'Strictly' our last 4 in 2016 … Nov 22nd … let's go out on a high!!

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Sunshine girl
    Hope I don’t confuse things

    In the UK the finger prick monitors measure glucose in the blood in mmol/L not a percentage.
    In the USA the monitors measure glucose in mg/dl (and it looks as though you do in France also)
    To get the UK mmol/L figure you are right to divide a reading of say 65 or 70 by 18. The resulting 3.6 or 3.8 mmol/L is definitely going into a hypo. The finger prick monitor and the Hb1ac are measuring two completely different things. The finger prick will measure if you are having a hypo – the Hb1ac does not – it just measures an average of your blood sugars over a period of time.

    If you have that sort of reading in the UK it is definitely a hypo if you are on insulin. If driving you have to pull over. Take the keys out of the ignition and eat some glucose. You cannot commence driving for 40 minutes. Blood sugars must be over 4.0 mmol/L to drive. If they are under 5 you can still drive but need to take some glucose.

    Hb1ac measures how much haemoglobin in the blood has become glycated (chemically bonded with glucose) – it doesn’t measure glucose in the blood like a finger prick monitor. The measurement we use in the UK have changed and are now reported as a measurement in mmols/mol instead of the percentage which they used to use.

    So an Hb1ac of 37 mmols/mol is 5.5% (in the old way of measuring as a percentage) and equates to an average blood sugar over the period of 6.2 mmol/L.

    41 mmols/mol is 5.9% and equates to an average blood sugar of 6.8 mmol/L

    42 mmols/mol is 6.0% and equates to an average blood sugar of 7.0 mmol/L

    I do hope I haven’t confused things, but I was concerned that you might drive while having a hypo while on insulin.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Happy week 4 to all the sleigh riders, whether hanging on by your fingernails or riding pretty — both ways are good because we are STILL HERE!! I am also being exposed daily in California to endless sweet Christmas temptations and honestly, I just can’t have anything –ANYTHING — that is not BSD friendly in the house. If I freeze it, I’ll just eat it frozen; if it is wrapped, I will unwrap it; if it is a present, I buy another one –so for me, it just never makes it into the house! If I want a treat (and I have had the odd one here and there — still maintaining really well with low carb focus — which is how I will be going on forever) — I go out to have it. I wanted to make cookies for friends this year but that plan just isn’t going to happen!😜 I guess I’ll give wine instead! And anyone having a bad moment, just start again — no recriminations, no penance and no starving — just pick it up at the next meal and go forward. Perfect is the enemy of good — and “good enough” will get you all the way there.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi Krysia, I only get those readings when I do a fasting BG ie first thing in the morning but usually around 4.5 to 5.0. When I have had low readings I reduce my insulin. I dont have a UK tester and in France they use mg/dcL but it still works out around the same. BUT the information we are getting from the course we are doing in that the percentage we use i.e. the HbA1c of 4.5 or 5.0 is in fact the percentage of glucose in the blood and not the 5.8 to 6.9 mmol/L. I think what we are saying is that it is all very confusing and we are lucky we are good at maths. In fact the numbers you use (mmols/mol) might as well be Chinese to me.

    By the way I rarely drive, and never on an empty stomach, i take very good care of myself. I reckon i could be off the insulin in 6 months time.

  • posted by CaroleH

    California girl – I like that “Perfect is the enemy of good and good is good enough”. Could apply to all sorts of situations. I’m (in some things!) too much of a perfectionist and often take too much time turning good enough into perfect – and nobody but me knows any different. I’m going to try to be “good” more and perfect less. Thank you.

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Sunshine girl
    It caused a lot of confusion when they introduced mmols/mol instead of percentages which I think are a lot easier to understand. Its even more confusing when different countries use different measurements. I read the Jenny Ruhl books and had to continually get my calculator out otherwise it made no sense.

    I am sure that you will be off insulin in 6 month time (or even before that) as you are steadily improving your numbers. I am pleased that you don’t get hypos. I had a couple when driving and did pull over and take my glucose tablets. It was only when I read the DVLA rules that I realised that I should have taken my key out of the ignition as well and maybe it would have been wise to move to the passenger seat.

    The weird thing is that when you are not using insulin it is perfectly normal to go as low as 3.8 and it is perfectly ok to drive. The rules only apply when you are injecting insulin. I am not sure why that is.

  • posted by CaroleH

    BUTTERLOVER – don’t be too down-hearted. You largely have the right mindset and just need a little encouragement. If you are getting hungry, are you really eating enough “good” food? Foods high in protein keep you feeling full longer (e.g. Chicken, lean beef, fish etc) and lots of vegetables fills up the plate with little extra in terms of calories or carbs (as long as you avoid the high-carb ones).
    Mindful eating is a good idea. You enjoy the food more if you pay real attention to it. And if you eat more slowly, your hypothalamus can keep up with the fact you’re eating and will tell you when you’ve had enough before you over-eat.
    So hang in there and remember, nothing tastes as good as slim and healthy feels. xxx

  • posted by soupcon

    hi there – thanks for everyone who have sent me encouraging messages – KrysiaD and Daisiesmum thanks for the advise – luckily I don’t really have much of a sweet tooth but my problem is cutting out bread but tomorrow that is what I am going to do – I’m really going to stick to keeping my carbs under 40g and see what happens. Hopefully after a couple of days the bread monster will disappear!

    I am so amazed at what all of you are reporting on here – incredible weight losses, but not just that but also lowering of blood sugars and blood pressure – so encouraging for a newby! Well done all of you – I’m very envious of you all that you are all so well into your journey (or some appear to have arrived at your goals) when i am only just starting out but I do find it exciting that everyone has such positive things to say about BSD. Well done to you all – I hope I will be in your position some time towards the end of 2017!

  • posted by Jenni from the Block

    Hi Verano, All the different measures around BGLs and diabetes are complex aren’t they. I am worried if this discussion causes you to think you may not have Diabetes on the basis of an HbA1c of 7.2. It may be different in the UK but an HbA1c in Australia of 7 or higher is an uncontrolled diabetic reading of the average of 3 months 24×7. Here an HbA1c of 6.1-6.9 is considered controlled diabetes but not a reading for a non- diabetic person. Hope this helps a bit. Cheers Jenni

  • posted by tigs

    Hi all. This is such great reading; all the advice, the wins and the ‘hanging on’. Really really helps to know we all go through similar stuff.

    A team Christmas lunch challenge today turned out to be absolutely fine with a dozen fresh steamed mussels in tomato and wine sauce on offer as a special (had previewed menu and BSD pickings were scant). Perfect, and meant I was able to relax and have a great time.

    Two more events to go before the Big Day…pushing through like we all are. Be strong xx

  • posted by tigs

    Californiagirl I had to laugh at your post as totally the same in not being able to have a single thing in the house that could mean temptation. I cannot trust myself yet, even nearly 12 weeks in. I am still hungry a lot…

  • posted by Verano

    DAY 2 …… LAST WEEK!

    Good morning everyone

    Hope the last week is giving you inspiration to carry on, just 6 days left to go. I was thinking if starting a new 4 week thread on December 27th. Why wait until January!!

    I know so many people report here about sleeping better than they did prior to BSD but for me that hasn’t worked. I wonder what aspect of the plan aids sleep. Maybe somebody could let me know.

    Anyway, hope you all have a good day!

  • posted by Maharani kitten

    Count me in for the 27th, V. And if you find out what promotes sleep, I’d love to know. Still struggling by on average 5 hours per night and would love love love a few nights in succession with 7 or 8! MKx

  • posted by Verano

    Jenni from the Block

    The measures of BG are complex and confusing as you say. Here in the U.K. an HbA1c reading of 7 and above is also considered to be in the diabetic range. I think my thoughts are that the measure for diabetes is rather ‘loose’ and may be arbitrary.

    For example my cholesterol level was always 5.2 which was considered to be the high end of ‘normal’. Then they moved the goal posts to make the high end 4.5 and I think it may have reduced downeven further now.

    My GP desperately wanted me to take statins and I always refused. Anyway, 12 months ago my cholesterol dropped to 4.5 then, 6 months later it was 4.8 and it’s now back to 4.5!!! So am I a case for statins again now!!!

    Another example is my white cell count. That had always been higher than ‘normal’ . So I think my point is that these ‘numbers’ may start to become arbitrary and it does make you wonder if your stats are close to the bottom end of the range just whether or not you do need medical intervention.

    With regards to my diabetes I take metformin and 6 months ago my HbA1c was 6.3 and after following BSD for 3 months my last test, 6 months later, was 5.5!

    So, does this all become a numbers game??? I wouldn’t take myself off medication but will certainly speak to my GP about closer monitoring to see if I can control my diabetes with diet alone.
    Thank you for your concern.

  • posted by AnnieW

    I subscribe to Healthinsightuk.org. The latest posting that arrived in my in box yesterday makes for some interesting reading – how the low fat high carb dogma fell apart. Sorry can’t copy the link, my iPad is refusing at the moment.

  • posted by Lara

    Hello sleigh riders! All the talk of BG readings has done my head in! So many numbers and ranges to interpret. I have trouble following it all and I’m a trained accountant! 🙂

    I’m very excited today because I received my new fitbit in the mail yesterday. I managed to get it using reward points on my credit card so added benefit that it was a “freebie” 🙂 Have had lots of fun today tracking steps walked, floors climbed, calories burned, water consumed, heart rate, overnight sleep patterns etc etc. 10 weeks ago I could barely stir myself to get off the couch, and today I was giddy over a fitness tool & app! I barely recognise myself 🙂 🙂 🙂 Hopefully the enthusiasm remains and the novelty doesn’t wear off too quickly. It was really good to track my activity over the day and it inspired me to keep moving.

  • posted by KrysiaD

    This morning awoke to the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting around the house. Husband has tried a new recipe and it smells delicious.

    Still I shouldn’t really complain as he is resolutely sticking to his resolution of not buying any sweet stuff (which he used to love). It does help me so much not to have that stuff in the house.

    I was trying to work out what is different this year. Why is the BSD so easy at the moment. Then I realised – it is because the house is not full to the rafters with the bad stuff which I might scoff in a moment of weakness.

    It’s great to read about everyone making good choices and if they fall off the wagon – getting straight back on. We are all on a journey to better health.

    We are also getting a good brain work out trying to make sense of all the numbers and what they mean. So good news all round.

    As I didn’t go to London yesterday I really made use of the day and wrote all my Christmas cards. Delivered all the ones in walking distance and had a positively saintly BSD day. My legs were so tired at the end of the day though. It’s funny I quite like walking in the rain now (as long as my clothes are waterproof).

    Popped in to visit a friend and we had a chat over a cup of coffee. She offered biscuits and I just said no thanks I’m fine with coffee and I definitely detected a look of relief in her face. Wasn’t quite sure why – but she was definitely pleased we weren’t sitting scoffing biscuits.

  • posted by captainlynne

    AnnieW – interesting! Well worth reading. Many thanks.

    Verano – just a suggestion. If your GP is reluctant to let you come off Metformin, there are many on here who have done just that and have proved to their medical professionals that the drug was no longer needed. I wasn’t on Metformin, but was on blood pressure medication. After losing weight I reduced, then stopped those tablets. They are now no longer on repeat at the surgery – they are happy with my readings. But my ‘hot and cold’ nurse originally didn’t want me to stop them. Remember, she’s the one who changed her attitude to BSD regularly, sometimes for it, sometimes not, wanted me on BP meds and statins. It all led to some ‘interesting ‘ conversations. At one point she said the BSD way of eating was “not sustainable “. Just wait until the next time I see her! Successfully avoided her since late September! If you’ve not read them, Bill1945s posts tell her story brilliantly. He successfully took himself off meds and had many benefits in reducing diabetes related problems.

  • posted by captainlynne

    soupcon – I used to be a bread addict too. Immediately before starting the BSD I nearly lived on white sliced bread. If I could put some kind of food between two slices of bread I was happy – breakfast, lunch, tea or bedtime.

    But I can tell you that no bread has touched my lips since I started the BSD on 19th December last year. I threw out all the bread in my house so there was none to tempt me. And I can honestly say that I don’t miss it and am no longer tempted by it.

    Best wishes for beating your bread monster.

  • posted by Snoop

    Californiagirl, what a brilliant philosophy: “And anyone having a bad moment, just start again — no recriminations, no penance and no starving — just pick it up at the next meal and go forward. Perfect is the enemy of good — and “good enough” will get you all the way there.” Just what I need, especially at this time of year.”

    Can I quote you on fatsecret as a reminder to myself there too?

  • posted by Verano

    Lynne thanks. I will have a look at the posts.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Verano – his thread is ‘this has to work for me’. Hope they’re helpful

  • posted by CaroleH

    VERANO – yes, start a new one on 27th!! Great idea.

    LARA – The Fitbit is an amazing motivator. Get some Fitbit friends and then you can challenge each other to do more steps per day, per weekend or per working week. That’s even better – I’ve often gone out for s walk at 11pm because I want to win!!! (And occasionally because I don’t want to be last!!) You end up where half your friends are friends of friends but the more in the challenge (max 10) the better.

    CAPTAINLYNNE – Hmm! Interesting what you say about taking yourself off medication! My doctor’s surgery don’t seem to be able to keep doctors so every time I go I see a different person. Have asked about reducing or stopping blood pressure medication but since it’s my first time with them they always say “we will see”. Maybe I should just stop or take them alternate days. A bit scared to, though, because I believe that high blood pressure can lead to strokes and if my body is shocked by stopping the medication this might happen. Don’t know what to think!

  • posted by Cleverblonde73

    I’d definitely be up for another 4 week thread post xmas. My first 8 weeks is up on Friday but have an extra half a stone or so I would like to lose, so will carry on with the BDS 800 until I reach my target.

    The combination of interesting info/links, shared ups and downs and a bit of humour have really helped keep me positive and on the right track. Thanks everyone!

  • posted by Maharani kitten

    Interesting stuff about the numbers game.

    A few years ago I was alarmed to receive a letter from my surgery saying I had chronic kidney failure and should be getting a flu jab. I have never had any problems at all with kidney function and my doctor had never mentioned this ‘chronic’ condition. Turns out that NHS ‘guidance’ on creatinine levels had moved downward, moving me from the middle of ‘normal’ to the outer edge of ‘chronic’ with the tap of a keyboard. Nothing about my actual kidney health had changed, indeed, when the doc checked my levels had been static for 17 years, but I was now on their list as a chronic kidney patient. He agreed it was mad, said my levels were clearly ‘normal for me’ but was powerless to change it. I wonder how many of his less assertive patients were worried half to death by this unexplained administrative change?

    Bet it’s going on across all sorts of conditions and you can be sure it’s driven by drug company funded research. Also, did you know that in the UK, GPs are on a bonus scheme for uncovering t2d patients in their practice? I don’t doubt that people at the lower end of high blood glucose need to be looked at, but it begs a question from me about this apparent epidemic.

    Conspiracy theorist? Moi? MK x

  • posted by Snoop

    Guys, my understanding is you have to be careful coming off BP pills as you can have a bit of a rebound effect (high blood pressure). Taper off gradually or do it with doctor’s support and advice. Not a good idea just to stop.

    On a new challenge, I’d be up for it. I’m going to be trying my best over the festive season, but can’t guarantee outcome. Anybody got any views on doing a ten-day challenge to the end of the year and then starting afresh on 1 January when most of us will be festive event free?

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Interesting to see serious debate about our medical conditions. My opinion, and not that of the management or any other person herewithin (that’s the legal stuff covered) is, if you are on medication for diabetes, reducing can not do much harm, maybe if you are not ready your BG will rise a little, so just go back on it. I am reducing my insulin slowly by one unit at a time but it is more dangerous for my BG to drop too sharply low than for it to rise a little over a few days.

    If you are not on statins don’t accept them. I am on them because my cholesterol was 9.4 and that was long before diabetes came along so I have been on doses from 60mg now on 20mg. When my doctor stopped then because I was getting severe screaming in the middle of the night cramps my medicated number was 5.4 and went up to 7.2 within 6 months. So he put me back on but at a dose of 20mg and would prefer me not to be on them????? On 20mg and on the BSD it is now 3.2.

    Blood pressure tablets are different, it is better to stay on them until you and your doctor are absolutely sure you don’t need them. Educate yourselves, as we all do here, find out the norms, what are the risks etc etc.

    As for me, dropped my insulin to 22 units 3 nights ago, this morning my BG was up at 122. Something popped into my head about the conversation around the usefulness of finger pricking so I immediately took it again (2 holes in my finger) and it was 112, so I did it again immediately and it was 118. What can you deduce from that. Totally inaccurate within minutes of testing. My machine is fairly new and I check with a special liquid once a month and it is working okay.

    Finally, do you know who decides what is an abnormal reading for cholesterol, diabetes, blood pressure etc. Guess. The pharmaceutical companies.

  • posted by Daisiesmum

    I agree with snoop, please don’t attempt to come off medicines without medical supervision, especially Blood Pressure meds, it can be very dangerous. I had experience of this 20 years ago when I got very fit and wanted to stop taking beta-blockers. I had to literally BEG my GP to at least let me TRY to come off them. It was a slow and carefully monitored process of gradual reductions and checks.

    I have recently needed BP meds again (my bp was SO high there was no time to try to lower it naturally) and hope to come off them or at very least reduce the dosage when I see my GP in Jan. The problem I always face is that I have white coat syndrome so getting an accurate reading at the surgery or hosp is a bit of a lottery!

  • posted by soupcon

    Snoop – I would be up for a 10 day challenge – would that be starting tomorrow until (including) christmas eve? Let me know what you had in mind.
    And yes very much looking forward to starting the full 8 weeks on the 1st January – I’m sure there will be lots of us then!

  • posted by captainlynne

    Just to clarify. I didn’t just stop BP meds, but gradually reduced the dose.

    Interestingly, two nurses each took my BP on the same day, within a short time of each other. One using a modern, electronic sphygmomanometer, the other using the older manual type. And got very different readings!

  • posted by Snoop

    Hi Soupcon and other current four-week challengers,

    If I’ve got it right, our current challenge ends at weigh-in on 20 December. I see I’ve miscalculated how many days there are between then and New Year’s Eve with my idea of a ten-day challenge. Anyway, my idea is to a short challenge to cover the period from 20 December to New Year’s Eve, weighing in on 1 January maybe. Then making a clean break and starting again from 1 January when all the big celebrations are over. I do want to try and be reasonable over the interim period, but I recognise it will be a bit more relaxed, so mentally it would suit me to separate it out before starting again in earnest.

    But I don’t want to step on the four-week challengers’ toes. I could just sit out the early part and go it alone and then on 1 January join any four-week challenge that’s going. Anyone who wants to join me for the interim mini challenge is welcome, but I see it as a one-off to see me through, as Verano has got a good thing going here with the four-week challenges. There’s been some fantastic discussion and support.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I had my feet done today and asked my podiatrist if she had many people with diabetes as clients, she said most of them are because of diabetic food care (it is free here for diabetics hence my appointment). She always asks about my regime and my HbA1c so I told her and we talked about the diet. She told me she has a patient who was extremely overweight who has had bariatric surgery, lost a lot of weight fast and is now not diabetic. Although the doctor has kept her on the register for now. It was nice to speak to a medical person who knows what this type of diet can do. I told her I had the feeling back in my big toes.

  • posted by Snoop

    Getting feeling back in your toes… Wow! Sunshine-girl, that is really big deal. Congratulations.

  • posted by Verano


    We all do what’s best for us!!!

    I was just thinking that we could get back on the horse after the main couple of days. This may suit some but not others. Some people like to do a full 8 weeks at a time, others like short sharp shocks of 1 week at a time. So it’s horses for courses.

    My Idea was to have a ‘week off’ from the 20th to the 27th but hey that’s just my thought!!! I want to relax a little on the 25th then get back on track. This may not suit others. I will post a new link in a week or so and anyone that wants to join me for a ‘4 week fix’ is welcome.

  • posted by Cleverblonde73

    I’m also planning to ease off a little on the 25th but a new focus after this to keep me on track and not let me be tempted to let that extend too much would be great. So would be happy to join in from 27th/28th onwards

  • posted by Snoop

    Sounds good to me. I’ll just take a few days longer out, then, and join you a little later if that’s OK. You’ve done a great thing setting up these four-week challenges. I’ve really appreciated them. They’ve reinspired me, as I was getting a bit lax lately. I really am determined to hit my year-end target on 20 December and do my best to maintain if not lose a bit more by the end of the year, though, being realistic, I don’t see me sticking to 800 cals every day!

  • posted by Verano


    I looked at Bill’s thread …. all 700+ posts!!!!! I will get round to reading it one day!

    What I really want to know is how much lower my HbA1c is on metformin prior to BSD and the figures since I discovered BSD. I have a feeling that metformin has kept me ‘static’ rather reducing my BG!!! Will let you know when I know!!

    Maharani you do have to wonder about the part drug companies do play!!’

    I was also under the impression that GPS got a ‘remuneration’ for each person on their lists diagnosed with diabetes!!!!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    I will be taking an extended leave as I am away. I will be getting back on track on Tuesday 3rd Jan ready to start afresh.

  • posted by Norfolkgal

    Hope you don’t mind if I join you here, I would like to have a final push after Christmas. I did my first 8 weeks from 9th September, starting at 11st 2lbs, and weighed in today at 9st 12lb. So I am very pleased but would like to drop just a few more lbs , to about 9st 7lb. I have maintained around 9st 11lb to 9st 13lb for the last month, without calorie counting – no bread or biscuits though, and limited potatoes and starchy veg.

    I hope to get through Christmas without back-sliding too far, chocolate and nuts are my downfall, and I have found some yummy baklava in Lidl that keep falling into my basket!

    I look forward to joining you all after Christmas.

  • posted by tigs

    Quoting SNOOP quoting CALIFORNIAGIRL as love this. Need to keep it in front of me too:

    “And anyone having a bad moment, just start again — no recriminations, no penance and no starving — just pick it up at the next meal and go forward. Perfect is the enemy of good — and “good enough” will get you all the way there.”

  • posted by OiMadam

    Help. I skiddadled off the sleigh as it hurtled round Carbohydrate Corner today! I love Californiagirl’s quote above (posted by Tigs via Snoop). Just what I need right now. No berating – just clinging on with all my strength for the rest of our ride today and start anew tomorrow.

    Verano – great idea about the ‘new ride’ on 27th. I’ll be there if that’s ok with you?

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Doing a happy dance this evening. Went to our nearest city to look at trousers suitable for work as I cannot wear the clown trousers any longer. They are at the point where they are highly likely to fall down in the middle of a class.

    Size 10 in the style I liked looks lovely and had a warm lining which will be great for the winter and I will be able to move in them which will be great for the teaching. I will need a belt though as my waist is too small (I never thought I would ever write those words).

    Tried on other styles but a lot are too big at 10 but although size 8 does zip up it is too tight to feel comfortable.

    Have also found a dressmaker who will take in my size 12 jeans I bought in August so that they will fit me again.

    I am not likely to need to drop much more than a couple of pounds more so I think the trousers should be ok.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    OMG Krysia size 10, I might get into size 12 EVENTUALLY, but for now I am just into size14. You must be over the moon.

  • posted by Yowzer49

    KRYSIA ! I am speechless..size 10 ” too big at ten” ” “waist is too small”….
    Waist is too small are four words i doubt i will ever utter…
    Thats just fabaroooney,you must be SOOOOO thrilled
    This thread continues to be a mine of golden nuggets of tips,experiences good n bad,ideas,thoughts,laughs ..
    ( OIMADAM..Carbohydrate Corner!😄)
    the list goes on and on..thanks to all who share on here xx

    VERANO i will be embarking 27/12 on 5:2 regime of 5 days Med diet watching the carbs,not so much the cals, and 2 days 800 cals fast..can i still join in please as i will still be dodging the Carb Monster coz i know she’s always hanging round on my street corner,looking for a chance to jump right back up onto my shoulder?
    The reindeers will be off for their yearly January holiday along with the elves so we may need another form of transport. Xx

  • posted by KrysiaD

    Sunshine girl and Yowzer49 – I have never never ever been a size 10 in my whole life so I am still doing the happy dance.

    I think that ditching the carbs does something wonderful to our bodies. Although I have only lost 2stone 10lbs I had a 35 inch waist so you can see how amazing it is to have lost so much weight around my middle.

    I think you will both be really surprised at what size you end up when you reach target weight and you will be doing the happy dance also.

    Verano – I would like to join your next challenge as I will need to stay focussed on dodging the Carb Monster – probably forever. Although it seems to be getting easier and easier I am not underestimating the challenge that lies ahead of me to stay healthy and out of the Carb Monster’s clutches.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    LOL lol LOL!!! I am reading your posts and laughing out loud at my desk! Oimadam — it’s that pesky “carbohydrate corner”, gets us every time!! I am envisioning all of us flying off the sleigh with fingernails holding on for dear life and our hair whipping around but DARN IT we are NOT NOT NOT letting go!! Good work sleigh-mates! This is without a doubt the funniest December I have ever had the pleasure to diet through!!
    So many posts!!
    Lara — I love your new found love of Fitbit!
    Snoop — of course you can quote me but I think I bastardized about three different famous sayings so I don’t know how original it is!! Ha ha!
    Maharani kitten — I totally agree with you and I know I am walking a dangerous line but statins are not good for your brain. The research I have read does not support low cholesterol if you want to have a healthy brain BUT the medical establishment will not publicly agree with that point of view… So I just ignore them. Luckily we still have the freedom to be left alone.
    Sunshine girl — feeling back in your toes, that is WONDERFUL. I am past super pleased for you and you earned it with your focus and dedication.
    Norfolkgirl– go girl go girl!!
    KrysiaD — OMG, size 10 — I remember my first day there and how I couldn’t believe I needed to try on the next SMALLER size!! Since NEVER had I been there!! (And hey, size 8 is super close…) Yay!!!!
    Verano– nice work keeping us all flying along.


  • posted by Natalie

    Oh boy Carbohydrate Corner. I got flung out of the sleigh around that bend too. Yesterday evening was not good. Huge amount of carbs after two days of heatwave conditions mean that his morning my shoes are too small, retaining so much water! But I logged in here to find the sleigh waiting for me, thanks for saving me a seat guys!

    I plan to relax the diet a bit over Christmas, not too much, but I’m not sure whether to start again strictly straight away or not until the New Year.

    Regarding BP fluctuations there is an episode of Big Bang Theory where Howard wants to get a high blood pressure reading to get out of going back into space so he calls his mum and listens to her yell at him over the phone first! I can control my BP to a certain extent just by tensing up or making myself relax. I hate those machines though, so painful on soft fleshy arms. My BP is fine, my husband’s is bad due to stressful job he is not overweight and exercises a lot.

  • posted by Mixnmatch

    Great news about the waist Krysia, and that you’ve found someone to make the alterations to your jeans. I’ve been doing the size 10 happy dance as well, although my waist is definitely not too small yet, largely due I think to it being one of my last few areas of droopy skin. I finally found out tonight why everyone has been telling me not to lose any more weight, and insisting I cannot be overweight anymore despite the scales disagreeing, I had a Boditrax analysis done at the local gym and my body composition seems to have headed straight from being overweight to being between muscular and thin-muscular. Clearly all this exercise has made me very fit. So I am living proof of the fact that BMI is a bad measure if you are above averagely fit, even if you are not an athlete or body builder.

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hey Californiagirl, you realise Krysias size 10 UK is size 8 American. Super

  • posted by CaroleH

    KRYSIA – Size 10!! Amazing!! Well done!!
    I have a long way to go but determined to get there.

    Thanks for all the advice, sleigh-riders, on BP medication. Will just stay on it for the time being and will discuss with a doctor when I’m down to target weight.

    My 8 weeks is up on 23rd December. So I will eat sensibly from then until after 27th (party at my sister’s house) then I will start another 8 weeks. As long as it’s working, why stop?!

  • posted by Verano

    DAY 3 ….. LAST WEEK


    What can I say a Krysia!!! Brilliant!!!

    Maybe we should have a wall of fame with all those who have reached goal letting us know how long it’s taken!

    For the rest of all …. just keep on keeping on!

    The new challenge will start on the 27th but as with this one lots of people have joined along the way. It’s just to have somewhere to ‘share’, encourage and applaud. Really to keep on track so everyone so welcome whenever and whatever path you’ve chosen to travel.

    Back to ‘Strictly’ for all those with BBC TV the final in on Saturday night but we will still have 2 further days to travel. So near the end now. Let’s just keep going.

    I will have scales again tomorrow so can see what damage my ‘hotel days’ may have done!! Will report tomorrow just hoping I’ve stood still!

    Have a good day and well done to all our losers!

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