Oh bill if only you knew!! Not only have a jumped off the wagon I rolled down the hill of chocolate
Past 24-48 hours been stressful hardly eaten and what I have chocolate. I don’t even like chocolate !!!
But I’m firmly back on the wagon and had a lovely Yorkshire provinder soup.. They are low carb and not bad calories but packed with flavour and goodness. So packed I’m thinking of the thinning them out as cheaper and still as nice .
Atm life is stressful. I slipped in the field walking dogs and don’t want to move . But I need to. Have mri scan in May and maybe consultant . I want to set a 2 stone goal . So
I can go to see that nasty consultant and flaunt my loss!!
I think having soups like Yorkshire provinder is great for a lazy day.
I had made a soup last night.. Roast veg and chilli but I burnt the veg and it tasted god awful.
But we learn . I am lacking in sleep I can’t function properly but that’s not the diet that’s life..
The celeriac roasters were heaven!!! Not to keen on parsnip
It was my first time with celeriac and to be honest was dreading it as had heard horror stories .
I’m still on a high ok chocolate bad but as someone said … Make
Something diet allowed which is naughty and keep in the freezer then I will be reaching for something controlled.
There are 4 more bars of chocolate ( small bars) and I’m tempted to scoff But I will try not too!
Sorry I’m rambling just I am am discovering my weakness and finding ways to make me strong.
Off to walk 4 dogs in This weather later!! What fun!!!