NOKIE I’m sorry to hear about your husband.s surgery. Any idea when it will be? I know you will be a strong source of support to him at this time, but make sure you look after yourself too. We’re always here for you! And so sorry about your cat too 🥲 One of mine had to be pts over Christmas so I can really identify with you there. I hope you enjoy the show on Wednesday. You must tell us all about it. I’ve not yet jumped on the air fryer bandwagon but would be interested to know Clare’s thoughts, and how it fits into our way of eating.
DAWN I hope that the last 10 days of this journey will be positive for you. It’s so hard to get back in the groove but as you say, when you do, you realise how much better you feel. A bit like a light bulb going on in your head. I hope you can find that switch again!
On which point, I must admit I’m really cross with myself at the moment. Things were going really well until a few days ago. I’m on half term from school and had to fit in lots of “sadmin” stuff, which I somehow then used to justify eating and drinking far too much. Coupled with also doing less exercise, I’ve managed to regain 3lb since Wednesday!! Now, hopefully most of that is water weight, but I do feel disappointed in myself. Never mind . . . we still have another 10 days left. I’m going to have a restful day today, then get back on my (hopefully!) winning combination tomorrow of either 18:6/OMAD, no wine and lots more walking. If I can just get back to the 139s/140s – where I’d been consistently settled for the last couple of weeks before this week’s lapse – by the end of this journey I’ll be satisfied.
Hope everyone else is ok, and let’s make the most of these last 10 days!!
DCT xx