Hello everyone
I feel I have had a great start to our jive to July – the time just feels right for me after a rubbish start to 2021. The thread is lively and we are all very focused on the task ahead. The first three days are always the worst for me. I was in ketosis yesterday and I feel that I am well on the way to making the next three months really count. Hopefully, we are moving towards the end of lockdown here in the UK; the North West where I live seems to have been locked down for a very, very long time and I hope there are brighter times ahead. I listed a few lovely summer clothes for sale on eBay a few weeks ago as they were too tight to wear but I’ve taken them off today in the full knowledge that I’ll be fitting back into them by July! I also tried some of my summer items on just to gauge how they’ll look and I know that by the time I will be wearing them I will be at least 10lb lighter so they’ll look good. How is that for optimism! There was no Friday night treat for me last night. I usually sit down with a large G&T and a packet of crisps and/or nuts on a Friday night. Instead, I had a large glass of sparkling water. Today it will be a coffee shake for lunch and I’ll make the Halloumi bake from the Fast 800 recipe book for my evening meal – I haven’t eaten any cheese all week so that will be a lovely treat. I am excited to see what I weigh on Tuesday.
Let’s keep going one day at a time, one meal at a time and let’s to do our best every day. I am committed to trying hard to lose 4lb a month for the next three months.
Have a good weekend everyone.