Thank you, sunshine-girl. I used to believe that too, until I referred to my notebook, and the figures that I have recorded
for fiber are 1.4g and 1.5g, respectively. We enjoy cucumber and dill soup in the summer, and my husband can
easily polish off 3/4-1 med. cuke for lunch. (To each their own). I usually hedge my bets, and peel 1/2 and leave the
other 1/2 skin- on, but only if I have a locally sourced cuke that is organic, not one of those horrible waxed ones from
the grocery store. Yeck! We make a lot of gazpacho too, and the carbs from a skin- on cuke and tomato, added together,
can add up if you are one that needs to keep carbs under 20. At least I have created a recipe that is bread free, and
that is a good thing. Will be offering it soon on one of the recipe threads. Ah, then of course there is the carby red
onion…..Still believe the info is worthwhile posting 🙂 Perhaps others will find it interesting or informative, too!
Best day, everyone 🙂