Countdown to Christmas reboot

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  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone.
    Hope you feel better soon Yowser. We need you to get back on the bus as soon as you’re feeling better to keep us all in line.
    Jennie- amazing weight loss – you’ve worked hard- I dream of being 9st 3lb again!! I will probably not have lost anything tomorrow when I weigh in because of my weekend away this weekend which is a shame because although I did eat more than I would at home, I walked a lot of steps. Last Friday I had put 2lb on for no reason!! My neighbour commented yesterday that I looked slimmer so maybe I am losing inches. I’m thinking ahead and not losing the plot too soon! I am still hoping to weigh less than 144 lb for Christmas but it’s not looking promising. I lose weight so slowly after the initial water loss. I’ll keep going and keep focused. My son had bought some delicious looking mince pies and I didn’t eat one when I saw that they contained 38g of carbs per pie! I knew that they would feed the carb monster and I knew that I wouldn’t feel it had been worth the sacrifice. I was proud of myself for saying no to wasted calories and carbs.
    I’ll weigh in tomorrow and post my weight. First week in October I weighed 156.4 lb and last week I weighed 151.4 lb. I’m aiming for my first mini goal of reaching 149 lb which won’t be tomorrow but hopefully next Friday if I really try my hardest. If I break under the 149 lb mark then I reckon I have a chance of getting to 144 lb in time for Christmas.
    Thank you for the November Mantra SueBlue- really got me focused on the prize.
    Good luck everyone for this week. Let’s do it day by day and see what a difference we can make to how we feel about ourselves. I know I feel better about myself when I am in control. This last few weeks I have been back in control and although the scales are moving slowly, I am accepting it and will keeping going- it’s 7 weeks until Christmas- I am going to make an effort to lose as much fat as possible in that time! Maybe I would be better not to give myself a target because I would feel a failure having not achieved it. I will have a think and maybe just aim to be the best I can be by Christmas Eve. That sounds like a plan?.

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    I’ve just gone through my weight tracker to look at my previous Christmas weigh ins and I am feeling ok about things for this year………I’m not too far away from being a decent Christmas weight! Mid 140s will do me fine!

    Dec 2017 -133 lb my lowest weight – unable to maintain!
    Dec 2018 – 137 lb – my ideal weight and I was able to maintain it for most of the year – I hope to achieve this again!
    Dec 2019 – 147 lb – just looked at some Christmas party photos and I looked good!
    Dec 2020- 144 lb – no party photos this year due to Pandemic! Christmas was cancelled!
    Dec 2021 –

    Let’s see how well I do!

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi folks just popping my head into the coach,all masked up,have tested positive for covid. See you on the coach when I’m germ free again xxx keep rollin along! Xx

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Oh Yowzer, hope you recover quickly and feel better soon. Keep us posted as to how you’re doing X

    Jennie that’s a fantastic loss. (st 7lb has been my long term goal. I’ve got close to it a couple of times but won’t make it by Christmas. But have lost a little bit this week so far so am heading in the right direction.

    Cathy I’m sure you will achieve your desired weight loss by Christmas. And I wouldn’t be surprised if you do have a loss tomorrow, as it’s never linear, and there’s often a bit of a time lag between cause and effect.

    Hello to everyone else too. Keep in touch.

    I’m off up north tomorrow to visit my mother for a long weekend. Hopefully will avoid too many carbs. Should be back on here by Wednesday X

  • posted by Jennie10

    Oh, Yowser, sorry to hear that. You tuck yourself up with that hot water bottle and take care of yourself. xx

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi all,Yowzer I really hope you feel better soon bless you,stay cosy.Have had a busy week (been taking my Mum out and about now that her hip recovering well) so haven’t got round to posting.Haven’t had a perfect week food wise so may weigh Friday next week instead of tomorrow! Dawn X

  • posted by SueBlue

    Yowzer sending you some healing energy from the other side of the world xx
    Take care and I look forward to you rejoining us soon 😷

    Jennie well done 👍 I can only dream of being in the 9 stone range!

    It’s 12.40am here so I’ll post a proper update in the morning.

  • posted by Angelsand

    I would love to join this thread. X

    There is around 7 weeks till xmas and I need to feel better about myself. Ive had a very turbulent time since the pandemic and have lost myself completely. Cant fit into any of my usual clothes.

    For those already on this journey, what were your losses like in the first month or so?

    Many thanks and good luck everyone xx 😊😊

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Welcome Angelsand! Join our merry band on the coach,we re very pleased to have you aboard.👏👏👏👏👏
    I’m sorry you’ve been thru turbulent times and hope things now for you are on the up and up!
    You can certainly see significant changes in seven weeks low carb! But everyone’s different,we have our ups and downs,our challenges,triumphs,good days and worse,but we can share it all here,and no question is too big or too small to ask.
    so just grit yr teeth and keep going if it does seem like a slow start. You’ll be rewarded sooner or later! XXX🌻🌻🌻
    Ps Thanks all for the good wishes and healing energy! I really appreciate it and it’s really helping me a lot xx💜❤️

  • posted by Angelsand

    Thank you so much! What does everyone eat in a typical day? Any favourites? Tomorrow will be my first day xxxx

  • posted by Mariet

    Yowser I’m so sorry you’re not well. I hope it’s a light illness and you’re up and about soon.

  • posted by SueBlue

    Angelsand – when I first started out I used the menus from the book as they make a good starting point, then I bought the various recipe books for more meal ideas (8 week blood sugar diet recipes, Fast 800 recipes and Fast 800 easy). I love to cook and almost all of the recipes in the books are delicious 🙂
    Personal favourites are Pear and Cinammon porridge, Beetroot brownies, roast pumpkin & capsicum soup, no carb Ploughmans, Beef Rendang, Dans Veggie bolognaise, Haloumi bake… to name a few!
    You can also keep things really simple, and depending on how healthy your diet already is, adapt that to make it lower carb. When I make family meals I still make our usual curries, chillis, bolognaise and roasts etc – I just substitute rice/pasta/potatoes for cauli rice, zucchini noodles and non-starchy veg. Instead of sandwiches I use lettuce leaves or egg wraps, simple substitutes like that.
    You want to eat lowish carbs ideally so that your body moves into fat burning mode more quickly (instead of burning sugar for energy). Foods high in protein and/or healthy fats will keep you feeling fuller for longer.
    At first I used to be tempted to leave out say olive oil as it is high calorie BUT the healthy fats do leave you feeling more satisfied.
    If you still want to eat fruit, stick to pears and berries and have them with a meal instead of a snack.
    As an example, my meals today were breakfast at 10am – a slice of sour dough rye toast spread with butter, vegemite and avocado. Lunch at 1pm – scrambled egg and some asparagus with a cup of homemade pumpkin soup. Dinner tonight will most likely be either a lentil curry with cauli rice or bolognaise with zoodles – depends what we feel like later. Sometimes on Fridays I make pizzas instead – using the recipe from Fast 800 – uses pita bread as a base and I pile on the veggies 🙂 I try to eat dinner by 6pm so that my eating window is 8 hours and I then have a 16 hour fast with no eating until the next morning at 10 or 11.
    On weekends I sometimes have 2 meals – brunch and then an evening meal. We usually have a “full English” on one day each weekend 🙂
    Be prepared to be hungry in the first few days, it settled down for me after about day 3 or 4. If you get desperate then a couple of almonds chewed slowly helps,
    As does a tablespoon or 2 of Greek yoghurt, a cup of vegetable soup, a cube of cheese/babybel etc or even a cup of tea, coffee or a glass of water helped me stave off hunger pangs.
    If you are still reading – well done 👍 these are just some of the things that have helped me along the way – good luck 😉

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Sue you are so good with your menus, they always make my mouth water! Your food sounds so delicious I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to be on this WOE 🙂

    Angelsand you can’t do better than to follow Sue’s advice IMO. I’m not as much of a cook as Sue, but followed a similar pattern. In the early days I’d have scrambled egg for breakfast, soup for lunch and a light dinner such as fish and green veg. In the very early days I did also have a couple of snacks a day if needed. At that stage I was teaching full time and sometimes just needed a boost. If so, my mid morning snack was hummus with carrot or celery sticks, and afternoon snack either a few almonds or Greek yoghurt. But I found I didn’t need those after a few days on plan – your body adjusts quite quickly to taking in less.

    At weekends I did 16:8, where you keep all your eating within an 8 hour window and fast the rest of the time. So I’d have brunch at around 11/12 then dinner around 6/7. As Sue says, there are some lovely recipes in the BSD and Fast 800 main books and recipe books.

    Very important also is what you drink. I love my wine, so that had to go for a while. But also be careful about non-alcoholic drinks as most of them have lots of sugar, even fruit juices. I don’t drink tea so during the strict phases of this WOE just stuck to black coffee and water – usually still but sometimes sparkling, perhaps with a dash of lemon juice to pep it up a bit.

    Good luck Angelsand, and also everyone else on here. I’ve achieved my target weight for this week – and working on the basis of 1lb a week for the rest of this thread, so hope to lose another 6-7lb by Christmas. I’m a slow loser but a lot of this is weight I’ve put on quite recently so I’m hoping it may come off quicker than usual. We’ll see!

    Am off to visit family now and will be back here by Wednesday. X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Enjoy your time away DCT 🎶🥳🎶
    Happy Friday/ Weekend everyone! And for those celebrating Guy Fawkes,have fun and stay safe 💥⚡️☄️🔥
    Remember to look after pets who may find the loud noises distressing xx

  • posted by lauraknits

    Well, I have lost 1lb of the 3lb gain this week which is ok as at least I’m going in the right direction. I have identified a couple of food danger areas that I need to deal with.
    1. I am hungry when I get in from work so need to think of a healthy snack to see me through to Dinner
    2. I late night snack if I am tired and should have gone to bed.
    I have my first Spinning Guild meeting for almost two years tomorrow and there are always loads of choc biscuits in the kitchen but I think I am mentally prepared to refuse them 🙂
    Yowser – hope you are feeling ok.
    DCT – well done on achieving this weeks target.
    Jennie well done!
    Welcome on board Angelsand.

    Good luck everyone for this week and have a nice weekend x

  • posted by Antigone

    Wow..such motivating posts. I am 200gms away from my first (of many!) goal!
    Lauraknits – Spinning Guild? as in yarn from fibre? I used to go to the New Forest Guild before moving but there is nothing like it here in France. I keep a few sheep for spinning and knitting is a great distraction from eating!
    Family in UK sent me a pics from a family meal yesterday – chinese food – it looked like a whole load of stodge to me…totally not envious!
    Glad to read the good news – hugs to those struggling x

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    hello everyone

    Great to read losses and achieved mini goals this week. Yowser, so sorry to read you tested positive for Covid. Look after yourself and rest up. Get well soon.

    I’m happy today with my weigh in. I weighed in at 151 lb so only 2lb away from my first mini goal of 149lb. I have lost 5.4 lb since 1st October. I am determined to get into the 140s by next Friday! I was away last weekend and ate a lot more than I would have eaten at home so I am pleased to have actually lost half a pound.

    Just had an egg wrap for lunch with hummus and pine nuts.

    Welcome on board to Angelsand. When I started this way of eating I simply cut out bread, pasta, rice, potatoes etc and ate simple food. As a vegetarian I don’t have the same choices but managed on eggs, Greek Yoghurt, berries and vegetables. My breakfast when I started was always Greek Yoghurt with raspberries. I don’t eat breakfast now and just have coffee. Lunch would be a piece of cheese and some nuts, or an egg salad, hummus and celery, or soup. My evening meal would be something from one of the BSD/Fast 800 recipe books or I would look on the forum in the recipe section for something to cook. Good luck on your weight loss journey. You are in great company. Drink plenty of water whilst following this way of eating and keep your carbs low. You will find that once you get used to eating low carb, you don’t get cravings or hunger.

    Have good week everyone. Seven weeks today until Christmas Eve. How much can we lose in seven weeks? I’d love to lose 10lb but I know that’s not possible for me. I’ll just keep going day by day and take whatever comes. I really have become far more accepting this last few months!

  • posted by lauraknits

    Yes Antigone, spinning fibre guild. It’s actually spinners weavers and dyers but I mostly spin just dabble in weaving a little bit.
    How nice to have your own sheep, what are they ?
    I do find that my crafts keep my hands busy in the evenings, I would eat more if I had nothing to do.

  • posted by Antigone

    CC – you CAN do it!

    Lauraknits- I have Jacob and charolais/suffolk sheep – just a few these days. Shearing is hard work but I can manage if there arent too many. Just finished a Jacob sweater now on a slightly smaller white one! I grow dye plants for colouring too.

    Today’s menu – brunch was 2 egg waffle with cream cheese and spicy marmite ( that’s a thing!), tonight its cottage pie without potato!

  • posted by SueBlue

    Cathy – well done! I’m loving your more accepting attitude 🙂
    Well done to everyone else for your achievements and efforts too.
    I’ve had a small loss since last week, so I’m now 80% of the way there to my 2021 goal, just 2.4kg to go now. I just need to lose around 300g each week between now and the end of the year – and most importantly keep it off rather than going up and down.
    We had a Covid scare of our own this week. Husband has been really unwell with fevers, chills, headache etc. we had also received notification that a Covid positive person had been at the same venue as us recently, so we got tested yesterday – thankfully both negative! I decided to get tested as although I didn’t have a fever I had been feeling a bit off with headaches, muscle pain and a slightly sore throat. I wasn’t too concerned for us if it had been positive, as we are both double vaccinated – it would have made caring for MIL difficult due to the 14 day self isolation aspect. Anyway all good so I can refocus 💯% on my diet and exercise again!
    For breakfast today I’m going to have poached eggs with mushrooms & spinach, lunch will be the last of my roast pumpkin & capsicum soup – I had put some chilli in it too so it’s really warming & satisfying (we’re having a cool, rainy spell here even though it’s Spring), and for dinner it’s Sesame salmon & broccolini from the Fast 800 cook book. I love this one as it’s so easy – all done on an oven tray, just salmon, spring onion, cherry tomatoes and baby broccoli flavoured with dark soy sauce, chilli flakes, sesame oil & sesame seeds.
    I had a veggie box delivered this week from the markets so now I need to plan some more meals as I have eggplants, rainbow beetroot, baby carrots & asian veggies to use.
    Yowser hope you are feeling better soon x
    Have a good weekend all 🙂

  • posted by Yowzer49

    SUEBLUE I’m glad it was a false alarm!👍and hope yr symptoms vanish soon..even if not covid,it’s no fun is it!
    ANTIGONE how amazing,you have sheep!💜❤️💜
    CCATHY well done on nearing your minigoal! 👏👏👏👏👏👏 and ditto LAURA on yr way down too 👏👏👏👏👏👏
    Covid isnt all bad as it means I’ve lost the bloaty weight I put on after fish n chips,Indian takeaway,ice cream,wine (endless list) at the cottage!😀 every cloud etc..!
    Sad to say DD has covid too now,SIL and Beau are ok …(I’ve got a megaphone shouting into the coach so I don’t infect my fellow passengers! 😀😀😀😀) Big hugs to everyone and keep up the good work folks! XX 🥳

  • posted by SueBlue

    Laura – with snacking, technically we are supposed to avoid it, but let’s face it, it’s not always possible! What I try and do is if I am going to eat between meals or late at night, is to make it a conscious decision and eat something nutritious, so at the very least if I’m going over my calorie ‘budget’ for the day, my body is getting something out of it!

    I try to keep things like boiled egg, yoghurt, cheese slices/babybel, veggie sticks, olives and hommus in the fridge. I also always have strawberries, berries and pears in case it’s something sweet I want to eat. Sometimes if we are up late at night my husband has cheese, crackers and olives so I join him but skip the crackers.

    For after work snacks – I used to keep a small container of nuts and seeds in my handbag and have some on the way home from work – that would keep me going till dinner.

    A few years ago when I was working 5 hour shifts with no lunch break I used to prepare a ‘snack box’ each day and I’d eat snacks instead of lunch. I bought some divided containers from the supermarket and then popped in a selection of things like boiled egg, cubes of cheese, cold meat or chopped sausage, veggie sticks, cherry tomatoes, berries and nuts. This made it easier to include in my calories as I had already ‘budgeted’ for snacks in my daily calories.

    Vegetable soup makes a good filling snack too.

    If it’s something sweet you are craving then warmed berries with yoghurt are nice, or cooked/stewed apples with cinnamon and a spoonful of yoghurt. I had left over apples this week so peeled them, cut into chunks and sautéed them in a little bit of butter and cinammon, then added a small amount of water and cooked the chunks until they were soft. I keep it in containers in the fridge as they make a good topping for porridge, or I have if I feel like something sweet after dinner.
    Hope this helps 🙂

  • posted by LindaandHubby

    Just a quick log in to let you know we’re still here. Weight-wise not sure what’s going on as I went down to 11st 2lbs ish then went up 2 days later to 12 stone – now I KNOW that should not be possible so am a bit wary of these scales. Maybe I need to clean battery terminals or something. They’ve been hovering last couple of days between 11st 7lbs & 11st 10lbs. I just can’t be bothered to mess with them at the moment though. Seem to have been very busy & also very tired recently. Could do with a break. Our motor-home looks so miserable sitting outside the house on it’s lonesome & needs a damned good valet too.

    Hubby still going to surgery 3 times a week for his leg to be dressed, I have now seen what’s remaining & it looks SO much better than it did before he went into hospital in August – it was truly horrendous then. The nurses & docs all say it’s almost miraculous the way it’s healing. The jewellery course we’re still doing, although both of us have our doubts that we’ll ever learn anything except for sawing a piece of metal. Every time we’ve gone it’s ‘More practising please!’ except she doesn’t say please & I doubt she has ever taught adults who want to get on with things like soldering & inlaying stones etc. Her ‘advanced class – she has lost the lot of a full class except for 2 people – THAT says it all to us! New tutor & apparently last class learned a shedl-oad more than it appears we will. Asked about when we’re going to start soldering & using stones & her reply was – that’s for VERY advanced classes! She’s a bit too Ditsy for the 2 of us & ask her a question & she looks like a deer in headlights & we have yet to get a ‘proper’ answer to any question.. Guess we’ll be learning off you tube then! Bought a shed-load of stones from the Rock & Gem Show & we’re going to use them. Sadly show was SO much smaller than we are used to BUT we enjoyed it, we always do & at least we only spent about £150, it could have been far, far worse! lol

    It was our 23rd wedding anniversary on the 3rd & we’ve had a few more memorable dates too as we got married just 10days after meeting in person (would have been 3 days BUT we both had to have blood tests – for syphilis of all things!) we met online 10 weeks prior to this, in the days before search engines etc. it still amazes both of us how we connected. We could possibly have been the 1st ever transatlantic marriage (We kept our heads down) as over 1yr after we’d gotten wed it was still ‘breaking news’ that people had just met online. We have been treating ourselves IF you can call Aldi’s wonderful 3 fish roast, superb beef from that farm shop, just up the road with veggies etc. etc. over indulging?

    By the way did any of you know that cauliflower leaves have a shed-load more vitamins & minerals in them that florets do? Look it up just google cauliflower leaves compared to florets. I am NEVER going to throw any cauli leaves out in future e.g. 60 times more calcium in them than florets! Considering most of us have given up milk we ALL need this! Have made some wonderful soups recently with cauli leaves, broccoli stems & leeks waste – we use SO much of all of these. Our little food bins are going to be virtually empty now instead of fit to bursting. it also tastes much better than either of us had expected. Not because it’s free but because it tastes richer or maybe we know the extra goodness we’re putting into our bodies? A touch of Parmesan or Padona? makes a lovely filling soup, am already adding more different veggies etc.

    Looks like it’s well done to all of you for keeping going on this WOE. Yowser – hope you are soon over the damned Covid. I had long, long Covid back in March 2020 – felt like sh.t for 6m+, wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I had my flue jab along with hubby 9 days ago, my booster last Wednesday & hubby gets his this afternoon. YAY! Going back to bed at 6.34am as have a food delivery between10-12am then make food & get hubby ferried to his shot in Cwmbran.

  • posted by SueBlue

    Linda lovely to hear from you and I’m glad your husbands leg is getting better – congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Thanks for the tip about the cauli leaves, am definitely going to start doing that. I have beetroot leaves and baby carrot tops in my fridge at the moment, I thought I’d use the leaves in salad and the carrot tops in soup. I had a veggie delivery earlier this week from the markets and so I’ve been enjoying lots of veg, trying to eat them at every meal. This morning I had a roast veggie wrap with feta cheese for brunch – I found some nice low carb spinach wraps in the supermarket, then left over Eggplant lasagne for lunch and one of my favourites, lentil Dahl & cauli rice for dinner. I’ve also got through the week and weekend without any alcohol passing my lips!! I must admit it’s been easier with my husband being unwell this week, he hasn’t wanted anything and often I only have a glass of wine because he’s having a beer – so as Yowser said there can be silver linings with being ill!

    Yowser I hope you and your daughter are feeling better.

    I had a lovely surprise this morning – I decided to weigh myself as I haven’t been eating at much this week, and focusing on eating less carbs. At my Friday weigh in I’d lost 300g and when I weighed myself this morning I’d lost another 700g, so 1kg in about 9 days. The best part though was that this means I’m now in the 80s! Well just – 89.6kg… I haven’t weighed this low since early 2008, so almost 14 years, and before that it was in the early 2000’s. This means I’m now only 1.6kg away from my 2021 goal, and I’ve lost almost 11kg, or 23lb since January. All those small losses do add up!

    I’ve also applied and been accepted for a trial program to help prevent diabetes and pre-diabetes. It’s a government program and basically I just have to use a new App daily to measure steps taken, and follow tips, hints and complete tasks and challenges each day. I think it runs for 12 weeks so it will be interesting to see if it helps.

    Hope everyone else had a good weekend 🙂

  • posted by Antigone

    Well done Sue Blue – awesome!
    Hope you are feeling better Yowser.
    Pleased to report that I am through first mini goal!
    Enjoy your Sunday everyone 🙂

  • posted by Mariet

    Sueblue, how wonderful! You’ve worked so hard this year, it’s great that you’re getting such results.

    What is the trial program? I’d be interested in signing up for that as well.
    I am bobbing about, not losing, not gaining. My own fault but I’ve got a clear week ahead and am going to be very strict and we’ll see. Crossing fingers! I need to see some progress.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Well done on smashing yr mini goal ANTIGONE! 👏👏👏👏 Makes you feel so good doesnt it! X
    Good luck for the week ahead MARIET! How are you and the family? X
    LINDA I’m amazed to read about your love story 💕 and good to know about the cauliflower leaves. Cauli’s one of my favourite things!X
    SUEBLUE congrats on hitting the 80s!👍👍 and good luck with the trial!X
    Thanks to all coach passengers for their good wishes. I’m feeling ok ( ish) but poor DD is much worse than me. Her bday as well today,the poor lamb. Never mind,this too shall pass!
    Sit tight kiddos for another week aboard the luxury coach flying over hills and dales. I’m running behind,won’t climb back on until I’m symptom free! XXX
    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“Friends are diamonds who reflect the light of our spirit”⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone

    It was so lovely to catch-up on the good news being shared on the forum today. SueBlue- your weight loss is so well deserved. You really are such an inspiration on the thread. Your tenacity has paid off – what a fabulous amount of weight to have lost this year.

    LindaandHubby- I enjoyed reading your post. Hope you get your scales sorted – What a shock it would be to see your weight go up from 11.2 to 12 stone!! It’s bad enough when they don’t move!!

    Mariet- keep strong and keep focused. Strap yourself in for another week. SueBlue has proved that small steps make a huge difference.

    I am going to have a focused week. I really want to break under the 150 lb mark by Friday so it will mean some strict days ahead!

    Yowser- sorry to hear your daughter is feeling so poorly – what a worry for you. Glad you’re not feeling too poorly. I am still very scared of Covid and thankfully have dodged three near bullets. My booster jab is booked for beginning of December but I might have it a little earlier if there are any boosters left over at the end of a vaccination shift next week.

    Here’s to a fab week everyone. Keep your eye on the prize!

  • posted by lauraknits

    Thanks for all the tips SUEBLUE. I have bought a bag of mixed nuts and I will try having a few when I get in from work to keep me going until dinner.
    I made a big pot of veg curry yesterday and there are leftovers for tonight so today should be a good day.
    Hope everyone has a good week x

  • posted by SueBlue

    Mariet – the trial is for CSIRO.
    There was an ad on Facebook a few weeks ago calling for volunteers, the trial started last week. When I clicked on The links for it today (to send to you) its coming up as ‘page not found’, so I guess it’s because the trial has started. I’ll let you know when the app is being released generally (and what my thoughts on it were).

    Thanks for your positive encouragement everyone – we still have over 6 weeks until Christmas so plenty of time for all of us to reach our goals 🙂

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hello campers! Hope you’re all feeling tippety top as a new week rolls out
    CCATHY get that booster soon as you can! You deserve it.
    Have got a feeling I’ll have to wait 28days from end of my isolation before I can have booster….do you know if that’s correct. I’m going to take part in an antibodies study….it involves pricking your finger tho and taking some blood..ouch!
    I’m a coward,will find it hard to do it deliberately!
    Any requests for a singsong ? 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
    Remember this one..?
    🎶There were ten in the bed and the little one said
    Roll over,roll over!…..
    So they all rolled over and one fell out,
    There were nine in the bed….🎶
    Love to all,keep happy and enjoy the trip xxxx

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello Yowser

    You are right- you will have to wait 28 days from your positive Covid test before you can have your booster. I hope you are feeling better.

    Another busy booster day today! Met some lovely people.

    Trying hard to lose 2lb this week. I really want to be less than 150 lb when I get weighed on Friday.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hope you reach that under 150 goal CCATHY! 👍👍 you can do it!
    Let’s use up some calories! …sing up’s too quiet on the coach today,everyone snoozing coz it’s so comfy!

    🎶🎶🎶I love the mountains
    I love the rolling hills
    I love the flowers
    I love the daffodils
    I love the fireside
    When all the lights are low

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Hello everyone

    Hope you’re feeling better Yowser. I have dodged yet another Covid bullet! My son has tested positive and I spent the afternoon with him on Sunday. Because we had done negative lateral flow tests prior to seeing each other we hugged and shared a car without masks. My PCR has come back negative today but I am probably not out of the woods yet. I’ll do a daily lateral flow test for a few days. His wife has tested negative today too. He is gutted because we have tickets to see Jason Manford (comedian) next week and now he can’t go. The performance was rescheduled from last years when it was cancelled due to Covid. What a shame. The Covid numbers are high in the area where I live. Hopefully, he won’t get too poorly. Always a worry!

    I’ve been so good this week aiming to get under 150 lbs tomorrow. I was going to have a sneak peek this morning but didn’t. I’ve made broccoli and Stilton soup for lunch today. I’ve fasted until lunchtime most days and so I hope my hard work has paid off. Cauliflower cheese for my evening meal tonight.

    Hope you have all had a good week. I know I’ve been good but until I get on those scales tomorrow I won’t know if I’ve lost anything. I’ll report back tomorrow and look forward to reading how you are doing too.

  • posted by SueBlue

    Happy Friday travellers 🙂

    Cathy -sorry your son has tested positive, I hope he recovers quickly and that your tests continue to be negative. I’ve read on the news online about case numbers rising in the UK. At work they are bringing in a vaccination policy, it looks like COVID will be part of our lives for some time yet unfortunately.

    I’ve had a good week with a loss of 1.8kg, so almost 4 lb. I mainly use kg but do like to convert to stones sometimes to look for milestones and so I was pleased to see I’m now in the 13 stone bracket.., just! But this weeks good loss means I’m just 600g from my 2021 goal.

    Knowing my body though my weight will follow its usual pattern most likely, which will mean weight will go up a bit over the next week or 2 before I stabilise at the lower weight, but we’ll see… I’m going to continue on working on keeping those carbs down! It’s not like the carbs I consume are ‘bad’ ones (well apart from wine!) they were coming from oats, lentils, brown rice, grainy bread, fruit & veg.

    What has worked for me this week is no wine (I had a 9 day alcohol free run but then had a couple of gin & sodas!), keeping carb intake a lot lower than usual (50/60g max) lowering calories to 800-900 for 5 days and varying between 14:10 and 16:8 TRE. I used the keto sticks Some days and was in and out of mild ketosis a couple of times,

    I have my eldest daughter coming to stay for the weekend, so it’s going to be a bit “off plan” food and drink wise but I plan to be sensible and also will fit in some long walks.
    Yowser how are you going? I hope you’re feeling better x

  • posted by ClarinetCathy


    You have had some great weight losses this year and added together they’ve given you a fantastic loss for the year and you will definitely smash this years goal! I am so proud of how you have chipped away and slowly and steadily seen the scales go down. So well deserved. Thank you for inspiring so many of us with your determination and tenacity. 🏅

  • posted by SueBlue

    Awww thanks Cathy 🥰

    To be honest I learnt a lot about determination and tenacity from you 🙂 You’ve always kept going no matter what else has been going on in your life … as we’ve both always said, slow and steady wins the race 🙂

  • posted by lauraknits

    Happy Friday Everyone.
    I am down 1.5lb since my Monday restart and I’m happy with that. I am hoping that Sue is right and that slow and steady wins the race 😊

    Have a good weekend x

  • posted by Yowzer49

    CCATHY you deserve to dodge those bullets! I hope your sons feeling ok. I was due to come out of iso,but overnight developed huge itchy rash,so am sitting at home scratching. I now know that a rash is common symptom numero 4,after fever,cough,loss of smell 🙄
    Will catch up with the coach as soon as I can. In the meantime,onwards and downwards folks 💜 keep up the good work LAURA and SUEBLUE 👏👏👏👏 fingers crossed for your weigh in CCATHY🙏
    Be happy everyone and enjoy our rock n roll ride!😀🥳🎶🥳😀 love to all xx

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Sue what a fantastic loss this week! I’m so excited for you. Well done. Have a lovely time with your daughter.

    Laura it’s great to see you losing too. Some very positive things happening on here.

    Cathy I hope you had a loss this week too? How is your son? really hope you don’t get it too.

    Hope everyone else is ok too? I’ve stalled this week, due partly to being away for a few days but also just struggling to stick to plan. And am getting annoyed with myself! Hope to report some better progress soon, otherwise I’m going to need Yowzer’s wet lettuce!!

    Have a great weekend all X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    DCT …you and me both…My sense of smell/ taste/ appetite have all returned and I want goodies!
    The wet lettuces are lined up in case we don’t pull ourselves together and do what we know we need to do.
    Thinking about it….feeling fitter,slimmer,sleeker and gorgeous is much more rewarding than stuffing ourselves with so called goodies,which are baddies really.
    We -won’t -let -that -Carb -Monster win! Let’s get back on our horses,clippety clop!
    Plus,wet lettuces whizzed round our heads would ruin our hair and make up 😀😀 xxx

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Just a quick post as I am at work on my lunch! Well done to those who have had a good week. I was gutted to find that despite being mega good all week I was 1lb heavier today than I was last Friday!! I was so upset but when I was reflecting in the shower I thought about my friend who has been given 6-9 months to live and realised how ridiculous I was. There is no explanation for my 1lb gain! I am disappointed as it appears my 144 lb goal can’t happen now for Christmas but I am well and have lots to be thankful for! What 1lb anyway in the big scheme or things!!!
    Back to my boosters…………….

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Just a quick post as I am at work on my lunch! Well done to those who have had a good week. I was gutted to find that despite being mega good all week I was 1lb heavier today than I was last Friday!! I was so upset but when I was reflecting in the shower I thought about my friend who has been given 6-9 months to live and realised how ridiculous I was. There is no explanation for my 1lb gain! I am disappointed as it appears my 144 lb goal can’t happen now for Christmas but I am well and have lots to be thankful for! What 1lb anyway in the big scheme or things!!!
    Back to my boosters…………….

  • posted by Antigone

    CC – I feel your pain! Happened to me a few weeks ago and I totally threw my toys out of the pram! Well done for giving yourself a good talking to – just keep going it will all balance out! 🙂

  • posted by SueBlue

    Cathy so sorry you have been disappointed this week – it is frustrating when you put in the effort, stick to plan and then not lose, or even gain. But you have put it into perspective well.
    I’ve definitely had more gains and stalls compared to good losses. Also I think too our bodies don’t lose weight to a schedule – in my case there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. Last week I reported on Friday that I’d only lost a few hundred grams, yet a few days later I’d dropped over a kilo. Now I’m expecting the usual weight ups and downs for a few weeks before it stabilises at the new lower weight.
    Our bodies are strange and complex things – weight loss involves so many processes, I’m not going to pretend to even try and understand the metabolic process! Then there’s fluid retention, muscle gain & loss, hormones…
    The main thing is to just stay on track and keep going 🙂

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hello to all fellow passengers,sorry I haven’t got round to posting for about a week but I’ve tried to check in to read other posts.Well done to everyone who is doing so well either losing weight or sticking to this woe and knowing that therefore the weight will come off eventually.I hadn’t weighed myself for a few weeks so did so this morning then wished I hadn’t 😭 Let’s just say I really need to buckle into my seat from NOW otherwise Yowzer’s lettuce will be making an appearance😱(Yowzer I’m pleased you are feeling much better and I hope you are rash free today) and I will end up heavier at the end of this Countdown than when I started!!!!! I haven’t used MFP properly for a couple of weeks so I’m going to go on that now and plan my next 3 days meals and just hope that this isn’t yet another false start for me.I feel full of enthusiasm this morning but have done on numerous other occasions so need to make this time different,drinking more water for a start as that is a big way of stopping me from going off plan.Still almost 6 weeks to make a difference before Christmas so I’m keeping everything crossed.Dawn X

  • posted by Dreamscometrue

    Dawn I am in the same position as you so let’s make this the week when we DO this!! My weight is creeping up and I just can’t seem to get back into a good WoE. Not sure what’s going on, but it’s almost like a rebellious “I don’t care!” thing. But I do!! It’s not just the numbers on the scales either, I feel sluggish (which makes me want to eat more carbs) and there’s a definite extra layer building up around my middle.

    So this the week when I do yet another reboot (yawn!! I know you’ve heard it all before). There are 6 weeks to Christmas and I want to get back below 10 stone by then. If I lose 11b a week I can just about do it . . . . .

    Yowzer hope you are completely better very soon. We need your wet lettuces at the ready! And Cathy I hope you remain Covid-free and that you see some well-deserved scale victories this week.

    Love and positive vibes to everyone else reading this too. Let’s all have a fab week! X

  • posted by ADD6605

    DCT I definitely think it’s been a rebellious thing a bit with me too,I’ve even eaten stuff I usually wouldn’t bother with!My coat this morning seems to be even more further away from meeting at the front,yet another incentive to DO this once and for all!I’m going to commit to posting at the end of each day this week before I go to bed in the hope that it will help me focus more.We can definitely still make a difference before Christmas,my journey to my goal weight will have to continue after then as no way I will reach it in 6 weeks but,like you,I feel sluggish and that can easily be changed before Christmas! Dawn X

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Hi fellow travellers,I’m just so excited to say ….I can jump back on our Crimbo Coach at last!
    🎶🎶🎶🎶ohhhh happy day!🎶🎶🎶
    Today I’m over Covid,no more rash,negative test….and I’m running up and down the aisle giving everyone a germ free hug! Yayyyy!
    DAWN I know that” coat won’t close” feeling,I spent the whole of last winter in same situation,I felt like an unmade bed. Now that coat is loose. You can do it too,it’s super worth it,you know it is,so come on girl,get yr sparkly chart up,otherwise the dreaded wet lettuce will have to be applied!😀💜
    DCT that’s brill if you can get under ten stone by Xmas! Go for it! You can make it happen ❤️
    SUEBLUE I agree about the mysteries of the metabolic process,I don’t understand it either. I haven’t weighed very often for a long time now, but I know that low carbing seems to mean sometimes inexplicably you don’t lose.. and you don’t lose..then suddenly that amazzzzzing whooooosh happens.💕 makes it all worthwhile.
    Thanks to everyone for their kind wishes over the last two weeks! 😍😍😍
    Have a super duper week CCATHY,ANTIGONE,LAURA,DAWN,JENNIE,MARIET,SUEBLUE,DCT,LINDA,ANGELSAND and everyone else who’s bowling along on our Christmas Countdown Coach to Christmas xxxxxx

  • posted by ADD6605

    Hi again all,starting my first nightly check in for the week.Have had a pretty good day and have my next few days planned out on MFP so feeling ready for tomorrow.Yowzer I’m so pleased your rash has now gone and that you are back on the bus😀It must be a good feeling that your coat is loose this Winter,mine was before Christmas last year so you’ve reminded me how good that felt!I will make a new sparkly chart tomorrow🙂Hope everyone has had a good day.Will check in again tomorrow.Dawn X

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