Week one complete

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  • posted by Arelle

    Hi, I’m at the end of week one and have lost 2.4kgs! I was addicted to sugar and caffeine and it took most of the week to overcome the withdrawals. My BP was all over the place but now seems to have stabilized. I am not hungry at all but still have mild sugar cravings especially at night . Drinking fruit herbal tea and green tea which is helping with minimal carbs. Thanks to LindaA for her help in counting carbs and I feel I now understand how to keep them around 50-60 g per day.
    Onwards to week 2.

  • posted by suzcaps

    Well done. What great progress. Gotta love tea for helping through the cravings. It gets better, don’t worry. Good luck with the rest of your journey.

  • posted by Pendiente

    Well done!! In my first week I was doing well but craving sugar in the evenings and one day on way to work (I work nights) I convinced myself that I deserved a small chocolate bar so I bought one. I thought – I’ll save it until I get a cup of tea and really enjoy it – as things turned out my cup of tea didn’t appear for another 2 hours and I then realised that I no longer wanted it so threw it away. I felt that I learnt a lot that night as now if I do crave anything I force myself to do something and sure enough the craving disappears. I remember being delighted when I realised this!!

  • posted by Arelle

    17 days today – have lost 3 1/2 kgs in total . Feeling quite frustrated doing everything right but weight loss is sooooo slow . Feel cheated about everything I love which I have given up no alcohol, one coffee a day , no lollies , no biscuits 😔
    I know it took more than one month to pile it on but I really thought it would come off more quickly. I am following the 800 cals strictly even watching the carb grms etc. I have upped my exercise as well . But I’m so determined to continue !

  • posted by AnnieW

    Congratulations on your loss so far and getting your body down.

    Just a quick check that you are drinking enough fluid, especially water, as that can have an effect on the rate of loss. Stick with it and you will see the results in lots of ways. At least you know you are a “slow loser” and can see your weight dropping. Have you taken measurements? Since you exercise your body can change shape (in a good way) without losing weight. Also, depending on how much recovery your muscles need, water is retained to help with the repairs. Added to possible slow food transit, this all can help to add up to slow losses – even without your body having its say on what it wants to let go of 😀.

  • posted by AnnieW

    Predictive text strikes again😬 Meant to say congratulations on getting bp down.

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