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  • posted by  Verano on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800


    Well my positives for today ….

    ☀️☀️☀️ Lovely sunny day which always lifts the spirits.

    🧑‍🦳☀️🧑‍🦳 Spent a lovely afternoon catching up with a friend.

    🍅🥬🥒 No cooking tonight yet another night with salad. Long may the ‘salad days’ last!

    Continuing with my 30 plants a week but as I suspected things are really slowing down. Five a day is simple because you can count the same food stuffs each day. So far I have 19 and just three days to add the other 11. I don’t count spices and herbs but maybe I should. Anyway it’s an interesting exercise.

    Stay positive!

  • Ah bless you Lucia, you are now learning something we all know. Doctors and nurses know poop and she is talking out of the hole in her bum.

    Before you get despondent, publish here your results – I hope you have them all, if not, then ask for them. Particularly HbA1c, and maybe cholesterol and triglicerides (do you have your last set of results for comparison). We will be able to see if she had reason to be critical – I bet not. It reminds me of when I was with Slimming World and I went along, got weighed and she said Oh Dearie Dearie me thats a pound. When I got home I looked at my card and she hadn’t even written my weight. So next week I asked her why she hadn’t written my 1lb gain and she said, oh you lost 1lb but I expect better of you. I never went back.

    Anyway, lets see where you are after only 23 days it might not be a fantastic result but lets not judge.

  • You are doing the right thing Lucia eating low carb 👍keep on going 👏👏
    Even Dr Michael Mosley said doctors are still not taught up to date information about nutrition in medical schools & nurses will be the same . The British Diabetic Association are also very very slowly adjusting their guidance as are the NHS. It’s not sabotage just ignorance based on old research that is sadly still being taught!!
    My husbands diabetic nurse is not quite so bad but our old GP did compliment him on his weight loss whilst following this way of eating. Sadly he has had Type 2 diabetes too long to reverse it, it’s partly genetic because his father also had it, but he has greatly been able to reduce his medication & is keeping very well. We eat this way to help keep him well but also for me to continue to lose weight even though I am not pre-diabetic just arthritic so losing weight & eating low carb hopefully will help my knees & reduce the arthritis inflammation process.
    Lucia you are doing so well!! ⭐️⭐️
    Margaret xx

  • Hi
    So the doctors done the blood and other tests
    Loads of numbers which at the moment I can’t focus on
    As the nurse said what are you eating?. I explained . She told me i have to stop. . I have to eat cereal every morning
    I have to eat the following every day
    Bread and flour
    Breakfast cereals
    As all are low in fat

    All veg and fruit frozen tinned or fresh
    Dried beans and lentils
    Baked or boiled potato
    Dried fruit
    Lean white meat
    Dairy foods

    Not to have any fats nor spreads
    I can have tea coffee mineral water fruit juices

    I heard it with my own ears

    What my body says to me is if I have carbs like spuds or pasta I crave and I mean CRAVE sugar anything sweet I have just got to eat.

    Maybe the nurse is an assassin and just trying to bump me off ( I have watched CSI)

    Going to carry on what I have been doing theses last 23 days

    Feeling very upset as the people you reach out to, to get the best educated advice is failing me

    Love Lucia xx

  • Sorry you’re not sleeping well, SG. Hopefully it will be short lived snd you’ll be sleeping better again soon.

    Worrying that your cat is poorly. A friend’s cat had similar symptoms, it proved to be thyroid related and is now doing well on medication. Will be keeping my fingers crossed that your cat will be okay too.

  • Hi all, lost the 1lb from the slice of bread. I have had some bad nights not being able to sleep and got up in the middle of the night and watched a recorded 4 In A Bed, finally fell asleep around 6.30am. Fortunately I didn’t have to get up so up around 10.30. Poor hubby had to take our oldest cat to the vet as he has lost 1kg in the last month which is a lot for a cat. Thought it might be his teeth with the crunchy biscuits so started feeding him a soft food which he gobbles up but still losing weight. Just waiting for the blood results now. Think it might be sad news.

    No more news.

  • posted by  sunshine-girl on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    I think I know where you are coming from. Are you doing the Fast800 which isn’t as strict low carb as the BSD because it isn’t the diabetic diet. I remember this question being asked and I think the answer was things like beans and brocolli are so low in calories as to not really count. However, if they are amounting to 8g of carbs that is a small amount in reality but a big chunk if you are sticking to sub 50g. As I have said before, it is up to you. As a diabetic I count all my carbs and don’t fret about sticking to 800 calories although still vary between 700 and 900, but it is the carbs that are important to me.

    Chicken, beans and brocolli are not going to hurt your diet but be aware that some leafy veg are high in carbs. Print out the carbs in veg picture from Go onto the site and click on A Low Carb Guide For Beginners and then to Visual Low Carb Guides it breaks it down into pictures of different foods. Click on the vegetables and maybe also the fruits and print out. I had it on my fridge but am going to print it out again as a reminder.

  • S-g thanks for posting the Sarah Hallberg podcast. I’ve just watched it and all people with pre/T2 should watch this as it gives such a straightforward explanation of why carbs are so bad. Not sure I need all the ‘science’ !

    Keep going Lucia all sounds good.

    I’m enjoying being back on my healthy ‘diet’. Just 0.8lb to go to get rid of my holiday gain so quite happy with that. Then I’m back to my 1lb a week target with any extra being a bonus. We have a trip in 10 weeks and I’m hoping to lose 11lbs to get me to my first target of the year. I know we are almost at the end of July but if I only make my target by the end of the year that in itself will be a vast improvement on the last few years. But I really hope to do better than just reaching one goal. Time will tell.

    Sunny here today which is always good. Hope everyone is in good spirits.

  • posted by  Lucy1771 on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    I saw it on this forum. It was on one of the threads, it said that MM eventually said don’t bother counting calories or carbs in green veg.

  • Hi
    Yesterday I ate at 2pm a couple of seafood sticks and then at 6pm I ate mince meat done with onions and veg, nothing since.
    Keep drinking water and occasional tea. My exercise was gardening. My stress was reduced as I did some zentangle doodles.
    So all in all everything coming along nicely as I hit my 3rd week marker tomorrow.
    No cravings , no cold, flu symptoms , no headaches
    Grateful that I am in a good place both with your support in this group and within myself
    Love Lucia xxx

  • posted by  sunshine-girl on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    I would appreciate if you could let me know which book he says that in, page, reference etc. I have been on this diet for 8 years and count everything, even lettuce and celery – it all adds up.

  • posted by  SunnyB on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Positives from today ….
    ☀️🌤 was sunny and warm for most of the day
    🪴🌼 started planting in my new plants. Quite a big job, as containers have to be completely emptied first. Got three containers done though 🙂
    🤐🙂 have been fasting today and it’s gone well👍🏻

    What were your positives?

  • posted by  arcticfox on Jump On Board in July!
    on in Fast 800

    Hi everyone,
    I have been very busy harvesting garlic for the last week. It is all hanging to cure in the shed now, just in time for the weather to turn. I doubt we will get much rain, but hopefully some cooler temperatures. We have been over 40 C the last few days, but wildfire smoke has rolled in today so it is a bit cooler already. Just hoping that we don’t get too many more fire starts with the expected storms this evening. We already had a lightning show at 5am, and the winds have just picked up.
    It has been a bit challenging figuring out what to eat in the hot weather. I always struggle with this, but feel I’ve been doing a bit better with it this year. I made a chickpea and quinoa salad though by cooking the quinoa in the microwave. That lasted 3 days for lunches and dinners. Then I mostly just had fruit and raw veggies to munch on. I am going to take advantage of the cooler week to try to batch cook a few things. I have a new curry recipe I want to try, and will have a frittata and possibly a lasagne made with zuchinni instead of pasta. Also some portobello mushroom pizzas and kale chips.
    Hope everyone is doing ok. Cathy, well done with getting under 150, and good idea about the iced coffee. It reminded me that my sister gave me a bunch of herbal teas she bought but never used that might make good iced tea. I’ll have to try some this week. I’ve mostly been sticking to water and club soda this week with a slice of lemon or lime added. And smoothies – berries, greek yogurt, spinach and spices.
    Well, back to work for me. I need to finish clearing some weeds from around the house given the current fire risk, then housework and off to a local farm stand to buy the kale and zuchinni. Yes, I live on a farm, and no, I didn’t get my act together enough to plant those things earlier in the season. I have zuchinni coming though and will plant some kale and broccoli for fall. Not enough time to get everything done!

  • posted by  Lucy1771 on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    Thanks but I read on this forum that greens have no points at all. That Mr Mosely had decided not to count them as carbs. So bit unsure. Thanks

  • posted by  sunshine-girl on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    Lucy, no carbs in chicken but beans and brocolli come to about 6 or 7g in total for say a cup of each cooked. Not too much.

  • posted by  Lucy1771 on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    Also can I check….chicken breasts are no carbs, I’ve just had dinner of chicken breast and runner beans and broccoli. According to Internet that’s zero carbs….but just checking?
    What if I put them in a magi bag and Cooke them with the spices…all ut is is a bag with different spices in?

  • posted by  Lucy1771 on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    Well yes there is that, bought so much fruit as thought it was “low calorie”. Can’t quite bring myself to chuck it away. Too much of a waste so I will struggle to keep within my 50g a day this week. Once its gone, I obviously will buy the correct fruit. Had it in my head that dieting involves lots of fruit. But I’m learning and getting there. Next week should be better for me once the sugar fruit has gone.
    I still struggle a bit with what to eat although last night I had a sort of English breakfast which was nice. 2 eggs,bacon, mushrooms and one slice of low carb toast.
    I’m just hoping I lose some damn weight this week. Last week was disappointing but my blood pressure has improved.
    Will just keep going and improving

  • Hi everyone, had a bit of a blip last night – a slice of bread and butter. Funny but I have gained just from that but I know it is the fluid it is holding in. It was a craving that I needed to get out of my head. Will weigh in tomorrow as I am sure it will be better. Less than a week now and still 1lb to lose.

    Good to the returners getting back on track Sunny and Verano.

    Lucia, it is great to hear you are getting your head around it. No it is not easy but you have got there. It is easy from now on. Just ignore my ups and downs as I am permanently on low carb but as it is my life I sometimes need a small slip but mainly I am strict. There are so many podcasts to watch, some are a bit heavy going but some are fun like the Glucose Goddess, I also like Sarah Hallberg on TedXTalks. She starts by saying Reverse your Diabetes – Ignore the Guidelines. She is an obesity doctor and she really understands. Watch.

    Have a good week.

  • posted by  SunnyB on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Your plant challenge sounds quite daunting, V. Hope it’s going well.

    Thought I’d post a few positives from yesterday, before today gets properly under way ….
    🪴🌼 yesterday, bought a few new plants to replace some of those lost while we were away … including 3 new roses. Going to try to get most of them planted up today.
    📞📲 lots of long catch up calls with friends and family.
    🚗🚘 OH has made good progress on repairing the car …. has been a nightmare, but thing the worst of the task is behind him now.

    Will hopefully add a few more positive this evening, after a good day 🤞🏻. Looking forward to reading about tour positives too.

  • I’m here for a long overdue for a check-in here, to help get back on track after three months of being largely’off piste’. I confess I haven’t read all the posts on the July thread, although I will say, Lucia, there is no harm in taking baby steps. Think all us wish we had stumbled on this way of eating sooner, but the joy is we HAVE found it.

    Anyway, I’ve been properly home for a week now and I too have been taking baby steps, to get back to my normal eating pattern. However this week I shall be fully back to my normal regime, to ensure losing the additional.pounds gained whilst away.

    From this morning, I have 10lb to lose to get back to pre-trip weight … 11lb to get to target. Today is a fasting day, the first of two for this week. I did one last week and it went surprisingly well, as I was expecting the first one post indulgence to be really tough.

    Anyway, I shall be checking in more frequently now and will be reading new posts too …. looking forward to catching up with everyone’s news and being part of this wonderful band of ‘losers’ (🤣) again.

  • Hi
    Yesterday went well.
    I ate only between 1pm and 5pm. I am not starving any more. I did feel like something else to eat so I had a drink which sorted before out. I felt hungry going to bed but I embraced the feeling. This is huge for me as I used to snack in the middle of the night!
    There is a huge difference between being hungry and starving. Starving is all my cravings just screaming at me so loud I cannot think straight
    I also did the garden reaching up to trim branches, bending down to pick up leaves and weeds , watering , moving pots around. Plus the fresh air cleared my mind and is good for me including vitamin D
    All of 2024 I have tried to reduce the sweets, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, cake , ice cream . It seems to be coming together this month. I just focus on one day …and well, if I say so myself , yesterday was a good day but today I am going to do better.
    I think I would like to educate myself a little more by listening to Michaels pod cast and Tv programmes. They are all on the Internet for free. He spoke simply so I could understand and I loved the twinkle in his eye just for us viewers.
    I would love to weigh and write everything down soon so I can sharpen up the good work I am doing.
    I have come a long way from constantly grazing , eating takeaways , slobbing on the couch. Allowing my stretch elasticated clothes to get tighter and tighter.
    I think for me, I had to wait until my mind was in the right place, I wish I could of just changed it all on day one , instead of tweeking things and doing baby steps. Now that I have the hang of it I pray I can keep hold of it. I am sooo aware that being alone you can just reach out for the wrong food and start grazing again. I am grateful I have this website I can just unburden myself .
    Thank you
    Love Lucia xxx

  • posted by  Verano on Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?
    on in Fast 800

    Good afternoon.

    ☀️⛅️🌤️Well the weather here has been quite good, well it hasn’t rained! So number one positive.

    🧺🧺🧺 Washing complete just the ironing to do now but actually if I’ve got good tv to watch it’s not too bad.

    🥬🥑🍅 Lots of lovely low carb fresh food since I’ve been back and I’m really enjoying it.

    I’ve started to track my 30 plants a week. So far in two days I’ve had 16 which has quite surprised me. They have to be different plants/nuts/spices. I’m not counting spices and I can see that adding the next 15 will be far more of a challenge. Not sure what exactly constitutes a ‘portion’ but nonetheless it’s an interesting exercise.

    Hope the weekend had been full of positives for everyone. Monday tomorrow, new week hopefully with many positives.

  • posted by  Verano on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    It’s just come to me … Lots of people used that one too.

    Lucy sounds like you are getting to grips with this way of eating. Rome wasn’t built in a day! It does take time to get your head around this especially when we been fed the ‘low fat’ dogma for decades.

  • posted by  Lucy1771 on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    Also forget to say my uncontrollable blood pressure is down approx 5 -7 digits already!

  • posted by  Lucy1771 on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    Thank you to you all for your help. I’m realising I have to do this properly and have started to weigh food. I mean a 200g nectarine is 16g….how lol??? So finding my way at the moment. But I did feel happy enough to get on the scales this morning and I had dropped another pound since Friday. So I think I’m getting my head round it more now.
    I have bought nectarines not realising. 6 juicy big ones so I don’t want to waste them but once finished I won’t be buying them again . My saviour is my low carb bread. Some days I don’t have any and sometimes one slice. They are very small. But only 5g .
    Rhis diet is no longer a choice like my previous ones, I can’t ditch it as my future is at stake now healthwise. So onwards and upwards! Thanks again

  • Lucia your experience with SW is just terrible. At least here we can ‘disclose’ or not as and when we feel like. I think you’ve cracked it … mind in the right place is the real secret to success.

    S-g I just have to iron! Can’t stand un-ironed bedsheets etc. I never did iron knickers or towels but I do iron everything else. When I see that pile of folded crease free clothes I feel happy … I know really sad but there you go. Glad you’re feeling better today.

    So, still 2.6lbs of my carb fest to lose with just 0.8lbs down. Scales were static today so had an early brunch around 11am of an apple, not had one in ages and really enjoyed the crunch. raspberries, walnuts and seeds with Greek yogurt. That filled me for the day so just thinking about dinner now which will be salad with homemade fish cakes… no potato. Sometimes I find eating earlier in the day works better for me but I’ll see tomorrow!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • posted by  Verano on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    A really good website for keeping tabs of carbs calories etc is It’s full of UK ingredients/products and is free and pretty easy to use. There’s also a ‘luxe’ version that charges a fee which gives you recipes and a water counter. Personally I find great for keto recipes. The website is free but there is also a ‘paid for plan’ which you can trial for free. There is another website that’s used by lots of people but the name escapes me …. fit something or other I think. Sorry not very helpful!

    Lucy in the early days weighing everything is really useful. You’d be amazed at how big some of the portions we eat are. Hope this week is better than last week. As sunshine-girl says we just have to keep on keeping on ……..

  • posted by  Pootle on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    Thanks for the reassurance Sunshine-girl. I hope the result will be good…I also want to astonish the Diabetic nurse who was so patronising!
    5 weeks in, 8 weeks to “D-day”!!

    Hi Lucy, I have found I just couldn’t keep track unless I weighed things. I try to keep below 50g carbs as 30g was far too difficult for me. if I need to I may go lower eventually, if I can, depending on my HbA1c result. I am using the recipe books but also a site called “verywellfit”, to analyse my adaptations. They have an ‘analyzer’ where you input the ingredients with the weights and how many portions it is. It then gives you a calorific value and also protein, fats, carbs etc etc. (It doesn’t always recognise the ingredients…I think it is American, but you can use a drop down menu to find the nearest match)

    The weather here is dreadful today…so my walk is going to be very wet, and I will have a very wet dog to dry when I get back! But I am thinking that will all be extra exercise!!

    have a good weekend.

  • Hi all, welcome to The Old Brock, call out if you need any help.

    Verano, ironing – what is that. I used to iron everying, knickers included and towels. Now nothing sees an iron. I am lucky as hubby is exRAF and does all his own ironing since we first met when I didn’t iron a correct crease in his shirt sleeve 🙂

    Slimming World and the likes seem to be just a cash cow. I have a friend who joined around 20 years ago weighing in at 18 stone. After about 4 years she was 22 stone and still getting told it was working and she was doing well. I think she still goes, pays her money and doesn’t even stay. I do get the magazine every month but more to have something English to read and the recipes which I can adjust, although they are going a lot more for low carb but still have bread, pasta and rice as FREE foods.

    Feeling better and might go for a short swim this afternoon but still not sure. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • posted by  sunshine-girl on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi there, Pootle I can almost guarantee that you will see great results in your next HbA1c. Just the weight loss alone will have done your body a whole lot of good. I too weigh daily with no ill effects. If I gain I try to do better, if I lose I want to lose more. The only thing is if I stick for a few days I sometimes can be tempted but know I need to get over that hurdle. Keep on keeping on…

    Lucy you are getting the hang of it. Just a few adjustments but I will let you work that out for yourself. You ask about carb allowances. I find going under 50g just so difficult and it leaves me quite low on calories so for me 50g is a good goal. Some go down as low as 20g and I know diabetics on here who have consistently stuck to 20g and managed to even stop using insulin. My goal but day in day out it is not easy. It is true that meat, fish and chicken have no carbs, neither does some dairy but you have to know which i.e. milk is high in carbs but cheese is very low due to the fermentation it has gone through. Hope that helps.

  • posted by  Lucy1771 on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    Thanks for the encouragement. Do you eat under 30g of carbs a day or under 50g? This diet seems to have 2 amounts listed on various places which is a bit confusing. Yes I’m going to have to start weighing stuff etc which is something I wanted to avoid doing really initially. But going to have to do it properly. Is all meat and chicken carb free?
    Yes I think I will weigh more often as I had geared that week up so mich In my head it hit me like a truck when I had only lost a pound . I honestly couldn’t believe it. Still struggling tbh. Thanks again and I’m so pleased you have done so well. It takes a lot of will power that’s for sure. X

  • posted by  Pootle on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Lucy, Don’t be too despondent. You will find a way through and you can get there! Great idea to change your breakfast. I was astonished how many carbs there are in fruit!

    As I mentioned above, I have to weigh every day, if I don’t I think I can get away with eating extra things. Even if my weight has gained a pound, stayed the same, or lost a pound I have to know, otherwise I snack!

    One of the breakfast recipes from the BSD recipe book that I like is Poached eggs with spinach and pine nuts. It is 290 calories and only 1g carb. It does keep the hunger at bay for me. But I tend to eat it as a brunch.

    I will be thinking of you with my fingers crossed for the blood test!

    I also tried to give up smoking a number of times and failed miserably. And a number of diets, unsuccessfully. 🤞This is a way through for both of us.
    Take care.

  • Hi
    Yesterday I ate small steak tonnes of veg and salad at 2pm. At 6pm Tuna and veg. Nothing since other than water and tea . My mind is in the right place.
    I walked a good bit too.
    I joined slimming world years ago and asked if they could keep my weight loss or gain private. Just between me and the leader, sure no problem. So I paid for books etc etc.
    Then in the group sessions she said “I am sure Lucia won’t mind me telling you all she has gained three pounds, here Lucia, take this food tracker form and shall we say you will lose the perfect pound next week? As she walked right up to me and gave me a piece of A4 paper I had to fill in. She had filled in the pound goal on her iPad as I sat there Sooo embarrassed. I left never went back. I feel that they want you to gain and lose and gain so they keeping getting their weekly £5.95. I am sure others say they are wonderful but my mental health couldn’t cope.
    This quiet website has been the best thing. You all care for each other. With compassion. You don’t ‘profit’ from it other than in wisdom and friendship – thank you
    Love Lucia xxx

  • Good morning everyone
    I have just weighed five days after restarting this way of eating being back from my holiday & am pleased to report a loss of 4.25lbs. Of course I still have a further 24 lbs to lose to get to my goal weight but I will keep on going with my usual ups & downs in weight the moment I go back to eating more carbs & calories.
    Pleased you are feeling better S-G & welcome back to holiday returners & newcomers joining us👍👋
    I’m off to play in a competitive club short mat bowls match this morning after a rather disrupted sticky sleep last night despite having a fan on.
    I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend & I will try to keep on track & resist food & drink temptations over the weekend with my anniversary trip to Gibraltar on 2nd August being less than two weeks away now.🤔😀
    Keep on going everyone we can do this!
    Margaret xx

  • posted by  Lucy1771 on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    That sounds like you did really well. And two stone down , amazing.
    My weigh in didnt go too well. Was gutted I only lost a pound. Was pretty distraught if I’m honest. But I have decided to change things round. I think I am eating too much fruit for breakfast, the carbs add up. I have a fruit salad as told earlier up the thread and despite cutting it down it obviously hadn’t helped. So I think I’m going to have eggs for breakfast and leave my fruit and yogurt for tiny snack moments. In small amounts. Feeling a bit down because of the rubbish weight loss and waiting a week for it was such an anti climax . Onwards and upwards!
    Well done to you!

  • Sunshine-girl, so sorry to read you have been really unwell, but pleased it seems you are a little better! Isn’t it amazing how our weight performs? When you think it must have fallen, it rises and vice-versa.

    I met someone from the forum in person on Wednesday, great to hear a success story ‘live’. It came out when we were talking about food and diet. I said I had just started the BSD and she said she had been on it for a while. I don’t know what name she goes under on here, but Ann, if you are reading this, I really enjoyed Wednesday!

    I was delighted with my weigh in this morning, having plateaued for about 4 days, the scales say I have now gone down another 4lb> Yaay!!

    Lucia, I am delighted to read all your positivity…encouraging to all.

    Tony, I am a month in with the diet, whilst it isn’t easy (what diet is?), it is satisfying and the weight loss is great! I still won’t know if it has had any effect on my BS until September, when they can retest…but I am very hopeful! Watch this space!

  • posted by  Pootle on Advice
    on in Starting the BSD

    Hi Lucy, how are you doing?

    I have been away for a ‘celebration’, and was extremely concerned that I would be unable to check what I was eating! As it was, the meal I had ordered about 2 months ago was not too bad for calories and carbs (I think 🤞) especially as I left the new potatoes on the plate!! I did avoid the dessert…(unheard of for me to say no to ‘pud’) but I did succumb to 4 chocolates’😩!!! I was extremely pleased with myself, to have slipped so little 😂…. I have also crossed the 28lb barrier! It has been tough, but when I see my weight..(whether it has gone up, down or stayed the same) it spurs me on. I am afraid I have to weigh every day, otherwise I start to think “Well one won’t matter…I can put it right tomorrow” (and never do…the slippery slope!) I just wish I could tell whether I am having an effect on my diabetes! That is very difficult, not knowing whether I am achieving anything. But I have to trust that I am as they will not retest my BS until September!

    I came out the other side of the menopause a few years ago, but do still, very occasionally, get a symptom again! It must be very hard for you. I smoked and ate my way through it!

    I hope your weigh in today went well for you and you have been able to stick to the diet.

    My husband is supportive, and will eat the same as me, but I make sure he has a bigger portion and granary bread or something as well! I made the celeriac chips from the book on, they were delicious! The hardest thing with those was portion control!

    I have a good appetite, and have reduced plate sizes to try to curb my intake as well as weighing and measuring!


  • Hello. Back in the land of laundry and ironing! Oh! and BSD of course. Put on just 3.4lbs in two weeks which was amazing because I was on a carb fest. I have to say I really did not enjoy all the bread and potatoes. How can you have sardine pate without bread! Maybe one portion of potatoes that were sort of roasted were good but the rest were maaa! So it’s back to the drawing board for me. Goodness knows I’ve done it often enough!

    Sunshine-girl glad you’re feeling better today. Forget the scales. You know they go up and down willy nilly often without reason. Just get yourself back to 100%.

    I haven’t read through all the posts but well done to everyone and especially you Lucia for breaking that 14 day barrier. You CAN & WILL make it to the 31st.

    Margaret we work hard at our usual BSD diet then we work hard at our ‘holiday diet’ ! Important thing is that we always get straight back on track.

    Tony, welcome. You are in the right place. My T2 has been in remission/reversed for the past, nearly 8 years. Sunshine-girl who uses insulin has reduced her dose massively. Slimming World isn’t really a T2 friendly way of eating. Weight loss is good but the real crux of the matter is reducing carbs. It’s carbs rather than weight loss per se that is the secret to keeping T2 under control and reversing it.

    Lots of people here ready to jump in and help so ask away. And YES you WILL make it to week 2.

  • Hi all,

    Strange, yesterday morning I had lost 1kg BEFORE i was ill. Then I spent the afternoon being ill at both ends, ended up empty and didn’t have any dinner – gained half a kilo. Weird. Anyway, we have cancelled our night out as I cannot face wine and creole food. We will go some other time as the place sounds amazing and the lady said they could do private tasting if I make an appointment. Might see if the family want to go, SiL is a wine snob so it will be right up his street.

    Well done Tulip1. Good losses.

    Not feeling up to swimming as above but also it is so hot. I would have gone in this morning if I was feeling better but not today. Have a good weekend everyone.

  • Hi
    Just a quick hello to everyone. I am full of cold, headache and ache. I welcome it if it is carb flu, it is a withdrawal symptom of not eating carb, isn’t that wonderful? Although it’s not making me feel well it’s making me feel GREAT as I mustn’t of eaten any carbs at all, whatsoever on the last couple of days. Yippeee I am doing it right.
    So this makes me even more determined to carry on with running the opposite way from sugar and carbs. This is great , I can do it
    Love Lucia xx
    Ps if it’s an ordinary summer cold please don’t tell me and burst my bubble …..

  • Just echoing that- hope you are ok now SG!

    Sooooo…..I’ve lost 13.5 lbs (I’m calling it a stone) and my shorts fot again which was goal no.1 for before our hol in 1.5 weeks….


    Not enough to get back in my swimwear, so I went off to Bravissimo in Bath to get some yesterday….love it there, so helpful in getting things that really fit well 🙂

    Onwards……1 stone 6.5 lbs (I’m calling that a stone and a half) to go to get back to top of normal BMI (what I achieved last time I did the BSD/ fast 800)….I will aim to lose a bit more before my hol, but I expect to relax whilst there so may regain a bit, then back on it once home.

    Love to all xxx

  • Just done a long post but when I pressed submit it disappeared, I wasn’t logged in. So to keep it short I have had a very bad bout of diarrhea and vomitting this lunchtime after not feeling too well after shopping. I even passed out on the toilet and hubby came running through when he heard the bang. I have spent the afternoon on the bed and managed to sleep and feeling better. Large glass of water and a coffee to warm me up even though it is 37 degrees outside. Don’t think I will be having a swim just in case I am not fully recovered.

    Good news is I have lost another kilo since Monday – nothing to do with the sickness, was weighed this morning. Maybe I will have lost some more as I am now empty.

    Have a good day and Margaret, keep up with the French.