Starting BSD today

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  • posted by Purplespice

    I am 55 and have dieted ‘all ‘ my life. I think I am insulin resistant – if I lose 1lb a fortnight with the usual low- fat advice I’d be lucky. I am scared of failing – so I hope going public will make me accountable. I have read lots of inspiring posts – so I aim to do the BSD 800 – quick weight loss will motivate me. Here goes!

  • posted by Snoop

    Good luck. This forum is a fantastic source of information and inspiration. Any questions or issues you have, it’s likely someone else will have come across the same things and will have an answer or can share their experience with you.

  • posted by Flash21

    Welcome Purplespice!

    I am also insulin resistant and find losing weight incredibly difficult. I started this plan a couple of weeks ago and lost about 3lbs in one week (before putting it all back on again when I went away and didn’t follow the diet at all!). I’m restarting this week with a much more determined attitude. As Snoop says, these forums are amazing for support, inspiration, ideas, recipes and more. You can search them using the little box in the top right hand corner of the screen if there is something specific you want to find out about. If I may, my main advice would be:

    Prepare, prepare and prepare! Write shopping lists, plan meals, scope out restaurant menus before you go. This will keep you on the straight and narrow!
    Drink water. Lots and lots of water. Still or sparkling. Hyrdration is key but the water will also flush out nasties and help you to feel full.
    Don’t beat yourself up if you fall of the wagon in the early days (or even later on). You are learning and finding your feet. If you succumb to something you shouldn’t, note why that might have happened but then forget about it and make sure you make a better choice next time.
    Fat is your friend! This one is the weirdest one to get used to, I think. But go for full fat cream and yoghurt, use proper butter and olive oil, use avocados and nuts. This will really help with satiety and keep you from turning to carbs.

    You’ve got this! Keep us posted 🙂

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