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  • posted by fiftyfifty

    Hi tokyo14. If you’re looking for a new brownie recipe you might want to try this one:
    I left out the espresso powder because I didn’t have any, and used coconut oil instead of ghee, but they turned out great! So light (no flour at all, just cocoa) and deliciously choclatey.
    I have made them a few times now, with both almond butter as well as peanut butter. Fantastic on their own, or with strawberries and cream ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by tokyo14

    good morning everyone well i bit miffed this morning stepped on scales and up 0.2 of a kg i know its not much but i have stuck bloody religiously to it thought it would be more !!!! so i have lost 2.2 kg this week and a couple of inches of my waist i know thats ok but my worry is its going in wrong direction i officialy hate scales!!!!!!!!!!!! bit gutted

  • posted by Winifred

    Yes Lucky, it’s full fat milk. I only drink it in a cafe as don’t have milk at home, but do spend time in cafe’s. !

  • posted by josie53

    sorry , i know exactly how it feels am going to try next week to eat the food on the plan as now i use foods that are adding up to 800 calories and keeping below 50 carbs. Keep going its only one weeks results.

  • posted by Baristagirls

    I think someone is rather into the chocolate mousse dark in our Lidl!
    Oh well it’s good for me not to have it on standby.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Fiftyfifty – those brownies, though? I always read the comments on recipes like this, it looks like I have to try these too! They look and sound delicious! Thank you for sharing them ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oh Tokyo, don’t stress the 0.2, if you’d only weighed once this week, you’d be none the wiser about it would you? And a couple of inches off your waist? A couple? A COUPLE???? I only managed one! Looks to me like it’s definitely going in the right direction. Sometimes our bodies don’t always show things in kgs and lbs. Hide the scales now until next Friday. Then you won’t know about any fluctuations in the week. Well done you. Don’t be gutted. You’re 5lbs lighter than you were this time last week with a waist that’s two inches smaller. Sounds good to me, anyway?

    Ah right Winifred. Might be worth asking if they can do a skinny one for you? You could have two of those for the calories of one. I know we’re meant to be eating full fat dairy but when two mere cups of coffee is over a third of your daily calorie allowance… yikes. I couldn’t survive.

    Omg Baristagirls, have you been foiled again? *mumbles* I have two unopened packs in my breadbin…

    Well, this morning both hubby and I are another pound down each, that’s 17lb for me and 13lb for him ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Baristagirls

    On a contrary note, Winifred, I think the full fat milk is well worth the carbs and calories for the flavour! I have one latte a day now and remember the fat is quite allowed. Just have to keep an eye on the other carbs to make sure you don’t go over.

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    ROFL Lucky, I can’t believe YOU are finally telling people not to obsess about the scales. Is that because yours are still broken???!!! You know my feelings on perpetual weight checking. The 2 inches off the waist is a far more important result – your liver and pancreas are slimming down and cleaning up!!

    I checked out that brownie recipe. Looks nice BUT nowhere are calories mentioned! Aren’t we just going to stuff ourselves full of cakes like before if we start down this path??

    Grilled apricots for breakfast. They were a challenge. Made me suck my face in a bit with their tartness. Not sure that’s a winner….

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    I agree with you to an extent Baristagirls but Winifred was drinking two. Which doesn’t leave much in the way of calories for food, and she has said earlier in the thread that she was having trouble keeping to 800 calories a day, which personally, I would too, if I was ‘spending’ over 300 calories of 800 a day on coffee. Each to their own, I suppose, I just thought it would make sense, if she had to have two, to switch to skimmed milk. I know it’s not the ‘done’ thing, just looking for a workable solution for her. Or, as you do, she could drink one ‘decent’ one. But personally, I couldn’t justify two full fat coffees a day. I’d be climbing the ruddy walls trying to eat what I want to on under 500 cals a day ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Janey! I know, I know, but it’s never easy taking your own advice, is it? I think Tokyo has done brilliantly! From the comments, the brownies work out 100 calories each. I don’t know what size they would be but… Janey! Chocolate. Cake. Even if they’re only an inch square! Might be an idea for when I have friends around for a meal, better than cracking and stuffing myself with Daim bar cheesecake or Sticky Banoffee Pudding or… I’ll stop now. I’ll stop.

    Grilled apricots, eh? Sounds… yeah. Bacon chickpea wrap, anyone?

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Bacon. Chickpea wrap. OMG that knocks my apricots into a cocked hat (whatever that means). Why didn’t I think of such a breakfast option???

    I know what you mean about cake. Chocolate cake. But really? Can we leave it at just one? I am a slave to my sweet tooth…. ๐Ÿ˜•

  • posted by tokyo14

    hi thanks for you kind comments as soon as soon as i stepped off the scales i thought i must post on here i knew your positiveness(is that a word !!!) would stop me been a miserable bugger!!
    i know its a good loss i think after reading peoples post i expected more i thought as i sat in the bathroom glaring at the scales i have two choices !!
    1) give up and return to my old chocolate eating sugar glugging ways or
    2) continue for another week watch my calories and carbs and mainly portion size and not get weighed till next thurs!!!!
    i choose 2!!! but on that choice i have a question for you wise ladies
    how big should my portions be ? and as an example of todays meals am i eating too much
    breakfast-yoghurt and four strawberries
    lunch- salad with a bit of feta and one mackeral fillet
    tea- heck sausages 1/2? roasted peppers and courgettes and aubergines
    thanks for any advice
    so today i am cleaning and sorting my kitchen cupboards oh the life i lead !!!! x

  • posted by LindaA

    Hi Tokyo14
    You’re doing great, keep it up.๐Ÿ˜€
    Are you eating enough fat and drinking enough water or herbal teas? Are you adding olive oil to your salads and veges?
    Are you recording everything you eat on a calorie counting app? I use EasyDietDiary, but I’m in Australia and I’m not sure if you can get it if you’re not. I see a lot of others use My Fitness Pal. I find that to be the most critical thing, I weigh and measure EVERYTHING and record it. That way you don’t have to worry so much about portion sizes as you’ll be keeping track throughout the day and will know how much you’ve got left to have.
    I’m now in week 10 and have lost 15.6kg. My highest loss was 4.6kg (first week) and the lowest was 0.4kg (2nd week), but seem to average around 1.5kg per week.
    Keep it up, we’re all different and we’ll all lose weight and inches at different rates, but it will work!๐Ÿ˜Š

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    They go with everything! And if they don’t, I’ll make them go with it! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d be ok in my house as there’s 6 of us and my children are like locusts. I’m savoury over sweet any day of the week but I think if I only made them for a special occasion, I’d be ok. Dying to try them though! I think the more you can have as ‘back up’ the better, really? Like the crackers, the chickpea wraps, they’re all weapons in my low carb weight loss arsenal at the moment. If I had a cake too, I’d be laughing. No, sorry, if I had a cake too, I’d be grinning. If I had pastry, I’d be laughing.

    Tokyo, I’m with Linda on this, you can’t say what size portion really. The food itself looks ok to me, but it’s only early days for me too, I’m still on week 2. I weigh everything too, and it is a PITA but a worthwhile one. I have a notepad and pen constantly with me in the kitchen making notes of what and how many grams I’ve used, and then I check the calorie counts as I go along online or from the packaging if possible, and work out what I have left for the day (rarely anything, usually a tad over!). It is time consuming. I suppose an app would be easier but I can’t get the hang of it, so this will do for me, for now. I do eat a lot less meat than I used to, and fill my plate with more salad and veggies to compensate. Good luck with the cupboards, my cutlery drawer is on my to do list, everyone dumps all manner in there! Especially hubby, there’s tape measures, screwdrivers, sellotape, nuts, screws, and the kids have managed to shove water bombs in too. What is wrong with them???? Eldest on way home from Uni, just gone to pick the rest of his stuff up and hand his key back in. Toddle off to vote. Sort tea. Take painkillers. Fall asleep in chair. That’s the plan anyway.
    Great weightloss Linda, by the way! Well done ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by tokyo14

    thanks linda and lucky think jotting stuff down whether on line or by hand is the way to go i used to do it years ago on my many low fat diets!!!!!
    anyway completed cupboard cleaning i was brutal chucked allsorts out was so surprised how much carbs where in stuff only me and my cat at home today and i was like ” really how much”!!!
    anyway thanks again for your support week 2 here i come !!!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Definitely the way to go. You’re doing fab. Ohhhhhhh I didn’t put two and two together about the cupboards! I thought you just meant like giving them a wipe down, I didn’t think about the contents. I went through mine last week and I put all the things I can’t eat now (pasta, rice, assorted flour and sugars etc) in a spare cupboard in one of my outhouses. The kids still eat rice and pasta and no doubt I’ll end up using the flour and sugar, even if not for me, I often get asked to make cakes or things for others. Given me much more room now for… for… tins of bloody chickpeas. Yay ๐Ÿ˜‰
    As long as your cat didn’t answer you, I think you’re ok ๐Ÿ˜‰ x
    You can do this! We’re all at different stages, and just think, one day we’ll be the ones inspiring people just starting. Hopefully. That’s the plan anyway… ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Oh yes.. look at me.. smugly breezing through week 7 ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Seriously, it does get easier and food choices become less ‘conscious’.. and in my case, sometimes more malicious if cauliflower is involved. Muahahaha. I actually think week 2 into week 3 is the most testing time as its the body’s last ditch attempts to hold onto carb cravings. After that, you’re on a more even keel, plus you’re more aware of portions and danger foods.

    By the way, my boss is currently creating the most revolting smoothie in the office. It’s the consistency that gets me (you know what I mean..) I’ll pass on trying it, thanks all the same!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    I’m going to be smug one day. One day soon…

    Yes, I know what you mean. Bleugh. Is it green? What colour is it???

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    No it’s more band-aid pink. Even watching him drink it made me heave ๐Ÿ™

    4 weeks and you will get your official smug star…countdown is progressing!!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Good morning everyone ๐Ÿ™‚ Week 3 officially starts here, and I am checking in to report a loss of 4lb in Week 2, a total loss of 18lbs so far. Hubby and I will do the measurements and photographs later when he is awake and hopefully he will get his stone today finally ๐Ÿ™‚ He’s embraced this way of eating too, although it is a tad easier when you’re having every meal cooked, calorie counted and presented to you ๐Ÿ˜‰ I know it’s a bit of a debatable measurement these days and a lot of people don’t use/like it, but my BMI has gone down 3.3 in the last two weeks as well. It’s always nice to see figures going down, so I’ll take that one too ๐Ÿ™‚

    I did have one tiny bar of the Lidl chocolate at about 2am the other night watching the referendum result as I was flagging a bit (I watched it to the end and I was like a zombie all day yesterday!). Even though tiny, I made sure I savoured it. In the past, it would have been gone in one bite, and swallowed without really tasting it. Eating for the sake of eating.

    Today, before doing more house and outhouse sorting, I’m going to meal plan for the next week. We are off to watch the rugby league team we support tomorrow, a 140 mile round trip. That used to mean lunch out, or a hefty packed lunch as we are out of the house until early evening. Oh, and fries and tomato ketchup at the ground… but no more. Toying with the idea of making a salad box for the hubby and I, might attempt a Coronation Chicken mix with greek yogurt instead of mayo, has anyone ever done this? Does it substitute well for mayo once all the spices and seasonings are in, or am I better off using mayo, just less of it?

    How is everyone doing, any weigh losses or non scale victories to report? ๐Ÿ™‚ My next two goals are another 3 lbs off for a stone and a half, and then another 6 lbs lost will take me into the 15 stone bracket. Looking forward to what week 3 brings now ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by tokyo14

    Good morning well done you on you further weight loss !! i bet you were thrilled to bits when you got of the scales.
    i have no further scale news to report staying off mine till next friday!! but have been writing all i eat for past few days and finding that helps .
    also finding not as hungry as usual which is great
    cant help on coronation chicken although think i would be tempted to use less mayo
    i have seen you mention those chocolate bars before what are they again we just got a huge new lidl opened so may go for a browse and if some fell into my basket who am i to refuse them!!!!
    i am toying with the idea of buying some clothes in the sale or hanging on till lost a bit more !! i am the lady that buys sttuff and it sits in my wardrobe for ages before i wear it so i am sure theres stuff in the wardrobe i havent worn from last year sales!!!!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Morning Tokyo ๐Ÿ™‚ Yes I was really happy with this week’s loss, it’s more than I would have lost in my second week on a ‘traditional’ plan, too, I know that from years of experience on many different diets/eating plans.

    I really admire your resolve there, I might take the battery out of mine and ask hubby to hide it. Only thing is, he’ll probably forget where he’s put it by next week ๐Ÿ™‚

    I can genuinely say that I don’t feel hungry, which has been an eye opener for me. I’m also not missing carbs in the way that I thought I would, I’m not craving them, but I am missing the convenience of them? A sandwich or a jacket potato for lunch. I made Spanish meatballs for tea last night, and I had them with steamed veg, and I was full. As I am most evenings. Sometimes I even leave food now, which was unheard of. There’s no way I could have eaten potatoes or bread with it.

    I’m leaning towards mayo too, I mean, it wouldn’t be a vast amount anyway, just enough to give it a coating. I might make up some dressing with greek yogurt though to try, but not put the chicken in it unless I’m certain about it.

    The chocolate bars are JD Gross Chocolate Mousse Dark. It’s in a cardboard packaging, and it looks like a slab of chocolate, but inside there’s thin bars of chocolate. In my Lidl it was on the right of the first aisle on the top shelf, and the box had three varieties in it, milk, dark and white.

    Haha, yes, I have a wardrobe full of ‘when I lose a few more pounds’ clothes too. Personally I’m not buying any more yet, unless it’s something I need. I have so much weight to lose that I’ve got clothes in size 20 and size 18 to get into first. If and when I’m out of those though, and I need size 16, I will have to have a little bit of a splurge. Why not take an hour or so and try these things on, and see how close you are to fitting them, and hang them in order? They could be another benchmark for you to use ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by JCH187

    Good morning

    It’s weigh in day for me and the scales have been kind, I’m at the end of week 5 and have lost 23lbs. I also reached my next goal which was to get under 16st. I had one piece of birthday cake and had a higher calorie day which seems to have given my metabolism the kick it needed to start the weight loss again. Apart from the cake it was all low carb, I just had a bit more. I might try that again this week (except the cake!)

    I’ve also discovered dark chocolate! I love the Green & Black’s 85%, 3 squares is 60 something calories and hits the spot!

    I’m weighing myself twice a week and that seems to work for me and stop me getting obsessed with the scales!

    All in all a good week for Julia ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Morning JCH! Huge well done on your weight loss and your next goal! It’s lovely seeing a new number on the scales, isn’t it? I’m coming to join you in fifteen in 6lbs time ๐Ÿ˜‰ (that’s if you’re not in fourteen by then!). I always found that eating more kickstarted things for me in the past, and it’s good to know that you don’t necessarily have to cheat to do it, eating the same good stuff but more of it will do the same.

    I don’t know if I’d trust myself with a slab of chocolate yet. The one I had was individually wrapped which is safer for me at the moment lol. Is this the heroin chocolate Janey talks about? That’s not bad though calorie wise, is it?

    I do need to break the scale fixation. But… but… I don’t know if I can. I feel somehow that they keep me on the straight and narrow. If there’s a gain (only one so far so not bad…) it keeps me focused and determined that day and if there’s a loss, it spurs me on.

    I’ve sat here for an hour looking at an empty word document, trying to meal plan for the week. And… nothing. Drawn a complete blank. I’ll nip to the wholesale butcher later and see if I can get inspired. I do have four extra portions of things frozen from the last couple of weeks that I’d like to use up too, so that’s two days I don’t have to think about cooking from scratch this week for the two of us, which is something I guess. It can get a bit exhausting thinking about it let alone doing it. Tonight though, is going to be a toughie. It’s 17 years since hubby and I got together, and we always celebrate it with a nice meal. Or a takeaway. And (for me, he only drinks two or three times a year, and very little then) a shed load of wine. And a dessert. This is going to be fun ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Onwards to Week 3 and Week 6 then!

  • posted by JCH187

    Congrats on your 17 years ๐Ÿ’•

    What about doing a BBQ, you could have meat, salads etc but no buns even if you eat indoors and look for a dessert recipe on Elenas Pantry or have strawberries and cream with some melted chocolate?

    I thought the 85% chocolate was very low, calorie wise, in fact I had to double check the pack to make sure I hadn’t misread it!

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Good morning all and happy Saturday! Great to read so much positivity today ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    Loving the tales of big clothes being cast by the wayside too. I took delivery of a (secondhand) dress in size 14 today (not sure that size dress has featured in my wardrobe for nearly 20 years) and not only does it fit AND look good, the reaction by my other half was ‘enthusiastic’ to say the least! Let’s just say I’ll need to be careful bending down to load the washing machine next time ๐Ÿ˜ณ
    Ah yes, the 85% chocolate IS the heroin one I told you about Lucky. Cals are low because it is literally chocolate and just about no sugar. Also so rich that I’m impressed you managed to eat 3 pcs JCH!!
    So Waitrose welcomed me yesterday as I searched for yet more ‘legal’ ingredients for the brownies recipe. I think I’ve spent nearly ยฃ20 so far so they had better be fantastic! Will try and make them today and report back….
    Enjoy your weekend ladies!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Thank you JCH ๐Ÿ™‚ We’re still sickeningly smitten with each other. I thought there was a honeymoon period? Never mind, not that I’m complaining. I think we’ve only argued about three times in all these years. Your suggestion sounds really nice! I could pick up some mince and make a nice thick chilli burger, and fry some onions up in olive oil, eat it with a knife and fork with a salad. I have been fancying gammon the last couple of days, with a poached egg. We’ll see what the wholesaler has in. I also need to make sure that tea is ready just to heat up when we get home tomorrow night, or that’s when I’ll snap and shove pizza in ๐Ÿ˜‰ Pudding though, yes that sounds like a plan, I keep forgetting about cream, I’ve been so hooked on the greek yogurt. I’ll let you know what we decided on later ๐Ÿ™‚

    Wooooooooo go Janey! Well done on size 14, I’m pleased for you, proud of you and jealous simultaneously. Bahahahahahaha that’ll teach you, won’t it? I’ve given up bending down in front of mine a long time ago. Lesson learned. I get ‘Don’t bend over like that in front of me, I’ll be like a rat up a drainpipe…’ How crude.

    The worlds most expensive brownies, ever. I think you need to get some of that gold cake spray to emphasise the fact further, Janey. Cut them into gold bullion shapes.

    Right, off to the wholesaler and hardware store, hubby is putting shelves up for me today. House isn’t small but it’s stupidly laid out, with zero storage, and like most people, we have too much stuff. Emptied one of the little junk rooms, and I’ve uncovered my rowing machine that I am now light enough to use!! (Bye bye bingo wings!) An exercise bike, and one of those little bikes that are just the pedals, you can use with your arms or legs. Wish me luck, have a lovely Saturday! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Gaaaaah I’ve realised that I’ve forgotten an ingredient for the gold bullion brownies ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Back to the shops. These better taste amazing…..

    By the way, forgot to admit earlier.. Went out for an Indian last night! Not too sinful though. No alcohol for me, a tandoori mixed grill with raita and just a small piece of naan… Considering I would’ve caned an entire portion of pilau and the majority of the naan in the bad old days I’m taking that as a result! My stomach was soooooo gurgly afterwards tho, probably a protest vote against bread after 7 weeks!

  • posted by tokyo14

    having a bit of a nightmare trying to post on here keeps logging me out so no idea were this will end up as on page 1 of 4 every time i go on bam it logs me out !!!!
    well just returned from my saturday visit to markus and sparkus ( m and s!!) and was checking every item i bought for carbs bought no bread or cakes which i can usually demolish a whole aisle !!! even ignored the ” percy pig sweets ” which i love and have three bags sitting lonely in my kitchen at the min !!!
    its a whole new way of shopping thats for sure salad and mackeral for lunch today am interested to hear how the brownies turnout as could do with a hit of chocolate right now !!
    have a lovely day and hope the suns shining for everyone x

  • posted by weescotty

    Tokyo14 am having the same trouble re logging on and posting. have learned once I am logged in just to write in the box at the bottom of any page in the relevant thread and your reply will get placed in the correct order. If lots of us having this prob maybe techies could have a look?

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Evening all! Just made the promised Paleo chocolate brownies. Approximate cost: ยฃ8,000 per batch, stress level factor 10, yum factor debatable, kids’ reaction; spat in bin ๐Ÿ˜ฑ I think they may be better when they cool down and the coconut ‘lard’ has solidified a bit more so will try again in the morning. Otherwise I think this recipe can be inserted back into Elana’s Pantry, thanks all the same!

  • posted by josie53

    Thanks so much for saving me the ยฃ8.000 i had thought i would give it a go also thanks for the taste test as well. The things we do on this way of eating.

    who would have thought that i would be squeezing the liquid out of grated courgette to make a pizza base, but there you are its done now. I have more gadgets that i will probably only use a handful of time but I can spiralize with the best of them now,

    Still i am 10lbs down and thats the point of it so am happy with that,

    Well done to everyone who has weighed to day.

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    A squeezed courgette pizza base??? The mind boggles. Although human enterprise prevails in this way of eating! Let me know how it turned out ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    I aspire to a spiraliser altho TBH it’s as easy to buy them ready spiralled!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Morning all! I have just slept for 10 hours straight after starting my massive reorganisation yesterday. I was so tired come tea time (and my tiny kitchen still in disarray) that I nearly cracked and ordered a takeaway, seriously. I muttered ‘Let’s order chicken kebabs and leave the naan bread…’ But I know I wouldn’t have left the naan bread. Nor the free cheesy garlic bread they send. So I pushed on. The boss had come across bacon chops in the butchers, so that’s what he wanted with mushrooms and egg. And we took your advice for the pudding JCH, we had strawberries and double cream, I chucked a few raspberries in there too. I never thought I would ever enjoy fruit as a dessert so much.

    Janey, sounds like you did great at the Indian. This is going to be my next big test, eating out. I’ve eaten at Mum’s and stuck to the plan. Previously if I was on a ‘diet’ and went out for a meal, it would be a case of ‘sod it’ for one meal, and I’d have what I wanted from the menu (something, anything with chips lol) but I can’t do that now. Well, no, I can do that now, but I don’t want to do that now.

    Tokyo – well done with your M&S visit, that place is lethal, especially the bakery bit ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ve never tried Percy Pigs but I have heard people raving about them, are they that good?

    Janey – ‘Otherwise I think this recipe can be inserted back into Elanaโ€™s Pantry’ – by that you mean she can shove it up her…? I’m gutted that they didn’t work out. A few (possibly) silly questions now. We’re allowed to eat butter, aren’t we? So can’t we make these brownies with butter, instead of coconut oil etc, or is it specifically a lower/lowest carb thing? And secondly, I’m not 100% on this, but after trawling around and jumping from site to site the other week, I’m almost certain I saw that Bournville Cocoa powder was low carb on a paleo forum.

    Josie – well done on your 10lb loss! I’ve never heard of the courgette pizza base, only the cauliflower one! How did it go? I’ve decided to write a Blood Sugar Diet cook book called; ‘Well, That Didn’t Work!’. So far we have my Smoked Mackerel Kedgeree made with Cauliflower rice, and Janey is contributing her Brownies (I’m sure…). Is the pizza IN the book? Or out… Spill the beans!!

  • posted by josie53

    the Pizza was ok the base over shadowed by the toppings tomato puree and passatta spread very thinly then avocado (a half) sundried tomato and many mushrooms some feta and some parmesan was good and very filling

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Yayyyy – result then! ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad it was nice ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Morning Lucky, congrats on massive sleep. We’ve been awakened early as usual by my stepdaughter who cannot sleep in ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

    I made the Paleo cookies of Elana’s which aren’t the ones with the almond butter, but have coconut oil and dates in them. It’s the oil that made the kids yack I think. I’m going to try them colder on our picnic later and hopefully they will taste better. To be fair, old Elana DOES advise you should let them cool for 2 hours before tucking in…Someone reported back that they used butter instead and butter IS allowed so give it a go Lucky ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Good call on the Bourneville. I think G&B Cocoa is probably the same. I used Lindt 99% cacao choc yesterday – tried a small piece…..barf! Virtually inedible. Stick to 85% heroin I think!

    Courgette Pizza base sounded positive Josie. Now I’m overrun with coconut/almond flour there might be an opportunity to experiment as I do miss pizza. For some reason I also bought a ton of cashews (hence impending bankruptcy) so need to remember what master plan I had for them ๐Ÿ™„

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Early???? This is not early!!!! I’ve been up since 5.50 am! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I had three children in 4 years (2002 – 2006) so I’m sure you can imagine how many years I craved a lie in past 5 or 6 am. And now that my children are old enough not to wake up at stupid o’clock… I now cannot sleep in past 5 or 6 am. And once I’m awake, I’m awake too… Oh, the irony…

    I think I’m going to try making them with butter and cocoa, yes I think I saw someone say about the Green and Blacks unsweetened too. I have Bournville in at the mo though. Cacao chocolate, also not the future, then? Noted.

    I’m just making Coronation Chicken for our lunchtime salad box before the rugby. We’re off to Wrexham to watch Toulouse… I wish we were off to Toulouse to watch Wrexham though… ๐Ÿ˜‰ Bet it’s not as gloomy there as it is here. I will NOT buy fries at the ground, I will NOT buy fries at the ground…

    I miss pizza too, and I mean straight up, crappy, out of a box frozen pizza too. Dr Oetker ones in particular. I have a freezer drawer full of them, thank God eldest is home and I can palm them off on him over the next three months or so. That’s the good thing, that I haven’t had to clear out cupboards and throw food away because the human dustbin is back ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    I’m not a morning person. No no. My son is trained to sleep in however the stepdaughter is a bloody lark. I even set the time 30 mins slow on her bedroom
    Clock so we get a few more precious minutes in bed before she bounds in. We are off to the jousting at Kenilworth castle today.. Great fun as long as the rain holds off!!

    I just tried the cold version of the brownies. Better I think. Let’s see if everyone agrees later when I break them out at the picnic. Go on, modify the recipe with Bournville and butter… Feedback please! If you need a cup of coconut flour give me a shout and I’ll post it down!!

    Mmmm pizza. Dominos preferably. Might as well go for the most calories laden going if we’re fantasising…. ๐Ÿค”

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Oh that sounds like huge fun, I hope the rain holds off for it. The last time we were at the rugby, halfway through the second half there was rain like I’ve never seen before, it was even coming in through the stadium roof. Son commented ‘Oh look. How pretty. An indoor waterfall’.

    Never had any luck with our local Dominos. If it’s not late and cold, it’s late and burnt. Everyone prefers the Chicago Town takeaway to Dominos as a result. So does my purse ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by nonnie

    << Iโ€™ve decided to write a Blood Sugar Diet cook book called; โ€˜Well, That Didnโ€™t Work!โ€™.>>
    Ha ha! Thanks for the laugh!

  • posted by tokyo14

    Re percy pigs yes there are that god but its just a haribo sweet really but strawberry flavour !!! a real sugar hit !!!
    previous to doing the diet i baked brownies most weeks amongst other ” goodies” so i am setting myself a mission to make a decent tasting bsd version of a brownie !!!! will report with findings when i achieve it !!
    meanwhile i have just watched sunday brunch on channel 4 and a chef was on who had released a book called ” chef on a diet”!!! low carb she said so i shall be investigating that too she cooked steak with hollandaise sauce pickled cucumber !! lets see how low carb her book is !!! just call me Detective low carb !!!!

  • posted by nonnie

    Hi Tokyo, Looking at the Amazon reviews for Chef on a Diet, I see that the most recent one (5 stars) is by a BSD grad. Let us know what you think if you get it.

  • posted by Marsie

    Have just bought The Australian Women’s Weekly “Low Carb” Cookbook. First AWW cookbook I’ve bought for years….used to love them. Much glossier now. The recipes seem to be in the spirit of things although some of the cals look a bit large for an 800 day, and some of the carbs would take you over the 50 that seems to be a popular choice.
    BONUS: there is a nutrition panel with each recipe!

    Will try a few, always needing to work around OH’s Coeliac Disease, and see how we go,.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Glad you liked my cookbook Nonnie ๐Ÿ˜‰ hehe.

    Jeez Tokyo, you are on a mission, aren’t you? I’m going to invest in a few things tomorrow and have a crack too. In my clear out a few days ago I found my favourite Brownie recipe, a friend had handwritten it for me years ago and I keep losing it, it’s a triple chocolate one, dark in the mix, and white and milk chunks inside. To. Die. For. I don’t think I’ve made them since the pub where I worked closed down five years ago, they were a big hit there. I’d be swarmed every weekend by my fellow cooks to see what I’d brought in in my plastic tubs, and there would be long faces if the brownies weren’t there. So gooey, so stodgy. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, Tokyo!

    Marsie, I’ve picked up a few of those AWW Cookbooks over the years from Charity Shops and they’re great. My favourite one was a Chinese one, that I still have.

    Hope everyone’s Tuesday is going well ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    Hate to break it to you Lucky, but it’s Monday!

    Paleo brownies went down well with the boss at work (altho he may just have been polite as I’d hurled a pen across the office in a rage shortly beforehand!) No-one else at home will eat them tho…

    I bought a low carb cookbook on Amazon yesterday so will peruse it later to see if anyone has reinvented the low carb wheel….

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    OH MY GOD yes it is. I went to the optician this morning for more glaucoma testing and I usually only venture into town on a Tuesday. I’ve felt so sick afterwards that I slept for two hours and it’s thrown me somewhat. Not prepared for tea, haven’t had lunch or breakfast, only a couple of unsalted pistachio nuts. And I want cake. Danger day today. I’d best go and find something and quick.

    Hope everyone’s MONDAY is going well ๐Ÿ™‚ #plonker

    Pen rage lol.

    I’ve got Kindle Unlimited (thankfully) because I’m a demon speed reader and my book bill was starting to look a bit grim on a monthly basis, so I’ll check out anything there later tonight, and see what I can find too. I need cake.

  • posted by Janeycoughdrop

    I’ve got a couple of ยฃ8 grand brownies I can send your way.. Otherwise… Resist!

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    No, it’s fine, you keep them. It’s not like you’ve done such a great job convincing us that they’re edible ๐Ÿ˜‰ haha.

  • posted by Lucky Maneki

    Fourth day at 16 stone 5lbs. Last night I had to go to bed early because the craving for crisps was horrendous! I couldn’t believe it, just came out of the blue, crisps! I could understand chocolate cravings, don’t think I have ever craved crisps before in my life! I begged hubby to let me have a pack but he said no. Happy that the scales aren’t going up, but a bit miffed that they aren’t going down either. I know I need to move more, I’m just so tired all the time. Is that common on this diet? Especially at this point, in Week 3? I am sleeping all night, I’m falling asleep in the day, I could even sleep again now. I have very little energy (and therefore motivation) to do anything physical. I’m eating better than I have in years so it’s a bit odd to be feeling so exhausted. Meh. Hope everyone is doing ok. Happy Tuesday (I am on the right day today haha).

  • posted by Igorasusual

    Very common to be cold, tired, all sorts of odd things – you are kicking your carb addiction out. Often known as “carb flu”.

    Well done for resisting the crisps!!!!

    Keep at it, it WILL pass.

    Congratulations on the great job you are doing. You should be very very proud of yourself.


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