Positive Thoughts Thread Anyone?

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  • posted by Pootle

    My cupboard fillers are too numerous…the huge, catering size, dishes no longer used…a slow cooker…a spare kettle, just in case…a soda syphon…soda stream…all the unused attachments to my food processor etc etc. I would swap all of them for your plate warmer!! 😅

    It is great to catch up face to face…

    Positives for today;
    1. I decided to go with a Just One Thing change. My balance has never been good, (even at school) so I think balancing on one leg…each in turn…would probably be a good exercise for me. So I did 90 seconds on my right leg and 60 on my left. I did wobble considerably at ankle level and thought I would over balance but managed not to…watch this space for tomorrow’s times! ⏳⏲️😂

    2. This evening I watched a Zoom talk to one of my groups…all about Downton and Highclere. It was fascinating! 🏰🩱

    3. As part of the above, I caught up with a number of friends I hadn’t seen since early December…it was only on screen, but good. 👍😉

  • posted by Verano

    Pootle you’ve jumped us over to a new page … 129!

    Sunny I’m with you we also have a juicer I never use but do have a great hand held one that’s great for lemons and limes. Fortunately I was never tempted by a chocolate fountain.

    Pootle, sorry you can’t have my plate warmer! I have so much ‘stuff’! I understand those huge catering size dishes. I’ve given some to my daughter but still have so many. Slow cooker which we use maybe once a year! Spare kettle we have two! Plus the spare toaster for the toast we rarely make these days! Oh and of course the bread maker from pre BSD days! Did I mention the ice cream maker which I think we used once! Problem for us is that these things are mainly ‘out of sight’ so ‘out of mind’. I really need to get my head around decluttering.

    Just one positive today….

    ✒️📖🔖 I’m returning to Tuesday as the start of my week. It’s only been one week of starting on Friday but I’m totally out of step. So today I restarted. I have taken my weight today and my 31/12/24 weight when we went away so over 2lbs down now.
    Onwards for me.

    Hope everyone can find a positive no matter how small.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Pootle, balance exercises are very important … not that I’m doing any myself. Let us know how you progress with them though.
    V, the chocolate fountain was purchased for a grandchild’s birthday party a few years ago and now resides hopefully in one of my cupboards. However no toaster, no spare kettle, no breadmaker…. there is an ice cream maker though! I do use my slow cooker and steamer, so won’t count them as clutter.

    Sooo, my positive/s for today …
    🛍🛒 food shopping done …. but better than that, scored some bargains at a local charity shop. Three tops, all quality named brands and also and more excitingly, a pale blue horseshoe shaped glass trough vase, for the princely sum of £1.50. I’m delighted with it and it looks wonderful with hellebore flowers in it.

    Was going to try for more than that, but actually it is quite enough for today.
    Hope you might take a moment to post a positive yourself … we love to read them.

  • posted by Pootle

    Down is down V. 😄

    Just one positive for me today… 2 minutes on each leg…still a bit wobbly but getting better!! 🤔😁

  • posted by Pootle

    Sunny, your vase sounds lovely… what a find!
    I often look round charity shops and it is amazing what they have. I love hellebores, one of my favourite flowers.

    2 minutes each leg again! Think it is going to be a long process before it comes easily to me! 🦵🦵⚖️

    The hazel catkins are out, along with the first snowdrops, a few primroses and one lone daffodil! Spring is on the way!! 😻

    Hope you have all found a positive in your day today!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    My positives are:-
    cough and cold finally getting better
    got refund on 2 of the dresses I sent back – funny though, the dresses were £60 each so £120 and they have refunded £118. Got an AI dude called liam on to in for me 🙂
    Lost the 2lbs I gained from the baguette so ready for my next loss before Tuesday. Verano, I can understand how weighing on a different day puts you out of sync. I like to be in control and have things in a certain order.

    Another positive, just jumped up to check on my daffys (re: the snowdrop comment) to see if they are in flower yet. Not yet but leaves are there. Then as I came back in to finish post the electric went off and on again. Thought I had lost my post but I must have saved it. Hooray.

    Have a good weekend.

  • posted by Verano

    S-g well done on your loss and pleased you’re finally starting to feel better.

    Sunny I’m impressed no toaster, spare kettle or bread maker! I wish! My slow cooker is a bit of ‘clutter’ because I use it so rarely. I just have this thing about meat ‘warming’ all day. Mad but there you go. NOW, a steamer, I use mine all the time, maybe 5 times a week or more. I have recently bought a new one and it’s probably number 7! or even 8! My last two were from Lakeland and both lids had the handles fall off but at least I got a replacement the first time and recently a refund. I had thought about having a ‘steam oven’ as I’m replacing my ovens but I believe they’re a nightmare to clean so sticking with my ‘independent’ steam machine.

    Pootle I’m guessing you’re in the south, no need to tell me, but we really don’t have any signs of ‘spring life’ here in the North West.

    Positives today …..

    ✂️✂️✂️ My hairdresser has managed to squeeze me in in 10 days after I had to cancel my Friday appointment. Phew! No need to buy ‘spray colour’ for my roots!

    💅💅💅 No toe emojis but had a lovely pedicure today so my feet are looking great. Makes me feel good to look at them.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  • posted by Pootle

    We are in West Wales V. A frost pocket, so later in season than the Midlands, (where I originate) but earlier than the North!

    My positives for today (I think number 1 is a positive 🤪😬🤔)
    1. Our new scales arrived in the post…supposedly more accurate and better than our original digital scales! (According to my husband! 🫣) I think it superfluous. Having started weighing on the old ones, I am happy that I know how much weight I have lost…it is about the relativity of the numbers. But it will be interesting in the morning! 🤞

    2. I made a batch of the Chocolate, pear and nut brownies from the BSD recipe book and froze most of them. So I can have a small treat! (Recipe says makes 16….I cut them in half so get 32! Not that I’m mean or anything 😂)

    3. Shopping for food today, I treated myself to a bunch of tulips! 🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷😄

  • posted by SunnyB

    So good to see lots of positives being posted. Apologies for not adding any over the last couple of days.
    Pootle, can understand you reluctance to move to different scales ….. you’re right, it is about the relativity. And well done on persisting with the balance exercises.
    SG, glad you are seeing continued progress. I too like the routine of having a definite a weekly weigh in day. Hope you get the additional refund sorted out.
    V, strangely I use my steamer far less than my slow. cooker. I really like slowcooked meats like ox tail, lamb neck and the like.

    Well now, being ‘absent’ for a couple of days, means it is easy to find some positives ….
    🚗🚘 whilst OH serviced her car, DD and I had a good catch up. Pleased to say she already has a job offer on the table and is hopeful of another during the week ahead
    🛋🛋 have purchased and fitted slip covers on our rather tatty but still serviceable two seated sofa. Looks so much smarter than the throw that had been on it
    🍽🍛🫂 lovely date night last night … tech sidelined, BSD friendly meal, a good catch up on upcoming plans and even a little dancing too. Really good to reconnect

    Hope the rest of your weekend will offer up some positives and hopefully we’ll be reading about one or two of them soon

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi there, I guess you are talking about things that decorate your cupboards but never use. We have an ice cream maker – even a can of ready made custard that is 2 years out of date (so 4 years old) that I was going to use to make low fat ice cream. Also a breadmaker which hasn’t been used for many years. We do have a spare kettle but it is one that goes on the gas hob and comes in handy when the electricity goes off, which it does often.

    My positives are:
    1. Put our house on the sitters site about an hour ago, already got 2 applications. Only problem is they are in America and our last sitter had so many problems after his New York to Paris flight was cancelled. Need to ask a few questions. We have had so many lovely American sitters it is a shame we are now wary.
    2. Hubby putting up new cooker extractor fan and found the new one has its plug in a different place. Not willing to start gouging out holes in the wall to move it I contacted a local builder, again about an hour ago, and already had a reply, he is coming out on Tuesday.
    3. This one is not really positive, I have had a terrible bout of diahorreah, positive is I hope it brings some more weight loss :).

    Stay warm

  • posted by Verano

    Pootle I think I agree with Sunny …. don’t bother with the new scales! Wish I could balance on one leg full stop!

    Sunny sounds like you’re back into the swing of your ‘date nights’ and so pleased to hear the job front is looking good for your DD.

    S-g read on another thread you have a ‘repeat’ sitter for your house. Assuming they were good last time how good would that be!

    So finding a positive at the moment is difficult as I’m living with an ‘array’ of my kitchen gadgets, pots and pans etc. sitting in front of me in boxes and on trestle tables! Just one more lighthearted find today …. a pineapple corer/slicer! I don’t even like pineapple! Can you better that one for a totally useless object?

  • posted by AnnieW

    Pootle, I’ve just done a balance (and strength) You Tube workout with The Girl With The Pilates Mat and thought of you. Link below for a 15 minute workout – you can use a chair or countertop to aid balance, I’m often close to something just in case as my left side balance is compromised.


    Positives today:
    Husband cooked a really lovely Sunday Lunch – his signature dish of roast chicken accompanied by lots of low carb vegetables (bought by me😉).
    Lots of exercise done today – indoor only but I’ve managed 6miles and over 12k steps. I aim for a daily mix of indoor and outdoor but sometimes it’s only inside.
    Had a good night’s sleep last night for a change; hardly anytime awake and, sorry if tmi, no need to make a bathroom trip (no drinks after 7pm seems to be the answer – for now anyway).

  • posted by SunnyB

    SG, glad I’m not the only person with very out of date cans lurking! Hope you get your house sitter sorted soon.
    V, think you might win with the pineapple tool … can’t think of anything of a similar level of uselessness which I’m hoarding. 🤭😂
    Annie, that’s a very impressive exercise result, quite puts me to shame for sure. I generally don’t drink anything after 18.30 to 19.00 and it’s certainly much reduced any need to get up during the night. Thanks for the exercise link, will take a look.

  • posted by Pootle

    What a lot of news and positives!
    Annie, thanks for the link.. I haven’t watched yet, but will in the next couple of days…I really need all the help I can get with balance! ⚖️
    I envy you your husband cooking Sunday lunch, my hubby specialises in sardines on toast… so he is a bit flummoxed now I won’t eat the toast! 🍞

    V, I think the pineapple tool beats my most useless items! 🍍😂

    I hope you find good house sitters S-G..and get your full refund! Also that you recover from the diarrhoea…that is too drastic a weight loss method.

    Sunny, good news for DD’s job… Hope it works out for her! Great idea to have a date night!

    Today’s positives for me;
    1. The new, all singing, all dancing scales ordered by my husband weighed me at exactly the same weight as my old digital scales! 🥴🤣
    2. Celebrating today…5 years since I woke at 4am, realised all was not well, called 999, dragged husband off the bed and did CPR until paramedics arrived. I hadn’t been home the night before, and that day I was going to travel to London for a week. So I count my blessings on the 19th January every year! 🙏

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, Pootle, what a thing to celebrate – you were great in saving your husbands life – it is my biggest fear right now at our age. One of us is likely to be taken by surprise. As an ex-nurse I would be capable but my husband would have no idea and had a total panic when I was having a hypo, crawling along the hallway and totally confused as to what I was doing. He did get me a glucose sachet and managed to dribble it into my mouth, so he did save me.

    My positives are:-
    1. Bought a new extractor for the oven/hob but it wont fit where the original ones fitments were. Emails my local building (on a Sunday) and within an hour received a message saying he will come and fit it on Tuesday.
    2. We now have 5 prospective sitters but waiting to hear if our ex-sitter is able to do the dates – must contact him as I cant leave people waiting.
    3. Feeling better now, no cough and only blowing my nose 4 or 5 times per day. Stomach settled down too.

  • posted by Verano

    Pootle I just have to agree wholeheartedly with sunshine-girl. Amazing!

    S-g so glad you seem to have overcome your illnesses which is great so onwards and upwards!

    So as for positives today they are a bit lean at the moment….

    Kitchen looks like a bomb has hit it with no doors but I can see the ‘future’!

    I think I’ll leave at that today!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Pootle, can well understand you giving thanks on that anniversary.
    SG, glad you’re feeling better, these winter ills can take awhile to shake off.
    V, your kitchen is going to look great and all the upheaval will have been worth it!

    Two positives for me today ….
    🌹🌹 trip to a garden centre this morning and decided to treated myself to a new rose bush, looking forward to seeing it in bloom in better weather
    🍽🍛 very pleasant lunch out at a quaint voluntary pub with OH. We don’t often get to eat out together during the week, so felt quite decadent

    Remember to look for a positive every day, there’ll always be one.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Firstly, I’ve just noticed that autocorrect changed my misspelt ‘country’ to ‘voluntary” on my post yesterday.

    Today is one of those days when positives feel a bit difficult to identify, however there must be one, so here goes …. 🤔💭 (lonnnnnng think!)

    Think the best I can come up with right now, is being grateful for all I have in my life …. family, friends, a warm home, etc. They are all blessings and shouldn’t be taken for granted.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Thought I’d get in early today with a positive …..
    🌤🌤 was a cold one today, but for once there was a little sunshine!!! Big deal for those of us struggling with SAD.

    What little positive blessed your day?

  • posted by Pootle

    Sorry I have missed a couple of days..Have started a nasty cold and yesterday I was stung on my throat/neck by a very dopey wasp! So not feeling 100%!
    I agree with you SunnyB…family, friends and a warm home are all major positives,,,I would add the support from the forums on this site! I read most ‘recent’ threads, and think the community on here is so very important!
    I am sure I have other positives to share…but 🤔 time is running out…😉

  • posted by Yowzer49

    Just catching up here reading and enjoying everyone’s pozzers,and must ask,as a cat lover… POOTLE,how are your ferals? We have two cats here,neither ferals or strays,but they dont go home much. We know one doesnt get on with the dog,so stays out ( has a cat flap to go home when chooses) The other,we are trying to establish where his home might be.. I got a microchip reader and it shows he’s not chipped. He looks well fed and in good condition,but is here from late afternoon and overnight every day. Anyhoo,we have put two waterproof shelters out in the garden,with straw and blankies,and they get cosy in them,and we put out food too,but it still must be very cold and uncomfortable for them this time of year.
    If only they could talk!💕
    My positive for today,just the one..
    *** It feels like spring has arrived because DD called round before starting WFH at 3 pm. Brought me a huge bunch of daffs and a big light green candle. The yellow and light green look so springlike together ..oh and I nearly forgot,a light green mug,same shade as candle,with white flowers painted on it. Really lifted the greyness of the day!
    *** Another pozz…woohoo! Soon be pancake day,yum yum,i love them! 😋 ( and Vals day for those who celebrate💕 we celebrate Beau’s bday two days later instead) X

  • posted by SunnyB

    Pootle, sorry you’re poorly, well done on managing to find positives when you’re feeling under the weather.
    Yowser, good to have you posting here and lovely for you to receive those unexpected gifts, which lifted your spirits and reminded you spring is sneaking closer.

    My positive today is ….
    👍🏻🙂 got lots of prep done ready for friends visiting at the weekend and made a list of what’s still outstanding.

    I’m sure you can find a positive, so please let us know about it.

  • posted by Pootle

    Hi Yowser,
    Well done for providing shelter for your visiting cats! 😸
    Here they tend to sleep in the hay stack, moving sites every so often… I think they do a natural form of flea control… not sleeping in the same place for too long so the eggs don’t hatch on them! 🪰😸
    The biggest, oldest ‘bruiser’ (Felix) goes missing every few days… typical ‘old Tom cat’! One of the others, I think possibly female, (Pretty Puss) is becoming much more confident. She will actually sit next to the bowl as I spoon out the food, but if I make any unexpected moves she is gone! The littlest (Littl’un) is still extremely timid. Not helped by my very old dog 🐩(brought up with 3 cats in the house), who has been brilliantly quiet, sitting, waiting and watching until last Friday, when he decided he wanted to sniff the cats!! 🥴🫣. Mad panic… escape route rushed… but Pretty Puss returned very quickly, and Littl’un realised he was missing out… so repeatedly, nervously, grabbed a mouthful and retired to a safe distance.
    Progress is slow, but I think Pretty Puss will come into the house when the weather warms enough for us to leave the door open! ☀️🌞

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Hi all, sorry you are ill Pootle, we are taking a long time to get over our cold and coughs. Can’t say it was flu as we were not laid flat but we had flu jabs before Christmas. Hate to tell you but the cats are probably riddled with fleas and probably also have worms so keep them away from any ‘home’ cats. My daughter was a cat/kitten forsterer for a couple of years and they had to be kept in a separate room so as not to contaminate the rest of the house i.e. furniture, carpets etc. They are doing a cull of feral cats here in the Dordogne but it is not as bad as it sounds. They catch them then spay, vaccinate etc and then let them go wild again. Just hoping our Maisie doesn’t get caught as she was never chipped, it was before the law changed. Maybe we should get her done – but she is 11 and doesn’t stray far.

    Positives for me:
    Weight is coming down to pre-slice of bread gain – only 0.3 to reach 71.5 again.
    Delivery of Nutrition Geeks supply of 3 in one Magnesium (+ 2 other minerals), hoping it will help with my night cramps and restless legs.
    Try to find 3, so, hubby is cleaning the hob – just before the builder comes and drills a hole in the wall above 🙂 Hey ho.

  • posted by Pootle

    Hi all,

    Yes S-G the cats will definitely be riddled with worms and fleas…as, when & if they tame down, we will deal with those issues. Our last ‘house’ cat died in 2021 and I said no more cats ….but am weakening!
    I know what you mean about the cough/cold…I think it could have been flu if we hadn’t had the jab in November…

    Today’s positives…
    1. 💨Storm Eowyn has side swiped us, with power off for a few hours, but all back on now! We were so well prepared after last time, I managed breakfast of porridge and coffee without much trouble on the camping gas. 😁
    2. Great that the power is back on, as I am making chicken & chorizo with med veg tonight….difficult, but not impossible on a camping stove. 🥘 😉
    3. The sun is out again!!☀️

    Hope you all have some positives today!

  • posted by sunshine-girl

    Reached the 71.5 kg goal after the slice of bread.
    Resisted having a drink last night – only 7 more nights to go – yes I am counting.
    Feeling better in myself and managing housework with one task each day.

  • posted by Verano

    Well done s-g!

    So my kitchen is now 85% finished and really looking good. I hadn’t realised how just a colour change could make such a huge difference.

    Anyway my first is
    🌝🌝🌝 Over the moon with our kitchen renovation.

    🥗🥦🍅 eating really well and seeing some results. Not huge loses but going in the right direction and feeling healthy!

    Hope you are all having a good weekend.

  • posted by SunnyB

    SG, well done on hitting your weight goal.
    V, really glad you are pleased with how your kitchen is shaping up, I’m sure it looks great.
    Pootle, hope all is okay with you now, after the storms.

    Positives from my corner of the world ….
    🐑🐑🐑 saw the first lambs of the year, in a field on Friday really made me smile
    🙂🤸‍♀️ had friends visiting this weekend…. lovely to have a proper catch up with them
    🚘🚗 my darling OH repaired DD’s car, ready for its MOT retest on Tuesday

    Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend, we’d love to read a positive or two

  • posted by SunnyB

    Positives for today …
    🥘👩‍🍳 menu has been planned for date night
    🚅🚆 we’ve booked a shuttle day trip to Calais for two weeks time, for us and eldest DD, as a birthday treat for her

    Did a positive pop in to your day today?

  • posted by Pootle

    My positive for today:
    I tried adapting a recipe I found online for an aubergine and chocolate brownie… dropped the 100g sugar, added 1 small dessert spoon of honey instead.

    It has worked well… suits my changing tastes being less sweet! 👩‍🍳😄

  • posted by SunnyB

    Those brownies sound interesting, Pootle. I do a similar thing when it comes to sugar in recipes, although I usually use a little Agave Syrup, as it’s surprisingly low in carbs for a natural sweetener. Csn’t stand stevia, as it tastes the same an artificial sweeteners to me.

    I have a couple of positives for today ….
    🪣🖌 started the task of refreshing the paintwork on our landing and upstairs hallway. Once it’s done, we can order new carpet …. yippee!!!
    🛁⚖ bathroom scales surprised me with a reading 2lb lower than this time last week. More than happy with that!

    If you have a moment, why now share one I’ve your positives with us?

  • posted by Pootle

    Sunny B I haven’t heard of agave syrup… where do you get it? I don’t want to use stevia or xylitol as I wish to eat ‘natural’ as far as possible. I did a 40 mile round trip last week to find full fat crème fraiche that hadn’t been produced by arla! I just don’t trust them about feeding bovaer. Scientists thought it harmless to use sheep offal in cattle feed years ago(without telling the farmers buying the feed)…resulting in BSE and Creutzfeldt Jakob disease !!!🐄🐄🐄
    A new carpet sounds exciting and brilliant news on the weight front!

    Today I was feeling down…January gets me like that… and when I sighed as I was trying to get enthusiastic about preparing our evening meal, husband said, “come on, we will go out tonight.” So my positive is garlic mushrooms followed by gammon steak and I was strong enough to turn down the bread and chips…although I have eaten 6 of husband’s chips!

  • posted by Verano

    Pootle ….. 👍👍👍. Absolutely right. We need to ‘live’ . Eating what we fancy without the really nasty carbs is the way to go. We can eat well without the UPFS and we will benefit. In saying that the odd chip or piece of bread won’t ☠️ ‘kill’ us. Just have to balance our food with our medical ‘needs’.

    So while I’m here…
    👍👍👍 Feeling pretty good at the moment. My loss this week was half a pound short of my 2lb per week goal but quite happy. Might or might not catch up next week but hey! still going in the right direction.

    👚👗🩳 Have started a ‘charity shop’ bag. I have so much ‘stuff’. Just need to ‘cleanse’. So started with the ‘swimsuit’ drawer. Can’t even remember when I used some of the ‘stuff’ so out they go. Feels wonderful. Next step is all of those tops I’ve kept because I thought they would fit…. they won’t … so out they go too! Feels great to have a ‘clear out’.

    🥗🐓🥦 My final is that I’m still enjoying ‘eating well’.

    Have a good week!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Pootle, I usually get my Agave Syrup from Tesco or Lidl, but I’m sure other supermarkets must stock it. Lovely to be spontaneously taken out for a meal.
    V, well done on your progress … 1.5lb is not to be sniffed at! I need to take a leaf from you book and start a clear out. I was looking for some shoes in one of my cupboards and it occurred to me a good sort out wouldn’t go amiss.
    Do you remember Yowsers 27 in 9? Getting rid of or reorganising 27 items on each of 9 consecutive days. Remember doing that a couple couple times and it really gave a feel good factor.

    Anyway, to my positives ….
    🙂🙂 have arranged to visit my parents in Feb
    👛💷 my new wallet arrived, very happy as the zip on my old one had become temperamental and was annoying me.

  • posted by Verano

    Good evening!

    Well I don’t have three positives but I do have two…..

    🐟🫛🥦 Salmon and vegetables tonight. So continuing with my low carb regime.

    🌱🌱🌱 daffodils starting to poke their heads above the soil. Spring is on its way!!!

    Ok so I do have number 3……
    Kitchen revamp just finished! Looking wonderful! Very happy!

  • posted by Pootle

    V, Brilliant news that your kitchen revamp is finished and is wonderful! 🎉

    Positives for today;

    1. It didn’t rain!!! 🌂 yay!!! ☔️
    2. Had a ‘creative’ day….working on a new idea for work! 👩‍🎨 great as I have been feeling unimaginative for the last month!
    3. Like you V, I continued my low carb regime, with very tasty pork fillet in Parma ham with cauliflower mash and tenderstem broccoli! 🥦🥦

  • posted by SunnyB

    Excellent news about your kitchen refurbishment, V … enjoy!
    Pootle, hope the new project gives you something to get your creativity zinging.

    My positive/s for today are ….
    🛏🛏 changed the bed linen this morning, so fresh sheets to slide onto tonight
    🌤🌤 actually saw the sun for a few hours today 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️
    👍🏻🙂 good progress has been made with our decorating project…. just the walls left to emulsions now.

  • posted by Pootle

    Hi Sunny B….fresh sheets are fabulous aren’t they! Husband managed to rip a duvet cover a couple of days ago…so think it time for some new covers!

    Positives for today! (So far!)
    🩺👩‍⚕️ Saw the GP this morning. She was suitably impressed by the weight loss and remission of diabetes!
    ☀️☀️Fabulously sunny day here today…and it is the last day of January!! 🎉🎉

  • posted by Pootle

    Happy February everyone.
    Isn’t it amazing what a difference a day makes…
    Today I;-
    🛏️ Bought a new duvet cover and 2 pillow cases today…an expensive past-time for a super-king sized bed, but found something serviceable and pretty at Dunelm for a reasonable price! looking forward to making the bed with them! 😴
    🍝Suddenly had an epiphany about my store cupboard….so I have ejected all the pasta stored since last June..No more spaghetti, linguini, fusilli or lasagne…That has created some space! 😁
    🌻🥦Also bought the seeds ready to plant the ‘patch’…looking forward to spring.

    I hope you have all had some positives in your lives today! 🤞

  • posted by Verano

    Good afternoon..
    I really only have one positive today. I restarted my Headspace meditation a couple of days ago 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️ and Im feeling much calmer and in control.
    Looking forward to a successful February.

  • posted by AnnieW

    Hi All
    Went for a ramble around the village after lunch and took the path onto the trail leading to ponds. The birds were singing away, obviously enjoying the sunshine and comparative warmth and a squirrel ran across the path in front of me.
    I’ve just noticed the snowdrops are out and daffodil shoots are gaining height fast.
    We look to have clear skies tonight and my husband is getting our telescope and binoculars set up ready for some star and planet gazing later.

  • posted by SunnyB

    Sorry to have been AWOL for a couple of days. Good to see others posting though.
    Pootle, I’d quite like some new bedding, but don’t have a good excuse at the moment, as all ours is serviceable.
    V, well done on getting back to your meditation.
    Annie, your walk sounds idyllic. It’s always good to connect with nature.

    Let’s see what positives I can find …..
    Friday’s positives – treated myself to some bunches of daffodils whilst food shopping
    – a lovely date night with my OH
    Saturday’s positives – spent sometime doing macrame, which I find quite meditative
    – painting the upstairs hallway completed
    Sunday’s positive – noticed there are more and more little spots of colour in the garden

  • posted by Verano

    Sunny sometimes we don’t need ‘an excuse’. Life is short, if you have the money, go and do what makes you happy. No point leaving ‘your life savings’ to kids who will probably squander it anyway!!
    Enjoy the day!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Hope everyone has had a good start to their week. My day has been gentle, with a couple of positives to report …
    🌸🌼 🌤 after an iffy start there was plenty of sun today, so I was able to get out in the garden for a little while. Lovely to see plants beginning to grow and bloom
    🙂👍🏻🙂 DD has accepted a new job and starts a week tomorrow … really hope it’ll prove to be a good move for her

    Hope your day brought some positives your way … why not tell us about one of them?

  • posted by Verano

    Just lost a long post! Will post again tomorrow….. just stay positive!

  • posted by Pootle

    Hi Sunny, good news about the new job for DD. Hope it works out for her! It has been sunny here today also, but I didn’t get out into the garden. 🤞 for tomorrow. The snowdrops, primroses and a few daffodils are really calling to me now…time to start towards spring!

    I just have the one positive today….lunch out at my favourite fish 🐟 restaurant. The Bream with samphire and mixed green vegetables was delicious! But…crème brûlée off the menu 😢. We had been forewarned but told they might make for us if ordered in advance (which we did last Friday). However, not available…offered caramel crème instead! 😕 Husband astonished the staff by producing a ready made (Bonne Maman) crème brûlée from the shopping bag and asking if the chef could just stick it under the grill!! 🫣🫣 They were brilliant and served it to us with our customary teaspoons!!! Think I will just have to accept no dessert next time! 🥴


  • posted by Pootle

    Sorry you lost a post V… so frustrating, hope to see you tomorrow!

  • posted by Verano

    Sunny good news about your DD.

    Pootle a girl after my own heart … I love fish! So many people are ‘fish phobic’ but I don’t think it’s the fish per se I think it’s the bones. Plus, also, for some reason people think fish has a ‘smell’ , and of course ‘fresh’ fish only smells of the sea! I could eat fish everyday!

    So to my positives ….🥗🥗🥗 carrying on with ‘fish’ had a lovely fresh salmon salad for lunch and even weighed my salad vegetables which takes me to number 2….

    🍅🥬🥒 Weighed my salad today and really surprised at how few carbs and calories there are. The salmon however was quite large and pretty high in calories. I realise I need to weigh and record properly again. So that exercise has been positive.

    📖📚📖 Today I downloaded a kindle sample of the ‘5:2 Your Life’ book by Kate Harrison that Yowzer recommended and also another that came up on Amazon by Emma Cook. I have to say I prefer the Cook book as I find Kate Harrisons book needs a bit too much ‘imagination’ , which I don’t have much of! But I think I may go back to it after a I’ve read the other one.
    Nonetheless I’ve had a good afternoon reading. I found a ‘free’ Amazon prime book, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, which I’ve been reading today. Fascinating, if a bit heavy, but quite eye opening.

    So for me, overall, I’ve had a good ‘calm’ day. My meditation daily mantra is “Today, no matter what, I will stay calm”. Only been doing this for a four days but when there’s a chance of a disagreement I remember my mantra, and dial down…. things are calm here!

    Stay positive .

  • posted by SunnyB

    Pootle, bream with samphire sound delish!
    V, I think I need to get back to basics like you and start weigh everything again. Can you remind me, do you use an app to track what you consume? I used to use a spreadsheet, but can’t find the enthusiasm to revive it. Glad you are feeling calm and more in control.

    Positive from my small corner ….
    📸🙂 some lovely photos from eldest GS, who is visiting Berlin and Cologne this week. He suffers from social anxiety, so him taking a holiday with his friend is a big deal and I’m really thrilled he’s having a good time.
    That will do for me today 🙂

  • posted by Pootle

    What a superb positive SunnyB, it is great to hear about someone conquering anxiety to do something special.
    V, good news that you are feeling calm and in control.

    One slightly offbeat positive here today! 🧐🥴🤣
    For years my husband has had an extremely annoying habit of winding the plug chain round the cold tap when he has finished in the bathroom basin. Petty, I know… but it came to a head last week, when I had to unwind it yet again to clean the tap… 🚰
    So today he has fitted a pop up waste at last!! 😄

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