Starting Monday 29th August. Anyone want to join me

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  • posted by CuriousDieter

    Snoop, Thanks for the prompt reply and good luck with your dieting.

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi curious dieter and snoop,
    No I jadn’t seen it si sorry.
    (I’m Claire by the way!).
    Yes as Snoop says there’s a study on it by Dr Brian Moffat
    I went and met Dr Brian Moffat and he had a great deal of info to impart..
    Will give you their site and info… he’s been researching the ancient first uk hospital outside Edinburgh morgue so he could understand how they did operations a mnd what plants were used to help treat people. So many plants grow all around this old area.
    The heath pea (lathryus linifolus) is thought to have been used to help those who couldn’t eat much say after operations etc…
    And then this plant was first written about by the Romans in 250AD ! About how the locals had it hanging up in their rafters ready to eat at will..
    It kept people alive during famines!
    You only eat the tubers. I have and it definitely helped!!
    Sadly my stock here (south UK) wasn’t watered and died so I’m ordering more. (Chap is hard to reach)
    I know where is grows and up North have plants growing.
    It take 4yrs for a plant to reach maturity before it can be harvested in autumn when it does back for winter.
    It used to be really prolific but now is moderately common bit you have to look for it.
    The re is a similar plant in the Vetch family that is NOT the correct one and that is toxic but it’s nit thought that there is anything but benefit to the LL..
    I’m sensitive to all drugs so when I tried this, I found by having only .2g (about 5mmx3mm x 3mm (tiny)), every 3 days? was working.. and that this builds up.
    A friend who was interested ate all his stock at once and he said it didn’t do anything for him..but he is still growing it quite successfully.
    I know others too who have it growing.

    A whole commercial approach was made and I went and chatted to them too. Sadly they couldn’t produce enough to take it to market.
    If you can find me on my heath pea group we can talk more through that?

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi snoop
    I’d love to know your findings and why you believe the LL isn’t good for you?
    Clearly you’ve researched it so did you find other research papers etc? :).I’d love to know!
    I will get back to eating more when I’ve built up more stock.

  • posted by bloke41

    Good day , hope you all been well.

    Got my blood results today, Cholesterol 4.1 mmol/L tick , HBA1C sugars 5.1% tick.
    Uric Acit 0.656 mmol/L, high should be below .50, no wonder my gout been playing up, need to work on this big time.
    Also my vitamin D & B12 Actice is below minimum , all the rain here & lack of sunshine hasnt helped, might have to get supplements.

    Have a good one everyone, keep it going!

  • posted by CuriousDieter

    Hi AuroraMagic,
    Thanks for your reply and the extra info, that’s very helpful!
    Snoop’s reference to the Strathclyde research has given me lots to chew upon.(Pun intended!)
    Good luck with your dieting!

  • posted by Snoop

    Morning all.
    Re Heath pea, when I went looking for info on the web, the first posts I came across reported potential toxicity. These were on plant-related websites rather than medical/health websites. If you’re eating only tiny amounts, then maybe it’s OK. But getting the right dose could be crucial.
    Good blood analysis, bloke41, on the things that count. How will you go about sorting out the uric acid? Supplements are useful. I take lansoprazole, so take magnesium, zinc and vitamin B complex, as these can’t easily be absorbed from food when on this medication. No need for vitamin D here! I also take green lipped mussel extract for arthritis. My mum is wheelchair-bound fundamentally due to arthritis, so another good reason to take some weight off my joints!
    Have a great day, everyone.

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi Snoop
    That’s interesting… I too went looking everywhere but hadn’t found very much at all.
    There are similar Vetch’s that can be toxic. I’ve not read anywhere that it can be. Nor when I’ve seen and spoken to the various people having done a lot of research have they found issues. Obvious not eating the plant but just the tubers….
    Interesting all rats fed it lost weight..
    I forget the stats now but I have all the links and data …

    Hi bloke54,
    That looks great re the cholesterol. I have a family inherited issue and it hovers around 7 on this way of eating!
    I had gout many yrs ago and it’s an annoying pain! I took some tablets (forget what they were now) and it sorted it. They had no idea how I got it but the tabs cured it. I’m guessing it was an over sugar issue as I v v rarely drink even all those yrs ago!
    But hope you get things sorted. Even harder when meds stop other functions working. So really good luck! 😀

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Good to hear about Heath Pea !! Very interesting. Amazing how old remedies have been forgotten

    Im on day 3 with 2 days of NO BREAD

    Does anyone else get a ‘buzz’ and a slight lift for the day when any weight is lost ?
    I’m down 6 pounds so far with my next weigh in Saturday

    I do find it incredibly easy to be tempted by any sort of snack and if I have one then the flood gates open so Im trying to be very strict

    My sister is on 16 hr 8hr FAST diet and is very strict. I find the limited time for eating does help cut snacks etc as they just cant be had outside the 8 eating hours (Mind you its early days !!)

    Keep on going


  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hiya 54
    I’m amazed how many pounds people can lose !
    I find that I only drop the odd pound or two.
    I guess I need to eat even less… !
    I do often only have 2 meals a day but my worst days are the hungry one’s…
    I ‘naturally’ only eat within about 11am (unless I do decide to have brekky) and 11pm but try to have my evening meal around 8pm ish.
    But my days can wildly vary.
    But when I was regularly taking the Heath Pea and I had my tiny bit every 3 days I found I just wasn’t ‘getting hungry’ which for me was a total revelation! Even didn’t get too thirsty and as I love my milky tea (I do cut the milk down) and it gives you what I’d call ‘persistent energy’… so I found I could just ‘keep going’… but I am a bit like that anyway!
    One of Dr Brian Moffat’s friends found he didn’t want to eat for 3 wks when eating a ‘whole’ tuber… but they cab vary in size. They grow outwards from the original plant in that area and that plant can have the largest tubers.
    I’ve a friend who travels around the countryside and we’re slowly making a map of some locations…. but they can vary from year to year as to how much it grows. Perhaps why the Romans found local Highlanders had it hanging from rafters for the famine times? I think that makes total and perfect sense. I mean to say before that Dr.Moffats research paper on the Soutra Aisle he sells for £10 each. He does tours at the site too. Their website tells you all the info. 🙂

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi Aurora

    Heath Pea:
    Does sound faciinating!!
    Ill have a look into it further when I get a moment !!

    Weight loss:
    I find it quite strange and upsetting to lose say 6 pounds then to find next time on the scales to have either a) put it all back on or b) gone up instead of down further when the eating activity and exercise and sleep patterns etc are exactly the same !!

    Im now day 4 3 without ANY bread

    Im trying to stick with 16 /8 fasting so can fit in two meals, a BRUNCH which is either something breakfasty or something lunchy and an evening meal from the BSD menu book

    I’m following the 8 week diet plan BUT for each day I select from the 8 evening meals available across the whole 8 weeks of the plan which a) Means I get to eat something I fancy without breaking the BSD approach and going ‘off piste’ and b) means I dont have to look too far the ingredients ie I tend to look in the frindge, see what we have and then choose a meal from the choice of 8 that fits !!

    Im drinking water when feel hungry and trying VERY HARD not to snack between meals and to ‘track’ the calories if I do

    Keep on going



    ps Im trying to work out what I can and cant eat at the local street party as there will be SO MANY temptations !!

  • posted by bloke41

    Gday all,
    Snoop, as home remedies didn’t work for me this time, I reluctantly had to get some scrips for Indomethacin and lengout. Only can be used for short term as it can damage your kidneys. It took the edge of the pain. My new quack wants to put me on a preventive tablet for life Allopurinol. My dad has taken that every day since his late 20s and he still sometimes gets a attack. I don’t want a bar of it. Have done a lot of research lately and they mention losing drastic amount of weight can increase you uric acid levels. Catch 22, may have take it little slower if another attack happens.

    54, good going on your weight loss, always tough when you go out to eat. I have a work dinner tomorrow night, gotta pick wisely.

    Aurora, I was worried about potential cholesterol issues, I been cooking everything in olive oil , butter and coconut oil liberly. Plus been having a whole avocado a day and couple of eggs and full fat cheese every other day. I quite haven’t got my head around in cooking food in bacon fat yet, think will just stick to eating bacon. My new quack wants me to go see dietician for balance diet plan, though I know that won’t work for me, carbs make me fat, without a shadow of doubt and I can’t sustain counting calories for rest of my life. I have been following few quacks on YouTube who advocate keto/fasting. I recommend Dr Ken Berry, Dr Jason Fang, Dr Eric Westman and Dr Eric Berg, for anyone whose thinking of trying keto or fasting. It helped me to restart my journey in another direction.
    Time to get some shut eye, and remember just one thing never Bloody give up!

  • posted by Snoop

    Evening all.
    Ah, the vagaries of scales. They are very annoying. I feel your pain, 54. Even though I weigh myself every day, I try to only worry about week on week figures, when with any luck the ups and downs will have sorted themselves out into a proper down. Even so, I do fret when it looks like I’ve put some back on.
    Sorry to hear about the gout medication problem, bloke41. In the past, I’ve had assorted aches and pains (possible gall bladder?) when trying for fast weight loss. Not so much this time, possibly because I’m relaxing a bit at the weekends. I’ve heard gout is excruciating, but not sure I’d want to swap potential kidney damage for relief. Plus you never know, you might get a sympathetic dietician. And if not, just insist they come up with a plan that excludes carbs.
    AuroraMagic, you have a lot less to lose than us, so it’s not surprising your weight is dropping more slowly. I’m expecting the same to happen when I eventually reach your weight. You might be frustrated, but I’m really looking forward to the day I weigh what you do! 🙂
    As for me, I had a morning of steady hard labour in the garden and have stuck within the diet guidelines on food. In fact, I’m feeling quite positive and even said to myself the other day ‘I don’t need to bite my fingernails anymore’. Now that would be even more of a miracle than reaching a healthy weight!

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi all (sorry being lazy and dinner is cooking)
    Yeah I was up at nearly 12st OMG when I started this!!
    But so so keen to get lower.. bit yeah there’s always someone less heavy than you.
    Like most people I sadly compare myself often.
    I decided as it’s a way if eating I don’t mind if it’s slow.
    I’m strapped for cash (trying to get biz back on it’s feet)… and with energy bow at such eye watering figures my food budget is cut right down.

    I don’t cook in any fat just water mostly now and a little veg oil added if really needed. I have butter to add in a few things.
    So i mostly have a veg and meat or fish for dinner, salad for lunch and eggs or yog/frozen fruit thawed etc… so do ok but it’s basic healthy… and nuts and my nemesis dark chocolate! Ooops!

  • posted by bloke41

    G’day all,

    Spending the arvo in back garden, oh boy, 3 months of constant rain, it’s turned in to a jungle. Looks like might be spending next month of weekends in garden if rain stays away.
    Weighed in at 126.2 kg this morning, 0.10kg loss for the week and 38.6kg down since 25 Jan. Little disappointing but least it’s not a gain. I wanted to slow it down a little,think I over did it on portion size. Just need to cut down portion size, aiming for 0.50 kg loss per week. Hope you all having a good weekend. Have a good one!

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi Bloke 41


    yes that a key

    I started again last week and the first thing I noticed when cooking a BSD meal for six was how SMALL the portions were (Now in the freezer for lunches) so have many veg with them also !!

    My Jubilee hog roast dilemma turned out quite simple. I gave the bun to the birds and the pork but was not that nice so gave that to the nearest friendly dog !!

    This is now day 7 with 6 no bread days so that’s the tick I was looking for
    scales day tuesday so ill see how its going then !!



  • posted by Snoop

    Morning all.
    My weekly weigh-in: 400 g down over the week. 5.8 kg down in total so far. A bit of a minor miracle to be honest, as we had a three days of partying here (not the queen’s jubilee but village festivities). It’ll be a bit of a relief to get back on the straight and narrow now.
    I’m like you, 54, pile the plate high with veg. We had quail in a spicy sauce yesterday, a tiny little bird, but the rest of the plate was full of grilled veg. So long as OH has ‘volume’ of food, he doesn’t notice the lack of calories it seems to me. Getting more than my five-a-day for sure.
    Here’s another win: I’d rather have a zero tonic with ice and lemon than a beer of an evening now. Much more refreshing. Mind you, gin gets added Friday and Saturday, though not much in my case. Honest. 🙂

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi Snoop

    Festivals sound great (hope the sun came out!)


    its a funny one. For many years people kept telling me ‘cut the booze and you’ll loose !!

    every time I had a wine or two or three someone was bound to say it (My mum used to say it many many many years ago!!)

    I enjoy a social drink and 1 or 2 or 3 once in a while I thought was great and a great relaxer and great for my well being etc etc

    so a couple of years ago I measured what i drank for 6 months and my food intake and then gave up totally for 6 months

    The result was that my weight lose continued at exactly the same average rate

    Im assuming that its perhaps because i wasn’t drinking lots and lots and when i did have a drink i was conscious of the calories so perhaps subconsciously cut back somewhere else

    The upshot was that I felt quite miserable not being able to have a drink and much more relaxed now knowing i can have one if and when i want one so i am now a moderate social drinker !! (Plus 1 or 2 or 3 when i fancy !!)

    My good news is that I’m on day 11, 10 without bread, My weight is down with next weigh-in Saturday

    Bread is my nemesis !! I have had many debates with myself over whether or not a crumpet or a bagel or a wrap is really bread !!

    Kepp on going


  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi 54 , Snoop and all,
    Quick reply,
    Pleased that many have enjoyed some festivities.
    I went to Central Lomfon’s parade with my nut bag and some squash! Had a great time and videoed everything! 😁
    I love bread too as you know but will only make it rarely and no plans now til late July.
    Getting stuck into the gardening DIY, now but spent yonks this last week on how to afford the mad energy & land line phone contract, and money lists so there’s leave some money for food & bit of fuel !! All v stressful so had some choc y’day, my real nemesis.
    Hard to know re your drink…it’s the sugar in it that’s the real issue… I barely bother to drink at all and have lots about that usually dies before I open it!!
    I’d find some less sugary if you can but each to their own solutions..!!. 😁
    Otherwise my food and meals are all great… trying to eat up my oldest freezer stuff now I’m south!
    But will need to buy more soonish!
    Almost dread seeing the higher costs when I go!! Gulp!
    I find a waist belt helps tell me if I’m really losing…and there’s some improvement – 😁. My scales aren’t very accurate but do indicate a small drop! 😁

  • posted by Snoop

    Really feel for you, AM, about the money worries. Terrible in themselves plus so all-consuming of mental and emotional energy. I’ve been there more than once. Hope you manage to find solutions.
    As for the chocolate, it used to be one of my nemeses too. That and crisps, among all the other things. But we’ve had a bag of crisps unopened for well over a week now. And I bought some chocolate at Lidl the other day for weekend consumption – only the small bars, because once one is opened, we’d normally finish it – but in fact I’d forgotten all about it till your post. Unheard of! I usually know down to the last square what we have in the way of chocolate in the house. Fingers crossed this carries on. Seems unlikely but you never know.
    Congrats on the waist belt shrinkage and the scales drop.
    And yes, 54, they really are bread!
    Keeping on going and never bloody giving up.

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi snoop Aurora and team

    Waistband great AM, Ive a pair of trousers with a ‘cord’ where the knot is so tight I cant alter it so these are a great indicator. If I get them on its good, if they ‘slip’ off its better, if I cant get in them its back in the cupboard !!

    Thanks yes, low sugar drinks are preferred but just under not drinking at all

    What fun going to the Parade. I watched on tell as I was working but must have been great to be there

    Not weighed today,, that’s tomorrow mornings fun !!

    Have found my new goto snacks are Olives !! (Not missing chocolate yet and making a WIDE birth of the biscuit box!)

    keep on going


  • posted by bloke41

    Good afternoon everyone, hope your weekend going well.
    Stepped on the scale this morning at 124.7kg, 1.5kg down for the week. 40.1kg down since 25 Jan. My 99 kg is in sight but still a long road ahead. Still been avoiding all sugars & carbs like crazy. Did OMAD for 4 days of the week and rest of the week did 2MAD. My cravings have come in waves, but managed to keep them in check. I have kept to my 10K steps per day. My gout improved this week, still can feel little niggles, though hasn’t stopped me being active. I have been working from home since feb as our office went under in the lismore floods. We have a temporary office set up for the future, so back to the office for least 1 day a week, hoping i will be able to stay on the straight and narrow. Take care all, and stay positive and keep it up!

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hiya bloke 41 Snoop and team,
    Ach Bloke41 sounds like you’re doing great! Huge Well Done to you.
    For me too it’s been a slow as steady progress and try to keep it off!! But I do struggle as we all do.
    But this way of eating I really like, and can (mostly) stick to it!! 😁😁

  • posted by Snoop

    Morning guys.
    My weekly weigh-in today: 900 g down, 6.7 kg in total. Thought I was going to report a slightly bigger loss but the scales say I put on 200 g yesterday. Ah well. If it’s not to be today, it’ll be another day.
    Pleased with the loss, in fact, but I need to up my activity levels. But it’s so hot here at the moment that it’s not easy to do. Bad enough sitting at the computer and working, let alone doing any gardening out in the blazing sunshine.
    My husband is starting to look askance at the small portion sizes, though I’m doing fine.
    Hope you’re all doing well, taking large detours around biscuit boxes and the like.

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi snoop
    That’s all progress well done!!
    As you say another day more greater losses!! Bit all are a plus. One of the few times a negative is a positive! 👍😁
    I just don’t buy biscuits, and lucky in a way from that perspective that I’m by myself!
    But that choc tin is an issue I have to address!!

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Sounds great Bloke (not the gout)

    A ‘young’ friend said they had gout at the moment and it was very very painful. They are fit and healthy so I just stared at them when they said gout !! (perhaps I need some gout education !!)

    Yes Snoop Scales are sneaky things. A small gain when unexpected and then a big lose when small was expected !! (morelikeley with me small loss when big expected /hoped for!!)

    Day 17 and still losing everytime on scales, MUCH slower and a lot less than I hoped for

    It is an everyday task/fight at the moment

    Yes snoop, big tours around the chocolates (Luckily not my thing, unlike my nemesis BREAD !!) and avoiding the biscuits AM (I just should not by them for the family !!)

    Keep on going


  • posted by bloke41

    Gday Aurora,Snoop & 54,

    Thanks Aurora, slow and steady is good, in the end l think may help with maintaining weight loss.

    Good going Snoop, its tough to increase the activity level when its hot, sometimes struggle here as its been bloody freezing. Though managed to get outside yesterday for a walk with wifey.

    54, day 17 good going, hopefully will only get easier as time passes on, though must admit some days l could go a fresh loaf of bread to my self…

    Week 21 of my journey, weighed in at 123.9Kg, 0.80 kg loss for the week. 40.90kg loss to date. Was aiming for a 1kg loss, though still pleased the trend is going downwards. Did a comparison with my last journey when l was counting calories, had a loss of 42.70Kg for same time frame. Not a huge difference, though im finding not counting calories and eating till im full or stuffed with IF seems to more satisfying. I guess it really doesnt matter how you do it, its more can you maintain it in the end. Been reflecting on this, some how l need to treat carbs like l have treated softdrink, eliminate, eliminate and eliminate at all costs. Soft drink free for over 4 years, if only l could do that with carbs…. Have a good one all, and remember never bloody give up!

  • posted by bloke41

    G’day all,
    Week 22 of my journey, weighed in at 122.8Kg, 1.1 kg loss for the week. 43kg loss to date. Happy to lose 1kg per week. Will slow down with time. Did omad for 3 days and 2mad for 4 days. This time around side affects of reducing carbs and eating keto have been alot more gout attacks, apparently takes long time to get crystals out of your joints considering I have had it since my early 30’s and another new phenomenon is always feeling the cold lately. In past I have never worn jumpers even in winter, but know first thing I do is go for my jumper in the morning. Take care all and remember never bloody give up!

  • posted by Snoop

    Afternoon all.
    Good stuff, bloke41. Especially if you’re battling gout as well.
    Me, I’m on a bit of a pause, I’m afraid. Husband has had to go away for family reasons and I’m confined to barracks with the dogs and whatever food is here. Fortunately, we do have lots of dog biscuits, so they’re all right.
    Aiming just to hold steady rather than worry too much about the calories. Should be about another ten days. But just so’s we clear: I haven’t bloody given up!

  • posted by Snoop

    Hi all, my weigh-in day today: 400 g down, 7.1 kg down in total. Bit of a slow-down due to assorted factors. But I was expecting just to hold steady, so a bit of a loss is very welcome. Hope you’re all doing well.
    Onwards and downwards.

  • posted by bloke41

    Gday all,
    Good going snoop, loss is a loss gotta take that. I have been crook the past week. My wife works in the healthcare, and for the first time in long time she came down with a bad flu and l managed to catch it too. This one knocked me about, both of us got off our food, only past day or so we have had our appetite back.
    Week 23 of my journey, weighed in at 119.6Kg, 3.2 kg loss for the week. 45.2kg loss to date. Thats what happens when you eat bugger all. Last time below 120 was back in 2018. Still feeling a little crappy, hopefully seen the worse of the flu. Have a good one all, keep going!

  • posted by Snoop

    Hope you’re feeling better, bloke41. No weigh-in today for me. I’ve chickened out… Will get back on the case on Thursday when OH gets home.

  • posted by Snoop

    Nope, I decided that was cowardly, so I did weigh myself. 100 g down for the week. Very, very little, but down rather than up. It’s been a very hard two weeks, sleeping maybe four hours a night and eating absolute rubbish. I’m absolutely exhausted. Will be back to relative normality at the end of this week and then back on the case properly next.
    Hope you’re all doing well.

  • posted by bloke41

    G’day all,
    Snoop another loss is great considering what you been through. Keep it going.
    Almost over the flu only little congested. Got my appetite back and it showed on the scales.
    Week 24 of my journey, weighed in at 120kg, up 0.4 kg for the week, 44.8 kg loss to date. Did 3 days of OMAD, rest of week did 2MAD. A little disappointed, need to check my portion sizes, last few days been alot bigger.Have a great weekend all, and remember never bloody give up!

  • posted by bloke41

    G’day all, hope your all going well.
    Week 25 of my journey, weighed in at 118.30kg, 1.7kg loss for the week, 46.5kg loss to date. Got my portion sizes little smaller, though got another gout attack which has been very annoying, just can’t seem to get it under control while losing weight. Have a good one all and keep it going!

  • posted by Snoop

    Hiya bloke41, you are going great guns. Not far to your target now. Me, I’m going very slowly. A bit overwhelmed with work and family troubles but trying to be mindful (not always succeeding, mind). I’m hoping things will settle down by the end of the coming week and I’ll have more time for more activity and more sensible meals. Either way, still haven’t given up.
    Hope you’re doing well, 54 and AuroraMagic.

  • posted by evitalond5

    interesting information

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi all,
    Sorry been so busy working on my garden ‘shed room’ have been wiped out in the evening. But had a silly bout of something last night that made me feel awful. Better today but tired so had a break …for once!!
    Sounds like you’re all doing really well.
    I bought scales and after missing a few evening meals.I’m now down to 9st 8lb or about 61kg. So so pleased that I’ve broken the 9st 10 that felt impossible for too long!!
    Yeah courgette are great but must admit i tend to just add them to the even meal as ‘cubed them’ than spaghetti-ed them!! I’ve shrunk down my salads too and bow have lettuce growing. Doing all I can to cut costs too.
    It is shocking how much I need to cut back!!
    The new scales that I found on ebay for £8.80ish also have a linked app that can do bmi fat etc etc. I doubt it’s all that accurate but I may give it a go for fun…
    I do recall hearing that walking daily cam reduce fat in the blood by 50% within a week or so (I forget the exact findings!) …but it was shocking how beneficial it was! So I’m hoping that all my DIY will help me drop some and when i do get to go walking and do some tennis it’ll help too!! 🙂
    Keep going this DOES work…
    I did make some more sourdough bread, and have sliced some up and popped into the freezer. I hope that by toasting it, it’ll be very tasty and so I can just have the odd bite of a bit of bread time…
    I did work through the hot days and oh boy was that hot!! Most uncomfortable but we’ve all survived !! Maybe that’s what helped me shed a few more pounds!!! 😀
    Sad to hear your gout is still troubling you… really horrid annoying pain… but hang in there!

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hiya 54,
    In relation to weight gain and the upsa amd down… i’ll only weigh myself first thing in the morning afyer my bathroom visit. So it’s the same type of body empty!
    I’ve mostly had no snacks than nuts … and an egg or go.for an apple with gojo berries and almond paste…. eg a mini meal.. that logic of if a few nuts aren’t enough eat a bigger small meal have helped me no end. I totally agree to cutting out all and every sugary snack as they are far too tempting! So out and then in weeks I don’t even crave them any more at all!

  • posted by bloke41

    Gday all from not so sunny oz at the moment, seems to be that way for past couple of months.
    Thanks Snoop, youve done well keep it up.
    Great stuff Aurora, l also think walking is a key too, though there are days l really dont feel like it, but somehow l get it done.
    Week 26 of my journey, weighed in at 116.90kg, 1.4kg loss for the week, 47.9kg loss to date. This week did OMAD 3 days a week & 2MAD for rest of the week. Some good news on gout front fingers crossed, mostly pain free when walking, i know its there lingering still.. I have doubled my vitamin C intake to 2000mg & for past week been taking half a tea spoon of bi carb soda every morning. Also have been drinking lemon water before each meal. Im due for another blood test in August, hopefully my uric acid levels have decreased. Going away in late august for a week or so, will be many tempatations at my folks.

    Have a good one all, stay determined & and be relentless

  • posted by LindaandHubby

    WOW Bloke41 – you sure are doing incredibly well on this WOE.
    GOUT – can be caused by lead, coming from old lead pipes carrying water that they used to use over here in UK for centuries. Are your pipes all copper now? If not then get yourself some large plastic containers you can take to fill up at friends who are living in a newer neighbourhood. Also lead crystal glasses & especially decanters can leech lead out at an astonishingly high rates forever, (As a scientist I was astounded by this as was my lovely SIL until he looked it up also) so if you are using them stick to ordinary glass ones. I remember 60 years ago that many around here in the UK had gout, especially those that drank alcohol, but now you just don’t hear of it any more. Just a thought.

  • posted by fazila70

    Hallo endlessly hopeful. I like you have 20 lbs to lose however am significantly more seasoned and not anywhere near so dynamic.
    I began a couple of days prior and have not advanced extremely far because of eating out and a touch of tumbling off the cart however am back in track presently so will go along with you in weight reduction venture. I will most likely be undeniably more slow than you however the turtle actually completed the race so that is the thing I am putting money on.Hallo endlessly hopeful. I like you have 20 lbs to lose however am significantlymore
    seasoned and not anywhere near so dynamic.

  • posted by Snoop

    Evening all.
    Good to see some new faces here. I’m extremely slow, Fazila70. 7.2 kg down so far but I’m not unhappy with that. Down is better than up.
    Good to see how well you’re doing, bloke41. I remember a while back you were taking some kind of apple cider remedy. Are you still doing that?
    After the last few weeks of complicated times, I’ve restarted again. Really pleased to see that despite all the recent upheaval, I am actually 400 g down on where I was at the start of it all. I regard this as nigh-on miraculous. Feeling very positive and determined.
    Stick at it, everyone.

  • posted by bloke41

    Gday all,
    Week 27 of my journey, weighed in at 116.00kg, 0.90kg loss for the week, 48.8kg loss to date. This week once again did OMAD 3 days a week & 2MAD for rest of the week. Felt really hungry this week for some reason, probably because of the colder weather, but managed to block it out.

    Lindaandhubby, didnt know about the lead thing, very interesting. My current place is fairly new so its on copper piping. Ive changed over my containers & cups to glass for quite a few months, i was doing it more so because harmful effects of heating up plastic containers in mircowave, though im not to sure on the science behind it. Think my gout is a gene thing considering both by folks have it, im not a drinker though dad was a big beer drinker. He got it in early 30s though mum didnt get it till after 50. I ended up getting it in my early 30s. Ive had continual attacks during weight loss, however when i stabilise tend to have couple of attacks each year. Had another attack this week, annoying yes but least it was over in a day or two.

    Snoop 7.2kg loss is nothing to sneeze about, good going. Still taking apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons in morning with water & further 2 tablespoons prior to going to bed. In addition been taking lemon water prior to each meal. Was watching Dr Jason Fang few months back on youtube, a big advocate for fasting, for some reason, if you take vinegar or lemon prior to a meal, you insulin spike drops by approximately 50% and if you eat your proteins & fats first and leave the carbs to last in your meals your insulin spike drops by approximately 50%. Havent got around reading the studies, but l think its helping in my case. Also have incorporated drinking green tea lately, horrible stuff though my wife convinced me its good stuff.

    Have a good one all, 17kg to go to my initial 99kg goal , stay determined, be relentless and never every bloody give up!

  • posted by Snoop

    Hi bloke41 and all.
    I had a look at the vinegar/acid lowering insulin spikes. I’m not diabetic, but studies suggest that it also raises satiety. So all in all, a good thing. The study I looked at suggested fermented and pickled veg might be good dietary additions.
    Green tea is a step too far for me. I tried liking it, but couldn’t. Just the smell of it was too much. A failing on my part.
    Congrats on the weight loss. I’m on 2MADs during the week. Works well for me. Really need to up the exercise in my case.

  • posted by bloke41

    G’day all,
    Thanks snoop, how did 2mad go for you? I did a extended 2 day water fast and 2 day 2mad and rest of the week 1mad. I haven’t done extended fast much, probably once a month. For some reason I’m not as hungry as when I’m actually eating. That green tea tough to take. Up to 3 cups a day now. Introduced some exercise this week, mainly stretching.

    Week 28 of my journey, weighed in at 115.50kg, 0.50kg loss for the week, 49.3kg loss to date.

    Got to be careful next few months got my mother-in-law staying with us for a while, we tend to go out more often to eat then. Off to do my 10k steps.
    Have a good one all!

  • posted by bloke41

    G’day all, hope you all been well.
    Week 29 of my journey, weighed in at 114.4kg, 1.1kg loss for the week, 50.4kg loss to date.
    Had work function on Friday though planned it so I just ate that meal. Pork belly was nice though I managed to stay away from mash and carrots and cheese cake desert, bloody looked good though. With my mother-in-law staying with us we had Thai take out last night less the carbs for my self, planned that one to be meal for the day. Happy with that result.

    Off to take the dog for a walk up the coast.
    Have a good one all!

  • posted by Snoop

    Just a quick message, bloke41, to say you’re not on your own. Had to go back to the UK at short notice to clear my mum’s home prior to sale. What a miserable job that is. My mum is still alive. Must be even worse if parents have passed away.
    Anyway, no real time or incentive to cook while I was away. Only cooking equipment a microwave oven and cutlery and plates. Lots of ready meals… Got home late last night but didn’t weigh myself this morning to see what the damage was. I’ll let you know in due course.
    Will attempt to get back on it next week, but we have friends visiting. Skinny friends who can eat hotel-style breakfast and two restaurant-style meals a day and not put on any weight at all. In fact, they need to eat like that, otherwise they’re ravenously hungry.

  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hi Bloke 41, Snoop and all,
    Yeah having to be away or ‘out of our set up food & kitchen’ can make life harder to stick to this.
    I try to see desserts as ‘sugar bowl’ and would I wamy that and currentlybit’s a resounding no. Which is as much as a surprise… but I did stray earlier this year and frankly was really disappointed as it didn’y bring that ‘hit’. So now it’s easier to not indulge.

    But I do have awful news hat I’m gutted with.

    My R ankle that got so broken 5 yrs ago…now needs a replacement joint! Or they’d rather fuse it but I still want some movement so surgeon is saying I am a candidate for it…
    Now trying to find loan homes for my horses or find people to come to mine. Must get back home to set things up in case that can work or in case any need to have to come back!!!
    Thrown such a spanner in my works.
    And I’ve no idea how I’m going to cook properly!
    It’s 3 mths in cast my with strict ‘leg up’ policy. Then about 2 mths air boot leg up… then gradually leg out and physio … and increasing use …so about 8-9mths of ‘stuff’ after the op which may not even happen til March! Just awful and so gutted.
    Started doing my little horsey poster… a horsey neighbour says they could take one mare … but I’ve hoped they’d go out in pairs… but we’ll see. Bit it’s a good start!!! 😁👍
    Debating about trying to do 1 mth of prepared meals or it’ll be lodger ‘stuff’ and I can’t rely on that!!! Or buy in meals and that’s too expensive!! 🙁
    So must get really organised!!

  • posted by 54andfatnomore

    Hi Aurora

    How about very large batch cooking ?

    Ive started batch cooking for the week from the fridge so as soon as I get a build up of veg I do a week of veg curry, chilli or soup

    same with bolognaise

    I once had a need not to walk about so batch cooking where something healthy could be heated really helped

    Fruit time now so blackberries out and apples on the way. Time to give all the bad stuff in the freezer to the cats and fill with fruit etc

    Great going Snoop its the ‘keeping at it ‘that helps I think
    Same to you Bloke as that’s still a loss etc etc

    Im off to Greece on holiday soon so lots of Greek salad and Feta cheese etc etc

    as you know my goto snack is 10 olives each day and I have 20ml of olive oil instead of butter or marg each day so should be ok eat wise !!

    Keep on going you all


  • posted by AuroraMagic

    Hiya 54,
    Yeah I do reckon pre prep of batch cooking and having a load of chicken all.pre cooked too and try and make up mincemeat etc so then just add the veggies if that will help. Still avoiding all pasta rice etc..
    Just have to start preparing… as I’ll be back North for about 3 to 6 wks appointments S depending on how long I stay! Then will be down to surgeon as to have fast he an get things all ready to go ahead! Omg! So I’ll needs some things all ready for my return! But I’ve not got huge freezers so have to be careful! Plus up N my freezer was accidentally turned off for a few days omg and so lost top 3rd of food’!!!
    And not least trying to find loan homes for my 4 mini horses!! Oh the joys! Just gutted with all of it.
    But plod on and must work harder to lose my last stone!!! The lighter I am the better!!

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