ONE WEEK AT A TIME beginning April 16th 2019

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by wendleg

    Initiated by Verano, and perpetuated in the capable, safe hands of Allie and Sunny B, here we are with another weekly thread open to everyone whatever stage you are at.You will find support , encouragement and invaluable advice. We have some tremendous maintainers on here ! Come and join our friendy thread !

  • posted by alliecat

    You more than do your part, too, Wendy! You have carried on with the best spirit of this community. Evidence is
    right there in the number of posts this past week ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope to see all of our new friends continuing on, too! I hope
    one of you will step into the breech the following week when Wendy is away. This is a strong and very special
    thread, and it would be upsetting to see it go silent.

    This is a brand new week, forget any blips that may have happened during last week’s challenge . Continue with
    all of your successes and life lessons. It’s a NEW DAY ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Birdy76

    I donโ€™t mind starting the new one up next week while the lovely Wendy is enjoying her well deserved spring break. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฆœ

  • posted by ClarinetCathy

    Allie- Massive congratulations to you for maintaining (which I think is really difficult) for two whole years. What an achievement! I have shared my journey with you since January 2017 when I embarked on my exciting adventure- totally sceptical but so, so, hopeful and you have always been so kind and generous with your encouragement and advice. You are a fantastic ambassador for this way of eating. What you did for yourself was amazing and what you have done for us is too- you have helped so many of us. Happy Anniversary and thank you for being there for us all.

    PS- I am still plodding to get the few pounds I put on last year off to reach my goal of 133. Sadly, I didnโ€™t maintain that weight for very long which is why I think maintenance is difficult. If I donโ€™t achieve 133 by June I am going to revise my goal to 138 and call it a day! (I can maintain 138 and did do for over a year). Never giving up the BSD way now eating of course but starting my revised maintenance plan at 138 with the hope that every pound that goes on, comes off the week after so weekly weigh ins when I get to whatever goal weight I manage to achieve. #plodding

  • posted by Golfcaddie

    Hope you donโ€™t mind me jumping in – new today ๐Ÿ‘‹
    Just finishing my third meal – chicken stir fry with courgetti- yum but may have slightly overdone the chilli ๐ŸŒถ
    Struggled a bit this afternoon but stuck it out and very pleased with myself. Now off to clean my kitchen to keep myself busy! Looks like a lovely group of people in here so look forward to getting to know you all ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Violinist

    Wendy, enjoy your vacation!

    Allie, wonderful anniversary!!!

  • posted by wendleg

    I still have another Week at school to do before the break.

    Feeling very emotional here watching the raging fire at Notre Dame .

  • posted by sixturkeys

    Wendleg, I am with you on Notre Dame. The stained glass, and the organ presumably are at risk, if not destroyed already (I am just looking at BBC news website)… Just dreadful to see.

  • posted by alliecat

    I’m heartsick too, Wendy. This is an unspeakable tragedy. My soul is with every French citizen today..

    I’m simply overwhelmed by everyone who has taken time out of their busy day to acknowledge my maintenance
    anniversary #2. Thank you, Wendy, Birdy, Shellbob, Patricia, Caron, Scottishgal, Violinist, Kafin, JGwen and Kazz. You
    are the extraordinary women who make this community what it is with your generosity of spirit. ClarinetCathy, I’m
    truly humbled by your kind words. Traveling this road with you since 2017 has been a joy. If I’ve forgotten anyone,
    please forgive me. You are all special miracles in my life xxx


  • posted by Birdy76

    Norte dame I am so sorry, I was with you 4 years ago and I thought you were spectacular. My heart goes out to Paris. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ขโค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ข

  • posted by CysterBSD800

    Hi everyone I’m re starting the fast diet after two years. Originally started in 2017 January because of infertility and successfully lost four stone then got pregnant and had a beautiful little girl who has just turned one.
    I have forgotten how to go about this am just feeling a bit overwhelmed any tips would be very much appreciated thanks for taking the time to read this

  • posted by Birdy76

    Hi Custer and welcome back! That is amazing news on your daughter and way to go!โค๏ธ I am now just starting my third week and it is going well. I am not an expert but I have been keeping to 20g carbs and it is helping me discard weight and inches. I am sure one of our more knowledgeable ladies will be along soon to help you on your journey. But until then if you type a few key words in the search bar there will be lots of helpful posts๐Ÿ˜‰. Once again welcome and good luck on your journey. Birdy๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฆœ

  • posted by Birdy76

    Has/did anyone suffer with dry skin on their face and lips when they started BSD, or whilst they have been on it? I have never suffered with dry cracked lips but I have this past few days. It just be me age๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฆœ

  • posted by alliecat

    Birdy, the BSD has had the opposite effect on me. Prior to this way of life, I had extremely dry skin and hair. The combination
    of hyper hydration, and the healthy fats in avocado, olive oil, and a measured qty of almonds each day has reversed all
    of that. When we get into ketosis, many experience dry mouth and increased thirst. You may be experiencing that.
    In time the body adapts, and in the meantime, drink extra fluids and try a lip balm of some kind. It shouldn’t persist
    for very long. Don’t worry ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by Mariet

    I’m back again! I’ve had no internet for the past fortnight so access has been difficult on my limited mobile data.
    Four and a half weeks to my 60th birthday holiday in the Mediterranean and I’m pretty happy with preparations so far. I don’t have scales working at the moment but clothes are looser and according the blood ketone meter at work I am consistently in ketosis, even the morning after a couple of glasses of champagne the night before (OH 65th birthday!)

    So happy to see the weekly threads still going strong, they are so very helpful.

    Allie, congratulations on your maintenance anniversary, what a marvellous achievement.

    I woke up this morning to the news of Notre Dame burning, so terrible. I have very fond memories of climbing up there with my mother and sister many years ago when we took mum to Europe for her first visit at more than 70. So sad, but hopefully the two front towers can be saved.

  • posted by Birdy76

    Morning Allie and thank you. My skin looks amazing from all the water though๐Ÿ˜‚ I can’t use lip balm as it is really bad for your lips, with prolonged use it actually dries your lips out even more because it only sits on the top instead of going into your skin. But I am using my trusted Nivea soft morning and night and during the day if needed. I am also thinking it could be because of working nights too as that messes with your whole body. Like you say I am sure it will sort itself out. Until then I will get some almonds as they are the only nuts I don’t have in and I will eat more avo. Thanks again Hun ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฅ

  • posted by avisamuelgrey

    Today I am starting Round 2 at 14st 13lbs, having discarded 1st 4lbs in my first 8 weeks.

    Firstly, thank you to Skipping through the Tulips, who posted a very encouraging and thoughtful reply to my anguished post when I was faltering. The last 2 weeks I have been failing to keep to 800 cals, have had wine and pizza (just one!) and have raided the office biscuit supply more than once, out of sheer boredom. I have totally identified with a lot of what Scottishgal has said about work: the absolute danger zone for me is the afternoon, when I’ve had lunch and I’m stuck in my office alone with a bunch of tedious admin. This used to be a smaller part of my job but has increased since the company changed hands and really gets me down. Yesterday, I went for a 15 minute walk after lunch, but was into the biscuits again by 3:30pm ๐Ÿ™ I don’t even like them that much!

    HOWEVER. Today, I am wearing size 16 leggings. I was a size 20 8 weeks ago. Yesterday, a colleague commented that you could really see the weight loss around my middle. There are a few public holidays coming up and I never have a problem keeping busy at home, plus we are soon to have Mediterranean weather ~ *happy dance*.

    I’ve also had a kind of epiphany about wine, after reading here that it slows down weight loss. To be clear, I have always liked drinking (don’t judge!), and don’t really want to give it up completely, but it hasn’t been that difficult. When I had my holiday weekend bottle, I felt horrendous the next day, my sleep was affected badly, and I found myself craving sugar. I am starting to be at peace with the thought that it can be a very occasional treat for events :O

    One last thing: I joined a Facebook group for the Fast 800 and you guys would be honestly horrified at the chat going on there!!!!!!!!

    Best of luck to everyone, keep on keeping on.

  • posted by wendleg

    Lunch break but I am doing one of my fasts ! It really is easier the second day .
    Just a quick Hello to everyone joining us this week.

    Hi Cyster ! Let us know what would help you so you don’t feel overwhelmed.You know this works as you have already had success. Can you begin with your weekly plan so meals are sorted and you have everything you need to get you started. ? Keep the meals simple if you have limited time with your little girl.Omelettes, smoked salmon, avocado, roast asparagus, moderate protein. Just remove all the white processed carbs and subsitute with leafy greens.
    I log all my food because I like having a notebook ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Welcome back Mariet ! You sound very upbeat and you have every right to look forward to your upcoming birthday trip.What Mediterranean destinations are you visiting ? ( We have a Holidays thread on the forum to share experiences)

    Hi avisamuelgrey. That’s a great result. You need strategies for coping wih boredom which don’t involve the biscuit tin !! It would be a shame to scupper your efforts for carbs you don’t even enjoy ๐Ÿ˜‰ Are you drinking plenty ? Think of those biscuits as cr*p !!! Focus on those smaller sizes ….and upcoming breaks. You have shown great determination with wine and you can do the same with the biscuits ๐Ÿ˜‰ I know what you mean about epiphanies and they are very powerful but they make me very inflexible in my views ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Wishing you all a great week.xx

  • posted by Patricia1066

    Hi avis, hope you don’t mind that I shortened your name; we are a lovely bunch aren’t we.
    No one is perfect, especially when text is so open to interpretation, lacking all the non verbal indications of intent, but we try to look out for each other.

    I have been unable to weigh myself since last Monday because of breaking my ankle; today I risked getting on the scales.

    1.3kg down. I measured my waist. 3cm off my middle since last week! My waist is now exactly in proportion to my height. My linen trousers size 18 are very baggy on me now, and are going to the charity shop.
    Onwards and downwards!

  • posted by alliecat

    Hi Avisa! I’m glad that you are happy with your first round results, and are going for another . Good for you!
    Ahh, the wine question….Have no fear, we don’t judge here! We just share knowledge and experience ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve been
    a wine lover for decades, a habit which began when I lived in northern California. It is the equivalent of “liquid
    sugar”, and when we are indulging, fat burning shuts down until all the glucose gets used first, for fuel. There is
    an excellent thread called “WINO! I want to say sorry to my poor liver” that you can access by typing it in the search
    box. Look for a post dated 4June 2018 by californiagirl. It’s the best comment that I have read on the subject to
    date, and very useful for strengthening ones resolve! Have a look. You may find it very useful ๐Ÿ™‚ We’ve all heard
    about that Facebook group! It sounds like an alternative universe, best to be avoided…. Best to you,


  • posted by Shellbob44

    Hi everyone, so sorry to hear about your broken ankle Patricia, but fabulous results ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I too have had a bit of wine Avisamuelgrey ๐Ÿ˜ฑ, After our holiday disaster I felt it was warranted. I don’t think the occasional glass has done me too much harm…so far!

    I also wanted to add to the discussion of how low do we need to go on carbs. So far I’ve pretty much stuck at the initial <50g but prob averaging <40g over a week. I haven’t bothered dropping this lower as I am still discarding weight and inches and (apart from my dawn phenomenon morning high) my BG have been good. I am definitely in ketosis and have been for weeks.
    Am I just lucky? Or not as insulin resistant as I feared?

    I am now 1lb off the 12 stone bracket and 2lbs off the weight I was when I got married (20 y in August) This is psychologically massive for me.
    I got ‘The Letter’ today to book in for my 1st Hba1c since starting the BSD. I’m not going to book in till the start of May as this will be a full 3 months on this WOE so a true test! Quite nervous about the results…after all, the results are the primary reason for all of this.
    I feel so blessed to be able to share this empowering journey with you all ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

  • posted by wendleg

    Well done Patricia, you must be healing well if you could risk stepping on the scales with an ankle injury . Great result.

    Getting into the next stone bracket is a massive boost. Well done Shellbob ! I am looking forward to being 11 stone something.Can’t remember the last time I was that weight ! Don’t be apprehensive about your blood results.You are doing everything right ! Your positive outlook is a continuing inspiration on the thread !

    My hubby is pretty good limiting carbs MOST OF THE TIME but he still thinks in terms of treats like fish and chips, wine, risotto , apple croustade etc as being OK ..eeek !!

    Birdy , are you back at work tomorrow ?
    Hi Allie ! Big hug xx

  • posted by Shellbob44

    Just want to add to my wine comment, I’ve just read a bit of the WINO thread Allie recommended. I wasn’t meaning to be flippant in my ‘an occasional glass hasn’t done me any harm’ comment. I realise wine is a total trigger substance for some, however it isn’t for me as I’ve only ever been able to drink sparingly for the last 18 yrs due to being on constant call for my daughters complex care.
    When I say occasional I mean occasional, what do most of you long time maintainers do? Abstain or occasional?

  • posted by Birdy76

    Morning yes I am back on nights tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜ข. I am working in the cafe today too, why Hun? ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฆœ

  • posted by wendleg

    No reason , Birdy.Just like to know you are ok xx

  • posted by Birdy76

    Bless you lovely lady๐Ÿ’•. I am at work that is why I am so silent for a change๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. I finish in a couple of hours so will be able to write some replies properly. I am reading all the lovely posts as they come in on my emails! I have itchy fingers but not the time ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. Hope you are well ๐Ÿฆœ

  • posted by alliecat

    Yes, I know Shellbob. You never have the luxury of ever being off duty! May I say that you’ve been sounding so positive
    and energetic lately, and I sincerely hope that that is the case ๐Ÿ™‚ I abstained for the 10 months of weight loss, and
    now only pop a cork on the weekends. If I get careless and allow wine creep M-F, I see the results on the scales at
    once! At 3.8-4g of carbs per glass, this shouldn’t come as any surprise……

    Birdy, I found this mini frittata recipe with red pepper, spinach and cheddar. Maybe you can access it:

    Very glad to see you back with us, Mariet!

  • posted by JGwen

    I came across this article yesterday which covers a range of suggestions on what to do if you encounter a stall, and mentions advice on having an occasional glass of wine.

    My personal situation is that to get to any social event I usually have to drive, and I have a strong commitment to not having any alcohol when driving. – I know that in the UK its legal to drive after having a single drink, but a close friend put himself in a wheel chair when he was 17 by putting his vehicle on its roof on top off a hedge when driving back from the pub so before I was old enough to formally start driving I said I would never drink any alcohol when driving and have always stuck to that.

    I usually buy a bottle of port or liqueur as part of my Christmas shopping. I love curling up by the fire with a glass of port and getting out writing paper and pen to write personal letters to put in cards.

    Most groups staying in the holiday let divide up all the unused food and drink between them before they leave but sometimes there are cans of beer or cider and half drunk bottles of wine or bottles of spirit with a single shot left behind. – I now find that most of the cider tastes too sweet, so I probably only have one can of cider or maybe a can of beer or glass of wine a month when I am really in the mood. My total alcohol since Christmas has been 2 shots of whiskey added to coffee with double cream, one can of cider, and half a bottle of wine.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, just popped in to say congrats to Allie. I am coming up to 3 years but my maintenance is my BG as I have never managed to lose much more than a couple of stone but have had a low BG for 3 years. Every time I tackle the weight something crops up but I never go back on carbs – totally forbidden – but not just that, I dont even want them.

    I wont be around for a few weeks as ‘something has cropped up’. We are welcoming our Argentinian house-sitters on Thursday and I will be cooking a vegi meal for them – butternut squash curry followed by fresh fruit and yoghurt. Then on Friday we head off to the UK to spend a week with family. Daughter is going to be away on business for most of it so we will have the grandsons, taking them to Harry Potters world. Then we head off on our Baltic cruise for 2 weeks. Looking forward to luxury and being waited on hand and food with everything done and prepared for us. See you all when I get back. In the meantime, keep on keeping on…

  • posted by Shellbob44

    Hi Allie, yes I’m trying to be much more positive as that is my natural state, that had become very hard when surrounded by such total negativity, not just from Ben but we have almost ongoing issues with Katy’s staff passing judgement on our family….there is no escape from this…however I’ve decided to change things I can and make the best of the things I can’t. My hubby and I always quote Dory from Finding Nemo
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming”
    ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿก๐ŸŸ

    Have a fabulous trip Sunshine, bon voyage xxx

  • posted by Esnecca

    Allie, your goal anniversary is so momentous that I feel like you should put it on the calendar for a full celebration every year, like your birthday or the 4th of July. Insulin Independence Day! ๐Ÿ˜€ Congratulations, my friend. You are living a dream that you built with your own research, understanding and persistence. It has all the impact of winning the lottery, only you earned every last dime of it yourself.

  • posted by alliecat

    I think that you are a magnificently strong lady, Shellbob. I say that with the deepest respect! I only hope that having
    a community here, ready to listen with compassion and kindness, is a safety valve for you. I understand the conflict
    that might occur between Katy’s team and the rest of the family. Their sole responsibility is to care for Katy’s needs,
    but you have the needs of the rest of the family to balance, as well. Additionally, you and your husband are ultimately
    the ones who have to make the decisions. Caregivers come and go, but you must be there day in and day out, year in
    and year out. Hang on to your positive spirit, know that you are important as the glue that holds the family together,
    and carve some time out for yourself each day. Sending a family size hug across the Atlantic xxx

    Have a fabulous holiday, sunshine! Wendy was just asking me about international housesitters on Sunday, and I
    was reasonably certain that you were the one that had information on them. I’ll pass it along!


  • posted by Esnecca

    Shellbob, I’m an abstainer. I was never much of a drinker to begin with (it upset my stomach very quickly) so even though I very much enjoyed a good glass of wine with dinner and indeed made something of a study of wine pairings, it was an easy discard when I decided to go low carb. Once the BSD came into play and I went below 20 grams of carbs a day, 125 calories and 4 grams a sugar in a 5 oz glass of wine put it firmly off the table. My OH doesn’t drink either and we navigate social events with sparkling water and (in his case) fruit juices. We keep a couple of bottles of wine and some beer in the house for guests and we have a fully stocked wet bar. Everyone gets what they want and it’s all entirely painless.

  • posted by alliecat

    Your post is very meaningful to me, Essie. Thank you for your well considered words ๐Ÿ™‚ We are both warriors though,
    and what’s a little loose skin, if that is our only battle scar? Only a select few have the priveledge of seeing THAT,
    anyway! Which day on the calendar do you circle in red?

  • posted by Birdy76

    Wow sunshine girl I hope you have an amazing holiday hun!๐Ÿพโ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ

  • posted by Birdy76

    Thank you Allie it sounds awesome and will be made today in preparation for my nighshits๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜‰. No need to worry what I will be eating. Your a star ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฆœ

  • posted by Esnecca

    I’m a sucker for a theme, so I go with Labor Day. It’s when I achieved my initial goal (130lb) and when I went clothes shopping for the first time in decades. I had a wonderful day with my girliest shopping-loving friend who had never known me before I was overweight and had seen me go from fat to obese over the years with increasing worry. We went crazy at the sales, had a delicious lunch and I came home with bags full of size 6-8 clothes. It was a perfect day that truly ushered in my renaissance.

  • posted by Birdy76

    Shellbob I would just like to mirror Allieโ€™s and Essieโ€™s posts, you are extraordinary and what you have achieved is in incredible. My hat is well and truly off to you๐Ÿ˜‰. We all struggle but what you have achieved and what you have to struggle with day and day out I could not get my head around. I would have to let something go and unfortunately that would be me and probably my diet, but you no way! I am truly inspired by you lovely lady. Essie is right put a big ring around your achievement and celebrate it every year like your own little Sellbob national holiday.๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŒˆ. ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฆœ. Oops I got confused a little, so many posts so sorry Allie yes Essie is right you should have Allie day every year without fail! You are incredible. Love ya Birdy๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ

  • posted by alliecat

    Labor Day it is, E.! The Spring of 2017 is when I first purchased a modest collection of 6/8’s. Inspired by your
    shopping trips in Nov. of 2018, I was all set to pull the trigger and go hog wild, but you reminded me at that time
    that black friday sales were just around the corner…I hadn’t shopped in so many years that I had forgotten that
    they existed! It was a blowout, and I saved 30-40%. Instead of pocketing the savings though, I just used it to
    justify more purchases. Everything in excess, I always say!

  • posted by Mumofcrazynamedkids

    Hello All,
    Can I (re) join you? I recognise some names from when I was here back in Jan 2018, and maybe from 5:2 days years earlier?

    So last Jan I did BSd and lost about 16 pounds of my 28 pounds target, I have regained 8 pounds after falling off the wagon, but am determined this time to get back on it, I have recruited some friends with the new Fast 800 book, which I have been buying and distributing to friends in order to get as many people as possible on board with me!

    My 2 kids age 13 and 10 really need this too, so they are doing a slightly looser version of things, but they are keen to tackle our overeating and carb preferences.

    I started on Monday, aiming for 11 days of strict 800, then I have a dinner and drinks with new Beau’s canoe club, so will have an evening off, but then back on it for as long as I can bear!

    anyway good to be back, have one full day and a 2 pound loss under my belt already and raring to meet my target!


  • posted by Birdy76

    I really do love how crazy you and Essie are at times Allie, not only are your spirits and positive outlooks fab, your commitment is second to none and your help, guidance and support is invaluable. Love you bothโค๏ธ . (Sorry maybe a little corny but I speak the truth)๐Ÿ˜‰

    But I hate shopping for clothes, love food shopping though๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฆœ

  • posted by Birdy76

    On Another note does it effect our diet if we donโ€™t reach 800 calories in a day? Also my carb intake for 6 days out of nearly three weeks has been lower than 20grams๐Ÿคฃ. I have resisted the dreaded scales for three days now, but I am itching to know๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. I will wait though and weigh and measure myself on Sunday, promise!๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. It really has been a lovely positive day on here today๐Ÿ˜„.

    I really want to go on Facebook though and see just how crap the page is on there about BSD๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ, but I came off of Facebook back in January as I hate it.๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฆœ

  • posted by Esnecca

    I hated shopping for clothes when I was young and slim, Birdy, and of course I extra-double-extremely hated shopping for clothes when I weighed more than 300 lbs. It took recovering from a couple of decades of obesity to discover the sheer joy of being able to buy regular clothes in a regular store in a regular size and have them look nice.

  • posted by alliecat

    Yes, Birdy! We know our way around crazy town! And we aren’t even up to speed, yet ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  • posted by avisamuelgrey

    Birdy76, go have a look – it will make you feel mega-smug! So far, I’ve seen some drinking a Diet Coke every day, potatoes in meal pictures and a few saying they are drinking tins of coconut milk.

  • posted by Shellbob44

    I like the idea of my own secret national Shellbob day ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ the start of the new me was definitely Feb 1st 2019.

    Thanks for all your lovely huggy words, but stop now or I might cry or blush or both!!

    Now I’ve started shopping Essie/Allie I can’t stop, and now I’m actually wearing clothes that fit lots of people are commenting….its grin inducing……I don’t ever want to go back ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  • posted by Birdy76

    Hi ladies I have a little confession ๐Ÿ˜”. Now before I tell you I have to make it clear that before I started this WOE I was a big binge drinker! I would drink during the week too! So a Friday night would consist of 4-6 pints of larger with a lemonade top at the pub, then when I got home I would have a G&slTonic and then my O/H and I would polish off a bottle of wine too! During the week when I was working days I would have Mondays, wednesdays and Saturdays off, so I would go to the pub for a few pints or I would have 3-4 gins or vodkas(sometimes I would do both) and Sundayโ€™s we would call fundays in the summers and I canโ€™t actually remember how much I would drink๐Ÿ˜ข. Every diet I have ever been on I never cut down my drinking down, well a little but not a lot! But since doing this and being on here I have had 1 G&T and I hated the slimline tonic it tasted awful, I believe I could taste tha saccharine/sweetener they substituted the sugar for! I also got a headache just after one! Then on Sunday I had roast at my mum and dads ate really well but I did have 100mls of red wine! Sorry ๐Ÿ˜. I measured it and I counted it in MFP. It didnโ€™t send me over any macros as I had allowed for it.

    Please please please donโ€™t be too disappointed in me๐Ÿ˜ข. I will go and put myself on the naughty step now. ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿฆœ

  • posted by Scottishgal

    Oh avisamuelgrey, I was so glad to read your post and realise I’m not the only one affected by work. You’re totally right, afternoons are the worst. I swear if I didn’t have to work I’d be skinny lol.
    So many posts to catch up on when I got home tonight. Well done to you all on your each and individual achievements, especially Patricia for managing to hobble onto the scales and still have a loss despite your injury. I would have felt sorry for myself and comfort ate, so well done to you!
    I had a Snickers bar(not as bad as a galaxy as it has nuts in it ๐Ÿ˜‰) this afternoon…….my first proper bar of chocolate since starting BSD………and I can honestly say I didn’t enjoy it as much as I expected to! So, I’ll be sticking with the dark chocolate from now on.
    I finished up work tonight for Easter and I always associate chocolate and food with happiness and celebrating and so I thought what the hell I’m going to have the chocolate. At least it made me realise that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be and I can do without it after all. So all is not lost and I’m taking the positive from it ๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Allie, you can tell Wendy that I use I could get her 20% discount but we would have to exchange private email addresses so I could link her to the site (I would get 2 months free). Normally it is an annual charge of ยฃ100 or euro equivalent so she can go on and set it up herself. Wendleg, let me know if you want a private chat, I can highly recommend them. We have had sitters from Oz, NZ, Texas, Amsterdam, Germany, England and now Argentina – makes life interesting.

    Birdie, what you are saying is that you are normal. I like a drink and sometimes much more than is good for me, but now it is every 3rd or 4th weekend when I am being strict. On that note, I forgot to mention it is our 26th wedding anniversary today so, sorry guys, hubby is popping the champagne right now. Guess the holiday has started. Luv ya all

  • posted by Esnecca

    Birdy, nobody’s disappointed in you. We’re looking forward here, not dissecting every injurious habit we ever indulged in in the past. You’re doing great and that’s that.

    Regarding being under 800 cals and 20 grams carbs, that happened to me plenty as I got more comfortable with the cooking. I usually stay below 10 grams even today, just because of the types of foods I eat. Calorie restriction should be a largely fixed point, at least in the weekly average. If you have a lot of calorie leeway at the end of your eating window, use it for a slice of cheese or a square of 100% salted chocolate.

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