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  • Weigh exactly the same again today – slice of toast before bed, must get properly back on track.

    Verano, I have just double checked HAVA and you get a free 7 day trial where they take the money and will give you a refund if you log everything below your basal rate for at least 30 days – it is £34 a month or £49 for the premium (personal contact). Don’t like that sort of ethos. My daughter is with ZOE and she pays a monthly fee so it is just me who doesn’t like to pay for things when I can come on here for free.

    I am talking to prospective sitter tonight but not sure we are a good fit as she is in a wheelchair. When I originally said yes to disability I was thinking more that we dont have any stairs to negotiate, didn’t think about manouvering a wheelchair around corridors. I am going to show her around the house.

    Have a good week.

  • posted by  ClarinetCathy on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    Hello everyone
    ArcticFox- hope you get your scan results very soon. Sounds like your Surgeon is on it and it was great that you secured a cancellation! Great to be in peak condition when the time comes for your surgery. .
    I went to see the retina specialist today and he is very pleased with my left eye. Not as pleased as I was to be told I have 6/6 vision for my distance. Incredible! I’m having the right eye cataract removed on 10thFeb and he is going to assess whether I need to have another epiretinal membrane peel on the right eye when he reviews me in May . He said the epiretinal membrane has increased also in that eye since my last scan in August but he said if the cataract removal improves my vision I may not require to have another vitrectomy. In other positive news I was delighted today to put on a pair of jeans and they were not tight but swished on! I wasn’t expecting that after Christmas! It was a very nice feeling!
    I’m off to Christie tomorrow for my scan result. My Schwannomas are very deep inside my abdomen on the femoral nerve at L5/S1 so they won’t operate!! I feel like a ticking time bomb. Let’s see what they have to say.
    I’ve been low carb this week, fasting 18/19 hours each day and did a 23 hour fast on Monday. Had vegan chilli with cauliflower rice tonight. I will weigh myself on Friday and see if I’ve lost anything.
    Keep strong everyone. Every positive decision helps on our journey.

  • posted by  SunnyB on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Firstly, I’ve just noticed that autocorrect changed my misspelt ‘country’ to ‘voluntary” on my post yesterday.

    Today is one of those days when positives feel a bit difficult to identify, however there must be one, so here goes …. 🤔💭 (lonnnnnng think!)

    Think the best I can come up with right now, is being grateful for all I have in my life …. family, friends, a warm home, etc. They are all blessings and shouldn’t be taken for granted.

  • posted by  SunnyB on Jumping into January – New Year New You in 2025
    on in Fast 800

    V, well done on reporting in with a loss and SG, even sticking at the same weight is a win. Pleased your domestic things are are coming together nicely, SG.

    Shamefully I have to report that I’m 1lb up on this time last week. However, I’m currently 28hrs into a fast, to try and kick things off well for the coming week and next weigh in.

    I’m a bit annoyed that I haven’t made January count yet, but am determined not to waste what’s left of it. Fingers crossed I’ll be reporting in with loss next week.

  • posted by  Dreamscometrue on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    Good luck ARCTICFOX. Hope it all goes well for you and they can sort out what needs doing . I’m glad you got the cancellation.

    And CATHY hope your appointments go well this week too. What a busy week you’re having!!

    Will be thinking of you both xx

  • posted by  arcticfox on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi everyone,
    I’m having a week off work this week. It is a holiday at home (as always!) and not that much of a holiday. Sunday I sowed the first 600 seeds, yesterday was my appointment with the orthopedic surgeon. Today I was supposed to be catching up on housework, but I just had a call saying that the MRI centre had a cancellation and could I come in. I must have been put very near the top of the list for that to happen! My mum has been waiting months and only got her booking notice this week for the end of March. Our health care system moves really fast when cancer is suspected. We don’t think mine is cancer but the surgeon is doing due diligence. I’m glad someone is finally. I waited 7 months for the appointment with him and he was a bit shocked that the only investigation that has happened so far is a single ultrasound. It looks like he wants to remove it either way though given how embedded it is in the muscle and with the pain it is causing. I was worried about recovery time but he says it should be pretty quick. So I have motivation to get as healthy as possible before the surgery. Anyway, I’m off to get the MRI done. Wish me luck!

  • posted by  Verano on Jumping into January – New Year New You in 2025
    on in Fast 800

    S-g I have free access to HAVA although there’s also a premium, payable version. I’m not sure if they still offer a free version as I started to use it around 12 months ago whilst it was still in development. As you say just ‘common sense’ although I have to say there are odd anomalies such as a tbsp of Hellmans bring the overall score of a meal way down.

    When it comes to the ‘injectables’ it seems that once you reach goal you ‘micro dose’ to avoid weight gain. To me that just means a lifetime of injections. Not for me and as you say we have no idea what the long term effects are.

    Well I’m back to my Tuesday weigh-in and it feels so much more comfortable. So 3 weeks into the year and I’m 4lbs down which is fine. Just going to keep on keeping on……

    Have a good week.

  • Hi all, it is my weigh in today and I am exactly the same as last week. No gain so nothing to complain about.

    On the subject of Ozempic I was told not to touch it by my doctor as he didn’t know the longterm outcomes. Now that was about 10 years ago when Byetta first came out for diabetic use or (as with a friend of 24 stone) for the seriously obese. I wont be asking again as I have seen for myself how people can react i.e. gaunt half sizes of their previous selves, also research is now showing people are putting the weight back on within a few months because they haven’t either addressed why they were overweight or how to eat properly. I am not really fat but I am only 4 foot 11 inches. I will keep on doing what I am doing and be proud of my own efforts.

    Currently waiting for the builder to come and move a plug socket for our new hob extractor fan. He will probably turn up at the end of the day as he lives at the end of our lane and it will take him about half an hour.

    We think we have decided on a sitter, a couple from British Columbia in Canada who will already be in Europe during the whole of March through to July. Will be doing a WhatsApp chat tomorrow evening.

    Have a good week. It is warming up a bit here – 13 degrees today but I am still feeling the cold.

  • posted by  SunnyB on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Pootle, can well understand you giving thanks on that anniversary.
    SG, glad you’re feeling better, these winter ills can take awhile to shake off.
    V, your kitchen is going to look great and all the upheaval will have been worth it!

    Two positives for me today ….
    🌹🌹 trip to a garden centre this morning and decided to treated myself to a new rose bush, looking forward to seeing it in bloom in better weather
    🍽🍛 very pleasant lunch out at a quaint voluntary pub with OH. We don’t often get to eat out together during the week, so felt quite decadent

    Remember to look for a positive every day, there’ll always be one.

  • posted by  ADD6605 on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    Thanks Yowzer😀 So sorry to hear that your sciatica is playing up, I know it can be really painful. I’m keeping everything crossed that you’re feeling better soon. The book you mention sounds really interesting. I may download a sample on my kindle. Dawn X

  • posted by  Verano on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Pootle I just have to agree wholeheartedly with sunshine-girl. Amazing!

    S-g so glad you seem to have overcome your illnesses which is great so onwards and upwards!

    So as for positives today they are a bit lean at the moment….

    Kitchen looks like a bomb has hit it with no doors but I can see the ‘future’!

    I think I’ll leave at that today!

  • posted by  Verano on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    Yowzer YES, YES!
    I make lists journal etc etc. So I’m guessing I carry on with my normal chaotic life for just 2 days a week and then the other 5 I’m a ‘golden goddess’?

  • posted by  Nokie on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    Hello yowzer and everyone
    I am going to get the 5.2 book as well yowzer I think it’s a good idea 👍 I am settling in to our new home it’s strange not knowing anyone but from tomorrow I am going to go for my walk each day so maybe I will bump into some people !!
    I have re read all my notes from when I did the sugar free all those years ago I think this post will be good for us all I think we all want to do well but the pressure seems to be off somehow
    I made some lovely veg soup with left over turkey from the weekend I find soup a good go to at lunch time I also did the recipe (hubby ) loves it from the keto book it’s scallops with baby mushrooms and sun dried tomatoes 🍅 😋 yummy
    Have a good week everyone
    Lv nokie x😊

  • posted by  Yowzer49 on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    Hiiii DAWN and everyone!
    DAWN you’re off to such a good start to 2025! You will soon need sunglasses to look at your sparkly chart!😄X
    SUE I love the sound of yr walks. Since June 2024 I havent been able to walk much at all due to sciatica and it isnt getting better despite everything Im trying. So I like walking vicariously by reading about your walks X
    Hi HEIDI,i love your name! Baby steps are defo the way to go,with anything in life,I believe,,so youre on the right track. Those steps really add up. I used to be ( and still have tendencies that way) to be all or nothing and it never works out well in the end X
    FOXY hope this week goes better for you X
    I’m loving my book” 5:2. Your life “ and the concept of 5:2 life as well as 5:2 way of eating. Due to aforementioned sciatica and not able to do housework without pain,I was getting quite anxious about cleaning,decluttering etc, getting overwhelmed,but I find the idea of choosing just 2 days a week to concentrate on chores is more doable ( of course,washing dishes,tidying,putting a wash on, etc on the other 5 )
    I think this book appeals to folk like me who enjoy notebooks,journalling,to do lists etc..(VERANO for one,I know)
    I cant believe after all the 5:2 fasting years,we havent thought of applying 5:2 to lifemin as well. Im not suggesting anyone buy this book,I just think the idea is useful,specially for anyone dealing with health probs,poor mobility etc
    LOve to all aboard the good ship lollipop xx can you believe how fast January is going!🩷💜

  • posted by  ADD6605 on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi everyone,
    I’m just catching up with posts now.Hope everybody is having a good week. I weighed myself on Friday and had lost another pound, not much but have still been just going gently. Today I’m starting the Fast800 properly as feel in the right frame of mind at last so will hopefully have bigger losses from now.
    Dawn X

  • posted by  wendleg on Jumping into January – New Year New You in 2025
    on in Fast 800

    Hi everyone .I am checking in at the beginning of the week. I have found my post festive Mojo and feeling much brighter and less ‘stuffed ‘ ! No more acid reflux thank goodness

    I had a blood test last week ( overdue as the last one was 2 years ago although I do have my own meter ) Fortunately results are good, triglycerides, cholesterol all fine and blood glucose was 4.7 so I am grateful for that .

    I am doing periods of fasting during the week which suits me.I never eat breakfast .

    I am still struggling with beef, pork etc but had a piece of duck magret (breast) last night with rainbow chard and I coped fine with that . I have made a few Deliciously Ella veggie recipes with beans which are quick and easy .I don’t eat massive portions and so far it hasn’t affected my blood scores .I don’t count calories by the way and only weigh myself after several weeks .

    I wanted to share with you a recent find of low carb / keto recipes by Monya Kilian Palmer who is a chef and worked with Heston Blumenthal .She knows her stuff although she does use quite a lot of cream. I made a cod and fennel dish this weekend which made 4 portions and was delicious . She has written 4 books which I have on my Kindle and also has a website called Fats of Life .

    It helps me to source interesting recipes which don’t involve a lot of faff .

    I hope everyone is feeling better .Sorry about your recent issues SG . I am sure the loss will show up soon .Anyone who has been struggling to get motivated, I get it .I have been there but I know I just have to pull myself together nad knuckle down if I want to feel better .

    SG so much talk of Ozempic, Wegovy etc.I am sure it is the solution for many who have struggled with long term weight issues but I don’t like taking any meds and would prefer to find if I could work it out myself .If the injections work by suppressing appetite, well I can do that with extended fasting and listening to my body . I am glad your daughter has decided against it for now .I understand her struggle with being vegan and the heavy carbs .I had a struggle balancing healthy Mediterranean style eating with lots of good fats, olive oils, avocados, oily fish etc , all good but with legumes and beans .I think if I can keep the portions lowish it won’t be a big deal as good health is a priority for me .
    My son and his parter are coming over this weekend and I will be trying out an Anna Jones recipe of Black eyed beans with chard and green herb smash !

    I have just taken delivery of an online bio shop order which fills me with joy !!

    Anyone with stresses , anxiety, low mood at the moment, sending you a massive hug and wishing everyone a great week

    Wendy xx

  • posted by  sunshine-girl on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi all, Pootle, what a thing to celebrate – you were great in saving your husbands life – it is my biggest fear right now at our age. One of us is likely to be taken by surprise. As an ex-nurse I would be capable but my husband would have no idea and had a total panic when I was having a hypo, crawling along the hallway and totally confused as to what I was doing. He did get me a glucose sachet and managed to dribble it into my mouth, so he did save me.

    My positives are:-
    1. Bought a new extractor for the oven/hob but it wont fit where the original ones fitments were. Emails my local building (on a Sunday) and within an hour received a message saying he will come and fit it on Tuesday.
    2. We now have 5 prospective sitters but waiting to hear if our ex-sitter is able to do the dates – must contact him as I cant leave people waiting.
    3. Feeling better now, no cough and only blowing my nose 4 or 5 times per day. Stomach settled down too.

  • Hi all, thought I would have a weight loss after my stomach problems but quite the opposite. Maybe because I snacked on meat late last night.
    Verano, thank you for the recommendation. I have just watched the HAVA presentation and found it just common sense, which foods will fill you up with less calories. My objection is that you have to pay a monthly subscription. I think my daughter, who is a food scientist, would be very much aware of the science behind the diet. There is an app called YUKA which is free and you just point the camera at any food and it will give it a score for carbs, fat, salt etc. Also works with pre-made foods so, for example, I pointed it at a particular brand of coleslaw and it came out and it came up with a score as ‘Poor’, high in fat and sugars, and immediately told me which other one to choose – as if it knew I was in France it gave a French brand with a score of ‘Excellent’. It also gives a number i.e. 100 is really healthy and going down gets less and for those not au fait with number (calories, number of carbs etc) it is also colour code, green for good down to red for very bad.

    I read somewhere that a high Keto diet emulates Ozempic as it helps the body produce its own GPL-1, which we all have but often supress by eating rubbish.

    I think my daughters problem is, being a vegan she is eating too many carbs also, she is tempted by the occasional gin and tonic 🙂 As she doesn’t have any real medical problems (except skin and digestive) she can cheat and, for example, she is in London this weekend and the diet will go out the window, although she did find a good vegan restaurant. She is not massive but would like a quick fix rather than going the long haul.

    I will weigh in tomorrow.

  • posted by  sunshine-girl on Dr Michael Mosley
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    We pay tribute to our dear friend and colleague, Dr. Michael Mosley.

    Michael was an integral part of our lives, bringing a wealth of knowledge, dedication, and compassion to his work.

    Throughout his distinguished career, Michael made significant contributions to his field, earning respect and admiration from all walks of life. His unwavering commitment to excellence and his innovative approach to science and health have left an indelible mark on the lives of many.

    Michael was not only a remarkable professional but also a kind and generous individual. He was always willing to lend a helping hand, share his wisdom, and support those around him. His infectious enthusiasm and genuine care for others made him a beloved figure in our organisation.

    We will remember Michael for his outstanding achievements, his compassionate nature, and his unwavering dedication to improving the lives of others. His legacy will continue to inspire us all.

    Our thoughts and condolences go out to his family, friends, and all who had the privilege of knowing him. He will be deeply missed.

    Rest in peace, Michael.

  • posted by  ClarinetCathy on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    Hello everyone
    I agree with you Verano- it’s nice not to feel any pressure and a year long thread gives us flexibility, time to improve, time to step away for a breather etc. Today is my Monday fast. Woke up dreading how I would cope. Had a coffee with cream so not technically a water only fast but I felt it would help me get through it. My husband is off to India on Wednesday for a Buddhist convention for 10 days. I am seeing the retina specialist tomorrow for a review following the vitrectomy and epiretinal peel and am at Christie on Wednesday for my MRI scan result. I feel a bit mixed up at the moment. I go between I’ve got this to what does it matter. I think last weeks weigh in disappointment didn’t help! That’s why I am glad we have the luxury of the year ahead to get in the right place again if we have had a bad week. ive told myself this weekend that i can’t live like this forever. I’ve got to get a grip of my weight once and for all and I’m hoping that with slow and steady progress I can get to where I want to be this time and draw a line under continuously trying to lose weight and to look forward to maintaining. I said this last year and I can’t keep saying it ever year- I’m worn out with it all . So today I am doing my Monday fast. I am going to drink more water this week. It’s only January, the weather has been cold and miserable but nights are getting lighter and hopefully I will feel more positive over the next few months and see some progress. Not giving up the fight! I’m in it to win it. This year is going to be the year of success . I did it in 2017 and I’ll do it again on 2025. Like Heidi, I’ll be taking baby steps:

  • posted by  Wendy1947 on Dr Michael Mosley
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Well done SunnyB for reporting such a disrespectful advert. I will always remember Michael Mosley with great respect & fondness for his many helpful guidelines towards better health & his insightful wish to help others with humour & kindness through his podcasts & tv programmes. I have all his books & the recipe books his wife Claire helped to produce & my best wishes go to his family.

  • posted by  SunnyB on Dr Michael Mosley
    on in Welcome to the BSD

    Repeating Violinist’s tribute to Michael after the disrespectful posting of an advert by Jacob

    So very sorry to hear of Michael’s passing. He was an inspiration to me as I found my way thru pre diabetes. My prayers go out to his family in these hard days. I thank him for all he has done to help us all be healthy.

  • posted by  Pootle on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    What a lot of news and positives!
    Annie, thanks for the link.. I haven’t watched yet, but will in the next couple of days…I really need all the help I can get with balance! ⚖️
    I envy you your husband cooking Sunday lunch, my hubby specialises in sardines on toast… so he is a bit flummoxed now I won’t eat the toast! 🍞

    V, I think the pineapple tool beats my most useless items! 🍍😂

    I hope you find good house sitters S-G..and get your full refund! Also that you recover from the diarrhoea…that is too drastic a weight loss method.

    Sunny, good news for DD’s job… Hope it works out for her! Great idea to have a date night!

    Today’s positives for me;
    1. The new, all singing, all dancing scales ordered by my husband weighed me at exactly the same weight as my old digital scales! 🥴🤣
    2. Celebrating today…5 years since I woke at 4am, realised all was not well, called 999, dragged husband off the bed and did CPR until paramedics arrived. I hadn’t been home the night before, and that day I was going to travel to London for a week. So I count my blessings on the 19th January every year! 🙏

  • posted by  SunnyB on Jumping into January – New Year New You in 2025
    on in Fast 800

    Verano, I’ve been much like you so far this month, in that my resolve has faulted, consequently I have failed back a portion of the pounds I’d previously ditched.
    However, I’ve given myself a bit of a talking to and will be making a fresh start this week. We are out for lunch tomorrow, but then my intention is to fast through to Wednesday, possible lunchtime, but hopefully evening meal.
    I really need to make January count for something! And I want the body and fitness back, that I had at target weight.

  • posted by  SunnyB on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    SG, glad I’m not the only person with very out of date cans lurking! Hope you get your house sitter sorted soon.
    V, think you might win with the pineapple tool … can’t think of anything of a similar level of uselessness which I’m hoarding. 🤭😂
    Annie, that’s a very impressive exercise result, quite puts me to shame for sure. I generally don’t drink anything after 18.30 to 19.00 and it’s certainly much reduced any need to get up during the night. Thanks for the exercise link, will take a look.

  • posted by  AnnieW on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Pootle, I’ve just done a balance (and strength) You Tube workout with The Girl With The Pilates Mat and thought of you. Link below for a 15 minute workout – you can use a chair or countertop to aid balance, I’m often close to something just in case as my left side balance is compromised.

    Positives today:
    Husband cooked a really lovely Sunday Lunch – his signature dish of roast chicken accompanied by lots of low carb vegetables (bought by me😉).
    Lots of exercise done today – indoor only but I’ve managed 6miles and over 12k steps. I aim for a daily mix of indoor and outdoor but sometimes it’s only inside.
    Had a good night’s sleep last night for a change; hardly anytime awake and, sorry if tmi, no need to make a bathroom trip (no drinks after 7pm seems to be the answer – for now anyway).

  • posted by  Verano on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    I love this 12 month thread! The monthly thread has just 12 days left to run and so I now feel pressure to perform…. not sure if that’s good or bad. I do like the ‘flexibility’ of this thread. Hope everyone is having a good January. Daylight is getting longer each day and spring is just around the corner …. well at a stretch!

    Have a good week.

  • posted by  Verano on Jumping into January – New Year New You in 2025
    on in Fast 800

    S-g hope you recover soon. Have you looked at HAVA? There is a video on YouTube that came out a few days ago “HAVA keynote 2025”. I just watched it and I wonder if your daughter might find it useful.

    I tried HAVA earlier in the year but found it difficult to get my head around after low carbing for so long. However, watching the video today has made me rethink the program. There’s a free and a premium service.

    Good luck with your house sitters s-g.

    Monday tomorrow, new day and new week so let’s try and get some new enthusiasm. We ‘jumped’ into January but I feel like I’m falling into lethargy. Just 12 days left this month …. let’s make them count! We don’t want to ‘limp’ into February do we!

  • posted by  Verano on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Pootle I think I agree with Sunny …. don’t bother with the new scales! Wish I could balance on one leg full stop!

    Sunny sounds like you’re back into the swing of your ‘date nights’ and so pleased to hear the job front is looking good for your DD.

    S-g read on another thread you have a ‘repeat’ sitter for your house. Assuming they were good last time how good would that be!

    So finding a positive at the moment is difficult as I’m living with an ‘array’ of my kitchen gadgets, pots and pans etc. sitting in front of me in boxes and on trestle tables! Just one more lighthearted find today …. a pineapple corer/slicer! I don’t even like pineapple! Can you better that one for a totally useless object?

  • Hi everyone, Margaret so glad your surgery is now within sight of being done.

    Feeling better today until I had a bout of the runs and feeling sick. No particular reason that I can pin it to.

    Verano, I too am glad daughter has decided not to go the so called ‘easy’ route. Just heard today of another side effect – extreme pain sensitivity, so bad you cant stand your clothes touching you. She already had a sensitive skin condition which is why she is now vegan. It had helped her in many ways, skins, stomach etc.

    Just had 2 applications for our April housesit. I was a bit wary as they are both American (love them but it is a long way away). Turns out one is a couple who were here 2 years ago and want to come back. Just waiting for them to verify the dates.

    New week, new motivation.

  • posted by  sunshine-girl on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Hi there, I guess you are talking about things that decorate your cupboards but never use. We have an ice cream maker – even a can of ready made custard that is 2 years out of date (so 4 years old) that I was going to use to make low fat ice cream. Also a breadmaker which hasn’t been used for many years. We do have a spare kettle but it is one that goes on the gas hob and comes in handy when the electricity goes off, which it does often.

    My positives are:
    1. Put our house on the sitters site about an hour ago, already got 2 applications. Only problem is they are in America and our last sitter had so many problems after his New York to Paris flight was cancelled. Need to ask a few questions. We have had so many lovely American sitters it is a shame we are now wary.
    2. Hubby putting up new cooker extractor fan and found the new one has its plug in a different place. Not willing to start gouging out holes in the wall to move it I contacted a local builder, again about an hour ago, and already had a reply, he is coming out on Tuesday.
    3. This one is not really positive, I have had a terrible bout of diahorreah, positive is I hope it brings some more weight loss :).

    Stay warm

  • posted by  SunnyB on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    So good to see lots of positives being posted. Apologies for not adding any over the last couple of days.
    Pootle, can understand you reluctance to move to different scales ….. you’re right, it is about the relativity. And well done on persisting with the balance exercises.
    SG, glad you are seeing continued progress. I too like the routine of having a definite a weekly weigh in day. Hope you get the additional refund sorted out.
    V, strangely I use my steamer far less than my slow. cooker. I really like slowcooked meats like ox tail, lamb neck and the like.

    Well now, being ‘absent’ for a couple of days, means it is easy to find some positives ….
    🚗🚘 whilst OH serviced her car, DD and I had a good catch up. Pleased to say she already has a job offer on the table and is hopeful of another during the week ahead
    🛋🛋 have purchased and fitted slip covers on our rather tatty but still serviceable two seated sofa. Looks so much smarter than the throw that had been on it
    🍽🍛🫂 lovely date night last night … tech sidelined, BSD friendly meal, a good catch up on upcoming plans and even a little dancing too. Really good to reconnect

    Hope the rest of your weekend will offer up some positives and hopefully we’ll be reading about one or two of them soon

  • posted by  Verano on Jumping into January – New Year New You in 2025
    on in Fast 800

    Margaret I hope I can also help reduce your anxiety about the epidural. I’ve had two surgeries with an epidural. One was a straightforward hip replacement but the other was a broken femur which was quite complex and took over 5 hours. Don’t remember anything! Epidural is so much safer than a general and you are knocked out completely by the sedation. As your friends say the recovery is much quicker . So a win-win situation really. Best of luck!

  • posted by  Wendy1947 on Jumping into January – New Year New You in 2025
    on in Fast 800

    Pleased to hear you are feeling better S-G & I hope that you will soon be fully recovered.
    I am still slightly struggling to fully get back to my BSD routine & only lost 0.25lbs this last week so know I must do much better in reducing my calorie intake & carbs. I was hoping to make this January more successful than the last one so still have two more weigh ins to go to turn it around before the end of January. I really do need to lose weight before my op & have three to six months to achieve this & now need to really focus & get my act together preparing meals from scratch & return to eating a small mixed salad before lunch & dinner to increase our veg intake. I am going to get my SAD lamp out again because it’s another grey dull overcast day today. On the plus side my concern about an epidural during my op has been reduced after chatting to my bowls friends who have had a variety of surgery between them who say the pre-op sedatives work well & they were away with the fairies during their ops & recovered more quickly than with a general anaesthetic 🤔😀
    Oh well keep on going everyone & all we can do is try to look after ourselves & eat well 👍🍀🍀
    Margaret xx

  • posted by  Heidi24 on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    hi all. Just popping in to say hello. I had a good day yesterday – two long dog walks (one on the beach) and managed to stick with my three resolutions: drink more water, bed before midnight, and no snacking after 19.00. The goals will sound pretty unambitious to most of you, but I’ve decided on baby steps!

    I love following your progress and am impressed by all the determination and resilience. Best wishes for the week ahead.

  • posted by  Pootle on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    We are in West Wales V. A frost pocket, so later in season than the Midlands, (where I originate) but earlier than the North!

    My positives for today (I think number 1 is a positive 🤪😬🤔)
    1. Our new scales arrived in the post…supposedly more accurate and better than our original digital scales! (According to my husband! 🫣) I think it superfluous. Having started weighing on the old ones, I am happy that I know how much weight I have lost…it is about the relativity of the numbers. But it will be interesting in the morning! 🤞

    2. I made a batch of the Chocolate, pear and nut brownies from the BSD recipe book and froze most of them. So I can have a small treat! (Recipe says makes 16….I cut them in half so get 32! Not that I’m mean or anything 😂)

    3. Shopping for food today, I treated myself to a bunch of tulips! 🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷😄

  • posted by  Verano on Jumping into January – New Year New You in 2025
    on in Fast 800

    S-g whilst I don’t have any real objections to the injections I’m pleased to hear that the ‘high’ your daughter gets from exercise is making her have second thoughts about ‘injections’. I’m sure they have a place but for me it’s a bit like having a ‘stomach reduction’, in that once you’ve made the decision you can’t go back. Of course you can with the injections but from all I’ve read people regain the weight once you stop, unless you’re Sharon Osbourne! Have my doubts about her inability to regain weight but that’s another story.

    This is purely my personal view. I’m a bit ‘medicine phobic’ and a LOT ‘vaccine phobic’ as I have an odd autoimmune system. Please don’t shout at me, these are just my views and I don’t push them or have issues with anybody who thinks differently.

  • posted by  Verano on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    S-g well done on your loss and pleased you’re finally starting to feel better.

    Sunny I’m impressed no toaster, spare kettle or bread maker! I wish! My slow cooker is a bit of ‘clutter’ because I use it so rarely. I just have this thing about meat ‘warming’ all day. Mad but there you go. NOW, a steamer, I use mine all the time, maybe 5 times a week or more. I have recently bought a new one and it’s probably number 7! or even 8! My last two were from Lakeland and both lids had the handles fall off but at least I got a replacement the first time and recently a refund. I had thought about having a ‘steam oven’ as I’m replacing my ovens but I believe they’re a nightmare to clean so sticking with my ‘independent’ steam machine.

    Pootle I’m guessing you’re in the south, no need to tell me, but we really don’t have any signs of ‘spring life’ here in the North West.

    Positives today …..

    ✂️✂️✂️ My hairdresser has managed to squeeze me in in 10 days after I had to cancel my Friday appointment. Phew! No need to buy ‘spray colour’ for my roots!

    💅💅💅 No toe emojis but had a lovely pedicure today so my feet are looking great. Makes me feel good to look at them.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • posted by  sunshine-girl on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    My positives are:-
    cough and cold finally getting better
    got refund on 2 of the dresses I sent back – funny though, the dresses were £60 each so £120 and they have refunded £118. Got an AI dude called liam on to in for me 🙂
    Lost the 2lbs I gained from the baguette so ready for my next loss before Tuesday. Verano, I can understand how weighing on a different day puts you out of sync. I like to be in control and have things in a certain order.

    Another positive, just jumped up to check on my daffys (re: the snowdrop comment) to see if they are in flower yet. Not yet but leaves are there. Then as I came back in to finish post the electric went off and on again. Thought I had lost my post but I must have saved it. Hooray.

    Have a good weekend.

  • At last starting to feel better. At least I am not coughing all night although still jumping between runny nose and being bunged up. More good news is I have lost the near 1kg so back down to 71.5kgs and a total 5lb loss. (mixing kilo and pounds because my scales are in kilos and my brain is in pounds.???).

    Cleaned the toilet yesterday. Doesn’t sound much but it included every bit of paintwork, the top of the door, window inside and out. Sparkling clean. At last I cleared the calcare in the loo, I don’t think my cleaner ever got her hands down and scrubbed but I do and I use a pumice stone. Hubby vaccumed the whole house (we are tiled floors on one level). Exciting life.

    Daughter has just spend 10 miles on the treadmill and 30 mins in the pool at the gym and decided it makes her feel good so she is going it alone, without the injections.

    Have a good weekend. It hasn’t got over -1 degree today, so freezing our buts off.

  • posted by  arcticfox on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi everyone,
    I haven’t had the best week. World events and work stress have been causing some huge anxiety and that has led to trouble sleeping and staying on top of the housework, which means meals planned have not been made. I have next week off work though, so hoping to catch up on things.
    We are in for a cold spell finally, so I was chopping some maple wood this morning that I have been saving for just this occassion. My dad came over to help, but even though the wood is nice and dry, it still took a lot of effort to split it. It was a full body workout, and has left my hands and wrists quite sore. I also cleaned up my home office, which is my seed starting area too. I pulled out the shelving unit from the wall and swept and washed the floor, cleaned all the dust and cobwebs off the lights, and did a bit of a general tidy up. So I am quite tired. I think I will make a broccoli and lentil tray bake for dinner tonight as it is quick and low effort.
    Cathy, sorry to hear about your gain. It is frustrating, isn’t it. It’s possible that you are retaining fluid, or that your body is seeing that much activity combined with the fast as a stressor, so is releasing cortisol. Hopefully it will come off next week as your body adapts. Also, are you drinking enough water, with all the activity? Sometimes I start to retain fluid if I haven’t been drinking enough.
    Mixnmatch – well done completing the 8 day fast. I’m not sure I’ll ever do anything that long, but I may have to start doing 24 or 36 hrs once per week like Cathy to begin with.
    SueBlue – you’ve certainly been getting some good walks in. I fell off doing that a bit this week, so will have to try again next week.

  • posted by  SueBlue on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    Cathy – that is a shame but hang in there, I often have weeks of little or no loss and then a ‘whoosh’ where I’ll lose more.
    Mariet – I’ve had a very similar loss this week – 400g. I can’t complain as I’ve been recording what I’ve been eating and calories have been around 1200-1400 most days, I only had 2 days under 900. But I am definitely making healthier choices on the whole, and have been keeping active and having breakfast later, after walking, so I’m able to follow more of a 16:8 pattern. Hoping to build on this next week.
    I had a very active day yesterday, walked 12,000 steps and also did 3 hours of gardening, I slept well last night!
    Have a good weekend all 🙂

  • posted by  Pootle on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Sunny, your vase sounds lovely… what a find!
    I often look round charity shops and it is amazing what they have. I love hellebores, one of my favourite flowers.

    2 minutes each leg again! Think it is going to be a long process before it comes easily to me! 🦵🦵⚖️

    The hazel catkins are out, along with the first snowdrops, a few primroses and one lone daffodil! Spring is on the way!! 😻

    Hope you have all found a positive in your day today!

  • Hi all, believe it or not I am still ill. Although today I am going to dip into some housework, just the toilet but going to do a big job of it with windows, mirrors, tops of artwork etc. Not going to push myself too hard.

    Bit of a downer today as I am up by just under a kilo which I put down to the half a baguette I had for lunch yesterday. It was a conscious decision so I knew what I was doing. Hoping it is mainly fluid and will be gone in a couple of days.

    Daughter is going to start on something like Ozempic. I don’t object in principle as she has around 3 stone to lose and it is really getting her down. Just advised she go to a reputable dealer (drug dealer!!!) and makes sure she keeps up with the exercise as it can cause muscle loss. Lets see how she gets on.

  • posted by  Mariet on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    So sorry to hear that CCathy. I’ve had similar experiences over the years and it does take the edge off one’s enthusiasm. I’m hoping you are able to keep on, holding to the principles has got to work in time.

    I am 300g down this week, a little over half a pound. Hardly a stellar result but I’ll take it and hope for better next week. I am concentrating on weighing and recording everything and trying to get and stay in the groove. Hoping if I can do that, everything else will fall into place.

  • posted by  Yowzer49 on 2025 – Time to Come Alive!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi Friday Weighers and all!
    CCATHY,I feel for you,its happened to me a few times over the years and its been a huge disappointment. But if you can ignore the frustration and hold firm,you may soon be in for one of those lovely “ whoosh” moments when you suddenly see a satisfying drop on the scales.
    My fingers,legs and eyes are crossed for you! You so deserve a whoosh! X
    DCT I hope youre over the flu now.X
    Happy weekend,everyone x!🥳
    PS! Just thought – I read about a book a few days ago…” 5:2 your life” by Kate Harrison. (£7.99)
    Applying the 5:2 concept to everyday life as well as to weight on a six week plan. Bought it cheaply on Ebay for a fiver. Havent read it yet as finishing some xmas gift fiction,but I love the idea of applying 5:2 to my life,and hopefully get on with “ lifemin” things I’ve procrastinated over for too long! 🥰
    PPS…MIXY!love the idea of your body composition scales. Well done on visceral fat loss👍x