Setting a target weight

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  • posted by Squidge

    When I started the BSD my target was to get inside the healthy weight range for my height (using the NHS guidelines). I did that some time ago and have slowly been losing weight since.

    My next target was to get to the weight I was 20 years ago – I’ve always been overweight, but lost it then due to ilness and stress. I wasn’t at my best, but I did feel slim. I’m now 2 lb away from that (and still well within the healthy weight range). I’ll get there, but I can tell I’ll still be squidgy. I guess that at the same weight I’ll be a bit fatter now than I was because I’m older and have lost some muscle?

    The healthy weight range is so wide that I can lose more than another stone and still be within it. I think I’d find it easier to decide on an actual weight to reach and then stick too, but I don’t know what to aim for.

    How have you decided on your target weight?

  • posted by alliecat

    Good morning, Squidge! This is an interesting question…I took a look at the BMI tables for a woman of my age
    and height (5’7″), which fell between 118.5lbs – 159.6lbs. Once I could actually see my bone structure and muscle
    again, I decided that my body type was slender to average, so I chose a figure right in the middle, 137-138lbs.
    Initially, my Dr. told me not to go below 150lbs, but I’m happy where I am, being 12lbs under that. I wish I could
    say that O/H agreed, but he doesn’t. When we met, many many moons ago, I was 123lbs. Oddly, he never thought
    I was overly thin then, but he thinks so now. Perhaps what we all need to do is re-access occasionally, and find
    a place where we are comfortable. It does make it more difficult, but over time, i.e., the aging process, body
    shape does change. This is certainly just my personal opinion, but if I were to weigh what I did in my early
    20’s I think I would look very unwell! 🙂 I think that I’ve reached a point where I have very low body fat, and
    more weight loss would just create more loose skin, and that isn’t pretty! How are you approaching it?


  • posted by Squidge

    As I’ve pretty much always been overweight I’ve never really thought about whether my body, under the fat, is more slender or stockier than average. That’s something to think about.

    I think that if we’ve been overweight for a while it’s hard for us, and others, to see how we really look now we’ve lost weight. We just see the difference in how we were before. I agree too that a weight that suited us when we were younger might not seem right later on. My husband is impressed I’ve lost the weight, mostly because I’m healthier, fitter and happier now. He does say I look better, but I think he’s very wary of saying too much about my appearance for fear it will push me into losing too much. Maybe yours has a similar concern?

    Perhaps I should lose the last two pounds and then try to maintain that for a little while before deciding if I want to lose more?

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Very interesting posts. I am 5 ft 6 inches and my healthy BMI is between 8 stone 3lb and 11 stone 2b. My ultimate target was 9st 6lbs which I stayed at for quite a while but my face looked so scrawny so I decided I looked much better at 9st 13lbs. I felt great at that weight and looked good also.

    Then Christmas 2017 arrived and weight began to edge up. At 10st 5lbs with out of control BS again I had to take drastic action and started on 20g averaging 1K calories a day at beginning of April. Then I added in intermittent fasting.

    A very interesting thing started to happen – the majority of the weight came off my tummy and waist. My face wasn’t getting scrawny this time. 9st 13 came and went. I increased cal s to 1200 to slow down the weight loss. It didn’t slow it down so increased cals to 1300 then 1400 then 1500. 9st 6 came and went. Now 8st 13lbs – but amazingly am looking very slender but not scrawny. It is all going off the tummy and middle. Waist now on the way to 23 inches. Before at 9st 6 – waist 28 inches -‘this time at 9st 6 it was 24 inches.

    So what was different this time – it has to be the intermittent fasting and keeping to 20g carbs

    Still more tummy fat to go so probably my ideal weight is maybe around 8st 9lb. This is new territory go me and I really don’t know what my ideal weight should be. I absolutely don’t have a clue.

  • posted by Squidge

    That’s interesting, Krysia.

    I did lose weight from my face to start with (and everywhere else) but I don’t think it’s changed much in the last couple of months and it’s coming off my body, mostly me belly now. Perhaps whilst that’s the case I should keep going down ?(within reason – I understand that being underweight isn’t healthy and won’t make me feel well, as I do now.)

    Good point that if we decide we’ve got a little too thin, we don’t need to stay that way.

  • posted by Amarela

    Very interested in this also! My first goal is to get into the healthy weight category (less than 10kg to go as of today, yay) and then play it by ear based on how I look and feel. I’m tall so the healthy weight range for my height is pretty wide!
    150 lbs is what I remember as my feel good weight so that’s what I have in mind but then again it has been years… my normal weight range is between 135 and 168lbs.

  • posted by SunnyB

    I think finding a target weight is an issue for a lot of us. I initially wanted to get below 9st to bring me into a healthy weight range, which meant dropping 2st and then having got there, I decided to push down to 8st 7lb to bring me further into the healthy range. Once there, I decided to give myself a bit of wriggle room, so dropped a little further. Now I’m much more comfortable being down around 8st 2lb than I am up around 8.5st, feel fitter and look better than I have in years.

    Think for most of us, we didn’t dream we could successfully lose weight and be the weight we were years and years ago, so setting a target weight can feel like we are being unrealistic. I guess if make take your weight loss in stages, you will find your ideal and where you are comfortable.

  • posted by WoodDuckie

    HI there! My weight discard was quite dramatic and very unexpected. At 74 . . . I really dont care for a target . . . Im not weighing and just taking each day and the freedom it brings – as it comes. As Im not expecting my skin to keep up with the discarding . . . I guess when that drawn gaunt look begins to set in . . . if it does . . . then a decision might need to be made as to other health issues. But maybe my body will decide well OK this is far enough and reach a plateau all by itself. So Im NOT setting perameters or expectations on ANY so I wont be either disappointed nor concerned. 🙂 Just my perspective as all this started with dreadful BSL’s. They are now down to 5-6 before meals. they were 12-13-14 🙂 Magic!

  • posted by Squidge

    Thanks for your thoughts, everyone.

    Amerela, I’m short, but even so there’s still a big healthy range. I still felt fat at the top end and I’m sure I’d be decidedly skinny at the bottom of the range, but there must be somewhere in between which will suit.

    SunnyB, i think that’s it. I’ve only just started thinking about what weight I’d like to be, because I’ve only just started to believe I can reach whatever target I set and then keep to that weight.

    WoodDuckie, if having no set target works for you, then it’s the right approach for you. I like that we’re all so different, yet all getting results we’re happy with.

  • posted by WoodDuckie

    Hi Squidge and yes I agree we are all different . . . different stages of life, of the eating programme and with different metabolisms working for us. The main reason I could care less about a weight target is I dont need anymore stress than what Ive been through thus far – re medicos etc., and was concentrating on the BSL’s more – and stressing about what they would be today tomorrow tonight . . . That wasnt pleasant – and all with the pall of injections or dialysis over my head . . . with no support for trial or investigation of anything to see if anytihng else would work. Seeing a result which disappointed was worse. I had enough to deal with mentally right there. So I was surprised and delighted at the ease with which the kilos started melting away. And I hadnt placed any expectation nor thought to that happening. My tracksuit and pj’s pants starting slipping down and becoming baggy . . . that was a HUGE clue something dramatic was happening 🙂 I did y best to turn a blind eye to the obvious while squealing inside like a delighted child!!! Being mid-winter here discarding weight is practically unheard of because the body is usually like many plants and animals . . . hibernating or dormant . . . needing to both just rest, rejuvenate and keep itself warm . . . so usually bulks up a little more!!! But this has been quite the opposite! My bingo wings have grown somewhat . . . and my bellyfat – while diminishing is still quite substantial BUT . . . I feel and am told Im looking good!!!! I dont want to look haggard . . . but body and time will dictate that one I think 🙂

  • posted by alliecat

    Groan, groan, groan, WoodDuckie, about the bingo wings! They bother me more than the
    other loose bits! I do go sleeveless, inspite of it 🙂 I think it’s to be expected when you lose
    just over 50% of your body weight though, and don’t do it until the age of 67! (I do try not
    to lift my arms too high, though 🙂 ) I’m a little late in welcoming you, I think. I can’t imagine
    why that would be, unless you’ve been posting exclusively on newbie threads? Very best
    wishes to you!


  • posted by WoodDuckie

    Hi there Allie! My daughter-in-law’s nickname so cant forget that! Thank you for your welcome!! I was a late(r) arrival – for quite a few reasons . . . stress at my situation (a long story) . . . feelings of not being heard nor helped by medicos, and a chance snippet of information from a friend of my son’s – finding the book in a charity shop the next day and starting the eating programme the next meal!!! things happened in a hurry. After settling down and into the routine, not a tech-head but certainly love my computer and thirsty for more info, I came to find things online . . . found find the site . . . and through investigations and tentative curiosity . . . the “Forums” . Have contributed to several topics over the past weeks – (Im now into week 5) – and many times have shed tears reading of others battles and victories. Contributing to those with MY experiences is SO REWARDING. Discovering Im not alone on the path Im walking is SO encouraging. Im not a weigh-in person . . . dont own scales! After being faced with insulin injections . . . (because my body wasnt tolerating any of the three meds Id been prescribed – my examined diet had been considered flawless!!!! (HAHAHAHAH what a joke!!!) – and I had demanded that before I took any further meds, I be referred to an Endocrinologist please). That was almost begrudgingly granted . . . and now to this week . . . Week 5 . . . I havent had the meeting with the Endo yet . . . that was supposed to be today . . .but has been rescheduled for a variety of reasons I wont go. Yesterday and today my fasting BSL has been 4.+, and yesterday, 5’s or 6’s across the day – all before meals. Those two days were just two meals, due to circumstances . . . and when hunger struck after lunch/dinner at 3pm an avocado and chilli dip dip the trick! So NOW I KNOW IM MANAGING my symptoms and BSL’s. At 73 and 10 months . . . and 5 weeks on from such madness where I had spiralled into depression of the worst kind and BSL’s of 12-13-14 . . . there are SO MANY I FEEL SO ANGRY TOWARDS – and I cant imagine it is all ignorance. When that subsides . . . Ill be happy to revisit them and SHOW them what they need to consider. Having this site to vent my spleen has been so rewarding and healing 🙂 Thank you so much, and usually gush on a bit 🙂 More now with joy than frustration . . . and of course a willingness to share and gice others a hand up 🙂

  • posted by Squidge

    It must be so frustrating to have been following the advice about what to eat to help with your diabetes and discovering it was wrong. For a while it did seem the answer to every medical problem was ‘lose weight’ and almost all the advice for doing this was to cut fat and fill up on carbs.

    Just one pound to go to my initial target weight of 9 st 2 lbs!

  • posted by WoodDuckie

    WooHoo! WTG Squidge!!! I had the pleasure today of calling into my local Medical Centre to make an appointment for the “shingles” tablets . . , (with the tingling starting around my ribs on LHS why am I not surprised after all the stress of the past 2-3 months. Imagine this . . . as I came through the doors, the diabetic “nurse” who had spoken at length with me around 2 months ago was in the treatment room. I made myself known to her and . . . had the opportunity to enlighten her about CARBS!!! I suggested given she was a newbie from education and receiving her “Certification” . . . I was surprised she hadnt been told of the “complex carbs” . . . one of which is oats and had given me the (two hours after eating) – 18.5 reading the day I saw her way back when. The look on her face said it all . . . she had no idea . . . I was not rude but firm and suggested she get DR M’s book . . . and start educating herself. I made sure she heard I’d DISCARDED OVER 11kgs (thats almost 2 stone) – in 5 weeks. SO it wasnt a fairystory. And to note my sugar levels are now 4-5 and occasionally 6 before meals. She simply said she would look for the book and info . . . because “she really is doing this to help people!!!” (Sigh!!!) So I said “well in my book the best you can do if you want to HELP people is tell those who come to you to cut their carbs before they do ANYTHING!!! Then see what happens. I also gave her my new mantra which I so want to share here . . . it goes like this . . .(Please check out the word DIABETES has the letters starting each word of this sentence.) Dont Ingest Anything Before Examining The Elusive Sugars. Id love someone to use this somewhere to help people. Maybe the Diabetic Nurse is the one to spread MY WORD!!!

  • posted by caronl

    WoodDuckie I love the mantra!

  • posted by Squidge

    That’s a great mantra, WoodDuckie!

    Even for a non diabetic like myself it’s very sensible to check exactly what we’re eating, before eating it. So many foods we’d asume to be sugar free have quite large amounts of it. I have to make my own salad dressings as the shops one all contain sugar. Sometimes it’s the main ingredient. If even eating what should be a really healthy salad is feeding our sugar addiction, is it any wonder people struggle to cut down on it?

    I’m fortunate in that I like cooking and have the time to do that as well as read labels and go to different shops to get the foods I want. It must be so difficult for those who for whatever reason don’t cook and don’t read labels.

  • posted by WoodDuckie

    I do so hope it helps someone somewhere 🙂 Thank you 🙂

  • posted by WoodDuckie

    Squidge did you see the mini quiches I posted somewhere here . . .? Minced beef (ground beef) – line little muffin recesses . . . fill ith an egg mix with additions and bake. I thought they would be something REALLY different and a great breakfas, lunch or dinner/supper. As well as good for lunchboxes to go.

  • posted by Squidge

    I haven’t seen that, but I do make my own crustless quiche. I just put in greaseproof paper instead of pastry and my usual fillings. I’ve fed it to lots of people. Most don’t even notice there is no pastry. Those who do think it’s an improvement no to have it.

    Wouldn’t have thought of using minced beef. Individual ones sound like a great picnic type food for when I’m out walking – and I’m off on a walking holiday soon, so I’m going to try them.

  • posted by WoodDuckie

    I just this minute took my beef out f the freezer to thaw overnight!!! Cannot in the FB feed I was given it from so might be a bit hit and miss the first time round because Im not a baker or even a good cook! (Well I dont think so cos I measure NOTHING!! and thats probably one good reason why things dont work out!!!!) – but they do sound delicious and today I bought dried onion flakes so can add those to the mince 🙂 Please let me now how they go when you do them 🙂

  • posted by alliecat

    What a story, WoodDuckie! I can really relate to your passion for this WOL, too 🙂 Kindred
    spirits? Nothing makes me crazier than feeling disrespected, either. I felt invisible when
    I was morbidly obese! At the age of 50 I was slender, but over the next 17 years I doubled
    in size, following diagnosis for Lyme Disease. What came next was chronic fatigue, chronic
    pain and eventually depression. Then I discovered this lifestyle, (June 2016)….I’m back to
    that ideal weight now, and the unpleasant observation is that people DO treat you like
    you’re less intelligent when you are obese! I can only look upon those who have not found
    this WOE with compassion, now. It certainly does feel like returning from the dead. Life
    today is filled with endless possibilities 🙂 🙂 🙂 And you’ve found the perfect community here
    to share them! Replace the frustration over your unfortunate treatment by your medical
    community, and replace it with joy and gratitude. The BSD is nothing short of life changing,
    and we never tire of talking about it here. Are you in the UK? (I’m American) Oh, there is
    also a thread for posting recipes, if you haven’t discovered it yet, called “GOOD EATS”.
    ENJOY the adventure, because it never gets old! xx

    Squidge! Only 1 lb. to go? Spread it everywhere when it happens…We want to share it,
    too! You know I’m always ready to put my dancing shoes on 🙂


  • posted by Squidge

    Get them polished, Allie – they’ll be needed soon!

    When I see anyone really overweight, unhealthy and unhappy looking I want to go and tell them about the BSD. I don’t. I’m sure it would be very rude (no way to do it without saying I think they’re fat and nobody needs a stranger telling them that – they know already) and it might well do harm, especially if they’re depressed, been bullied or suffer some other problem I’m unaware of. Still, I do wish more people were aware of it and the fact that it’s not just another weird fad, but something sensible and healthy which really works well for a lot of people.

  • posted by WoodDuckie

    Hi Allie! Im in Australia . . . semi-rural about 1.5 hrs by freeway south of the big smoke Sydney. Glad to have escaped its (own kind of) madness . . . though sadly . . . now the urban spread has begun close by here. Nevermind . . . Im enjoying my solitude and peaceful bush surroundings that embrace me every day. The drought here is critical . . . and with spring but 2 months away . . . the threat of bushfires doesnt bear thinking about. Many prayers are silently sent.

  • posted by alliecat

    Oh yes, Squidge! It’s really painful to see at the grocery check-out what some people
    have in their carts (would you call them trolleys?) Of course I don’t mean this in a judgemental
    way, just concern over how many processed foods I routinely see, and sugar. Often there
    are a few kids in tow, and that makes it even worse! I agree, we can’t approach strangers 🙂
    but we do have the opportunity to share the word here, and so hopefully make a small
    difference each day…My dancing slippers are ready to go, Squidge, so you only have to
    pick the music that we’ll be dancing to, and designate an hour for the party!!!

  • posted by alliecat

    I suspected as much, WoodDuckie!! I’ve met so many fabulous women here from down
    under, and what I enjoy the most about you all is a directness and freedom of spirit that
    is very relatable for an American, like me 🙂 I so admire the “British reserve”, but I think
    it’s a lost cause that I will ever attain it! It must be time for lights out where you are, so
    sweet dreams…


  • posted by WoodDuckie

    Thank you! Out of a (kinda) dream I had 🙂 Given Ive been in a quandry with this hanging over my head since Match/April this year . . . doing the rounds of souls who believe they are making a difference . . .Im guessing it was on my mind when I went to sleep on night – (not a surprise!!!) – . . . and so my brain did some overtime on that dreaded word. PLUS, given my set of circumstances . . . (like many here . . . having cut all added sugars years ago, and been watching ALL the sugars, low fats etc etc etc on labels – oblivious to the (ciller – deliberate spelling -) carb readings!!!!!!!!!!!!! and making things worse for myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) – stubbornness and threatened (by medicos) – of having to inject insulin . . . it all added to my stress along with frustration and anger 🙂 Yesterday I had a chance meeting with the “newbie” Diabetic Nurse at my local clinic. I was firm but polite when telling her of my successes since we had last met . . . and she as dumbfounded. I suggested with her being recently certified to HELP . . . she might like to get and read THIS book . . . and when better informed, REALLY help people . . . not just discuss and issue misleading literature . . . and before departing asked the burning question . . . why give information about carbs being acceptable on a diabetic diet chart . . . when they elevate BSL’s and then give meds or injections to then lower them . . . .? Hopefully some of my F & A has now been released now. Hopefully she goes and has a read. I can but hope!!! I also wrote down the mantra for her! Not holding my breath that that will be displayed anywhere on the clinic.

  • posted by alliecat

    WoodDuckie, I’m at a loss for what F & A means?? Maybe I’m just thick? Very curious!!

  • posted by WoodDuckie

    Frustrations and anger 🙂

  • posted by Squidge

    Ha! Setting a target weight and sticking to it clearly isn’t going to be straightforward!.Yesterday I had a pound to go to reach the figure I’d been aiming at. This morning I’m a pound under!

    I’m not complaining – I haven’t yet decided that really is the weight I want to stay at and in any case I’d expect fluctuations of a pound or so – it just seemed funny that I started a discussion on choosing a weight and then managed to bypass mine.

    My plan now is to maintain this weight for a few months and let things settle and see how I feel – both in terms of physical health and how happy I am with this weight and body shape. I might then decide to lose a few more pounds, but first the maintenance and that’s going to be a whole new adventure!

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