Over the week 23 line

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Christine

    Funnily enough, my people often seem happy to say their diabetic. Often in the form of ‘I’m diabetic so I shouldn’t eat this but …’ ๐Ÿ˜ณ When I was in London we had a lunch club. Diabetics were given a sugar free version of the dessert, but there was rarely enough for seconds – so they had seconds from the regular dessert.๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    You reminded me – I must move the buttons on my tunic before Sunday. Don’t usually wear it at this time of year, but need to on Sunday (going to Durham Cathedral!)

    Great idea to set yourself mini targets. I think I go by the half stone, then down into the next stone, and by my BMI. Another six pounds and my weight will begin with a 10 for the first time in many a long year. Then it will be the final leg, to get my weight starting with a 9!

    I’ve been thinking about your question and I can’t think of anything I crave that I used to eat before BSD. And I can’t think of what carbs I would begin to reintroduce. Like you it was chocolate, cakes and puddings. And takeaways. But Chinese takeaways were really not suiting me, all the publicity about some Indian takeaways using ground peanuts instead of ground almonds puts me off as I’m allergic to peanuts. Even the pizza or kebabs from the local pizza place weren’t really worth the calories. And that was all before BSD. I had to buy cakes today for a party tomorrow and just looking stupid some of them set my teeth on edge because they’re just so sweet now! I ate a few strawberries on holiday and found them far too sweet, so what chance does chocolate or cake have๐Ÿ˜ฑ It seems like my tastes have really changed over the time I’ve been doing the BSD. Give he a strong cheese – Gorgonzola dolce, or Stilton, or pecorino, or Parmesan and I’m happy. I ate a lot of antipasti while away – sliced salami, Parma Ham, cheese, etc and that was fine – I really enjoyed it. I’ve a kilo of really good Parmesan in the fridge to share with my son. Goodness knows how it got through airport security๐Ÿ˜ณ Also really good olive oil (2 types), Balsamic Vinegar and porcinni mushrooms to share. Bottle of Limoncello for his partner. Not forgetting purses for the twins. And I bought myself truffle oil – couldn’t find it near where I live. Can you imagine how heavy my case was๐Ÿ˜ฑ Oh, nearly forgot – a half salami jumped into my bag at the airport – again for my son. Meat and cheese all vacuum packed. All bottles double wrapped in bubble wrap.

    I did bring a small amount of nougat (local speciality in Cremona) for a few people, but it doesn’t bother me having it around. Fortunately, because I’ve also got some chocolate oranges, Ferraro Rochet, and Dairy Milk sitting in the kitchen for the men on a Fathers’ Day!

    My knee, it was the ligament had torn. Had the footballers’ operation – and never played the game in my life LOL. Trouble is, when you hurt one knee, you tend to put more pressure on the other one so that one starts to cause problems – I know a few people where that’s happened.

  • posted by HappyLife

    Hi Lynne,
    You are such an inspiration!! Thanks for sharing and I find many people also who think they are cheating their diabetes and have soda and dessert as if they are cheating on the disease but they are really cheating on themselves.
    I don’t have it but don’t want to get it so am so happy I found this program.
    Reading your posts really helps me as I really stay on the low carb end and it’s stopped all cravings that I used to have all day long and made me crazy.
    And we both went on trips close together and did well on them!! And we both lost weight!
    Even re the sweetness of cake – I don’t want to try one as it might set me off so I avoid them fully. Tastebuds can change back quickly and I don’t want that.
    It’s funny as I love cheese that’s strong as well. Had one that starts with the letter f and is a sheep milk cheese the other day and it’s so strong and the restaurant grills it but it’s yummy!!
    Have a great day!!

  • posted by stringbreaker

    60lbs off is terrific – very well done. Any more off this week?
    Good luck with the rest.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks John.

    As of last Saturday total loss 64lbs, including the 2lbs I lost on holiday. About another 28lbs to go.

  • posted by HappyLife

    Wow Lynne, 64 lbs now, amazing!!

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks HappyLife

    Glad to hear my posts help๐Ÿ˜ƒ They keep me motivated, making me think about what I’m doing.

    We celebrated the Queen’s birthday this afternoon. I bought some Schloer grape juice for everyone – you can’t toast the Queen with a cup f tea, can you๐Ÿ˜ฑ – and had just a sip. The rest of mine got poured away – it was just too sweet now, but I used to like it!

    I can actually see myself getting to my goal weight – unlike other ‘diets’ in the past. Only ever reached goal once before, and that was many years ago with Slimmimg World. I was ill at the time, could hardly bear to eat anything, and finished up at 8st 7lb – still in healthy BMI. From neck down it was great – could tuck tops into straight skirts, could double cross my legs when sitting down (would like to be able to do that again!) – but from the neck up, if wasn’t too good๐Ÿ˜ฑ Everyone said I’d lost too much weight and a photo of me taken at the time could be used to scare naughty children. I’m aiming for 9st 7lb, which is a few pounds into healthy BMI. But I need to be prepared to raise that slightly if necessary. I saw a link on these forums a few months ago giving alternative targets as BMI can be low, and on that my ideal weight was 10st 3lb, whereas ideal BMI is 7st 3lb to 9st 11lb!

  • posted by Frog

    Hi Lynne – whew – pondering where on the scale of healthy BMI you want to be, get you!!!

    I did a similar thing with diet tonic the other day – had it instead of a G&T, but it tasted really sweet & unpleasant- I abandoned it for fizzy water.

    I am a bit sceptical about BMI – a long while ago, in my early 20’s I was briefly-ish a size 12 – and still weighed 11 stone, around a stone overweight according to BMI charts. I even had ribs that stuck out!
    Admittedly I used to do a lot of weights at the time, so was quite muscley (and I do have ‘big bones’ – if I was the right height for my feet I think I’d be at least six inches taller!) – but that’s partly why I have a dress size in mind, as well as a target weight – if I get to a size 12 and my BMI still isn’t “healthy”, I’m not going to try and loose more to achieve that.
    I did a healthy eating and fitness course a few years ago (didn’t work, but I had other health problems at the time) – the woman that lead it didn’t exactly say that BMI charts were rubbish, but did emphasise just to take them as a general guide.

  • posted by stringbreaker

    Alternative drink;
    Lime soda :
    soda water (I have about 3/4 pint)
    juice of one (+?) freshly squeezed lime,
    1 shake of Angostura Bitters,
    optional pinch of salt,
    Ice as required ditto slice of cucumber.
    Very refreshing.
    Could make similar with tonic.

  • posted by stringbreaker

    (Pour the lime juice through a tea-strainer or little bits of lime will stick like glue to the glass!)

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Frog.

    I bought diet tonic water a couple of months ago used to love it – but no longer๐Ÿ˜ณ Thanks for the alternative stringbreaker.

    It’s the medics who always say I should be 9st 7lb! But part of me would like to see my weight beginning with a 9! Another 2 stone loss would put me in approx size 12 tops, size 14 bottoms.

    I’ll keep going for now but keep an eye on how I’m looking, what size & weight I am. Some folk here are already saying I shouldn’t lose more, but I can afford to lose a little more. They’re not used to seeing me this size, and the change has been so rapid – bug they’ll get used to it๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  • posted by stringbreaker


    IGNORE the people who keep saying, “You shouldn’t lose more”. Just look at them – I guarantee they could ALL do with losing a few stones. We all know about loose skin and looking perhaps even a little older as we have less fat to plump up our faces etc but just remember an earlier post where someone very wisely said something like, “I don’t want to be the best/youngest looking corpse in the morgue”

    I myself am rather disappointed that too many years of being overweight means that as I shrink, my body doesn’t spring back to the firm look that it had 30 years ago, but hey! I FEEL so much better and to Hell with anyone else. The face they will just have to accept, and as for the rest, it looks so much better when I’m dressed, and not many are going to see the unclad form.

    BTW, does anyone out there know about loose skin – does it ever get any better or do we just accept it as a minor annoyance?

    Onwards and downwards


  • posted by barby

    Hi Lynne well done from me too, I know everyone says it, but you truly ARE an inspiration for us following, and you have stuck to it so determinedly even on holidays etc, it’s really helped me stick with it, reading your posts over the weeks, so please keep on posting as you shrink.

    Re loose skin John, I’ve been wondering about that too. I suppose as you get older it doesn’t snap back as well, but partly it’s probably genetic.My tummy is looking a bit loose, and I’m trying to do some easy sit ups for the first time in years. I may also get a resistance bad, as it would be great to firm up a bit.

  • posted by stringbreaker

    What’s a “resistance bad”?

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks barby ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    As long as people want to read my posts, and as long as the posts are helping folk, I’ll keep on posting. Sometimes I can post more than others – pressure of work etc, or away from home – but I’ll post when I can.

    John, some of the folk commenting are quite thin! But I know what you mean. Think it’s taking them a while to get used to my new shape (and face).

    Perhaps it’s just as well that I need to renew my passport – get an up to date photo! Need to do that soon.

  • posted by Frog

    typo from Barby I think – resistance band maybe?

    John – I wasn’t really saying don’t loose any more weight!
    My personal perspective is that from past experience, I looked and felt a healthy size, albeit briefly, when according to BMI charts I was still overweight.
    BMI charts are only based on averages, and when I start to get near one of my key targets, either dress size or weight, I may reassess them depending on how I look and feel.
    But not the target of wanting to go into a shop and try on lots of boots and have them all fit.
    (Leg wise I mean – I appreciate my calves may shrink, but I’m not suddenly going to get dainty size 4 feet however much weight I lose!)

  • posted by stringbreaker

    Yes, I think you know your situation better than charts.

  • posted by Timmy

    I’m not a fan of BMI at all. I’m 6’4 and as of today am just within the normal range (and I mean just!, 24.9). But this doesn’t take into account whether I’m an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph and doesn’t look at all at muscle mass.

    I’m an ectomorph (or at least I should be). All my family are. Apart from me who is the fatty. My 6’2 brother, who is muscular and black belt in judo weighs only 13 stone. He’s probably the next heaviest. My sister (who says she’s 5’12) and my other brother are both string beans too. My ideal weight should be 13.5 stone, but that would be with a decent level of muscle mass too. I could quite easily be 13.5 stone, but still have a beer belly (muscle weighing twice as much as fat).

    So sod the BMI I say, the best judge of ideal size and health is the amount of fat, and most importantly visceral fat!

  • posted by captainlynne

    Frog – I’ve always had problems finding boots to fit. Anything higher than ankle boots refuses to fasten round my calves๐Ÿ˜ฑ Who knows, I might be able to get some higher boots this winter๐Ÿ˜ƒ I’m a size 5, btw.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi everyone. End of week 26 results. Another 3 pounds lost making a total of 67 pounds lost to date. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Weight now 11 stone 3 pounds. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    In the past I always used to struggle when my weight dropped below 12 stone until I reached 10 stone 13 pounds – but not on bsd๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    On Thursday and Friday I did a lot of baking for today’s Summer Fair at church, making 2 banana loaves, 6 banana muffins, 2 Madeira cakes, 2 cherry loaves and 24 cupcakes (to be decorated this morning). And I didn’t even lick my fingers! Just hope they’re all ok as I can’t taste test๐Ÿ˜ฑ

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi captainlynne,
    When I saw your post I thought ‘Lynne’s up bright and early for a Saturday’. Then I read that your Summer Fair is on today. Well done with your baking for the fair. It’s really worth the effort when you see collectively at the end of the day how much money fairs etc can raise.
    Your weight loss is remarkable. The BSD is awesome – I have a lot to lose but have already bypassed a body ‘set weight’ that I’d struggled getting below on all other diets I’ve tried. The fact that you could go on holidays and feel comfortable sticking to the principles of the BSD then come home and have lost weight says loud and clear ‘This way of life works’.
    Congratulations to you for having passed the 6 month mark – party in the club house tonight in honor of you!
    Have a happy day Lynne.

  • posted by Sandie

    Good morning CaptainLynne, That sounds like a good baking session. Your home must smell amazing. Brilliant to resist tucking in. Have fun at the fair. Are you taking some food that you can happily eat?

  • posted by Frog

    Hi Lynne
    congratulations Lynne, that’s brilliant, well done

    – and supremely commendable for all that baking and no sneaky tastes! Banana muffins – YUM
    hope that you have a good day, and that the weather is dry and sunny where you are.

    I’ve never quite get cupcakes – they look amazing, but I always find all the goo on top a bit too much. Now the fairy cakes my mum used to make when I was little on the other hand……
    She also used to make the best chocolate eclairs that I have ever tasted. (and I have eaten soooo many over the years just to see if they came anywhere close to my Mum’s) And amazing lemon meringue pie.

    Glad I’m not the only one coveting boots! I was worried that I’d lose weight but not on my calves, but when I measured at the end of one month BSD, I had lost half an inch on each calf, which is promising – but I take a size 8, which is why at 5’4″ I think I should really be a lot taller! y sister is a little bit shorter than me, but has dainty size 4’s.

    – and not the only one who’s a bit sceptical about BMI averages either.
    I had to google ectomorphs, etc – I’m definitely an endomorph!

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi everyone

    Just catching up after a busy week (and a busy few days still to come)

    The fair raised over ยฃ400 ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    I took my bottle of fizzy water with me. I usually only eat morning and evening, so didn’t take any food with me๐Ÿ˜ณ Too busy talking to people anyway! A few people came who hadn’t seen me for many months. One (a health care professional) commented immediately and asked if I was still doing the 8 weeks! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Yes – 26 weeks on LOL. A couple kept asking if everything was OK. Later they came back to me (after speaking to someone else) to check again everything was OK, then said they’d not wanted to comment in case I was ill. The wife said she’d not recognised me and would have walked past me.

    Putting thinking cap on to decide what to make for Christmas Fair! Start now to avoid the rush and keep time just before the fair to bake!

  • posted by HappyLife

    Great news on the fair Lynne and you didn’t even lick a spoon!!!
    I don’t do anything I think might cause issue which is making it easy for me. Maybe someday but I am still an ingenue compared to your experience with the program.

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Lynne,
    Only just resurfacing after our big family weekend!
    Well done on the ยฃ400 raised at your church ‘do’ you must have been up very early to do all that baking?
    I am going to re-think my next target, I m going to see the doctor tommorow afternoon, I haven’t been feeling great for the last three weeks, and my body feels like it has been used as a punch bag!
    I will see what the doc says then do a re-evaluation of the situation.
    You seem to be able to keep to the diet really well, any tips on interesting meals to try?

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Christine

    Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well ๐Ÿ˜ข

    The fair was a team effort, but I spen Thursday and Friday afternoon baking, and then decorated cupcakes on Saturday morning๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Sorry, but I can’t really suggest interesting meals, mine would probably sound boring! . I do weird combinations sometimes – depends on what I have in and what I fancy. If you tell me what you like to eat I’ll see if I can think of something.

  • posted by Switzerland

    Hi captainlynne,
    What a great outcome for your church summer fair – the effort certainly is worth it. How nice of those people to be concerned.
    Great idea to start thinking about the Christmas fair now – saves stress and panic at the last minute.
    That got me thinking……BSD Christmas food……thank goodness Christmas is 6 months away!

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Switzerland

    I’ve been de-cluttering this morning. Dvd’s I’ll not watch again. And cookery books I’ve acquired, never used and now will not use in the future. All packed in the garage ready for the Christmas Fair๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    I’ve kept my Bero baking book and Mary Berry Baking Bible – ready to bake when needed. I’ve got a couple of boxed cake mixes, ready for when the twins come!

    Oh, and moving things around in the kitchen to find homes for baking tins etc.

  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Lynne,
    I have been thinking about your next event at your church this Christmas, we have made little crochet key rings, and crochet flower brooches, we also made flowers, poinsettias, anemones, bluebells, Christmas tree decorations, all knitted or crocheted, we sewed oven gloves, peg bags, aprons, carrier bag holders, place mats, coasters, tea towels.
    For the children we made knitted and crochet rabbits, teddies. Dinasaures, and we bought a doll from a charity shop cleaned it up then dressed it , gave it a name, then did ‘guess the babies name’ that was a good money spinner!
    Hope that gives you food for thought.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks Christine.

    Some great ideas there. One lady normally sews bags, but this time she made aprons (some for adults & some for children) and some lingerie pouches. Some of the ladies make really beautiful cards, and we had some plants. Also books, toys, bric a brac etc. And of course the cake stall.

    Now I’ve been here a year I have a better idea how things run, and what works. Also who will get involved.

    Living in a village there’s a small group of people to get in to events, which is strange for me as I’m a city girl. But I love being in this village.

    We don’t have tombolas, raffles or anything like that, so are dependent on what we can sell. Now things have settled down a little ready for the holiday season I’ll look through my fabric stash and patterns – see what I can come up with. A craft group in the village has swamped the market with cushion covers and a few other things, so I’m looking for something different. I need to get over my low boredom threshold when making things – I don’t really like making lots of the same thing, that’s why I made different types of cake!

    Thanks again

  • posted by Trees

    Over the 23 week

    Happy Saturday I crossed the 23 week line yesterday and I’ve been married 33 years today.

    My news update….. My father is still in hospital and has now been sectioned but should be moving to a very nice home next week. Mum is struggling with her Parkinson’s with all the stress. My husband had some good news that his secondary kidney cancer that broke his femur has after 18 months shown some signs of new bone growth. We have still not moved but chain is now complete (again) and fingers crossed I can start living without boxes by end of July.

    I have stuck to the plan for 23 weeks now and I’m not using food for emotional or energy boosting needs. I defiantly see food and need food in a different way now.

    I have lost 4 stone 12lbs or 68bls in total with another 2 stone I think to go –I have lost every week but it’s slower now but I’m happy with that– and as Lynn said I’m very pleased to be in the ‘over weight ‘ BMI section!!! I wasn’t on any medication for my T2 but my fasting bloods are now normally in the 4s so I have stopped testing. My blood pressure is more often in the normal range than not.

    Friends and family all see a difference in me. As with a lot of people writing now after they have lost a lot of weight are finding clothes shopping a happy experience but not sure what to choose!!! — what fun!!!! I fancy the 58 year old rock chic look but still having my classic navy and pearls look handy!!

    Here’s to the next 8 weeks and hopefully summer and a house move!! X


  • posted by Christi1948

    Hi Patrice,
    I haven’t posted for a bit, have been Dealing with my own demons! However, I just had to say, I am so happy for you on so many levels that some of your issues are slowly being resolved in a way, I truly admire your fortitude in the face of so many problems, and so you should be very proud of how you have dealt with everything while still being strong and keeping to the diet, and well done on your weight loss
    I am finding my loss has slowed somewhat, I’m only losing the odd pound here and there and mostly ounces, but, it’s still on the downward path so I’m keeping going
    We have had lots of things happening in our family these last two months, may and June are very busy in our household, so that might explain my slow weight loss, too many people to look after and please, so not much time left for me to organise my own needs, same old same old, when you have a big family I suppose!
    Finally, I will say that you are definitely going to enjoy a bit of retail therapy when you get chance to get yourself out to the shops, so do enjoy that phase of your weight loss!
    Take care I will be thinking about you even if I’m not posting on the forum.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi everyone.

    End of week 27 today. Another pound gone, making a total of 68 pounds. That means I have now lost 30% of my starting weight๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Patrice and Christine, sorry to hear about your situations. Well done on keeping going – it’s not easy to keep to something like the BSD when life intervenes.

    I would love some retail therapy – buying clothes of course. Trouble is I usually can’t find anything I like. When I do, guess what size they don’t have! Yes, that’s right, the size I am. Over the last few years many of my clothes have come from British Home Stores, but I’m struggling there now. Don’t know where my store of choice will be after they close ๐Ÿ˜ฑ . It’s so long since I was able to buy clothes in ‘normal’ shops that I’m not even sure what to buy anymore. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    I’m not really a jeans type of person – more chino type trousers for casual wear. I was given some tops yesterday ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Sizes 14 and medium. The 14s were snug, but the mediums were fine – different styles too. Not bad – when I started this I was size 24/26 ish, or XXL๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    I’m collecting free dressmaking patterns off magazines, ready to start making my own, as I can’t find anything ready made. But waiting until I reach my target, otherwise it will be too big by the time I finish sewing LOL.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    Hi Captainlynne — when I started this diet in March, yours was one of the first posts I read, along with Bill and Hashimoto — your journey was so inspiring — now 16 weeks later I am joining the 16 week club and still being inspired by your weight loss. I have enjoyed reading about your journey — thank you for sharing all your adventures! And huge congratulations on continuing success, wow 30% down — that is truly epic.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Californiagirl. Thanks๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Congratulations on joining the 16 week club ๐Ÿ’

    Are you keeping going, to reach the 23 week club?

  • posted by monabee

    Wow! Your successes are inspiring! I am just starting and have 70 pounds to lose….from what I am reading it can be done! Appreciate your tips and advice!

  • posted by HappyLife

    Lynne you are a rockstar for sure!’ Huge congrats on losing 30% of your weight! Wow!
    I finally joined the over 8 weeks group as I just started my 9th week! It’s exciting to move forward into another 8 week period!

  • posted by captainlynne

    Thanks HappyLife

    In the old days, the amount of weight I needed to lose was daunting because it would have taken so long. Now, on the BSD, I can see my target drawing closer – the finishing line is in sight. And in less than a year๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    For all those with lots of weight to lose (I started out needing to lose 91 pounds or thereabouts), for other recycled teenagers (I’ve just turned 66), and for the vertically challenged (I’m 5ft 2ins when stretched) this is both possible and sustainable, despite what so many ‘experts’ would (and have) said.

    Those who’ve been following my posts know that I was diabetic but now my blood tests come in the normal range and I feel better than in many years.

    As I approach the end of this stage of my BSD journey I’ll decide whether to keep going to 9st 7lbs (where the medics say) or settle for a slightly higher weight. It will depend on how I’m looking and feeling. Top of my ‘normal’ BMI is 9st 11lbs. The stubborn part of me wants to be under 10st, but we’ll see.

    I’ll be seeing the diabetes nurse on 21st July for annual review. She was seeing me monthly to monitor my progress but stopped that so she’ll not have seen me since 5th May! Despite her earlier support she seems to have changed her opinion despite my results!!! Then an appointment to be made to see GP to get diagnosis of diabetes taken off records. There seems no point in me having all the checks now – save the NHS money.

    I recently saw another medical professional who hadn’t seen me since the beginning of the year and she was amazed. Should be seeing her again on Tuesday so there might be an interesting conversation๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  • posted by Nettle

    Hi Captainlynne

    I have something you can borrow to up the BMI a tad. Tango shoes, lovely red and black, strappy, heeled, tango shoes. A few weeks back I shared with a mate that I’d like to learn Latin dance again, last seen doing the cha-cha-cha in 1969. She gave me her tango shoes to use as a goal. I smile every time I pass them on the shelf. You are free to use them to boost the height anytime.

    Week 16 half way through and I still feel great, weight is coming off at an average 1kg (2.2lbs) a week slow but sure, it is winter where I live but I am not having a problem wanting any extra food. Muffin top a bit stubborn if you have any tips for that I’m sure you could sell them at a profit. ๐Ÿ˜€ So far the best improvement seen is when I lie down flat….

    Looking forward to your report on Tuesday’s meeting.

  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Nettle

    Thanks for the offer. I would love to wear them๐Ÿ˜ƒ Unfortunately high heels give me vertigo ๐Ÿ˜ฑ And knowing me, I’d fall off them and break my ankle๐Ÿ˜ฑ But seeing them on the shelf would make me smile too.

    Seriously, since I hurt my back a couple of years ago, high heels (up to 2 – 2.5 ins) seem a distant memory. I seem to have turned into a flat shoes type of girl ๐Ÿ˜ณ Perhaps I need to try again now I’ve lost so much weight! Work dictates plain black cort shoes (a rare breed!) but perhaps a wedge heel might work better for casual. You’ve got me thinking N. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Great results. How much have you lost now? Do you have much to lose?

    The lady tomorrow is a ‘health educator’ coming to talk to my ladies’ group. We cancelled once because of bad weather, then she cancelled because she was ill (!) so hopefully it will go well tomorrow. She’s bringing colleagues to lead a ‘chair exercise’ session. If she wants someone to talk about the BSD guess who’ll volunteer! As long as I can fit it in with work. When I saw her early this year I’d just started the BSD and she was interested, but now she can see the results – and that it is sustainable. Need to be a bit diplomatic though, because she knows the diabetes nurse I see. I’ll let you know what she says tomorrow. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  • posted by Nettle

    Hi Captainlynne
    Monday night here, I feel good because I did the mountain again today, its a low one but to celebrate my first summit a month ago I did it again. It’s great to feel this way with so much energy. I used my sensible shoes.

    Lost 13kg so far, first goal was to do another 3kg then 5:2 however if I go another 5 I will be in the ordinary weight band. I think I grew through that aged 12!

    Isn’t this a revelation if not a revolution? I am not diabetic but thyroid and adrenals out of whack for a decade, now they aren’t, not seen the results on paper yet but just feeling alive again will do it thanks. The feeling of confidence that this will stick is gold.

    I am a retired nurse, for some years I was a health educator responsible for teaching general practices the latest updates. I said to hubby yesterday that I reckon we will live long enough to see this BSD get the credit and kudos it deserves.

    Have a great day in those nifty sounding black courts.


  • posted by captainlynne

    Hi Nettle

    No shoes for me today. Waiting in for 2 deliveries – both due between 7am and 9pm๐Ÿ˜ฑ Now 9.30am Monday morning.

    I agree, this is both a revelation and a revolution! It’s doable, achievable and sustainable. I started this saying that I’m my own lab rat – treating it as an experiment, logging my results carefully.

    Now, even when away from my comfort blankets of scales (both bathroom and kitchen) and familiar foods, I’ve found it is possible to maintain the BSD principles. On holiday it can lead to ‘interesting’ situations, but also interesting conversations.

    I’ve just booked flights to go back to Italy at the end of October. My friends have seen what I can and can’t eat so they’re used to it now (and to explaining to others – my Italian isn’t up to that!). wasnt going back until next year, but they’re feeling guilty because their dachshund has been diagnosed with liver cancer and they’re blaming themselves. The more often I go, it helps my Italian and maintains their English – win for both sides๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • posted by ay caramba

    Hi Nettle and captainlynne
    Love the idea of tango shoes….mmm….red. Sounds great.Think I would hobble if they were too high!!!
    (I did do Salsa a few years ago but the OH ran out of enthusiasm. Think he did really well to try it at all tbh).
    What about ballet flats?
    Have started an adult ballet class as a complete newbie and found the shoes remarkably comfy.
    Bought some to wear with jeans and I really like them.

    Great that we all feel so positive about this diet and can manage to maintain the basic principles even when we go away.
    It is really a life-changer that we can continue to follow.

    What is not to like about being able to climb summits and have more energy? Well done Nettle.
    Keep on inspiring captainlynne.
    Shouldn’t really be on here as I am officially on Week 21 but I am 4lbs off my healthy weight. As of now my goal is Week 23!

  • posted by SunnyB

    Wow captainlynne!! You have done fantastically – huge well done! Such impressive results and I have absolutely no doubt that you will achieve the goal you are setting yourself. Enjoy your holiday and don’t panic too much about sticking rigidly to the diet, just relax and have fun.

  • posted by captainlynne


    ay caramba – I dis tap & ballet as an adult some years ago. Loved the ballet but not the tap! Unfortunately I can’t wear completely flat shoes like ballet pumps – need something between dead flat and heels ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Everyone welcome on these club houses – you’ll soon be over that line.

    SunnyB – thanks. Each holiday or residential conference I’ve been on since starting the BSD is a learning experience and makes the next one easier. I’ve had to decide on my priorities, and blood tests just after I get back from holiday are a great incentive to eat low carb. Strange to say it was a very relaxing holiday, despite (or perhaps because of) the challenges.

  • posted by Nettle

    Hi Caramba and the Captain

    This year an exercise class for barre ballet was kicked off in the local hall, I was tempted, being the frustrated ballerina that I am. I knew I was “too big” for the line up so flagged it. A mate of mine tried it, she was less big having lost a huge chunk of her body weight but she still found it hard…we are both over 60!

    I still giggle at the thought of me at a ballet class, I think of Dawn French and Darcy Bussell in the mirror sketch. Guess which role I took. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Fav brekkie this week, bubble and squeek, modified to bubble and squawk using cabbage and sweet potato in olive oil. It’s nice, a smidgen of butter for pleasure on top, an egg and a great start to the day.

    Off to a Japanese cooking class tonight, they eat clean cut, fresh food in tiny portions, packed full of flavour. Not all comes with rice or noodles and if it does I can leave it. And the chopsticks make sure I eat slooooowly.

    Lynne, when I was running events a clever person trialled new morning tea, lunch and afternoon break menus. By taking out the bad carbs there was a marked improvement in alertness, participation and general energy in the following sessions. Out with scones, muffins, cookies and sandwiches and in with cheese, seed crackers, good fruits, salads, cold platters. Interesting, now I know why it worked.

    No mountain climbing planned today but a flat 3km walk to town then back if I can resist the ride invites along the way.


  • posted by greenjanet

    Hi captainlynne,

    Your blogs are so encouraging, I have 7 and a bit stone to dispose of, so have you done the 850 cal diet all the way through, or for just the first 8 weeks. I plan to start on the 29th June as I need to do some planning. But just wanted to confirm what plan you have followed. Brilliant motivation, ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

  • posted by captainlynne

    Morning all ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Nettle, sounds like we have a BSD ballet company on here! I tried chopsticks years ago and they certainly help me eat more slowly. Might try them again! I live in the north east of England, in a former mining village. The food of choice is carbs. I’m weird because I don’t eat them anymore. Corned beef pie, is always on the menu at any social event. And (sorry Bill) stotties (like barm cakes or bread buns but much bigger) to make sandwiches. One stottie is usually cut into 4 wedges for sandwiches, much thicker than sliced bread. A few years ago I bought Subway sandwiches for my granddaughters end noticed they were hyper soon after but thought it coincidence. But when it happened again I realised what had happened. No more Subway for them. And their sweets are strictly rationed.

    greenjanet, thank – total lost now 5 stone ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. I’ve stayed with the 800 calories a day except when away from home and the kitchen scales. Even when on holiday or at residential conferences I’ve stayed low carb and watched portion sizes.

    Any other questions, just ask. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  • posted by ay caramba

    Hi Nettle and captainLynne
    Sorry I’d forgotten that ballet flats can be a bit of a no no. Silly really as I’ve had a serious knee injury (the kind that would have wrecked my sporting career… if that had been possible???!!!) and struggled with heels and flats after that!

    As for the adult ballet. There is nothing else that makes me feel such a heffalump. It reminds me of the hippos in Fantasia. We all look terrible.
    The best bit of this experience was when a friend thought it was a joke that two of us were doing a ballet class and guffawed …loudly… but was rather embarrassed when this turned out to be true.The following week we were laughing about this ridiculous activity and the fact that we were actually going to ballet when my other friend rather wickedly said, ‘The worst thing about it, is those tutu’s we have to wear’.
    ‘Yes and in pink’, I said.
    The previously sceptical friend believed us and which made us all chuckle more.

    So don’t be afraid everyone.
    Go for the pink tutus!!!!

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