Is it ok to use liver/kidneys and the like in the 8 week diet? I notice it’s never mentioned in the book.

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Is it ok to use liver/kidneys and the like in the 8 week diet? I notice it’s never mentioned in the book.
I used to have liver & bacon at least once a month but alas since starting the BSD i felt i should refrain until someone has evidence it was good to use on thr diet. Its a bit like smoking i suppose, if there was medical evidence that it was good for me I would start again,no problem. Here’s wishing.
Hi Salky. Don’t see any reason why not as long as the calories fit into 800. Partial to liver myself 😃 Need to visit a proper butcher to buy some – can only get huge amounts in supermarket!
Liver freezes well both raw and cooked – I freeze in portions and it’s lovely cold with salad
Offal is no different to any other cuts of meat. Be brave and go for it if you want it, I’m not letting this diet stop me from enjoying a wide variety of foods.
I would have thought liver a very good and satisfying choice. It is nutritious and filling, so a little should go a long way.