our own recipes and menus (check out the ‘What Have You Eaten Today?’ forum thread). I would suggest not eating too much in the way of chickpeas and pulses, as these tend to be high carb and will slow your weight lose if eaten in excess, but do have some as they are also high fibre and so good to include in moderation.
    The three important things are to ensure you have enough fat, enough liquid and keep your carb intake around the 50g mark – a little less if you can manage it. These should ensure you are burning fat.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hi All – if you haven’t already done so, please check out the ‘Please Sign Our Petition’ thread on the forum and sign the petition if you agree the government needs to look again at their new programme to tackle type 2 diabetes. Thank you

  • posted by Venusflytrap

    Mylife, you are being even more organised than we are. We have planned our meals following the guidelines roughly and then added them up afterwards to see where we are on kcals. We tend to include 2tsp of oil per day as a minimum. And we have bought lots of veg and lean protein on our weekly shopping trip. So not very organised just drifting in the right direction. Our protein portions tend to be around or slightly under the 100g mark. Then we have piled our plates with veg and have learned that way which are best low carb value. I am now learning to give up low fat dairy in favour of smaller amounts of full fat. So I guess we are tweaking something new every day, like you are. I am trying to think of it as a journey rather than a once and for all change. But our results have been better in days than our previous attempts at dieting in weeks. So will stick with it.

  • posted by Venusflytrap

    Thank you every one for your replies about the carb levels. We have read the book 2/3 times but just couldn’t seem to find out what it should be. The perils of reading it on kindle rather than as a book, perhaps! I know that Atkins aims at 30g of carbs, but now the Dr has gone, they seem to be allowing more carbs in later stages. Thanks Bill1954 for the info about aiming for 50g of carbs for ketosis. Is there any variation in that for size? I am literally half the weight of Sweetheart and wonder if I should be aiming for less than him either kcal wise or carb wise. I only need to lose between a half stone and a stone, as I am already within my BMI range but aiming for the half way mark. Whereas he needs to lose about 7 stone. I am also concerned about the longer term effects of ketosis, in particular gout and kidney problems. So if anyone has found good research on these issues, I would appreciate a nudge in the right direction. I will share any that I find.
    Thanks for all the supportive comments. Given me much to think about. Hope you are all having a good weekend.

  • posted by Chicatwist

    Hmm… I’m trying to understand th calorie and carbs limit. Sometimes carbs high and calories are low. Eg rockmelon. Not sure which to count, any help appreciated. I’m only 2 weeks in have lost 3 kgs but now plateauing. Is it the carbs?

  • posted by Allychat

    Hi all. The 800 refers to 800 calories. You do need to count calories. In chptr 4 of the book Michael distinguishes between the fast starchy carbs like bread, flour, pasta, rice, white potatoes etc. Its not that you have to count bad carbs but you shouldnt base yr meals around them. (I personally treat them as ‘special occasion only or no more than once a week foods’). These are distinguished from good carbs which are important for both fibre and weight loss (most veggies, legumes, nuts etc) and which are fundamental to Mediterranean diets. I sometimes have quite high carb counts – but as long as they are “good carbs” and I stick within the 800 calories per day limit and keep up my good fat and protein Im still losing weight and it is coming off my waist where it needs to be coming from.

  • posted by Venusflytrap

    Really helpful, Allychat. Thanks for that. This is the way we are going at the moment. Not far enough in to really know about weight losses yet. So nice to know it is working this way for someone out there.

  • posted by Chicatwist

    Thanks Allychatt. Clearly stated. I’ll stick to counting calories 👍

  • posted by AccentElla

    Thanks for the great support as we are starting the 800Cal plan tomorrow. We are using one of the online apps to manage the daily diet. Are we correct in aiming for the following? (Calories=800, Carbs=50, Fat=??, Protein=60, Sodium=??, Sugar=10). Is this the same for him & her?

  • posted by Venusflytrap

    Our protein levels are coming in higher than 60. We eat quite small portions of protein, usually up to 100g of meat and fish, with 2 eggs, 10/20/30g of cheese (depending on how hard it is) and between 50-75g of yogurt. So we are often halving supermarket portions of gammon, steak etc. When I looked at the amount of actual grams of protein in my protein portions, it came in higher than 60, nearer to 70g and I didn’t actually add in the protein within the other things I ate, like veg or caraway seeds. So I think the amount will be coming in nearer to 80g. I don’t think you need to worry about this as even at its lowest, we will still be well above nutritionally recommended amounts. You do need enough protein to stop you feeling hungry. We are only using a couple of teaspoons of oil per day. I would like to increase this to about 4 teaspoons of olive oil, mostly taken cold, given the recent research. We are just avoiding sugar even in fruit, as the sugary ones are high in carbs too. When I am desperate for something sweet, I am now having a cup of coffee with milk and a saccharine tablet. Which seems to work. Hope this helps. But I am in my first week, so there are probably much more experienced people to advise you.

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