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  • posted by Forkers

    Hi there,
    I’m just counting calories and avoiding carbs, but I was wondering what the deal is with veg like peppers, courgettes, leafy greens?
    I was really limiting myself as the recipes would say 50g of green beans etc so I assumed I needed to be strict with them but iv since read people are filling out their meals with veg to make more filling.
    So am I ok to do this? As long as I count them in?
    I felt more controlled making sure my portions were small but now I’m rethinking it

  • posted by Forkers

    Also iv hit a plateau which I know is to be expected but am in week 6 and don’t think iv lost anything since the second week and am unsure of what to do.
    I’m considering just going to the 5:2 if I’m not going to lose anymore.
    However I need to lose more!
    Considering I’m only eating 800 calories I’m surprised i haven’t lost more

  • posted by Izzy

    If I remember correctly there was a lady here who went 5 weeks without losing so there is still hope! Have you been taking body measurements?

    courgettes and green stuff tend to be lower calorie than other veg like onions and peppers. It’s still ok to use a lot though. You certainly get a lot more within calories and carbs with these than potato!

    My fitbit app tells me the following to give you some comparison.

    1 serving iceberg lettuce 10 calories, 1.3g carbs
    1 red pepper 31 calories and 7.1g carbs
    1 medium courgette 31 calories, 6.5g carbs
    1 medium onion 46 calories, 11.1g carbs

    When I use courgetti with bolognaise I use a whole courgette. I will often stuff a whole pepper or courgette too. I use onions a lot as I love them but as their carbs are a bit higher I typically would use half an onion.

  • posted by Forkers


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