Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by JGwen

    Hi Verano,

    Thanks for the suggestion on posting on the take a look at this, but it wasn’t an inspirational book relating to diet. Its the story of a lady who was diagnosed in her late 40’s as being high end functioning autistic (Asperger) and her working through the process from thinking about how to ‘fix’ herself to appear ‘normal’ before deciding to come out as being on the autism spectrum and celebrating the positives of the difference in the wiring of her brain. I realised that I am an Aspie a couple of years ago.

  • posted by Verano

    Hi JGwen positive thoughts and take a look at this cover all aspects of our lives. That’s why I think this way of eating is so successful for many because we don’t think of this as just a ‘diet’ but a whole new way of thinking and living. So yes post anything you feel is inspirational, we get inspiration in our lives from all sorts of sources.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hi all you wonderful positive people! First day on a new week and it’s good to see no-one seems to be suffering from the Monday Blues.

    I’m feeling really tired today, having slept very badly last night, but I intend to get an early night tonight and hopefully feel better for it. Still managing to find some positives though:

    1) Scales still showing a loss at the moment. (Just hoping they still will when I do my weekly weigh-in tomorrow!)
    2) Made some more yummy almond crackers today.
    3) Bought a lovely big silvery framed mirror today. Been looking for one for a while, to hopefully brighten up our dingy upstairs corridor – hoping the mirror will bounce some light around up there.

    Keep posting everyone, ‘cos I love to read all the positives people are finding in the little day to day things of life.

  • posted by SueBlue

    My positives for today:
    1. Wearing a pair of size 16 work pants – this time last year I was busting out of size 20.
    2. Watching the storm last night. At first I was annoyed that the noise of it woke me up at 2am and I couldn’t get back to sleep. But then I opened the curtains and watched the spectacular light show and listened to the sound of the rain – so welcome during this heatwave.
    3. I managed to stay on plan all day yesterday, apart from an ice block in the evening (fruit flavoured and ice cream filled). However I did enjoy it, and still did a lot better calorie wise than last week!

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning and it really is. My first positive is sleep related, sorry you’re having a bad time sleep wise SunnyB.

    1. Second night of really adequate sleep. I only woke once for the bathroom after so much water!
    2. Dishwasher engineer turned up and fixed dishwasher. Yippeee!
    3. Lovely Indian meal out. I have now found my ideal BSD meal …. chicken tikka and saag bhaji. Lovely!

    Hope Tuesday brings lots of ‘positives’ for us all

  • posted by KazzUK

    Hello 🙂

    NSV or positive….

    1 – today am wearing a tunic style top that is “for best” but needs to be worn before it gets too big!
    2 – a colleague I’ve known years but don’t see very often was in the kitchen earlier today and he commented that he thought I’d lost weight! “I can see it in your face” he said! Yey! He then went on to recommend walking gear for damp, wintery weather… useful! 🙂
    3 – I only woke once last night and boy does it make a difference! I feel so much better today! Normally I wake every couple of hours.


  • posted by alliecat

    Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all!

    I sympathize and relate to all that are sleep challenged, like myself 🙂

    1. I can report on a full 6 hrs. for last night, something that falls into the
    “once in a blue moon” category for me.
    2. The frigid temp. here in the northeast U.S. has finally broken, and
    I’m geared up for a lovely walk today. Cabin fever has been the watch
    word of late!
    3. I’ve seen so many new members joining us at the beginning of this
    year. It makes my heart soar to think of the possibilities for all of
    you, and it makes me very happy to follow you on your journeys.

    I feel refreshed, happy and ready to live every moment of this day!

  • posted by KazzUK

    Big thumbs up, Allie – I hope you have ice grippers that fit over your boots? I’ve got some. Can run for the train in them and everything whilst others are slip sliding around in their Uggs! 🙂

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hi everyone – pleased to say that like some others reporting, I too had a good night’s sleep last night. Took me longer than I would have liked to get to sleep, but slept well which is the most important thing. Certainly felt much better today anyway. Somehow, today got very busy, which is why I’m quite late posting, but at least it’s given me a few positives to add here.

    1) Had a charity shop snoop and found a new pair of Next trousers for £6.50 in a size 8 ….. AND they FIT!
    2) Have spent sometime writing a news letter and revising brochures for a Turkish friend who runs a small tour business. Great sense of achievement pulling it all together.
    3) We are starting to plan our drive out to Turkey and best part of three months in the sun. That gives us something to look forward to in the grey and gloom that is England at the moment.

  • posted by alliecat

    ‘Evening V! I missed your early post today, but happy that you can keep
    in touch on your travels 🙂

    Sunny, you’ve had one of those wonderfully productive days today!
    Everything falls into place with a good night’s sleep, doesn’t it?
    How wonderful to be able to plan 3 months in the sun! I’ll be waiting
    until at least May to feel that warmth on my face. Is this a new adventure,
    or do you do it each year? As Theo suggests, I think my internal combustion
    engine has been working overtime to heat my body, and I’m very happy
    the temps. look far more seasonal for the remainder of the week!

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    How wonderful that so many people have positives and wonderful things to post. Mine for today are:-

    My darling Jovis has a permanent job at the age of 65! I am so proud of him.

    My new car is brilliant and I am going to visit my best friend of 50 years tomorrow.

    Life is just so wonderful at the moment I can’t stop smiling!

    I really hope that wherever you are and whatever you do, it is joyous and makes you happy!

    Nonna Mary

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning and even though it’s still dark here it is a ‘good’ day I can feel it in my bones. The bones that slept until 5.35am this morning, a wonderful achievement. Lately I’ve been clock watching at 2am 3am 4am etc etc.

    So my first positive
    1. Another good nights sleep even if I have been up for a couple of hours!
    2. Looked through my weight loss journal and have redefined my goals both mini and final. I know what I have to do to stop maintaining and start losing again. Will do it.
    3. Have been uplifted by all your posts which make me smile with joy for all the positives in your lives. Especially love Jovis having a permanent job!!!

    Have a good day!

  • posted by Natalie

    I have one big positive this morning: I feel well again after a tummy bug. So lovely to not feel sick!

  • posted by Flick

    I’m afraid to say my positive for today is a little narcissistic, please forgive.

    After the somewhat confronting news that my ageing spine is causing me to shrink, I discover that this actually improves my leg to torso ratio. Combined with weight loss and not bad posture, my legs look longer! Quite a good thing for a shortie!

    Glad to hear you are on the mend Natalie.

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning. Flick what a great way to make something positive out of a negative!

    My positives are getting harder to find just at the moment but here goes anyway….
    1. Made a sort of ‘bubble & squeak’ with some left over mashed cauliflower and it was very nice.
    2. Watched ‘Girlfriends’ and quite enjoyed that, although I didn’t enjoy Tom Kerridge!
    3. Said ‘NO’ to a meal out, when normally I would have agreed, even knowing the food woudn’t be BSD friendly.

    Hope you all have a positive day.

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Verano, your positives sound great to me!

    Mine for today are:

    I spent 4 hours with my lovely granddaughter today.

    I was signed off Diabetes with “In Remission” in my notes.

    I have been weighed at my Doctors and weigh 3 pounds less than I thought. Result!

    Take care everyone

    Lots of love
    Nonna Mary

  • posted by JulesMaigret

    Mine are about self control and good choices.

    Went out for a meal with clients in China last night.
    1) No rice or noodles – just one “good luck” dumpling.
    2) No booze – stuck to a fabulous range of local teas
    3) Ate lots of sensible proteins – lots of fish (whole and steamed), great seafood (including the unfortunately named “Penis worm” – Fat Innkeeper worm for those who eat Korean) and jellyfish and loads of fried and steamed veg.

    After 22000 steps yesterday, I may have destroyed today’s calories count but still think I’m onto a winner. The challenge will be the flight back tonight – Air France is not really renowned for its BSD friendly menus.

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning. Great news Nonna Mary! It’s great when you get into ‘remission’ but for me I then lost my impetus to lose more weight. However, today I have hit my top ‘trigger weight’ so no more messing around otherwise I will become one of the ‘returners’ and I’m not going there!

    JM I think I need a dose of your self control! Not that I think I would need much control to refuse jellyfish! I don’t think any airline is BSD friendly but I’m sure you’ll manage, it’s just one day.

    So yesterday ……
    1. I was taken back to another time in my life when I was often asked “How can you live without potatoes and bread?” I was asked the same question yesterday but just ignored it. Partly because the person asking has an OH with diabetes who neglects himself, and I didn’t want to cause an argument. Cowards way out maybe.
    2. Almost finished my book, Catherine Alliott “About Last Night”, not as funny as her other books but a good light holiday read.
    3. Finished the first week of the Science of Nutrition course. Hopefully it will get better in week 2!

    So I’m off now to have my first half litre of water and plan my menu for today then I can report a successful day in tomorrow’s post. Have a good day!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Just a quick dip in to the forum today, having been out of the loop for a couple of days. We are visiting with my folks and it’s not so easy to find time to check what’s happening on here. My email inbox was stuffed full of forum notifications – mostly from the 800 reboot thread – and I confess I have only skimmed them, rather than digested fully. Didn’t feel there was anything there that I should be contributing to, but did think I should add some positives, so here goes:

    1) Caught up with some old friends yesterday.
    2) Spending time with my parents.
    3) Pleasant walk this morning – crisp but not too cold.

    My Mum asked me today, with a certain tone in her voice, what weight I am and if I’ve stopped losing now. Rather than have to have The Lecture, I said of course I’d stopped now! Not sure what this says about me, but not going to lose sleep over it. Still aiming to lose those extra couple of pounds!

  • posted by alliecat

    Oh Sunny, did I ever smile in recognition over your Mother’s concern
    that it’s time for you to stop! One of my close friends has adopted the
    same approach with me, but I know it’s only out of love. We must always
    consider “the source” I think….Unfortunately, we also encounter those
    who find our transformations a bit of a threat, also 🙂

    My positive for today is that I actually remembered, in real time, that
    it was exactly 50 years ago today (half a century!) that I first met the
    man that I was destined to marry, standing behind the bar at a college
    fraternity party! It was not love at first sight…He was relentless in his
    pursuit however, and here we are, a half century later. We’ve lived every
    moment of the “for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health” portion
    of our marriage vows, to the enrichment of both of our lives. What
    can I say, I’m hopelessly sentimental 🙂

    I hope everyone enjoys another remarkable day of positive thoughts!


  • posted by Theodora

    Aww, Allie😍 What a lovely “positive” – happy first meeting anniversary.💝💕💘 It will be 50 years since I first met my o/h this year too – ours was love at first sight, he asked me to marry him on our 3rd meeting (2nd date) and here we are, still together.❣ Surely that is cause for celebration, for both of us, or all of us, should I say.

    My positives…………….

    1) Just spent a lovely hour on a “one to one” basis with my beloved daughter – generally one of the kids, or my mother or o/h or somebody is around to claim my/her attention, but today it was just the 2 of us. Bliss.

    2) Finally mastered the art of machine rolled hemming silk chiffon (took some doing😆) as I have always done it by hand before, but my granddaughter needs (err….wants??!!!) so many new practise ballet skirts that hand sewing them all would take me forever and a day.🤣

    3) Just bought tickets to see aforementioned granddaughter perform in Sleeping Beauty with BRB in February😊

  • posted by Flick

    Alliecat, such good news that your weight loss has reversed. And congrats for your wonderful first meeting anniversary! You too Theodora, well approaching anniversary.

    Here are my positives for today –

    1. It is positively and wonderfully cold here this morning. 9oC with a clear blue sky and yesterday’s wild wind has abated. It is going to be a glorious day.

    2. Yesterday was the 5th morning at 67.5 for me. 😩 In need of a non scale victory, I discovered that a very nice pair of trousers I wore on a fabulous Namibia, Botswana, Zambia 4wheel drive safari I thoroughly enjoyed 10 years ago, FIT!! Size 12! So now I have a pair of beautifully fitting, great quality bushwalking pants! I think I kept them in the bottom of the drawer all this time as they were connected to some of my favourite travel memories.

    3. My daughter’s first home purchase has settled and she and her partner have just about completed the move. I’m off over there today to help with the final bits, including the final clean up of their rental property. Not a fan of housework, but it is always a lot of fun n to spend time with these two.

    Also scales moved this morning!

  • posted by Luvtcook

    Great memory to charish Allie. So glad the low weight issue resolved as well. Hope things continue to stay stable for you.

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning. What lovely positive thoughts. Allie and Theo you both made me think back and the 50 year anniversary of our first date was New Years Eve! So much water under the bridge since then but if I had my time again I would do the same all over!

    Enough said!

  • posted by Natalie

    I’m afraid I’m not sure of the exact date of my first meeting my husband, it was in February but not sure which day. But it’s coming up for 19 years, we’ve still got a long way to go for 50!

  • posted by JackieM

    1) sunshine and great dog walk

    2) size 8 jeans comfortable on – tight but can fit keys in pocket

    3) can see muscles in my legs, but butt still has enough fat on it to be comfortable to sit on hard surface

  • posted by alliecat

    I like the way you think, Jackie! I so enjoy reading this thread and
    celebrating all of these discoveries with you all. The story of butt
    padding becoming an issue is a real one, however 🙂 I now have to
    do a quick google search of any restaurant that is unknown to me
    before making reservations, to make sure that the chairs include
    some sort of padding, since I no longer have any of my own! I
    can’t foresee the day ever coming when I’d be willing to carry a
    “hemmarhoidal cushion” into a public eatery 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!


  • posted by Busybee

    Hello to you positive thinker’s.
    I don’t usually post here though do read your comments – I love hearing that us oldies are going strong and still are “in love” with our long term husbands. I met my later to be husband at a girl guide/Boy Scout Party when I was twelve! We are now 71 and will have been married for 46 years on 22 January.
    X B

  • posted by SunnyB

    Morning all – sorry to have been out of the loop for a few days. We have been staying with my folks, while OH refits their bathroom and does a few other job, like installing an alarm system (I know, bolting the stable door and all that, but gives peace of mind). Anyway, haven’t had the chance to get online much, so haven’t been posting, thought I’d drop in a few positives now though, while I have the chance.

    1) Mum has got about 80% of her jewellery back from the burglary.
    2) Had a lovely family time yesterday, with son and family visiting us at my folks house.
    3) Going to go and trawl a huge health food store this afternoon – hoping to pick up some BSD friendly goodies.

    Going to be greedy and have a fourth today:

    4) OH has managed not to lose his cool with my Dad’s ‘helping’, while he’s been working! Although it’s come close a couple of times.

  • posted by Theodora

    Sunny, that is such good news about your mother getting most of her jewellery back, sentimental stuff just cannot be replaced. Also, well done to your o/h for not losing his cool with your father, “helpers” can so often be a hindrance, even when their intentions are good.

    My positives – not very exciting today as we’ve had a slightly difficult weekend, but good to see the positives, so here goes…….

    1) Finally finished granddaughter’s practise ballet skirts (just hoping they’ll be the last she needs for a while!!)
    2) Despite the forecast for heavy rain today, it only drizzled this morning (so I didn’t get soaked walking the dogs 😊) and the sun came out later, so our afternoon walk was in glorious sunshine.
    3) Have made a good start on my 2nd Futurelearn course (Nutrition and Wellbeing) and, so far at least, it’s proving far more interesting than the Science of Nutrition one.

  • posted by Verano

    Great news SunnyB!
    I have been finding the ‘positive’ difficult of late so just one to get me back into the right frame of mind…..
    Today I will re-read The Blood Sugar Diet book yet again! I have gone a smidgeon over my ‘trigger’ weight so the time is here to “re-read, reconsider and regroup’.
    Have a good day everyone.

  • posted by Theodora

    My positives today are:-

    1) Today is my first anniversary of starting BSD and finding this forum, and making new friends.
    2) I have spent the entire day (7am – 4pm) doing a house clearance (not mine) which I had been dreading, but had to be done. 😭 Nowhere near finished, but feel as though I may have broken the back of it.
    3) Came home absolutely exhausted, feeling grubby and dishevelled and emotional, to find a cup of tea waiting, and that o/h, who has NEVER EVER IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE done it before, had groomed (or at least attempted to) both of my exceptionally hairy dogs, to “try to take a bit of the pressure off you” he said, when I nearly burst into tears. After nearly 49 years of marriage, he still has the power to surprise me.💕

  • posted by marie123

    Theodora – what a lovely post to read and what a lovely OH. Congratulations on your BSD first anniversary.

    Liz – I’m so sorry. I’ve just noticed you’ve answered a question of mine as part of a response on this thread. I’ve only just seen it. It’s sometimes difficult for me to keep up (I spend days at a time off-line). The fibre thing – I’m trying to make sure I have greens (e.g. spinach) a lot more, and I’ve also started having chia seeds and flaxseed. But generally it’s a work in progress. I’ve also always struggled to stay <20 g carbs and eat all my cals. My initial degree was in English Literature – it put me off reading anything for years – hence I’ve always been curious about how creative people manage when they add business into the mix. l’m enthralled at the idea of a tiny Great British Bake Off Tent with all its contents – I want one! Hope you’re doing well x

    My positives
    1) I had a really wonderful weekend with my OH, including at his brother’s surprise birthday party.
    2) My BIL and his wife have been married for about 5 years. They’ve both been married before and have grown up children – early 20’s upwards. At the weekend I saw a home full of happiness, generations of relatives from both sides, walls full of photos of shared days, old photos of grandparents, great grandparents again from both sides. It was just wonderful, and is still making me smile.
    3) I had some lovely, genuine compliments from a young relative. He has experienced a lot of trouble in his life and I know he is still struggling, so for him to be so clearly happy for me was genuinely moving.

  • posted by Natalie

    I’ve been a bit frustrated with slow loss so I need this thread more than ever!
    1. Maybe I haven’t lost much in the past 10 days, but I’m still at a much much happier weight than I was six months ago!
    2. We’ve had several days of cooler weather and I’ve been able to get out in the garden every day, it had been too hot for a while to do anything. It’s going to heat up again soon and that is also nice – back in the pool!
    3. Rereading old Enid Blyton “Mallory Towers” boarding school books. Such an alien world to an Australian! And probably not really much like that in reality.

  • posted by Flick

    I’m on a week of forced no lifting, jolting, pushing, pulling etc. and am amazed how many activities this excludes so I’m finding it quite difficult. I have found though that trips to galleries are not excluded and have been lucky enough to visit the Songlines of Seven Sisters exhibition at the Nationsl Museum. Not only a fascinating foundation/creation story but also some of the most beautiful Australian indigenous art I have seen. I know we have a difficult history and an ongoing challenge to properly recognise and reconcile, but this exhibition really demonstrated how rich and ancient a culture and made me hopeful.

  • posted by Verano

    What lovely uplifting posts from everyone! Happy first birthday Theo it’s a great milestone to reach.
    So yesterday I read THE book again, well almost finished, and I think I may try a different method of maybe 4:3 and probably two meals a day, 15:9 which suits me best, I think.

    1. I re-read the book and realise that MM offers far more than a rigid 800. You tend to become set on one path but after 6 months of ‘maintainIng’ , instead of losing, I need a new way.
    2. I have to be realistic and forget about losing weight when I’m away. It only leads to disappointment and frustration. Staying below my trigger weight is my new goal for holidays.
    3. I am going to forget the current challenges and start over next Tuesday (even though I’m still away) with a new journal and a new mindset. I love new journals! Sad I know!

    Anyway, hope everyone else is also staying positive.

  • posted by JackieM

    Natalie – my daughter’s just started playing lacrosse. It’s brought back so many Malory Towers memories! I loved those books, but definitely didn’t have a Malory Towers childhood here in England either – not just the weather that was different either! Hopefully hers will be like it a bit, in a good way (no midnight feasts on my watch though!) x

  • posted by JackieM

    Positives (2 days worth)

    1. Got lots of School Governor work done yesterday (it’s a voluntary role, and sometimes feels like busy-work but this felt productive

    2. Persuaded husband he was too ill to go to work (cough and cold, but bad one). He went to train station, then came home and is now in bed. He’s stubborn as a mule to this is a big positive,

    3. Feel like all the plates are spinning at the moment, even though there’s quite a few of them.

    4. Almond milk – used to hate taste, now don’t, means I am enjoying my tea again.

    5. Eating healthily, not just low carb. More veg than you can shake a stick at!

    6. Haircut tomorrow! Yay!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Not been around for a couple of days, but have enjoyed reading all the positives here this morning. Theo, how wonderful your OH did his best to shoulder some of the load for you and that he can still surprise you. V, loving your fresh approach and hope it brings you the success you are aiming for – I can particularly relate to your point 2. This is the approach I take now when away. There are often so many variables and trying to lose weight when you have no control over how something is prepared, exactly what is in it and then having to guestimate what might be a sensible portion can be fraught. And your point 3. – think sometimes we all need that little bit of space to regroup and prepare ourselves to make a new start.

    My positives for today are:
    1) Have been away for a week and managed to stay the same weight – nothing lost, nothing gained.
    2) Bought some yummy stuff from the wholefood shop – some super dark chocolate, turmeric ‘latte’ powder, a goats milk gouda and a packet of organic cacao coconut macaroons (for our drive out the Turkey). The turmeric ‘latte’ could become addictive I think!
    3) Yesterday we left very happy parents with a refitted bathroom.

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning. My positives are……
    1. Had a visit from a lovely chiropodist who left my feet looking and feeling wonderful.
    2. Complimented on my “shiny” hair … thanks to my wonderful hairdresser who uses a great vitamin conditioner which really works.
    3. Back below my trigger weight so all is well here!

    Have a good day!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    My positive are
    Under 12 stone today
    Under 76 kgs (into the 75’s)
    Able to stay wrapped up warm indoors in this miserable weather

  • posted by SunnyB

    Excellent news Sunshine – onwards and downwards. Sounds like you have been quite pampered, V and great that you are back below your target weight.

    My positives today are:
    1) Hit a new low on the scales today – not brave enough to post it, want to see where I am next Tuesday first.
    2) Enjoying researching accommodation for our drive back from Turkey in July.
    3) OH isn’t working this afternoon, so sometime together.

  • posted by Verano

    SunnyB that was ‘trigger’ not ‘target’ have a way to go before I hit that!

    Great s-g!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Ooops! Sorry, Verano. Still it’s good that you are back below trigger weight and even that is making progress towards target, so all good. Keep on Keeping on!

  • posted by Verano

    SunnyB this certainly is a thread for positive thoughts! Yes I have a ‘trigger’ weight, as I’m sure lots of others do, that I will not go above because I know that would be the beginning of the slippery slope. I only allow myself a 3lb window and if I go above that then it’s back to the plan, although I do steer clear of refined carbs anyway. Couldn’t even think about regaining weight, and going back there with an extra 62lbs or so, high blood sugars and metformin!

  • posted by Theodora

    With you on that one, V. No way am I putting all that blubber back on.

    My positives. ………

    1) Yesterday morning o/h suddenly, apropos of nothing, invited me out for lunch at a newly refurbished lakeside pub. So we enjoyed a 2 mile walk (with the dogs) around the lake, in bitterly cold but very sunny weather, finishing with a lovely lunch in front of a roaring fire.

    2) This morning we received in the post an invitation to the wedding of my younger son’s best friend and his girlfriend – lovely couple, and am exceedingly fond of them, but rarely see them so this came out of the blue and was totally unexpected, but we were thrilled to be included., especially as our boy is Best Man😊

    3) Despite gale force winds last night and being surrounded by damage to buildings and felled trees, we have escaped unscathed. O/h spent the morning rebuilding an elderly neighbour’s fence.

  • posted by JackieM


    1) new v short haircut, thumbs up from hairdresser, husband and me. This is not me, sadly, but it is the haircut


    2) great rehearsal – got to do some emoting

    3) gale blew down tree onto train track – oh had to work from home

    4) new low on scales (I think) unless I went a tad lower when Ill, but in any case First time when well!

    5) great chat with old bloke I met at top of hill about dogs

  • posted by SunnyB

    Thought I’d throw in some positives as the w/e approaches.

    1) Made lots of yummy almond crackers today – three lots, one with the addition of milled nuts and flaxseed, one with chia and parmesan and the other with chia and a couple of teaspoons of turmeric latte mix. Should keep me going for a while.

    2) Going out with friends for a curry this evening. I’m being very careful all day, just having a little kefir and a few almond crackers, plus lots to drink to keep hydration up to allow me to have a glass of wine later.

    3) Almost finished booking the hotels for our drive out and back to Turkey, just a couple left to sort, then all our travel plans will be in place. Very exciting!

  • posted by Theodora

    My positives:–

    1) Took my 93 year old mother for a hospital out-patient appt. with her physiotherapist this morning as a follow up to her broken and dislocated shoulder (last September) and the lovely physio has signed her off, saying that very few of her patients manage to get as much movement and strength back after such a traumatic injury. So well done Mum (she’s worked really hard at the exercises, bless her😊)

    2) Following that appt, had to take her for a chest xray, but that has come back clear😊

    3) It’s Friday, and I allow myself wine on a Friday😀😀😀

    PS Jackie, loving that little elfin cut – had one just like it years ago and adored it, then wore it really long for years, now just a boring (but very easy to look after) bob.

  • posted by Verano

    Yet again all your posts are so uplifting.
    Love the haircut JackieM. I wouldn’t mind looking like her either!
    Ahh Theo your mum sounds like a very determined lady. Think you obviously take after her!
    SunnyB hope you enjoy/ed your curry. Just interested but how long does it take you to drive to Turkey? Sounds like an interesting trip.

    My three, although a bit late…..
    1. Still enjoying the sun and the smell of the ocean although the clock is ticking with just a few more days left.
    2. So pleased to be missing the awful UK weather.
    3. Needing to pinch myself because my grandson is 10 tomorrow. Double figures so soon where has the time gone.

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