Started using Headspace on Monday (other apps are available). Nearly dozed off during the first two sessions, yesterdays session seemed to grab my attention a bit more.
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So how did you do in your first week?
If it works for you then you should be able to make it a habit and then it’ll become part of what you do/ who you are…Given that most younger people are driven by their mobiles I can see why it could be very useful – always there – a bit like the breath! This morning for a change I meditated to the sounds of the sea recorded on hols.
Hi Jackie,
Days one and two I nearly dozed off. Not the most productive starts lol!
Since then it has been getting better, though my mind is as obedient as a 6 week old puppy at the moment. I’m not sure what the results will be as it isn’t overtly stated. But I have felt a bit calmer which is good as the diet is causing a bit o grumpiness. TBH, all that Headspace is is a collection of mp3s. It is handy to have it always there, and there are a huge amounts of meditations when you complete the intro part. Don’t know if I will pay for the app as there are a lot of free downloadable mindfulness meditations online.
Are you a longtime meditator? It reminds me a lot of zen meditation as think it may be the same thing given a new modern package.
Ziggy, pleased to hear that you are carrying on.
One of the insights of meditation, which you have seen, is that it’s natural for the mind to have lots of random thoughts;
the difference is that you are now aware of them and can keep returning to the breath. With acceptance and practiced awareness you will probably just be able to let them pass on their way, rather than having the feeling of having to deal with or act on them.As described on other posts here, I have meditated on and off for a lifetime using breathing meditation, sometimes alone with my breath, sometimes using guided meditations etc. I recently followed an 8-week “” free course as I now have the desire to meditate regularly again. I found it helped massively when doing the BSD and I also used it as a trigger to find appealing meditations on youtube. It’s a very personal journey so you have to find what works for you and the timing has to be right.