ONE WEEK AT A TIME beginning 17th September 2019

We have not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you are have any health related symptoms or concerns, you should contact your doctor who will be able to give you advice specific to your situation.

  • posted by wendleg

    I can’t believe how quickly the weeks are flying by ! It will be Thanksgiving/Christmas before we know it ! Forget I said that 😉 !
    Just jump aboard and join our merry band and continue the journey with us, one Week at a time , helping and encouraging each other, whatever the challenges. Everyone is made welcome !

  • posted by wendleg

    Good to see you back, Scottishgal ! I am sure your nephew had a great time with you . Glad you enjoyed your Vienna trip too. We have a short trip to Spain planned at half term and it’s by train which I will enjoy !
    I know our lovely Aussies are fast asleep right now but I am looking forward to seeing you check in tomorrow. Heiding ( from Canberra), free free to join us on this thread too and we will do our very best to keep you motivated !
    I love the sound of EC’s palaak paneer !
    Whatever the challenges, come and join us. Birdy is doing brilliantly not giving in to the nicotine monsters ! What a fantastic achievement to add to the discard.Don’t panic about the gain, Birdy..let things settle and stay focused.You know what works !

    Don’t get discouraged folks. We don’t all discard at the same rate but the ultimate goal is good health and to find peace with our bodies and our food choices.

  • posted by Verano

    Hi all, I’ll be popping in to say hi now and again this week. Thank you Wendy for keeping this thread going it’s so useful for so many of us.
    At the moment I’m just keeping on keeping on ……. and hanging in there!
    Hope everyone has a good week.

  • posted by heiding

    Hi Wendy – thank you for inviting me to join, I’m looking forward to the motivation – hopefully giving and receiving! Very cold and rainy here today.

    This forum is great. I decided to not have breakfast this morning (which I did last week but not on the weekend) as I love that feeling once the hunger subsides a bit. Nice chicken and salad lunch all packed. Will also attempt the gym today – there, I’ve said it!

    Take care all

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Hi everyone – wishing you all a good start to this week. I have a quieter week socially this week so will (was going to hoping to… but WILL shows more determination! 😁) be sensibly serious this week.
    I hope your day is going well Heiding – I also skip breakfast 90% of the time to get in 16:8 TRE. You may have already come across these in your research – but some good Aust resources are and – and the books called What the Fat and What the Fast by RODGER – good info and recipes – and book Fat lot of Good by Bruckner.

    EC’s Palaak paneer sounds delish – do you put garam masala in it? or other spices?
    I hope your week is off to a good start Wendy – thanks (not!😁😁) for the reminder about Christmas!!
    Wave to Verano – thanks for your advice on shaking things up a bit. I think this works for me too.

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Following on with the silverbeet discussion (I really like silverbeet – but can’t get inti liking kale !) and palaak paneer – I found this recipe which is very low carb friendly
    or this take on paalak paneer using Haloumi and Spinach
    As I don’t have any paneer I might try haloumi with silverbeet 😀🌿🌿

  • posted by BeeGirl

    Morning all, just checking in for my weekly report.

    WI 19 this morning, a loss of 0.4lb. I think I’ve actually lost more than that, but I woke up yesterday feeling very bloated and puffy and am not back to normal today, so know I’m retaining a lot of fluid for some reason.

    Just keeping going – fasting at the moment, will break it at lunch today. Going to try an avocado for the first time – I know how to live dangerously!

    Feeling fed up today, but ‘s no reason to change the keto and fasting – problems with the bees at the weekend mean I’ve gone down to two colonies (my son still has two as well), the dishwash has packed up and just been taken away to see if it’s repairable (the kitchen is awash from its leak when it was being moved) and my father in law has just been rushed to hospital so my husband is travelling to be with him (mother in law died five months ago) so I’ve had to tell the kids before school that their grandad may not survive the day. All before 10am. Seems an unreasonable amount of stuff for a Tuesday morning!

    I have a lot to do today but very little motivation – will try to muster some in a while. I was going to re-start doing my fav pilates DVD today, so will see if I can get round to that at least. Plus, I need to make more mead before the strawberries go off – if only I could find a surface to chop them on, but every kitchen surface is covered in dirty dishes, stuff that’s had to be emptied out of cupboards to get the dishwasher out or jars of honey!

    Oddly, I dropped the kids at school this morning and then jogged back to the car – it’s been nearly 12 years since I went for a voluntary run, but drove home considering getting my running kit out and going for a run. First time I’ve seriously considered it in over a decade. Very odd. I enjoyed the short jog back to the car, but it’s set my back and knee aching, just like they did 12 years ago when I was 4.5 stone lighter and ran half marathons – so in that sense, I’m feeling much younger and lighter today at least 😂😂

    Right, going to stare blankly at the telly and drink soda water for a bit and then attempt some pilates. And then probably take painkillers 😂

    Have a good week folks, I’ll pop back in if I get a chance.

  • posted by EC

    hello everyone to a new week all (I’ll try to be diligent this next week or so as will probably be mostly AWOL while away (although more likely to on compatible time zones with many of you!)

    I think I’ve sent about 50 or more emails on a crazy work day today -but the good thing is that we had a scrambled eggs with pesto and feta brunch and didn’t get a chance to eat again til evening…..OH cooked roast veg and I slid the potatoes back onto his plate 😉

    Merry Melba…yes to garam masala or if I don’t have just cumin and ginger, a little chilli, garlic and onion-(or if really time poor a pre-made Indian spice paste!)…and halloumi sounds fun…will look it up…I’m a little with you on kale except when it’s very young, finely chopped in salads

    I need to get back into pilates for the tum (to fit into those travel trousers!)…thanks for the reminder BeeGirl and hope things settle for you ……is chaos the new normal?

  • posted by StrongCurves

    Hi all 🙂

    Can’t believe it’s time for a new week already! Making progress on addressing my binges. Decided to follow a low carb Med diet for now with IF in case the Fast 800 tips me back into an urge to binge. My plan is really just to eat lots of non starchy veg with some wholegrains so it may end up low calorie anyway. I also suffer from IBS so eager to stock up on those fermented foods. Luckily, am a huge fan of miso soup.
    Hope everyone has a greater week! SC x

  • posted by David Knight

    Third week of plan and achieved 5:2
    No refined carbs or alcohol for 4 days
    TRE of at least 12 hours each night done 6 times
    Blood in the range 4.4 to 5.3
    Four pounds off
    Average steps 13k
    Pretty pleased as this week included a weekend away seeing friends and I didn’t put any weight on.
    What I find is really helping me is keeping a daily track of weight, blood,medication taken, fast days, M diet days, last food and first food on a spreadsheet. On a fast day I also record my calories. The simple act of recording seems to help my resolve. A big find has beeen Google sheets which is free and which can be accessed from any device. This was particularly good when I was away and so could update using my phone.
    On the down side my wife (who is generally very supportive) said that she thought I was getting a bit obsessed by it all. She is probably right and I must watch out that I don’t become an 800 bore.
    I must say this is a very supportive forum. To start with I ticked the notify me of follow up replies by email box but I won’t this time as my inbox felt the strain. Apologies if I don’t respond to posts – I will try and have a look at the forum regularly and post if I can.

  • posted by BeeGirl

    Quick second visit from me – I survived the Pilates! Managed most of the video; frightening how much flexibility I’ve lost, but it’ll come back. Was definitely easier than the last time I tried it when I was about four stone heavier! Things hurt and I probably won’t be able to move tomorrow, but I’ll do it again on Thursday and aim for twice a week going forward. My right buttock feels like there’s a small fire in the middle of it and it’s lighting a fuse down my right leg to my knee 😂 Nothing like a few stretches to give you the exact GPS of your sciatic nerve 😂

    In other news, I managed to fit in a pair of size 16 jeans today! They’re snug, but I can even sit in them – good lord! They’re old and probably a bit stretched, but still, I’m claiming it as a victory! The scales might not move much, but the measurements must be dropping. With a bit of luck, they’re snug enough to cut off the feeling to that right buttock soon….😂

  • posted by Birdy76

    Oh beegirl you really do make me laugh 😂 I love it❤️ If you are anything like me you were quite eutrophic when you got those jeans on today❤️❤️😅. It is a huge victory and you should be skipping around the room with joy😂😂 oh hang on you can’t, but you know what I mean hun🥰🌈🌈

    I got up to 0.9 today on ketones but I couldn’t stick to my fast😢😢. I truly believe the nicotine monsters are trying to sabotage me!! They make me crave food and I have gone so many weeks of IF and TRE and eaten only because I thought so and not because my body was asking for food!! It is driving me mad 😠 😡. I ate just after 3pm, a three egg omelette with two sliced mushrooms and goats cheese and I have had 3 coffee’s and cream today! I am cutting the cream down now😂😂. I am being impatient sorry guys! I know it will sort itself out eventually.

    David thanks for the tip on google sheets I have just downloaded it, just need to work it out now😂. KIRSTEN???😂😂❤️❤️❤️

    Hope you are all having a good day. TTFN 💞🦜

  • posted by Kafin13

    I’m here, Birdy – I’ll walk you though it 😆😁💕

  • posted by Scottishgal

    Beegirl, I’m so sorry you’ve had such a bad morning but well done on staying upbeat and keeping to the WOE as well as doing Pilates too…….you put me to shame. The slightest excuse and I’m way off track! And congrats with the jeans.
    My weight is slowly creeping back up. Thankfully I got rid of my big size jeans so I really have to get back on track to prevent any more gains. I refuse to buy a bigger size again.
    Well done birdy. You really are an inspiration. You’re always so determined and never let anything get in the way. What you ate was still a good choice so don’t beat yourself up for not sticking with the fast.
    How are you doing Kirsten?

  • posted by wendleg

    I’m here…bit late checking in. Tuesday night Aquagym with the seniors is great fun 🤣. I will catch up when I have stopped chuckling at the posts. So many lovely people on here xx

  • posted by sixturkeys

    Wendleg beat me to it…there is so much humour and positivity on here! By way of important update, I went back to hairdresser today and the unfortunate colour has been toned down with some judicious highlights. Still too blonde I think but it was only semi permanent so this too will pass… BeeGirl is obviously much bolder in her choices, but imagine BeeGirl if you had gone in and asked for just half-head highlights and got Barcelona…I can report zilch on scales, but I am quite sanguine about it. Ditto the sporran. I did try on the size 18 jeans I started off in in January – they are like clown trousers now. I have to recognise that I have come a long way! Not as far as Birdy, who is also shaking off the ciggies. I have gone two times cold turkey, remarkably easy in hindsight, but then I was the mug who thought “just one”. Birdy, you hang on in there (in a do as I say not as I do way….)! All of our merry little band on here are so inspiring. The honesty about relationship with food/eating/drinking, and sharing. With love to all! xx

  • posted by heiding

    Hello all!
    I ate good food yesterday and drank a pond of water, but I did not stick to 800. Someone left two little Atkins bars on the sharing kitchen area at work, and I scoffed them both. Free! Chocolate! Caramel! Nuts! …… Sick! Gross! Regrets! 270 wasted calories! I felt so sick and so angry at myself. My work friend said I should check the use by date. It was August 2018! Can’t believe someone would leave that out to share. Oh well, a little slip and back on the good food wagon 🙂 I somehow still lost .2grams this morning.

    Thanks Merry, I didn’t have any of those resources at all, I shall look forward to checking them out after work today 🙂

    Beegirl, so sorry about your family and other issues. I hope they all improve. I’ve always wondered about beekeeping. I have a friend who lives about half an hour drive away on a beautiful property, she gave me a jar of their honey (first batch!) and it is so different to the store bought stuff. So impressed with your pilates! I said I’d go to the gym yesterday and Monday, but didn’t. I’ve been unwell all that time, so that’s okay. I hope you have that fab feeling of accomplishment, its so easy to not do it!

    EC I am now busting for some palak paneer, its my favourite at restaurants. I’m going to have a go at making it from your recipe.

    Birdy – another quitting thing I did (sorry if I’m going on too much!) was tell the little nicotine b*stards to EFF OFF when they tried to enter my mind which they did relentlessly at first. Out loud 🙂 I have a terrible potty mouth – and I hope I’m not offending anyone – but these little effers deserve it.

  • posted by GroovyJane

    Hello, I’m brand new here – I bought the BSD book and read it in one sitting today. I hope to start in the next few days, but not sure of the best day of the week – tomorrow, or after some planning in a few days? Also I home educate 3 young kids who want to eat a lot of the time, so feel I may struggle a little sticking to this WoE. I have several stones to lose, and a fatty liver, and really need to work at getting healthy – for me and the family! Any advice is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to being a part of the community. 😀

  • posted by MerryMelba

    Hi GroovyJane and welcome! Planning can be a very good start. Get yourself a food tracking App on your phone (Fatsecret, Easy Diet Diary, My Fitness Pal etc ) which will help you work out appropriate serving sizes and calories etc. Also stock your fridge with the foods you will need for the next few days and it is helpful to map out a meal plan a day or so in advance,
    Perhaps make this an opportunity to take your whole family on this journey with you?🚕🚕 Clear the pantry of junk snacks (biscuits, chips, crisps, sweets etc – know here as carbage!) – as if they are not in the house they are less of a temptation. Gradually ease the kids into snacks like dips and veggie sticks or some low carb slices.
    Wendy posted this inspiring story recently and she gives lots of good advice on what helped her:
    Ask lots of questions here Jane – loads of friendly folks ready to jump in!

  • posted by KimSue

    Hi All

    I posted this on the general forum, but meant to post it here:

    Hi. I joined this group a couple of weeks ago. I tried out the Fast 800 diet for a week, and lost about 2 kilos (I am 158 cms in height, currently about 74 kilos and would like to lose at least 10 of those). Then I went on a prearranged holiday for 8 days, and basically ate ‘normally’ during that time. As I expected, I have regained all the weight I lost. It was a holiday where I was eating out most of the time and choices were limited, so in the end I just ate what was available. I am intending to get back into the F-800 within a day or two, and will then have 3 weeks before my next trip away. This time it will be a camping trip where I will be mostly cooking our own meals, so perhaps a little easier – but supplies and storage of sufficient quantities of fresh meat and veggies may be an issue, if I am to find enough to eat with a very low carb content. I am wondering what others do when it comes to holidays or frequent trips away. Are you able to maintain this WOE, or do you have any tips?

  • posted by EC

    Hi all
    so…feel as if I’ve slipped a little….not in woe but visitors/wine etc! so no victories to report 🙁
    Only a week til we leave for Canada so maybe I’ll try to join Beegirl in pilates (I also have a video, but find it hard to listen and do….yoga is quieter so possible 😉 )-just losing the “sideways tum” would be SO good!!-not sure I’m going to make it with those new trousers….but maybe!!
    Work is still mad (always is this time of year for a January festival but more so as I’m heading away (which is work….but interspersed hopefully with some serious walks and exploration on another continent))
    Heiding I’m with you re the palaak paneer-likewise Strongcurves re miso soup….I throw lots of veg in and also add tahini to the miso before adding the stock for a lovely sesame taste!
    KimSue we’re campers and I have taken dehydrated veg with instant miso (as per previous) -a little more work but works and is light…..also tinned fish or jars/tins of anchovies as a base for a veg dish if you can take veggies with you-lentil or chickpea patties pre-made would also last OK-or smoked fish is a great travel food! (I don’t eat meat so no help there!)

  • posted by David Knight

    I am under a lot of pressure/stress at work today (just taking 5 mins out to compose myself). Must resist the siren call of the chocolate machine!

  • posted by MerryMelba

    I hope you managed to resist the chocolate machine David 😀. Work stress is hard to cope with. I take a small serve of nuts and a Babybel cheese to work, so when I feel I have to shove some food in my mouth I try to reach for those as a first response. Doesn’t always stop me heading for some carnage though 🤪😟 but slows me down.
    I hope your day got better!

  • posted by David Knight

    Thanks MM. REsisted so far but getting worse. A colleague is going to share some humus and celery – not sure if it will do the trick!

  • posted by Scottishgal

    Oh David I’ve stood in your shoes many a time…….and always failed miserably!
    Try going for a wander……sometimes the vending machine or canteen is an excuse to get away from the desk.
    I also sometimes opt for crisps instead of chocolate as I know once I have the chocolate it’s then a slippery slope for me so the crisps seem like a better choice. Nuts are ideal but our vending machine or canteen don’t stock them……probably due to health and safety with nut allergies.
    Anyway best of luck. Let me know how you manage to cope in the end……..and pass on any good tips.

  • posted by Birdy76

    Evening all ❤️ Thank you 6T I am taking each day as it comes. I am annoyed with my appetite coming back in spades now the nicotine is gone🤬. Ah well it will sort itself out eventually.

    Merry I always buy the mini cathedral city cheeses for work🌸 yum yum xx

    Wendy I hope you have had a lovely lunch today.💖😊

    David I know the vending machine trick and work😂😂 hang in there until you go home and then treat yourself to something healthy that you love. Bless her scottishgal is a monkey when it comes to chocolate. 💖💖

    I hope you have all had a great day today?❤️👍. My fluid has dispersed and I am down a lb from yesterday😉😉. See you all soon Birdy 💞🦜

  • posted by Verano

    You are doing so well. Giving up the refined carbs is a doddle compared to ‘the devil’ nicotine. Just keep taking ‘one day at a time’ and before you know it it will be October and you will be into a new ‘smoke free’ month.
    You can do it ….. believe in yourself …. and keep on keeping on ………..

  • posted by wendleg

    Thank you lovely people for keeping the thread going. Merry does a great job greeting newbies while we are all sleeping ! The time distance can be useful ! Thanks Merry ..and I love the sound of those recipes. They are on the weekend list. I love the book recommendations too.That book « What the Fat » is very clear and down to earth. A very useful read.
    Thank you for welcoming GroovyJane ! Hi Jane !
    KimSue, try not to worry about being thrown off track with holidays. They can be managed with forward planning and determination as EC mentions.
    6T I bet you look lovely. I am glad you are happier with the colour adjustment.
    Beegirl, thinking of you and family stresses.Big hugs coming your way.
    David, stress is a hard one to manage and the appeal of food is compelling at those moments but JGwen would advise breaking the habitual reflex by finding others which do not involve the vending machine. I hope you coped .
    SG has given you some good tips .Hi SG ! Good to see you !
    I would also say drink loads ….if no food is available you can’t scoff it !
    Hum..chocolate.I have weaned myself off the fatty Dairy Crunch but even 98% dark choc is appealing , and I love the crunch of cacao nibs so I have to watch that !!
    Well done our Birdy ! We are so impressed by your determination to beat the nicotine monsters. I cant imagine how tough it is but totally trust you will get there. Love the idea of telling the nicotine monsters to EFF OFF, heiding !!
    I have been accepted on a free 12 week programme of ‘adapted physical activity’ by my health insurance as I am over 60 ! I was relieved to hear floor mats were provided so it doesn’t sound like it involves weights or kettle bells, phew ! I start on October 4th … I would like to be a bit more supple and toned as I have a few wrinkly bits especially on my thighs . I will let you know how I get on.
    Have a great week everyone.
    Amz …don’t forget to check in or I will come looking for you !

  • posted by JGwen

    Hi David,
    I worked out that my craving to head for the fridge when I was struggling with a difficult document to write came from the days when I worked in an office. – What I really needed to release the tension was movement, if I could be free to pace while talking through what I wanted to say in my head I didn’t need to head to the fridge….. It was a learned routine because the only place we could go (without the boss getting the hump) was the coffee machine, vending machine / kitchen or loo. – ———- Depending on where I was working if there was an option to head back and forth to a test rig, that worked as well.

    There was an occasion once where I was working in an office that was quite a stressful situation for everyone. The bosses had hired freelancers to take over from a group of people who were being made redundant. – It was a really hot office, without air conditioning, so we got into a routine of having an afternoon choc ice run to the supermarket across the road. – Just the boxes of cheap chocolate coated small blocks of ice cream. – Volunteering to do the run (without buying any choc ice for yourself may work.)

    I have also found out since starting on this WoE that if I am feeling stressed heading into the gym and working out to max weight magically releases all the tension. – Could you take out some time to get to a gym? Or is it one of those situations where bosses count bums at desks more than results?

  • posted by KimSue

    Good morning (in Sydney!) everyone. EC, thanks for the tips re managing a camping trip – will have to do some careful pre-planning taking these hints into account. Great to have this lovely support group when preparing to launch into this WOE mark II.

  • posted by Elky

    Hello everyone, I feel like it’s been ages since I was last here but it must have really only been a few days.

    Sadly I don’t think I’ve got anything new to report, so I’ll just catch up with what everyone else has been up to 😊

    Merry those palaak paneer recipes you posted look really good, I will definitely try them. I am particularly attracted to the one with haloumi because I adore the stuff and almost always have it in the fridge.

    BeeGirl I’m sorry life has been a bit at sixes and sevens for you, I really hope things get better soon. But doing the happy dance for your size 16 jeans!!

    And, until you and EC mentioned them, I didn’t know that Pilates videos existed. I had always imagined Pilates to involve complex torture machines that only existed in studios, so the idea of videos intrigues me. Shall have to have a poke around on YouTube and see what’s out there.

    Birdy you continue to do so well with banishing the cigarettes, hang in there!! Don’t worry about not fasting just now, you are being amazingly strong in sticking with low carb while getting the nicotine cravings out of your system. Sending lots of positive vibes your way, hon.

    David, hope you managed to resist the lure of the chocolate machine, and that the rest of your week is not so stressful. I think eating from stress if a big trap for many of us. Mind you, I will also eat from boredom … or just about anything else really 😉

    Hello to everyone else, and a big welcome to the newcomers.

    Cheers, Elky

  • posted by David Knight

    Resistance worked! Kept very nearly to 800 cals yesterday and shed 2 pounds. Blood sugar down to 4.0 – I am having a chat to the practice nurse today as I am a little concerned it is getting too low.
    Today is another super stressful day but not a fast day. I have some cashew shots from Asda and Lindt 90% choc as back up if needed.
    It really helped having a supportive colluague at work yesterday. Celery and Hummus never tasted so good. Although it is still comfort eating it is lots better than snickers bars.
    Gwen – I probably count myself as one of the bosses and we are pretty relaxed at my work generally. My problem is that I have a deadline that is looming and am a bit behind in preparing for it. Self inflicted really. Time out is a difficult although I do sometimes go for a 5 -10 minute walk
    Elky and Wendy – thanks for the support – just one more stressful day (today) to go!

  • posted by GroovyJane

    Hi again! Thanks MerryMelba for your lovely welcome and advice, and greetings to everyone else. I started yesterday, and felt really cold in the afternoon/evening, and tired too so went to bed early! Woke up with a horrible headache in the night and again this morning, so have take something for it. I did drink 2 litres + of water only. This morning I felt quite shaky and a bit sick, so definitely needed to eat something. I was going to wait until about 11am to eat, but just couldn’t, so have got some plain yogurt, raspberries, flaxseed and a bit of cinnamon. Very tasty! Hope to keep going without too many issues today! Thanks for being there to listen, and have a great day! ☀ Jane ⭐

  • posted by Verano

    Hi just wanted to pop in and say hope everyone is having a good week. Not much to report here life seems to be static at the moment but maybe that’s a good thing!
    Have a good day.

  • posted by BeeGirl

    6T – glad you got the hair sorted. I’ve had my fair share of disasters too, so know how you felt! I went in for black and blonde stripes once; they did one half of my head black, one half blonde (not even side to side, back to front!). It was horrendous 😂

    KimSue – re holidays; I was away for a week or so at the end of August. I managed to stick to my chosen WOE for the first 4 days, with just the addition of alcohol and then things started to slide and the last couple of days were pretty much the wild west as far as booze and carbs went! Put on about 10lb of water weight, which was down to about 3lb after a couple of days back home and 10 days after I got back I was 3lb lighter than before my holiday . Half the battle for me is knowing I have something that works to recover things, so I can enjoy myself without worrying too much as I know a couple of week’s effort on return will sort out the weight. The other side of the coin, of course, is the fact that I felt dreadful after all the booze and carbs; slept badly, bloated and very down. Was a very educational process!

    David – well done with resisting the munchies! Getting a handle on managing stress at work is definitely half the battle. I would always head straight for lattes and pastries or chocolates when stressed and / or tired. Kicking that was hard but now I fast on work days so that sorted it for me – although admittedly, that’s not a Fast800 approach, so not an option for everyone!

    Birdy – glad you got rid of that pesky fluid; fluid retention really messes with my mind as I know it’s not ‘real’ weight, but that number on the scale holds so much power. I think I’m starting to loosen that number’s grip on me though; slowly, slowly! So glad you’re still nico free; such a huge step to so many benefits.

    Elky – if you’re looking for a good pilates DVD, I can thoroughly recommend Darcey Bussell’s ‘Pilates for Life’. It’s brilliant – a great workout, but very relaxing music! I’m sure there’s be bits of it on YouTube – most stuff is these days!

    GroovyJane – I was feeling sooo cold the last couple of weeks when fasting, but it seems to have improved this week. It’s such a nuisance; hot baths and hot water bottles were my friend! Think now I’m more fat adapted (I eat keto mainly), it’s a bit better.

    Thought I’d drop in again – three posts from me in one week, whatever is happening! It must be the late summer sun making me feel particularly chatty.

    Father in law is still in critical care and don’t think they’re treating any further, so it’s just a matter of time. I’ve had a cry about it and am now back in practical mode, so things okay in that regard. If I could now stop my five year old from always being in trouble at school, that would improve things even more…😒😁

    I went to Tesco today to look at jeans. I decided that getting into the size 16s was because they were old and so I wanted to see how far off I was with new ones. Well, the jeans I tried were a bit stretchy, but the only ones in a style I like, and the 16s fitted perfectly! So I bought two pairs (and a pair of 14s to target for Xmas). I’m going to bag up all my size 22, 20 & 18s and send them to the charity shop, along with all my shorts; new ones next summer I think, as a treat for myself when we go to Mexico. I also bought a pair of dungarees. I’ve wanted some for ages, but always worried they’d look like maternity wear when I was bigger 😁 I don’t look like twiggy in them, but at least I don’t look like I’m going to give birth any day! I even tried on a size 18 dress but the top was still a bit snug, and ‘normal’ shop bras are still a way off for me, but for once, amazingly, I came out of a changing room feeling content and quite pleased, rather than depressed and ashamed; a definite win.

    Second session of pilates completed this morning; I do okay until I come to the lifting and balancing bit, which is mainly leg and glute work. The mind is willing, but the buttocks are weak. I’ve ordered a yoga mat, so from next week at least the buttocks will be cushioned 😂 Think I will try to remember to measure when I weigh in next week as I haven’t measured for a good few weeks, so would be good to see progress there.

    My new favourite food is avocado stuffed with tuna mayo – can’t believe I’ve never really had avocado before, in all my 43 years! I’ve had guacomole, but the raw fruit is a new experience and definitely one for my regular menu.

    Right, enough waffle from me – I’m off to rest my over-used glutes 😁

  • posted by Patricia1066

    Hi Allie, wendleg and birdie

    Well done birdie staying strong, quitting the smokes. Having a few nuts is displacement but whatever gets you past the urge!

    Wendleg, my best wishes for your husband and his recovery.

    It’s lovely to read your posts again Allie.

    I have been an absentee, rarely even reading this board though I think of allie’s advice often. I’m one of those people who are keen on bread, and Allie persuaded me to exclude it for my weight loss and for life. Though I rarely eat bread now, I cannot make a loaf without eating it (so my urge is to bake bread, not so difficult to avoid).

    I just read the 10 September thread and talking of motivation, I remember wanting my wedding ring to fit again. Just tried it and it’s still too puffy around my ring finger. Was 94kg now 78kg, so I am happy with my shape.

    I have been focusing on staying keto since reading Dr Bosworth’s book two weeks ago as my mum has inflammation of digestive system and nervous system. I want to show her I’m able to cope, and she can do it too. But I’m not-I’m suffering keto flu I think, and now I’m at my healthy weight I’m finding it hard to persist.

    I’m usually about 30g carb per day from carrots, eggs, chicken soup, chicken stew, hummus and spinach in 2,000 ways. Coffee and cream, full fat yoghurt, bacon and eggs or scrambled eggs and smoked salmon. Total calories 900 to 1400 and its hard to eat more unless I eat a bag of mixed nuts. I drink 2 to 3l of water between tea coffee and water. I fast once a week for 40 hours which makes me feel fine. Eating isn’t so good these days.

    My bowels are either loose or non existent. I’m taking magnesium and put chia seeds into yoghurt everyday. And I’m discarding kilos. I was 80-81kg for months of maintaining now I’m 78kg but don’t feel as positive as usual. I’m very energetic though, today I blitzed the kitchen- tiles, oven, windows, scrubbed the walls where they needed it. At least when I’m in a low mood my house gets treated well 😊

  • posted by KimSue

    Hi All. Hope everyone is having a good week.
    BeeGirl, thanks for telling me about your holiday eating/drinking experience. It helps to know a) that I’m not the only one going off track during a holiday (also started well but slipped towards the end); and b) that some of my regained weight might be water (she hopes!). First day properly back on track today, and we will see what the scales have to say in a day or two.

  • posted by Californiagirl

    MerryMelba, a great way to fall in love with kale is my very favorite kale salad —
    Chop kale finely (if you use prechopped bags, pull out thick ribs and re-chop finely) — mix extra virgin olive oil, lots of fresh squeezed lemon juice, salt and lots of finely chopped fresh garlic (you can adjust for calories desired but don’t skimp on the lemon juice and garlic).— mix with kale, add a can of drained and rinsed cannellini beans (they are very low carb and high in fiber) and a good amount of freshly grated Parmesan. Mix well and let it all marinate for an hour or so to absorb and blend the flavors.
    I’m not giving exact amounts of ingredients do you can adjust to your own tastes and because the recipe is so forgiving of different amounts — this is great with chicken or steak or a burger.
    Also, kale is fantastic sautéed very very low for 20-30 minutes with butter and an onion, do the onion first, get it very soft and translucent and then add kale for the long slow sauté — stir frequently and make sure it never burns.
    My sister swears by kale “chips” — take kale leaves, rub with olive oil and salt, toast in hot oven until crispy!

  • posted by Scottishgal

    Welcome back Patricia and well done on still losing weight.
    I’m on here looking for a kick up the *** to get me going again. I thought it would be so easy to get back on track if I seen the weight starting to creep up…….but I’m so wrong! My bg levels are still good put I’ve now gained 12lbs and my clothes are starting to feel tight again. I promised to get back on track at the start of this week. It’s now Friday and I’m getting nowhere! I’m going to try fasting from now until tomorrow afternoon……or evening depending on how long I last. I really want (and need) to get back on 800 cals a day and recording everything. My aim is for 2 weeks. Thinking maybe a short term plan might suit better and be more achievable.
    Hope everyone else is doing well and those in the UK are making the most of probably our last weekend of sunshine.
    Have a great weekend.

  • posted by wendleg

    Hi everyone
    It’s Friday already ! Work gets in the way of my forum banter but even if I don’t get time to reply I always read the posts. Good to see you are all staying motivated. Hope you have recovered from the keto flu symptoms, GroovyJane. Stick with it.
    BeeGirl you have such a busy life. Love your posts.They are always positive whatever is going on. You have the bees, family issues, the kids,the allotment, exercise, fasting, clothes shopping just for starters ! !!! You are an amazing woman !!!
    Hi lovely Elky and Merry , Heiding and KimSue from Oz. Love to think you all share the same space as my boys even though Australia is just massive !!
    Patricia !! Great to see you on the thread ! You seem to have cracked maintenance ? I am finding my discard has definitely slowed and I am wondering if my body has relaxed into the weight I am right now ? I am not dissatisfied but would still like to see the 70 kg number even though I now it’s not everything. That’ s great that you are still fitting in an extended fast into your maintenance regime. It’s always part of my week too
    I love kale too Californiagirl ! I am going to try your salad ! I just very lightly steam kale and then toss it in butter. I agree with your sis….kale ‘crisps’ are delicious ! I reckon it would work well in Merry’s curry recipe too, why not ? Hubby is definitely improving as he is back cooking for me ( yippee!) and his spinach and halloumi curry à la Merry was a great success .There is plenty left for tomorrow too.
    Right…clucking time now
    I am worried that we haven’t heard from Articfox for some time .Amz hasn’t checked in either. I think I have to accept that BikeyGuy has ridden off on his bike and that saddens me as he was doing so well. I’m glad David is still with us and showing great carb resistance. Scottishgal..stay with us.
    6T have you settled into your new hair colour ?
    Hi V ! Static is no bad thing !
    Thinking of Birdy conquering the nicotine monsters, always with exhuberant good humour and positivity ! You too are amazing , Birdy !
    I had better sign of for now but will check in over the weekend.I hope it’s a good one for everyone xx

  • posted by wendleg

    Scottishgal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just saw your post !!! What were you scoffing in Vienna ? 😉
    Stop saying you ‘want and need’ to get back on 800 cals and recording everything and just do it !!! You can, just get your mind in the right place and focus.
    Concentrate on planning and recording everything from now until the end of the month…10 days, that’s doable ,right ? That will make a dent in those 12lbs . Then you can go for a monthly target ….Christmas is a coming Scottishgal !! Not trying to scare you …. 🙂
    What’s stopping you from getting back on track ? Not buns and milk choc I hope ? You have to watch your BG levels, you know that ..

    Don’t worry anyone who is a bit taken aback by my bossiness in this post !! Scottishgal is used to being nagged !! I am always here on nagging duty, SG !!
    An initial fast could help you get into the swing of eating less and enjoying your food….for sure .Give it a go Scottishgal and stay with us !

  • posted by Kafin13

    I’m with you, Scottishgal – my weight is creeping back up despite doing everything right and it’s so frustrating. As I see from other posts, it’s supposedly so easy and yet here I am. Which then leads to thinking to hell with it and then it really does go up even more. I don’t even wanted to post, I’m pretty much over the whole thing right now. Not intended as a dig at anyone so hopefully no one is offended, I’m just at the end of my rope on trying and trying and quite frankly, failing. Bloody 🦄 science

  • posted by Scottishgal

    Oh Wendy thank you so much.
    Your post is just the bluntness and honesty I need right now. Almost made me cry……and laugh.
    No more “want and need”. I promise from now on I “WILL”…….at least until the end of September

  • posted by Lucia

    Hi kafin13,

    Please don’t give up.

    Who the hell am I to say this to you, me a stranger.

    I am lucia. I came here 2016. I had to do baby steps, as I couldn’t do the cold turkey or or the bs or 5:2.
    It took time and effort.
    I fell on my backside so many times, but I still got up.
    People remember me saying years ago on this very website that I was so fat and unhealthy, that I couldnt exercise in a gym, I couldn’t go outside for the shame.
    So I used what was in the house.
    I put a chair at the top of my stairs and one at the bottom.
    I waddled half way up and sat down. Caught my breath and carried on up. I sat on the top chair.,caught my breath and went downstairs, sitting on the lower one. Then up I went again. I did ten minutes , then more.
    Then less sitting downs, more steps.
    I lost the Weight, got healthy, got a uk size 10.


    I am back, 200 plus pounds or 14 and a half stones. I have put it back on. Back to were I was.

    So what?
    From my first experience, I know how bloody hard it is. I know about falling down so much. Crying with pity, crying with anger, crying with frustration.

    So what am I saying?

    I know what I went through, I hit the target. I have put it all back on. BUT i am back here as I NEED help. I KNOW a I will fail, I KNOW I will cry, I know I will pity myself
    And here is the big BIG message.

    I look bloody marvellous in a size ten. I WANT it back. I want my HEALTH back, I need do do this for me. I need to hang on in there.
    So kafin13 shall we do it just for 24 hours? Shall you and I just take one day at a time or one hour at a time just to try and get back our health?
    I understand your frustration, so hang on in there. I am.

    Love lucia

  • posted by Scottishgal

    Kirsten, it must be even more frustrating when you are doing everything right.
    I’ve slipped back into old habits so it really is all my own fault with no excuses. I only have myself to blame.
    In the past I’ve read posts and thought how can these people let themselves gain the weight back after doing so well. And how can it be so difficult to get back on it when you’ve done so well before? But now I’m one of those people and I now appreciate how it feels and how easy it is to lose track and motivation.
    Anyway, no more moaning from me. Onwards and upwards. Gave myself a good talking to and, with the nagging from Wendy too, I’m determined to get back in the right mindset. I’m going to get rid of the extra 12lbs…….and more!

  • posted by Scottishgal

    Great post Lucia.
    I must have been typing as you posted and didn’t see your post until afterwards.
    Glad you’ve come back to the forum for support. It’s a great bunch here. Always looking out for each other.
    You sound like a determined lady with what you achieved in the past and how you managed to exercise at home.
    It’s true how great it feels when we achieve our goals. Just a pity that we are human and can easily undo all the good we’ve done.
    But we CAN get back to where we were

  • posted by Kafin13

    Thank you, Lucia – what a lovely, caring post – I so appreciate it and I’m glad you’re back. Sorry for the rant, I just feel like I try so hard and there is something blocking my loss so I continue to search for answers and then I get caught up in a giant quagmire of advice and things to try and then I find myself just slipping away. I know the science makes sense, I don’t know why my body won’t let go, I know I have to persevere and I have – for months. I have to admit being envious of people on here who have a much easier time of it and that makes me want to leave the forums but after your post, I feel strongly about wanting to be there for you too. So, yes, I’ll carry on 😊
    Thanks, Scottishgal, will be keeping an eye out for you too 💕

  • posted by Lucia

    Hi kafin13

    If you didn’t rant, then I couldn’t say what I said.

    I mainly said it for me. To affirm my thoughts, beliefs etc.

    You were honest in your rant.
    I was honest in my shame of being so successful here, then losing it all.

    Maybe it is stress that attracts my blubber.

    I Am going to award myself a gift with my first milestone. The milestone was coming back, realising I need this, not cowering away and not using the website and community. So, in marks and Spencer’s, there are some gloves for autumn. Tomorrow Saturday I will go and have a look to se if they have my size. (I picked gloves because I cannot eat them)

    Kaflin13, why don’t you cut yourself a little slack and reward yourself for still being here?
    A new scarf for winter, new perfume, new deodorant, new hat, new wallet, new anything .

    Love lucia

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