Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by JackieM

    I can’t believe you have a boring anything Theodora!


    1)nice words about my hair (thankyou ladies!)

    2) My sons really good mood appreciating things I did for him

    3) sat and read book in sunshine (enforced inactivity as waiting in for stuff)

    4) how pleased son is watching a ‘Big Cats’ documentary right now!

  • posted by Theodora

    Aww Jackie, what lovely, simple, every day positives. I think that sometimes we look too hard, fail to find, and ignore the lovely things that are staring us in the face.😊

    And trust me, there is far more about me that is boring than interesting – but don’t the Chinese have a proverb (or maybe a curse?) about “interesting”? So, frankly, I’m happy to settle for “boring”😉

  • posted by Nick C

    It is the little things in life that should be fully embraced and treasured. Not to say that cartwheels and loud cheering is needed over ever little event or moment but to feel some happiness/fulfilment for ourselves and others.
    I feel from a male prospective that we more often than not totally miss this understanding and often misread what we should do and what we end up normally doing.
    We may label somethings as boring but essential it’s these moments that allow us to be us, comfortable in our skin and sleep peacefully when our heads hit the pillow.
    So I now too allow myself to be a little ‘boring’

    Waffle over.

  • posted by Natalie

    Theodora I believe the curse (definitely a curse) is “May you live in interesting times.”

    Spread over the past three days:
    1. We went to Cronulla beach a couple of days ago to walk along the esplanade which was lovely. It was hot but not unbearably so, but the UV was high and I was worried that I or my daughter would get sunburned despite our care – but we didn’t.
    2. I spent an hour this morning gardening before it got too hot, Tim mowed the lawn, and it’s looking tidy.
    3. Recently we’ve been working on the stuff in the garage, we gave some to charity, got council to do a pick-up of junk, and yesterday swept it out and tidied the remainder like bikes and the lawn mower. All done.

  • posted by SunnyB

    I know what you mean, Nick, sometimes boring can give us the peace and space to just be and recharge. There was a time in my life, I felt my life was boring and bland and wanted it to be more interesting, but there are many types of interesting and the interesting I got was not fun. Now, years later, I’m so grateful for a life that others might consider boring.

    Struggling to find positives today, as having eaten too much when we went for a curry last night, I’m feeling cr++py today. Totally self inflicted and not worthy of sympathy of course. Anyway, today I won’t eat unless I feel physically hungry and hopefully a few cups of ginger tea will help to settle my digestive system in the meantime.

    Right now though, I’ll see if I can identify some small positives:

    1) Enjoyed the company of friends last evening, was good to catch up with them.
    2) Watered my orchids this morning and there are eight now in bloom after a fallow period (I have approx. thirty orchids about a third of which are babies at the moment.)
    3) Going to do a bit of housework now, as I think moving about a little might make be feel better, so I’m off to vac the carpets.

  • posted by JackieM

    On the subject of boring. When I was about 19 I went to my first therapy session and it became clear I had to chose between high drama and being ‘normal’. Believe it or not, it took a while to decide. I came down on the side of ‘normal’ even though i regretfully suspected it would be boring. But I do not regret it one iota. So here’s to boring!

    My biggest positive today is weight related, kind of. Back in the day when I worked in the city and had loads of disposable income I bought myself the loveliest lingerie (not sexy, but lovely) just for me. No major events are associTed with the underwear other than I loved it and kept it even though I haven’t been able to wear it for years.

    Well yes, you’ve guessed it, I have it on! And it is still lovely, the positive is not the weight but getting to wear something I really value.

    Which leads to second positive, I need to go buy some new underwear as I only have 1 bra that fits now. And a bitter sweet one, which is that I have a drawer full of large clothes that I love but it’s time to let them go so I can fill it with things that fit.

    Third positive is dog doesn’t jump up anymore – big one that as it’s mortifying when he does – he’s 6 months and the size of a full grown Labrador.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Some lovely positives there JackieM – love the story about the underwear. It’s so good to be able to wear things that we have had to side line, but had held on to as it had a particular value or significance to us.

    Your talk of needing to buy new bras, reminded me of the ‘smalls for all’ charity – please see attached http://www.smallsforall.org/
    Was thinking if anyone is looking to get rid of any bras still in good condition, they might like to consider passing them on to this charity – just a thought.

  • posted by JackieM

    SunnyB – if anyone has good quality bras they don’t need anymore it will be the fabulous ladies here, reducing daily as they are. What a great idea!

    I meant to say, I will be in touch with you soon about orchids, I bought a couple as a treat and only one is thriving. So positively good to find an expert xx

  • posted by SunnyB

    Miffed as the scales gave a silly reading today, considering how little I consumed yesterday. Of course the little gain will disappear in a day or two, but it really makes one wonder exactly how these things work doesn’t it.

    Anyway, despite the unwanted extra 0.2lb this morning, here are a few positives:

    1) Got the last of the accommodation booked for our upcoming drive to/from Turkey.
    2) Confirmed this morning, that an old friend is going to come and visit us for a week while we out there.
    3) Having a very chilled day today and planning slow cooked garlic chicken for dinner this evening.

    JackieM, wouldn’t say I was an expert when it comes to orchids, it just seems that phalaenopsis orchids are about the only house plants that will tolerate me! Not so successful with other types of orchids, although I have one or two. Happy to offer an opinion though, if you let me know what the problem is with your orchid. x

  • posted by You snooze you gain

    Sunny, take comfort from the fact that all weight is not fat, some is just water, 0.2lb is as near to nothing as makes no difference. Dig out the tape measure!

  • posted by Natalie

    1. The temperature of the water in our swimming pool was 32C today. Beautiful. And still cool and refreshing compared to air temperature!
    2. New season of RuPaul’s drag race on TV. Actually probably a very old one, but not one we’ve seen so new to us.
    3. Feeling so much better with a small increase in carbs. And grapes are delicious! I’d been mostly avoiding them before.

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning. Again lots of lovely posts to brighten the day, although it is lovely and ‘bright’ here!

    Sorry I’ve not posted for a few days just been busy so it’s good to catch up with all your ‘good news’. Mine is …..
    1. Have ruled a line in my journal and am ‘starting anew’ today.
    2. Lots of sociable occasions over the weekend with friends. Always nice.
    3. Feeling relaxed and refreshed and now thinking about returning home.

  • posted by KazzUK


    1 – After a snowy/rainy weekend in the Midlands, the sun is out (at the moment) and the temp has risen to 7C!! Positively balmy but makes me feel so much better. So am going for a quick walk at lunchtime.

    2 – I too saved my old, small underwear from many years ago – I still remember how good it felt to peg it on the line and not be embarrassed! I shall be wearing it in a couple more months I hope!

    3 – am making an effort to make some new friends locally – joined a walking group that goes out every Sunday morning, although it was cancelled yesterday because of the snow. We also have a brunch meeting once per month at a nearby pub and the organiser has put together a team for a quiz night once a month – both of which I have either gone to or joined!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Some great positives already posted today. I’m sure that taking a little time out to identify a few daily positives, gives us a mental boost and for sure, it all goes to make for an uplifting read as well.

    Not so miffed today as the scales showed a drop of 0.4lb, meaning that extra 0.2lb has already gone. Hoping to be able to report an overall loss tomorrow, but not counting chickens!

    My positives for today are:
    1) We had a sunny morning here today – always helps one feel more positive I find.
    2) Bought a new orchid today, in a very pretty lemony lime shade. I so enjoy my orchids and didn’t have on this colour – until today!
    3) Have decided tomorrow marks the start of a new week on the 800 reboot challenge and I’m going to really knuckle under and religiously weigh, measure and record all I consume. So close to my new target weight now, I just really want to have a good push this week to try to achieve it in the next two weeks.

    Hope everyone has a good week and I’ll be looking forward to reading all the positive posts.

  • posted by JGwen

    1. Unloading the animal feed from the car and carrying it to the feed room.. The poultry feed comes in 20kg sacks, while the sheep nuts are in 25kg sacks. It is such an eye opener to realise that I have lost more than a sack of poultry feed and am heading towards the sheep nut weight.
    2. Waterproofs. have so needed them over the last few days.
    3. Have managed to dip in and out of carbs this week. I was on a hedge laying course over the weekend, which is hard physical work, and took advantage of the being offered a bread roll with the soup at lunch time both days. But it hasn’t lead to a craving for carbs yesterday or today when not being so active.
    4. Watching channel 4 program about diets yesterday. – There was one person who was a diet to mimic fasting, only costs £200 for 5 days supplies of the packaged instant meals. Then there was the expensive contraption to mimic the energy burnt by shivering, that you wear as shorts in a centrally heated room. – Talk about having more money than sense.

  • posted by SunnyB

    It’s amazing isn’t it JGwen, when you heft something around that is equivalent or close to the weight you’ve lost? Makes one wonder how you managed to carry it around with you all day every day doesn’t it? Great result so far by the way and you’ll soon be at the sheep nut weight! Good news about the carbs too.

    My positives for today are:
    1) Happy the scales were co-operative for this week’s weigh-in. So close to my new target weight now!
    2) Made a good solid start on compiling the Feb edition of our village news letter.
    3) Took the tape measure to my waist today – it’s months since I last did that. Very surprised to read 24.5inches (just over 62cm). Stunned and amazed, as the last time I checked it was a smidge under 29inches (73.5cm)! Guess that explains why I can wear some size 8 trousers.
    4) Tried on a skirt I haven’t worn in approx. 15yrs (yes I know right? How come I kept it? Just because it’s beautiful and I love it). Anyway, I’m delighted to find it fits beautifully and I shall be wearing it the next time we go out some where.

    Hope to see lots of other positives being posted today. Please let us know what little joys you are finding in your life right now.

  • posted by Verano

    LOL! Thank you all for making me smile. I love the nice underwear that now fits again, co-operative scales, but think JGwen your number 4 has to take the prize!!!

    There seems to be lots of talk here and there about being a ‘ different shape ‘ when losing weight this way. For certain my shape is different and clothes that used to fit me at my current weight look all wrong now!

    So for my three ……
    1. Logged all my food and drink yesterday and WOW was I way out …. the wrong way!
    2. Given how OTT I’ve been for the last two months of holidays and Christmas etc, just delighted to have only put on a kilo.
    3. Have spent lots of time relaxing and reading which I don’t always get a chance to do.

    Hope you are all having a positive day.

  • posted by JackieM

    Late night positives

    1) my daughter is on an all out campaign to let her apply to go on three month School exchange tonAustralia next year – I am very much enjoying her thoughtfulness and enthusiasm (she’ll need to do something special to make me think she should go though. At least, I don’t mind her going, I don’t want to host anyone for 3 months)

    2) my son has done his homework without moaning or me having to say

    3) neither child begs for a snack or pudding, anymore. and we don’t have a long moan if they do ask and I say ‘fruit’

  • posted by Theodora

    Goodness, Jackie, 3 months is an awfully long time to “host” someone you don’t know, let alone a teenager! Mind you, it’s a long time for your daughter to be away from home too. Good luck to you if you decide to go for it – mind you, I wouldn’t like to be in your house if you say no! Teenage girls can be, err let’s say, a tad difficult when they choose to be!

    My positives today:-

    1) Blowing a gale and torrential rain here (our road is flooded) so I tried out my brand new walking gear – jacket and trousers, sold as 100% windproof and waterproof – while walking the dogs and I was snug as a bug in a rug, and came home bone dry! Which is more than I can say for the dogs, but I guess you can’t have everything😉

    2) Going to the cinema this evening to see The Post – really good write up and I really rate both Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep, so looking forward to it.

    3) Just got an email to say a delivery which wasn’t expected until next Monday, when I would have had to arrange for someone to take delivery as I’ll be out all day, is actually being delivered today, when I am home all day anyway. Yeah!

    Hope everyone else has lots of good positives – we used to have a “Peaks and Pit” thread, where we could post both the best and the worst of our day, so it allowed us to vent too, but it’s really nice just to have lots of positives to make us appreciate life.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Theo, really admire you testing out those waterproofs this morning. It was certainly throwing the rain down and blowing a gale in the south west. If they’ll stand up to that, they must be good. I remember the ‘Peaks and Pits’ thread, although I’d not thought of it until you mentioned it. Think I prefer the straight positives, as there are lots of threads to vent on and it’s kinda nice to have one purely for the uplifting stuff. For instance, today I’m struggling to find the positives, but posting on here is making me really think about the good things.

    1) The blue sued ankle boots I ordered have arrived and I’m delighted with them.
    2) Despite the scales being unkind again today (which I found a tad frustrating and disheartening) I have stayed focused and on plan.
    3) OH has installed new under cupboard counter lighting in the kitchen. Job has needed doing for a while and having the new lighting has made a huge difference to the feel of the room.

  • posted by marie123

    JGwen – I loved the whole poultry feed & sheep nuts reflection. Have been thinking about how I could get a sense of my weight loss by lifting something – I might try packing and weighing a suitcase. It would be interesting to feel just how much weight I’m now not carrying around.

    My positives:
    1) A woman I met at Pilates and told about the BSD has now bought the book. She is also going to show it to her friend who has Diabetes – I’m delighted.
    2) I’ve just moved into the healthy BMI range
    3) I’ve just got back from seeing Darkest Hour (Churchill film). We don’t often visit the cinema so it was lovely to go with my husband today. (Theodora, hope you enjoy The Post – we’re now planning to see that next week.)

  • posted by Flick

    Hi all, it is amazing when you pick up something the weight you have shed. My bushwalk training pack has that effect – it’s breathtaking.

    1.we’ve had a few cooler days here with some rain so everything has that lovely washed off smell and feel
    2. I found just the right everyday cutlery set as a house warming gift for my daughter
    3. I managed to fnd JackieM’s almond and seed cracker recipe. I can’t explain why I found it so hard to find, it was right there in the low carb thread all the time. Can’t wait to try them

  • posted by Theodora

    1) Sun is shining and, after all the torrential rain and gale force winds, had glorious 6 mile dog walk this morning.
    2) The snowdrops and crocuses are out and the daffodils, which grow wild around here, are poking their heads through the soil, so Spring is on it’s way.
    3) Trying to organise a Sunday lunch chez nous for 4th Feb – have invited a dozen people, replies came in this morning and every single one of them can make it, for a change!! Normally at least one or two are otherwise engaged, which always means reverting to a B list. Shock!! Horror!!.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Feeling bright and breezy today, so finding positives has not been difficult:

    1) Went out to test drive a new car with and for OH – it’s been bought. Has lots of ‘bells and whistles’ and he’s really excited about it.
    2) Flying visit for lunch from son, who was installing some equipment at a local business today. He lives 150 miles away, so lovely to get an extra visit from him.
    3) Just ordered a new rug for the living room, to go in front of the log burner. One of those things I’ve been meaning to get around to for ages.

    Hope everyone is having a positive day.

  • posted by Verano

    Hello all …. home again now …. back to reality ….. back to full blown BSD tomorrow… my three for today!

    Hope you are all still feeling positive …. I certainly am!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Welcome back V, hope you had a wonderful break and it’s good to read that you are ready to get back to the full on BSD again. Think most of us have managed to stay positive – I admit I struggled a bit a couple of days ago, but I’m back up again now. Here are my positives for today.

    1) The sun is shining here this morning, which is wonderful.
    2) Have pretty much finished drafting the village news letter – just waiting on one more entry and it’ll be complete.
    3) Scales were a little in the right direction today, so hoping to keep things in line over the w/e and report something good again on Tuesday.

    Have a great w/e folks and I’m looking forward to reading lots more positives soon.

  • posted by Verano

    Hi everyone. SunnyB I know how hard it can be some days but you are still here ‘checking in’ with your positives so that’s all good.

    Yesterday was a day of catching up for me but I have got some positives….
    1. Opened and sorted all the post.
    2. Logged all my food and drink in Fatsecret. I started a new ‘page’ in my journal last Tuesday, my weigh in day, with weight, waist and chest measurements so I have now made a new goal as though I’m just starting out on the journey.
    3. My new journey started yesterday, my next goal is to lose 13lb … so here goes!

    Hope Saturday is full of positives for us all.

  • posted by Theodora

    Welcome home V.

    My positives:-

    1) Had a wonderful evening yesterday listening to my elder granddaughter (17) sing/perform in “Oh What a Lovely War”, dedicated to the fallen of The Great War, 100 years on.

    2) At her request, and against my better judgement (mutton dressed as lamb, and all that) and with the urging of my fellow phoenixes, I wore the tiny mini-skirt she’d passed on to me as she was having a wardrobe clear-out and GOT COMPLIMENTS!😄😊😛

    3) Had a really sleepess night, finally dropped off to sleep at 6am, only to be woken by the phone at 7.30am and to find torrential rain and strong winds 😕 Then o/h brought me a cup of tea and told me to stay in bed and rest while HE took the dogs on their constitutional in the teeth of the gale 😀 Sometimes I realise all over again why I’m still marred to him after 49 years😉

    Mind you, there was a pay off – upon his sodden, windswept return an hour and a half later, he requested a full English!!! How could I refuse?!!😜

  • posted by SunnyB

    Bon voyage for you next journey, Verano. It’s horrid coming home and having to trawl through all the mail and try to get your head in the right space to get back to the normal routine. Well done you, for not letting the grass grow and getting straight back on the BSD proper.

    Theo – so glad the mini skirt was well received and I’m sure the compliments were well deserved – you look great in the photos you post here.

    It’s another grey and wet day here, but managing to find the positive nonetheless.

    1) This will sound like a strange one, but I’m thrilled to bits to have been able to purchase some pig trotters today. We had braised pig trotters last time we were in Singapore and I have been keen to have a go at cooking them myself, which I will now be doing !tomorrow – exciting!

    2) Bought a memory foam mattress topper for our bed this morning. The bed really needs replacing, but we’re planning to do that later in the year, when we redecorate the whole room. So, the topper is a stop gap and once the room is done and we have the new bed, the topper will go on the double bed in one of the spare rooms, meanwhile hopefully it will improve our comfort and sleep a little. Will be interesting to see how we sleep tonight.

    3) Cocktail night tonight – a Sakura Sling or a Geisha Martini I think!

  • posted by alliecat

    Sunny, are pig trotters pigs feet? What do they taste like???
    There is a southern dish in the South (U.S.) called pickled pig’s
    feet. I’ve never seen it in New England, though. Maybe our food
    guru Esnecca knows something about it. I’m fairly adventurous
    with food, but I don’t know about this 🙂 🙂 🙂


  • posted by SunnyB

    Yes, Allie, pigs trotters are pigs feet. My Mum remembers having them when she was a girl, living in the English countryside. No idea how they were cooked then.

    The dish I’m going to try to replicate is Chinese. We had pigs trotters at a Chinese restaurant in Singapore, flavoured with Chinese spices and soy sauce and was very tasty – slow cooked which helps to intensify the flavour. Hopefully I’ll be able to make something that comes close to what we had. Managed to get a recipe online that looks pretty good, so fingers crossed.

  • posted by Izzy

    a positive. Recently I’ve struggled a lot with finding positives, I know this is because of anxiety and depression and not because I have no positives, it just isn’t always easy to remember that, or pinpoint them.

    Today I’m feeling calmer than I have been generally recently, that is positive enough.

  • posted by alliecat

    That sounds like a wonderful flavor profile, Sunny. I’ve taught
    myself Indian cooking, authentic Mexican, a bit of Thai and some
    northern African cuisine, but I have little to no experience with
    Chinese. Very best of luck with the trial run of your dish tonight!
    If it’s a thumbs up, you can really surprise Luvtcook on her
    Good Eats thread, when she returns.
    Have a great evening…


  • posted by SunnyB

    That certainly does sound like a positive Izzy. Hope you will be managing to identify some more positives and post here again soon.

    Have decided to do the pig trotter dish tomorrow, but will let you know how it goes, Allie. OH expressed a desire for steak this evening, so that will be dinner tonight – along with a cocktail or two.

    Have a good evening everyone.

  • posted by JackieM

    1 – found a board game we all like (called Codenames)

    2) prawn, spinach curry. Yum.

    3) new top, size 8 from Fatface

  • posted by Natalie

    Sunny my sister-in-law is Chinese and eats things like beef tendons and chicken’s feet that don’t appeal to me at all, I don’t know about pig’s trotters I always thought that was a US thing but I guess they are eaten anywhere meat is expensive and not to be wasted (even the yucky bits!). Good luck with your cooking.

    I’m down with flu (or something) and even missed my father-in-law’s big 70th party last night which was disappointing but there are always positives to find.

    1. I wasn’t around all the party food last night so I didn’t have to struggle with temptation. This morning my weight is finally a smidgin below Monday’s weigh in.
    2. A glass of cold water when your mouth feels like something died in it (flu not hangover!).
    3. My daughter is having her birthday party here later today but I don’t have to do much other than prop myself up and look vaguely alert. Tim has done the cleaning, we’ll order them pizza for lunch, and 14-year-olds entertain themselves.

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning. This thread never fails to make me smile. Reading this first thing in the morning with my coffee really does get the day off to a good start. Thanks for the welcome back Theo. It’s good to have time out whilst still sticking with the ‘principles’ but I do find it hard to get back into the ‘losing’ groove again. SunnyB this ‘journey ‘ is one of the hardest to start again but as they say ‘every journey starts with the first step’ and I have taken that, so now it’s just a case of putting one foot in front of the other! Hope you enjoyed your cocktails!

    Natalie sorry to hear you aren’t well but I love your idea of a ‘glass of cold water’ being a ‘positive ‘ . The simple pleasures in life!

    All this talk of pigs trotters, chicken tendons etc. has taken me back to trip we made to one of the islands off Hong Kong. I don’t remember the name but at that time there was no motorised transport. We went into a restaurant for lunch and I ordered ‘chicken balls’. To this day I have no idea what they were, but I certainly didn’t eat them!!

    Izzy if you can find just one positive a day that’s definitely going in the right direction. And JackieM I’m not sure which ‘tastes’ better size 8 or prawn and spinach curry! I’d take either!

    So to my three for yesterday …..
    1. Made a hearty pot roast to match the nasty weather.
    2. Pruned my plants . I have a lovely ‘peace lily’ that has been sprouting the white ‘flowers’ for nearly three months now and is still going strong. Must like the spot it’s living in.
    3. Found time to relax for an hour or so with my jigsaw …. The Titanic….just before it sailed away!

    Have a good Sunday. I’m off to catch up with my ironing.

  • posted by caronl

    Good morning
    Well if Natalie can find three with flu….I feel I must join the party!
    1. I reached my BMI range this morning. Yeah! Can’t find the emojis, but you all know how this feels/will feel!
    2. Had a gorgeous bracing walk with the dog along the North Sea coast this morning. (Dutch side).
    3. Have discovered that I love ricotta and it’s on special offer this week!

    Oh did I say that I reached my BMI???? Perhaps I did…….

  • posted by Flick

    Woohoo caronl – 🎉🎉🎉🌟🌟🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟💫💫💫🌈🌈🥦

  • posted by marie123

    Hi caronl – brilliant news. Congratulations.

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    Well done Caronl. I am chasing you (I hope). Just another 5 stone to go for me!

    Nonna Mary

  • posted by Izzy

    After harbouring a desire for it for a long time yesterday I made myself a hat. I love my new hat! Look up whitney sews newsboy hat on youtube if you want to see the design. Mine is a pale blue light denim.

    So that was positive 1, positive 2 is that I have decided 100% that I don’t give a crap what anyone may say or think – I’m wearing that hat in public today.

    positive 3- I’m clearly finding my lost inner ‘don’t give a crap about what others think’ person. She’s coming back finally!

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    You go Izzy! Wear your hat with pride. You are amazing.

    My three for today…

    1) After seeing pictures of Esnecca, Theo and Sunnyb I have decided that I no longer want to be just a healthy weight. Hell, I want to look as good as those people!!!

    2) My cold finally seems to be going, although still a bit snuffly (I wont give exact as it’s too gross).

    3) The sun is shining and I feel good (da da da da da da da think James Brown).

    I hope everything is well with everyone.
    Lots of Love
    Nonna Mary

  • posted by marie123

    Hi Izzy,

    I’ve just done what you suggested. I love the hat. As some of our friends on here say – you go girl!

  • posted by Joes Nonna

    By the way Izzy….that hat ROCKS !!

  • posted by marie123

    Hi Mary – our posts crossed – I’m away to do some food shopping – we’re having a belated Burns night celebration tonight (no non-BSD food for me, though). Good to hear the cold’s going and the sun is shining – catch up with you soon. x

  • posted by Izzy

    thanks guys, I’m adding a dragonfly brooch to my hat, I LOVE MY HAT lol

  • posted by SunnyB

    Neat hat Izzy. I’m sure I used to have one like it a few years back, but no idea what happened to it. Nonna M, I’m sure you can achieve whatever you want for yourself. Congrats caronl – you must be buzzing with that result and you deserve to be very proud to get your BMI in the right range. Lovely long post V, good to have you back.

    Preparing the pig trotters proved more challenging than I’d thought and singeing the hairs off proved to be the only effective way to get rid of them – stinky! But anyway they are in the slow cooker and the smells are much nicer now. Hoping to end up with a nice gelatinous dish to eat with some veggies later.

    My positives for today:

    1) Slept like a baby on our new mattress topper last night.
    2) Created a new cocktail to put in our village news letter for February –
    Be My Valentine: 30ml Sake, 20ml Gin, 10ml Lychee Liqueur, 10ml Lime Juice, 5ml Rosewater and a good dash of Angostura Bitters, Shaken together with a generous amount of ice and strained into a chilled glass.
    3) Enjoyed a brunch of scrambled egg and homemade gravlax – made the curing paste with tequila and vanilla this time.

    Will let you all know how the pig trotters turn out. Have a great Sunday everyone.

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Positives for today (in fact last week for some of them 😁)

    1. Mum has just visited and helped me clothes declutter, another 10 bags to charity shops, this time a combination of those that would still ‘do’ at my last year clear out, and some of the longer term big stuff that had just missed the cut last time. Finally I am starting to feel that an organised wardrobe is coming together.
    2. Apart from one biscuit today (still within my calories target) I have been keeping on keeping on so well that I am a fraction of a pound away from a stone loss in just 8 days. More of the same next week, though increasing calories just keeping carbs low and throwing in the occasional FMD.
    3. Booked my holiday for 17th Feb in sunny (hopefully) Cornwall 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  • posted by Flick

    Monday morning here.

    Positives from me –

    1. I managed not to have an argument with a very foolish old man who insists on spreading bird seed on the ground at my local hilly nature reserve. It seems others have tried to rationalise with him, so he is very defensive. Did manage to suggest he at least use a native bird mix before he stonked off muttering under his breath. The dialogue in my head was much more colourful. 🤬

    2. I am running out of clothes that fit and my ‘might fit sometime soon’ pile is depleted

    3. My fridge is full of fabulous fresh food.

    Also school holidays begin to end this week, which is a serious relief for this retired person!

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