Starting Monday 29th August. Anyone want to join me

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by cojo

    Day 2 was much easier. No hunger and I enjoyed all my meals, taken from the book. Feeling great and not tired in the afternoons this week.

  • posted by Puhutakawa

    Hello everybody, i must say i really appreciate all your comments, everytime i feel week i just open my inbox and all your determination and optimism pouring out to strenghten me! Thanks a lot! I am sure the community will help to change my lifestyle!

    Day 2 was tough, couldnt sleep much the night before and got overwhelmed at work, but still kept to diet, only 1 glass of rose at the evening.
    Total weight loss: -2 kg.

    Today feeling great, have been packing boxes which weight the same as myself – one hellova exercise…makes me realize how heavy i made myself to be. Time to change.

    Have a great day!

  • posted by Alli W

    Verano – and some chilli to make it full on puttanesca! Agree it’s a huge plate full and something I would eat even before started this since I don’t actually like pasta. Delicious

  • posted by Verano

    You’re right about the chilli Alli W. I usually put it into my tomato sauce!

  • posted by Chookymama

    I was doing so well. Then we had a surprise family occasion and had to go out to eat. Turned down starter and pud (& wine!!!) and just had chicken. But over my quota so am a bit vexed. ๐Ÿ˜ก

  • posted by Dorybach

    End of day 3 and still going remarkably well. No headaches, no hunger.
    Today total calories: 728
    Total carbs 68
    Total loss to date 1.8lbs
    Excellent ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by Autumn Rain

    Day 3: 811 cals
    Breakfast -eggs
    Lunch-grilled chicken salad w olive oil & lemon
    Snack-raw almond, miso soup
    Dinner-baked chicken w steam broccoli

    With this diet, I always get terribly hungry at 3pm—clear broth soup and sparkling water really pulls me through.

    Also, I get so tired around 4:30-6pm. An evening walk seems to help, but it takes a lot of effort to get out there. I hope this tiredness is temporary.

    Hope everyone is doing well. And congrats to those of you who are dropping the weight so quickly! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by piglet2016

    I will join you. I have been on the 800 cal for 8 weeks for 11 days but only lost 7 lbs. One month ago I began my own “starvation diet” and total loss for 1 month is 20 lbs. Tonight I went off diet, but will be back on it tomorrow. It isn’t that hard. It is all in the let’s keep each other going!

  • posted by piglet2016

    do u use protien shakes and /or meal replacement bars? I noticed how much protein you are taking in and thought maybe u use shakes. I have been using shakes and mean replacement bars for two of three meals each day. Wondering if that is allowed? I wonder if anyone out there uses protein bars and shakes?

  • posted by Autumn Rain

    Piglet2016, welcome! In the study, Dr.Taylor used optifast shakes (3 meal replacement w/ vegetables).

  • posted by piglet2016

    thanks for your reply….how many grams of protein do u aim for each day…

  • posted by Autumn Rain

    To be honest, I really don’t aim for a certain number of protein in a day. But if I were to look at my log on myfitnesspal, it’s anywhere between 12 to 15 g protein per meal. For carbs, I stay under 50 g, but I usually average at about 25 g carb daily. In each meal, I try to aim for a high quality protein, a good fat, some non starchy veggies whenever possible while keeping the calorie count low.

  • posted by JulieR62

    I started on Tuesday 30th, so can I join you group please! Like most of you here I’ve done countless diets over the years and always struggled, I’ve always known that eating carbs reduced my weight loss, and my potions sizes were too big. So this new lifestyle choice should help with both of these issues. I’ve had a dull headache for the last three days but I’m pushing past that, I’m drinking 3 litres of water throughout the day so I know I’m not dehydrated. I’ve joined a gym so I can go before or after work, I’m trying to break bad habits of a lifetime, evening and weekends were always my downfall so now I’ll go down to the gym or for a swin instead of eating. I’ve made breakfast muffins and super soup from the recipes to take into work and these were really tasty and I’ve had stir fry veg with fish for my evening meal. I’ll post my weekly weight losses, I must measure my waist today…..I’ve been putting it off!
    Thank you for reading, lets hope we can help each other along when times are difficult.

  • posted by Frog

    There’s a link that Igor posts quite often

    It helps you work out the quantities of fat and protein to aim for, based on the calorie and carb input.
    TBH, I hate planning ahead and knowing exactly what I’m going to be eating the next day, let alone a week ahead – I tend to focus on counting calories and carbs, and the rest works itself out, but the keto calculator worked out for me that if I’m aiming for 50g of carb and 800 calories, that I need 45g of fat and 50g of protein, and I generally average around that.
    I tend to think of it in my head of 50g each of carbs, fat and protein, which isn’t too far out.

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    ok Day 3 over


    WEIGHT NOW: 21 Stone 5 pounds

    START WEIGHT: 21 stone 12 pounds

    LOSS AFTER DAY 3: 7 Pounds !!

    GOSH 7 pounds already

    Exercise. No lawn but went for 45 min swim

    Menu Day three was great tasting stuff

    Not hungry (Bonus)

    But thirsty (booo) (drink 3 litres fizzy water already !!!

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi JulieR62 welcome aboard !!!

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi all

    I don’t aim at protein qty per day and a casual glance at carbs is given]

    I aim at 800 cals per day and trust the menus

    I expect when I go ‘off piste’ if I ever do, then I may have to be a bit stricter.


  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi Piglet

    I find planning everything helps

    Menus, exercise etc

    Then work life around it !! (sounds so easy doesn’t it )

    However doing ok so far and the meal planning / shopping / eating times is a key for me.

    Have skipped /altered 2 meals so not ‘straight jacket’ rigid which helps.

  • posted by Alli W

    Chookymama – turned down wine?! That’s brilliant. I so need to try that. Day 2 for me and have 15 girls here for dinner (booked months ago). Terrified. Went for a run this morning – if you could call it that so already done 6000 steps. Dreading this evening…………. Have a good day all

  • posted by eternallyoptimistic

    Turning down wine is so hard, especially with the weekend almost upon us! I plan long/tall gin and slimeline tonic instead. I think there’s a lot less in that.

  • posted by Autumn Rain

    Frog, thanks for the link! Will check it out.

    Alli, I understand. I’ve been a bit stressed out about a birthday party tonight and a Sunday dinner with family this weekend.

    54, your weight loss is inspiring. I think I will incorporate some of the book’s recipe in my next shopping trip.

    Julie, kudos for finding an alternative activity to eating. It really is a lifestyle change and sounds like you are doing great.

  • posted by Puhutakawa

    Alli W, this will be a test but you can do it! This is how you grow stronger! Keeping fingers crossed for you!

  • posted by Dorybach

    Hi all. Loving all the posts on here. They are entertaining and informative. I have completed my eating for today and it went like this:
    Calories 898
    Carbs: 44
    Loss so far: 2lbs
    Keep going guys!!

  • posted by Autumn Rain

    Day 4:
    Really busy day today! Did not have a chance to get my exercise in today, but survived a birthday dinner party filled w/ bad carbs.

    Cal: 900
    Lost: 1 lb & 1/2 inch off waist

    Breakfast: organic vegan protein shake w/ unsweetened almond milk
    Lunch: chicken “pho” w/ shirataki noodles (zero carb)
    Snack: 1 hard boiled egg
    Dinner: sashimi, baked flounder, sautรฉed green beans & bok choy

    Hope all is well!

  • posted by bloke41

    Hi Healthy again, so far doing good, the meals surprising have been quite good,I’ve managed to stick to it, my wife had one bad day but got back onto it again. We have been been walking about 1 hr day and doing the exercises in the book. Will do a update of stats on Sunday will be our 1 week over. Hope you guys are coping with the restriction on carbs/sugar. cheers

  • posted by Ren65

    Well done Autumn Rain for surviving a birthday party! Definitely would have tested your will power! Forgot to post totals for yesterday _ cals 787, carbs 27.2, steps 10,000+. Another 1.5lb off this morning taking my total to 8.25lb off in 4 days! Unbelievable so happy! Have a good day everyone!x

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    ok Day 4 over
    WEIGHT NOW: 21 Stone 3 pounds
    START WEIGHT: 21 stone 12 pounds
    LOSS AFTER DAY 3: 9 Pounds !!

    Exercise. None

    No near a kitchen so have aimed at under 800 today

    Good luck everyone

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    sorru LOSS AFTER DAY 4 9 lbs

  • posted by Snoop

    Hi can I join in? I don’t have the book yet but I’ve read loads on the web and I think I’ve grasped the general principles. Am due to get the book (and accompanying recipe book) in a few weeks, when the recipe book comes out. But I’m keen to get going now.

    Weight currently (Friday 2 Sept.) 87.9 kg (was 88.5 kg on Tuesday), height 155 cm. Looking to get down to 65 kg initially (weight I was when I was 15 – eek!) and then see how I go, as that is still too much for my height. But it makes a good intermediate goal for me. Not diabetic (yet) but my partner is on Metformin. I have a bad hiatus hernia, so that is my health issue and a very good reason to lose belly fat. I did once get down to a ‘normal weight’, but this was only after a year of walking nigh-on 8 hours a day. Unsustainable when you have a job, especially mine, which involves sitting at a computer all day.

    Am really glad to have some company on this diet. My partner talks a lot about losing weight but he’s a carb addict and shows absolutely no intention of giving up bread (his all-time fave carb), despite being on medication. I’m hoping to inspire him with good results. My failing at the moment is fruit and especially melons: I’ve got lots in my veg patch and they’re all ripening now. Will do better when they’re all gone, honest!

    As the weeks go by, do we add to this thread? I’m a total newbie at this, so apologies if that’s an obvious question. Any advice on buddying-up would also be welcome.

  • posted by LindaA

    Hi everyone, I’ve just read his thread from the start and it’s wonderful to see so many newbies giving this way of eating a go.

    May I offer some advice? I’ve had the benefit of everyone else’s advice for the last 20 weeks and I’d now like to pay it forward!

    Some stats before I start. I’m a 56 yo post menopausal female, 168 cm (5’6″) who started out at 89.9kg (BMI 31.9). This morning I reached my goal weight of 63kg (BMI of 22.3) after 20 weeks and 2 days. That’s a loss of 26.9kg (just under 60lbs), nearly 30% of my starting weight!

    My tips:
    No added sugar โ€“ at all, and that includes honey, agave syrup etc. there is NO healthy sugar!

    Drink 2-3 litres of non cal fluid per day. A lot of mine comes from herbal teas.

    Aim for 10,000 steps per day. I got a fit bit to monitor this.

    Weigh and measure everything and log it into a calorie counting app. I use EasyDietDiary.

    Keep your complex carbs to under 50g per day.

    No simple โ€˜whiteโ€™ carbs eg potato, rice, pasta, bread etc. NONE!

    Most veges that grow under the ground have higher carb levels than those that grow above the ground. Just be mindful.

    Be careful of what fruit you eat, check the carb levels on your app before you eat it, apples are particularly high. Berries are good.

    Stay away from โ€˜liteโ€™, โ€˜low fatโ€™ foods, eat full fat everything. This is important, you have to keep your fat levels up in order to go into ketosis.

    Treat this NOT as a diet, but a new way of life and embrace it, donโ€™t fear it.

    In the first week, you may experience some headaches or aching limbs, brain fog or other symptoms of carb โ€˜fluโ€™ from your withdrawal of eating carbs. Be kind to yourself, take some Panadol and ease your way through it, once that goes, the fat will keep you full and you wonโ€™t get hunger pangs.

    I find that monitoring the forum helps me stay motivated and on track.

    Lastly, remember, if you fall off the wagon, be kind to yourself and just get back on.

    Good luck everyone and keep posting, it really helps.

  • posted by Snoop

    Wow, Linda! You’re an inspiration.

  • posted by bloke41

    hi 54andfatnomore,

    Great results mate, keep it up, im doing my big weigh in this sunday which will be end of week one for me, tried the fasting thing today and just ended up having dinner, surprising held up ok. Managed to stay of coffee for a week now, and have stayed off my bad pepsi max soft drink habit for a week too. cheers

  • posted by bloke41

    Hi LindaA
    Congrats on amazing effort. Great tips too, I think we have been duped by this low fat everything that’s been drummed into us over the years, enjoying the full fat version now.

  • posted by Autumn Rain

    Thanks Ren65!

    LindaA, thanks for the helpful tips! And congrats on such great results.

  • posted by Chookymama

    Well last night was a test – my son’s friend’s birthday- “mum, can you bake him a cake”…..Of course I can – and I did – without licking the bowl! Felt a bit smug TBH. So far I have lost 2.3kg since Monday which is insane. I am also not feeling as hungry. We went out for lunch where I had a halloumi salad but left half a plate – I had had enough. This also is WEIRD. My daughter said it was an “eerie day”.

    Will report back with total week’s weight loss on Sunday. Happy non-eating everybody!

  • posted by Alli W

    Linda – what a great story. Thanks for sharing. Will try to follow your tips
    Chookymama – got through the dinner last night. Whilst everyone else was snacking on tortilla chips and breadstick, I stuck to cucumber and pepper sticks with a bit of tzatziki and some home roasted cashews (no added fat or salt and they were AMAZING). It was caribbean themed so I had cooked jerk chicken with rice and peas and a huge salad so I stuck to the chicken and salad. They cleared 9 bottles of wine – I had 2 G&T’s with fresh squeezed lime (slimline tonic). Feeling relieved. Thanks for your support ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Thanks for the tips LindaA keep up the good work

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    yeh , Bloke 41 lets hear it for full fat cheese, yogurt and butter.

    Good luck on your weigh in

    Im still having coffee but down to 4 cups only and full fat milk !!

    Im a pepisi max junkie (was) now fizzy water everytime and only 17p per 2 litres bonus !!!

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi snoop

    theres no official way to buddy up

    I post here and comment on others weight stats so i feel that I have many buddies as they comment on mine also which is a great bonus and encouragement for me !!!

    Yes ill keep posting here for 8 weeks and keep posting as I do another and so on and so forth

    In that way my whole diet record will be there for ‘newbies’ to see and hopefully encourage them.

  • posted by PatFraser

    I started on 22 August and 2 really like to buddy up please even if I’m a week ahead. Lost 5 kg in 1st week which was amazing!! How are you all doing?

  • posted by PatFraser

    What is fats segret?

  • posted by Frog

    Fat Secret is an app or website that lets you log food and exercise to keep track of calories, carbs fat, etc

    there are lots of similar databases out there – My Fitness Pal, calorie counter….
    several of us have recently been discussing that we like Fat Secret the most despite the awful name

  • posted by Snoop

    Thanks 54andfatnomore. I’ll start adding my blurb tomorrow. Need to find a tape measure – a challenge in itself!

  • posted by Snoop

    Started in serious on Tuesday 30 September, starting weight 88.5 kg. Previous weigh-in 89.2 kg a few days before. Started trying to lose weight then before coming across the BSD on the Web. Sedentary lifestyle (desk work) but vegetable patch that needs tending. Self-employed, so work seven days a week. Ten-cm hiatus hernia (not diabetic or pre-diabetic but want to avoid surgery). No books yet, so making it up a bit as I go along by adapting own recipes and cutting down carbs, meaning I inevitably exceed 800 cal per day, but I wanted to get started anyway rather than waiting for postal delivery (BSD recipe book due out mid-September and both being delivered at the same time). Will have a couple of periods that will be challenges during the eight weeks, but will deal with those as they come.

    Today’s figures:

    87.6 kg
    – 0.3 kg since yesterday
    – 0.9 kg overall
    waist 117 cm (lummy)

    1069 cals
    25 minutes gardening

    Calorie limit exceeded in part due to a beer had after an argument, not as consolation but a conscious decision so as not to look stand-offish. Seemed quite important at the time…

  • posted by eternallyoptimistic

    End of week one for me. Amazed to report 4lbs lost. I’ve never lost that in the first week of a diet – diets where I’ve had way less to eat. Made the bean burgers last night – they are really good. Also thought I’d share with any other veggies that the aubergine and lamb recipe and the skinny chilli recipe are both really good with puy lentils instead of meat and have fewer calories! My very carnivorous OH loved the chilli. Have a good weekend everyone.

  • posted by Ren65

    Morning all, hope you are all good? Here’s my totals for yesterday: cals 748, carbs 58.1, steps 10,000+. Another good day although bit high on carbs! This morning’s weigh in sees me down to 12 2.5 which in 5 days is a loss of 9.75! Really pleased as this is me back down to what I was before I fell off the BSD wagon. Maybe if you lose weight with BSD, when you come off your body will go back down again quickly! I like to think so as we are all human and life gets in the way sometimes! Anyway have a lovely weekend everyone!x

  • posted by Snoop

    Well done, eternally and Ren. Interesting what you say Ren about coming off. The GI diet lot recommend doing a 12-week diet, having a bit of a break and then starting again rather than carrying straight on. No idea if that’s really a good idea or not. I guess so long as you don’t go mad during the ‘break’. Anyway, congratulations. Here’s hoping I can follow your lead and go a bit easier on the cals and carbs. Not easy at the moment, as it’s melon season here (I live in Spain). And as I’ve grown some, it doesn’t seem right chucking them out or giving them to the dogs, though that is what I ought to do. Certainly I’m eating less than I ordinarily would. I guess that’s a start.

  • posted by eternallyoptimistic

    Snoop why don’t you freeze some melon – either in chunks/balls or puree it in small quantities? It would kill me to chuck anything that I’ve grown myself!

  • posted by Snoop

    We don’t have a freezer. We live off-grid and only have a modest solar set-up and a freezer would be impossible to run. Maybe a couple of years down the line when the mortgage is paid off and we can get a bigger power system… The day the mortgage is paid off will feel like winning the lottery!

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    ok Day54 over


    WEIGHT NOW: 21 Stone 1 pounds
    START WEIGHT: 21 stone 12 pounds

    LOSS AFTER DAY 5: 11 Pounds !!

    Exercise. None


    I suffer from macular degeneration (Fluid on the macular) and my eye sight has been getting worse steadily for 3 years in one eye. This is measure by viewing letters on an special eye chart and having a scan to measure the fluid in the eye.

    Every 4-6 weeks I am monitored and either have to have an injection to remove the fluid or am monitored.

    Today my eyesight has IMPROVED

    I can see more letters and have less fluid on the eye without an injection.

    So is the diet causing this improvement !!!

    Comments Please.

    Have you experienced this diet bonus ?

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