A Breath of Fresh Air!!

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by Verano

    I just wanted to start a new thread in a ‘category ‘ that has no specific message.
    I would love everyone that posts here to take three deep breaths before posting ….. in through the nose and out through the mouth……
    Then we can all help, encourage, applaud and commiserate, when needs be.
    We are all human.
    We each choose our own path towards health as needs dictate.
    So, newbies and golden oldies lets all unite and help each other towards a healthier future.
    Can I start with a suggestion for those who have not discovered ‘dietdoctor.com’ yet to take a look. There are brilliant graphics of carb counts and a huge array of recipes.

  • posted by Jess65

    Verano thank you for creating this new thread, I’m a newbie to posting but have followed this WOE for a couple of years. I’ve found the diet doctor website and the recipes a great inspiration when I get bored with my normal go to recipes. I always read all forum posts and have found the last couple of days quite unsettling everyone has the same aim weight loss and a healthy happy life however we can achieve it. From reading these forums I now have a breathalyser to measure I’m in ketosis and have had the confidence to push to a 24 hour fast with positive results …. couldn’t face the egg fast as I’m not to fond of eggs. Thank you for everyone who takes the time to post xx

  • posted by KazzUK

    Hi V! 💋. Lovely thread idea. I wish I could send you my thick seed crackers. Just like ryvita! I know you like crunch!

  • posted by KazzUK

    Hi Jess, welcome! Diet doctor and YouTube are invaluable!

  • posted by alliecat

    Thank you V., for envisioning a new thread! I’ve never conceived of a better time or a greater need for a breath of FRESH
    air in this community. Hopefully “this too will pass” 🙂 I really do understand Essie’s decision to walk away though,
    and I’m fast approaching this state of mind, too. If anyone can get us back on track, it is you! Blessings always…


  • posted by Californiagirl

    Please please no one leave! Even best friends have bad days — and we are only connected by tenuous internet strings so it is harder for us!
    I don’t always post regularly but I love knowing we are all here together and trying to make our lives better and healthier and just thinking about everyone all over our globe is a fascinating thing for me every single day.
    I miss so many voices who have already decided to leave (for whatever reason).
    This forum is an amazing thing! It has connected so many lives and in an incredibly personal way.
    Your stories are amazing, I truly appreciate your willingness to share them with the world (literally!!)

  • posted by caronl

    A lovely idea, Verano. And a good title. The air is clearing here too after a good thunderstorm……
    Dietdoctor is always an inspiration. I have been checking out chilled soups in all this heat. My gazpacho was a bit tomato-ey to be really BSD. But today I will do a chilled courgette concoction.
    My judicious July was a bit patchy. But I did manage to stop wine-creep in its tracks, so I am banking that as an achievement. August is going to be my month! Best wishes to all for a healthy weekend

  • posted by alliecat

    I just made my first batch of gazpacho too, Caron! I carefully ladled it out for number of servings, then calculated
    the qty of tomato in each portion. I didn’t think it was too bad, maybe 1/2 a medium size tomato in each portion?
    How do you prepare yours? Heirloom tomatoes are just becoming available here. What flavor!

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning! It really is I slept like a log last night ….. must be those three deep breaths!
    Welcome Jess good to have you posting here. Hopefully this will be a safe haven with only ‘mindful’ posters and posts!
    Caron and Allie have you tried my version of gazpacho posted on the ‘Soups’ thread? It’s also quite tomatoey but it is quite spicy too, so you can’t eat too much of it. It’s an adaptation of Jun Tanaka recipe and is different from Spanish gazpacho in a few respects. It really only needs half a clove of garlic!
    Kazz thank you! I wish you could too! Very thoughtful of you.
    Well I’m off for my daily dose of peaceful meditation. Have a lovely peaceful Saturday.

  • posted by WoodDuckie

    Hi CG 🙂 Im feeling your angst and feel quite a bit the same way . . . A Breath of Fresh Air is always nice . . . and here is delightful – with grateful thanks to V! ! Mixing folks on different programmes on one forum makes for difficult and conflicting communications on and about such variances . . . but . . . If there is a problem . . . then it is misunderstandings, intolerance and/or inability to see/accept differing aspects of one’s chosen programmes and therefore lack willingness to discuss or see others (sometimes unexplained) – points of view. BUT . . . here we are out in the open again in a good place, where good friendships, shared fun and serious occurrences and where memories of kindnesses never die 🙂 Thank you V 🙂
    Bedtime downunder with only positive thoughts for another glorious sunny day to indulge in more garden work – something that without the BSD forum and friends made there, I would not be able to achieve and enjoy. I have had a huge chunk of my life returned and much enriched 🙂 Quack! Quack!

  • posted by Verano

    Hi Duckie good to see you on this thread. It’s a shame that more of the ‘disgruntled’ haven’t taken three deep breaths, put the past behind and joined in here …. but there is time and it would be good to all start over with a clean sheet.
    Anyway, caron did you make your cold courgette soup? I’ve made a hot version but would really like to know about the cold one.
    I have been using a meditation app and am two thirds through a ‘cravings’ course but today I started a ‘mindful eating’ course which I think may just be of more value. I will finish the ‘cravings’ course …… I’ve started so I’ll finish ……
    I really do have to admit that I’m far more relaxed since starting meditation and I would recommend it to anyone who is a bit uptight.
    Hope the rest of the weekend is enjoyable.

  • posted by wendleg

    I am definitely with you V and thank you for your heart warming words. There are several women who have become very dear to me on the forum and being in touch with them daily is a true joy and they have enhanced my life in more ways than just BSD support. Yes, Julia , this forum certainly has connected so many people in a very personal way.

    It did cross my mind whether I could just continue those contacts outside the forum and not get involved with the threads…but..after taking a bit of time out yesterday…

    I don’t want to let anyone down. I have learnt so much in the 10 months I have been following the forum and hope that I can continue to share my (albeit limited) experience. I am not a newbie or a golden oldie….somewhere in the middle 😉

    There is so much at stake in getting this right , not just for health but for a restoring of self esteem and recognition of self worth and a sharing of warmth , and of basic human decency. We have all had different challenges in life and to exchange expériences and learn from each other is a wonderful opportunity . The forum has become so much more than a space where we can discuss ways to modify our way of eating . I still miss Essie, Amz, Eclectic who are no longer with us but who made an impact on me .
    Yes V,
    to “help, encourage, applaud and commiserate, when needs be”……sounds absolutely spot on to me !

    I haven’t actually eaten yet today ( weird !) so maybe I will achieve an unintentional fast day. The Egg Fast will begin tomorrow !!
    I am sending a big hug to you all …this thread has already helped restore my faith in our strengths, thanks V xxx

  • posted by Scottishgal

    Please, please don’t leave Wendy.
    I, and I expect plenty of others, need you here. How would I get by without your gentle nagging?
    Your posts are always brilliant and well worded. You always make me think about things in a different way. So encouraging at all times.
    You mention Amz has left. I often think of her as I could relate to some of her issues. Are you in touch with her outwith the forum? If so please pass on my wishes. I do hope she is alright.
    I like the idea of this thread……bringing us all together no matter which particular WOE we are following. Thank you Verano
    And I too am liking the diet doctor website and its recipes. Another good one for recipes is lowcarbyum.com

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi V, I am not disgruntled and I am still here. Remember the Mindfulness courses with FutureLearn. I still have some of their audio meditation tapes that I downloaded. Hopefully they still work. I will take a few moments each day to relax my mind.

  • posted by wendleg

    I always worry about Amz …and hope she decides to come back and let us know how she is getting on. No ..I am not in touch with her outside the forum ,unfortunately and I hope she is ok and not feeling isolated ..facing a lot of challenges. Come back Amz !
    I will keep gently nagging you Scottishgal. Walk past those cheap special offers …think quality choc 😉!xx

  • posted by Verano

    Ahh girls! It’s so good that so many of us just want to make our lives healthier, whichever way, and can come together united with a single goal …. whichever way we get there!
    Wendy, sorry I forgot the ‘in-betweeners’, ’ although I do think of you as a ‘golden oldie ‘ in the nicest possible way! You brought a tear to my eye with your post ….. I’m just trying to bring everyone together.
    Hi s-g yes I remember that course but being as dumb as I am I need a daily reminder! I was just hoping that some of the other ‘less happy’ people would join us and hopefully they still will.
    What’s better than a thread full of joy and joyful people.

  • posted by Kafin13

    I am onboard with deep breaths as well 😊🌬
    I wish I could share a picture of Albert lying on the coffee table, looking like a breath of fresh air, I find him very calming!
    And yes, he’s not allowed on the coffee table but we had a discussion about boundaries and net net, he will do whatever he wants. I would be a terrible parent of actual children!!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Once again V, you’ve identified a definite need on the forum and acted. Like everyone else posting here, I very much appreciated your instigating such a much needed thread.
    It’s all too easy to forget to be mindful – especially when responding to posts which may have stirred a strong reaction. It’s so good to see what I would consider ‘core’ posters signing up here. Think there are times when we all feel the need to step back and take a break from the forum. It’s important that we can identify when this is necessary and respond accordingly, but it’s always a great relief to see people returning once they have ‘recharge’. We need all of you …….
    ‘I have seen that in any great undertaking, it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself.’ Quote for Lone Man( late 19th century) Teton Sioux, from Native American Wisdom, Running Press (ISBN 1-56138-307-4)

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi folks, I am joining in with this thread – if thats ok – and will be sticking with the Take a Look at this Thread. – And the July thread… Well basically every thread that has people on it that want to focus on facts rather than wishful (Pie in the sky) thinking.

    I had a lovely time today out walking the dogs, listening to the crickets and watching the different flying insects. Then spent part of the evening checking on the other flying insects that remain nameless. – As is always the way at present, I managed to get my smoker working properly only as I walked away from them. –

  • posted by alliecat

    Good evening, my lovelies! Once again, V. has gathered us up in her arms, and has restored dignity to the community!
    I won’t be influenced by negative posts either, and the core constituents of this forum keep joy a part of everyday
    life. Wendy won’t be going anywhere, Julia, and I won’t be either. I feel refreshed and restored by this new thread,
    and I’m in awe of Verano’s instincts to settle us all back on an even keel.
    JGwen, do you have lightening bugs in Wales? Recently I was out on our balcony, and saw an amazing sight.
    We have deep woods behind us, and every deciduous tree was blinking on and off. It looked like stars falling
    from the heavens!
    Have a peaceful night everyone, and I hope that the sun is shining on everyone tomorrow morning 🙂

  • posted by Verano

    Good morning and it certainly is a sunny one here!
    So good to see more like minded travellers joining this merry band.
    SunnyB I love your quote, so much so I’ve just re-quoted you! This really is a huge undertaking for each of us but we will keep on keeping on …….. and will succeed in the end.

  • posted by wendleg

    Morning everyone ! Feeling motivated and mindful about the egg fast after trying my first bullet proof coffee which tasted better than expected but needed an extra shot of espresso for my taste !
    My little friend is still here. It’s good to spend time with children ! It does mean I don’t get much else done though !
    Wishing everyone a lovely day /evening whatever you are up to . Xx

  • posted by sixturkeys

    It felt good just now to go into the garden, take in the roses, and breathe in and out, deeply and slowly. Maybe the ibuprofen is kicking in; I do feel improved..

  • posted by Verano

    6T there’s nothing quite like a few deep breaths for calming the mind!
    Best of luck with the EF Wendy I may just join the next one myself!
    Enjoy the rest of Sunday.

  • posted by wendleg

    I’m breathing V and seeking out lots of lovely caring spaces !

    Do come and join us on the egg fast when you feel ready .Kazz and Kafin are both starting again tomorrow. Today was fine but admittedly it’s a bit early for boredom to set in 😉

    Glad your pain is easing 6T.

    Back tomorrow xxxx Love to everyone . xxx

  • posted by Kafin13

    Yes V! I second Wendy! See you over on that thread.
    My breaths of fresh air this weekend (along the lines of positives but less of a struggle for me right now) are my beloved Albert reclining on the coffee table, bolstered by the clean folded towels that I hadn’t yet put away because well, it’s illegal to disturb him.
    A pic from my brother showing my cutie pie 11 year old niece waving her Harry Potter wand as she puts the world right!

  • posted by Verano

    Girls I promise I will join you but not at the moment. I’m in a hotel and my goodness just how much can a person eat at one meal!!!! Unless it’s the only meal of the day ….. and even then! Lots of very ‘heavy’ people here making me feel ‘slim’ …. if only!
    Looks like we may all need to take some extra ‘ very deep breaths’ at the moment.
    This is a public forum open to all but not all threads seem that welcoming to all. Maybe we should be a little ‘judicious’, despite it not always being July! and only give help or advice when asked for it?
    Not sure, but for the moment three deep breaths in through the nose out through the mouth ………….

  • posted by Elky

    Hello everyone, I haven’t posted on this thread before but just popping by to say hello and add my support to this endeavour. I mostly hang around the weekly thread (and the Egg Fast clubhouse just now 😊 ). There clearly can’t be too much goodwill in the world, so I thought I’d drop by to wish you all the very best for the new week.

    Big hugs, Elky

  • posted by Verano

    Good to have you join us Elky. No, as you say, we all need as much goodwill as we can get and you’re right there can’t be too much. Enjoy your EF.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hope it’s okay, I thought I’d throw a little quote in here:
    “Kindness is more important than wisdom and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.”
    Theodore Isaac Rubin, 1923-2019

  • posted by Verano

    Sunny please keep posting your great quotes we all benefit from them so much. This thread is all about a ‘breath of fresh air ‘ and that’s just we need ….. refreshing thoughts.

  • posted by Kafin13

    How’s this, Verano?

    “Never let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. Just look at Beethoven. Everyone told him he would never be a musician, just because he was deaf. But did he listen?”
    ~The Internet 😁 (I hope this doesn’t offend anyone, sometimes a laugh is a breath of fresh air too xx)

  • posted by Verano

    Thanks Kafin!

  • posted by SunnyB

    One more quote and then I’ll give you a break for a while!
    Take time to be friendly – it is the road of happiness.
    Take time to dream – it is hitching your wagon to a star.
    Take time to look around – it is too short a day to be selfish.
    Take time to laugh – it is the music of the soul.
    “An Old English Prayer”

  • posted by Baristagirls

    I like it SunnyB, and now I’ve got the music “Take time to be holy” stuck in my head!

  • posted by KazzUK

    Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out…. let it all go over your head….. nearly better, a few more breaths! Gee whizz, patience is being tried today and my self restraint …. well, I’ve obviously matured in the last couple of years!
    I’m here and it’s a great thread, thanks V.
    … “as you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction”… 🙂

  • posted by Verano

    LOL Kazz !! You really are a breath of fresh air. My goodness, it’s seems that we have needed those three deep breaths more and more often over the last week or so and we haven’t even hit the ‘August silly season’. Goodness help us all!
    SunnyB please don’t stop your quotes, you made me laugh and cry in equal measure.
    So it’s back to three deep breaths for some of us …….. and for the rest, as s-g says just keep on keeping on………….

  • posted by caronl

    Joining you all for a few deep cool breaths. What is going on at the moment? And a gold medal to California Girl for forbearance.

  • posted by Verano

    Caron in answer to your question ‘I have no idea!’ Fortunately I never remember so much prolonged angst. However, from my previous experience on these threads, and it’s extensive!, the ‘troublemakers’ tend to move on very quickly.
    All we can do is keep taking those three deep breaths ……..

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi guys,
    It looks like our toxic poster has been silenced. – I was also going to go on the thread to reassure the original poster that the forum isn’t normally like this but the whole thread is come up as page not found so maybe the moderator has stepped in in this case.
    Although its left to us to flag up the occasional marketing spammer, I can’t imagine that there isn’t someone on Dr MM’s team who keeps an eye on the forum. He seems like a bright person from a business point of view and watching the themes of what people are talking about on the forum will be hugely beneficial in planning new books, tv programs, presentations.

  • posted by sixturkeys

    I saw that too JGwen, and it is for the best. Hopefully Roo, who had initially set up the thread, saw the later posts and will have been reassured that it was an aberration. As I have said separately to Birdy, I do think it’s a shame though, that someone who is obviously not happy with her weight should slam the door in the face of those who would have been so happy to welcome her and support her on the journey. Because that is all that this is about! And for the avoidance of doubt, I do not feel controlled or dictated to!

  • posted by Verano

    Whew! We can breath out at last!
    Thanks for alerting us to that JGwen. Now we can all get back to normal. Three deep breaths ……..

  • posted by JGwen

    I do hope that Roo saw all the messages of support and wasn’t put off. – That was my reason for going to the thread. – I wasn’t in the mood for bear bating. :-0

    Six-turkeys, Its sad that someone appears to have such emotional issues with their own inability to resist carbs that they try to put people off this way of eating, in a premeditated way such as using multiple identities. – However, given how often people are using carbs as a crutch to help with their emotions I think we should be grateful that its such a rare occurrence.

  • posted by alliecat

    Good morning, all! I feel light and bright on my feet today, as our moderators have responded to the call, and have
    been able to restore peace and serenity to the community. It’s something only they can do, and it’s good to know
    that they react swiftly when the need arises. I am eternally grateful that these aberrations are few and far between,
    because we’ve all put time and energy into respecting those that first formed the site, and done our best to preserve
    and maintain it for future members. I’m in “fine fettle” today, and after a huge mug of coffee, I’ll be making my
    “rounds” today as usual, and welcoming all newcomers who want to join us. I’m breathing out too, Verano!

  • posted by Verano

    Allie glad you are feeling lighter, brighter I think we all are!
    Maybe we are partially to blame for the nonesense that occurred. Should it happen again rather than engage with the poster it may just better to report the post in the same way we do with advertisers/scammers? Just a thought.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    The thing is V, we didn’t twig something was wrong until it had taken us all over and done what it intended. Set us against each other. Maybe when someone is totally negative or non-inclusive or whatever we should just stay away and ignore them.

    Deep breaths and relax…

  • posted by SunnyB

    I agree sunshine-girl, it’s probably best to hold off on commenting on negative or non-inclusive comments, although I completely appreciate that when they are posted, hackles are raised and it can become very very hard not to react. And of course, if there is an element of attack, the instinct to offer support and protection can be all but impossible to resist.

    Thankfully the moderators have stepped in this time and removed the thread. I know from communications following my reporting advertising type posts in the past, that content and posts are monitored, so I’m guess on this most recent occasion, it was decided the resulting content of that particular thread had no place in this community, which is all to the good.

    Moving past all the venom that was spewed yesterday …….
    “Better than a thousand useless words, is one single word that gives peace.”
    The Dhammapada

    Keep breathing …

  • posted by wendleg

    Sadly not exactly a poster girl for Buddhism but I feel that someone who needs to constantly seek confrontation is quite frankly extremely dissatisfied and unhappy.
    I agree..however difficult ,it is often best not to respond and feed the aggressive negativity hence my silence but it is very hard not to intervene I know .
    So glad to have decent human beings in my life xxx

  • posted by deleted_account

    Just to let you know, it was me who reported all this to the moderators and had it removed. Much of it was quite shameful (including mind, I wish I’d said more). You don’t have to thank me.

    Perhaps before posting anything, you should all take your famous three deep breaths; if the conversation stays civilised and without personal attack then no one has to referee it.


  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I also reported the events of the last 2 weeks. The response was that they had looked through posts and removed some. They also said that we should not do this diet for more than 12 weeks and they will be putting a notice out to that effect when the rest of the tech team get back from holidays. So they picked up on something that is not really an issue, we all do as we want and I know I will continue on this plan. Doesn’t mean i am doing 800 cals continuously, we all have breaks. I dont think they browse through our posts though, it is all left up to us but they do react quickly when things go awry. Great minds as I dont think I am the only one to intervene. For me it was a choice of speak up or just leave and this has been such an important part of my life for 3 years. I might just lurk in the background and post on a couple of chosen threads.

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